SSB Success - Psychology

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Sr Words Sentence

1. Aloof One should never stay aloof.

2. Always Hard work always pays.
3. Ant It is a hardworking insect.
4. Alarm Relaxed mind helps in tackling alarming situations.
5. Advice Listen carefully at good advices.
6. Affection Mother is always affectionate towards her child.
7. Adopt One should adopt good qualities.
8. Achievement Hard work is key to achievement
9. Atom It is a source of energy
10. Adjustment It is necessary according to need.

11. Afraid One must not be afraid of anything.

12. Aim My aim is to be an army officer.

13. Attention Attention must be given during classes.

14. Absent One must not be absent from classes.

15. Almighty Almighty is everywhere.

16. Accuse Accused person to be punished earliest.

17. Ambulance It is always kept ready

18. Animals Animals are honest and loving.

19. Apology Never be ashamed of apologizing for your mistakes.

20. Appoint Right persons are appointed at positions.

21. Arrest Culprit is arrested immediately.

22. Assume Parents assume bright future for their kids.

23. Army I want to join army.

24. Attitude Positive attitude leads to success.

25. Appreciation Appreciating things make tasks easier.

26. Avoid Avoid bad things in life.

27. Abide Law is to be abided strictly.

28. Ambush Soldiers practice ambush drills.

29. Argue Logical arguments lead to better conclusion.

30. Admire Hard workers are always admired.

Sr Words Sentence

1. Background Photographs look good with better background.

2. Blood Donating blood is a good habit.
3. Beauty Kashmir is a symbol of beauty.
4. Blunt Opponent to be pushed bluntly.
5. Book Reading books is a good habit.
6. Bias Biased decisions are unfair.
7. Behavior Pleasant behavior is liked by everyone.
8. Brave Capt Batra is known for his bravery.
9. Bad Smoking is a bad habit.
10. Black Blackboard is used for teaching.

11. Beggar Begging is to be discouraged.

12. Bow We bow our heads to respect seniors.

13. Brotherhood Brotherhood relations are strong.

14. Backward Education removes backwardness.

15. Badminton I play badminton.

16. Band Musical bands are soothing to listen.

17. Basic Good schooling is basic requirement.

18. Batches Best batch was awarded on republic day parade.

19. Battle Soldiers win battles.

20. Big Elephant is a big animal.

21. Brilliant Sachin plays brilliant cricket.

22. Built Shahjahan built Tajmahal.

23. Begin Begin your work with positive attitude.

24. Behave Good behavior is appreciated.

25. Baby Babies are cute.

26. Bungalow Bungalows are big.

27. Barrack Barracks are kept clean.

28. Bat Bat is a mammal.

29. Befitting India gave a befitting reply to Pakistan in 1971 war.

30. Bring Music brings positive thoughts.

Sr Words Sentence

1. Custom We respect our customary things

2. Crime Strong law checks crimes
3. Cool Decision taken in cool atmosphere will be correct
4. Character Good character is praisable
5. Chance Chance is always availed
6. Conduct Good deeds speak about good conduct
7. Commander The commander motivates his men for better result
8. Company Good company influences
9. Can not Pakistan cannot take Kashmir
10. Confused The confused enemy is easily trapped
11. Confidence Interview with confidence impresses

12. Co-operate Co-operation is always benefited

13. Courage Our men fought for country courageously

14. Co-operation Co-operation gives benefit both sides

15. Careful Careful observations to collect more information

16. Couple Love marriage makes the couple happy

17. Country India is my country

18. Cricket Cricket is a good career today

19. Captain Captain pandey will be remembered for his sacrifice

20. Comfort Others comforts are first

21. Century Sachin made a fine century

22. Coward Coward has no place anywhere

23. Cowardice Terrorism is cowardly action of Pakistan

24. Clever The player kicked the ball into goal cleverly

25. City Jaipur is pink city

26. Child Good schooling brings up child well

27. Certain Study makes a man certain to do well

28. Career Hard work leads to good career

29. Complaint Complaint is investigated first

30. Create Modernized machines create more output

31. Concession The poor are to be given financial concession

32. Conclusion A planned attempt gives better result

Sr Words Sentence
1. Day Hard workers lead good days ahead
2. Desire My parents always desired my progress
3. Duty We do duty attentively
4. Defend Soldiers ensure to defend their country
5. Dictator Adolf Hitler was a dictator
6. Death Death comes to all
7. Disagree I disagree when there is no logic
8. Drive I like driving
9. Determination Determination leads to success
10. Democracy Our democracy is successful

11. Decide Once anything is decided that is done

12. Divide Dividing the task make them easy

13. Discipline Discipline is required everywhere

14. Die Soldiers know to do or die on the battle field

15. Defense India is world famous for defense capabilities

16. Do We do neat and clean work

17. Dream We are the people to make country’s dream true

18. Difficulty Difficulty comes and is sorted out

19. Dominate Our cricket team dominated and won

20. Dedication I love those who work with dedication

21. Dull Dullness is removed with game activities

22. Difficult Nothing is difficult

23. Defeat The enemy is to be defeated decisively

24. Dog Dog is useful for guard

25. Dirty Dirty things are thrown out

26. Doctor Doctors play an important role in the society

27. Deceased Deceased soldiers were buried with honour

28. Dowry Dowry is to be condemned

29. Dance Dance is a good means of entertainment

30. Dishonor Nobody accepts dishonorableness

31. Dislike I dislike loose talk

32. Disobey No one disobeys lawful orders

Sr Words Sentence

1. Eliminate Eliminate corruption from the society.

2. Earth Earth is beautiful.
3. Enjoy Hard workers enjoy the life.
4. Enough India has done enough progress in IT.
5. Excuse Failure is no excuse in life.
6. Exert Farmers exert energy in fields.
7. Execute Planning helps execute tasks.
8. Export Export is part of trade.
9. Exceed Machine exceeds production.
10. Examination Knowledge is tested in examinations.

