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Lesson 5 8

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I Can Benefit from the Bible

How can you claim God's promises inyour life if you do not know what they are? When you regularly
read and study the Bible, you learn more about God's promises and commandments. Here are the
benefits of studying the Word of God:


1. Guidance

God's Word opens your eyes and illuminates your life so you can avoid stumbling. Read Psalm 119:105.

2. Growth

If you love God, you will want to know more about Him. And to know Him

better, you need to love to study the Bible. When you believe what you are

studying, you develop a godly outlook on life.

3. Victory

The Bible gives several resources to help you overcome sin. In this lifetime, you will never be perfectly
victorious over sins, but that should still be your goal. With God's help, and by following the principles of
His Word, you can gradually overcome sin and become more and more like Christ.

4. Power

The Word of God says that God has given His Word to equip you for every good work. It teaches you
how to live and reveals when you have on that path. Read Hebrews 4:12. chosen wrong paths. It helps
you get back on the right path and keeps you

5. God's blessing when you obey

Once you discover what God wants you to do and you do it, youm receive His reward. Among those
rewards are peace and joy.


Obedience to God's Word


Romans 8:1-8 and the tonnes o turt their sinful self is against God. They refuse to obey God's law, and
really they are not able to obey it.

Romans 8:7


In this lesson, I will...

• learn the importance of obeying

• surrender all the stubbornness in my life to God. obey God's Word and keep it in

my heart.

God wants me to obey His Word.

God doesn't force you to obey Him. But remember, God teaches that obedience is for your best. And He,
as a perfect and all-knowing Father, knows what is best for you!

Obedience in the Bible could be defined as humble submission to God's commands. You probably
remember many instances when your parents tell you to do things, which you never followed. Often,
your excuse was you didn't hear them, or you were doing something else important. True obedience is
when you listen to

God and then act on His words.

Four Reasons to Obey God

1. It is our duty to obey Him. Mud We are children of God, and we have to obey His commands. Of
course, we do not obey in order to be saved. Salvation comes first, and obedience should follow. But
obedience goes deeper than duty. Obedience should come from the heart, done because we want to,
not because we have to but unwillingly.

2. God's commands are for our own good.

He loves us and wants to help us. As our Father, He has the wisdom to know how we should live and
what will work best for us in the long run. We have to trust Him because His perspective is much better
than ours.

3. We obey because we love God.

It is our love for God that causes us to want to obey Him. He has done so much for us, that we cannot
help but want to please Him. "If you love me" Jesus says, "you will obey what I command."

4. You serve as witness to God when you obey.

Obedience shows others that God is great, that He is good, and that we love Him. Let your good deeds
be seen, Jesus said, so people will see them "and praise your Father in heaven."


Key Verse

1 Samuel 17:1-50

Keep It

Wear the full armor of God. Wear God's armor so that you can fight against the devil's clever tricks.

-Ephesians 6:11

David Versus Goliath


In this lesson, I will... identify the many areas of spiritual battle-spiritual, moral, physical, mental, and

• consult the Bible about contradictions that may actually be deceiving tactics of the enemy.

God gives me courage to overcome trials.


Remember the story of David and Goliath? David was a young man who had learned how to conquer
scary things like lions and bears. But he was just a boy and wasn't a body builder or skilled soldier. So
how was he able to defeat Goliath? David didn't allow intimidation to stay in his mind and he definitely
didn't speak them out. He knew God was on his side. Instead, in 1 Samuel 17:45, David said to Goliath,
"You come to me using sword, spear, and javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD All-
Powerful, the God of the armies of Israel. You have said bad things about him." David knew he had God
and he trusted what God said He would do for him. Thus, he looked at the situation without doubt and
fear. He activated his strength to fight the enemy by 0speaking what he wanted to happen. That gave
him the courage to step out and conquer.

The same situation-intimidation, doubt, and fear-happen everyday. You may not be aware of it
sometimes because you do not see it coming. The enemy can attack you so subtly in a way that you may
not even notice it. He can throw lies at you that can make you scared or make you feel inferior. He of
Jesus and a doer of His Word. does this so you cannot live out what you are called to be: a victorious

LESSON 8 : Prepared for His Coming

Key Verse :Daniel 9:23-27

The Son of Man will come again with His Father's glory and with His angels. And He reward will everyone
for what they have done. -Matthew 16:27


In this lesson, I will...

