SWQ 04 Guidance
SWQ 04 Guidance
SWQ 04 Guidance
Guidance for Assessing Texas Surface and Finished Drinking Water Quality Data, 2004
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Office of Compliance and Enforcement Monitoring Operations Division Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program
For information about this guidance, contact the: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program MC-150 P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 Fax: (512) 239-4420 or E-mail: 303d@tceq.state.tx.us This guidance is also available on the TCEQ Web site, www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/water/quality/305_303.html. Or, from the home page, use the Site Search to look for Water Quality Inventory 2004.
Table of Contents
General Assessment Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Waters Covered in Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sources of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Period of Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Frequency and Duration of Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Minimum Number of Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Use of the Binomial Method for Establishing Required Number of Exceedances for Partial and Nonsupport of Designated Uses . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Flow Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Values Below Limits of Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Spatial Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Depth of Water Quality Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Determination of the Mixed Surface Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Determination of Tidal Influence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Methodology for Assessing Use Support and Primary Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Aquatic Life Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Dissolved Oxygen Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Toxic Substances in Water Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Ambient Water and Sediment Toxicity Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Biological and Habitat Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Fish Community Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Aquatic Life Use Support Determination Using Bioassessment Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Determination of Criteria Support for Protection of Aquatic Habitat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Contact Recreation Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Noncontact Recreation Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Public Water Supply Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Finished Drinking Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Surface Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Fish Consumption Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Oyster Waters Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Approved Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Conditionally Approved Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Restricted Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Prohibited Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Threatened Water Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Methodology for Assessing General Uses and Primary Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Methodology for Assessing Secondary Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Nutrients and Chlorophyll a Screening Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Sediment Quality Screening Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Fish Tissue Screening Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Public Water Supply Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 iii
Narrative Concerns and Nonsupport of Narrative Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Monitoring Strategy to Strengthen Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Methodology for Assignment of Causes and Sources of Pollutants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Sample Sizes and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Partial Support of a Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sample Sizes and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Nonsupport of a Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samples Sizes and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Primary Concerns and Partial Support of the Aquatic Life Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sample Size and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Secondary Concerns (or Primary Concerns for Bacterial Indicators) and Nonsupport of Aquatic Life Use Acute Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 84 85 86
List of Tables
Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table 11. Table 12. Table 13. Summary of Type I and Type II Error Rates Associated with Using Simple Percentage Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sample Sizes and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Partial Support of a Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Sample Size and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Nonsupport of a Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sample Size and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Primary Concerns and Partial Support of Aquatic Life Use Acute Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sample Size and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Secondary Concerns (or Primary Concerns for Bacterial Indicators) and Nonsupport of Aquatic Life Use Acute Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Framework for Evaluating Use Support and Primary Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Criteria for Specific Metals in Water for Protection of Aquatic Life . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Criteria in Water for Specific Organic Substances for Protection of Aquatic Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Index of Biotic Integrity Scoring and Evaluation Statewide Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Metrics and Scoring Criteria for Surber Samples Benthic Macroinvertebrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Metrics and Scoring Criteria for Kick Samples, Rapid Bioassessment Protocol - Benthic Macroinvertebrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Habitat Quality Index Scoring and Evaluation Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Decision Matrix for Integrated Assessments of Aquatic Life Use (ALU) Support Based on Bioassessment, Dissolved Oxygen, Toxics in Water, and Toxicity in Water Testing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Table 14. Table 15. Table 16. Table 17. Table 18. Table 19. Table 20. Table 21. Table 22. Table 23. Table 24. Table 25.
Maximum Contaminant Levels for Organic Chemicals in Public Drinking Water Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum Contaminant Levels for Inorganic Chemicals in Public Drinking Water Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Human Health Criteria in Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Framework for Evaluating General Use Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Framework for Identifying Secondary Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screening Levels for Metals in Sediment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screening Levels for Organic Substances in Sediment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screening Levels for Metals in Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screening Levels for Organic Substances in Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Targeted and Surveillance Monitoring Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List of Causes/Stressors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List of Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
43 44 45 52 56 61 62 69 69 72 75 76
Determination of Appropriate Criteria for Unclassified Waters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Guidance for Assessing Texas Surface and Finished Drinking Water Quality Data, 2004
General Assessment Methodology
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) administers water quality management programs with the goal of protecting, maintaining, and restoring Texas water resources. The Texas Surface Water Quality Standards (TSWQS, TCEQ Rules Chapter 307), adopted by the TCEQ on July 26, 2000, although not yet approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recognize the regional and geologic diversity of the state by dividing major river basins, bays, and estuaries into defined segments (referred to as classified segments). Appropriate water uses such as aquatic life, contact recreation, or oyster watersare designated for each of the classified segments. Numerical criteria (concentrations) established in the TSWQS provide a quantitative basis for evaluating use support and for managing point and nonpoint loadings in Texas surface waters. These criteria are used as maximum or minimum instream concentrations that may result from permitted discharges and nonpoint sources. The procedure for comparing instream water quality conditions to numerical criteria is specified in the TSWQS. For example, dissolved oxygen measurements monitored in a water body may be compared to numerical criteria to determine if the designated aquatic life use is supported. The TSWQS most recently adopted by the TCEQ and approved by the EPA will be used for the assessment. The TSWQS adopted by the TCEQ on July 26, 2000, and pending approval by the EPA, are used in this draft of the guidance. Texas Drinking Water Standards (TDWS), adopted by the TCEQ on June 4, 1977 (Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 30, Sections 290.101- 121), and revised in September 2000, ensure the safety of public water supplies. Numerical criteria established in the TDWS for finished water (after treatment) provide a quantitative basis for evaluating support of the public water supply use. In most instances, this guidance describes how numerical criteria can be compared to conditions within streams and rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and ocean waters, as specified in the TSWQS/TDWS. For example, dissolved oxygen criteria consist of 24-hour average and absolute minimum concentrations. Monitoring must be conducted over at least one complete 24-hour period to generate dissolved oxygen data that can be directly compared to the criteria. Automatic equipment is typically used at monitoring sites to collect field measurements over a complete 24-hour period. In some cases, instantaneous measurements made at equally-
spaced intervals over a 24-hour period are used to generate the required data for direct comparison to the dissolved oxygen criteria. Some of the numerical criteria in the TSWQS, such as water temperature, pH, chloride, sulfate, and total dissolved solids, are not associated with single, specific uses. Instead, they were established in the TSWQS to ensure support of multiple uses, and as tools to identify and manage the influences of point and nonpoint sources of pollution (see definitions on page 73). Instream concentrations of nutrients and chlorophyll a, toxic substances in sediment, and toxic substances in fish tissue are useful in identifying water quality concerns and in evaluating the causes of nonsupport of the narrative standards. Numerical criteria for these constituents have not been established in the TSWQS. The screening levels (instream concentrations) for these parameters establish targets that can be directly compared to monitoring data. The screening levels are statistically derived from longterm monitoring data for this guidance. Recent monitoring data, collected over the last five-year period, are compared to the screening levels to identify areas where elevated concentrations are causes of concern. The TSWQS also contain narrative criteria (verbal descriptions) that apply to all waters of the state. Narrative criteria include general descriptions, such as existence of excessive aquatic plant growths, foaming of surface waters, taste- and odor-producing substances, eroding sediment, and toxic materials. Narrative criteria are evaluated by using numeric criteria, if they are available. Other informationincluding water quality studies, existence of fish kills or contaminant spills, photographic evidence, local knowledge, and best professional judgmentis also used to identify narrative criteria concerns and evaluate support of narrative criteria and associated designated uses. To conduct the assessment, the most recent five years of surface water quality monitoring and finished drinking water data are assembled, ordered by parameter, and evaluated by analysts. In most cases, individual values for each parameter are compared to either numerical water quality criteria or screening levels, and the number of exceedances are determined. Uses and criteria are assessed as fully supported, partially supported, and or not supported based on the number of exceedances for a given sample size. Similar exceedances of numeric screening levels are used to identify water bodies with no concerns, or concerns for impairment. In a few cases where numeric criteria are established as averages (dissolved oxygen criteria; chloride, sulfate, and total dissolved solids criteria; chronic criteria for toxic substances; public drinking water criteria; and human health criteria), individual concentrations for each parameter are summed, and an average is computed. The average is then directly compared to criteria in the TSWQS/ TDWS to determine if the
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designated use is fully supported or not supported, or to identify water quality concerns.