11. Excite Results make us excited.

12. Excise Excise is paid as per due.

13. Exchange Exchange of ideas increases understanding.

14. Excellent Ronaldo is an excellent footballer.

15. Evidence Evidences are required to prove someone

16. Everyday Running everyday is a good habit.

17. Estimate Correct estimation makes work easier.

18. Essential Good education is essential in life.

19. Eradicate Dowry system is to be eradicated.

20. Era Scientific era has made life convenient.

21. Error Expecting errors is a good habit.

22. Enemy Enemy is not to be taken easily.

23. Easy Hard work makes task easier.

24. Envelope It is used to send letters.

25. Excess Excess of anything is not good.

26. Evil Corruption is evil in the society.

27. Early Running early morning is good for health.

28. Embarrassment Failures are no embarrassment.

29. End End of terrorism is good for society.

30. Eat Timely eating is good for health.

31. Elephant Elephant is a strong animal.

32. Energy Food gives energy.

Sr Words Sentence

1. Faith Everyone has faith on god.

2. Fortune Fortune favors the brave.
3. Formula Correct formulas are used to solve problems.
4. Family Families make society.
5. Fearless Soldiers are fearless.
6. Fun Life is fun.
7. Flood Dams control flood.
8. Fail Liars fail in their words.
9. Far Aeroplane takes us to far distances in less time.
10. Fly Birds fly.

11. Father Father loves his kids.

12. Fight Tactical planning wins fight.

13. Factory Machines are used in factory to produce goods.

14. Fatigue Hobbies remove fatigue.

15. From Leader expects honesty from his men

16. Fluent Fluent speech impresses.

17. Fast Usain bolt is fastest man on earth.

18. Fit Exercise keeps everyone fit.

19. Fool Tactical planning fools enemy.

20. Fix Planning fixes problems.

21. Fire Fire is used to cook.

22. Firm Firm decisions give solutions.

23. Finish Finishing work on time is good habit.

24. Forest Forests look beautiful.

25. Flower Flowers are beautiful.

26. Food Food gives us energy.

27. Foreign India is recognized in foreign countries.

28. Force Our Armed forces are strong.

29. Foe Foe is to be overcome.

30. Face Face situations with confidence.

Sr Words Sentence

1. Gold Ancient history reminds about the golden period

2. Good Good result is an outcome of sincere work
3. Ground Every school needs a nice playground
4. Gun Modernized gun is light and suitable
5. great Statesmanship of Gandhi led to his greatness
6. Garden A good garden impresses
7. God God is everywhere
8. Ghee Ghee is an energetic food
9. Green A greeny forest attracts tourists
10. Group We see the outcome of group activities in the

11. Glory Kargil victory brought glory

12. Give Due respect is to be given to elders

13. Grievance Grievance are to be sorted out

14. Grief Whole world was full of grief for September 11


15. Grenade Enemy post were badly destroyed with grenades

16. Greedy No one likes a greedy man

17. Grant Deserving candidates are granted honour

18. Gradual Indian economy is going up gradually

19. Government Ruling government ensures good governance

20. Grab Well trained police grabs the culprits quickly

21. Gracefully A motivated team always leads gracefully

22. Grain Efforts of farmers made the self dependent for grain

23. Greeting I send greetings every year on birthday of my friend

24. Ground work One proofs oneself on ground work

25. Grow My father grew me up affectionately

26. Ghost Ghost is an imaginary thing

27. Goggles Goggles protect the eyes from glare

28. Go down Grain is properly arranged in go downs

29. Goat Goat is an useful animal

30. Garland Winners were honoured with garlands

31. Gift Life is a beautiful gift

Sr Words Sentence

1. Hard I admire hardworking people

2. Honour Deserving candidates are honoured
3. Honest Honesty of a man is praised everywhere
4. Hunger Hungry man is to be fed food
5. Hate I hate lie
6. Help Helping the people in need is a good habit
7. Hour The commander monitored progress every hour
8. Hindi Hindi is our national language.
9. Hue Patnitop always remains a colorful picnic spot
10. Hockey India is restoring hockey gradually

11. Horse Horse is a tough and sincere animal

12. Honey It works like medicine for certain problems

13. Honorable War victorious were received in honorable manner

14. Hood There is an example of brotherhood in Army

15. Honesty Honesty has the value in the life

16. Holidays Holidays are enjoyed with activities

17. Home Good home influences happiness

18. Harm One does not harm without reasons

19. Hit The player quickly hits ball into goal

20. Hobby Activities towards hobby are enjoyed in leisure


21. Held Annual function was held joyfully

22. House We make our house comfortable

23. Hero Our soldiers proved their heroism in all wars

24. History History inspires the youth to follow great people

25. Hospital Hospital needs to be well equipped

26. Heroism Children were honoured for heroism

27. Health Games are good for health

28. Handsome Dedication brings handsome result

29. Helpful Vocational training is helpful

30. Headache No headache if work is done with interest

Sr Words Sentence

1. Initiative India’s initiative for peace was recognized

2. Intelligence Intelligence is important to make one dynamic
3. Injury Quick treatment heals up the injury early
4. Indicate Capability is indicated through effective
5. Impossible Nothing is impossible
6. Imprison Many Pakistani enemies imprisoned during 1971
7. Idea Good ideas attract others
8. Ideals It is better to recognize one’s ideals
9. Identity We see the identity of stranger first
10. Idleness Idleness has no place against the busy schedule
11. Ignore Harmful things are ignored

