The Simplest Examples Where The Simplex Method Cycles
The Simplest Examples Where The Simplex Method Cycles
The Simplest Examples Where The Simplex Method Cycles
This paper introduces a class of linear programming examples which cause the simplex method to cycle indenitely and which are the simplest possible examples showing this behaviour. The structure of examples from this class repeats after two iterations. Cycling is shown to occur for both the most negative reduced cost and steepest edge column selection criteria. In addition it is shown that the expand anti-cycling procedure of Gill et al. is not guaranteed to prevent cycling. Key words: Linear programming, simplex method, degeneracy, cycling, expand
Degeneracy in linear programming is of both theoretical and practical importance. It occurs whenever one or more of the basic variables is at its bound. An iteration of the simplex method may then fail to improve the objective function. The simple proof of niteness of the simplex algorithm relies on a strict improvement in the objective function at each iteration and the fact that the simplex method visits only basic solutions, of which there is a nite number. However if the problem is degenerate there is the possibility of a consecutive sequence of iterations occurring with no change in the objective function and with the eventual return to a previously encountered basis. Examples such as Beales [2] have been constructed to show that this can happen, though such examples do seem to be very rare in practice. A more common practical situation is where a long but nite sequence of iterations occurs without
1 2
the objective function improvinga situation called stallingand this can degrade the algorithms performance. A related issue is the behaviour of the simplex algorithm in the presence of roundo error. At a degenerate vertex there is a serious danger of selecting pivots that are small and have a high relative error. A wide range of methods have been suggested to avoid these problems. Lexicographic ordering: These methods are guaranteed to terminate in exact arithmetic but are often prohibitively expensive to implement for the revised simplex method and do not address the problem of inexact arithmetic. Primal-dual alternation: These methods were introduced by Balinski and Gomory [1] and have recently been developed by Fletcher [3,5,4]. Some of these methods guarantee to terminate in exact arithmetic and also exhibit good behaviour with inexact arithmetic. Constraint perturbation and feasible set enlargement: These methods attempt to reduce the likelyhood of cycling and also attempt to improve the numerical behaviour and reduce the number of iterations. The Devex and expand procedures described below are of this type. In addition it is claimed that stalling cannot occur with expand with exact arithmetic. Wolfes method is a recursive perturbation method which guarantees termination in exact arithmetic. In [10] Wolfe introduced a perturbation method which is guaranteed to terminate in a nite number of steps in exact arithmetic. In this method, whenever a degenerate vertex is encountered, the bounds producing the degeneracy are expanded in such a way that the current vertex is no longer degenerate. Other bounds on the basic variables are temporarily ignored. The simplex method works on this modied problem until an unbounded direction is found. If the bound expansion is random, it is highly unlikely that further degenerate vertices will be encountered before the unbounded direction is found. However if a further degenerate vertex is discovered, it is guaranteed to have fewer active constraints. The perturbation process is repeated and after a nite number of steps a non-degenerate vertex is reached with an unbounded direction. This direction is then used in the original problem to give an edge leading out of the degenerate vertex. It is not obvious how to extend this method to the case of inexact arithmetic, as there is then no obvious criterion for what constitutes a degenerate vertex. In [9] Harris introduced the Devex row selection method, which allowed small violations of the constraints and used the resulting exibility to choose the largest pivot. This has the advantage of both avoiding unnecessarily small pivots and reducing the number of iterations. The disadvantage is that the 2
constraints are violated and some steps are negative. The variable leaving the basis does not normally do so at one of its bounds, but is shifted to that value, resulting in inconsistent values for the basic variables. The method attempts to correct this inconsistency at regular intervals (usually after each reinversion) by doing a reset, in which the basic variable values are recalculated from the values of the nonbasic variables. This can produce infeasible values for the basic variables (i.e. outside the specied tolerance) so there is no guarantee that progress has been made. However the method seems to be eective in practice in reducing the number of iterations taken, and variants of it are used in some commercial codes. Gill et al [7] developed the expand method in an attempt to improve on the good features of the Devex method of Harris and also to incorporate some features of Wolfes method which guarantee nite termination. The performance of minos was signicantly improved by the incorporation of expand. At each iteration of the expand method the bounds are expanded by a small amount. As in Devex, the largest pivot that does not lead to any constraint violation (beyond the current expanded position) is chosen. If the normal step for the largest pivot is suciently positive, it is taken; otherwise a small positive step is taken. In all cases the variable values stay within their expanded bounds. Because at every iteration the nonbasic variable is moved a positive amount in the direction that improves the objective function, the objective can never return to a previous value so no previous solution can recur. In this paper we introduce and analyse the simplest possible class of cycling examples, the 2/6-cycle class. In Section 2 we present an example of this class which cycles when using the most negative reduced cost column selection criterion. In Section 3 the general form of such examples is derived. In Section 4 a variation of the example is introduced which cycles for the steepest-edge column selection rule. In Section 5 the behaviour of the expand procedure is analysed and a simple necessary and sucient condition is derived for indenite cycling to occur.
