Portland Cement Assoc Concrete Masonry Handbook 19510001
Portland Cement Assoc Concrete Masonry Handbook 19510001
Portland Cement Assoc Concrete Masonry Handbook 19510001
* Architects
* Engineers
* Builders
Floyd Mansberger
Fever River Research
concrete for permanence
• Engineers
• Builders
The activities of the Portland Cement Association, a national organization, are limited to scientific research, the development of new or improved products and methods,
technical service, promotion and educational effort {including safety work), and are primarily designed to improve and extend the uses of potiland cement and concrete. The
manifold program of the Association and its varied services to cement users are made possible by the financial support of over 65 member companies in the United States
and Canada, engaged in the manufacture and sale of a very large proportion of all portland cement used in these two countries. A current list of member companies will
be furnished on request.
Copyright, 1951 , Portland Cement Association
SECTION I Heavyweight and Lightweight Units 5
Solid and Hollow Units . . 5
CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS Specifications and Codes. . , 5
Color and Surface Texture 3
List of Tables
Table • Page
3 Typical FHA Heat Transmission Coefficient Limitations for Walls for One or Two Living Units 12
6 Relation Between Sound Transmission Loss Through a Wall and Hearing Conditions on Quiet Side.... 16
1 1 Allowable Height and Minimum Nominal Thickness for Concrete Masonry Bearing Walls 21
13 Number of Concrete Block, Brick and Mortar Required for 100 Sq. Ft. of Faced Wall 22
The drawings in this and should not be used as working drawings. They are intended to be helpful
publication are typical designs
in be adapted to local conditions and should conform with legal requirements. Working
the preparation of complete plans which should
drawings should be prepared and approved by a qualified engineer or architect.
• Concrete floor units corner, double corner or pier, jamb, header, bull nose,
Concrete masonry building units are designated as partition, and concrete floor units. All are made in both
1. Hollow load-bearing concrete block full- and half-length units. Various sizes and shapes are
2. Solid load-bearing concrete block illustrated in Fig. 1.
3. Hollow non-load-bearing concrete block Concrete unit sizes are usually referred to by their
4. Concrete building tile nominal dimensions. Thus, a unit measuring 1% in.
5. Concrete brick wide, 1% in. high, and 15^8 in- long is known as an
8x8xl6-in. unit. When it is laid in a wall with %-m.
Heavyweight and Lightweight Units mortar occupy a space exactly 16
joints, this unit will
The five types of units listed above are regularly made in. long and 8 in. is in accordance with the
high. This
with either heavyweight or lightweight aggregates and modular coordination of design based on a 4-in. module.
are known as heavyweight and lightweight units In addition, there is a wide variety of non-modular size
respectively. A
hollow load-bearing concrete block of units.
8x8xl6-in. nominal size will weigh from approximately Manufacturers will supply a schedule of the sizes and
40 to 50 lb. when made with heavyweight aggregate, shapes which they have available. Architects are urged to
and from 25 to 35 lb. when made with lightweight aggre- determine in advance the sixes of units which are available for
gate. Heavyweight units are made with such aggregates the proposed construction.
as sand, gravel, crushed stone and air-cooled slag. Light-
weight units are made with coal cinders, expanded shale, Specifications and Codes
clay or slag, and natural lightweight materials such as Concrete masonry units are made to comply with the
volcanic cinders, pumice and scoria. Heavyweight and requirements of local building codes, Federal Specifica-
lightweight units are used for all types of masonry con- tions, or the applicable specifications of the American
struction. Whether the designer or builder chooses Society for Testing Materials or other specifying agen-
heavyweight or lightweight units generally depends on cies. A summary of some of these specifications covering
their availability and the requirements of the structure requirements such as compressive strength, absorption
under consideration. and moisture content is given in Table 1.
Typical Shapes and Sizes of Concrete Masonry Units
Dimensions shown are actuat unit sizes, k 7q? x x I5% unit is commonly
known as an 6" x 6"x 1&" concrete block.
Half length units are usually available for most of the units shown below. See
concrete products manufacturer for shapes and sizes of units locally available.
Full Cut Header Half Cut Header Solid Top Stretcher 4"or 6" Partition BeamorLintel
C Z core)
(In some areas the above units are available in 4" nominal heights)
Figure 1.
TABLE I—Summary of Physical Requirements for Various Types of Concrete Masonry Units
Compressive strength,
minimum, psi, Water absorption, Moisture content,
Specification, serial Minimum face- average gross area maximum, lb. per maximum, per cent of
a^sigriCfTiOii/ una iqtc&t rkpll thick r\f**< of concrete,
cu.ft. total absorption,
revised date in. Average Individual average of 5 units average of 5 units
of 5 units unit
1 A
or over:
Hollow load-bearing Grade A a c » 1000 800 15 40
concrete units Grade B b c .
700 600 40
ASTM C90,1952 Under VA and over A
3 1000 800 15 40
Hollow non-load-bearing
concrete masonry units Not less than V? 350 300 40
ASTM CI 29, 1952
Average of
Brick; concrete 5 brick Individual
Federal SS-B-663, 1932
H— Hard 600+ 400 7 oz. 9.5 oz. 30
M— Medium 450-600 300 8 or. 10 oz. 30
S-Soft 300-450 200 no limit no limit 30
below grade and for unprotected exterior walls above grade that may be exposed to frost action.
a For use in exterior wails
b For general use above grade in walls not subjected to frost action or where protected from the weather with two coats of portland cement paint or
other satisfactory waterproofing treatment approved by the purchaser.
c RegardIess of the grade of unit used, protective coatings such as portland cement paint may be desirable on exterior walls for waterproofing purposes.
In this connection purchasers should be guided by local experience and the manufacturer's recommendations.
d Units with 75 per cent or more net area. The classification is based on strength.
e Brick intended for use where exposed to temperature below freezing in the presence of moisture.
Brick intended for use as back-up or interior masonry.
Compressive strength requirements provide a measure walls. Hence, it is important that architects and builders
of concrete masonry's capacity to carry loads and with- insist that the units used be dried down to at least the
stand structural stresses with an adequate factor of safety . moisture content limitations of applicable specifications.
The absorption requirements provide a measure of the Where concrete masonry walls will be exposed to low
density of the concrete. The moisture content require- relative humidities, such as may be found in interiors cf
ments are intended to indicate whether the unit is suffi- heated buildings or in areas of the country having excep-
ciently dry for use in wall construction. In common with tionally dry climates, it is desirable that the block, at
a number of building materials, concrete shrinks slightly the time of laying, be dried down to approximately the
with the loss of moisture down to an air-dry condition. average air-dry condition to which the finished walls
When moist units are placed in a wall and this natural will be exposed in service.
shrinkage is restrained, as it often is, tensile and shearing An inexpensive and efficient device for drying block
stresses are developed which may cause cracks in the consists of a combination oil or gas burning heater and
Fig. 2 — A suggested method for drying concrete block. It can be used indoors or outdoors at plant or job site.
blower (see Fig. 2). Block are stacked on their sides in Concrete masonry units stored on the job site should
front of the heater and blower to permit air to be blown be protected against wetting by rain or snow.
through the cores. Block courses are separated vertically
with lx2-in. wood strips and are spaced 1 in. apart hori-
zontally to aid free circulation of air around each unit.