12. Image A capable man establishes his image

13. Immoral Immoral activities are to be discouraged right at the


14. Impel A leader always impels his men to lead

15. Impend Impending is to be avoided

16. India India is progressing fast

17. Ice Ice has importance during summer

18. International India has established good international image

19. Inverter It helps continuity in the functioning

20. Immediate Immediate action helped the victims during rescue


21. Internet It is the best means of communication

22. Ill Ill person is to be taken to doctor earliest

23. Intake Intake of dynamic men is the need of the honour

24. Interval Some interval after long work is necessary

25. Indeed Kashmir is indeed a beautiful place.

26. Invite Reception of invitees was well organized

27. In The work is to be done always in time

28. Inner God is worshiped from inner conception

29. Inter Inter college football match was exciting.

30. Industry New machines in industries is the need of the hour

31. Information Information technology has the leading role today

Sr Words Sentence
1. Juice Lemon juice is good for health
2. Judge Chief justice of a court is the senior most judge.
3. Joy Spending time with friends is joyful.
4. Junior We setup examples before juniors.
5. Jack Jack is useful in changing tires.
6. Japan It is a beautiful country.
7. Jealousy Jealousy doesn’t pay anything
8. Jerk In tug of war we won in one jerk.
9. Jog Jogging keeps a person fit.
10. Job Sincerity towards job gives fruitful results.

11. Joint Joint efforts yield better results.

12. Joke Jokes bring laughter.

13. Journey Life is a beautiful journey.

14. Joyless Nothing can make a person joyless.

15. Jump Kangaroo make bigger jumps.

16. Jail Jail is the place for culprits.

17. Join I want to join Army.

18. Justice Fair justice is always appreciated.

19. Just Failures are just a step towards success.

20. Jeweler Jeweler is a skilled person.

21. Journalist Journalist brings correct information to us.

22. Jury Jury system has been abolished in India.

23. Junction Engines get changed at junctions.

24. Jug Jug is used for keeping water.

25. Jurisdiction Police operates within their jurisdiction.

26. Jubilation Victory in Football final was celebrated with


27. June It is the sixth month of a calendar.

28. Josser Jossers have no place in society.

29. Judiciously Resources must be utilized judiciously.

30. Jumbler Jumblers to be dealt strongly.

Sr Words Sentence

1. Kick Footballer kicks the ball.

2. Kind Dogs are kind hearted.
3. King King is the head of a kingdom.
4. Kiss Kiss is a symbol of love.
5. Knife It is used for cutting vegetables.
6. Knotty Knotty sticks are suitable for sentry duty.
7. Know One must know current affairs.
8. Knowledge Knowledge make a man confident.
9. Kill We must kill our bad habits.
10. Keep One must keep his words.

11. Keen Keenness towards work makes it joyful.

12. Kerosene Kerosene is useful for making fire and cooking.

13. Key Hard work is the key to success.

14. Kidney Kidney purifies blood.

15. Kitchen Cooking is done in kitchen.

16. Knight Dhoni was the knight of 2011 world cup.

17. Knit Machines make knitting easier.

18. Knee Knee is a vital part of body.

19. Kerbs Taj mahal have beautiful kerbs.

20. Kettle It is used for making tea.

21. Kilt It is a traditional fashion.

22. Kinship Our society maintains kinship

23. Knock We knock the door before entry.

24. Knave A knave is to be taught a lesson.

25. Kite I enjoy flying kites.

26. Kidnap Police caught the kidnappers.

27. Keep off Obstacles keep off the animals.

28. Kingdom King is the head of kingdom.

29. Kissing Mother loves kissing her children.

30. Kashmir It is a beautiful place.

Sr Words Sentence

1. Love I love my parents.

2. Liveliness It brings positive thoughts.
3. Leader He leads his men with an example.
4. Laziness Hobbies are the best way to overcome laziness.
5. Lack Pakistan lacks reliability on India.
6. Loyal Dogs are loyal.
7. Lies Responsibility for terrorism lies with Pakistan.
8. Lion Lion is the king of jungle.
9. Luck Luck favours the brave.
10. Like I like neat and clean room

11. Lie No one can stand with lie.

12. Law Law is above all.

13. Limit Hard workers have no limit to success.

14. Laugh Laughing is a good habit.

15. Life Life is beautiful

16. Language Hindi is a widely spoken language.

17. Local Locals help security forces.

18. Loose Loose fitting dresses are comfortable.

19. Learn Learning new languages is fun.

20. Leaf Green leaves look beautiful.

21. Live Live life comfortably.

22. Lesson Lesson learnt make future tasks easier.

23. Loud Soldiers cautioned the enemy loudly.

24. Lower Good education is required from lower classes.

25. Ladder Ladder is used for climbing up.

26. Lame Lame men are to be looked after.

27. Laboratory Experiments in laboratory help in learning.

28. Labour Labours work hard for better livelihood.

29. Lead Planning leads to good results.

30. Lust Lust is to be refrained.

Sr Words Sentence

1. Music Music is soothing

2. Machine Machine makes work faster.
3. Moral High moral helps achieve targets.
4. Mean Aeroplane is the fastest means to reach.
5. Must Hard work is must for success.
6. Matter Parents matter a lot in life.
7. Mother Mother loves her child.
8. Monkey Monkeys are intelligent and smart.
9. Medicine Medicines cure diseases.
10. Mountain Mountains are beautiful.