Introductory example
We rst solve the four variable, two constraint problem (1) by the simplex method. The analysis later in the paper shows how to derive examples of this form. The problem is unbounded. A bounded example with identical behaviour can be obtained by adding the upper bound constraints x1 1 and x2 1, either as implicit upper bounds or with one or more explicit constraints. The variable to enter the basis will be chosen by the most negative reduced cost criterion and, where there is a tie for the variable to leave the basis, the variable in the row with the largest pivot will be chosen. 3
Max z = 2.3x1 + 2.15x2 13.55x3 0.4x4 , subject to 0.4x1 + 0.2x2 1.4x3 0.2x4 0, 7.8x1 1.4x2 + 7.8x3 + 0.4x4 0, xj 0, j = 1 . . . 4.
After introducing slack variables x5 and x6 and writing the equations in detached coecient form we get tableau T (1) . All the variables are initially zero and will remain zero at every iteration. In the rst iteration x1 is chosen to enter the basis. There is only one positive entry in the x1 column, so there is a unique pivot choice with x5 leaving the basis. This basis change leads to tableau T (2) . In the second iteration x2 is chosen to enter the basis. In the normal ratio test there is a tie between x6 and x1 to leave the basis. Breaking the tie by using the larger pivot (as is normal for numerical stability) gives x6 to leave the basis, and the basis change yields tableau T (3) . x1 0.4 -7.8 x2 0.2 -1.4 x3 -1.4 7.8 x4 -0.2 0.4 0.4 -0.5 -3.5 2.5 19.5 5.75 -1.4 -0.2 7.8 0.4 0.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 x5 1.0 1.0 1.0 x6 z = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 T (3) T (2) T (1)
-2.3 -2.15 13.55 1.0 0.5 2.5 -1.0 1.0 1.0 -3.5 -19.5
Note that tableau T (3) is the same as tableau T (1) with the x variable columns shifted cyclically two columns to the right. It follows that this example will return to tableau T (1) after a further 4 iterations and therefore will cycle indenitely with a cycle length of 6. In this example there are only two sets of coecients: T (3) and T (5) are the same as T (1) with the x variable columns shifted cyclically 2 and 4 columns to the right, and T (4) and T (6) are the same as T (2) again shifted cyclically 2 and 4 columns to the right. We refer to such examples as 2/6-cycle examples. In this paper we restrict attention to 2/6cycle examples as they are more elegant and easier to analyse than 6/6-cycle examples, such as Beales example, which take 6 iterations to repeat the same coecients. All the results here are demonstrated for 2/6-cycle examples. However the 2/6 property is not needed for the results and indeed 6/6-cycle examples can be formed by perturbing the 2/6-cycle examples given in this paper. 4
The following analysis was used to construct the above example. Let the 3 6 matrix M (1) be formed from the x columns of T (1) as follows M (1) =
I 0
where A, B and I are 2 2 blocks of the constraint rows and a, b and 0 are 1 2 blocks of the objective row. To be able to pivot on the (1,1) and (2,2) entries in iterations 1 and 2, we require A to be non-singular. These pivoting operations yield tableau T (3) , whose submatrix formed from the x columns has the form M (3) =
I 0
A B b aA B
1 1
For the constraint pattern to repeat after these two iterations we require A = A1 B and B = A1 , which occurs if and only if A3 = I. This implies that the eigenvalues, , of A satisfy 3 = 1 (2 + + 1)( 1) = 0. (2)
For a 2 2 real matrix A there must either be 2 real eigenvalues or a complex conjugate pair. It follows from (2) that if A has real eigenvalues they must both have the value 1, in which case the 22 matrix polynomial A2 +A+I has two real eigenvalues of 3 and is therefore non-singular. Since (A I)(A2 + A + I) = A3 I = 0, it follows that A = I in this case. It is then easy to show that a = b = 0, which is of no interest as it corresponds to a zero cost row. The other possibility is that A has a complex conjugate pair of eigenvalues, and it follows from (2) that they must satisfy 2 + + 1 = 0. The characteristic equation of a general 2 2 matrix A is 2 (A11 + A22 ) + (A11 A22 A21 A12 ) = 0. (4) (3)
