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International Journal of

Environmental Research
and Public Health

Effectiveness of Agreement Criteria and Flows of Collaborative
Care in Primary Mental Health Care in Brazil
Valdecir Carneiro da Silva 1, *, Ardigleusa Alves Coêlho 1 , Ana Angélica Rêgo de Queiroz 2 ,
Gabriela Maria Cavalcanti Costa 1 , João Carlos Alchieri 3 , Ricardo Alexandre Arcêncio 4
and Severina Alice da Costa Uchôa 5

1 Department of Nursing, State University of Paraiba, Rua José do Ó, 596, Campina Grande 58401-411, Brazil
2 Rio Grande do Norte Research Support Foundation, Natal 59078-970, Brazil
3 Department of Psychology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal 59078-970, Brazil
4 College of Nursing, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto 05508-060, Brazil
5 Department of Collective Health, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal 59078-970, Brazil
* Correspondence: valdecircarneiro@servidor.uepb.edu.br; Tel.: +55-8398820869

Abstract: The supply of mental health processes in primary care has gaps. This study aims to analyze
the association of agreement criteria and flows between primary care teams and the Family Health
Support Center (NASF) for mental health collaborative care, considering the difference between
capital and non-capital cities in Brazil. This cross-sectional study was conducted based on secondary
data from the Primary Care Access and Quality Improvement Program. Agreement criteria and flows
were obtained from 3883 NASF teams of the matrix support or collaborative care. The Chi-square
test and multiple Poisson regression were used; p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Prevalence ratios of negative associations demonstrated protective factors for support actions: follow-
Citation: Silva, V.C.d.; Coêlho, A.A.; up at Psychosocial Care Center, management of psychopharmacotherapy, offer of other therapeutic
Queiroz, A.A.R.d.; Costa, G.M.C.; actions, care process for users of psychoactive substances, and offer of activities to prevent the use of
Alchieri, J.C.; Arcêncio, R.A.; Uchôa, psychoactive substances. Collaborative care in primary care was effective, and capital cities were a
S.A.d.C. Effectiveness of Agreement protective factor compared with non-capital cities.
Criteria and Flows of Collaborative
Care in Primary Mental Health Care Keywords: mental health; primary health care; collaborative care; health assessment; pharmacovigilance
in Brazil. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public
Health 2022, 19, 15148. https://

Academic Editors: Paul B. 1. Introduction

Tchounwou and Harry H. X. Wang Specific approaches of Health Care Networks, such as the psychosocial care network
Received: 1 September 2022
(PCN), are a preferential gateway to the primary health care (PHC) of the Brazilian Unified
Accepted: 14 October 2022 Health System (SUS). These approaches coordinate care and integrate mental health be-
Published: 17 November 2022 tween PHC services and specialized care [1]. Despite this, providing quality care to people
with mental and behavioral disorders is challenging in global health systems due to high
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
mortality rates and reduced life expectancy [2].
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
The World Health Organization (WHO) World Report on Mental Health highlighted
published maps and institutional affil-
that one in eight people have some type of mental disorder and its prevalence varies
according to sex and age. Mental disorders are the main causes of years lived with disability
(YLD) and represent one in six cases of YLD worldwide [3]. In the current context of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the global crisis has worsened and expanded, weakening services,
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. and increasing the therapeutic gap for mental health [3].
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The reduced integration of Health Care Networks and lack of qualified professionals
This article is an open access article to offer mental health care processes in the PHC leads to gaps in diagnostic accuracy and
distributed under the terms and treatment, overload of specialized services, and difficulty accessing and responding to
conditions of the Creative Commons demands. Strategies used to overcome these difficulties are the implementation of devices to
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// integrate Health Care Networks and investment in partnerships between PHC professionals
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ and specialists via matrix support or collaborative care, specifically the PCN [2].

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15148. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192215148 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15148 2 of 14