Color and Surface Texture
Experience will show how large a stack of block can be Some variation in color and texture is often desirable
dried at one time. As a trial setup, it is suggested the for appearance. However, concrete masonry units used
stack be 4 block wide, 6 courses high and 16 ft. long. A in constructing exposed walls should be free from stains
light tarpaulin-covered framework 6 in. higher, 12 in. and discoloration, blemishes or defects which would de-
wider, and as long as the stack of block plus the length tract from the desired appearance of the finished wall.
of the blower unit provides satisfactory housing for the Variation in texture is obtained by controlling the grada-
drying device. This method of drying works equally tion of aggregate and other operations in the manufac-
well indoors or outdoors and can readily be used in the ture of the units. Hence, surface textures can be made
plant or at the job site. fine, medium coarse or coarse according to requirements.
j^ uilding codes and specifications govern the maxi- safetywhen using concrete masonry units complying
fj mum allowable compressive working stress on all with the compressive strength requirements of specifica-
types of masonry construction. Maximum allowable com- tions shown in Table 1.
pressiveworking stresses in walls constructed of hollow Comprehensive tests conducted by the University of
concrete masonry units, as specified in the American Illinois* and by the Portland Cement Association** have
Standard Building Code Requirements for Masonry ap- established the relationship between the compressive
proved by the American Standards Association, and in strength of hollow concrete masonry units and the walls
the National Building Code recommended by the National in which they are laid. These tests disclosed that the
Board of Fire Underwriters, are 70 psi for walls laid up compressive strength of axially loaded walls in pounds
with the mortars shown in Table 15, page 26, for ordinary
service and 85 psi for the mortars shown for walls sub- ""'Strength and Stability of Concrete Masonry Walls, " by F. E. Richart,
R. B. B. Moorman and P. M. Wood worth, University of Illinois,
ject to extremely heavy loads, etc.
Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin No. 251
Materials Testing Laboratory of University of Illinois tests Concrete masonry wall being tested for flexural strength
compressive strength of concrete masonry walls. at University of Illinois,
TABLE 2—Coefficients of Heat Transmission (U) for Various Wails
Interior finish
10-in. wall of two 4-in. sand and gravel or limestone units fl 1A 0.33 0.24 0.18
4-in. sand and gravel or limestone unit 0.53 0.49 0.31 0.23
4-in. cinder, expanded slag, clay or shale unit 0.44 0.42 0.28 0.21
4-in. sand and gravel or limestone unit 0.45 0.42 0.28 0.21
4-in. cinder, expanded slag, clay or shale unit 0.38 0.36 0.26 0.19
8- in. sand and gravel or limestone unit 0.37 0.35 0.25 0.19
brick 8-in. cinder, expanded slag, clay or shale unit 0.28 0.27 0.2D 0.16
8-in. common brick 0.31 0.30 0.22 0.17
Wood wood siding, 1-in. wood sheathing, 2x4 studs, wood lath
frame and plaster 0.25 0.24 0.19
*AII concretemasonry shown in this table are hollow units All concrete masonry wall surfaces exposed to the weather have two coats of portland
cement base paint. Surfaces of all walls exposed to the weather subject to a wind velocity of 15 miles per hour.
**Values based on dry insulation. The use of vapor barriers or other precautions must be considered to keep insulation dry.
Full mortar bedding Face-shell mortar bedding
Fig, —
3 Examples of full bedding and face-shell mortar
insulation values (heat transmission If) for various types F. and humidity of 60 per cent, the dew point
a relative
of concrete masonry walls as well as for other types of is 55-6 deg. F. To prevent condensation under these con-
common wall construction. The overall coefficient of ditions, wall surface temperatures must be kept above
heat transmission U represents the amount of heat trans- 55.6 deg. F.
mitted in British thermal units (Btu) per hour, per square Information on calculating heat losses and wall tem-
foot of wall, for each degree difference in temperature peratures for many other types of wall construction is
(Fahrenheit) between the air on the warm and cool sides contained in the Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning
of the wall. A study of the table will show how the in- Guide published by the American Society of Heating and
sulating value of concrete masonry walls is affected by Ventilating Engineers. Similar information as it applies
type of construction, type of aggregate used, kind of wall to concrete masonry walls is given in the paper "Thermal
finish, insulating fill in cores and by air spaces, etc. Insulation of Concrete Homes,"** and in How to Calculate
Heat Transmission Coefficients and Vapor Condensation Tem-
Controlling Condensation on Walls peratures of Concrete Masonry Walls published by the Port-
Wall insulation helps prevent condensation on the land Cement Association. Table 3 gives typical maximum
interior surfaces of outside walls. Just as a pitcher of U values specified by the Federal Housing Administration
cold water will sweat on a humid day, so may conden-
sation occur in any type of construction —brick, wood, * "Thermal Properties
metal, stone or concrete — if sufficient insulation is not
of Concrete Construction," by F. B. Rowley,
A. B. Algren and C. C. Carlson, Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning,
provided. Sweating occurs when the surface temperature January 1936. "Thermal Properties of Concrete Construction (Part 2),"
by F. B. Rowley, A. B. Algren and Robert Lander, Heating, Piping and
of a wall below the dew point of the air. The dew
falls Air Conditioning, November 1936.
point at which condensation takes place varies with the **Journal, American Concrete Institute, Vol. 19, No. 9, p. 849.
TABLE 3—Typical FHA Heat Transmission
Coefficient Limitations for Walls for
One or Two Living Units
Overall coefficient of heat
FHA Insuring office
transmission (CI factor)*
Natural, by-product,
and processed, except
[those listed below 1% 1 VA I m
Burned cfay or shale VA 1 1% 1
Pumice VA 1
*The minimum face shell for the largest core hole at the thinnest point. This may be the average of the two face shells in the same core. The end and
internal webs in each core hole at the thinnest point.
**Class D-2 includes units classified as at least 2-hour, but less than 3-hour retardants. Class C-3 includes units classified as at least 3-hour, but less than
4-hour retardants. Class B-4 includes units classified as at least 4-hour, but less than 8-hour retardants.
hour test. Bearing walls undergoing a fire test also carry Sound Absorbing Value of Concrete Masonry
a working load of 80 psi on the gross cross-sectional area
Architects and builders are devoting more attention
of the wall.
to the reduction of noises in buildings to increase the
With concrete masonry walls and partitions the critical
efficiency and comfort of the occupants. Because of this
feature in determining the fire resistance rating under the
trend, investigations have been made to determine the
fire test is usually its resistance to heat transmission
sound absorbing values of various materials. Results
measured by the rise in temperature on the unexposed
have indicated that concrete masonry units having open
surface. However, with some constructions, the critical
surface textures will absorb sound readily.
feature may
be the load-carrying ability under fire ex-
posure or the ability to withstand the impact, eroding Sound waves upon striking a surface are partly re-
and cooling action of a fire hose stream applied to the flected, absorbed and transmitted in varying amounts
hot face of the wall at the conclusion of the fire exposure. depending upon the character of the surface. A smooth
Below —
Walls of this high school gymnasium and assembly room are
faced with sound-absorbing concrete masonry. Right Quietness and —
beauty are achieved in this church with walls of concrete masonry.