Equations (3) and (4) hold for the two distinct values of , so for a suitable 2/6-cycle example we require A11 + A22 = 1 and A11 A22 A21 A12 = 1. From these it follows that 5
x5 1
1 A11
1 ) A11
A21 A
1 A11
A12 A11
A21 (2 + A11 +
A12 (1 +
1 ) A11
Conversely, any 2 2 matrix such that A11 + A22 = 1 and (5) holds has characteristic equation (3). Since a matrix satises its own characteristic equation, A2 + A + I = 0, from which it follows that A3 = I. The objective function will repeat after 2 iterations if and only if baA1 B = a and b = aA1 . This occurs if and only if a(A2 + A + I) = 0, which holds for all a since A2 + A + I = 0. There is therefore no restriction on a. Since the scaling of the objective row is arbitrary we take a to have the form a = [1, ], where there is no restriction on the value of . It follows that there is a three parameter family of 2/6-cycle examples: the parameters can be chosen as , A11 and A12 . For arbitrary a, the vector b must satisfy b = aA1 . Since A is real and A3 = I, det(A) = 1. Hence B = A1 =
and b = [(A11 + 1) + A21 , A12 A11 ], and follows that the general form of M (1) and M (2) for the 2/6-cycle examples with the pivot sequence xed is as in Table 1. Proposition 1 summarises these results. 6
Proposition 1 Assume the cost row is nonzero and the 2/6-cycle pattern of pivots is selected. Then the necessary and sucient conditions for the coecient pattern to repeat after two iterations are that the coecients have the form given in tableau M (1) of Table 1, and that A11 , A21 and A12 satisfy (5). We now deduce the inequality relations that must be satised for the simplex method to select (1,1) and (2,2) as pivot elements. In order for (1,1) to be a pivot in tableau M (1) we require A11 > 0. (7)
From (5) and (7) it follows that A21 and A12 are nonzero and have opposite (2) A12 signs. If A21 is positive, A12 and hence A11 are negative, so entry M12 is negative and M22 is positive, which is just the situation in the numerical example shifted cyclically one column to the right and with rows 1 and 2 interchanged. Hence without loss of generality we can take A21 < 0, A12 > 0. (8) (9)
It follows that the rst row has the only positive entry in column 1 of M (1) and both constraint row entries in column 2 of M (2) are positive. Hence row 1 is the unique pivot candidate in iteration 1. There are two possible choices of pivot in column 2 of iteration 2. We shall use the largest pivot rule to break a tie. This rule chooses from the possible pivots the one of largest magnitude, and is the best choice from the point of view of numerical stability. To simplify the presentation we assume that if a tie remains after applying this rule, then the pivot in row 1 is chosen. This second tie-break rule therefore breaks the 2/6-cycle pattern if the pivot size criterion does not determine the pivot row. It follows that row 2 is the pivot choice in column 2 of iteration 2 if and only if 1 A12 > A12 < 1. A11 A11 We have therefore proved the following proposition. Proposition 2 If the conditions of Proposition 1 are met and row selection ties are resolved by choosing the largest pivot and the columns are selected in the 2/6-cycle order, then the necessary and sucient conditions for row 1 to be selected in odd iterations and row 2 in even iterations are 0 < A11 and 0 < A12 < 1. The conditions guaranteeing that column 1 is chosen in M (1) by the most negative reduced cost rule rather than column 2 or 3 are 7 (10)
(11) (12)
It follows from (7) and (8) that is negative. Column 1 is guaranteed to be chosen rather than column 4 if and only if 1 < A12 A11 < 1 A12 , A11
which is always true as this bound is positive by (7) and (10). In M (2) , column 5 has a positive cost entry so is not a candidate. The necessary and sucient conditions for column 2 to be a candidate and be guaranteed to be chosen rather that columns 3 or 4 are A12 , A11 (2 + A11 + A1 + 11 < 1 A21 A12 (1 + A2 ) 11 . < A11 + 1 < (13)
A12 ) A11
(14) (15)
