08 - Ventilation Rules of Thumb
08 - Ventilation Rules of Thumb
08 - Ventilation Rules of Thumb
Ventilation Rules of Thumb
h v a c e q u at i o n s , d ata , a n d r u l e s o f t h u m b
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1 Maximum occupant load is based on the net floor area.
2 Outdoor air is expressed in CFM per person unless otherwise indicated. When indicated in CFM/SF, the ventila-
tion rate is based on the floor area being ventilated.
3 Bold and italicized items are 2006 IMC changes.
4 Bold and underlined items are ASHRAE Standard 62-2001 changes.
5 Based on number of bedrooms: First bedroom, two people; each additional bedroom, one person.
6 When the ventilation system serves multiple spaces with different ventilation requirements, the following mul-
tiple space equations must be used.
Y X/(1 X Z)
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1 Outdoor air rates are based on no-smoking occupancies. Total outdoor air rate for the space is the sum of the
people airflow rate and the area airflow rate. Airflow rates based on the net occupiable space.
2 Default occupant densities should be used when occupancies are not known. Default outdoor air values are
based on default occupancy density.
3 Outdoor air volumes must be corrected as follows:
4. Occupancy schedule by time of day and CO2 sensors may be used to reduce the outdoor
airflow below minimums calculated using the procedure above.
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s. Computer rooms.
t. Photo studios.
u. Shipping/receiving rooms.
v. Transportation waiting rooms.
w. Public assembly spaces: auditorium seating area, places of religious worship, court-
rooms, legislative chambers, libraries, lobbies, museums/galleries (all types).
x. Mall common areas.
y. Supermarkets.
z. Sports and entertainment: sports arena (play area), spectator areas, disco/dance
floors, bowling alleys, gambling casinos, game arcades, stages, studios.
2. Class 2: Air with moderate contaminant concentration, mild sensory-irritation intensity,
or mildly offensive odors. Air that is not harmful or objectionable but is inappropri-
ate for transfer or recirculation to spaces used for different purposes. Class 2 air may
be recirculated within the space of origin but may not be recirculated or transferred
to Class 1 spaces. Class 2 air may be recirculated or transferred to other Class 2 or Class
3 spaces with the same occupancy and use, or where contaminants are from similar
sources and will not react to form more hazardous contaminants. This includes:
a. Kitchens (commercial) and kitchenettes.
b. Toilet/bath rooms (public and private).
c. Locker rooms.
d. Locker/dressing rooms.
e. Central laundry rooms.
f. Science laboratories.
g. University and college laboratories.
h. Art classrooms.
i. Retail sales areas.
j. Barber shops.
k. Beauty and nail salons.
l. Prison cells with toilets.
m. Darkrooms.
n. Pet shops (animal areas).
o. Copy printing rooms.
p. Wood/metal shop classrooms.
q. Correctional facility booking/waiting areas.
r. Food and beverage services: restaurant dining rooms, cafeterias, fast food establish-
ments, bars, cocktail lounges.
s. Bank vaults/safe deposit vaults.
t. Pharmacy preparation areas.
u. Warehouses.
v. Coin-operated laundries.
w. Gym/stadium (play areas).
x. Swimming pools and decks.
y. Health club/aerobics rooms.
z. Health club/weight rooms.
3. Class 3: Air with significant contaminant concentration, significant sensory-irritation
intensity, or offensive odor. Class 3 air may be recirculated within the space of origin
only and cannot be recirculated to any other space. This includes:
a. Commercial kitchen hoods other than grease hoods.
b. Residential kitchen vented hoods.
c. Refrigeration machinery rooms.
d. Boiler rooms.
e. Soiled laundry storage areas.
f. Janitor closets.
g. Trash/recycle rooms.
h. General chemical/biological laboratories.
i. Daycare sick rooms.
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4. Class 4: Air with highly objectionable fumes or gases or with potentially dangerous
particle, bio-aerosols, or gases, at such high concentrations as to pose a health hazard.
Class 4 air shall not be recirculated or transferred to any space or recirculated within the
space of origin. This includes:
a. Commercial kitchen grease hoods.
b. Laboratory hoods.
c. Paint spray booths.
d. Diazo printing equipment discharges.
e. Chemical storage rooms.
f. Auto repair rooms.
g. Parking garages.
