The use of aeroponics technology has he improved a lot
from our early generation to present generation. This
shows that the aeroponic method has no major
Fig:2 NASA aeroponic lettuce seed germination- Day 12 disadvantage. The use of aeroponics helps us to grow
the plants in a small area without much use of water
and also without disturbing its nutrient value. By using
this method, we can also create house garden.
Nevertheless, when grown in Aeroponic condition,
since the environment is clean and sterile, chances of
spreading of plant diseases and infection in soil and
other growing media is greatly reduced and hence able
to absorb more minerals and vitamins as the nutrient
absorption rate is higher. For a plant to grow healthily
and successfully, sufficient amount of air is required to
be optimized and accessed to them by the air cultures.
Moreover, the necessary materials and devices which
support the growing plants must be devoid of disease or
pathogens too.