Comparing (13) and (15) we see that (13) is redundant if A12 (1 + A2 ) A12 11 < A11 + 1 A11 A12 A11 2A12 < A11 A12 A12 A12 < 0, which is true by (9). Comparing (14) and (15), then using (8) and then (5), we see that (14) is redundant if A12 (1 + A2 ) (2 + A11 + A1 + A12 ) A11 11 11 < A11 + 1 1 A21 A12 (A11 + 2)(1 A21 ) > (A11 + 1)(2A11 + A2 + 1 + A12 ) 11 A12 (A11 + 2 A21 (A11 + 2) A11 1) > (A11 + 1)3 A12 A21 (A11 + 2) + A12 > (A11 + 1)3 (1 + A11 + A2 )(A11 + 2) + A12 > (A11 + 1)3 11 (A11 + 1)3 + 1 + A12 > (A11 + 1)3 1 + A12 > 0,
which (9) shows is true. Comparing (12) and (13), then using (8) and then (5), we see that (12) is redundant if A11 A12 < A12 A21 > A2 A2 + A11 + 1 > A2 , 11 11 11 A11 A21 8
which (7) shows is true. We have now shown that (12), (13) and (14) are redundant, so (15) is always the tightest upper bound. From this and (11) it follows that must lie in the range A12 (A11 + 2) , A11 (A11 + 1)
1 < <
and there is a positive gap between these bounds if and only if A12 (A11 + 2) A11 (A11 + 1) A11 + 1 . A11 + 2
1 <
If the left hand inequality in (16) is reversed, then column 2 will be chosen rather than column 1 in M (1) , and if the right hand inequality is reversed, then column 4 will be chosen instead of column 2 in M (2) . In either case the 2/6cycle pattern will be broken. If either inequality in (16) holds as an equality, then the most negative reduced cost rule does not uniquely determine the column to enter the basis. To simplify presentation we assume that when this occurs a choice is made which breaks the 2/6-cycle pattern. We have now proved the following proposition. Proposition 3 Assume that the the most negative reduced cost column selection rule and the largest pivot row degeneracy tie breaking rule are used. Then a 4 variable 2 constraint degenerate LP problem will have the 2/6-cycle pattern and cycle indenitely if and only if the conditions of Propositions 1 and 2 hold and in addition (16) holds (which implies (17)). The unshaded area in Figure 1 (ignoring the dashed constraint) shows the region where the problem cycles indenitely. Taking A11 = 0.4, A12 = 0.2 and = 2.15/2.3 and then scaling the objective row by 2.3, produces the example given in Section 2. A similar analysis to that leading to Proposition 1 for the case of a 2/4-cycle example shows that the cost row must be zero, so such examples cannot cycle. It is also straightforward to show that there can be no cycling examples with all pivots in the same constraint row, so there can be no problems with a single constraint. In the 2/6-cycle examples A12 and A21 must have dierent signs, so it follows from Table 1 that the even and odd iterations cannot be the same. Hence the 2/6-cycle examples are the simplest possible cycling examples. 9
A 12
1.0 A11 + 1
< A 11
(A + 2 )
In the previous sections the column was selected using the original Dantzig criterion of most negative reduced cost. In the steepest-edge method [8] the column is selected on the basis of the most negative ratio of the reduced cost to the length of the vector corresponding to a unit change in the nonbasic variable. This normally leads to a signicant reduction in the number of iterations. When steepest-edge column selection is used on the example in Section 2, column 2 is chosen in T (1) instead of column 1 and in the following iteration the problem is shown to be unbounded so the simplex method terminates in 2 iterations. However by adding an extra row which aects the steepest-edge weights but not the choice of pivot row, one can construct a steepest-edge cycling example. To preserve the 2/6-cycle pattern of the example, any extra constraints must behave like the objective row in that they must satisfy (6). We shall now construct an example that has a single candidate column in column 2 of T (2) . We do this by selecting so that the x4 objective coecient in T (2) is zero. It follows from Table 1 that the required value is = 1.75, and this results in the tableaux shown in Table 2, omitting the third rows. Note that column 1 would not now be selected in T (1) either by the most negative reduced cost criterion or by the steepest-edge criterion. We now introduce a constraint that will leave the steepest-edge weight of column 1 of T (1) unaltered but increase the weight of column 2. If the entries in this constraint are scaled up 10