Number of Bedrooms
Floor Area Square Feet
0–1 2–3 4–5 6–7 >7
<1,500 30 45 60 75 90
1,501–3,000 45 60 75 90 105
3,001–4,500 60 75 90 105 120
4,501–6,000 75 90 105 120 135
6,001–7,500 90 105 120 135 150
>7,500 105 120 135 150 165
1 In lieu of the preceding table, the following equation may be used to determine the minimum outdoor air
2 Exhaust Requirements
a. Intermittent:
1. Kitchen: 100 CFM.
2. Bathroom: 50 CFM.
b. Continuous:
1. Kitchen: 5.0 AC/hr.
2. Bathroom: 20 CFM.
B. 2006 Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities––AIA Com-
mittee on Architecture for Health and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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1 Pos Positive Pressure Relationship
2 Neg Negative Pressure Relationship
3 0 Neutral Pressure Relationship
turn down to about 25 percent. Use at least two fans with VFDs; this will permit a turn-
down of 12.5 percent and will allow for partial capacity in the event of fan failure.
4. Garages should not be heated. The volume of air, even under code minimum airflow
requirements, has a substantial impact and is a waste of energy.
A. 2003 IMC
1. Intakes or exhausts—10 feet from lot lines, buildings on same lot or center line of street
or public way.
2. Intakes—10 feet from any hazardous or noxious contaminant (plumbing vents, chim-
neys, vents, stacks, alleys, streets, parking lots, loading docks). When within 10 feet,
intake must be a minimum of 2 feet below any source of contaminant.
3. Exhausts—shall not create a nuisance or be directed onto walkways.
4. Opening protection:
a. Protect intake and exhaust openings with corrosion resistant screens, louvers, or grilles.
b. Exhaust openings: between 1/4 and 1/2 opening screens.
c. Intake openings—residential: between 1/4 and 1/2 opening screens.
d. All other intake openings: between 1/4 and 1 opening screens.
B. 2006 IMC
1. Requirements are the same as the 2003 IMC, except the distances are indicated to be
measured horizontally and as indicated in the following.
2. The exhaust from a bathroom or kitchen in a residential dwelling shall not be considered
to be a hazardous or noxious contaminant.
1. Outside air intakes shall be located to avoid drawing in combustible material or flam-
mable vapor.
2. Outside air intakes shall be protected with corrosion resistant screens not larger than
1/2 mesh.
3. Outside air intakes shall be located to minimize the hazard from fires in other structures.
Intakes shall be equipped with a fire damper when protection from fire hazards is required.
4. Outside air intake shall be located so as to minimize the introduction of smoke into the
building. Intakes shall be equipped with a smoke damper when protection from smoke
hazards is required.
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C. IAQ Factors
1. Thermal environment.
2. Smoke.
3. Odors.
4. Irritants—dust.
5. Stress problems (perceptible, nonperceptible).
6. Toxic gases—carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide.
7. Allergens—pollen.
8. Biological contaminants—bacteria, mold, pathogens, legionella, micro-organisms, fungi.
3. OSHA and U.S. Air Force standard: 650 PPM CO2 max.
4. Human discomfort begins: 800–1000 PPM CO2.
5. Long-term health effects: >12,000 PPM CO2.
B. Carbon Monoxide Concentration versus Time versus Symptoms are shown in the
following table.
Concentration of
Inhalation Time Toxic Symptoms Developed
CO in the Air
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tolerances. If space temperatures below 908F are required by mechanical equipment, air
conditioning (tempering) of the space will be required.
3. A number of products (DDC control panels, variable frequency drives, other electronic
components) will perform better if the mechanical room is tempered in lieu of just ven-
tilating the room.
4. If outside air is used to ventilate the mechanical room, the mechanical room design
temperature will be 108F to 158F above outside summer design temperatures.
5. If conditioned air from an adjacent space is used to ventilate the mechanical room, the
mechanical room temperature can be 108F to 208F above the adjacent spaces.
Safety Group
Higher Flammability A3 B3
Lower Flammability A2
No Flame Propagation B1
R-11, R-12,
R-22, R-134a
Lower toxicity Higher toxicity
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l. The machinery room shall have a door that opens directly to the outside air or
through a vestibule equipped with self-closing, tight-fitting doors.
m. All machinery room wall, floor, and ceiling penetrations shall be sealed.
n. Where Groups A2, A3, B2, and B3 refrigerants are used, the machinery room shall
conform to Class I, Division 2 of the National Electric Code. Groups A1 and B1 are
exempt from this requirement.
o. Emergency shutdown of the refrigeration equipment shall be provided immediately
outside the machinery room door.
p. Ventilation fans shall have a separate switch immediately outside the machinery
room door so they can be activated in an emergency.
q. Refrigeration compressors, piping, equipment, valves, switches, ventilation equip-
ment, and associated appurtenances shall be labeled in accordance with ANSI/
ASME A13.1.