11. Man Man has shown scientific wonders.

12. Make Make in India is a good concept.

13. Monitor Monitor is a display unit.

14. Manufacture Factories manufacture goods.

15. Misuse Checking avoids misuse.

16. Match India won the match against Australia.

17. March Marching of soldiers on Republic day was


18. Message Messages passed on time yields better results.

19. Money Saving money for future is good habit.

20. Miser When money is short we go miser.

21. Media Media is the fourth pillar of our constitution.

22. Melodious Lata sings melodious songs.

23. Member Every member in a team are important.

24. Memories School days are good memories.

25. Merit Selection on merit is a good concept.

26. Meritorious On annual day function meritorious students were


27. Museum Museums are good place to visit.

28. Minimum Planning minimizes effort.

29. Mill Machines make mill profitable.

30. Minute Every minute is important in life.

Sr Words Sentence

1. Never We will never give Kashmir.

2. Nature Nature is beautiful.
3. Necessity It is the mother of invention.
4. Noble Noble works are appreciated.
5. Need There is need to check corruption.
6. Neighbor Neighbors are like family members.
7. News Watching News Regularly is a good habit.
8. Newspaper I read newspaper every day.
9. Nuclear Nuclear fission produces energy.
10. Nervous Nervous enemy is easy to beat.

11. Nothing Nothing is to be left incomplete.

12. No No one wants terrorism.

13. Near Our school is to my home.

14. Narrow Narrow roads are being widened one by one

15. New Industries are prospering due to new machines

16. Next The next decades will be of India

17. Now Maximum work is now done in computer

18. Never India can never tolerate terrorism.

19. North Compass is useful to known the north

20. Norm The norms are followed to do needful

21. Name The name of national heroes are written in history

22. Nasty Nasty things are to be checked

23. Natal Ever body loves his native country

24. Nation Intellectuals are national assets

25. Naughty Naughty activities are checked earliest

26. Navy Indian navy is fully equipped

27. Nephew I love my nephew due to his good activities

28. Negligence One is to be punished for negligence

29. Needless Spending money on unwanted things is needless

30. Neddy Neddy is useful to carry loads in mountains.

Sr Words Sentence

1. Officer Officer lead his men with an example.

2. Off Space technology has taken off to heights.
3. Optimism Work done with optimism leads to success.
4. Obey Dogs obey their master.
5. Overcome Confidence helps overcome challenges.
6. Organized Annual day function was organized beautifully.
7. Office Office is maintained upto mark.
8. Occur Solar eclipse occurs every year.
9. Orange Orange juice is healthy.
10. Over There are 6 balls in a over.

11. Object Our object is to progress

12. Oblige Dogs oblige to their masters command.

13. Observe We observe republic day every year .

14. Obstacle Planning helps tackle obstacles.

15. Obtain Freedom was obtained through struggle.

16. Occasion Every one enjoy republic day .

17. Old Taj Mahal will never look old.

18. Odd Odd man to be checked first.

19. Of I am of the firm believe that hard work pays.

20. Once Time factor tempts at once.

21. Opportunity Opportunity is grabbed whenever it comes.

22. Obesity Regular exercise controls obesity

23. Object Efforts are continued till the time object is achieved.

24. Observer Observers look for all details.

25. Obsess No one is to be obsessed without sufficient reasons.

26. Obstruct No obstructions can stop a soldier.

27. Obvious Skilled persons will obviously yields good results.

28. Offence Committing offence calls for punishment.

29. Offer Skilled persons are offers good job.

30. Often I often see movies in theatres.

Sr Words Sentence

1. Patience Patience is key to better decisions.

2. Practical Practical education gives exposure.
3. Punctual Being punctual helps in managing time.
4. Playground We play outdoor games in playgrounds.
5. Poor Poor are to be uplifted.
6. Prejudice Prejudicial decision is not fair.
7. Player Our cricket team has good player.
8. Patriotism Patriotism is in our blood.
9. Prosper Industries prosper on fine machines.
10. People People know their duty towards nation.

11. Perfect Proper planning make things perfect.

12. Prove Our soldiers have proved their bravery.

13. Press Press is fully autonomous.

14. Peace India has always stood for peace.

15. Pact Pacts require mutual coordination.

16. Paper I read newspaper every day.

17. Pain Pain is temporary.

18. Power With power comes responsibility.

19. Parade Republic day parade is enjoyed every year.

20. Prohibit Dowry system is to be prohibited.

21. Parent Parents are form of God.

22. Park Park is good place for walking.

23. Period This is a period of new technology.

24. Participate Players participating as a team are difficult to be

25. Partner Partners are team players who lead to success.

26. Partiality Partiality is condemnable.

27. Popular Sachin is a popular cricketer.

28. Party Party is mode of entertainment with family and


29. Positive Positive attitude is appreciated everywhere.

30. Patient Patient is doctors priority.

Sr Words Sentence

1. Quality Quality is important over quantity.

2. Quake Light houses substain better in earthquake
3. Qualification Good qualification is man’s immovable asset
4. Quick Quick decision helps to achieve result timely
5. Query Students raised query for clearing the doubt
6. Question There is a solution of every question
7. Quiet Examination is conducted quietly
8. Quit Quit India movement is historic
9. Quite Democracy in India is quite successful
10. Quote Everybody quotes the example of good deeds

