Madiha Khalid
November 2022
1. Introduction 4
2. Project/Product Feasibility Report 5
2.1 Technical Feasibility 5
2.2 Operational Feasibility 5
2.3 Economic Feasibility 5
2.4 Schedule Feasibility 6
2.5 Specification Feasibility 6
2.6 Information Feasibility 7
2.7 Motivational Feasibility 7
2.8 Legal & Ethical Feasibility 7
3. Project/Product Scope 8
4. Project/Product Costing using COCOMO’81 (Constructive Cost Model) 9
5. CPM - Critical Path Method 12
6. Gantt chart 14
7. Introduction to Team member and their skill set 15
8. Tools and Technology with reasoning 16
9. Vision Document 17
10. Risk List 19
11. Requirement Engineering 20
11.1 Systems Specifications
11.1.1 Introduction 20
11.1.2 Existing System
11.1.3 Organizational Chart 20
11.1.4 Scope of the System 21
11.1.5 Summary of Requirements:(Initial Requirements) 21
11.2 Identifying External Entities 23
11.2.1 Over Specify Entities from Abstract
11.2.2 Perform Refinement
11.3 Context Level Data Flow Diagram
11.4 Capture "shall" Statements 24
11.5 Allocate Requirements 26
11.6 Prioritize Requirements 27
11.7 Requirements Trace-ability Matrix 28
1. Introduction
With tourism in Pakistan on the rise, we want to provide an online marketplace that
will make it easier for tourists to explore the country. Our website will help service
providers in providing services to tourists and attract tourists to the worth seeing
tourist spots in Pakistan by showing them the brighter side of Pakistan. It will serve
as a one stop solution for all of the tour needs.
2. Project Feasibility Report
Analysis of this project is done to determine its feasibility which is categorized as:
The idea behind this project is rational and scope is aligned according to the
available resources. Many ecommerce websites are already present which are
similar to the one we are going to develop. So this project doesn't have unforeseen
implications that might lead to failure.
Tourists can get recommendations and economic tour packages to plan a perfect
trip as per their requirements. We will ensure the satisfaction of customers by
ensuring the availability of only trusted service providers on the platform. The blog
section will keep the customers engaged with the tourism trends.
This project will fit in the existing business environment by ensuring the quality and
a unique feature of blog posts. Our project replicates the most demanded features
offered in the similar products and adds additional functionality on top of it.
Usability along with other quality factors will be ensured in order to make the end
product achieve customer satisfaction.
Detailed cost and effort estimation is carried out in section 4 below. According to
our analysis 7.09 months and 2.19 people are required for this project with an effort
of 15PM.
As there are no moving parts of the system that require extensive maintenance, the
cost for this project is very low. It might require adjustments in business logic
according to varying domain rules but no major change in system is expected.
Stakeholder requirements for this project are quite stable and not expected to
change often. Also, no installation of the site is required.
Tourist behavior and service utilization patterns will provide viable data to analyze
and make effective policies for the future by the organization.
The online showcase of the available services and attractive spots will attract
overseas and foreign tourists.
Tourists will get to know about available services remotely and will get rid of their
physical presence at any spot to get to know about available service. Hence, they
will be in a better position to decide about their destination beforehand.
All of the above benefits lead to improved reach, increased sales and increased
revenue. Hence, our platform will be a viable source to promote tourism and elevate
revenue generated by it.
tailored to the needs of the specified domain(i.e. tourism). Customer satisfaction and
needs are the ground of all the specifications.
Those services that are not as per advertised can be reported by tourists. It will help
ensure the quality of services availed from the platform.
3. Project Scope
We want to promote Pakistan's tourism industry by providing a platform that will
make it easier for tourists to explore the country.tourPk will be an online
marketplace that will facilitate service providers to offer the services remotely.
Tourists will be able to book & pay for services online. They will be able to share
reviews about services provided and a blog post section will let them share their
experience about tourism spots. Several In-app service plans and a help and support
section for tourists.
Despite an immense potential, the tourism sector in Pakistan was not given its due
rights and consideration. There is an enormous gap between demand and service
delivery and coordination among the departments. We aim at developing this
project as a helping hand to bridge this gap.