aquatic life use (dissolved oxygen, toxic substances in water, water and sediment toxicity tests, and biological assessments), contact recreation use, and fish consumption use (human health criteria, fish consumption advisories, and aquatic life closures).
Narrative criteria should be applied to assessment of unclassified waters unless site-specific criteria derived from receiving water assessments are available. Site-specific criteria developed for classified segments (water temperature, pH, chloride, sulfate, and total dissolved solids) do not apply to unclassified water bodies.
Sources of Data
Information that may be considered includes surface water quality monitoring (SWQM) data stored in the TCEQ Regulatory Activities and Compliance System (TRACS) database, finished drinking water quality data in the TCEQs Water Permits and Resource Management databases, Clean Rivers Program (CRP) databases, volunteer monitoring programs, and/or other quality-assured data. Water quality data used in the assessment must meet clearly defined acceptance and time line criteria established by the TCEQ (refer to most recent revision of Methodology for Developing the Texas List of Impaired Water Bodies). In addition to SWQM data collected by the TCEQ, the TRACS database contains quality-assured data from other state and federal agencies, river authorities, cities, and other monitoring groups. State agencies include the Texas Department of Health (TDH) and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). Federal agencies include the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). These data are collected using methods consistent with the Surface Water Quality Monitoring Procedures Manual (TCEQ, GI-252). SWQM data are collected at fixed stations during routine monitoring and from many other sites selected for special studies and intensive surveys. The TCEQ will also consider data included in reports and other informa3 August 15, 2003
tion that may not be appropriate for inclusion in the TRACS data base. TCEQ staff will evaluate these special study data to determine if they are complete, representative, and of adequate quality. Finished drinking water data stored in the TCEQs Water Permits and Resource Management database are considered in assessment of the public water supply use. Maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for organic and inorganic chemicals in systems using surface water supplies are assessed. All data used in the assessment must have been collected under quality assurance plans that ensure the data are of known and appropriate quality. Individual measurements, especially exceedances of the water quality criteria and screening levels, are reviewed by water quality analysts to determine if samples are representative and accurate. Although data which do not meet the full requirements for quality assurance can not be used for regulatory purposes, it can be used for planning and for identifying general water quality concerns.
Period of Record
All quality-assured SWQM and finished water data collected during the most recent five-year period are considered for assessment. Most monitoring groups collect data at fixed sites at recurring quarterly or monthly frequencies. For most sites, approximately 20 samples or measurements are available for assessments. In some casesparticularly for toxicants in water, sediment, and fish tissuesamples may be collected less frequently at fixed sites. In some instances where water quality has dramatically improved or declined recently, the more recent and representative data set may be used for the assessment. These changes in water quality could be due to identified permanent changes in pollutant loadings, such as a new treatment facility, implementation of best management practices, or hydrologic changes. Data older than five years may be used for some assessment purposes at the discretion of TCEQ water quality program staff. Such uses may include the determination of trends or the identification of concerns for sediment and tissue contamination. One method for determining support of the fish consumption use is the issuance of consumption advisories and aquatic life closures by the TDH. The most recent advisory or closure is used to determine support of the use; however, sometimes these may have been issued years prior to the five-year assessment period.
all field measurements (dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature); water quality constituents (nutrients, bacteria, chlorophyll a, dissolved solids, and ions); and toxicants in water, sediment, and fish tissue collected routinely in the water body.
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At least 10 samples over the five-year period of record are required at each site for use assessment. The same 10-sample minimum also applies to ambient water and sediment toxicity tests. Exceptions to the 10-sample minimum per site can be made for:
streams or reaches of streams that are 25 miles or less in length, where water quality conditions are similar; reservoirs or estuarine waters, or portions of reservoirs or estuarine waters (5,120 acres or eight square miles or less, respectively), where water quality conditions are similar; and
For these water bodies or portions of water bodies, field measurements, constituents in water, sediment, and fish tissue collected at multiple sites may be aggregated to meet the 10-sample minimum requirement. Field measurements and constituents in water must be collected on different days to be included in the count used to determine the minimum number of samples. Water quality data are not assessed for impairments of aquatic life, recreational, public water supply, fish consumption, and general uses when 3 or fewer samples are available at each site. When only 4 to 9 samples are available at each site, and one exceedance is found, primary water quality concerns are identified (see Aquatic Life Use in the Methodology for Assessing Use Support and Primary Concerns section for additional explanation). In finished drinking water, an average calculated from at least 4 samples is required for comparison to the primary and secondary drinking water standards. These minimum sample numbers were chosen to allow confidence in the assessment, while making the best use of limited monitoring resources.