Fig. 4 —Concrete masonry units made with either lightweight or heavyweight aggregates can have similar sound absorption
coefficients. A coefficient of 0.68, for example, means that 68 per cent of the incident sound will be absorbed at each reflection.
dense surface, such as hard plaster or glass, will absorb Fig. 5 shows how paint applied to concrete masonry
only about 3 per cent of the sound that strikes it, Ex- tends to close the surface pores and thus reduce its value
posed concrete masonry walls built with the ordinary forsound control. Spray painting has less effect in closing
commercial run of block will absorb between 18 and 68 pores of masonry than brush painting. Oil paints generally
per cent of the sound. Any material that will absorb 15 will reduce sound absorptivity more than cement base
per cent or more is considered useful for sound control. paints.
Concrete masonry made from almost any type of aggre-
gate can have practically any kind of surface texture by Sound Transmission Through
careful control of the aggregate gradation, the mix, the Concrete Masonry Walls
amount of water used in the mixture and the degree of The demand for quiet rooms in hotels, apartment build-
compaction at the time of molding. Fig. 4 shows that ings, hospitals, schools and office buildings where noises
concrete masonry units made with lightweight or heavy- from the street or from adjacent rooms would be objection-
weight aggregates can have similar surface textures with able has led to the use of construction materials that re-
corresponding similar ranges in sound absorption values. sist the transmission of sound.
Unpointed One coat of portland cement point
vw - # wU *7x%. f
Coefficient 0.19
Concrete masonry walls provide sound absorption and resistance to sound transmission — qualities sought in modern schools.
Walls of this attractive office
are constructed of exposed,
sound-absorbing concrete
block laid in a stacked pattern.
In Table 5 are data showing reduction in sound trans- room whereby loud speech in an adjoining
condition in a
mission through walls of hollow concrete masonry. room cannot be understood although it can be heard
Table 6 shows relation between sound transmission loss faintly. Table 6 indicates that a wall having a sound
through a wall and the hearing conditions on the quiet reduction factor of 40 to 45 decibels will be required.
side. The following example shows how these data can Table 5 indicates that several types of walls have these or
be used. Assume that it is necessary to provide a hearing higher reduction factors.
TABLE 5 Reduction Factors in Sound
Transmission Through Wails of Hollow TABLE 6 —Relation Between Sound
Concrete Masonry Transmission Loss Through a Wall and
Weight Average
per sq.ft. reduction
Hearing Conditions on Quiet Side*
Walls of hollow concrete masonry
of wall factor,
area, lb. decibels
Transmission loss
3" Cinder,
W plasteron both sides 3
Cinder, Vz" plaster on both sides 8
In decibels
Hearing condition Rating
4" Cinder, V
platter* 32.3 47.0 30 or less Normal speech can be un- Poor
8 * Expanded slag, 1 " plaster 11 56.0 52.6 derstood quite easily and
4" Celocrete, W
plaster on both sides 6
8" Celocrete, un plastered 6
distinctly through the wall.
8" Celocrete, W
plaster on both sides c
Cavity wall, two 4" Celocrete, V%" plaster on
40.0 52.9 30 to 35 Loud speech can be under-
stood fairly well. Normal
4" Waylite, unpainted* 16.5 33.2 full volume can be heard practice rooms,
4" Waylite, 2 coats cement paint each side 6 16.5 46.7 only faintly or not at all. radio and sound
6 Waylite, unpainted 6 21.0 39.7 studios.
6" Waylite, 2 coats cement paint each side 6 21.0 52.2
Cavity wall, two 3" Waylite, %" plaster on
*This table is based on the assumption that a noise corresponding to 30
one unexposed face 6 17.0 56.1
decibels continuously present on the listening side and that noises pass
"National Bureau of Standards Report BMS17 ing through the wall are audible despite this noise level. A decibel is
b Data reported in Acoustics and Architecture by Paul E. Sabine roughly equivalent to the smallest change in sound energy that the
e Tests conducted at Riverbank Laboratories average ear can detect and 30 decibels corresponds approximately to
'National Bureau of Standards Supplement to Report BMS17 the average background noise in a quiet apartment.
^vesign and construction of concrete masonry build- should be designed to be in multiples of 8 in. In those
JLJ ings must conform to applicable local building sections of the country where units nominally 8 in. wide,
codes. In areas having no building codes the designer can 4 high and 16 in. long are used, the horizontal di-
be guided by the provisions of the American Standard mensions should be planned to be in multiples of 8 in.
Building Code Requirements for Masonry, A41. 1-1944, (half-length units) and the vertical dimensions in multi-
prepared by the American Standards Association. A ples of 4 in. Where the thickness of the wall is greater or
summary of the principal requirements of this code as less than the length of a half unit, a special length unit is
they apply to concrete masonry is given on pages 18 to 19. required at each corner in each course (see drawings on
page 59). It is recommended that the designer obtain
Designing Walls to Avoid Cutting schedules of the sizes of concrete masonry units locally
Units on Job available
To achieve economy in construction, concrete masonry
walls should be laid out to make maximum use of full- Wrgng Right
and half-length This minimizes cutting and
of units on the job
—operations which slow up construc-
fitting 1
vhdm. i
1 1
V. 1 1
1 1 1,1 1,1
should be planned to use full- and half-sized units which 1
are commonly carried in stock (see Fig. 6). Full ad- I I I 1
length units, and all vertical dimensions will be multiples Plan Plan
of nominal full-height units. Thus, with the nominal Fig, 6 —
Examples of wrong and right planning of concrete
8x8xl6-in. block, both horizontal and vertical dimensions masonry wall openings.
Nominal length of concrete masonry walls Nominal height of concrete masonry walls
No. of
Units \5Vz" long and
half units 7 5/s " long
Units 1 W long and
half units 5 5/s" long
No. of
M.U. tT5/
uniTs "78
" ktnh Hn«l
mgn ana
thick bed joint
/& llnS*c o /a nign
thick bed joint
— — J 3/,"
kink ana /%
Willi 3/Q
with /r" thick
11 V IV
I 1 head
II vUU with
Willi 3/O
/h" Tthick
II llilk head
joints. [oints. 1
8" A"
2 l' A"
1 r 4" 1'0 3 2' 0" 1'0"
VA l'
2 2B" 2' 0'' 4 2' 8" 1' 4'
5 3 4 1 o
VA 3' 4" 2' 6" 6 4'0" 2' 0"
3 4' 0" 3' 0"
3V2 4' 8" 3' 6" 7 4' 8 V 2' 4"
10' 0"
10 13' A"
commodate various sizes of wood window frames. With
ioy2 14' 0" 10' 6"
IT 14' 8" 110" metal sash it may be necessary to provide metal surrounds
to fit them into modular concrete masonry openings.
15' A" 11' 6"
12 16' 0" 12' 0"
16' 8"
T2V2 12' 6
Summary of American Standard Building Code
13 17' 4" 13' 0"
13!/2 18' 0" 13' 6" Requirements for Masonry, A4I.I-I944*
14 18' 8" 14' 0"
General Requirements
14' 6"
141/2 19' 4
0'' 15'0" 1. The thickness of any wall must be sufficient at all points to
15 20'
20 26' 8* 20' 0" keep the combined stresses due to live, dead and other loads for
which the building is designed, within the prescribed limits.
