2 Comparatives, Should
2 Comparatives, Should
2 Comparatives, Should
Possessive Pronouns
Making Comparisons, Advice, Expressing Opinions, Agreement and
Vocabulary Preview
1. Should I buy a used car or a new car? 3. Should she buy a dog or a cat? 5. Should she take a course with
(used – cheap) (dog – friendly) Professor Blake or Professor Drake?
(Blake – intelligent)
2. Should he go out with Ellen or Helen? 4. Should I vote for Linda Lee or
(Ellen – interesting) Gary Green? 6. Should they plant flowers or
( Linda Lee – honest) vegetables this spring?
(Flowers – pretty)
A. Should I buy a bicycle or a motorcycle?
B. I think you should buy a bicycle.
A. Why? 12. Should I buy a notebook computer or a
B. Bicycles are safer than motorcycles. desktop computer?
(Notebook – convenient)
7. Should we buy this fan or that fan?
(This fan – quiet) 13. Should I hire Ms. Parker or Ms. Jones?
(Ms. Parker – capable)
8. Should she buy these earrings or those earrings?
(These – attractive) 14. Should I fire Mr. Mason or Mr. Grimes?
(Mr. Mason – lazy)
9. Should he take piano lessons with Mrs. Clark or
Miss Smith? 15. Should we rent this movie or that movie?
(Mrs. Clark – talented) (This movie – exciting)
Listen and choose what people are talking about.
3. my boss 7. my garden
Your boss Your garden
But Brownsville changed. Today the streets aren't as The Taylors miss Brownsville.
clean as they used to be. The parks aren't as safe as Even though they're now living in Newport,
they used to be. The bus system isn't as reliable as it Brownsville will always be their real home.
used to be. And the schools aren't as good as they
used to be.
*Practice conversations on this page, using these expressions for agreeing and disagreeing.
1. A) I think New
York is more interesting than Los Angeles. 2. A) In my opinion, the wheater in
B) I disagree. I think Los Honolulu is better than the weather in Miami.
Angeles is much more interesting than New B) I don't think so. I think the weather in
York. Miami is better than the weather in Honolulu.
3. A) In my opinion, the people in Centerville aren't Practice conversations with other students. Compare
as friendly as the people in Greenville. different places you know. Talk about...
B) I agree. But the people in Centerville are more The streets (quiet, safe, clean, wide, busy)
interesting. The buildings (tall, modern, attractive)
A) I think so, too. The weather (cold, cool, warm, hot, rainy, snowy)
Pronunciation – Yes/No questions with or
Listen. Then say it. Say it. Then listen.