Mental health collaborative care emerged in the United States of America (New York)
in the 1970s through the Gouverneur Health Services Program, which joined the Health
Maintenance Organization Program of the Community Health Care Plan (New Haven,
Connecticut) [4,5]. Collaborative care includes individual, interprofessional, and organi-
zational interventions to improve coordination and quality of care [6]. Australia, Canada,
Cuba, France, Portugal, Norway, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and other Latin
American countries have also used collaborative care or matrix support to qualify PHC
and expand the offer of primary mental health care (organization of services and clinical
practices) [7].
The matrix support is a collaborative care model created in the Brazilian mental
health context [8]. This model is offered by the Family Health Support Center (NASF) and
primary care teams (PCT) through the Family Health Strategy (FHS) and is necessary for
the integration of mental health into PHC. Internationally, this type of care is called shared
care or consultation-liaison [9].
The World Health Organization (WHO) showed that only 25% of member countries
met the criteria for integrating mental health into PHC. Despite the expansion of mental
health promotion and prevention programs, the goals of the Comprehensive Mental Health
Action Plan were extended to 2030 [10]. Thus, WHO guidelines for mental health policies,
planning, and programs recommend actions to integrate PHC services into the person-
centered care model with respect and protection of human rights [11,12].
The Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) is a well-known strategy, based on evidence,
grounded on a Chronical Care Model (CCM), and was originally made to describe com-
plex evidence related to the care level to (i) accomplish a multiprofessional approach;
(ii) improve interprofessional communication; (iii) enhance programmed health follow-ups;
and (iv) make the structured management plan [13–15]. Regarding health care procedures,
those apply the care management approach by systematic monitoring and links between
primary care and mental health professionals, offering patients: (1) mental health exams;
(2) interventions; (3) care facilitations; and (4) follow-ups [16].
In the current epidemiological transition, impacts prevail. Before and after the COVID-
19 pandemic, mental and behavioral health disorders had a global burden, recently esti-
mated at 13%, broadening the magnitude of personal, social, and economic mental disorders
costs [17] and increasing health system requirements, which are already burdened and
focused in specialties, with the integration of care in the PHC environment as one of the
solutions to heath care needs [13]. The CoCM is developed through interprofessional care
actions in the PHC, including a behavioral health care manager, who is trained to work
together with PHC professionals, and assessment about mental health needs of the speci-
fied population with the review of results through supervision of a designated psychiatric
consultant [15,18]. Nevertheless, health care actions and services with the offer of care
plans focused on evidence related to ordinary mental disorders such as depression and
anxiety in the primary care background [19].

The Present Study

In Brazil, the guiding document for matrix support in mental health proposed training,
monitoring, and evaluation of PHC actions and inclusion of mental health actions in the
health information system [20]. In this context, the NASF was created in 2008 and renamed
in the revised version of the National Primary Care Policy (NPCP) in 2017 to “Expanded
Family Health and Primary Care Center” (NASF-AB). However, the NPCP from 2017
extinguished the funding and disconnected NASF from the National Registry of Health
Establishments, making NASF invisible to the SUS and changing the organizational matrix
of the Brazilian PHC.
The collaborative care of the matrix support was considered in the last two cycles
of the external assessment of the Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary
Care (PMAQ-AB) and included NASF teams: 1813 (46.5%) in the second cycle (2013–2015)
and 4110 (93.2%) in the third cycle (2015–2019). The adherence of cities to PMAQ-AB was
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15148 3 of 14

voluntary, and the number of PCTs contracted in the program constantly increased from
17,483 (51.4% of total teams) in the first cycle to 38,865 (96.4%) in the third cycle [21,22].
The alignment between sociotechnical dichotomies of mental health crisis care of
PCNs and concepts of risk and vulnerability are challenging for the community, territorial,
and intersectoral care network [23,24].
In this context, the crisis, gaps, and weaknesses of mental health services in Brazil
are noticeable, specifically regarding the provision of collaborative care The underfunding
derived from the structural changes of SUS PHC through PNAB 2017 and the lack of
funding through the Prevent Brazil Program, which extinguished the variable Basic Care
Minimum Spent, intensified the impairment; therefore, compromising collaborative care
processes at the Primary Care point of the Psychosocial Care Network, mainly in small
municipalities [25,26]. However, the technical note no. 3/2020 from the Department of
Family Health of the Secretary of Primary Care of the Ministry of Health unlinked the
composition of multidisciplinary teams from the typologies of NASF-AB teams and revoked
normative instruments for parameters and costing, communicating that there will be no
accreditation of new teams. Such act can result in dismissals of professionals and extinction
of the NASF-AB with an impact on the PHC resolution [27], such as the care for people
with mental and behavioral disorders.
Considering that health systems around the world have introduced pay-for-performance
(P4P) programs to encourage health professionals to improve quality, use of care, and ef-
ficiency [28], in 2011, the Brazilian Ministry of Health developed a proposal to evaluate
the quality of PHC services at the national level through the SUS Access and Quality
Improvement Program (PMAQ-AB) [28,29]. PMAQ-AB was the first national P4P scheme
and one of the largest in the world [22] conducted by the association between collaborative
care processes or mental health matrix support induced by the PMAQ-AB in Brazilian
PMAQ-AB was implemented in three cycles, the first (November 2011 to March
2013), second (April 2013 to September 2015), and third round (October 2015 to December
2019) [28]. PMAQ-AB results provided information for financial transfers to local health
teams as an incentive proportional to performance over time [29]. Collaborative care
through the provision of processes by NASF-AB teams had performance evaluations in
the last two rounds. In Brazil, through the offer of matrix support from the NASF-AB
teams evaluated by the PMAQ-AB, an overview of the offer of “integrated care” and
“collaborative care” was possible. These terms are used to describe the integration of
mental health in PHC [30].
The theoretical model shown in Figure 1 presents the integration of mental health
into PHC through NASF collaborative care actions, induced and evaluated by the PMAQ-
AB, with effects on essential attributes of the integrality of PHC. Such actions also favor
longitudinality and coordination, especially in small and non-capital cities. Nevertheless,
considering the processes for integrating mental health into PHC and throwbacks and
threats to the effectiveness of the NPCP, National Mental Health Policy (NMHP), and Na-
tional Policy on Drugs (NPD), we aimed to analyze the association of criteria, concordance
flows, and effectiveness between PCT and NASF for collaborative mental health care in
Brazilian capitals and non-capitals, considering the processes offered at the primary care
point of the Psychosocial Care Network of SUS in municipalities with different structures
and population sizes.
Int. Environ.Res.
Health2022, 19,x15148
2022,19, FOR PEER REVIEW 4 4ofof14

model of
of mental
mental health collaborative care
health collaborative care of
of the
ter, induced by the National Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care in Brazil.
induced by the National Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care in Brazil.