Dimensioning Concrete Masonry Walls 2 Va -in. thickness of masonry material, such as concrete brick, clay
brick, sand-lime brick, stone, terra cotta or structural clay tile)
Tables 7 and 8 show the number of full- and half- have the same allowable heights and thickness as shown for all
Dimensions are in accordance with modular planning. (b) Nonhealing Walls, Allowable height and minimum wall
The location width and height of openings
as well as the thickness for nonbearing walls are the same as for walls shown in
b -Modul e li nes - 1 jse 8" TO dules with bio %
1 /
f -t
3^ V" 5 3
- ?nio" —
P - A
Fig. 7 —
Showing how concrete masonry walls are dimensioned on drawings for modular planning using nominal
dimensions. Enlarged details at corner and jamb (usually not shown on drawings) show how block are actually laid
in the wall.
Table 1 1 except that the wall thickness may be 4 in. less. Minimum (d) Parapet Wails. Allowable height Is limited to four times the
thickness isnominally 8 in., except that 6-in. walls may be used for thickness unless laterally supported. In residences and in buildings
one-story single-family dwellings and one-story private garages in which 8-in. walls are permitted, parapets are not less than 8 in.
when not more than 9 ft. in height, with an allowance of 6 ft. addi- thick; in all other buildings parapets are not less than 12 in, thick.
tional for gable.
(c) Nonbearing Partitions, Allowable height depends on thick- Lateral Supports
ness as indicated below. Partitions must be built solidly against
Concrete masonry walls must be provided with horizontal or
floor and ceiling construction.
vertical lateral supports at right angles to the face of the wall.
Unplastered Maximum Lateral support may be obtained by cross walls, pilasters or but-
thickness height tresses, when the limiting distance is measured horizontally or by
in. ft.
floors and roofs when the limiting distance is measured vertically.
2 9* The limiting distance is as follows:
3 12 (a) Walls of solid block or brick units — 20 times the nominal wall
4 15 thickness.
(b) Walls of hollow concrete masonry units — 1 8 times the nomi-
nal wall thickness.
*Not over 6 ft. in length (c) Cavity walls — 14 times the nominal wall thickness.
TABLE 9 —Modular Concrete Masonry Openings for Wood Window Frames
Masonry openings are dimensioned from iamb to iamb and from bottom of lintel to bottom of precast concrete sill. Openings of sizes other than those shown may be
used by keeping the dimensions in multiples of 8 in. Glass sizes shown are for one light but any division of the sash may be used.
Note: Modular masonry openings shown above should also be used for metal window frames. It may be necessary, however, to provide metal surrounds to
fit the metal frames into the modular openings.
5 5 5
3 /8x3 /8 xl5 /8 4 225 3050 2150 4.3 1.9
5 5/8 x3y8 xl5y8 6 225 4550 3050 4.3 1.9
5 5 5
7 /8x3 /8Xl5 /8 8 225 5700 3700 4.3 1.9
3 3
3 /4 x5xll /4 4 221 3000 2150 3.7 1.7
5 3/4X5xll 3/4 6 221 4500 3050 3.7 1.7
3 3
7 /4 x5xll /4 8 221 5650 3700 3.7 1.7
3 5 5
/8 x7 /8 xT5 /8 4 112.5 2850 2050 2.6 2.3
5 5/8 x7 5/8 xl5 5/8 6 112.5 4350 2950 2.6 2.3
7 /8 x7y8 xl5 /8
5 5
8 112.5 5500 3600 2.6 2.3
ll /8x7yaxl5 5/8 12 112.5 7950 4900 2.6 2.3
TABLE 11 —Allowable Height and Minimum Nominal Thickness for Concrete Masonry
Bearing Walls*
For buildings up to three stories in height with walls of hollow or solid concrete masonry units. For buildings over three stories, see ASA Code. (Thickness in incftes)
one- two- three- one- two- three- one- two- three- one- two- three-
story story story story story story story story story story story story
12 12
3rd story 8
10 f
12 12
2nd story 8 8 12 10 10 10*
8 12 12 12 12
T st story 8 8 12 10 10 12 129
6a 8d 16 c or 10e 10 f
Basement or 12 12, 10 or 8
h 12 or 10
12 or 8 b 12 or 8 b 12
foundation or 16 (not cavity) (not cavity)
*Based on the American Standard Building Code Requirements for Masonry (ASA A41.1-1944).
'May be 6 in. for one-story single-family dwellings and one-story private garages when not more than 9 ft. in height, with an allowance of 6 ft*
thisdepth may be extended to 7 ft. where soil conditions warrant such an extension. In no case shall the total height of 8-in. or 1 0-in. concrete
masonry walls, including the foundation wall, exceed 35 ft.
c Must be at least 16 in. if the total height of the first, second and third stories above the foundation wall, or from a girder or other intermediate
supports, is more than 35 ft.
d Top story may be 8 in. when not more than 1 2 ft. in height and roof beams are horizontal and total height of masonry wall is not more than 35 ft.
e ln exceed 25
no case shall total height of a 10-in. cavity wall above the foundation wall ft.
'Top story may be 10 in. when not more than 12 ft. in height and roof beams are horizontal and total height of wall is not more than 35 ft.
9 In no case shall total height of a cavity wall exceed 35 ft. above the foundation wall, regardless of thickness.
h May be 8 in. for 1 Vi- story single-family dwellings having a maximum height, including the gable, of not over 20 ft. and having nominal 10-in.
cavity walls. Such 8-in. foundation walls shall be corbelled to provide a bearing the full thickness of the wall above. Total projection not to exceed
2 in. with top course a full header course not higher than the bottom of the floor joists. Individual projections in corbelling shall not be more than
one-third the height of the unit.
1 Masonry cement
plus 6 0.16 0.16 0.97 6.1
1 Portland cement
TABLE 13 —Number of Concrete Block, Brick and Mortar Required
for 100 sq.ft. of Faced Wall
Number of block
of Mortar* Type of bond
brick cu.ft.
Stretchers Headers
*Mortar quantities based on H-in. mortar joints with face-shell bedding for the block. Ten per cent included for mortar waste.
Modular Planning Recommended ings are to be avoided since they may result in uneven
settlement which may cause cracking in the walls. Foot-
In concrete masonry as in other masonry construction
ings should be placed on firm, undisturbed soil of adequate
it is desirable to design walls to conform to modular di-
mensions (see page 17). Then full advantage can be taken ,_W-Wall thi ckness
'0 V 9*:
along the outer side of footings is recom-
line of drain tile
mended. The tile line should have a fall of at least Yi in.
in 12 ft. and should drain to a suitable outlet. Pieces of
roofing felt placed over the joints prevent sediment from
entering the tile during backfilling. The tile line should
be covered to a depth of 12 in. with a permeable fill of
coarse gravel or crushed stone ranging from 1 to lH in.
with not more than 7 gal. of mixing water per bag of method of buttering thevertical edges is used, each unit
cement, including any free moisture in the aggregate. as placed shoved against the block previously laid to
below the footing or the basement floor, the placing of a plasticity, thereby resulting in poor bond. For most work
Concrete masonry is usually laid with face-shell mortar In making vertical joints some masons apply mortar to the
bedding. block previously laid in the wall.