Table 2 Cycling example with steepest-edge column selection x1 0.4 -7.8 0.0 -1.0 1.0 x2 0.2 -1.4 -20.0 -1.75 0.5 2.5 -20.0 -1.25 1.0 1.0 x3 -1.4 7.8 156.0 12.25 -3.5 -19.5 156.0 8.75 0.4 -7.8 0.0 -1.0 x4 -0.2 0.4 8.0 0.5 -0.5 -3.5 8.0 0.0 0.2 -1.4 -20.0 -1.75 2.5 19.5 0.0 2.5 -1.4 7.8 156.0 12.25 -0.2 0.4 8.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 x5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 x6 x7 I = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 T (3) T (2) T (1)
suciently, we can make steepest-edge choose column 1. Using a = [0, 20.0] and applying (6) we get the third row of tableau T (1) . We set the right-hand side of this constraint to 1, which ensures that this constraint is not involved in any of the pivot choices even when the matrix coecients are perturbed by a small amount. With this extra row added the steepest-edge reduced costs for columns 1 and 2 of T (1) are 0.127 and 0.087, which leads to the selection of column 1 as required.
The analysis given by Gill et al [7] of their expand procedure proves that the objective function can never return to a value it had at a previous iteration. The expand procedure however relaxes the constraints at each iteration, so the fact that the objective function continually improves does not prove that the method will not return to a previous basic solution. In Section 5.1 we describe the expand procedure and in Section 5.2 derive the necessary and sucient condition for cycling still to occur with the 2/6-cycle examples when using expand. We do this by deriving an expression for the values of every variable at every iteration, a task that is made tractable by the special structure of the 2/6-cycle examples. 11
5.1 The expand ratio test The expand approach to resolving degeneracy is described by Gill et al in [7] for the general bounded LP problem. The examples in this paper have single sided bounds and are of the form minimize subject to cT x Mx = b, x 0.
For simplicity, expand is discussed here for this problem. Assuming that all the variables are feasible (x 0), the standard ratio test for the simplex method determines the maximum step in the direction p corresponding to the pivotal column such that the variables remain feasible, that is x p 0. For each j, the step which zeroes xj is j = xj /pj if pj > 0, otherwise j = . The maximum feasible step is therefore = r = minj j and the variable to leave the basis is xr . expand is based on the use of an increasing primal feasibility tolerance . During a particular current simplex iteration, this tolerance has the value = + , where was the value of in the previous iteration. At the beginning of the current iteration each variable satises its expanded bound xj . Since < , it is always possible to ensure that > 0, so there is a strict decrease in the objective function. The expand ratio test makes two passes through the entries in the pivotal column p. The rst pass determines the maximum acceptable step max > 0 so that each basic variable satises its new expanded bound xj . The second pass determines a variable xr to leave the basis. xr is the variable with the largest acceptable pivot and is dened by xj /pj pj > 0 r = arg max pj such that j max where j = j j = otherwise. Dene full = r . This is the step necessary to zero xr . Note that if xr < 0 and pr > 0 then full will be negative. A minimum acceptable step min = pr is calculated. If xr = then this is the maximum step that can be taken whilst maintaining feasibility with respect to the new expanded bounds. The actual step returned by the expand ratio test is = max(min , full ). 12
We refer to these two alternative step sizes as the min and the full step. The initial values of the nonbasic variables are zero. In the 2/6-cycle examples the initial values of the basic variables are also zero. The initial value of the expanding feasibility tolerance is denoted by u, where u 0, and the tolerance during iteration n is denoted by un . It follows that un = u + n.