Use of the Binomial Method for Establishing Required Number of Exceedances for Partial and Nonsupport of Designated Uses
One of the primary objectives of water quality assessment is to draw conclusions about a water body based on a group of measurements for a particular variable of interest. The entire collection of measurements used as the basis of a conclusion is referred to as the population. In general, it is impossible to obtain all of the measurements for a population, so it becomes necessary to attempt to describe the population as reliably as possible by collecting a set of samples from that population. There is always potential for error in this process. For 305(b) water quality assessment, there are essentially two categories of such errors:
Type I Error: Inappropriately classifying a water body as partially or not supporting, when that water body is actually fully supporting. Type II Error: Inappropriately classifying a water body as fully supporting, when that water body is actually partially or not supporting. Historically, attainment of specific and general uses has been determined using a simple calculation of the percentage of samples that exceed the criteria for each water body. These criteria include dissolved oxygen, acute toxicity, bacteria, water temperature, and pH. The TCEQ based its impairment decision on the magnitude of this percentage. For example, the water body was found to be fully supporting the applicable use if the calculated exceedance rate was 10 percent or less; partially supporting if greater than 10 percent and less than or equal to 25 percent; and not supporting if greater than 25 percent. This method does not address the previously described probability for committing decision errors when analyzing the behavior of random variables like those associated with water quality. The binomial method is a useful tool for estimating the probability of committing Type I and/or Type II errors for situations when the analysis is based on a given variable that falls into one of two categories. Placing measurements of water quality variables in two categorieseither equal to or less than a criterion, or greater than the criterionis an example of such a situation. In general, when the binomial method is used, the proportion of the population that belongs to one of the two categories (in this case the proportion of the population that is greater than the criterion) is denoted as p. The proportion of the population that belongs to the second category (in this case the proportion of the population that is equal to or less than the criterion) is denoted as q, which is equal to 1 - p. For example, for a fully supporting water body, p is equal to or less than 10 percent (0.1), and q is greater than or equal to 89.9 percent (0.899). In this case, p and q, respectively, represent the probabilities, for a single sample event, of collecting a sample that exceeds or a sample that meets the criterion. If one sample is used to determine whether a water body is supporting or not, the probability of committing a Type I error would be simple to determine in this casethat is, 10 percent. However, the assessment of water quality data involves the collection of multiple samples and, in order to estimate the probability of committing Type I and/or Type II errors, cumulative probabilities must be determined. The binomial method can be used to calculate the probability of collecting more than 10 percent exceedances from a water body that actually contains less than 10 percent (0.10) exceedancesthat is, erroneously classifying a water body as partially supporting for each combination of number
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of samples (n) and number of exceedances (e). For example, the binomial method can be used to determine the cumulative probability of collecting two or more exceedances out of 9 samples when the actual exceedance rate in a water body is 10 percent. This cumulative probability represents the Type I error probability. By calculating these cumulative probabilities for each combination of n and e, it becomes possible to select the combination which provides an acceptable probability of committing Type I and/or Type II errors. Based on this process of analyzing error rates using the binomial method, the TCEQ has recognized that the chance of falsely classifying a site as impaired (Type I Error) is relatively high for the historically utilized method. For example, basing decisions on the simple percentage exceedance calculation of 10 percent results in a 26.4 percent to 61.2 percent chance of falsely classifying a water body as impaired (Table 1).
Table 1. Summary of Type I and Type II Error Rates Associated with Using Simple Percentage Approach
Summary of Type I and Type II Error rates associated with using simple percentage approach to determine partial support for sample sizes from 4 to 20. Number of Exceedances Required (e) to Classify Water Body as Partially Supporting 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Exact Binomial Type I Error Rate, Assuming 10% Actual Exceedance Rate 32.3 58.0 55.0 51.8 48.5 45.1 41.5 37.9 34.1 30.3 26.4 61.2 56.9 52.2 46.8 40.9 34.4 Exact Binomial Type II Error Rate Assuming 11% Actual Exceedance Rate 40.5 39.2 39.0 37.8 38.8 38.8 38.4 38.3 38.0 37.8 37.6 35.0 34.4 33.9 34.0 32.8 31.6
For partial support and nonsupportdefined as exceedance rates of more than 10 and 25 percent, respectivelythe number of exceedances required for any given number of samples from 10 to 20 is presented in Tables 2 and 3. The number of exceedances was selected to maintain a Type I error probability below 20 percent for all standards and criteria, except acute criteria to support aquatic life, where the probability is below 50 percent. This is reflected by the error rate range for Type I error probabilities of 6.8 to 18.4 in Table 2, and 7.8 to 18.9 in Table 3. To determine if there are primary concerns (for parameters with numeric water quality standards), the number of exceedances required for any given number of samples from 4 to 20 are shown in Table 4. These criteria were selected to maintain a Type 1 error probability below 50 percent. For secondary concerns (for parameters where water quality standards are not adopted), the number of exceedances required for any given number of samples from 4 to 20 are shown in Table 5. These criteria were selected to maintain a Type 1 error probability below 50 percent.
Table 2. Sample Sizes and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Partial Support of a Use (Error rates for sample sizes greater than 20 are provided in Appendix A.)
Minimum number of exceedances chosen to maintain a less than 20% probability of falsely classifying water body as partially supporting when actually fully supporting. Minimum Number of Exceedances Required (e) 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 Exact Binomial Type I Error Rate Assuming 10% Actual Exceedance Rate 13.3 11.5 9.8 8.3 6.8 18.4 15.8 13.4 11.1 8.9 7.0 Exact Binomial Type II Error Rate Assuming 11% Actual Exceedance Rate 41.1 41.2 40.9 40.8 40.5 39.8 39.7 39.3 39.1 38.6 38.3 Exact Binomial Type II Error Rate Assuming 25% Actual Exceedance Rate 22.5 26.3 30.6 35.3 40.5 23.6 28.1 33.3 39.1 45.5 52.6 Exact Binomial Type II Error Rate Assuming 50% Actual Exceedance Rate 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.1 0.4 0.6 1.1 1.9 3.3 5.5
Table 3.
Sample Size and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Nonsupport of a Use (Error rates for sample sizes greater than 20 are provided in Appendix B.)
Minimum number of exceedances chosen to give a less than 20% probability of falsely classifying water body as not supporting when actually fully supporting. Minimum Number of Exceedances Required (e) 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 Exact Binomial Type I Error Rate Assuming 25% Actual Exceedance Rate 10.2 17.5 13.9 10.7 18.9 14.8 11.2 8 15.8 11.5 7.8 Exact Binomial Type II Error Rate Assuming 26% Actual Exceedance Rate 41.6 41.6 41.1 40.8 40.7 40.3 40.1 39.5 39.1 38.7 37.7
Flow Conditions
Streams are routinely monitored under highly variable flow conditions from extreme low flows that typically occur in late summer months following extended dry periods, to high flows that follow seasonal storm events. Water quality criteria and screening levels generally apply to flowing streams as long as flow exceeds the seven-day, two-year low flow (7Q2). Low-flow criteria (7Q2) are calculated from historical USGS stream flow records and are available for most classified streams in Appendix B of the TSWQS. In places where low-flow criteria are not available, they may be approximated from a downstream gaged site, or from one located in a nearby watershed of similar size. Many small, unclassified streams in Texas develop intermittent stream flow in summer months and eventually become completely dry, while others maintain perennial pools when flow is interrupted. The decision matrix that follows (page 13) was developed for this guidance to explain which dissolved oxygen, toxic substances in water, and bacteria criteria apply under different flow conditions.
Table 4.
Sample Size and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Primary Concerns and Partial Support of Aquatic Life Use Acute Criteria (Error rates for sample sizes greater than 20 are provided in Appendix C.)