• prepare my mind, body, and spirit for the Lord's coming.

• enumerate the things I need to do while waiting for Jesus' return.

• share the truth of the end times with another person.

Discover GOD

Jesus is coming soon.


When Jesus was still with His disciples, He warned them about the end of time, a terrible time for those
who refuse to love and follow Him. Today, many people disregard or even deny what Jesus said. They
are too comfortable with their lives to prepare for what's ahead. They ignore the Bible's account and
invent fancy theories.

Jesus Christ will someday come back to earth in the same way He left. We refer to this the Second
Coming. The Bible tells the signs this coming: wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and the wickedness of
mankind. Though nobody knows the exact time Jesus will return, the Bible says He will come like a thief
in the night. It also says that the last days will be very difficult. The fear of suffering, pain, and hardship is
a big reason why the world chooses to deny its reality.

For those who will follow Jesus and obey His word, great excitement should be in their hearts. Before
the worst of the last days come, Jesus will take His followers to be with Him in heaven. This event is
called the Rapture. Jesus' followers can hope for a different kind of world where there will be no more
sickness and no more pain; a world where there will be no more wars and people will all get along
together. How wonderful it will be on earth when Jesus comes again. People will be able to see Him,
walk and talk with Him, and have Him put His loving arms around them.

Growing plants of all kinds and varieties in an urban environment is called urban gardening which is also
known as urban horticulture or urban agriculture. This process encompasses several unique gardening
concepts, including:

1. Container gardening This makes use of a variety of containers-buckets, old tires, raised beds, window
boxes, kiddie pools, barrels, shoes, and watering cans-to grow all manner of plants for food or beauty.
This is common for people with small patios, yards, or balconies.

2. Indoor gardening - This can be done when no patios, decks, yards, or balconies are available.
Containers similar to that in container gardening, as well as in indoor greenhouses or solariums
(sunrooms) can be used to grow plants.

3. Community gardening - This refers to the method of cultivating gardens using outdoor public or
private spaces for food or pleasure as a group. It is perfect for those with no yard or outdoor space.

4. Guerilla gardening - This is a way of adding plants to public spaces that is not owned by the gardener
such as a vacant lot, median, beside a highway, or in little strips of dirt.


It is used primarily to increase the available nutrients in the soil in order to balance Fertilizer is anything
added to the soil that will increase the yield of the crops. the plant-nutrient ratio.

1. Organic fertilizers

These are derived from decaying plant and animal products such as blood meal, bone meal, manure,
plant parts, and leftovers.

a) Animal manure - It increases the absorptive power of the soil and improves the physical condition of
the soil. It stimulates biochemical activity and supplies nutrients to the plants.

b) Green manure - These are the green, growing plants that are plowed under. Upon their
decomposition, the plant food they contain becomes available to other plants.

c) Compost This is an organic material consisting of very fine, thoroughly rotted manure, plant parts, and
other organic matter. The process of changing plant and animal waste into the simplest form of organic
material is called composting. A compost heap or pile is necessary to every farmer or gardener for it is a
means of utilizing to the best advantage all the waste materials from the farm crops and animals.

Methods in Making a Compost Heap

(1) Select a spot in your yard where the soil is well-drained and where rainwater will not collect.

(2) Measure 5 m by 6 m on the ground level and make an enclosure by staking posts in each corner and
another in between the corners. Put bamboo slots as siding.

(3) Lay the grass cuttings and rice straw first. Do not compress too much for proper aeration.

(4) Lay and spread a layer of animal manure with wood ashes, sawdust, and kitchen scraps. Cover this
with enough soil.
(5) Layer your compost until the pile rises to about a half a meter inheight.

Inorganic fertilizers

These are called commercial fertilizers because they can be bought from the local market. They are
concentrated forms of plant food that may either be complete or incomplete.

There are many methods of applying inorganic fertilizer. The most common are: broadcast application,
foliar application, top dressing, and band application.

a) Broadcast application - In this method,the fertilizer is scattered uniformly on the soil by hand or
machine. For best results, incorporate it into the soil before planting.

b) Foliar application - In this method, the fertilizer is dissolved in water and applied as a spray. This
method of application is widely used to correct the lack of essential elements. Nitrogen sprays are also
widely used.

c) Top dressing This is the term used when the fertilizer is broadcast over growing crops.

d) Band application This is a method of applying fertilizer close to the seed or around the growing plant.