5.2 Conditions under which cycling occurs with the expand ratio test In this section we analyse the behaviour of the 2/6-cycle problems when using the expand ratio test and derive necessary and sucient conditions for the 2/6-cycle problems to cycle indenitely. The action of the expand ratio test depends on whether the iteration number is even or odd, so we consider separately the behaviour in iterations n = 2k +1 and n = 2k +2 for k 0. We assume that the pivot columns are selected in the 2/6-cycle order and derive necessary and sucient conditions for expand to select a pivot in the rst row in odd iterations and have a unique pivot in the second row in even iterations. We also show that the min step is taken when the pivot is in row 1 and the full step is taken when the pivot is in row 2. Let xn denote the value of xj at the start of iteration n. The subscripts of x j are calculated modulo 6. For iteration 2k + 1 the pivotal column is [ A11 A21 ]T and the values of the 2k+1 2k+1 basic variables at the start of the iteration are respectively x2k1 and x2k . Since A21 < 0 and A11 > 0, only x2k1 moves towards its bound, so it is the sole candidate to leave the basis. The second pass of the expand ratio test returns full = and if x2k+1 , 2k1 the min step will be taken so = . A11 (18) x2k+1 2k1 , A11
It follows that if (18) holds, the changes in variable values are as given in row 1 of Table 3. 13
For iteration 2k + 2 the pivotal column is [ A12 /A11 1/A11 ]T and the values of the basic variables at the start of the iteration are respectively x2k+2 and 2k+1 x2k+2 . Since A11 > 0 and A12 > 0, both variables move towards their bound. 2k The rst pass of the expand ratio test returns max = min x2k+2 + u2k+2 x2k+2 + u2k+2 2k+1 , 2k . A12 /A11 1/A11
A sucient condition for the pivot to be in row 2 is that A12 < 1 and that the pivot is acceptable. It is acceptable if and only if x2k+2 2k max 1/A11 A11 x2k+2 2k
Clearly x2k+2 < x2k+1 + u2k+2 , so the pivot in row 2 is acceptable if and only 2k 2k if A12 x2k+2 x2k+2 + u2k+2 . 2k 2k+1 Also, provided that x2k+2 2k (20) (19)
then full = A11 x2k+2 min = A11 , so the full step full is taken and the 2k expand ratio test returns = A11 x2k+2 . 2k Hence if (19) and (20) hold, then the changes in values are as given in row 2 of Table 3. From the changes in the values of variables given in Table 3, the expressions in Table 4 for the values of each variable over any two iterations are established by induction. To simplify notation we introduce the quantities sk and Sk dened by
k k
sk =
Ai , 11 sk = 0,
Sk =
Note that since A11 > 0, sk and Sk are nonnegative. Also Sk Sk1 = sk , for all k, sk = 1 + A11 sk1 , for all k 0. 14
n 2k + 1 2k + 2
Table 4. Expressions for the values of each variable over any two iterations.
sk =
Ai , 11
Sk =
(k + 1 i)Ai . 11
xn 2k+1 Sk2
xn 2k+5 (1 Sk ) 1 0
2k + 1
(1 Sk + u2k+1 )
1 A11
(1 Sk )
1 A11
Sk1 (1 + 1 ) A11
A21 sk A11 0 1 ( 1 A11 Sk2 + u2k+2 ) A11 A12 ( A21 sk + u2k+2 )A11 A11 ( 1 A11 Sk2 ) A11 A12 A21 sk
2k + 2
A21 A11
(1 +
(1 Sk+1 )
The expressions in Table 4 allow condition (19) to be expressed as Gk 0, where Gk for k 0 is dened by Gk = A12 A21 1 sk + Sk2 + u2k+2. A11 A11
A necessary and sucient condition on A11 for Gk 0 is established by considering Gk Gk+1 Gk A12 A21 = (sk+1 sk ) (Sk1 Sk2 ) + u2k+4 u2k+2 A11 1 + A11 + A2 k+1 11 A11 sk1 + 2 = A11 = (sk1 + Ak + Ak+1 + Ak+2 ) + 2 11 11 11 = sk+2 + 2.