Minimum number of exceedances chosen to give a less than 50% probability of falsely classifying water body as a primary concern when there is no concern, or as partially supporting the acute criteria when they are actually supporting. Minimum Number of Exceedances Required (e) 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Exact Binomial Type I Error Rate Assuming 10% Actual Exceedance Rate 32.3 29.4 26.6 23.8 48.5 45.1 41.5 37.9 34.1 30.3 26.4 22.5 56.9 52.2 46.8 40.9 34.4 Exact Binomial Type II Error Rate Assuming 11% Actual Exceedance Rate 40.5 40.3 40.1 40.3 38.8 38.8 38.5 38.3 38.0 37.8 37.6 37.8 34.4 33.9 33.4 32.8 31.6
Table 5.
Sample Size and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Secondary Concerns (or Primary Concerns for Bacterial Indicators) and Nonsupport of Aquatic Life Use Acute Criteria (Error rates for sample sizes greater than 20 are provided in Appendix D.)
Minimum number of exceedances chosen to give a less than 50% probability of falsely classifying water body as a secondary concern when actually there is no concern, as a primary concern for bacterial indicators, or as not supporting the acute criteria when they are actually supported. Minimum Number of Exceedances Required (e) 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 Exact Binomial Type I Error Assuming 25% Actual Exceedance Rate 38.3 33.2 48.1 42.6 37 31.3 47.9 41.6 35.1 28.7 47.4 39.9 32.1 24.3 46.6 36.7 26.2 Exact Binomial Type II Error Assuming 26% Actual Exceedance Rate 41.6 41.4 41.1 41.0 40.8 40.5 39.9 39.6 39.4 38.7 38.3 37.8 37.0 36.0 35.2 33.7 31.2
those for concern. Values computed from 50 percent of minimum analytical limits that exceed criteria or screening levels are not counted as exceedances. However, the 50 percent value of the reporting limit for these nondetects is used in developing screening levels and in calculating summary statistics (minimum, maximum, and average). TCEQ staff are investigating the application of statistical methods for treating non-detects as part of an overall initiative to redevelop the water monitoring database and to store more complete metadata.
Is water body freshwater or influenced by tidal activity? (See Determination of Tidal Influence section in the General Assessment Methodology.) Determine stream order according to TSWQS 307.3(a)(56) which specifies that the smallest unbranched tributary of a drainage basin is designated a first order stream. Where two first order streams join, a second order stream is formed; and where two second order streams join, a third order stream is formed, etc. Stream order is determined from USGS topographic maps with a scale of 1:24,000. If water body is intermittent: use acute criteria only to assess toxics in water data relative to aquatic life use. assess dissolved oxygen data relative to aquatic life use according to TSWQS 307.4(h)(4), which specifies that intermittent streams that are not specifically listed in Appendix A or D will maintain a 24-hour dissolved oxygen average concentration of 2.0 mg/L and an absolute minimum concentration of 1.5 mg/L. For intermittent streams with seasonal aquatic life uses, dissolved oxygen concentrations commensurate with the aquatic life uses will be maintained during the seasons in which the aquatic life uses occur. Are biological data available which allow determination of appropriate seasonal aquatic life uses? Yes/No If yes, assess using criteria appropriate to that use during the season that the use exists. If no, assess using a 24-hour dissolved oxygen average concentration of 2.0 mg/L and an absolute minimum concentration of 1.5 mg/L until such time as biological data become available to assess seasonal uses. If water body is intermittent with perennial pools adequate to support significant aquatic life: assess toxics in water data relative to aquatic life use using acute and chronic criteria. assess dissolved oxygen data relative to aquatic life use according to TSWQS 307.4(h)(4), which specifies that unclassified intermittent streams with significant aquatic life uses created by perennial pools are presumed to have a limited aquatic life use and corresponding dissolved oxygen criteria, a 24-hour average concentration of 3.0 mg/L, and an absolute minimum concentration of 2.0 mg/L. If water body is intermittent with perennial pools that are sustained by wastewater treatment plant flows, and pools are inadequate to support significant aquatic life: assess toxics in water data relative to aquatic life use using acute and chronic criteria.
assess dissolved oxygen data relative to aquatic life use according to TSWQS 307.4(h)(4), which specifies that unclassified intermittent streams with significant aquatic life uses created by perennial pools are presumed to have a limited aquatic life use and corresponding dissolved oxygen criteria, a 24-hour average concentration of 3.0 mg/L, and an absolute minimum concentration of 2.0 mg/L. If water body is intermittent with perennial pools that are not sustained by wastewater treatment flows, and pools are inadequate to support significant aquatic life: assess toxics in water data relative to aquatic life using acute criteria. assess dissolved oxygen data relative to aquatic life use according to TSWQS 307.4(h)(4) which specifies that intermittent streams which are not specifically listed in Appendix A or D will maintain a 24-hour dissolved oxygen average concentration of 2.0 mg/L and an absolute minimum concentration of 1.5 mg/L. For intermittent streams with seasonal aquatic life uses, dissolved oxygen concentrations commensurate with the aquatic life uses will be maintained during the seasons in which the aquatic life uses occur. If water body is freshwater and perennial; and (a) flow data are available and flow is >7Q2: use acute and chronic criteria to assess toxics in water relative to aquatic life use. assess dissolved oxygen data relative to aquatic life use according to TSWQS 307.4(h)(1) which specifies that perennial streams, rivers, lakes, bays, estuaries and other appropriate perennial waters that are not specifically listed in Appendix A or D are presumed to have a high aquatic life use and corresponding dissolved oxygen criteria; a 24-hour average concentration of 5.0 mg/L; and an absolute minimum concentration of 3.0 mg/L, 5.5, and 4.5 mg/L, respectively, in spring. For streams located in north and east Texas [as defined in TSWQS 307.7(b)(3)(a)(ii)] assess dissolved oxygen data relative to aquatic life use according to Table 5 in the TSWQS . (b) flow data are available and flow is below 7Q2: use acute criteria only to assess toxics in water data relative to aquatic life use. do not assess dissolved oxygen data. (c) flow data are not available: assess dissolved oxygen data.
If water body is tidal and perennial: use marine acute and chronic criteria to assess toxics in water relative to aquatic life use. use a 24-hour average concentration of 4.0 mg/L and an absolute minimum concentration of 3.0 mg/L to assess dissolved oxygen data relative to aquatic life use. If water body is freshwater, perennial, and third order or greater: use the column B value for human health protection to assess human health criteria relative to the fish consumption use. If water body is freshwater, perennial, and less than third order or intermittent with perennial pools: use 10 times the column B value for human health protection to assess human health criteria relative to the fish consumption use (see exception for spring-fed streams with a sustainable fishery). (7) Evaluation of contact recreation use for all unclassified water bodies: Perennial streams: Are flow data available? Yes/No If yes, evaluate the contact recreation use by using only bacterial indicator data associated with sample events when flow is equal to or greater than 0.10 cfs, or the 7Q2, if known. If no, contact recreation is assessed. Intermittent streams and intermittent streams with perennial pools: bacterial indicator criteria apply at all times.