Some masons stand the block on ond and apply mortar for Block are laid to line and grade by following a mason's line,
vertical joints before layingthem on the wall. (Some butter They are shoved tightly against previously laid masonry to
both the unit already laid and the one to be set.) insure well-compacted mortar joints.
the joints, both horizontal and vertical, should be Y% in. excess mortar is trimmed off with the trowel.
thick. Except in extruded joint construction as described
on page 42 the mortar squeezed from the joints is struck Mortars for Concrete Masonry Walls
off flush with the wall surface as each unit is laid. When The cementitious materials used in mortars for con-
the mortar has stiffened somewhat, it is firmly compacted crete masonry walls should comply with current require-
with a jointing tool. This compaction is important since ments of the following applicable specifications:
mortar, when hardening, has a tendency to shrink slightly Masonry Cement, Federal Specifications SS-C-181b,
and thus may pull away from the edges of the block.
Type II.
Pressing the mortar against the units with a jointing tool
after the mortar has stiffened restores intimate contact
Portland Cement, ASTM C150.
between the mortar and the masonry unit and helps to Air-Entraining Portland Cement, ASTM C175.
make a weathertight joint. It may be necessary to add Hydraulic Hydra ted Lime for Structural Purposes,
mortar, particularly to the vertical joints, to insure that ASTM C141.
they are well filled. After the joints have been tooled any Quicklime for Structural Purposes, ASTM C6.
Excess mortar squeezed out of joints is trimmed off with trowel. Tooling of joints is important for weathertight construction.
Sand for mortar should conform to the requirements of possess high absorption. Loss of moisture due to poor
the Specifications for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar, water retention results in rapid loss of plasticity and
ASTM C144 (see Table 14). Sands deficient in fines sizes — may seriously reduce the effectiveness of the bond. Water
passing the 50 and 100 mesh sieves generally produce retention requirements of the current Specifications for
Mortar for Unit Masonry, ASTM C270, specifies that
harsh mortars. These are difficult to handle, particularly
in producing weathertight joints. On the other hand, mortar of the materials and proportions to be used in the
sands finer than those permitted by the above specifica- construction shall have a flow after suction of not less
tions require a high mixing water content resulting in than 70 per cent. As concrete masonry units should be
weak mortars. Addition of more cementing materials to kept dry until they are built into the wall, they should
compensate for loss in strength results in a mortar having never be wetted to control suction prior to the applica-
excessive shrinkage. tion of mortar. It may be necessary, therefore, to use
Water used in mixing mortar should be clean and fit mortars having water retentivities of more than 70 per
to drink. cent when used with dry concrete masonry units.
Antifreeze Materials made helps to produce a weathertight, neat, durable
The use of an admixture to lower the freezing point of concrete masonry wall.
mortars during winter construction should be avoided. made by the U.S. Bureau of Standards as described
The quantity of such materials necessary to lower the in BMS 95* as well as other tests** show that
freezing point of mortar to any appreciable degree would concrete masonry walls can be made weathertight by the
be so large that the mortar strength and other desirable application of two coats of portland cement base paint.
properties would be seriously impaired. Portland cement paint bonds well to concrete masonry
Calcium chloride sometimes added to a mortar mix
is and effectively seals the surface of the block as well as
to accelerate hardening. This shortens the time required the mortar joints.
for a mortar to attain sufficient strength to resist freezing The application of portland cement stucco also pro-
action. Generally not more than 2 per cent of calcium vides a weathertight finish for concrete masonry walls.
chloride by weight of the portland cement should be used
for this purpose. It is a safe precaution to make up small
trialmixes varying the amounts of calcium chloride up
to 2 per cent of the weight of the cement to determine
what percentage will give the rate of hardening desired.
mortar joints will be approximately %-in. thick. Experi- **Tests of the Resistance to Rain Penetration of Walls Built of Masonry and
Concrete, by R. E. Copcland and C. C. Carlson, American Concrete
ence has shown that this thickness of joint where properly Institute, Proceedings, Vol. 36, p. 169.
Bituminous joint
Method of making joint
Bituminous joint
Membrane waterproofing
Compacted earth
Concrete base
J— Compacted earth
Full mortar bed
Full mortar bed
Metal lath
Bearing Walls
(a) When two bearing walls meet or intersect and the
courses are laid up at the same time, a true masonry
bond between at least 50 per cent of the units at the
intersection is necessary (see Fig. 13).
anchors must engage the masonry to provide good
anchorage (see Fig. 14).
Nonhealing Walls
Meeting or intersecting nonbearing walls should be
bonded in a manner approved by the architect. Either of
the two methods recommended for bearing walls may
be used.
TABLE 16—Lintels With Wall Load Only TABLE 1 7—Split Lintels With Wall Load Only
5 3/4 7% Up to 7 2 3
/s-in. round deformed 53/4 3y8 Up to 7 3/8-in, round deformed
5V4 7Va 7 to 8 2 Vs-in. round deformed 53/4 3 5/8 7 to 8 Vs-in. round deformed
7% 7 5A Up to 8 2 %-in. round deformed 7 /85
3 5/8 Up to 8 Vs-in. round deformed
7Vb 7Vb 8 to 9 2 Vi-in. round deformed 75/8 3 5/8 8 to 9 Vi-'m. round deformed
7 V* 7Vb 9 to 10 2 5
/s-in. round deformed 7V8 35/8 9 to 10 5
/s-in. round deformed
\- hxTerior
Exterior face 1 Exterior face -
Si p- supporting both wall and floor loads. Designs for lintels
shown in Tables 16, 17 and 18 are based on concrete hav-
ing a strength of 2000 psi. Split lintels should never be
used to support combined wall and floor loads because it
Fig, 17 —One-piece lintel (see Table 16) and split lintel (see
is difficult to design the inner section to
deflection as the outer sectionwhich carries wall load
have the same
Table 17).
two sections would
only. Differences in deflection of the
Exterior face Stirrups probably result in cracks in the masonry wall. Split
lintels are light in weight and easy to handle. The air
Left — A continuous reinforced concrete bond beam under construction using beam block. Right — A type of beam block for con-
structing deep bond beams.
Mortar used for cavity wall construction should be For example, in earthquake regions it is necessary to
composed of one of the mixes shown in Table 15 accord- provide more than ordinary stability for all types of
ing to the type of service anticipated. masonry walls. This is also true in regions where severe
wind storms occur or in areas where foundation soils are
Construction of Concrete Masonry
unstable. Moreover, in almost any locality there are
for Unusual Stress Conditions walls which are subject to excessive vibration or to very
Frequently architects and builders are confronted with heavy loads. Often, too, there are buildings with long
local problems and requirements which need special con- masonry walls which are subject to contraction and other
struction techniques. stresses.
Left —
Wall construction using deep bond beam block in third course from top of wall. The bond beam is tied into the cast-in-
place reinforced concrete corner column. Right Cast-in-place type of reinforced concrete bond beam.
