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Your memories of school.

I have a lot of memories from school because I went in three different schools so far.

From first to fourth grade in primary school I went school in Kazincbarcika. It was a great time
because I had good teachers and classmates in this four years. I can’t pick out one favourite memory
from these years because happened a lot of memorable things with me.

When we moved to Szarvaskő in 2016, I started to go to school in Eger. I went to Lenkey János
Primary school from 5th to 8th grade. To be honest these years were the most memorable school
years in my life. I had good and reliable friends (With some of my friends I have continued my
relationship after primary school.) and a lot of teachers who I will never forget. During these years I
found out that I’m really interested in IT. I attended at robotics and programming extra lessons. This
was the beginning of my studies of IT.

Currently I’m in 11th grade at Neumann János secondary, in an IT specialised class. My memories are
fresh from this school and I can tell a lot of funny stories about my funny head teacher. He is a very
good person, he tries to help if you have any problems, but sometimes he speaks and does funny

Overall, I think I have a lot of memories from school. I remembered it correctly that my grandmother
advised me when I started primary school that “You should collect a lot of memories from school to
tell that for your grandchildren.” I think I accepted her advice.

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