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Marlin Tales - February 2023

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Hafa Adai Parents/Guardians,

Administrator's Address
February is here! Congratulations to our January Marlins of the Month and thank you to our parents for attending the ceremony. We were able to get 34%
parent participation during our Parent Teacher Conference (PTC) held on January 13, 2023. Thank you parents for attending PTC. We celebrated the
100th Day of School on Friday, January 27, 2023 by having a carnival with fun-learning games, activities and prizes. It was a beautiful day for students to
enjoy and interact with each other. Thank you to all the parents/guardians for sharing the 100th day of School with us. With the first semester now behind
us, we move forward with our Priority Standards and continue to review and track student progress especially in Reading, Language Arts, and Math. While
many of our students are showing growth and making progress, we also see several students in need of support and intervention. Student School
Planners have arrived and were distributed to all students. Please stay updated and engaged with school events, homework, class assignments and your
child's learning progress by communicating with your child's teacher through the school planner or other communication platforms agreed upon with the
classroom teacher. The month of February is full of LOVE!! An activity you can enjoy this month with your child is to engage in creatively writing letters to
one another for Valentine's Day. Have fun writing and sharing your feelings with one another. Please stay safe and take care.

Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Valencia

Dear Parents,
For the month of February, the students will be learning the
following standard:
Genre- Legends, Fairy Tales, Folklore, Poetry, Fables
We will also be gaining knowledge and Celebrating Valentine’s
Day, Black History Month, and Presidents George Washington
and Abraham Lincoln.
Here is a website for your child/ren to learn & read and have
fun at the same time! http://www.magictreehouse.com.

Spread the for Reading!

Mrs. Arriola

Pre-K Gate
Happy February Mini-Marlin families! First, I would like to give
all our families and students a huge HIGH FIVE for a great
first semester. Thank you all for communicating with me
during our PTC and let’s continue supporting our mini marlins
as they make huge waves in their education! I'd also like to
thank our families who contributed to our 100 Day Carnival
and joined our class as chaperones during the very FUN-filled

This month we will be integrating the GATE standards into

fun February themes of Love, Friendship, Family, and
Kindness. Our goal is to build affective and communication
skills through kindness challenges, team building games,
group activities, and more. It’s going to be a great month in
PreK GATE! Kindness challenges and family activities may
extend to the home front and within our community, so stay
tuned on our Class Dojo!
February 2023 Issue

Headstart Grade 2
Thank you for attending our 1st Semester Parent Teacher
Hello parents/guardians,
Conference. Let’s continue working together for your child’s
progress. If you have any questions, contact your child’s 2nd
From the moment children wake up in the morning until grade teacher. At home, practice:
they go to bed at night, they use light to live, learn, play, and
move around safely. You might have seen signs that your Reading: Practice vocabulary words 3x.
child is already interested in light. For example, you might Read for 30+ minutes daily.
have noticed them gazing with awe at holiday lights or Math: Add and subtract 3 columns with regrouping. Add and
trying to figure out how the lights on the bottom of their subtract one-step word problems. For more worksheets, visit
sneakers work. In the classroom, we have noticed children
LA: Identifying nouns.
talking about light, playing with light-up toys, and exploring
their shadows outdoors. The children’s curiosity about light Grade 3
has inspired us to introduce a study of light. For the next Happy February Mighty Mighty 3rd Graders! This month we will
coming weeks your children will be exploring and learning continue to strengthen our reading comprehension skills. We will
with our Creative Curriculum “Light Study”. While learning also be working on finding the main idea & supporting details of a
and investigating this new study, we will be incorporating given text. In Math we will continue to strengthen our
Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Art. multiplication fluency skills and solve word problems. For
Language we will be working on conjunctions. Through Science
we will be learning about forces and motion and in Social Studies
Thank you for all your support in your child’s learning!
we will be learning about the 3 Branches of Government. Please
-Mrs. Ungacta & Ms. Glenda
feel free to contact your child's teacher if you have any questions:

Kindergarten H101- Ms. Pablo - dlpablo@gdoe.net

H102 - Mrs. Ibanez-Ignacio - vmibanezignacio@gdoe.net
Hafa Adai, Parents/Guardians! H103- Ms. San Luis - mssanluis@gdoe.net

Thank you to all those who participated in last month's parent-

teacher conference. We truly appreciate your effort and
Grade 4
continued support! Fantastic 4th Grade
Thank you to all our parents/guardians who attended our 2nd and last
For this month, our students will continue to work on the Parent-Teacher Conference. We greatly appreciate your attendance.
For the month of February, we will continue to learn the following skills.
following skills:
* Reading – Describe the overall structure, focusing on comparing 2 texts
READING: Count, pronounce, blend and segment onset and 2 ideas in a text, & Problem and Solution.
rhymes of single-syllable spoken words. They will also learn * Language Arts – Modal Auxiliaries and Prepositional Phrases
to read common high-frequency words by sight. * Math – Division: Divide with remainders, Division Patterns and Divide up to
LANGUAGE ARTS: Write letters for most consonant and 4-digit dividends by 1-digit divisors. Please encourage your child to
memorize multiplication and division facts.
short vowel sounds (phonemes).
In addition, you can check out these websites for additional
MATH: Add and subtract within 10. Students will also learn to understanding/practice.
analyze and compare two-and-three-dimensional shapes. https.//mrelementarymath.com, www.onlinemathlearning.com to practice
math skills
Kindergarten Team, www.literacyideas.com to practice reading skills
Mrs. Flores, Mrs. Aguon, & Ms. Leppert
Your continued support is greatly appreciated!
Your Fantastic 4th Grade Team
Mrs. V. Quilit, Ms. K. McCaffery, & Mr. V. Baisa
Grade 1