Any of these examples of unusual stress conditions by reinforced concrete studs at corners and at wall open-
require special attention by the architect and engineer ings and at regular intervals between wall openings. The
and are often covered by local codes. Thus, in earthquake concrete studs are tied in with the bond beams. Size and
and hurricane regions the walls may be reinforced hori- spacing of all reinforcement is usually covered by local
zontally by continuous reinforced concrete bond beam at codes.
each story height. They also may be reinforced vertically Bond beams are often constructed with special trough-
Dove-tail anchors-
M wide variety of wall finishes are available with con- Wall Patterns and Surface Treatments
crete masonry construction. The finish to use in
Architects have worked out many interesting varia-
any particular case will be governed by the type of tions in treatment of course heights and joints. Several
structure in which the walls will be used, the climatic
popular wall patterns are illustrated on pages 40 and 41.
conditions to which the walls will be exposed, and the The may
units be laid in regular courses of the same
architectural effects desired. Several popular finishes are
height, or in courses of two or more different heights, or
described in this section. may
several sizes of units be laid up in a prearranged
ashlar pattern.*
Sample Panels
In some wall treatments all the joints are accentuated
Regardless of which finish is selected, it is recom-
by deep tooling; in others only the horizontal joints are
mended that sample panel walls be constructed on all
accentuated. In the latter treatment the vertical joints
important jobs as a means of conveying to block pro- after tooling are refilled with mortar and then rubbed
ducers, masons and building contractors the grade of flush after the mortar has partially hardened to give it a
materials, quality of workmanship and precise appear-
texture similar to that of the concrete masonry units. In
ance desired in the finished walls. Such panels are much this treatment the tooled horizontal joints stand out in
more effective than written words or photographs in de-
fining and specifying the quality of work required. *Masonry walls may also be laid with units stacked in a vertical or
horizontal position or in a basket weave pattern. Although tests have
Panels should be about 40 in. long and at least four
not been made to ascertain the strength, stability and weathertightness
courses high and constructed of block of the same type, of walls built of stacked block, approval has been given by the Wiscon-
sin Industrial Commission to the use of stacked bond concrete masonry
size, and surface texture as will be used in the finished
in that state provided certain construction practices are followed. Notes
wall. The same pattern
units also should be laid in the covering the requirements and suggested reinforcement details for con-
crete masonry walls of stacked bond construction applying in the state
with the same kind of joints as will be required in the
of Wisconsin, are available on request from the Portland Cement
finished work. If finished walls are to be painted, panels Association.
factory manner.
strong relief. It is well suited to buildings where it is
Tooling mortar joints of concrete split-block masonry. The fractured block produce walls of rugged
are used for facing fireplaces, chimneys or the entire in- Specification for Paint, Serial Designation: TT-P-21, Type
terior and exterior walls of the building. Split-block are II, Class A or Class B. Class A paint is used where the
made by splitting a hardened concrete unit lengthwise. surface texture of the masonry wall is to be preserved.
The units are laid in the wall with the fractured faces Class B paint contains a filler which gives the paint more
exposed. Many interesting variations can be obtained by body and is used to fill open porous surfaces.
introducing mineral colors and by using aggregates of Tests* conducted on various types of paints on masonry
different gradings and colors in the concrete mixture. walls have found that portland cement base paints are
Split-block can be laid in simple broken joint patterns or highly effective as weatherproofing and that they have a
in any of the other patterns used in concrete masonry high durability rating.
construction. The fractured faces of the units produce a The normal exterior concrete masonry wall treatment
wall of rugged appearance. consists of two coats of portland cement paint. Where
All block intended for use in exterior walls and which walls are constructed of dense block with weathertight
will not be painted should have low absorption, with joints, and paint is used only for its color, one coat of
joints carefully tooled for weathertightness. paint ordinarily will be sufficient.
One coat of portland cement paint is usually adequate
Painted Concrete Masonry Walls for interior walls where weathertightness is not a factor.
The growing popularity of concrete masonry and the Surface texture as well as sound absorption values are
demand for white, or light-colored exterior surfaces has better preserved when one instead of two coats of paint
resulted in the increased use of portland cement base is used.
paints. Portland cement paint when properly applied to Portland cement paint should be applied to surfaces
concrete masonry walls serves two practical purposes:
*BMS 95, Tests of Cement-Water Paints and Other Waterproofing for Unit-
(1) provides attractive finishes and (2) helps to
it make Masonry Walls by Cyrus C. Fishburn and Douglas E. Parsons, issued
masonry surfaces weathertight. March 15, 1943; and BMS 110, Paints for Exterior Masonry Walls by ,
Clara Sentel, issued November 15, 1947. Copies for sale by Superinten-
Portland cement paint is sold in powdered form in a —
dent of Documents, Washington 25, D.C. Price 15 cents. "Tests of the
variety of colors and is mixed with water before apply- Resistance to Rain Penetration of Walls Built of Masonry and Con-
crete," by R. E. Copeland and C. C. Carlson, American Concrete In-
ing. It should meet the requirements of the Federal stitute, Proceedings, Vol. 36, p. 169.
which are clean and free from oil, oil paint, dirt, or any
substance which will prevent proper adhesion. Cracks or
other wall imperfections should be cleaned of loose par-
ticles, dampened and filled with a stiff portland cement
grout, and should be allowed to cure before painting.
The surface should be lightly dampened but not soaked
with water before painting is begun so that the wall will
not absorb mixing water needed for proper hardening of
the cement paint. A garden pressure-sprayer with a fine
fog spray nozzle is recommended for this purpose. The
surface should be uniformly damp but not wet when
painted. All flashing, hangers, fasteners, trim and other
fixed supports should be in place before painting is started.
Portland cement base paint should be prepared by mix-
ing with water in the manner and to the consistency
recommended in the instructions furnished by the manu-
facturer. Frequent stirring
is necessary to keep the paint
powder in suspension. A
shallow pan 4 to 6 in. deep and
12 in. or more wide provides a good container. In such a
pan the paint can be stirred easily and quickly. When the
pan is filled to a depth of only 2 or 3 in. the paint can be
stirred by the painter as he refills his brush.
Brushes with not over 2 in. long, such
stiff fiber bristles
forPortland Cement Stucco and Portland Cement
(A42.2 and A42.3), published by the American Standards
masonry walls. Similar construction is used for portland ce- Association.
ment plaster. ** Plasterer s Manual, published by the Portland Cement Association.
Reference List on Concrete Masonry
American Standard Building Code Requirements for Masonry, Miscellaneous Publications M-174, U.S. Depart-
ment of Commerce, Washington, D.C. *
Federal Specifications for Concrete-Units: Masonry, Hollow (SS-C-621).* Federal Specifications' Board,
Washington, D.C.
Simplified Practice Recommendation R 32-38: Concrete Building Units. U.S. Department of Commerce,
Washington, D.C*
Project A-62 for Coordination of Dimensions of Building Materials and Equipment. American Standards
Association, 29 West 39th Street, New York, N.Y.
"Strength and Stability of Concrete Masonry Walls," by F. E. Ricbart, R. B. B. Moorman and P. M. Wood-
worth. Bulletin No. 251, Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois.**
Mortar Strength and Strength of Unit on the Strength of Concrete Masonry Walls," by R. E.
"Effect of
Copeland and A. G. Timms. Proceedings, American Concrete Institute, Vol. 28, p. 551, 1932.