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f. Separate ducts must be provided for the upper and lower combustion air openings
from source to discharge.
g. Ducts, serving the upper combustion air opening, cannot slope downward toward
the source of combustion air.
6. Opening protection:
a. Metal louver: Maximum 75 percent free area.
b. Wood louvers: Maximum 25 percent free area.
c. Dampers (fire, smoke, control): Dampers shall be interlocked to operate with the
appliance. Manually operated dampers are not permitted.
B. 2003 IFGC, 2006 IFGC, and NFPA 54––2006 National Fuel Gas Code
1. Inside air:
a. Minimum required space volume: 50 ft.3 per 1,000 Btu/hr. of the combined fuel-
burning appliance input capacity.
b. Number of openings: Two openings are required—one within 1 foot of the ceiling of
the room, and one within 1 foot of the floor.
c. Opening size on the same story: The net free area of each opening shall be equal to
1.0 square inch for each 1,000 Btu/hr. of the combined fuel-burning appliance input
rating (the sum of all appliances within the room), 100 square inches minimum.
d. Opening size on the different stories: The net free area of each opening shall be equal
to 2.0 square inches for each 1,000 Btu/hr. of the combined fuel-burning appli-
ance input rating (the sum of all appliances within the room), 100 square inches
2. Outdoor air:
a. Two permanent opening methods:
1) Number of openings: Two openings are required—one within 1 foot of the ceiling
of the room and one within 1 foot of the floor.
2) Direct opening size: The net free area of each opening shall be equal to 1.0 square
inch for each 4,000 Btu/hr. of the combined fuel-burning appliance input rating
(the sum of all appliances within the room).
3) Horizontal duct opening size: The net free area of each opening shall be equal to
1.0 square inch for each 2,000 Btu/hr. of the combined fuel-burning appliance
input rating (the sum of all appliances within the room).
4) Vertical opening size: The net free area of each opening shall be equal to 1.0 square
inch for each 4,000 Btu/hr. of the combined fuel-burning appliance input rating
(the sum of all appliances within the room).
b. One permanent opening method:
1) Number of openings: One opening is required—one within 1 foot of the ceiling.
2) The appliance will have at least 1 inch clearance on the sides and back of the appli-
ance, and 6 inches in front of the appliance.
3) The opening shall directly communicate with the outdoors or shall communicate
through vertical or horizontal ducts to the outdoors.
4) Opening size: The net free area of each opening shall be equal to 1.0 square inch
for each 3,000 Btu/hr. of the combined fuel-burning appliance input rating (the
sum of all appliances within the room).
3. Forced combustion air supply:
a. Where combustion air is provided by mechanical means, the system shall deliver a
minimum of 0.35 CFM per 1,000 Btu/hr. of the combined fuel-burning appliance
input rating (the sum of all appliances within the room).
b. Appliances shall be interlocked with a makeup air unit to prevent operation if the
makeup air unit is not operating.
4. Direct connection:
a. Appliances must be listed and labeled for a direct combustion air connection.
b. Appliances must be installed in accordance with the manufacturers’ installation
A. Hazardous location requirements for electrical and electronic equipment are defined
in the 2005 National Electrical Code (NEC - NFPA 70), Articles 500 through 510.
B. Hazardous Classifications
1. Class I: Class I locations are those spaces where flammable gases or vapors are, or where they
may be present in the air in quantities sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures.
a. Class I locations are subdivided into four groups based on the type of flammable
gases or vapors:
1) Group A: Acetylene.
2) Group B: Flammable gas (hydrogen, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide); flammable
liquid-produced vapor, or combustible liquid-produced vapor mixed with air that
may burn or explode, having either a maximum experimental safe gap (MESG)
value less than or equal to 0.45 mm or a minimum igniting current ratio (MIC
ratio) less than or equal to 0.40.
3) Group C: Flammable gas (Ethyl Ether, Ethylene); flammable liquid-produced
vapor, or combustible liquid-produced vapor mixed with air that may burn or
explode, having either a maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) value greater
than 0.45 mm, or less than or equal to 0.75 mm, or a minimum igniting current
ratio (MIC ratio) greater than 0.40 and less than or equal to 0.80.
4) Group D: Flammable gas (Acetone, Ammonia, Butane, Gasoline, Propane); flam-
mable liquid-produced vapor, or combustible liquid-produced vapor mixed with
air that may burn or explode, having either a maximum experimental safe gap
(MESG) value greater than 0.75 mm or a minimum igniting current ratio (MIC
ratio) greater than 0.80.
b. Class I locations are also subdivided into two divisions:
1) Class I, Division 1:
a) Locations where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases or vapors can
exist under normal operating conditions; or
b) Locations where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases or vapors may exist
frequently because of repair or maintenance operations or because of leakage; or
c) Locations where breakdown or faulty operation of equipment or processes
might release ignitable concentrations of flammable gases or vapors, and
might cause the simultaneous failure of electric equipment.