1 It follows that Gk 0 sk+2 2. If 0 < A11 2 , then sk+2 increases to a limit s , where s 2. In this case Gk 0 for all k so Gk+1 Gk for 1 all k, and also G0 u + 1 > 0, so Gk > 0 for all k 0. If A11 > 2 , then there 2 exists an and K such that sk+2 > 2 + for all k K. It follows that for suitably large k, Gk < 0. Hence for positive A11 the necessary and sucient 1 conditions for Gk to be nonnegative for all k is that A11 2 .
Proposition 4 Assume that the conditions of Proposition 1 are met and the expand row selection method is used and the columns are selected in the 2/6cycle order. Then necessary and sucient conditions for cycling to occur are that 0 < A11 1 and 0 < A12 < 1. 2 Proof: Sucient conditions: We show by induction that the values of the variables at the start of odd iterations are as given in Table 4 and that these values lead to the correct choice of pivot row for the 2/6-cycle pattern. Initially all the variables have the value zero, so x1 = 0. Hence the values in j Table 4 are correct for n = 1. Assume now that for some k the values in Table 4 are correct at the start of iteration 2k + 1. In iteration 2k + 1, since sk is non-negative, x2k , so (18) holds and it 2k1 follows that the changes in the values of variables are as given by row 1 of Table 1. From this and (21) we get x2k+2 = A21 sk1 2k+6 A21 A11 16 (22)
A21 (A11 sk1 + 1) A11 A21 = sk . A11 = All the other values are straightforward, so we have deduced the values given in Table 4 at the start of iteration 2k + 2. Substituting these values into (19) we see that the pivot in row 2 is acceptable if and only if 1 A12 A21 sk Sk2 + u2k+2 , A11 A11
Ai 11
since A11 > 0 (7) and A12 < 1. Hence (20) holds, so the changes in the values of variables are as given in row 2 of Table 3. The new value for x2k+1 is given by x2k+3 = 2k+1 1 A12 A21 Sk2 + sk A11 A11 1 1 Sk2 sk sk A11 sk = A11 A11 1 1 Sk2 ( + sk1 ) sk (sk+1 1) = A11 A11 = (1 Sk+1 ),
which is the value given in Table 4. All the other values at the start of iteration 2k + 3 follow straightforwardly and are as shown in Table 4. These values are the values in Table 4 for k, with the k replaced by k + 1. This completes the induction and shows that the 2/6-cycle pattern continues indenitely. Necessary conditions: As discussed in Section 3, A11 > 0 and we can choose A12 > 0, in which case A21 < 0. Since x1 = 0, the rst iteration takes the min step and so x2 = /A11 . 5 1 The pivot in row 1 in iteration 2 is acceptable if A11 max A11 A12 A21 + (u + 2) A12 A11 17
1 + 1 + A11 + u + 2, A11
which is true. Hence if A12 > 1, the pivot will be in row 1 in iteration 2 and 1 the 2/6-cycle pattern will be broken. If A11 > 2 , then the argument prior to Proposition 4 shows there is a rst value of k, K say, such that GK < 0. As shown above, for all k < K the 2/6-cycle pattern is maintained and the variable values are as in Table 4. Therefore in iteration 2K the pivot in row 2 is not acceptable, so the pivot must be in row 1. This breaks the 2/6-cycle pattern. 2 The conditions derived in Section 3 for the minimum reduced cost criterion to choose pivot columns in the 2/6-cycle pattern relied on the conditions A11 > 0 and 0 < A12 < 1. These conditions have been established in Proposition 4 for the case of expand row selection, so it follows that (16) and (17) still hold. 1 3 From (17) and the fact that A11 2 it follows that A12 < 10 , which is tighter that A12 < 1, which is therefore redundant. We have now shown the following proposition. Proposition 5 A 4 variable 2 constraint degenerate LP problem will have the 2/6-cycle pattern and cycle indenitely when using the most negative reduced cost column selection rule and the expand row selection rule if and only if 1 the conditions of Proposition 1 hold and in addition 0 < A11 2 , 0 < A12 and (16) holds (which implies relation (17)). The shaded area in Figure 1 including the A11 1 constraint is the region 2 where cycling occurs when using expand. Note that the constraint A12 < 1 is now redundant. Also note that in the example (1), A11 = 0.4 < 0.5, so that example also cycles with expand. Finally note that the only way that expand can escape from the 2/6-cycle pattern is for it to select the rst row as pivot row in an even iteration, and if this occurs the resulting tableau has the form x1
A12 A11
x2 1 0 0
A21 A11
x3 A12 A11 +
1 A12 1 A12 1 A11 A12
x4 1 1
1 A12
x6 0 1 0
A1 12 1 A11 A12
A21 A11
1 A11 A12
A 12