"Tests of the Stability of Concrete Masonry Walls," by F. E. Ricbart, P. M. Woodworth and R. B. B. Moor-
man. Proceedings, American Society for Testing Materials, Vol. 31, Part II, p. 687.
"The Structural Performance of Concrete Masonry Walls," by F. E. Ricbart. Proceedings, American Con-
crete Institute, Vol. 28, p. 363, 1932.
"Tests of the Fire Resistance and Stability of Walls of Concrete Masonry Units," by C A. Menzel.
Proceedings, American Society for Testing Materials, Vol. 31, Part II, p. 607.
"The Strength of Concrete Masonry Walls After Standard Fire Exposure," by C. A. Menzel Proceedings,
American Concrete Institute, Vol. 29, p. 113, 1933.
"Tests on Concrete Masonry Units Using Tamping and Vibration Molding Methods," by K. F. Wend/
and P. M. Woodworth.** Proceedings, American Concrete Institute, Vol. 36, p. 121, 1940.
"Strength of Concrete Block Pilasters Under Varied Eccentric Loading," by J. R. Shank and H. D. Foster.
Bulletin No. 60; Engineering Experiment Station, Ohio State University.
Tests of the Fire Resistance and Strength of Walls of Concrete Masonry Units, by C. A. Menzel. Portland
Cement Association, Chicago, 111.
Heating Ventilating Air Conditioning Guide, American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, New
York, N.Y.
"Thermal Insulation of Concrete Homes," by Arthur Stone. Proceedings, American Concrete Institute, Vol. 44,
p. 849, 1948.
Acoustics and Architecture, by Paul E. Sabine. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York and London,
"Sound -Absorbing Value of Portland Cement Concrete," by P. R. Watson and K. C. MorricaL Proceedings,
American Concrete Institute, Vol. 32, p. 659, 1936.
"The Nature of Portland Cement Paints and Proposed Recommended Practice for Their Application
to Concrete Surfaces," Proceedings, American Concrete Institute, Vol. 38, p. 485, 1942.
Standard for Recommended Practice for the Application of Portland Cement Paint to Concrete Surfaces
(ACI 6 16-49)* American Concrete Institute.
"Comparative Tests of Clay, Sand-Lime and Concrete Brick Masonry," by A. H. Beyer and W. J. Krejeld.
Bulletin No. 2, Department of Civil Engineering, Columbia University.
"Concrete Masonry," by Amund Korsmo. Reprinted from HHFA Technical Bulletin No. 9 (March 1949).*
"Tests of the Resistance to Rain Penetration of Walls Built of Masonry and Concrete," by R. E.
Copeland and G C. Carlson. Proceedings, American Concrete Institute, vol. 36, p. 169, 1940.**
"Good Practice in Concrete Masonry Wall Construction," by Kenneth G Tippy. Proceedings , American
Concrete Institute, vol, 38, p. 317, 1942.
Suggested Specifications**
Portland Cement Stucco on Concrete Masonry Walls.
Application of Portland Cement Paint on Exposed Concrete Masonry Walls.
Concrete Footings and Concrete Masonry Walls.
Interior Wall and Ceiling Finishes.
Concrete Masonry Chimneys and Fireplaces.
Concrete Footings and Reinforced Concrete Masonry Walls.
*Copics available from Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
*Single copies available free in the United States and Canada on request to Portland Cement Association, 33 West Grand Ave.,
Chicago 10, III.
t Copies available from American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race Street. Philadelphia, Pa,
On the following pages are assembled a number of drawings illustrating various recom
The construction details shown on pages 49 to 61 have been prepared in accordance with
modular coordination of design. The grid lines shown on the drawings are module lines
based on a 4-in. module. All drawings with grid lines are to a scale of 1 in; =1 ft.
On pages 62 and 63 are shown some of the patterns used in concrete masonry construction.
: « ' y .
Bevele d sidir g well
Twoi' °.-o. oiled c >r soar )ed
coats of
r c
1 '
• *
Me thod P
Grave! or
stone fill — mak ng jo nt
Bituminous joint
\ o r 9 Concrete floi
0; .0; |
\ Concr ete
drain tile -7.
I 0*
<7<0 p 1
k.'ox •
Comp' gcted f
. «n(J-
0'; earth
. ; C
.'0 .
F OOTIr- 4G 6" Basement Wall
semen tWali- (very wet soil ) —
l! I L
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& .0
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V b.
A; ;
r '0.
; c
Concr 'ete
n r r <~
-Brtun 111 luub juini
Concr •ete f loor-y P'
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r b * .
—; e D *
•'.*,<? 0'
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' *
* ompac ted
/ -Com pactec earth
IT? arth-
V <7 ;
5" Intel-iorBa semen- Nor »- beari
Bearing Wall Udseineni Kdr n ion 1
1 1 1
8" Precast
concrete joist-
Masonry bridgini
2-120 Z-I2I
t/ 1
^T "7T
^J 0.
-Furri ng
. V i
c -Plaster .'0
Preca 5t .y.
J— —
• 0.
C\ Furr ng
1 •.C-;0 •55.'
1 5?
-Plast er
Detail <
\ — c
Calki ^— Ur 3R
He :AD FC >R _
Double H UNG-
*OJEC :ted\A /lNDC >W
Electrical Outlet Box
with Furred and Plastered Wall
: -
r .
o.\ r
o j i
°: .
-Outside face of wall % Length blocK
Metal ties- i i
Wood joist
*/< j
Joist ancho s / ?i -
* .
K Solid x>ncr€ te bloc
p; .
0'* c
O'J "
• Framing c f C avity Wall Corner Construction
and Wood Joist Floor Cavity Wall
ft* •
Metal ties
Metal clip
Noncorroding wire ties
Metal ties
Metal clip
Metal clip
Metal ties
12x16" r-^xie' 12V 16*
=Cf] g pODDQODt
a -Alternate
courses -34- 12V 12"
a -U-L,
1 1
courses — -Alternate
courses —
0. ?=rW
1 : i : i : i
8" High block 4"High block 8" High block 4" High block
r8Vl6" 8VI6"
en 4x4"or2
-4 n x4"or 2 bricks
Two types of
pilaster block
,1, 1
8 High block 4" High block
/ -
LaiKing-, f 0n exposed face of wall rake out mortar to
"No 6 wires qreased and laid in every other course
i /4 and ff|1 wjth ca k )rjjq compound^
Method B
Jamb blocks ^Alterna te coursesy
^tio.6 wires qreased and laid in every other course
Method C
— £- Alternate courses—^
r na ^* e QUrs —
",^^ i M !.
Solid masonry Rabbetted to
fit column
Method D Method A
;No.6 wire bent in
^form of U.greased and
\laid in every other course
j— Alternate courses
^Alternat e courses^^
cours es—^
Alternate courses - ^-Alternate
No.6 wires greased
and laid in every
other course
Method C
n Method E
mm Alternate
o CM
Alternate courses
i 2 .
3 I. I \2:;vV---
?3» I;
l •2. I
r-3 5/s"
4x8x12' 4"x8 x16'
Id BlocK Block
No.l No.2
4"x8"xl2' 4 x8"x8"
Plain Keyed Thimble BlocK BlocK
"ltd No.l No.3
Z.-423 Z-424
MmM. I i
I 1
* -v -..I
1 :
1111 hi •
. :
-1 ! 1 1
^^^^ •mm
§111 mMmm
ii i
" ii ii
DONU =Runn+ng Bond
8 x 16" Units =^;4"xl6" Units.
