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Delhi Public School

Bokaro Steel City

Deepawali Assignment 2022 – 2023
Class X Sub: English

1. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each.

a) Mention the characteristics of the people from Coorg? What is the story about their ancestry?
b) Who was Matilda? Explain what led to a major change in her life?
c) Give reasons to reflect how fog has been compared to a cat?
d) Why did the author decide to have an otter for a pet? What were Mijbil’s favourite toys?
2. You are Raman/ Renu of D-654, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi. Recently you witnessed a major
fire break in a mall near your residential complex. There were few brave hearts present in
the crowd who risked their lives and saved the infants and elderly people stranded in the
mall. Write a letter to the President of the country, seeking recommendation for these
youths, to be nominated for gallantry award. Suggest that these awards would encourage
youths to indulge in more such benevolent acts in future. (100 – 120 words)
3. Analyse the following data and write an analytical paragraph in 100 – 120 words, based on
a survey conducted by students of St. Michael’s, Agra.

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs and tenses.
a) By the time I _______ , (inform)the registrations had been closed.
b) It was Krishna who _______(inspire) Arjun by giving him Upadesas of Gita.
c) Rohan _________ (watch) the movies before he read the review.
d) The boat ___________ (sink) before the rescue team arrieved.

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lekpkj&i= esa mldk foKkiu nsuk pkgrs gSAa vki muds fy, yxHkx 60 “kCnksa esa ,d
vkd’kZd foKkiu rS;kj dhft,A

2- viuh cgu dks i= fy[kdj ;ksxkH;kl ds fy, izfs jr dhft,A

3- e/;izn”s k ds f”k{kk funs”kky; esa f”k{kk vf/kdkjh dks izkFkfed in ds fy, vkosnu i=
izfs ’kr djrs gq, Loo``Ÿk ys[ku dhft,A

4- tUefnu ds “kqHk volj ij vius NksVs HkkbZ dks “kqHkdkeuk lan”s k fyf[k,A

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bldh f”kdk;r djrs gq, rFkk bu iqLrdksa dks “kh?kz ykSVkus vkSj ubZ iqLrds fHktokus ds
fy, izdk”ku ds ofj’B izc/a kd dks yxHkx 80 “kCnksa esa ,d bZ&esy fyf[k,A

6- ^cqjk tks ns[ku eSa pyk] cqjk u fefy;k dks

dkbs Z* fn, x, fo’k; ij 120 “kCnksa esa lkjxfHkZr
vuqPNsn fyf[k,A

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d- rqe dy dc vk;s
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x- Hkkjr _f’k;ks
_f’k;ksa dk ns”k gSA
?k- dy esjs ?kj iwtk gksxhA
³- vkiyksx ckrphr ugha djsAa
2- ;Fkkisf{kra lfU/ka lfU/kfoPNsna ok dq#r&
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d- Øwjr;k ¾
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³- cqf)erh iq=kS pisV;k izg`R; vonr~~A
6- laLd`rus “kCnkFkZa fy[kr&
lEHkkjk% ¾
vu`re~~ ¾
ty/kkS ¾
feFk% ¾
ukS% ¾

7. भवयाः नाम अ
द तः अित। भवयाः वयालये पयावरण
दवसः परपालतः। एत-
वषये वसखीं !ेरणां ! त ल"खते प#े र$तथाना न परू यत।

पर'(ाभवनात ्

दना*कः –---------

!ये 1---------------!

2---------------- नमते।

,यः एव मम वयालये 3 ----------------- मा नतः। सव- छा#ाः 4 -------------------- आसन ् । त=

Nk#ाः अ0यापकाः p पादपानाम ् 5----------- 1यताः आसन ्। मम वयालयय परसरे तु loZ=
6------------------ !सत
ृ ः ।एकादश-वादशक(योः छा#ाः वयालयात ् ब
हः गवा 7---------------
----- उभयतः पादपान ् 8----------- । सव- जनाः अमाकं वयालयय Nk#ाणां !यासय 9 ------
------- कृतव;तः । य
द सव- वयालयाः एवं कुयःु त
ह 10------------ ----- र(णं यात ्।

भवद'या अभ;ना सखी

द तः
म<जूषा –
हर' तमा, उसा
हता:, !शंसाम ्, आरोपतव;तः, !ेरणे, मागम ्, आरोपणे,
सनेहम ्, पयावरण
दवसः, वातावरणय।

Class: X Subject : Mathematics

1. The tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the
point of contact. Prove it.

2. The lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.
Prove it.

3. Prove that the tangents drawn at the ends of a diameter of a circle are

4. Prove that the parallelogram circumscribing a circle is a rhombus.

5. A triangle ABC is drawn to circumscribe a circle of radius 4 cm such that the

segments BD and DC into which BC is divided by the point of contact D are of
lengths 8 cm and 6 cm respectively as shown in the figure. Find the lengths of
sides AB and AC.

6. Find the values of ‘y’ for which the distance between the points A(3,-1) and
B(11, y) is 10 units.

7. Find the point on X – axis which is equidistant from the points (5, -2) and
(-3, 2).

8. Using distance formula prove that the points A(1,1), B(-2,7) and C(3, -3) are

9. In what ratio is the line segment joining the points A(-2, -3) and B (3, 7)
divided by the Y – axis? Also, find the coordinates of the point of division.

10. If (3, 3), (6, y), (x, 7) and (5, 6) are the vertices of a parallelogram taken in
order, find the values of ‘x’ and ‘y’.


Class: X Subject: Science & Tech.

Section: (A) Physics

1. A current of 10 A flows through a conductor for two minutes. Calculate the

amount of charge passed through any area of cross section of the conductor.