4. Project Costing
Lines Of Code
Module name Lines of Code
Home 500
Total 3000
Cost Driver
Cost Driver very low normal high very Extra
low high High
Product Attributes
Computer Attributes
TURN(Computer Turnaround 0.87
Personnel Attributes
Project Attributes
Intermediate COCOMO
Type Effort
PM= person-month
KLOC= lines of code, in thousands
=3.2*(3)1.05*1.533 = 15.55 PM
=2.5 (Effort)0.38
=7.09 Month
People Required
=Effort / Duration
5. CPM(Critical Path Method)
Critical Path Method Activity Sequence and Completion Time
No. Activity Immediate Duration (Weeks)
A Vision Document N/A 1
B Scope, Costing, CPM and Gantt A 2
C Requirement Engineering B 3
D Design Mapping C 2
E DataModel & Operation D 2
F Prototyping I D,E 1
G Spots Hierarchy Interface F 2
H Login / Sign up F 2
I Services CRUD F 3
J Prototyping II G,H,I 1
K Online Booking and online J 3
L Blog post J 2
M Help & support J 2
Network Diagram
Identify the Critical Path
Activit Immediate
Duration ES EF LS LF TS FS
y Predecessor
A N/A 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
B A 2 1 3 1 3 0 0
C B 3 3 6 3 6 0 0
D C 2 6 8 6 8 0 0
E D 2 8 10 8 10 0 0
F D,E 1 10 11 10 11 0 0
G F 2 11 13 12 14 1 1
H F 2 11 13 12 14 1 1
I F 3 11 14 11 14 0 0
J G,H,I 1 14 15 14 15 0 0
K J 3 15 18 15 18 0 0
L J 2 15 17 16 18 1 1
M J 2 15 17 16 18 1 1
Updated CPM
6. Gantt chart
7. Introduction to Team member and their skill set
7.1 Iqra Sarwar (Team leader)
Her technical skills related to this project include:
8. Tools and Technology with reasoning
Tools Reason for Using
Technologies Reasons for Using
9. Vision Document
9.1. Introduction
With so many tourist destinations in Pakistan, it's hard to plan a trip that's sure to
be perfect. But, with tourPk, tourists will never have to worry about the perfect
vacation again! Whether they want to explore the peaks of the Karakoram Range or
the lush forests near Islamabad, we've got them covered.
tourPk is an online marketplace that will allow tourists to book tours and plans, as
well as create and share blog posts about their experiences. The platform will also
allow them to use our online payment system and other necessary features.
For tourists, the problem of finding the best tourism destination and booking for all
required services during a trip is cumbersome ; For new tourists it’s difficult to
explore the perfect spot for them. Hence, it becomes a time consuming activity to
plan a tour according to needs. A successful solution to this problem would be this
platform, tourPk.
TourPk is an ecommerce platform that fulfills all the needs of a tourist at one place.
Unlike other tourism sites such as, our product provides
responsive and user friendly UI for diverse users as well as a forum for users to
share their experiences and recommendations for other tourists. Only authorized
service providers can serve on the platform to ensure safety of users
their services. Our online booking system will facilitate users to book the desired
service or resource and pay for it online.
Some of the risks include time, natural disasters, market competition etc, as
discussed in section 10. With the objective to create a one stop shop for tourism, we
will implement the necessary requirements that a tourist has, as discussed in
section 11.4.
9.5. Constraints
9.5.1. Time
To develop this project in the due course of time is the major constraint. Extension
in deadline is not possible and the project would be descoped in case of any delay.
9.5.2. Scope
To consider this project to be successful, it must meet the scope specified in section
3. As there is a strict time constraint in this project, any activity leading to scope
creep is strictly mitigated as that will be detrimental for the success of the project.
9.5.3. Cost(Effort)
As for the time, available resources for this project are limited to 2 persons and a
limited effort they can put in. This project is constrained to be completed in these
limited resources.
9.5.4. Technology
MERN stack is the only choice for the development of this project. Tools and
technologies specified in section 1.7 are not subjected to any change.
