Balancing The Old With The New
Balancing The Old With The New
Balancing The Old With The New
Creating Thessaloniki's first ever metro system means striking a balance betwe~n
preserving historic artefacts and delivering a state of the art public transport system
- Base project
PANORAMA - Kalamaria extension
- Stavroupali extension
Connection with Papo9eorgiou Hospital
Evosmos extension
Extension towards the airport
@ Metro Stotio 11
""""' Railway (0.5.E./
111111111.tunnrlsandtunnel/ I August 20 17 I 29
is undertaking the civil works, track works and auxiliary This was the commercial centre of the
electromechanical works. Group B consisting of the remaining Jewish population at this time.
partners is responsible for design and detailed design, supply, "Then digging further down, we start
testing and commissioning, training, operation and maintenance to find relics from the Ottoman period,"_...
organisation of the main electrical and mechanical systems and explains Dell'Onze.
rolling stock. Under the Ottoman Empire which took
control of Thessaloniki in 1430, the city
PRESERVATION STATION had a central role as main harbour of the
The ongoing construction of Venizelou station highlights the Balkans, building on its heritage as the
challenging nature of this project. Here as the team worked Co-Capital of the Byzantine Empire when
down through the layers of ground, they moved through almost it was considered to be second only to
two thousand years of Greek history. Constantinople.
ln the first couple of metres were the remains of the city's Not only did the team find Byzantine
commercial centre, which had been buried following the relics but it also found the Roman
great Thessaloniki fire in 1917. "As soon as the Arst 2m were remains that preceded this.
excavated, we started to find the remains from the 19th century. Roman planners made their towns