11. Quotations Many quotations give inspiration

12. Quintal The farmer today is producing quintals of grain

13. Quinine It is best for protection from malaria

14. Quilt Quilt is an useful item for winter

15. Quell Moral force wins the opponent easily

16. Quench He quenched his thirst with water

17. Queen Queen Victoria is quoted for good rule

18. Quarrel Quarrelling does not solve the problem

19. Qualify Preparation gives confidence to qualify the exam

20. Quantitative Computer is giving quantitative result

21. Quantum Men are deployed according to quantum of work

22. Quota The poor are to be uplifted through their quota

23. Quiescent India is maintaining relations with Russia


24. Quiddle Quiddling is to be avoided

25. Queue Queue is to be maintained

26. Questor An experienced man is appointed as questor

27. Quiz Knowledge is tested in quiz

Sr Words Sentence

1. Reason Clear cut reasons justify the matter

2. Responsible The captain took responsibility for acute practice
3. Right Right men are deployed for right job
4. Rest A little rest after hard work is essential
5. Reward Good workers are rewarded
6. Response Friendly countries gave good response for our
nuclear test
7. Run A fast runner catches the ball opportunity
8. Rose Rose is a beautiful flower
9. Rain We enjoy rain
10. Relation India believes in cordial relations

11. Road Lot of expansion of roads is taking place

12. Religion Every religion has ideals

13. Revenge Revenge does not end the problem

14. Romance The farewell function was full of romance

15. Rigid Our forces challenged the enemy strongly

16. Riots Everybody condemns riots

17. Reasonable I know English reasonably well

18. Reduce India took initiative to reduce tension in the region

19. Regret Pakistan must regret for cross border terrorism

20. Rumour Rumours are meaningless

21. Resources We have ample resources in the countries

22. Retaliate Indian army retaliated terrorist successfully

23. Restrict Our soldiers restricted the move of the enemy very

24. Result Thorough study brings expected result

25. Rescue The volunteer rescued victims quickly

26. Restore India has put best efforts to restore relations with

27. Retreat Our forces compelled enemy to retreat

28. Remember We remember good work of our ancestors

29. Remote Remoteness is being reduced day by day due to

expansion of TV

30. Roar Lion roars

Sr Words Sentence

1. Sink New technology sifts do not sinks is easily

2. Swim India has the international image in swimming
3. Straight Well equipped soldiers overpower the enemy
straight away
4. Solve There is solution to solve each problem
5. System Systematic work brings quick and correct output
6. Sincere Commander ensures everybody follows him
7. Secret Secrets are always maintained in the interest of
8. Short Air journey has made distance short
9. Spirit Sports influence the advantages of team spirit
10. Strange The strange is to be checked first

11. Shy No shyness after gaining knowledge on the topic

12. Serious India has shown serious efforts in nuclear field

13. Society Our society is advancing speedily

14. Sad The demise of mahatma Gandhi was a sad event

15. Slow The dancer started with slow steps initially

16. Security Security of the country is the responsibility of

17. Sound Sound reasoning yields fruitful conclusion

18. Success Where there are efforts there is success

19. Sympathy The world had the sympathy for Bangladesh during

20. Selfless Selfless service gives mental satisfaction

21. Stamina Daily practice increases stamina

22. Sycophancy Sycophancy is not required

23. Strong Our defence is strong enough

24. Study Hard study yields good return

25. Son I am lovely son of my parents

26. Sun The sun is useful for all living things

27. Sure Thorough checking makes sure about correctness

28. Sky The sky with full star looks nice

29. Sister The sister of my friend is a good artist

30. Size The nuclear test increased power of India

Sr Words Sentence

1. Tradition Tradition is our wealth.

2. Team Sports build team spirit.
3. Think Thinking precedes action.
4. Travel Travelling is fun.
5. Try Try and try until you succeed.
6. Truth Truth always prevails.
7. Tomorrow We keep ourselves prepared for tomorrow.
8. Truthful Truthful approach in life leads to success.
9. Threat Better planning reduces threats
10. Tact Tactful planning yields better results.

11. Temple Golden temple is beautiful.

12. Tough Soldiers are tough.

13. Thank I am thankful to God for this beautiful life.

14. Tension Tension never pays good results.

15. Teacher Teacher builds the character of his students.

16. Talk Meaningful talks are appreciated.

17. Trouble Patience is the key to overcome trouble.

18. Tired Yoga helps overcome tiredness.

19. Total In total India is a powerful nation.

20. Trees Trees give us oxygen.

21. Target Hard work leads to achieve any targets.

22. Time Tasks done on time are appreciated.

23. Take Hard workers take every challenge in a positive


24. Tight Air tight containers protect food.

25. Technical Technical education broadens horizon.

26. Tax Tax to be paid on time.

27. Tear Success in SSB brought tears of happiness.

28. Telephone It is one of the fastest means of communication.

29. Tremendous India played tremendously against Pakistan.

30. Thieves Alertness prevents thieves.

Sr Words Sentence

1. Urge Urge for success make an individual work harder.

2. Ugly Even ugly things can be made beautiful.
3. Ultimate Sachin was an ultimate batsman.
4. Umpire Decision of umpire if final.
5. Unable Planned defence makes enemy unable to attack.
6. Unbearable Terrorism is unbearable now
7. Unbalanced The attack with team spirit unbalanced the
8. Unblest There is no question for unblestness
9. Unbaffled Unbaffled team is not easy to win
10. Uncertain Uncertainty is to be ended soon
11. Undefined Nothing is to be left undefined