cross-sectional study
study was based on secondary
secondary data data and
followedthe theStrengthen-
ing thetheReporting
Reporting ofof Observational
Observational Studies
Studies inin Epidemiology
Epidemiology [31].
The study covered the
study covered thePCT
PCTofof53245324 Brazilian
Brazilian cities
cities of27
of all allfederation
27 federation
units units (in-
the Federal
cluding District).
the Federal The original
District). researchresearch
The original sample sample
with teams’with voluntary adhesion
teams’ voluntary was
sion for all capital
was stratified for alland non-capital
capital cities incities
and non-capital all regions of Brazil.
in all regions Table Table
of Brazil. 1 was 1based
on data
based on from the third
data from cycle cycle
the third (2015–2019)
(2015–2019)of theofexternal
the externalevaluation of PMAQ-AB
evaluation of PMAQ-AB [32],
Atlas of Human Development in Brazil [33], e-Gestor
[32], Atlas of Human Development in Brazil [33], e-Gestor (Information (Information and Management
of PrimaryCare)Care)[34],
vulnerability index
index [35].
[35]. TheThe sample
sample waswas composed
composed of
of 4110
4110 participants,
participants, including
including 3883
3883 professionalsfrom
professionals fromNASFNASFteams. teams. Most
Most participants
(64.7%) werepharmacists
pharmaciststhat thatresponded
respondedto toModule
ModuleIV IVofofthe
with professionalfromfromNASF
NASF teamteam and
and verification
verification of of documents
documents at at the
the health
health unit).
Agreement criteria and flows between PCTs and NASF for mental health care in
PHC 1.and
Table Studyspecialized
scenario. services were considered the dependent variables. Independent
variables were related to actions of collaborative care of NASF: (1) follow-up of cases with
Region/ Demographic Percentage of Number of FHS Life Municipal Human Social
Population Psychosocial
Care CentersPrimary
Population in
(CAPS), (2) support
to PCT in the management
Coverage Expectancy at Development
of psychopharma-
(Inhabitants) cotherapy, (3) Areas
offer (%)
of psychopharmacotherapy with
Units (Inhab/Km 2) Rural Teams (%) Birthother
(years)therapeuticIndexactions, Index
(4) support
the approach and actionsMidwest of PCT in the care of users of psychoactive substances, and
Federal (5) offer of activities to prevent the use of psychoactive substances in schools or other areas.
3,036,006 525.26 3.42 321 36.43 78.37 0.850 0.250
Districty Independent and dependent variables were coded and named in the analysis according
Goiás 6,779,027 19.93
to parameters9.71 defined in the 1433 65.68 The SPSS
theoretical model. 74.34 software (version
0.799 0.232Corp.
22.0, IBM
Mato Grosso 3,297,200 3.65 18.20 727 69.34 74.47 0.774 0.223
Armonk, NY, USA) was used considering the frequency distribution of teams in capital
Mato Grosso
2,647,973 and non-capital
7.52 cities of Brazil.
14.36 598 71.93 75.80 0.766 0.190
do Sul
Alagoas 3,369,183 120.98 26.36 873 75.92 71.97 0.683 0.327
Bahia 15,324,591 27.14 27.14 3674 73.37 73.71 0.714 0.288
Ceará 9,021,470 60.59 24.91 2545 83.12 74.07 0.735 0.259
Maranhão 6,964,705 20.98 36.92 2131 84.50 70.85 0.687 0.347
Paraíba 4,002,758 70.88 24.63 1418 94.66 73.53 0.722 0.300
Pernambuco 9,415,052 96.00 19.83 2345 77.52 74.27 0.727 0.320
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15148 5 of 14

Table 1. Study scenario.