An exception to the previous guidance on nondetects is made when evaluating chronic toxicants (aquatic life use), human health criteria for water (fish consumption use), and primary organic substances (public water supply use). The criteria for these constituents are expressed as average values. In these cases, the smaller of the following measurements is used in calculating the average: 50 percent of the reporting limit for nondetects or 50 percent of the chronic criterion/human health criterion. Biological monitoring, toxicity in ambient water and sediment, and tissue monitoring are ways of identifying water quality impairments and con16 August 15, 2003
cerns for many contaminants, such as organic substances and some metals, that are too low in concentration to be measured in ambient water. Potential contamination of the aquatic environment by these substances is controlled through strict wastewater effluent limits.
Spatial Coverage
Water quality data are reviewed station by station within classified and unclassified waters to determine geographical extent of designated use support and water quality concerns. The geographic extent is estimated, based on review of existing data, spatial distribution of monitoring sites having the required minimum number of samples, known sources of pollution, influence of tributaries, land use, hydrological modifications, and best professional judgment of TCEQ and CRP assessment personnel. Streams are measured in miles, reservoirs are measured in acres, and estuaries and the Gulf of Mexico are measured in square miles. For large water bodies that have only one monitoring site, the data from that one station are not used to generate an assessment for the entire reach or area. A single monitoring site is considered to be representative of no more than 25 miles in freshwater and tidal streams and ocean shoreline. A single monitoring site in reservoirs and estuaries is considered representative of 25 percent of the total reservoir acres and estuary square miles, but not more than 5,120 acres or 8 square miles. Major hydrological features, such as the confluence of a major tributary or an instream dam, may also limit the spatial extent of an assessment based on one station. Where possible, the SWQM Station ID number will be reported for the assessment. The remaining area not covered by a single site will be reported as not assessed.
Intensively Collected 24-hour Dissolved Oxygen Measurements, Compared to the 24-hour Average and Minimum Criteria in the TSWQS
10 sets
10% or less of the time, the 24-hour average or minimum concentrations are less than the criteria (see Table 2 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Aquatic life use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Greater than 25% of the time, the 24-hour average or minimum concentrations are less than the criteria (see Table 3 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Aquatic life use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Tier 2: Greater than 10% of the time, the 24-hour average or minimum concentrations are less than the criteria (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Tier 1: Greater than 10% of the time, the 24-hour average or minimum concentrations are less than the criteria (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Tier 2: Greater than 10% of the time, concentrations are less than minimum criterion (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size).
4-9 sets
Routinely Collected Instantaneous Dissolved Oxygen Measurements (Grabs) Compared to Absolute Minima in the TSWQS 10 10% or less of the time, concentrations are less than minimum criterion (see Table 2 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Greater than 10% to 25% of the time, concentrations are less than minimum criterion (see Table 2 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Greater than 25% of the time, concentrations are less than minimum criterion (see Table 3 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size).
Assessment Method Routinely Collected Instantaneous Dissolved Oxygen Measurements (Grabs) Compared to Absolute Minima in the TSWQS (continued)
Fully Supporting Aquatic life use support is not assessed for small sample sizes.
Partially Supporting Aquatic life use support is not assessed for small sample sizes.
Not Supporting Aquatic life use support is not assessed for small sample sizes.
Primary Concern Tier 1: Greater than 10% of the time, concentrations are less than minimum criterion (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Tier 2: Greater than 10% of the time, concentrations are less than the 24-hour criterion in the TSWQS (see Table 4 for number of exceedances). Tier 2 concerns are not assessed for acute criteria.
Routinely Collected Instantaneous Dissolved Oxygen Measurements (grabs) Compared to the 24-Hour Criteria in the TSWQS
Aquatic life use is not assessed by comparing grab samples to the 24-hour criteria.
Aquatic life use is not assessed by comparing grab samples to the 24-hour criteria.
Aquatic life use is not assessed by comparing grab samples to the 24-hour criteria.
10% or less of the time, for any individual parameter, concentrations are less than the acute criterion (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size) and/or the average is less than or equal to the chronic criterion. Aquatic life use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Greater than 10% to 25% of the time, for any individual parameter, concentrations exceed the acute criterion (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size)
Greater than 25% of the time, for any individual parameter, concentrations exceed the acute criterion (see Table 5 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size) and/or the average is greater than the chronic criterion. Aquatic life use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Tier 1: Greater than 10% of the time for any individual parameter, concentrations exceed the acute criterion (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size) and/or the average exceeds the chronic criterion.
Fully Supporting 10% or less of the time, conditions indicate acute or chronic toxicity (see Table 2 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Aquatic life use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Partially Supporting Greater than 10% to 25% of the time, conditions indicate acute or chronic toxicity (see Table 2 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Aquatic life use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Not Supporting Greater than 25% of the time, conditions indicate acute or chronic toxicity (see Table 3 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Aquatic life use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Primary Concern Tier 2: Greater than 10% of the time, conditions indicate acute or chronic toxicity (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Tier 1: Greater than 10% of the time, conditions indicate acute or chronic toxicity (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Not applicable. One sample indicates ALU support less than designated. Not applicable. One sample indicates ALU support less than designated. Tier 2: Greater than 25% of the time, concentrations exceed the single sample criterion (see Table 5 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size).
Habitat Assessment
2 1
See Table 13. Aquatic life use not assessed for one sample. See Table 13. Aquatic life use not assessed for one sample.
See Table 13. Aquatic life use not assessed for one sample. See Table 13. Aquatic life use not assessed for one sample.
See Table 13. Aquatic life use not assessed for one sample. See Table 13. Aquatic life use not assessed for one sample. The long-term geometric average exceeds the criterion and/or greater than 25% of the time, concentrations are greater than the single sample criterion (see Table 3) for number of exceedances required for a given sample size).
Contact Recreation
Biological Assessment
2 1
The long-term geometric Partial support is not average is less than the assessed. criterion and 25% of the time or less, concentrations are greater than the single sample criterion (see Table 3 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size).
Assessment Method Bacteria Type fecal coliform E. coli Enterococci Geo Avg 200 126 35
Fully Supporting Contact recreation use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Partially Supporting Contact recreation use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Not Supporting Contact recreation use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Primary Concern Tier 1: The long-term geometric average exceeds the criterion and/or greater than 25% of the time, concentrations exceed the single sample criterion (see Table 5 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Tier 2: Greater than 25% of the time, concentrations exceed the single sample criterion (see Table 5 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size).
Noncontact Recreation
The long-term geometric Partial support is not average is less than the assessed. criterion and 25% of the time or less, concentrations are greater than the single sample criterion (see Table 3 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Noncontact recreation use not assessed for small sample sizes. Noncontact recreation use not assessed for small sample sizes.
The long-term geometric average exceeds the criterion and/or greater than 25% of the time, concentrations are greater than the single sample criterion (see Table 3 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Noncontact recreation use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Tier 1: The long-term geometric average exceeds the criterion and/or greater than 25% of the time, concentrations exceed the single sample criterion (see Table 5 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size).