The constraint entries in the third and fourth columns are all negative and the objective function coecients in all except these columns are nonnegative. Since the problem is unbounded we cannot be at an optimum, so one of these columns must be chosen. The next iteration will then produce an unbounded 18
step and the method will terminate. The above results are independent of the expand parameters u and . In [7] it is suggested that the initial tolerance u be taken to be half of the feasibility tolerance f to which the problem is to be solved. The value of is chosen so that after a large number of iterations (typically K = 10000) the expanded tolerance approaches f , at which stage is reset to its original value i . If this is done with the 2/6-cycle examples after an even iteration, then the problem returns to its initial state. If it is done after an odd iteration then it returns to the even iteration case but with the values all zero. It can be shown that in this case too the problem cycles, so that in neither case does resetting break the cycle pattern.
We have derived a three-parameter class of linear programming examples which cause the simplex method to cycle indenitely. When written in standard form, these examples have two constraints and 6 variables and the coecient pattern repeats every two iterations. These are the simplest possible examples for which the simplex algorithm cycles. We have derived 4 inequalities between the parameters and shown that these are the necessary and sucient conditions for members of this class to cycle with Dantzigs form of the simplex method. We have shown how to extend the examples so that they also cycle when the steepest-edge column selection criterion is used. By adding the single bound, A11 1 , we were able to characterise the examples that also 2 cycle using the expand row-selection mechanism. This shows that despite the fact that in the expand method the objective function is guaranteed to improve each iteration, the method is not guaranteed to prevent cycling. The cycling behaviour is independent of the expand tolerance parameters. The bound A11 1 is the only extra condition that had to be applied to ensure 2 that an example which would cycle under the usual Dantzig rule, with largest pivot as the tie-breaker, would also cycle using expand. This extra bound does reduce somewhat the number of cases that cycle, but does not eliminate the problem. Also the reduction is for problems where the degeneracy is exact. For problems which are close to degenerate expand may cycle whereas the original simplex method in exact arithmetic will not. All the coecients in the examples (not just the 3 parameters) may be perturbed simultaneously by any small amount without destroying the cycling behaviour. The 2/6-cycle examples are therefore just points in a full dimensional set of counter-examples, so there is a positive probability of encountering cycling in randomly generated degenerate examples. In practice therefore the expand procedure cannot be relied upon to prevent cycling. Provided we stay 19
within the class of the degenerate problems (i.e. keep the right-hand side 0) it is possible to vary the other coecients by a signicant amount. Indeed we have constructed examples where the values are totally dierent every 2 iterations and yet indenite cycling still occurs with expand. The examples have been tested on our own implementation of expand and using minos 5.4, which was written by the authors of expand. In both cases if no preprocessing is done the examples cycle indenitely. minos periodically does a reset operation (by default after 10000 iterations). This returns the problem to its initial state so cycling is still indenite. osl [6] uses some techniques from expand. In the examples in this paper, osl 2.0 without scaling or preprocessing and with Dantzig pricing cycles for 30 iterations before reporting doing a perturbation, but it then continues to cycle indenitely. cplex 4.0.7 without scaling or preprocessing cycles for 400 iterations before resolving the degeneracy by introducing a large perturbation. xpressmp 7.14 without scaling and with an even invert frequency cycles indenitely. However the bqpd code of Fletcher [4] detects degeneracy at the start of the rst iteration, changes to the dual, does one pivot, then nds that the dual is infeasible. This gives an improving direction in the primal, which resolves the degeneracy. Finally, bqpd detect unboundedness in this direction and terminates, having done one pivot in total.
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