2. Define one ampere.

3. Draw the symbols of commonly used components in electric circuit diagrams for
(i) An electric cell
(ii) Open plug key
(iii) Wires crossing without connection
(iv) Variable resistor
(v) Battery
(vi) Electric bulb
(vii) Resistance

4. State Ohms law. Draw a labelled circuit diagram to verify this law in the laboratory.
If you draw a graph between the potential difference and current flowing through a
metallic conductor, what kind of curve will you get? Explain how would you use this
graph to determine the resistance of the conductor.

5. Assertion (A) : Alloys are commonly used in electrical heating devices like electric
iron and heater.
Reason (R): Resistivity of an alloy is generally higher than that of its constituent
metals but the alloys have low melting points than their constituent metals.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of the assertion (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of the assertion (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Section: (B) Chemistry

1. Why carbon is tetravalent?
2. Write two points of structural differences between diamond and graphite.
3. Define isomerism? Draw all the possible structural isomers for hexane.
4. Why carbons do not form ionic bonding?
5. Draw the electron dot structure for the formation of the following:
i) ammonia ii) oxygen molecule iii) carbon tetrachloride iv) methane

Section: (B) Biology

1. What are the different modes of a sexual reproduction?
2. How does sexual reproduction occur in plants?
3. What is budding? Explain with diagram.
4. Explain double fertilization in plants
5. Distinguish between male and female reproductive system with the help of diagram
6. List two advantages and disadvantages of vegetative propagation.


Class: X Subject : Social Science

1. Briefly explain any three features of proto industrialization.
2. Why was the pace of industrialization slow in Britain, give any three reason.
3. Explain the condition of workers in Britain with the help of five features.

Political Science
1. Name and explain any three functions of political party.
2. Mention the five ideologies of Bharity Janta Party.



1. Which soil is very useful for growing of Sugarcane in the Uttar Pradesh?
a) Alluvial Soil b) Black Soil c) Laterite Soil d) Red Soil
2. Identify the resources on the basis of the following statement.
i) These are obtained from natural environment.
ii) They are non living.
iii) They are exhaustible or recyclable
a) Abiotic resources b) Biotic resources
c) Renewable Resources d) National Resources
3. Give any two examples of national resources.

4. Identify the crop from the given table:-

Cropping Season Rainfall Soil Type
Kharif Above 100cm Alluvial

5. Why mining is called the killer industry?

6. Why is Mica indispensable for electrical industry?

1. Demand deposits are another interesting facility. It is this facility which lends it the
essential characteristics of money that of a medium of exchange. You would have
heard of payments being made by cheques instead of cash. For payment through
cheque, the payer who has an account with the bank, makes out a cheque for a
specific amount. A cheque is a paper instructing the bank to pay a specific amount
from the person’s account to the person in whose name the cheque has been issued.
Read the passage given above and answer the following questions:-
I. What is a cheque?
II. Who issues a cheque?
III. What benefit would you find with cheque transaction?
2. “Information and communication technology has played a major role in spreading
out production of services across countries”. Justify the statement with examples.

3. Explain with three examples how top Indian companies have benefitted from

4. Ford Motors, an American company, is one of the world’s largest automobile

manufacturers with production spread over 26 countries of the world. Ford Motors
came to India in 1995 and spent Rs. 1700 crore to set up a large plant near Chennai.
This was done in collaboration with Mahindra and Mahindra, a major Indian
manufacturer of jeeps and trucks. By the year 2004, Ford Motors was selling 27,000
cars in the Indian markets, while 24,000 cars were exported from India to South
Africa, Mexico and Brazil. The company wants to develop Ford India as a component
supplying base for its other plants across the globe.
Read the passage given above and answer the following questions:-

I. Would you say Ford Motors is a MNC? Why?

II. What is foreign investment? How much did Ford Motors invest in India?
III. By setting up their production plants in India, MNCs such as Ford Motors tap the
advantage not only of the large markets that countries such as India provide, but
also the lower costs of production. Explain the statement
IV. Why do you think the company wants to develop India as a base for
manufacturing car components for its global operations? Discuss the following
a) Cost of labour and other resources in India.
b) The presence of several local manufacturers who supply auto parts to Ford
c) Closeness to a large number of buyers in India and China.

Deepawali Assignment 2022 – 2023
Class X Sub: Information Technology

1. What is template in writer document? How to create it?

2. Write any five best practices for security?
3. What is Style in writer document? What are its types?
4. How to insert an image file in Writer a document?
5. What is Text wrapping and Anchoring in writer document?

Delhi Public School
Bokaro Steel City
Deepawali Assignment 2022 – 2023

Class X Sub: Artificial Intelligence

1. What do you mean Data Science?

2. Why we need Data Science?
3. Write any five application of data science and explain each of them.
4. Write a program to print table of 2 t 10 (using nested loop)
For example
2 4 8 … 20
3 6 9 … 30 etc.
5. Write a program to count number of digits in a given number by using
while loop.
6. Write program to check input number is positive or negative number.
7. Write program to check input number is even or odd.
8. Write a program to find largest/smallest amongst 3 numbers entered by
9. Write a program to read a single digit and display the digit in word.
10. Write a program to input three angles and determine if they forms a
triangle or not.
11. Wap to check a triangle is equilateral, isosceles or scalene when 3 sides
of triangles are given.
12. Wap to display if input number is Prime number or not.
13. Wap to find out year entered by user is leap year or not.
14. Wap to check first character in a string is vowel, consonant , digit or any
other character. (Value of n will be user input value)
15. Wap to display if input number is Perfect number or not.


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