Percentage of Life Ex- Municipal

Region/ Population Demographic Number of FHS Social Vul-
Population in pectancy Human
Federation (Inhabi- Density Primary Coverage nerability
Rural Areas at Birth Development
Units tants) (Inhab/km2 ) Care Teams (%) Index (%)
(%) (Years) Index
3,036,006 525.26 3.42 321 36.43 78.37 0.850 0.250
Goiás 6,779,027 19.93 9.71 1433 65.68 74.34 0.799 0.232
Mato Grosso 3,297,200 3.65 18.20 727 69.34 74.47 0.774 0.223
Mato Grosso
2,647,973 7.52 14.36 598 71.93 75.80 0.766 0.190
do Sul
Alagoas 3,369,183 120.98 26.36 873 75.92 71.97 0.683 0.327
Bahia 15,324,591 27.14 27.14 3674 73.37 73.71 0.714 0.288
Ceará 9,021,470 60.59 24.91 2545 83.12 74.07 0.735 0.259
Maranhão 6,964,705 20.98 36.92 2131 84.50 70.85 0.687 0.347
Paraíba 4,002,758 70.88 24.63 1418 94.66 73.53 0.722 0.300
Pernambuco 9,415,052 96.00 19.83 2345 77.52 74.27 0.727 0.320
Piauí 3,219,953 12.80 34.23 1343 99.82 71.23 0.697 0.271
Rio Grande
3,507,564 66.42 22.19 1038 79.05 75.96 0.731 0.271
do Norte
Sergipe 2,288,163 104.39 26.48 639 84.99 72.92 0.702 0.303
Acre 816,603 4.98 27.44 224 78.63 74.25 0.719 0.347
Amapá 791,788 5.54 10.23 158 62.16 74.19 0.740 0.239
Amazonas 3,918,175 2.51 20.91 696 54.81 72.14 0.733 0.328
Pará 8,328,271 6.70 31.52 1.521 59.10 72.29 0.698 0.282
Rondônia 1,796,762 7.56 26.45 377 68.93 71.53 0.725 0.197
Roraima 466,021 2.08 23.45 129 73.20 71.84 0.752 0.253
Tocantins 1,537,879 5.54 21.20 508 94.68 73.65 0.743 0.247
4,012,291 87.06 16.60 725 59.05 76.02 0.772 0.214
Minas Gerais 21,110,383 35.99 14.71 5527 80.21 77.49 0.787 0.202
Rio de
16,723,083 381.97 3.29 2913 58.66 76.48 0.796 0.277
São Paulo 45,103,052 181.71 4.06 5327 39.73 76.26 0.826 0.237
Paraná 11,310,996 56.75 14.67 2333 65.56 75.55 0.792 0.184
Rio Grande
11,310,085 42.10 14.90 2113 59.93 75.95 0.787 0.210
do Sul
6,988,533 73.13 16.01 1791 79.57 76.97 0.808 0.127
FHS: Family Health Strategy.

Data Analysis
Variables were dichotomized (yes and no), and responses to each item were added
and divided by the total number of participants. Pearson’s chi-square (χ2 ) test was used to
verify the association of agreement criteria and flows between PCT and NASF for mental
health care in PHC and specialized services and other NASF collaborative care actions.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15148 6 of 14

A multiple Poisson regression adjusted by independent variables assessed associations,

prevalence ratio, and 95% confidence intervals. We also detected outliers, heterogeneity of
variance, collinearity, and dependence on observations [36]. Statistical significance was set
at p < 0.05.
The research ethics committees of the Alcides Carneiro University Hospital of the
Federal University of Campina Grande (No. 5182) and Onofre Lopes University Hospital
of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (No. 5292) approved the study protocol.
The study was conducted according to Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council
and the Declaration of Helsinki.

3. Results
Bivariate and Poisson regression analyses (significance level of 5%) were performed
to analyze the association of agreement criteria and flows between PCT and NASF for
mental health care in PHC and specialized services, considering the difference between
capital and non-capital cities of Brazil. These analyses highlight the long-term effect of
two PMAQ-AB cycles (2014–2015 and 2015–2019) that induced NASF actions to integrate
mental health into PHC through the provision of mental health collaborative care processes
(service organization and professional practice) in the FHS. This reinforces the potential of
NMHP, NPD, and WHO guidelines to redirect the care model according to the organization
of the PCN.
The agreement criteria and flows between PCT and NASF for mental health care in
PHC and specialized services were associated with (1) actions of matrix support and mental
health collaborative care via NASF and (2) type of city (capital and non-capital) (Table 2).

Table 2. Bivariate associations of agreement criteria and flows between primary care teams (PCT)
and family health support center (NASF) for mental health care in PHC and specialized services,
considering the difference for capital and non-capital cities of Brazil (2018).

Criteria Consesus and Flows between

Variable PCT and NASF Total p-Value PR [95% CI]
Yes No
Capital 97.51% (n=313) 2.49% (n = 8) 100.00% (321)
City type <0.001 3.84 [1.92; 7.68]
Non-capital 90.48% (n = 3223) 9.52% (n = 339) 100.00% (n = 3562)
Follow-up of cases with Yes 93.94% (n = 2682) 6.06% (n = 173) 100.00% (n = 2855)
<0.001 1.52 [1.37; 1.69]
PCC No 83.07% (n = 854) 16.93% (n = 174) 100.00% (n = 1028)
Support to PCT in Yes 94.63% (n = 2852) 5.37% (n = 162) 100.00% (n = 3014)
<0.001 1.73 [1.54; 1.94]
psychopharmacotherapy No 78.71% (n = 684) 21.29% (n = 185) 100.00% (n = 869)
Offer of Yes 93.53% (n = 2963) 6.47% (n = 205) 100.00% (n = 3168)
<0.001 1.42 [1.30; 1.55]
with other therapeutic No 80.14% (n = 573) 19.86% (n = 142) 100.00% (n = 715)
Support the approach and Yes 93.82% (n = 3236) 6.18% (n = 213) 100.00% (n = 3449)
actions of the PCT in the
<0.001 1.49 [1.37; 1.62]
care of users of No 69.12% (n = 300) 30.88% (n = 134) 100.00% (n = 434)
psychoactive substances
Offer of activities to Yes 94.31% (n = 2915) 5.69% (n = 176) 100.00% (n = 3091)
prevent the use of
<0.001 1.63 [1.46; 1.80]
psychoactive substances No 78.41% (n = 621) 21.59% (n = 171) 100.00% (n = 792)
in schools or other areas
PCC (psychosocial care centers); PCT (primary care teams); PR (prevalence ratio); CI (confidence interval).