Let Us Explore

The term poultry is applied to chickens, quails, pigeons, ducks, and geese. Of all the fowls, chicken is the
most important because it represents more than 85% of all the poultry produced in the world. Poultry
raising is very important to man because poultry meat supplies the protein needed by the human body.
It is also a source of additional income. The popular breeds of poultry that can be raised in the backyard

Egg breeds-These layers are most productive in their first year of laying. The following are suitable egg
breeds that can be raised locally and their characteristics.

a) Leghorn - It is a small, stylish, active, and alert breed. It is an excellent layer of large, white- shelled
eggs, but the meat is considered inferior to that of most breeds of chicken. They are good layers but
non-sitters. The skin, back, and shanks are yellowish, and the earlobes are white or creamy white. The
most common variety is the Single Comb White Leghorn.

b) Minorca - It is one of the heaviest of the egg breeds. The bird has a full, closely feathered body and a
large comb and wattle. It lays very big and white-shelled eggs. Its skin is white. The shanks and toes of
the in the white and buff varieties. birds that belong to the black varieties are black and slate but are

C) Mikawa - It is a breed of fowl developed in Japan. The hen is a good layer of large pinkish-white
shelled eggs, and its meat is excellent for the table. It has a fairly large body similar in form to the
Leghorn. Its color is buff while the beak, skin, shanks, and toes are yellow.

2. Meat type - These chickens are of good size, have compact build, and are Island Red, White
Plymouth Rock, and Hubbard. noted for their quality and quantity of flesh. Among these are the Rhode
3. General purpose breeds - The breeds that belong to this group are good Red, New Hampshire, and
Vantress. egg layers and have tasty and juicy meat. Among these are the Rhode Island

Characteristics of Good Layers

Good layers stock should have the following characteristics.

Comb, wattles, and earlobes Single-combed white leghorn is, by far, the best egg-type chicken. It has a
single comb and its size is large when fully developed. Their wattles and earlobes are very prominent at
adult age. A good layer's comb is full, reddish in color, warm, and waxy.

Pubic bones

These are two small bones located below the tail and extending along the sides of the vent. During
laying period, the distance between these two bones widen. If two to three fingers can be placed
between the pubic bones, then the bird is a good layer. If not, then it is a poor layer.

Vent - This is the exit for the digestive and reproductive systems. During heavy production, the size of
the vent is large, oval-shaped, moist, and dilated.

Abdomen - This part is the area between the pubic bones and the tip of the breast (keel) bone. This is
enlarged, soft, and with thin skin if the bird is a good layer.

Span - This is the distance between the pubic bones and the tip of the keel. The wider the distance
between them is, the better layer it is.

Housing of Chickens

Like human beings, animals need shelter. Housing is one of the basic needs in poultry raising. Houses for
domesticated animals such as poultry should be designed and constructed in imitation of their natural

A good poultry house should be able to give comfort to the birds and convenience to the caretaker. It
should protect the chicken from the rain, strong winds, and extreme temperatures. It should be roomy
and easy to clean.

Types of Poultry Houses

1.Litter-floor type - This is a whole house unit or a house divided into pens where the floor is the ground
or concrete, covered with litter material such as rice hulls and sawdust to absorb the moisture from the

2. Slatted-floor type- This is an entire house or unit divided, elevated, and slatted into pens. It is made of
bamboo splits, lumber, rattan, or wir mesh.

3.Cage system - Some chickens are housed in an individual cage, particularly those intended for
ornamental purposes. Others stay in colony cage system.
Fixtures and Equipment for Poultry

A poultry house is not complete without the following fixtures and equipment.

1. Dropping board It is used for collecting manure which is rich in nitrogen and used as fertilizer.
2. Perches- These are horizontal poles where birds sit and rest.
3. Nests- These are the places where hens lay their eggs
4. Feeding trough container from which the chickens eat. It is either - This is a long shallow made
of bamboo or ready-made in plastic.=
5. Drinking trough - This is a shallow container for drinking and is made up of bamboo joints or
any earthen metal and galvanized open vessels.
6. Feeding crate - This is used for transporting chicken or poultry.

Feeds and Feeding

A ration is the amount of feeds consumed by an individual chicken within a day. It should be balanced in
order that the essential nutrients in a proportion will properly feed a flock for a certain length of time
without waste or excess of nutrients. The different kinds of rations used for a number of productive
purpose are either for laying, growing, fattening, or breeding.

