2009 Forehand SCJ
2009 Forehand SCJ
2009 Forehand SCJ
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SUMMARY This strategy places extra stress on the to the arm and racket from the larger
player’s body that strength and condi- muscle groups in the legs and trunk
tioning professionals should consider (5,15,21). While it is believed that
in designing training programs. This optimal use of the kinetic chain will
SEARCH RELATED TO THE BIO- article will summarize recent research maximize performance and reduce the
MECHANICS OF TENNIS related to the biomechanics of tennis risk of injury (6,11), the transfer of force
TECHNIQUE IN GROUNDSTROKES technique and propose specific condi- and energy to the small segments and
AND THEN TO RECOMMEND SPE- tioning exercises that logically would tissues of the upper extremity do place
CIFIC STRENGTH AND CONDI- tend to improve performance and re- them under great stress. For example,
TIONING EXERCISES THAT WOULD duce the risk of injury in tennis. medial elbow pain is on the rise in
TEND TO IMPROVE TENNIS PER- tennis players most likely because of
FORMANCE AND PREVENT INJURY. the transfer of energy from the legs
BASED ON THE AVAILABLE and trunk in forehands and serves. This
Traditional tennis groundstrokes were
RESEARCH, IT WAS DETERMINED focuses stress on the medial elbow
hit from a square or closed stance with
THAT TRAINING EXERCISES region in the bent-arm sequential co-
a long flowing stroke using simulta-
SHOULD EMULATE THE SEQUEN- ordination in these strokes. The next
neous coordination of the body. The
TIAL COORDINATION INVOLVED IN sections will summarize recent re-
modern forehand and even the back-
GROUND STROKE PRODUCTION, search on technique issues specific to
hand (particularly the 2-handed back-
AS WELL AS STABILIZING MUS- each groundstroke that are important
hand) are more often hit from an open
CULATURE THAT MIGHT BE IN- to consider when planning condition-
stance using sequential coordination of
VOLVED IN DEVELOPING FORCE ing programs. Several reviews of the
the body. Elite tennis always had these
OR IN PROTECTING BODY PARTS biomechanics of tennis are available for
2 styles of groundstrokes (1), but since
interested readers (5,15,18).
FROM STRESSFUL ACTIONS. SPE- that time, there has been a reversal
CIFIC EXERCISES BASED ON THE from primarily simultaneous to sequen-
FINDINGS IN THE RESEARCH LIT- tial groundstroke technique. This FOREHAND
ERATURE WERE THEN OFFERED. change in the coordinated use of the Vigorous extension of the lower ex-
‘‘kinetic chain’’ suggests that the load- tremity in classic closed stance fore-
ing and injury risk to major segments hands creates greater axial torques to
INTRODUCTION of the body may have changed in rotate the pelvis and hips than not
he game of tennis has changed tennis (11). using the legs (9). While this transfer of
and strategy. Modern players often body, but it is generally accepted that
hit aggressive high-speed ground- most of the energy or force used to kinetic chain; tennis-specific training;
strokes to overpower their opponent. accelerate a tennis racket is transferred technique analysis
Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | www.nsca-lift.org 1
Biomechanics of the Tennis Groundstrokes
stance forehands, it is logical that forehand. Not because these muscles racket speed. In Figure 1d–f, we can see
vigorous leg drive also transfers create a great deal of joint rotation to the forward swing. The pronounced
energy to trunk rotation. Knudson accelerate the racket (4) or because hip and shoulder rotation from Figure
and Bahamonde (16) reported non- grip forces increase ball impulse (13), 1c–f is evidence of the use of angular
significant differences in racket path but because the energy from the lower momentum. Energy from the left leg
and speed at impact between open and body and trunk must be transferred to is transferred as the hips open up first,
square stance forehands of tennis the racket in the later stages of the followed by the shoulders. The com-
teaching professionals. As stated by stroke. In fact, the preferred style of pletion of the swing shows a follow-
Roetert and Reid (20), there are 2 grip and height of the ball at impact through in the direction of the target
things to remember related to these used by the player significantly affects until well after contact is made fol-
forehand stances: (a) open stances are the potential contribution of the lowed by the racket swinging back
often situation specific and (b) both hand/wrist rotation to racket speed over the head as a result of the forceful
stances use linear and angular momen- (4). The main kinetic chain motions rotational component of the swing.
