Final Report Exp 1

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CEBU THSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY UNIVERCITY College of Giginee ring ancl Hrchiteckture, Deparimend of Gngineenng Nodtenoticr , thyrcs ancl chesiehy Caballero Davy) _ i: bei Family Wome Firet Nome, WI bate) awaited BSce-1 Mal 2 onc ee Engr. Rosario 6 Raagin Cowce £ Yor Sexton Gnup Instructor ‘txperment No. 4 feamon raboractory Apperatnr Title of te Gypetimend L- Objectives : 1-1) be familiar with the conection and manipolatone of Yoe Bane burner - 2 To bewme acquainted with some complon laborectr) aperetone. T. Apporecta< © Manual + 1-0 mL beaker + Burren burner 2-200 ml beaker IT. hhatenale “A mixture of Ong of table salt, oF 4 of taph- thalene , 1-09 of rand, 0 dash ef pud cobrng , Ol 9 of aetuerted caren and filter papers W. Procedure ancl Obyervertions : the expeivmend atidiedd inte et Wed auge. of compan laberetiy proces of eperador.e, iicuding Tusrg 4 bua burner measuing higuid ealume and pan LE a one vesrel fo anorwer P ncoding Vigucde (In fer) pepe » Wer pigeig dderr, cid piysical pepuration of mixctare componente - a+ King & Bunsen burner Bunsen parnérs art gener being fan, sth oa) flan opel hh ‘the gar regulcter™ mutt ye and the airy mut be pened ight 0 Buen ante & chould Be! flte jhe Agile above the mouth of the buareh, bree whit get g ig toe gar eck uehl ox flame ve by the opening and Gloang of auhotes, at noHced, at th bbe Fete “e cemeched "@ the ajdt “urce oid gear abe 1A Wise non Junnour flame cecure aKabe, te, ai?WOle ie open wile ot yellow Janinous flame appeare shea fhe auhole rp loved ua Aa neat highs yea foe cpgectc papery alee coming ie * Meassrement of volume of liquide In the expermeat , the vosme ah tguidr wet measure) using meatinng equipment sch af 4 bedber ot a gradual ed cylinder . the “appordduc musi be pourfiened on a lad caper vith the obrerver'’ eye [eel aligntd od the guid fos memrens 40 tading “hgned volunes - Mign shede +o the ypper menivenr te cleterdine” the volume, aque. elored liquide . B- Pragrperring liquiche A glaw scl yheuld be priicle a whe pony, Arol ot contamer 72 ‘ dg Pees Fe i aka fe i t apne ~fil id \etiecaey ais foi fm i, i teeing liquicls in tert ube To cui uswanttect inadynle, neatng Nqulcls ve Yet tubes mart be dime with treme cAttion

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