The agreement criteria and flows between PCT and NASF with collaborative care
actions were 3.84-fold higher in capital cities than in non-capital cities. Capital cities in
Brazil have the highest number of services and care points of Health Care Networks.
In addition, capital cities present a higher number of PCT and FHS coverage, municipal
human development index, and social vulnerability index than non-capital cities. Therefore,
this situation has repercussions for NASF actions.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15148 7 of 14

The prevalence of follow-up of cases with PCC that performed the agreement between
PCT and NASF was 1.52-fold higher than those who did not perform the follow-up.
Additionally, the prevalence of agreement criteria and flows between PCTs and NASF
for mental health care in PHC and specialized services in teams that conducted actions to
support PCTs in the management of psychopharmacotherapy and offer of psychopharma-
cotherapy with other therapeutic actions was 1.73-fold and 1.42-fold higher, respectively,
than in teams not performing these actions.
Furthermore, the prevalence of agreement criteria and flows between PCTs and NASF
for care in primary and specialized care was 1.49-fold higher in PCTs who received actions
to support the approach and care of users of psychoactive substances than those who did
not receive this action.
Actions to offer activities to prevent the use of psychoactive substances in schools or
other areas showed a positive association 1.63-fold higher to perform the agreement criteria
and flows between PCTs and NASF for mental health care in PHC and specialized services
than teams not performing this activity.
The agreement criteria and flows between PCTs and NASF teams favor mental health
care in PHC and specialized services demonstrated negative associations with a protective
factor (PR < 1) in the following exposures: (1) 97% [95% to 98%] for capital cities, (2) 94%
[92% to 96%] for actions of follow-up of cases with PCC, (3) 93% [91% to 96%] for actions to
support PCT in the management of psychopharmacotherapy, (4) 98% [95% to 100%] to offer
psychopharmacotherapy with other therapeutic actions, (5) 89% [85% to 92%] for actions to
support PCT in the care process for users of psychoactive substances, and (6) 93% [90% to
95%] for actions to offer activities to prevent the use of psychoactive substances in schools
or other areas (Table 3).

Table 3. Poisson regression analysis of consensus criteria and flows between primary care teams
(PCT) and family health support center (NASF) for mental health care in PHC and specialized services
in capital cities of Brazil (2018).

Wald 95% CI
Wald 95% CI Hypothesis Test
Parameter of Standard Exp for Exp (β)
Affirmative Answers Error Wald Chi- (β)
Lower Upper df Sig. Lower Upper
Intercept 0.38 0.02 0.34 0.41 378.26 1 <0.001 1.46 1.40 1.51
Type of city (capital) −0.03 0.01 −0.05 −0.02 13.20 1 <0.001 0.97 0.95 0.98
Follow-up of cases with
−0.07 0.01 −0.09 −0.05 40.12 1 <0.001 0.94 0.92 0.96
Support to PCT in psy-
−0.07 0.01 −0.10 −0.04 28.39 1 <0.001 0.93 0.91 0.96
Offer of psychopharma-
cotherapy with other −0.02 0.01 −0.05 0.00 2.69 1 0.101 0.98 0.95 1.00
therapeutic actions
Support the approach
and actions of the PCT
in the care of users of −0.12 0.02 −0.16 −0.08 38.77 1 <0.001 0.89 0.85 0.92
Offer of activities to
prevent the use of
psychoactive −0.08 0.01 −0.10 −0.05 35.96 1 <0.001 0.93 0.90 0.95
substances in schools or
other areas
PCC (psychosocial care centers); PCT (primary care teams); CI (confidence interval); df: degrees of freedom.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15148 8 of 14

Exposure variables were the actions of NASF-AB and PCTs in territorial-based services
and PHC of the PCN of the SUS in Brazilian cities. The negative associations observed
highlight the importance and need of PCC teams via matrix support and collaborative care
to integrate mental health into PHC. This support is also needed to manage clinical protocols
and therapeutic guidelines via intersectionality of actions, both for psychopharmacotherapy
and other non-pharmacological psychosocial care actions for alcohol and other drug users.