tum to power the stroke. Situation- that create racket speed in the fore- This follow-through, where the racket
specific forehands refer to the need to hand are trunk rotation, horizontal actually finishes over the head, is an
produce different types of forehands shoulder adduction, and internal rota- adaptation that many players have
depending on where the player is in the tion (4). Modern forehand technique implemented, and although the follow-
court, the purpose of the shot (tactics), (typically utilizing grips ranging be- through is initially still toward the
amount of preparation time available, tween eastern and western grips) target (Figure 1e), the overall pathway
as well as where the opponent is during clearly involves sequential coordina- of the stroke (Figure 1f ) ending up
the same scenario. Tennis players need tion that takes advantage of stretch- over the shoulder allows the player
to create differing amounts of force, shortening cycle muscle actions. to impart greater spin on the ball.
spin, and ball trajectories from a variety Training exercises should, therefore, This adaptation is partially the result
of positions, and this has resulted in emulate this sequential coordination, of technology changes in the tennis
adaptations of stroke mechanics and as well as stabilizing musculature. racket and strings allowing for more
stances. The most common situations Following impact in all tennis strokes, power and spin generation resulting
where open stance forehands are the racket and arm retain the vast in more margins for error on the
applied include wide and deep balls majority of the kinetic energy from strokes.
when the player is behind the baseline before impact, so the eccentric ONE-HANDED AND TWO-HANDED
or requires greater leverage to produce strength of the musculature active in BACKHAND
the stroke. the follow-through should also be Training the wrist extensors is partic-
Vigorous axial hip and upper-trunk trained. Eccentric strength both in ularly important for tennis players
rotation allow for energy transfer from the upper and in the lower body can using a 1-handed backhand. Torques
the lower extremity to the upper assist in maximizing tennis perfor- about the wrist in 1-handed backhands
extremity in the square stance fore- mance as well as to aid in the pre- are greater than direct force loading
hand. The upper trunk tends to vention of injuries (12). Particularly, the (14) and can create a rapid stretch of
counter-rotate about 90 to 100° from catching phase of the medicine ball the wrist extensors that is more pro-
parallel to the baseline and about 30° (MB) tosses in Figures 4–7 helps in nounced in players with a history of
beyond the hip in the transverse plane improving both upper- and lower- tennis elbow (17). This is strong
(22) in preparation for the stroke. body eccentric strength. retrospective evidence that training
Forward axial torque to rotate the hips Figure 1a–c show the preparation of the wrist extensors and grip may
achieves its peak at the initiation of phase of the open stance forehand. be useful to reduce the risk of the
the forward stroke (8). Forward rota- The player’s weight transfer from his common overuse injury of the lateral
tion of the upper trunk coincides with right leg to his left leg (he is left epicondyle.
a lag in the upper extremity resisted by handed) shows the horizontal linear There are differences in the use of the
eccentric muscle actions and large peak momentum used to preload the left leg legs, trunk, and upper extremity be-
shoulder horizontal adductor and for a stretch-shortening cycle action to tween the 1- and 2-handed backhands.
internal rotation torques (3). Well- initiate the stroke. Some of the energy One-handed backhands have the hit-
coordinated sequential rotations up stored in this leg is converted to ting shoulder in front of the body and
the kinetic chain through the trunk predominantly upward (vertical linear) rely less on trunk rotation and more
and upper extremity take advantage of momentum but also forward (horizon- on coordinated shoulder and forearm
the stretch-shortening cycle of muscle tal linear) momentum. This leg drive rotations to create the stroke (Figure
actions. utilizes ground reaction forces and is 2a–f ). Front-leg extensor torques are
The forearm flexors and grip muscula- critical for linear to angular momentum larger in the 1-handed backhand
ture are also important in the tennis transfer and the development of high than the 2-handed backhand (19).
Two-handed backhands have larger wrist), while the other adds rotations baseline and to be able to produce
extension torques in the rear leg, which at the elbow joints (7,19). Whatever greater energy transfer from open
result in larger axial torques to rotate the technique adopted, the strength stance position that will translate into
the hips and trunk than 1-handed and conditioning professional should greater weight transfer, trunk rotation,
backhands (2,10,19). Greater upper- work with the tennis coach to custom- and more effective stroke production
trunk rotation has been observed in ize training programs for the specific from deep in the court (Figure 4).