12. Undergo Cadets undergo tough training for better building


13. Undesirable Undesirable things are sorted out first

14. Understanding Clarity is speech gives better understanding

15. Undirected Nothing is undirected to subordinate

16. Umbrella Umbrella is useful for rainy season

17. Undue Undue things are to be avoided

18. Uneducated Uneducated people are decreasing day by day

19. Unemployment Industrialization reduces unemployment

20. Unavoidable There are remedies to reduce effect of

unavoidable things

21. Unfair Pakistan is unfairly blames India everywhere

22. Utilize Things are utilized with necessity

23. Under Important things are underlined

24. Uncountable Nothing is left uncountable

25. Unafraid The truthful are always unafraid

26. Unaware The opponent is to be kept unaware about secrets

27. Unknown Unknown thing is to be checked first

28. Unnecessary Unnecessary things are kept away

29. Unresolved Unresolved things are settled by dialogues

30. Ungraced Kashmir killings are ungraced

Sr Words Sentence

1. Virtue One makes good image by virtue of his ability

2. Vacancy More works create more vacancies
3. Vacuity Busy schedule is the only remedy to overcome
4. Vaccine Timely vaccination prevents diseases
5. Vague Vague things are not to be given weightage
6. Valid Valid reasons are agreed to by all
7. Valley Kashmir valley is a familiar one
8. Valorous Brave men are honored for valorous acts
9. Valuable Student period is valuable one
10. Vampire Vampire is an imaginary thing

11. Variety People enjoyed variety shows on the annual day

12. Vast There is vast scope everywhere for skilled persons

13. Vegetable The new method increased production of vegetables

14. Vehicle All vehicles need regular maintenance

15. Velocity Velocity is an interesting subject in physics

16. Venerability Soldiers earned veneration due to good work

17. Vision High vision with efforts leads towards the objects

18. Verdict The court verdict is honoured

19. Victory Kargil victory is a historical one

20. Versed Well versed on the matter to convince the listeners

21. Victim Victims are to be assisted earliest

22. Village Development of villages is increasing.

23. Vigorous Important matters are attended vigorously

24. Vacate Enemy was forced to vacate in kargil

25. Vanish Terrorist vanished against strong attack

26. Various Television is showing various educative


27. Very Player runs very fast to get chance for hitting

28. Violence Violence is to be checked

29. Visible India’s progress is visible in the world

30. Visit Foreigners prefer to visit India being peaceful

Sr Words Sentence

1. Wish We wish each other on new year’s day

2. Word Words are maintained
3. Work Hard work brings fruits
4. Wrong Wrong things are always harmful
5. Will A man with strong will succeeds
6. Walk Morning walk is good for health
7. Wall We decorate walls of house on the occasion
8. Wonderful India has achieved wonderful progress in launching
9. Wife An intelligent wife manages the house well
10. Water Clean water keeps us healthy

11. Worryingly No one treats worryingly without reasons

12. Wards Good hospitals takes adequate care of wards

13. Women Progress of women in India is remarkable

14. War India made record in many wars

15. Wound First aid to the wounded man is essential

16. Worms Effective medicine pushes out the worms

17. Wash Washing machine has reduced man’s labour

18. Watch Vigilant watch on border is necessary

19. Warm We give warm welcome to guests

20. Wade Student waded on top of hill to celebrate picnic

21. Wage Employees are to given good wages

22. Wail Instead of wailing one has to consolidate the mind

23. Warfare Indian troops are fully trained for warfare

24. Warn Teacher warned the student for committing mistakes

25. Waste Planned execution avoids the waste

26. Wave Good management brings wave in production

27. Weak Weak enemy is easily overpowered

28. Wear We wear well fitted and clean clothes

29. Weep Child stopped weeping on seeing the toy

30. Wait Hard working student wait for good result

Sr Words Sentence

1. X-Mas X –Mas is celebrated joyfully

2. Xerox Xerox gears up the speed of working
3. X-rays Introduction of x-rays is a big facility
4. Xylol Xylol is useful for making polish
5. Xyster Xyster is useful item is medical science
Sr Words Sentence

1. Yak Yak is useful to carry load in hilly terrain

2. Yard People still use yard to measure
3. Yard master Yard master always needs to be vigilant
4. Yarn Yarn factories are to be boosted more
5. Year Our country is launching satellites almost every
6. Yield Our fields are yielding more with modernized tools
7. Yell Yelling is to be attend immediately
8. Yellow Yellow flowers look beautiful in the garden
9. Yes My boss says yes when I propose
10. Yesterday We carries memories of good things of yesterday

11. Yet We have yet to do more to make our dream true

12. Young Youngsters have to buildup nation more strong

13. Youth Youth today knows national importance

14. You ‘I am proud of you ‘said the teacher

15. Yuga Satyuga was the best one indian history

16. Yama Yama is the god of death

Sr Words Sentence

1. Zebra Zebra is liked by children in the zoo

2. Zax It is a sharp cutter
3. Zealousness We celebrates all festivals with zeal
4. Zed An important person is given Z type security
5. Zero Marksman concentrates on zero while firing
6. Zeus Life history of Zeus gives numerous ideals
7. Zinc It is useful item to prepare hydrogen gas
8. Zoo Zoo is a good place for knowledge about the
animal world
9. Zoology Research in zoology has medical science shapeful
10. Zee Zee TV gives the news fast