4. Discussion
The regression analysis adjusted for the association of agreement criteria and flows
between PCT and NASF for collaborative mental health care in the primary and specialized
care of the PCN showed negative associations. A protective factor was observed for
actions of NASF teams in capital cities, follow-up of cases with PCC, support to PCT in
the management of psychopharmacotherapy, offer of psychopharmacotherapy with other
therapeutic actions, support to PCT in the care process for users of psychoactive substances,
and offer of activities to prevent the use of psychoactive substances in schools or other
areas. These associations may help diagnose the situation of mental health integration into
PHC via collaborative care of the NASF induced by the long-term effects of PMAQ-AB
in Brazil.
The dichotomous variables of the PMAQ-AB database can be considered a study
limitation. On the one hand, the database highlights matrix support actions and collabo-
rative care via NASF. On the other hand, it does not identify specific variables related to
sociodemographic aspects, age group, health promotion for all classifications of mental dis-
orders, and equity of access for people with mental and behavioral disorders. Additionally,
data regarding mental health collaborative care actions were self-reported only by NASF
professionals that joined the third cycle of the external evaluation of PMAQ-AB in capital
and non-capital cities of Brazil.
The analysis of results from this approach can be supported by other studies that
showed low percentages of implementation of mental health care in PHC (at the national
level); persistence of regional inequalities of access in RAPS (mainly in high-complexity
hospitals in the national context); gaps in health promotion strategies, care management,
and pharmaceutical assistance; and the offer of processes in Primary Care in some RAPS
settings with potential for better performance and longitudinal follow-up [37,38]. Gaps in
collaborative mental health care can be filled through a positive association. For instance,
there is a protective factor between the implementation of matrix support and the im-
provement in the detection and treatment of mental disorders in primary care, suggesting
effects of this primary mental health care are favored by intensifying local organizational
support for clinical integration among RAPS workers, including those at the Primary Care
point [39].
The demand for mental health services in Brazil increased despite incentives for
permanent education in health and guidelines from international and national health
agencies, including state and city health departments with flow criteria for treatment.
Additionally, NASF professionals recognized the lack of instruments and strategies to
quantify and organize this demand [40]. Nevertheless, PCTs receiving support from NASF
reported associations between social problems (e.g., low income, unemployment, and large
number of inhabitants per household) and complaints related to mental health [40].
The Brazilian findings support the international evidence about the cooperative model
based on the PHC measure, which uses proactive data collection to offer plans related to
care focused on the patient, including clinical and systematic measures of longitudinal care,
which are guided to scanning, assessment, and answers to individualized results, such as
the seriousness of symptoms and the extent of goals in the long term, and through practical
guidelines. These actions foster the enhancement of access and quality of integrated care
of mental health in the PHC with the other levels of assistance, fostered by P4P to health
professionals [13]. Towards this direction, there are initiatives, such as Improving Access to
Psychological Therapies (IAPT), which belongs to National Health Service of the United
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15148 9 of 14

Kingdom, the Dutch initiative to Depression, and the Australian model TrueBlue, although
they do not reach all patients with mental disorders and do not include, on a daily basis,
most health aspects [13]. Although positive effects are present in the PHC model, such as
users’ satisfaction and effectiveness of care, there are conflicts among professionals related
to treatment time length and full-flow design to make collaborative work [18].
The results in Brazil, a middle-income country, but with a wide range of inequalities
and iniquities, are aligned to evidence a shortage of health professionals when compared
to high-income countries; although the collaborative care is based in evidence to the
treatment of ordinary mental health problems in the PHC, it is advisable that obstacles be
overcome with appropriate approaches and operationalized in environments with scarce
resources [19].
The effects of PMAQ-AB highlight the diagnosis of mental health integration into
PHC and reveal aspects related to access and quality of collaborative care processes via
NASF. The protective factor in the analysis of agreement criteria and flows between PCTs
and NASF for mental health care in capital cities can also be related to a better specialized
structure for mental health and involvement of professionals from different areas in PHC,
which is uncommon in small and medium-sized cities [40].
Since the first cycle (2011), the effects of PMAQ-AB on the evaluation and monitoring
of PCTs induced qualification, planning, schedule of structures and processes, and results
prioritizing social and programmatic vulnerabilities in the NPCP. Financial incentives for
PHC were also observed, such as the implementation of PCTs specific for a territory or
population (riverside, river, and prison care), expansion of NASF, implementation of Street
Offices, promotion and prevention actions (Health at School Program), and home care
(Better at Home Program) [22]. The PMAQ-AB also participated in other initiatives of the
Ministry of Health, such as the Basic Health Unit Requalification Program, investment and
implementation of a PHC information system (e-SUS), telehealth (Telehealth Brazil Net-
work), Appreciation of Professionals of Primary Care Program, provision of professionals
via the More Doctors Program, and the increase of medical and multi-professional residency
vacancies in PHC [22]. These initiatives complement each other for systematization and
coordination of the PHC and improvement of the infrastructure of basic health units (i.e.,
implementation of electronic health records in e-SUS primary care since 2016).
Nevertheless, based on the second cycle (2013–2015) of PMAQ-AB, the incentive to P4P
did not ensure the adherence of vulnerable populations from priority regions to resources
and investment in teams [41]. Furthermore, despite satisfactory results for capital cities, risk
factors for problem solving and quality of care offered in PHC were observed in the second
cycle, such as a deficit in training and qualification of professionals for better integration
between PCTs and NASF (especially collaborative care), monitoring of the therapeutic
project, planning based on health indicators, and heterogeneity of actions between the
Ministry of Health and state and municipal health departments [41]. Seen in these terms,
it was shown that the growth of payment models based on values that compensate the
health systems and professionals to achieve results and not based on service volumes is
imperative to enhance the quality of mental health care [13].
The results of this study demonstrate a protective factor for collaborative care actions
offered by PCC in capital cities, which corroborate investments of the NMHP and NPD.
PCC are strategic devices of specialized reference that perform territorial, community, and
collaborative care actions [24]. Before NASF, programmatic guidelines guided the PCC to
offer these actions to the PCTs, while matrix support teams were created when PCC was
insufficient [20].
In addition, the configuration of collaborative care in the PCN through actions of
NASF allowed the understanding of the performance of processes of PCTs and NASF
(organization of services and clinical practice) in risk areas with territorial problems. The
study used the perspective of planning, programming, and supply strategies, given the
systematization of clinical guidelines and therapeutic protocols in the PCN of SUS and
considering the deinstitutionalization of the Brazilian psychiatric reform. Therefore, issues
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15148 10 of 14