Assessment Method For Segment 2308 only Bacteria Type Geo Avg fecal coliform 2,000 E. coli 605
Fully Supporting
Partially Supporting
Not Supporting The long-term geometric average exceeds the criterion and/or greater than 25% of the time, concentrations are greater than the single sample criterion (see Table 3 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Noncontact recreation use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Primary Concern Tier 2: Greater than 25% of the time, concentrations exceed the single sample criterion (see Table 5 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size).
Partial support is not The long-term geometric average is less than the assessed. criterion and 25% of the time or less, concentrations are greater than the single sample criterion (see Table 3 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Noncontact recreation use not assessed for small sample sizes. Noncontact recreation use not assessed for small sample sizes.
Tier 1: The long-term geometric average exceeds the criterion and/or greater than 25% of the time, concentrations exceed the single sample criterion (see Table 5 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Not applicable. Greater than 10% of the time, concentrations exceed one-half the MCL (threatened) (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Not applicable.
Public Water Supply Finished Drinking Water: Organic and Inorganic MCLs 4 4 Running annual average is less than the MCL. Full use support is not assessed for this indicator based on individual concentrations. Partial support is not assessed. Partial support is not assessed for this indicator based on individual concentrations. Running annual average exceeds the MCL. Nonsupport is not assessed for this indicator based on individual concentrations. Surface Water: Organic and Inorganic MCLs 10 Long-term or running annual average of at least four quarterly samples is less than or equal to the MCL. Partial support is not assessed. Long-term or running annual average of at least four quarterly samples exceeds the MCL.
Fully Supporting The public water supply use is not assessed for small sample sizes (unless a running annual average can be determined). No fish/shellfish consumption advisories or aquatic life closures in effect.
Not Supporting The public water supply use is not assessed for small sample sizes (unless a running annual average can be determined).
Fish Consumption
Restricted-consumption advisory (limits on number or size of meals) in effect for the general population or a subpopulation that could be at greater risk (e.g., pregnant women, children).
Aquatic life closure (no Not applicable. taking of aquatic life) in effect or fish/shellfish noconsumption advisory in effect for one or more species for the general population or subpopulation that could be at greater risk. Average exceeds human health criteria. The fish consumption use is not assessed for small sample sizes. Not applicable.
Human Health Criteria in Water for Water and Fish, Freshwater Fish Only, and Tidal-Water Fish Only (Toxic Substances)
Average is less than or equal to human health criteria. The fish consumption use is not assessed for small sample sizes.
Assessment Method Most recent TDH Shellfish Maps, Sanitary Surveys, and Water Quality Data
Fully Supporting
Partially Supporting
Not Supporting Area is restricted for the growing and harvesting of shellfish or prohibited due to water quality concerns based on recent TDH water quality survey indicating high densities of fecal coliform bacteria.
Primary Concern Area conditionally approved for the growing and harvesting of shellfish based on predictable high densities of fecal coliform bacteria or Area restricted due to high risk of microbial contamination when recent TDH water quality surveys indicate acceptable fecal coliform densities or prohibited area where there is no current water quality survey. Long-term statistical trend indicates declining water quality conditions (threatened).
Water quality data indicate Partial support is not good conditions and low assessed. densities of fecal coliform bacteria. Area approved for growing and harvesting shellfish.
All Uses
Statistical Trend
20-60 over Full use support is not 5-20 years assessed for this indicator.
Dissolved Oxygen Criteria Each classified water body in the TSWQS is assigned one of the following aquatic life uses, based on physical, chemical, and biological characteristics: exceptional, high, intermediate, limited, or no significant aquatic life use. Dissolved oxygen criteria (24-hour averages) to protect these aquatic life uses for freshwater are 6.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, and 2.0 mg/L, respectively. A minimal use and dissolved oxygen screening level of 2 mg/L is used in this guidance where the TSWQS designate no significant aquatic life use. The dissolved oxygen criteria are 1 mg/L lower for exceptional, high, and intermediate aquatic life uses in tidally-influenced water bodies, due to differences between oxygen solubility in fresh and salt water. In addition, absolute minimum criteria to protect the range of aquatic life uses are designated. In freshwater, these minimum criteria are 4.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0, and 1.5 mg/L, respectively. Absolute minima in tidal waters are nearly the same, except the criterion for the intermediate use is 2.0 mg/L, and there is no limited use or criterion. Unclassified perennial water bodies are presumed to have a high aquatic life use and corresponding dissolved oxygen criteria. Unclassified intermittent streams with significant aquatic life use created by perennial pools are presumed to have limited aquatic life uses (protected by a 3.0 mg/L criterion). Intermittent streams without perennial pools are presumed to have minimal aquatic life uses (protected by a 2.0 mg/L criterion) when water is flowing and exceeds the 7Q2. Presumed aquatic life uses for unclassified streams may be changed by the results of receiving water assessments. A decision matrix that describes the appropriate dissolved oxygen criteria for different flow conditions is shown on page 13. An exception to this general rule is where site-specific aquatic life use and associated dissolved oxygen criteria have been assigned to a perennial unclassified water body through a receiving water assessment (see Appendix D of the TSWQS). Another exception is for perennial streams located in the eastern and southern areas of the state [described in the TSWQS, 307.7(b) (3)(a)(iii)] where a strong dependent relationship exists among summertime dissolved oxygen concentration, stream flow, and channel bed slope. Streams with significant aquatic life uses in these areas of the state may be evaluated for 24-hour dissolved oxygen concentrations when flow is greater than the 7Q2, as shown in Table 1 of the Procedures to Implement the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards (Implementation Procedures, RG194), adopted by the TCEQ on November 15, 2000. The headwater flows, shown in Table 2 of the Implementation Procedures, may be used to evaluate summertime dissolved oxygen criteria (see Table 1 of the Implementation Procedures) for presumed, designated, or assigned aquatic life uses.
