Week 4
Week 4
Week 4
Presented By:
Dr. Nunung Nuryani, MSi., Ak., CA
Schroeder, Richard G., Myrtle W. Clark and Jack M. Cathey : “Financial Accounting
Theory and Analysis: Text and Cases”, 12th Ed. (Asia Edition) , 2019. (SMJ)
The Purpose of Income Reporting
Income is used…
What is the
nature of
When should
income be
What is the Nature of Income?
➢ Three possibilities
1. Psychic income
✓Satisfaction of human wants
2. Real income
✓Increase in economic wealth
3. Money income
✓Increases in monetary value
➢ The concept of well-offness or capital maintenance
• Problems
➢ Approaches:
1 Entry price or replacement cost
2 Exit value or selling price
3 Discounted present value
Income Recognition
• What is measurement?
• Problems with the measurement unit
• Arbitrary decisions
Cost is generally thought to be a faithful representation
of the amount paid for a given item.
Fair value is “the amount for which an asset could be
exchanged, a liability settled, or an equity instrument
granted could be exchanged, between knowledgeable,
willing parties in an arm’s length transaction.”
Earnings Quality, Earnings Management and
Fraudulent Financial Reporting
➢Earnings quality
• The correlation between a company’s
accounting and economic income
• The existence of the previously discussed
issues has led some to the conclusion that
economic income is a better predictor of
cash flows.
Within GAAP
Violate GAAP
“Fraudulent” Recording sales before they are “realizable”
Accounting Recording fictitious sales
Backdating sales invoices
Overstating inventory by recording fictitious Dechow & Skinner, 2000
Earnings Quality, Earnings Management and
Fraudulent Financial Reporting
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