regarding processes, structure, epidemiology, and policy are essential for the operational-
ization of collaborative care, in addition to invisible resources (e.g., interpersonal and
interprofessional relationships) in which principles of decentralization, integrality, and
equity of SUS are materialized and reinvented in practice [42]. Data also revealed the
potential of policies, programs, PCN, and mental health actions for changing traditional
patterns and the effects of PMAQ-AB in the collaborative and interprofessional care process
for integrating mental health into PHC in Brazil.
The use of an evidence base, such as the Mental Health Gap Action Program of WHO,
is a protective factor for managing psychopharmacotherapy in the PHC. This program
encourages mental health services in the PHC of low- and middle-income countries [43].
Despite guidelines, the translation, dissemination, and implementation of evidence-based
mental health policies are slow in low-income countries [44].
The collaborative care management or matrix support for psychopharmacotherapy in
Brazil is oriented by guidelines (Primary Care Notebooks and pharmaceutical practices
in the NASF-AB), which includes guidance for the rational use of medicines and support
for people with psychological distress or mental disorders [28]. In this context, most PCT
professionals perceive the abuse of psychotropic drugs and claim cultural heritage for the
ignorance of users and side effects [40].
Another protective factor for managing psychopharmacotherapy users in the FHS is
the mitigation of social medicalization subsidized by the biomedical model that subordi-
nates the PCT work process. This reveals the process of medicalization in the biologicist
PHC model that transfers responsibility to individual factors and is centered on clinical
practice, not responsible for sociopolitical issues of the territory [45].
In the field of care actions and considering PHC complexity, the results of our study
indicate the use of soft technologies (i.e., offer of other non-pharmacological therapeutic
actions for mental and behavioral disorders) as a protective factor for capital cities. These
actions were not listed or explained in the questionnaire of the third cycle, despite the inclu-
sion of actions in clinical guidelines and evidence-based therapeutic protocols (i.e., home
visits, reception, shared consultation, interprofessional and intersectoral actions, supported
self-care, clinical case discussion, risk stratification, operating group, Singular Therapeutic
Project, care management, and case management). Despite this protective factor, the poten-
tial of soft technologies for people in psychological distress is still underused. Moreover,
the low professional qualification limits the diagnosis, response to psychosocial treatment,
and rehabilitation [46].
Offering support to PCTs in the care process of users of psychoactive substances
was also a protective factor for capital cities. Therefore, we may infer the need for better
conditions of structure and processes, including a psychosocial care center specialized in
alcohol and other drugs (PCC for Alcohol and Drugs (PCCAD)) and other structuring
equipment of PCNs (i.e., Street Clinic, Shelter Unit, and Community Centers), whose
implementation depends on the epidemiological profile and population size.
Despite the protective effect for the third cycle of PMAQ-AB, throwbacks of the Fed-
eral Government must be highlighted, such as changes in the NPD, exclusion of harm
reduction care for people with substance abuse, and election of abstinence as the only
possible treatment. The replacement of absentee models strengthened biomedical psychia-
trization through involuntary hospitalizations, judicialized care through coercive forces,
and moralized treatments by prioritizing private institutions of religious and spiritual
orientation (i.e., Therapeutic Communities) [47].
The risk factors of these throwbacks can be related to the ineffectiveness of clinical
practices and absenteeism of PHC users and specialized services. A crisis in the penitentiary
system is also possible because of overcrowding and the creation of new services for
psychosocial rehabilitation due to misunderstandings regarding the war on drugs [47].
Considering the need for interconnection of collaborative care actions in the agreement
criteria and flows between PCTs and NASF, we highlight the linkage between follow-up
actions and PCCAD, in which professionals of services identified an underutilization of the
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15148 11 of 14