Most of the dissolved oxygen data collected at fixed monitoring stations are instantaneous (grab sample) measurements collected during daylight hours (0900 to 1400 hours). Tier 2 aquatic life primary concerns are identified by comparing instantaneous dissolved oxygen measurements to 24-hour criteria (see Table 8). Water bodies identified with Tier 2 aquatic life primary concerns are candidates for 24-hour sampling. The water body will be placed on the 303(d) list if impairment of the aquatic life use is indicated by sufficient 24-hour dissolved oxygen data. Beginning in September 1997, the TCEQ and the CRP began intensive 24hour monitoring of dissolved oxygen and other field measurements at many sites. This type of monitoring is targeted to water bodies where low instantaneous dissolved oxygen levels indicate partial or nonsupport of designated aquatic life uses. Intensive 24-hour monitoring is conducted with automated equipment that is preset to record and store field measurements at 30-minute intervals (or in some cases more frequently) over one 24-hour period. Four or more dissolved oxygen measurements may also be made manually at even intervals over one 24-hour period at a site, as long as one is made near sunrise (0500-0900 hours) to approximate the daily minimum. Dissolved oxygen values recorded over the 24-hour period are summed and divided by the number of measurements to determine the average concentration, which is compared to the 24-hour criterion. The lowest dissolved oxygen value from each 24-hour set is compared to the minimum criterion. All intensive 24-hour dissolved oxygen monitoring events must be spaced over an index period representing warm-weather seasons of the year (March 15-October 15), with between one-half to two-thirds of the measurements occurring during the critical period (July 1-September 30). The critical period of the year is when minimum stream flows, maximum water temperatures, and minimum dissolved oxygen concentrations typically occur in Texas streams. A period of about one month must separate each 24-hour sampling event. When samples are available from outside the index period, these samples can be used to indicate nonsupport of the criterion at the discretion of TCEQ staff. For purposes of determining compliance with 24-hour average criteria, samples collected near the surface will be considered representative of the mixed surface layer. In deep streams, reservoirs, and tidally-influenced water bodies, automatic equipment may be positioned at one-half the depth of the mixed surface layer for compliance purposes. At least ten 24hour monitoring events (using 24-hour criteria and/or absolute minimum criteria) at each site within a five-year period are required to provide adequate data for assessment of the aquatic life use (Table 6). A Tier 1 primary concern is identified if only 4 to 9 samples are available. A Tier 2 primary concern is identified when there are 10 or more samples and the evidence is compelling (2 or more samples exceed rating criteria).
28 August 15, 2003
Toxic Substances in Water Criteria Support of the aquatic life use, based on toxic chemicals in water, includes an evaluation of those metals and organic substances for which criteria have been developed. The TCEQ has developed water quality criteria in the TSWQS for 12 metals and 26 organic substances (see Tables 7 and 8). Acute criteria apply to all waters of the state except in small zones of initial dilution near wastewater discharge points. Chronic criteria apply wherever there are aquatic life uses outside of mixing zones in intermittent streams that maintain large perennial pools, and in flowing streams when the stream flow is greater than the 7Q2. Refer to the decision matrix on page 13 for a more detailed explanation of which toxic substances in water criteria apply at different flow conditions. For evaluation of acute toxicity, individual measurements of 12 metals and 26 organic substances are compared against acute criteria established in the TSWQS (Table 1 in the TSWQS). Selection of which set of criteria (freshwater or tidal water) to use in the comparison is based on the location of the station; for example, for a station located in tidally influenced water, the marine criteria are applicable. Ten or more samples are required to evaluate support of the aquatic life use (Table 6). A Tier 1 aquatic life primary concern is identified if only 4 to 9 samples are available. Tier 2 concerns are not identified for acute criteria. For several toxic substance parameters where toxicity is defined as a function of pH or hardness, acute criteria are expressed as an equation based on this relationship. Appropriate pH and hardness values of longterm SWQM fixed station network data by segment are used to compute criteria (see Table 5 in the Implementation Procedures). Where segmentspecific criteria are not available, those developed for the entire basin may be used (see Table 2 in the TSWQS). In other instances where 30 or more ambient samples are available at a site, pH and hardness values are ranked from the lowest to the highest, and the low 15th percentiles are used to compute criteria for a specific site or the entire water body. If hardness values are available for the day at the site that the toxicant was collected, criteria calculated for that day can be applied to the sample. The TSWQS express the criterion for silver in the free ionic form. Silver data in the SWQM database are reported as the dissolved fraction. The percentage of dissolved silver that is present in the free ionic form is calculated and compared to the criterion. Silver data collected from a variety of water bodies throughout the United States indicate that a correlation exists between the dissolved chloride concentration and the percent free ionic silver.
Table 7. Criteria for Specific Metals in Water for Protection of Aquatic Life
(All values listed or calculated in :g/L. Hardness concentrations are input as mg/L)
Parameter Code 01106 01000 01025 01030 01040 00722 01049 71900 01065 Parameter Aluminum (d) Arsenic (d) Cadmium (d) Chromium (Tri)(d) Copper (d) Cyanide (free) Lead (d) Mercury (t) Nickel (d) Selenium (t) Silver (d)(f) Zinc (d) 0.978wQ 0.998wQ 0.889wQ 0.973wQ 0.316wQ 0.960wQ Freshwater Acute 991w 360w
Tidal Water Acute 149w 45.4w 13.5w 5.6 133w 2.1 118w 564 2w 92.7w
Tidal Water Chronic 78w 10w 3.6w 5.6 5.3w 1.1 13.1w 136 84.2w
(0.8190(ln(hardness))+1.561) (0.8545(ln(hardness))-1.386)
10.7 0.792wQ
1.3 0.997wQ
(d) (t) (f) w -
20 0.8w
5 0.986wQ
dissolved fraction total metal criteria corrected to free ionic form for individual samples Indicates that a criterion is multiplied by a water-effects ratio in order to incorporate the effects of local water chemistry on toxicity. The water-effects ratio is equal to 1 except where sufficient data is available to establish a site-specific, water-effects ratio. Water-effects ratios for individual water bodies are added to Appendix E in the TSWQS when standards are revised. The number preceding the w in the freshwater criterion equation is an EPA conversion factor.