2) Class I, Division 2:
a) Locations where volatile flammable liquids or flammable gases are handled,
processed, or used, but in which the liquids, vapors, or gases will normally
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be confined within closed containers or closed systems where they can escape
only in case of an accidental rupture or breakdown of such containers or sys-
tems, or in the case of abnormal operation or equipment; or
b) Locations where ignitable concentrations of gases or vapors are normally prevented
by positive mechanical ventilation, and have the potential to become hazardous
through failure or abnormal operation of the ventilating equipment; or
c) Locations that are adjacent to Class I, Division 1 locations, and to which ignit-
able concentrations of gases or vapors might occasionally be communicated
unless such communication is prevented by adequate positive pressure ven-
tilation from a source of clean air, and effective safeguards against ventilation
failure are provided.
2. Class II: Class II locations are spaces or areas that contain combustible dusts.
a. Class II locations are subdivided into four groups based on the type of combustible dusts:
1) Group E: Atmospheres containing combustible metal dusts, including aluminum,
magnesium, and their commercial alloys, or other combustible dusts whose particle
size, abrasiveness, and conductivity present similar hazards in the use of electrical
2) Group F: Atmospheres containing combustible carbonaceous dusts that have more
than 8 percent total entrapped volatiles or have been sensitized by other materials so
that they present an explosion hazard (coal, carbon black, charcoal, and coke dust).
3) Group G: Atmospheres containing combustible dusts not included in Group E
or F, such as flour, grain, wood, plastic, and chemical.
b. Class II, Division 1:
1) Locations in which combustible dust is in the air under normal operating condi-
tions in quantities sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures, or
2) Locations where mechanical failure or abnormal operation of machinery or equip-
ment might cause such explosive or ignitable mixtures to be produced, and might
also provide a source of ignition through the simultaneous failure of electrical
equipment, through the operation of protection devices, or from other causes, or
3) Locations in which Group E combustible dusts must be present in quantities suf-
ficient to be hazardous.
c. Class II, Division 2:
1) Locations in which combustible dust due to abnormal operations may be present in
the air in quantities sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures, or
2) Locations where combustible dust accumulations are present but are normally
insufficient to interfere with the normal operation of electrical equipment or
other apparatus, but could (as a result of infrequent malfunctioning of handling
or processing equipment) become suspended in the air, or
3) Locations in which combustible dust accumulations on, in, or in the vicinity of the
electrical equipment could be sufficient to interfere with the safe dissipation of
heat from electrical equipment, or could be ignitable by abnormal operation or the
failure of electrical equipment.
3. Class III: Class II locations are spaces or areas that contain easily ignitable fibers or fly-
ings, but where such fibers or flyings are not likely to be in suspension in the air in
quantities sufficient to produce ignitable mixtures.
a. Class III, Division 1: Locations in which easily ignitable fibers or materials producing
combustible flyings are handled, manufactured, or used.
b. Class III, Division 2: Locations in which easily ignitable fibers are stored or handled
other than in the process of manufacturing.
1 X Appropriate to the classification.
2 N/A Not acceptable to the classification.
A. Ventilation Requirements
1. Ventilation, natural or mechanical, must be sufficient to limit the concentrations of
flammable gases or vapors to a maximum level of 25 percent of their Lower Flammable
Limit/Lower Explosive Limit (LFL/LEL).
2. Minimum ventilation required: 1.0 CFM/sq. ft. of floor area or 6.0 air changes per hour,
whichever is greater. If a reduction in the classification is desired, the airflow must be
four times the airflow just specified.
g 3. Recommendation: Ventilate all hazardous locations with 2.0 CFM/sq. ft. of floor area
or 12 air changes per hour minimum with half the airflow supplied and exhausted high
(within 6 inches of the ceiling or structure) and half the airflow supplied and exhausted
low (within 6 inches of the floor).
4. A ventilation rate that is a minimum of four times the ventilation rate required to pre-
vent the space from exceeding the maximum level of 25 percent LFL/LEL using fugitive
emissions calculations.
5. Ventilate the space so accumulation pockets for lighter-than-air or heavier-than-air
gases or vapors are eliminated.
6. Monitoring of the space is recommended to assure that the 25 percent LFL/LEL is not
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