11. Zone An organization is divided into zones for better


12. Zinke The musician attracted the people with the sound
of zinke

13. Zobo Zobo is a good animal to carry load in hilly area

14. Zodiac Zodiac is an imaginary aspect

15. Zoography Research on zoography has been a blessing for


16. Zeal New generation is full of zeal for modernization

17. Zen The Zen is a good family car

18. Zoometry The zoometrical shape of elephant attracts

19. Zoomorphism There is no scientific reason in it

20. Zip The firing of modernized weapons is zipless

21. Zigzag The scene of zigzag road of Darjeeling is

1. Anger

2. Avoid

3. Awful

4. Ashamed

5. Annoy

6. Abandon

7. Abuse

8. Afraid

9. Alone

10. Attack
11. Alcohol

12. Beg

13. Bore

14. Bad

15. Broken

16. Blame

17. Beer

18. Booze

19. Bomb

20. Cannot

21. Clumsy

22. Confuse

23. Cheat

24. Delay

25. Danger

26. Difficult

27. Dislike

28. Defeat

29. Dead

30. Damage
31. Deny

32. Depress

33. Drug

34. Dirty

35. Dishonest

36. Damage

37. Divorce

38. Disease

39. Dreadful

40. Disaster

41. Dumb

42. Evil

43. End

44. Excuse

45. Embarrass

46. Enemy

47. Fear

48. Fight

49. Furious

50. Fault
51. Fail/Failure

52. Foul

53. Fright

54. Force

55. False

56. Gossip

57. Greed

58. Guilty

59. Hate

60. Hurt

61. Hide

62. Hunger

63. Horrible

64. Harm/Harmful

65. Humiliate

66. Impossible

67. Ignore

68. Insecure

69. Ill

70. Insane
71. Inferior

72. Insult

73. Jealous

74. Kill

75. Lie

76. Lost/Loose

77. Miser

78. No/Not/Never

79. Offensive

80. Pain

81. Pessimist

82. Problem

83. Poor
84. Poison

85. Quit

86. Reject

87. Revenge

88. Rude

89. Sad

90. Sorry

91. Sorrow

92. Steal
93. Suspicious/Suspect

94. Traitor

95. Tension

96. Ugly

97. Upset

98. Un-fair,healthy,pleasant,happy,just,favourable,wanted,loved

99. War

100. Worthless/Zero

You are required to Solve 60 Situation (Questions) in 30 minutes.

1. While traveling by train he went to toilet. On his return to his seat he found
his briefcase missing. He..

2. He received conflicting orders from his two superior officers. He..

3. He was appointed captain of basketball team but other players revolted

against his appointment. He..
4. An epidemic spread in the village due to poor hygiene conditions. He..

5. While he discussed his viewpoints others did not listen to him carefully.

6. He noticed a car moving with high speed running over a child on the road.

7. A fellow passenger fell from a running train. He..

8. His parents wanted him to marry a wealthy and less educated girl, but he
had already found a suitable educated girl for himself. He..

9. He made a silly mistake and his friend pointed it out. He..

10. He heard his neighbor screaming ‘thief – thief’ at mid night. He..

11. A fellow passenger in the train objected to his smoking being an offence
in public place. He..

12. He reached home from office and saw his house on fire. He..

13. He was going to Delhi for an interview but realized after one hour that he
has boarded a wrong train. He..

14. While he was going up in a lift the electric power supply failed. He..

15. While he was hosting a dinner to his friends in a hotel he realized that he
has forgotten his wallet at home. He..

16. His friends came to borrow the book from which he was preparing for
next morning paper. He..

17. He was appointed to supervise evening games in the college but he was
staying far away. He..

18. He proposed to invite a political leader to preside over the annual day
celebration but others were against it. He..

19. He had undergone a major surgical operation but there was no one to look
after. He..

20. His parents were insisting on his early marriage but he wanted to take up
a job first. He..

21. He realized that his seniors were giving step-motherly treatment to him.

22. Hearing an unusual sound at night he woke up and found a thief jumping
out of his window. He..

23. He was going to attend SSB interview. On reaching the Railway Station
he noticed that his suitcase has been stolen with his

Original certificates needed at SSB. He..

24. While he was traveling on his scooter, someone at gunpoint demanded his
purse. He..

25. He went to college but rowdy students told him to boycott the class. He
26. His father had a dispute with his uncle on landed property. He..

27. He wanted to borrow money for his sister’s marriage. The relative who
assured him, declined to lend him at the time of marriage. He..

28. He was going on a bicycle in thick jungle. It was already dark and his
destination was 10 Km away. His cycle got punctured. He..

29. He went to buy a ticket to travel by rail. On getting the ticket he found
that his purse was missing. He..

30. While he was in a jungle in Nagaland, he saw six Nagas with lathis
rushing to him. He..

31. He was appointed Langar Commander. The dal has often been having
stones which were complained by the dining members. He..

32. He didn’t do well in written test of SCO Commission. His friends advised
him not to venture in future. He..

33. He was traveling in a train on reserved seat. A fellow passenger claimed

to have the same seat on his reservation ticket. He..

34. He won a lottery of rupees one lakh. He..

35. His two school going children frequently missed the classes. He..

36. He was going to the market and he noticed a car and a tonga collide with
each other. He..
37. He was asked to organize a picnic to a nearby historical place. He..

38. On returning to his barrack from the firing range, he found that his friend
had brought 20 rounds of 7.62 mm SLR. He..

39. A helicopter crashed in the vicinity of his unit lines. He..

40. He saw a rifle disc lying in the football field of his company. He..

41. A speeding motor truck ran over a man as he happened to pass by. He..

42. He was on a boat and he noticed mid-stream water entering in the boat.

43. He and his sister were passing through a thick forest on a scooter. The
scooter had stopped at gunpoint for ransom. He..