Hafa Adai Parents! Thank you for your continued support in

Grade 5
your child's education. This month your child will be learning the Hafa Adai, Parents,
following: Reading: Continue to practice reading fluency;
The Annual School Science Fair is on February 15th! Students are
Language Arts: Identify an adjective in a sentence and identify
encouraged to join. Students can pick up an application from their
different types of sentences (declarative, interrogative, homeroom teacher.
imperative); Math: Learning how to read different types of
graphs and continue to solving addition and subtraction At home, please support homework and practice for the following
problems; Science: Explain the difference between day and skills:
night; and Social Studies: Explain the difference between
Math: Order of operations; Add, subtract, multiply, and divide
goods and services. If you have any concerns or questions numbers with decimals.
regarding how your child is doing, please email or contact your Reading: Determining meaning of words and phrases; Explain
child's teacher at (671) 635-4381. author's reasons and evidence.
Language Arts: Spelling grade-level words; Using quotations,
underlining, and italics for titles; Informative writing to explain topics
F101: Mrs. A. Carter ascarter@gdoe.net
and convey ideas and information clearly.
E102: Mrs. J. Baldoz jjbaldoz@gdoe.net
E103: Mrs. M. Oftana mooftana@gdoe.net For other classroom updates throughout the month, please join your
E104: Mrs. M. Aguon mtaguon@gdoe.net child's homeroom teacher's ClassDojo!
February 2023 Issue

CHamoru K-5 ESL

Håfa Adai Parents/Guardians! For the month of February, Greetings Parents & Guardians!
we will be learning about Salappe' (Money) and Taotao In a short time, Spring will be upon us and it usually
Kumunidat (Community Helpers). We appreciate your brings with it the traditional theme of new
patience and support. If you have any questions or beginnings or rebirth, and the hope of a brighter
concerns, please feel free to contact us at future. It is also a time for renewing our
commitment as stakeholders to improve the level of
English language proficiency among our ELs,
particularly in the area of reading fluency and
comprehension. With this in mind, the ESL Program
Saina Ma'åse', I Manfafa'nå'guen CHamoru
recommends that parents ensure that their home
Counselor's Corner environment is filled with "easy-reading" material for
Greetings Marlins! different school-aged groups (5 yrs-17yrs). If
additional support material or advice on teaching
As you may already know we just had our last parent basic reading is needed, please reach out to your
teacher conference. I encourage you to continue to EL's regular classroom teacher or the ESL Program.
communicate with your child's teacher regarding their Out-dated textbooks, surveyed library books, and
progress. This will help your child prepare for their unused flash cards or supplies may be available on
upcoming assessments. This year regarding the district campus to support regular home-tutoring sessions.
wide assessments, the district has instructed schools that It is our belief that ELs who are supported from the
kindergarten to 8th grade students will be tested using homefront have a greater chance of succeeding at
the AIMSweb Plus Reading and Math. So if you have any school. You can learn more about the benefits of
concerns your child's teacher will welcome any insights
tutoring reading at home by visiting this website:
and feedback. As for any counseling concerns my office
and telephone lines are open and I am looking forward to
working together. Email me at cssantos@gdoe.net or call
Thank you in advance for making Spring a time for
at (671) 635-4381.
positive renewal and academic success for all of our
February Virtue: Compassion ELLs! Let’s“Spring” into action and make it count
"Caring about how others feel" where it’s needed the most! Stay safe by staying
smart. Read! Dr. Quitano and Ms. Lanada.
For some kindness activtives you and your child can do
together please visit this link:
https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/printables/2022- Special Education
Hello, Marlins! Throughout the month of February our
Gifted and Talented Education students in the Special Education Program will work
on improving their academic and functional life skills.
Happy February, G.A.T.E. Families and welcome to the
Examples of functional life skills include becoming
new students who have made it into the G.A.T.E.
more independent, following through with
Program! Students have been introduced to our new
engineering project on "Moving on Water". In the instructions, and improving their communication.
upcoming weeks, they will be creating their own sails I would also like to announce the return of the
for the boats and testing them. Students will be Special Olympics Guam: Track and Field event. This
encouraged to think of ways to make boats and other event will be held on Saturday, April 1, 2023 at
floating objects move across the water. At home, you Okkodo High School. For more information regarding
may inspire your child by showing them videos and the Special Olympics Guam, please contact me at
photos of real life sails and floating objects that he/she
the school. Thank you!
may want to recreate here in the classroom.
-Ms. Tenorio
Thank you families for your continued support for your
child being in the G.A.T.E. Program!

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