• •
• •
mm :^v^;t.,v:/.;:^:l-V::.V--:v::
Ill it "1
Coursed Ashlar^z
A ID Ol IvJ O A J<Q "^"^ 4"* Wand 8"x 16" Unite
Z-502 Z-503
I-'.".-. :
= =
Cou rs ed Ashlar 3
Coursed Ashlar*4
4"xl6 and8 ,,
x16"Units . *+ X t v a 1 in o a i c unu:>
2-504 2-505
, i
11 II
. I:
• v 1
Z-506 07
i t
j:-; 8"*8"and 8"x l6"Urlits
4 x8;4
and 8"x
•i — ,, ,
xl^ ;4x^& ;8
List of Drawings
Number Description Page Number Description Page
Z-25 Footing —Basement Wall
8-in. 49 Z-330 Cavity Wall at Roof Plate 57
Z-26 Footing— 8-in. Basement Wall (Very Wet Soil) 49 Z-331 Framing of Cavity Wall and Precast Concrete
Z-28 Footing— 10-in. Basement Wall 49 Joist Roof. 57
Z-29 Footing— 12-in. Basement Wall 49 Z-332 Framing of Cavity Wall and Precast Concrete
Z-30 Footing —
8-in. Interior Basement Bearing Wall. 49 Joist Roof with Parapet 57
Z-33 Footing —
Nonbearing Basement Partition .... . 49 Z-333 Framing of Cavity Wall and Precast Concrete
Z-85 Bonding Intersecting Bearing Walls (Showing Joist Floor. 57
Alternate Courses) 50 Z-334 Framing of Cavity Wall and Floor on Founda-
Z-86 Intersection of Bearing and Nonbearing Walls. 50 tion Wall 57
Z-l 15 Framing of Wall and Concrete Slab Floor. ... 50 Z-33 5 Alternate Framing of Cavity Wall and Precast
Z-116 Alternate Framing of Wall and Concrete Slab Concrete Joist Floor 57
Floor 50 Z-336 Framing of Cavity Wall and Wood Joist Floor 58
Z-l 17 Framing of Wall and 8-in. Precast Concrete Z-337 Corner Construction Cavity Wall 58
Joist Floor (Joists Built into Wall) 51 Z-338 Cavity Wall with Double Hung Wood Window 58
Z-l 18 Framing of Wall and 8-in. Precast Concrete Z-339 Cavity Wall with Metal Window 58
Joist Floor (Joists Parallel to Wall) 51 Z-87 Corner Construction for 8x8x16- in. and8x4xl6-
Z-l 19 Alternate Framing of Wall and 8-in. Precast in. Block 59
Concrete Joist Floor (Joists Built into Wall) ... 51 Z-88 Corner Construction for 4x8x1 6-in. and 4x4x1 6-
Z-l 20 Framing of Wall and 10-in. Precast Concrete in. Block 59
Joist Floor (Joists Built into Wall) 51 Z-89 Corner Construction for 1 2x8x1 6-in. and 1 2x
Z-l 21 Framing of Wall and 10-in. Precast Concrete 4x1 6-in. Block ; 59
Joist Floor (Joists Parallel to Wall) 51 Z-90 Corner Construction for 12x8x1 6-in. and 1 2x
Z-l 22 Alternate Framing of Wall and 10-in. Precast 4x1 6-in. Block 59
Concrete Joist Floor (Joists Built into Wall) ... 51 Z-91 Corner Construction for 8x8x1 2 -in. and 8x4x1 2-
Z-l 23 Framing of Wall and Concrete Block Joist Floor 52 in. Block. 59
Z-124 Framing of Wall and Soffit Block Joist Floor. . . 52 Z-375 Pilaster Block with Control Joints. 59
Z-l 25 Framing of Wall and Wood Joist Floor (Joists Z-376 Control Joints Methods A, B and C. . 60
Built into Wall) 52 Z-378 Pilasters with Control Joints Methods A and B. 60
Z-l 75 Basement Wood Door 52 Z-379 Pilasters with Control Joints Methods C and D . 60
Z-200 Basement Metal Window 52 Z-380 Pilasters with Control Joints Methods E and F. 60
Z-l 76 Head Wood Door
for 53 Z-382 Control Joints Methods D and E 60
Z-l 77 Jamb Wood Door
for 53 Z-383 Details of Control Joints 60
Z-l 78 Sill for Wood Door 53 Z-420 Concrete Masonry Chimney Block Layouts. ... 61
Z-201 Basement Wood Window 53 Z-421 Modular Size Chimney Block (For use with clay
Z-202 Metal Window with Molded Metal Surround . . 53 flue lining) 61
Z-203 Head for Double Hung Wood Window 54 Z-423 Chimney Footing on Exterior Wall 61
Z-204 Jamb for Double Hung Wood Window 54 Z-424 Chimney Footing on Interior Wall 61
Z-205 Sill for Double Hung Wood Window 54 Z-425 One-Piece Chimney Units 61
Z-206 Head for Architectural Projected Window. ... 54 Z-500 Running Bond —
8x1 6-in. Units 62
Z-207 Jamb for Architectural Projected Window. ... 54 Z-501 Running Bond —
4x1 6-in. Units 62
Z-208 Sill for Architectural Projected Window. 54 Z-502 Coursed Ashlar No. 1 —
4x1 6-in. and 8x1 6-in.
Z-210 Head for Metal Casement Window with Metal Units.. 62
Surround 55 Z-503 Coursed Ashlar No. 2— 4x1 6-in. and 8x1 6-in.
Z-21 1 Jamb for Metal Casement Window with Metal Units 62
Z-21 2
Sill for Metal Casement Window
Z-504 Coursed Ashlar No. 3 —4x1 6-in. and 8x1 6-in.
Units 62
Coursed Ashlar No. 4 — 4x1
Z-220 Coping and Parapet Construction 55 Z-505 6-in. and 8x1 6-in.
Z-275 Method of Anchoring Plate to Concrete Masonry Units 62
Wall 55
Z-506 Vertical Stacking— 8x1 6-in. Units 63
Z-300 Electrical Outlet Box in Unplastered Wall 56
Z-301 Electrical Outlet Box with Furred and Plastered
Z-507 Horizontal Stacking —8x1 6-in. Units 63
Wall 56 Z-508 Square Stacking— 8x8-in. Units 63
Z-302 Duct in Plastered Partition 56 Z-509 Basket Weave —8x1 6-in. Units 63
Z-303 Duct in Unplastered Wall 56 Z-510 Patterned Ashlar —
8x8-in. and 8x1 6-in. Units. 63
Z-304 Duct in 8-in. Wall with Plaster Over Duct 56 Z-511 Coursed Patterned Ashlar —
4x8-in., 4x1 2-in.,
Z-305 Duct in 12-in. Wall with Plaster Over Duct . . . 56 4x1 6-in., 8x1 2-in., and 8x1 6-in. Units.... 63
Printed in U.S.A. P27—Third Edition— 50M— 1-54