The different types of rations for egg type chickens are as follows

1.Chicken starter mash - These are the feeds given from 6 weeks old up to 12 weeks of age.

2.Pullet developer mash - These are the feeds given from 12 weeks old up to 20 weeks of age.

3. Laying mash - These are the feeds given throughout the laying period. Fresh and clean drinking water
should also be provided to the chicken. A 7.5-L pail enough to meet water needs is good for 30 layers.


Brooding is the care given to baby chicks until they can stand by themselves. It is also the process of
providing chicks with natural or artificial heat to help maintain their body temperature. Brooding is done
immediately after the newborn chicks are taken out from the incubator. Brooding can be classified into
natural and artificial brooding.

1. Natural brooding - It is done with the help of broody hens, up to 3-4 weeks of age.

2. Artificial brooding - In the absence of the broody hen, a large number of baby chicks are reared
through artificial brooding. Equipment used for brooding are called brooders. Brooder comprises of
three elements: heating sources, reflectors, and brooder guard.

a) Heating sources - They may be electrical; gases like natural gas, LPG, and methane; liquid fuel like
kerosene; or solid fuel like coal and wood.

(1) Electrical brooder - It is a thermostatically controlled heating system that spreads the required
amount of heat uniformly above a large area. This avoids crowding of chicks under brooder directly. One
electrical brooder can be used for 300-400 chicks.
(2) Infrared bulb - It is a self-reflecting bulb. One 250-W IR bulb can provide brooding for about 150-250

(3) Gas brooder – Natural gas , LPG or methane is connected to a heating element which is hung 3-5
feet above the chick to provide heat.

(a) Charcoal stove or Kerosene stoves Where electricity is not available, ordinary charcoal or kerosene
stoves are used to provide supplementary heat to chicks. These stoves are covered with plate or pans to
dissipate the heat.

b) Reflectors - These reflectors are called hovers. There are two types of hovers-flat type and canopy
type. Flat type hovers are provided with heating element, heating mechanism, and pilot lamp and in
some cases, thermometer is also there in order to record the temperature. Canopy type hovers are
reflectors in concave shape consisting of an ordinary electrical bulb, a thermostat mechanism, and in
some cases, a thermometer.

Brooder guard or Chick guard - It is used to prevent chicks from straying too far away from heat supply
until they learn the source of heat. A brooder guard must have a diameter and the height of the brooder
should not exceed 5 feet 1.5 feet. Materials like cardboard sheet, GI sheet, wire mesh, mat, and others
are used depending upon the season of brooding.

Factors to Consider when Brooding

Start with healthy and good quality chicks. Healthy chicks have dry, fluffy feathers. Their eyes are bright
and appear alert.

1.Provide proper temperature.

2.Provide adequate floor space.

3.Consider proper ventilation or supply of fresh air.

4.Provide lighting facilities.

5.The brooder should protect the birds against rats, dogs, and cats.

Control and Prevention of Common Poultry Diseases

Poultry disease is one of the major problems in poultry raising. A disease is an impairment that
interrupts the performance of the vital functions of the poultry. When a disease starts in the flock, the
most important thing to do is to act quickly to prevent the disease from spreading. Precautionary
measures should be taken immediately and treatments should be given at once. Animal diseases are
classified into three-viral, bacterial, and parasitic.

1.Viral disease - As its name implies, it comes from a virus. Smaller than bacteria, this virus reproduces
inside the cells.

2. Bacterial disease - The body of an animal is affected not by the bacteria themselves but by the toxins
(poison) they produce.
3. Parasitic disease-It is caused by parasites that attach themselves to the body.

Diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, or improper nutrition are major causes of losses in
poultry operations. The best way to control diseases is through prevention which can be achieved by
vaccination program, hygiene and sanitation, and proper manure management.

Harvesting Poultry

The right time for harvesting broiler chickens is when they have reached 45-49 days of age. By this time,
they should weigh 1.3-1.5 kg. Once this age is reached and the required weight is obtained, the broiler
must be harvested and sold without delay. A delay means additional cost of feeding in maintaining the


Poultry raisers usually sell their products either directly to the local market or through a middleman.
Marketing is also made with local hotels, restaurants, and grocery stores, especially those with freezers.


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