2-handed backhands than in 1-handed techniques used by players. The athlete starts on the center service
backhands (19). Note the hip and trunk mark and the coach/trainer throws the
rotation in the 2-handed backhand EXERCISES
Examples are described for forehands MB about 3 to 5 feet behind and to the
(Figure 3a–f ). right. The athlete will need to move
(right-handed players), but they should
Despite these differences, skilled play- also be performed on the opposing back and across quickly to catch the
ers can create similar levels of racket side to mimic movements required for MB (loading phase) and then while
speed at impact in 1- and 2-handed backhand strokes. maintaining dynamic balance produce
backhands (19). In general, there are a forceful hip turn and throw that will
2 styles of coordination in 2-handed MEDICINE BALL DEEP mimic the muscle contractions and
backhands. One essentially involves GROUNDSTROKE movements required for a deep de-
straight arms and 4 major kinetic chain The purpose was to train the athlete to fensive forehand stroke (for a right-
elements (hips, trunk, shoulder, and move efficiently to deep balls behind the hander).
Figure 2. (a–f ) One-handed backhand groundstroke—(a–c) illustrates the preparation phase of a 1-handed closed stance backhand,
while (d–f ) illustrates the forward swing.
MEDICINE BALL SHORT need to move forward and across The athlete starts on the center
GROUNDSTROKE quickly to catch the MB (loading service line and the coach/trainer
The purpose was to train the athlete to phase) and then while maintaining throws the MB about 5 feet to the
move forward and in a balanced fash- dynamic balance produce a forceful right of the athlete. The athlete will
ion transfer energy from the lower hip and trunk rotation to throw the need to move laterally (utilizing either
extremities (open or square stance) to MB. This will mimic the movement the shuffle or the crossover step) to
weight transfer and hip/trunk rotation and muscles used during a short at- catch the MB (loading phase) and then
for more effective stroke production tacking forehand. while maintaining dynamic balance
(Figure 5). In Figure 5, the athlete is produce a forceful hip and trunk
demonstrating a closed stance catching rotation to throw the MB. This
The purpose was to train the athlete
position. This movement can also be movement sequence will mimic the
to move sideways and to be able to
performed using an open stance catch- movement and muscles used in a wide
produce greater energy transfer from
ing position. forehand.
an open stance position (Figure 6).
The athlete starts on the center service This position will produce greater MEDICINE BALL WALL OPEN
line and the coach/trainer throws weight transfer, trunk rotation, and STANCE
the MB about 3 to 5 feet in front and more effective stroke production on The purpose was to develop rotational
to the athlete’s right. The athlete will wide balls. hip and core strength in movement
patterns and planes that are most used and core while also putting the position), the athlete forcefully
during tennis strokes (Figure 7). oblique muscles on stretch. From rotates the hip and upper body to
The athlete starts about 5 to 8 feet this loading position (Figure 7 demon- release the MB as hard as possible
from a solid wall and loads the hips strates an open stance loading against the wall.
The purpose was to increase grip
strength and endurance via forearm
flexion and extension (Figure 9).
The athlete grasps the wrist roller
device with both hands at shoulder
height. The athlete flexes and extends
the wrist to lower the weight. Once the
weight is lowered as far as possible,
the athlete then flexes and extends the
wrist to lift the weight back up to the
starting position.
The purpose was to develop forearm
strength and endurance in pronation
Figure 7. Medicine ball wall open stance groundstroke drill. and supination (Figures 10).
The athlete places their forearm a forearm pronation movement, and SUMMARY AND APPLICATIONS
on a table or bench while grasping Figure 10b demonstrates a forearm FOR COACHES
a head heavy instrument (a weighted supination movement. Both these The purpose of this article was to help
bar and hammer are both good movements are used during tennis coaches recognize the unique aspects
options). Figure 10a demonstrates groundstrokes. of tennis groundstrokes, with specific
implication for how they can train their
athletes. Again, the 2-fold approach of
this article was to help practitioners
realize the types of training that will (a)
improve performance by creating more
force within muscle groups, improve
coordination between various body
parts involved in each stroke, and
develop overall power in the athlete’s
stroke production and (b) develop
strength in the various body parts
and across joints that would protect
the athlete from injury.
Practical exercises have been offered
that will emulate the stroke coordina-
tion to improve the efficiency of stroke
production as well as exercises that will
improve the athlete’s ability to deceler-
ate specific body parts to assist in
recovery after the execution of the
specific stroke. The exercises denoted
in this article are designed to help the
coach with on-court and off-court
training so that various training sites
can be utilized for effectiveness in
training. For example, MB drills are
offered to help the athlete, not only
Figure 9. Wrist roller drill. move and get in position properly but