PHC approach for reducing harms and PCT and matrix support professionals indicated
barriers in the referral to some PCCAD [47].
The module IV of PMAQ-AB elected the offer of promotion and prevention activities
for the use of psychoactive substances instead of care processes for other mental disorders.
This position neglected the burden of other mental disorders, age groups in the PHC,
deinstitutionalization, and psychosocial rehabilitation strategies, therefore, justifying the
protective factor for capital cities.
Proposals for integrating PCN devices into the PHC may facilitate the identification of
prevention and promotion of mental health for better articulation of actions with access,
treatment adherence, and rehabilitation according to individual and collective needs [40].
Mental health promotion and prevention actions are included in NASF guidelines [7] due to
the burden of mental disorders and insufficient provision of care to close the mental health
gap in low- and middle-income countries. Nevertheless, these actions are still incipient in
most health systems [44]. Although countries reported increased mental health promotion
and prevention programs (52% in 2020), 31% did not have assured human and financial
resources, 27% did not plan, and 39% did not document the progress and impacts [10].
These Brazilian findings support the produced evidence about the context in the
United States of America, where the necessity of implementation of PHC at a large scale is
highlighted by the fact that the system of specialized service in mental health is not able to
meet health service demands and, even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the access to mental
health care was already limited because of the concentration of mental health specialists in
individualized practices in urban areas, which lead to geographical barriers, encumbrance
of treatment costs, and isolation for the effectiveness of mental health teams [15]. In this
context, the CoCM offers specialized knowledge for the PHC scenario; and even if the
number of mental health appointments for PHC rise, its integrated and coordinated nature
of the given care offer reduces the inevitable use and the PHC and system demands in
general [15].
The effects of the PMAQ-AB corroborate analyses of barriers and threats to mental
health, including neglection of mental health promotion and protection in community
services for mental health [48]. Throwbacks and crises of the NMHP compromise guidelines
of the Brazilian psychiatric reform and promote a new edition that encourages psychiatric
hospitalization, decouples NMHP from NPD, emphasizes the funding of therapeutic
communities, and prohibits issues related to alcohol and other drugs in the psychiatric
reform [49].
Nevertheless, the funding and management plan included in the Previne Brazil Pro-
gram practically annihilated the NASF-AB. The Federal Government allowed state and
city managers to adopt any multiprofessional care model. Consequently, the city and state
Health Secretariats must define the multidisciplinary teams and the minimum workload.

5. Conclusions
This study evidenced the effectiveness of the criteria and agreement flows for col-
laborative mental health care, based on the theoretical model proposed for the NASF
matrix support process. Such model impacts on planning, programming, provision of
promotion, prevention processes, and on mental health care, through the diagnosis of the
health situation and pharmacovigilance in the RAPS organization of SUS in Brazil. The
long-term effects of PMAQ-AB were positive and improved collaborative mental health
care through interprofessional actions at the PHC point of RAPS, effecting the NMHP and
NPD according to WHO guidelines, de-institutionalization, and rehabilitation processes of
psychosocial development of the Brazilian psychiatric reform. In addition, the protective
factor of macrosocial determinants for the structure of capitals in relation to medium and
small cities in Brazil was highlighted. The Brazilian Federal Government has a neoliberal
agenda, whose conflicts of interest allow attacks and threats to guarantees of national health
policies. This affects the NMHP and NPD via underfunding strategies and weakening and
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15148 12 of 14

dismantling NASF and PCN, compromising the provision of mental health collaborative
care processes in the PHC.
Last, investments for integrating mental health into PHC, providing professional
training and Permanent Education in Health focused on social determinants of health, and
promoting mental health according to clinical guidelines and protocols of health agencies
are challenging, aiming to mitigate inequities, inequalities of access, care gaps, differences
in the structure and supply of the mental health care processes between small, medium,
and large municipalities, in a country with regional disparities and territorial dimension,
such as Brazil.
Although there is evidence about CoCM mental health in Brazil, the strong points of
this study are presented through detailed description on the criteria of agreement and flows
of CoCM in the Brazilian PHC, in a P4P scheme, through the data analysis of programs
and service processes offered nationwide, in a country with continental dimensions such
as Brazil. However, there are theoretical contributions to rebuild policies, programs,
guidelines, and mental health care technologies and training of skills and abilities in the
education of health professionals; and there are practical implications for the planning
and management of mental health processes through the integration of care based on the
person in different PHC contexts.
Considering study limitations, randomized clinical essays should be performed to
confirm evidence of the CoCM relation in the PHC, with the classification of mental and
behavior disorders, health social determinants, care technologies, and the promotion of
mental health.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, V.C.d.S., A.A.C. and S.A.d.C.U.; methodology, V.C.d.S.,

S.A.d.C.U., A.A.R.d.Q. and R.A.A.; data curation and statistical analysis, V.C.d.S. and A.A.C.; writing—
original draft preparation, V.C.d.S., S.A.d.C.U. and G.M.C.C.; writing—review and editing, V.C.d.S.,
A.A.C. and J.C.A.; visualization, V.C.d.S., A.A.C. and S.A.d.C.U.; supervision, S.A.d.C.U. and R.A.A.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: This study has been ethically reviewed and approved by
two institutional review boards: The research ethics committees of the Alcides Carneiro University
Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande (approval number: 5182) and Onofre Lopes
University Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (approval number: 5292).
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: We thank the coordination of the National Program for the Improvement of
Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ-AB) from the States of Rio Grande do Norte and
Ceará, Brazil.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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