9.5.5. Quality
Some of the goals that the system should meet are as follows.
● The system shall be able to meet the basic needs of the tourists according to
the specified objectives, i.e. capability should be ensured.
● The system shall be up and running 24/7. i.e availability should be ensured.
● The system shall have fault tolerance and be able to handle the unseen
implications. ie. system should be robust.
● The system shall be easy to use and intuitive to new users. i.e usability should
be ensured.
● The system shall be able to handle surge in the growth of system and user
base. i.e scalability should be ensured.
● The system shall preserve the privacy and confidentiality of the users, i.e.
security should be ensured.
10. Risk List
ID Risk statement Scope of Probability Impact Exposure Risk management plan Contingency plan
R1 Sharing of misleading business goals, 0.5 7 3.5 1. Allow users to report the Advanced content
information by tourists customer blog or a service monitoring system
and fake services by satisfaction 2. Allow users to share their
service providers review and comments
R2 In case of unforeseen functional area, 0.4 6 2.4 1. Develop a basic working Descope the project
events, deadlines might business goals version as early as possible,
not be met. and then improve
R3 Intense market business goals 0.2 4 0.8 1. Use of social media Consult marketing
competition and poor marketing experts
marketing strategies 2. Approach targeted
R4 External factors like business goals 0.1 5 0.5 1. Uncontrollable factor No plan
flood, pandemic etc will
immensely cause us to
lose our customers.
R5 Changing Government functional area, 0.1 3 0.3 1. Predict changes Accommodate the
policies about tourism business goals beforehand change
(i.e. the domain rules) 2. Consult a government
can make requirements personnel
11.1 Systems Specifications
11.1.1 Introduction:
We aim at developing an ecommerce platform that will allow tourists to book tour
packages or plans, as well as create and share blog posts about their experiences.
The platform will also allow them to use our online payment system and other
necessary features to plan their trip. It will provide better information regarding
travel agencies, sightseeing, food areas, hotels, and pictures to help people choose
destinations according to their interests.
11.1.4. Scope of the System:
Phase I
Phase II
● Online Booking
● Online Payment
● Blog post
● Help & support
When the website is loaded, a landing page is presented to the user, where he can
explore different features presented to tourists and service providers, and read blog
posts. A hierarchy of tourism spots is presented that contain different tourism spots
in the hierarchy of places. Hierarchy starts from the provincial level containing cities
inside them. For each city, famous tourism spots are the next stage of hierarchy.
Further, for each spot, available services providers are presented. They can be
hotels, restaurants, tourist guides, or travel agencies. This hierarchy is visible for
every end user.
Services CRUD
There are various service providers associated with our system that can provide
services according to their business area. The service providers will be any business
selling their services for tourists such as travel agencies, hotels, tour guides,
transportation companies etc. Each of them will be facilitated to manage their
They are allowed to modify their services at any time without any prior notice to the
users. Modifications will include changes in prices, service duration, services offered
in a package etc.At any time, they can also delete the specific service(s) or the
package(s) from their profile. A service provider can view all the current, past or
canceled bookings from the tourists.
To avail a service, users must be logged in. If a user is new to the website and
decides to continue, he has to sign up. To sign up users are required to provide an
email, password, username and specify whether he is tourist or service provider. If
the user is a tourist he can sign up successfully by specifying a unique email id,
username and valid password. If the user is a service provider a contact is presented
to the user. Users have to agree with it and sign the agreement to continue. If a user
signs the agreement, he can sign up by specifying a unique email id, username and
password. Before signing up, captcha verification is carried out to prevent cyber
scams. Also, users can’t enter an email, username that is already in use. If a user
enters a weak password, suggest a strong password. Or suggest a way to make a
strong password. After signing up, the user is instructed to complete his profile. If a
user already has an account, he can log in by providing a password and email or
username. If a user forgets his password, he can request for password reset. On
reset request, an auto generated email is sent to the user to reset the password.
Users can go to that link and reset their password. If a link is opened it expires
immediately as it is closed. User can’t again use that link to reset the password.