44. He was called upon to organize a variety entertainment show in aid of

Jawans’ welfare in his unit. He..

45. Due to financial difficulties his father couldn’t support him for further

studies after he passed his metric examination. He..

46. Demand of a loan from his close relative was urgent whereas he needed
the same money for his son’s hostel admission. He..

47. He entered the bathroom and notices a black cobra hanging from the
ceiling of the roof. He..

48. Recently his younger brother had become arrogant. So He..

49. While he was watching cinema he suddenly noticed smoke coming out of
cinema hall. The viewers started running causing stampede. He..

50. His father had borrowed some money for his higher studies which he
could not pay back. So He..

51. While passing through a mountainous track he was challenged by two

persons with weapons in their hands. He..

52. He had to appear in an exam. On reaching the city, he noticed that curfew
had been clamped. He..

53. He was captain of basketball team and his team was about to lose in the
final. He..

54. After marriage, his in-laws forced him to leave the job. He..

55. His parents often irritated him with their orthodox ideas about the role of
women in a society. He..

56. At the time of interview, he found that his certificates were missing. He..

57. When he observed that his friend was having some suspicion on him. He..

58. He had already decided to vote for a particular candidate whereas his
friends wanted his commitment for the other candidate. He..

59. His colleagues advised him to be tactful with his boss. He..

60. He happened to be present at a bus stop when a child who was with his
mother was hit by a speeding motorbike and was injured seriously. He.
1. While traveling by train he saw a lady crying on platform. He..

2. He received an illegal order from his boss. He..

3. He was appointed captain of cricket team but one player revolted

against his appointment. He..

4. A viral infection spread in his house due to poor hygiene conditions.


5. While he was briefing, others did not listen to him carefully. He..

6. He noticed an ambulance moving with high speed over a child on the

road. He..

7. A fellow passenger was left during a halt from a bus. He..

8. His parents wanted him to take dowry. He..

9. He made a silly mistake and his parents pointed it out. He..

10. He heard his neighbor screaming ‘thief – thief’ at mid night while
studying for his exam. He..

11. A fellow passenger in the bus objected to his smoking being

an offence in public place. He..

12. He reached home from office and saw his house on

bleeding. He..
13. He was going to market and he saw his friend being beaten
by rowdies. He..

14. While he was going up in a lift he realized lift getting failed.


15. While he was hosting a dinner to his friends in his house he

saw a lizard in food. He..

16. His friends steal the book from which he was preparing for
next morning paper. He..

17. He was appointed house captain in the college but others

refused to accept his orders. He.

18. He was invited to a party but he got very late. He..

19. He was playing cricket and his friend was cheating. He.

20. His parents were insisting on his early marriage . He..

21. He realized that his seniors were giving extra tasks to him.

22. Hearing his watchman shouting at midnight. He..

23. He was going for his exam and his admit card got stolen. He..

24. While he was traveling on his scooter to hospital, his scooter got
punctured. He..

25. He went to college and his seniors told him to beat a junior.
26. His friends were having dispute with other classmate over a
girl. He..

27. He wanted to borrow money for his sister’s marriage, his

friends planned to steal money from neighborhood. He..

28. He has exam tomorrow but he is having severe fever. He..

29. He went to buy a movie ticket but his friends told him to buy
tickets in black. He..

30. While he was in home, his mother told to go market. He..

31. He wanted to do masters but his parents wanted him to join

Army. He..

32. He didn’t do well in written test of CDS. His friends advised

him not to appear in future. He..

33. He was traveling in a train and he left his bag at the station.

34. He in a hurry hit an old lady with his bike. He.

35. His friend fought with his classmates. He..

36. He was going to the market and he noticed an old man lying
on ground. He..

37. He was asked to organize a party. He..

38. On returning to his residence he noticed all the items lying

here and there He..
39. A dog was hit by a car. He..

40. He saw a snake in his bathroom and the door is closed. He.

41. A ferocious dog entered his house. He..

42. He was on a boat and he noticed mid stream water entering in

the boat. He..

43. He and scooter had stopped at gunpoint for ransom. He..

44. He was called upon to organize a variety entertainment show

in aid of Jawans’ welfare in his unit. He..

45. Due to financial difficulties his father couldn’t support him

for further studies after he passed his metric examination. He..

46. Demand of a loan from his close relative was urgent whereas
he needed the same money for his son’s hostel admission. He..

47. He entered the bathroom and notices a black cobra hanging

from the ceiling of the roof. He..

48. Recently his younger brother had become arrogant. So He..

49. While he was watching cinema he suddenly noticed smoke

coming out of cinema hall. The viewers started running causing
stampede. He..

50. His father had borrowed some money for his higher studies
which he could not pay back. So He..
51. While passing through a mountainous track he was
challenged by two persons with weapons in their hands. He..

52. He had to appear in an exam. On reaching the city, he noticed

that curfew had been clamped. He..

53. He was captain of basketball team and his team was about to
lose in the final. He..

54. After marriage, his in-laws forced him to leave the job. He..

55. His parents often irritated him with their orthodox ideas about
the role of women in a society. He..

56. At the time of interview, he found that his certificates were

missing. He..

57. When he observed that his friend was having some suspicion
on him. He..

58. He had already decided to vote for a particular candidate

whereas his friends wanted his commitment for the other candidate.

59. His colleagues advised him to be tactful with his boss. He..

60. He happened to be present at a bus stop when a child who

was with his mother was hit by a speeding motorbike and was
injured seriously. He.

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