Syllabus in Theory and Practice in Public Administration

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Camarin Campus, Caloocan City


I. COURSE TITLE : Theory and Practice In Public Administration

III. Academic Year : 2020-2021, Second Semester

The study of Theory and Practice specifically in Public Administration will demonstrate
knowledge among Master’s students on the importance of managing individual
employee satisfaction and motivation, apart from complying with formal rules and
operation procedures, to maintain high quality performance and productivity. The
importance of informal social factors in the work place such as co-worker relationships
and group norms that influence employee motivation and performance will be
highlighted. The course will put more emphasis on the importance of the working
environment for employees as a socialized natural group in which social aspects for
both employees and managers take precedence over functional organizational

As a field, Theory and Practice is relatively young, having experienced its birth
and beginning development of its own identity in the early 1970’s. As a relative
adolescent in the family known Behavioral Sciences. Different theories traces its roots
back to Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology. What makes the course rather unique
from these disciplines is the strong interrelationships with the field of Management in
Public Administration.

This course will show heavily on experiential exercises intended to show the
graduate student first hand, how individuals, both internal and external to the
organization, relate with one another and the consequences of their interaction. The
principle activities of the course will be centered on what happens in class. The course
feature heavy reliance on student participation in the class activities such as case
studies, focus group discussions, small/large discussions led by individual students as
well as the professor. In short the emphasis will be in vicarious learning.

VI. Course Objectives:

After completing the course, students should be able to:
1. Define the concepts of Theory and Practice Making specifically Public Administration.
2. Identify theories in leadership and management that can be adopted most especially in
the workplace.
3. Critically analyze some decision-making processes of the managers specifically in
dealing with rewards and recognition of employees.
4. Provide critical analysis on issues that confront that employee and manager
relationship in the organization.



1 3 Orientation
Self Introduction
Levelling of Expectations
Distribution of Assigned Topics
The Overview of Theory and Practice in Public Administration
2.Public Administration: Definition, Concepts, Approaches
and Context:

2.1 Definitions; Role and Scope of Public Administration in

Society; Issues in Public
2.2 Administration Theory and Practice – Democracy versus
Bureaucracy, Politics versus
2.3 Administration, Efficiency versus Equity; Core Values of
Public Administration – Rule of
2.4 Law, Efficiency, Equity and Fairness, Responsiveness;
Traditional Public Administration;
2.5 New Public Management; New Public Management; New
Public Service; Governance
2.6Approach to Public Administration; Islamic Concept of
Public Administration.

5-6 3.Public Organization: Classical and Contemporary Theories

and Concepts:

3.1Bureaucracy; Scientific Management; The Human

Relations; Leadership,
3.2 Motivation, Network; Governance; Strategic
Management; Public Choice; Administrative
3.3 Culture; Types of Organizational Structure; Organization
of Federal, Provincial, and
3.4 Local Government; Administrative Culture.

7 4.Public Policy Planning, Implementation and Evaluation:

4.1 Strategic Planning and Management; Planning Process;
Policy Analysis; Policy
4.2 Implementation; Program Evaluation; Planning
Machinery; Role of Donors and
4.3 International Institutions in Public Polity and
8-9 5.Budgeting and Financial Management:

5.1 The Budget as a Policy Tool; The Budget as a Managerial

Tool; Principles of
5.2 Budgeting, Auditing and Accounting in Government; The
Line-Item Budget; The
5.3 Performance Budget; Program Budgeting; Zero-Base
Budgeting; Outcome Base Budgeting

10 Mid-Term Examination
11-12 6. Managing Human Resources:

6.1 Spoil versus Merit System in Public Employment;

Personnel versus Human
6.2 Resources Management; Close versus Open System of
Public Employment
6.3 Functions of Human Resources Management; Challenges
of Adopting HRM in Public Sector.
13 7.Public Management Skills:

7.1 Communication; Decision Making, Conflict Management;

Leading, Administrative
7.2 Buffering; Managing Change; Managing Diversity; Stress
Management; Delegation and
7.3 Motivation; Creativity and Problem Solving; Issues of Public
14 8.Governance and Administrative Reforms:

8.1 Theories of Administrative Reforms; Types of

Administrative Reforms –
8.2 Privatization, Regulation, De-regulation, Decentralization,
Business Re-engineering and quality assurance
15-16 9.Public Administration and Citizens:

9.1 Bureaucratic Responsiveness; Representative Bureaucracy;

9.2 Engagement in Public Service; The Concept and Approaches to
Public Accountability of
9.3 Public Service; Institutional Framework for Administrative
Accountability; Administrative
9.4 Corruption; Role of Civil Society in Good Governance.
17 10.Public Administration and Development:

10.1 Role of Public Administration in Development; Concept of

10.2 Administration; Difference Between Development
Administration and Development
10.3 Management; Changing Role of Public Administration in


1. Attendance 100%
2. Oral Reports
3. Written Reports
4. Mid-Term Examination
5. Final Examination
6. PPT soft copy
7. Hardbound Copy compilation of the reports


1.Evangeline Lourdes L. Human Resource Relations and Personality Development, Manila

Philippines, Bookstore Publishing Corporation 2005

2. Daza Julie Y Manners of employees in the Workplace Manila Philippines Dazzling Publishing
Inc. 2012

3. Newstrom John W. Organizational Behavior, Human Behavior at work, 11 th Edition, USA Mc

Graw Hill Inc, 2002

4. Certo Samuel C. Management of Organizations and Human Relations, Dubuque Lowa: WM

C. Brown Publishing Inc,

1. Denhardt, R., Public Administration, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1995.

2. David H. Rosenbloom, Public Administration – Understanding Management,

Politics and Law in the Public Sector, Second Edition, 1989.

3. Caiden, Gerald. E, Public Administration. 1982.

4. Cooper et al, (1998) Public Administration for the Twenty-First Century.

5. Harmon, Michael M. & Mayer. Richard T, Organization Theory for Public

Administration, Little Brown and Company 1986.

6. Nicholas Henry, Public Administration and Public Affairs, Sixth edition

7. Shafritz, J. and Hyde, A., Classics of Public Administration, Pacific Grove: Brooks

– Cole, 1987.

8. Candler, R. & Plano, J., (1983) Public Administration Dictionary, John Wiely, New


9. Osbourne, D. and Gaebler, I. (1992) Reinventing Government, Reading, MA:

Addison Wesly.

10. Wilson, J. Q., (1989) Bureaucracy, Basic Books, New York.

11. Braibanti, Ralph (1987) Evolution of Pakistan’s Administration System. (Jameelur

Rehman ed.) Government of Pakistan Public Administration Research Centre.

12. Khadija Mahbug-ul-Haque (1999) Human Development in South Asia: The

Crises of Governance, Oxford University Press, Karachi.

13. Kennedy, Charles H., (1987) Bureaucracy in Pakistan, Oxford University Press,

Bombay, India.

14. Beckett, Julia & Koenig Heidi O., (2005) Public Administration and Law, M.E.

Sharpe, London.

15. Heady, Ferrel. (2001) Public Administration: A comparative Perspective, 6

th ed.

Marcel Dekker, New York.

16. Lane, Jan-Erik (2005) Public Administration and Public Management: The

Principle Agent Perspective, Routledge, London.

17. Hasnat Abdul Hye, (2001) Governance: South Asian Perspective, Oxford

University Press, London.

18. Abdus Samad. (1993) Governance, Economic Policy and Reform in Pakistan:

essays in political economy, Vanguard Book, Lahore.

Prepared by:


GS Professor

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