Online Booking
After a tourist selects his preferred service, he can book that service or package by
providing the details like the date or duration for availing them. They can also
request to cancel(feature) the booking within the specified cancellation duration
defined by a service provider. Only the privileged users are allowed to modify the
Online Payment
When a user books a service, he might want to pay online or might want to avail the
facility of paying onsite. If users choose to pay online, a number of payment methods
are presented to choose one of them. Examples of these payment methods are
JazzCash, EasyPaisa, Bank account and credit/debit card. The user should provide
required information to complete the booking.
Blog post
Inside the blog section, tourists and service providers can write their blogs and add
photography related to tourism. Tourists can write blogs about their experiences
with a specific service provider company or the tourism spots to help others in
choosing the right tourism plan and destination. Service providers can also write
blogs to showcase their services.
Help and support is provided for both service providers and tourists. This can be in
the form of FAQs, a form they can submit describing their issue to get help right
away. Admin will get in touch with the user via mail afterwards. Tourists can also
ask for help if they find any service a scam.
11.3. Context Level Data Flow Diagram
12 Tourist Tourists shall be able to delete their own blogs.
14 Tourist Tourists shall be able to ask for help from help & support.
15 Tourist Tourists shall be able to provide their reviews and comments about
22 Service provider A service provider shall be able to agree to a contract in order to sign
23 Service provider A service provider shall be able to add all the services to his profile
24 Service provider A service provider shall be able to modify the service(s) at any time.
27 Service provider A service provider shall be able to offer discounts to privileged users
26 Service provider A service provider shall be able to view all the current, past and
canceled booking(s) records associated with him.
28 Service provider A s A service provider shall be able to add package of their service(s)
29 Service provider A service provider shall be able to write a blog describing and
showcasing his service(s) using images.
30 Service provider A service provider shall be able to view all the blogs.
31 Service provider A service provider shall be able to update the blogs written by him.
32 Service provider A service provider shall be able to delete the blogs written by him.
34 Service provider A service provider shall be able to reset the password.
36 Service provider A service provider shall be able to delete the comment on blog
37 Service provider A service provider shall be able to edit the comment on blog
38 Service provider A service provider shall be able to view comments on the blog
39 Admin Admin shall be able to provide help and support to users i.e both
service providers and tourists
UC_1 Tourist Tourists shall be able to see the landing page, explore the UC_ExploreSite
hierarchy of tourism spots and view the services offered.
UC_2 Tourist Users shall be able to login/sign up and reset password. UC_loginSignUp
Latter shall be able to make a contract during signup.
UC_3 Tourist Tourists shall be able to book, cancel and report a UC_AvailServices
service; avail different packages on services.
UC_4 Tourist Users shall be able to ask for help from Admin, report UC_Help&Support
services and blogs as scam.
UC_6 Tourist Users shall be able to post, view, update, delete the blogs. UC_BlogPosts
UC_7 Tourist Users shall be able to add, update, view and, delete their UC_ReviewsAndCo
reviews and comments on services and blogs mments
UC_9 Service A service provider shall be able to view all the current, UC_View_Booking
provider past and canceled booking(s) records associated with
UC_11 Service A system shall be able to provide in-app plans to the UC_ServicePlans
provider tourists. Tourists shall be able to become privileged
users by availing these service plans.
3 Highest UC_1 Tourists shall be able to see the landing page, UC_ExploreSite
explore the hierarchy of tourism spots and view
the services offered.
4 Highest UC_3 Tourists shall be able to book, cancel and report UC_AvailServices
a service; avail different packages on services.
6 Medium UC_4 Users shall be able to ask for help from Admin, UC_Help&Support
report services and blogs as scam.
7 Medium UC_9 A service provider shall be able to view all the UC_View_Booking
current, past and canceled booking(s) records
associated with him.
8 Medium UC_6 Users shall be able to post, view, update, delete UC_BlogPosts
the blogs.
10 Lowest UC_7 Users shall be able to add, update, view and, UC_ReviewsAndCom
delete their reviews and comments on services ments
and blogs respectively.
help & support.
blog describing and showcasing his
service(s) using images.
11.8. High Level Use Case Diagram