Table 8. Criteria in Water for Specific Organic Substances for Protection of Aquatic Life
(All values listed or calculated in :g/L)
Parameter Code Parameter Freshwater Acute Pesticides 39330 39350 81403 39750 39370 39560 39780 39380 Aldrin Chlordane Chloropyrifos (Dursban) Carbaryl 4,4' - DDT Demeton Dicofol (Kelthane) Dieldrin Diuron Endosulfan I (alpha) Endosulfan II (beta) 34351 39390 39782 39580 39410 39530 39480 39755 39540 39516 Endosulfan sulfate Endrin gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane Guthion Heptachlor Malathion Methoxychlor Mirex Parathion (ethyl) PCBs, total 3.0 2.4 0.083 2.0 1.1 59.3 2.5 210.0 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.18 2.0 0.52 ------0.065 2.0 --0.004 0.041 0.001 0.1 19.8 0.002 70.0 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.002 0.08 0.01 0.004 0.01 0.03 0.001 0.013 0.014 1.3 0.09 0.011 613.0 0.13 ---0.71 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.037 0.16 0.053 --------10 --0.004 0.006 0.001 0.1 ---0.002 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.002 --0.01 0.004 0.01 0.03 0.001 --0.03 Freshwater Chronic Tidal Water Acute Tidal Water Chronic
Table 8. Criteria in Water for Specific Organic Substances for Protection of Aquatic Life, continued
Parameter Code 39032 39400 Parameter Pentachlorophenol Toxaphene Tributyltin (TBT) 77687 2,4,5 Trichlorophenol Freshwater Acute e
[1.005(pH) - 4.830]
Freshwater Chronic e
[1.005(pH) - 5.290]
0.0002 0.024 64
The TCEQ developed a regression equation (R2 = 0.87) that calculates the percentage of dissolved silver that is in the free ionic form. The following equation is used to determine what percentage of dissolved silver is in the free ionic form: Y = exp [ exp (1/(0.6559 + 0.0044 (Cl) ) )] where Y = percent of dissolved silver in the free ionic form Cl = dissolved chloride The percentage obtained from the above equation is converted to a proportion and then multiplied by the dissolved fraction to obtain the free ionic silver concentration. For this equation, chloride values are obtained from the TCEQs SWQM database. The 50th percentile value of the dissolved chloride concentration for each segment is used (refer to the Percentiles and Rangessection of the TCEQ Supplementary Information Manual). When the range of chloride values exceeds 140 mg/L (the upper extent of the TCEQ data range), the percentage of silver in the free ionic form will be 8.98 percent. Site specific criteria may be derived, providing 30 or more ambient samples are available. Chloride values are ranked from the lowest to the highest, and the 50th percentile is used to compute criteria for free ionic silver. The degree of aquatic life use support for toxicants in water is based on ranges for the percent of exceedances (see Table 6). Support of the aquatic life use is also based on toxic substance chronic criteria. Selection of either freshwater or marine criteria for a given station is guided by the influence of tidal activity. Chronic criteria that are pH- or hardness-dependent are computed in the manner described above for acute criteria. For each parameter at each site, the average of all values (10- sample minimum) collected during a five-year period is compared against the chronic criterion to determine aquatic life use support. If the average exceeds the criterion, the use is not supported (see Table 6). A Tier 1 primary aquatic life concern is identified if the average from 4 to 9 samples exceeds the criterion. Ambient Water and Sediment Toxicity Tests Aquatic life use support is also evaluated based on ambient water and sediment toxicity testing. The TCEQ, in cooperation with EPA Region 6 and the CRP, routinely collect water and sediment samples for ambient toxicity testing to assess potential toxicity in water bodies, and to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented toxicity control measures. Water bodies that have shown recurrent ambient water or sediment toxicity are candidates for more intensive special studies to confirm the occurrence of toxic conditions or nonsupport of aquatic life uses, and to determine the causes and sources of the toxicity. Laboratories conduct standard 24- to 48-hour
33 August 15, 2003
acute and 7-day chronic toxicity tests on ambient water and sediment elutriates using Ceriodaphnia dubia (water flea) and Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) in freshwater. For estuarine or saline waters (ambient water salinity >2 ppt) and sediment, a standard 7-day chronic toxicity test is conducted using Americamysis bahia (mysids) and Menidia beryllina (inland silverside). The chronic embryo-larval test using Cyprinodon variegatus (sheepshead minnow) is conducted over 9 days. Support of the aquatic life use using ambient toxicity data when 10 or more samples are available is based on the occurrence of toxicity in water and/or sediment for given sample sizes (see Table 6). A Tier 1 aquatic life primary concern is identified when only 4 to 9 samples are available. A Tier 2 primary concern is identified when there are 10 or more samples and the evidence is compelling (toxicity occurs in at least 2 samples). Biological and Habitat Assessment In the TSWQS, an exceptional, high, intermediate, or limited aquatic life use is assigned to each classified water body, and to some unclassified water bodies, based on physical, chemical, and biological characteristics (see Appendixes A and D of the TSWQS). Biological characteristics that describe each aquatic life use category are assessed, based on fish and/or benthic macroinvertebrate data. For water bodies where aquatic life use categories have been designated, use attainment can be assessed. Determination of attainment of biological characteristics deemed appropriate for each aquatic life use category is based on the use of multimetric indices of biological integrity which integrate structural and functional attributes. A use attainability analysis should be undertaken in water bodies where the designated aquatic life use has been based on information other than biological and habitat sampling, and the use is not supported based on a preliminary biological and habitat assessment. Fish Community Assessment Fish community data are collected according to field methods specified in the TCEQ Receiving Water Assessment Procedures Manual (GI-253). These data are used to evaluate the integrity of the fish community based on the index of biotic integrity (IBI) (Table 9). The IBI cannot be used to assess fish community samples collected from reservoirs or tidal streams. Draft regionalized IBI metrics have been proposed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Regionalization of the Index of Biotic Integrity for Texas Streams, draft TPWD publication). Ultimately, these regionalized IBIs are the preferred assessment tool. However, until the draft regionalized IBIs are finalized in 2001, data will be evaluated using statewide criteria, and the draft regionalized IBIs will be used as a supplemental assessment tool. For example, the regionalized IBI may be used to catego-
Total Score for Aquatic Life Use Subcategories 58 - 60 Exceptional 48 - 52 High 40 - 44 Intermediate < 34 Limited
rize samples for which the IBI score obtained using the statewide metric set falls in between categories. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Assessment Benthic macroinvertebrate data are collected according to field protocols specified in the TCEQ Receiving Water Assessment Procedures Manual (GI-253). If benthic macroinvertebrates are collected according to quantitative protocols using a Surber sampler, the integrity of the benthic macroinvertebrate community should be evaluated based on the benthic index of biotic integrity (Table 10). If benthic macroinvertebrates are collected according to rapid bioassessment (RBA) protocols (5-minute kicknet, RBA snags), then the integrity of the benthic macroinvertebrate community should be evaluated based on the metric set for evaluation of benthic macroinvertebrate data (Table 11). Aquatic Life Use Support Determination Using Bioassessment Data When available, the determination of fish and/or benthic macroinvertebrate integrity should be used in conjunction with physical and chemical data to provide an integrated assessment of support of the aquatic life use for water bodies identified in the TSWQS (Appendixes A and D). Support for a given water body should be assessed according to the decision matrix specified in Table 13, and should be based on both fish and benthic macroinvertebrate samples. In certain instances, it may only be possible to collect either fish or benthic macroinvertebrates. Proper justification should be submitted, detailing why only one type of community was sampled. After it has been determined that it is appropriate to use only fish or only benthic macroinvertebrates, rows in Table 13 that are marked with an asterisk may be used to interpret results. Determination of attainment for bioassessment data (column 1, Table 13) is based on the average of the total scores. Scores are derived for each of two or more bioassessment events as described in Table 9 for fish, and in Table 10 or 11 for benthic macroinvertebrates. If only two bioassessment events are considered, then both should be conducted in the same year during the index period March 15 to October 15, with only one of the two events occurring between July 1 and September 30. If more than two bioassessment events are considered, then the period of study should be two or more years, with two events per year (minimum of four sets for two years); all events should occur between March 15 and October 15; and at between one-half to two-thirds of the events should occur between July 1 and September 30. Sample events should be separated by at least one month, and conducted during periods of moderate to low flow (but above the 7Q2). The average score should be compared to the aquatic life use point score ranges given in Table 9 for fish, and in Tables 10 or 11 for benthic macroinvertebrates, depending on what field protocols were followed. If sample results from multiple events are very different, the reasons will be determined, if possible, and the
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samples will be evaluated for validity. An aquatic life primary concern is identified when only one sample is available for assessment and partial or nonsupport of the use is indicated. Determination of Criteria Support for Protection of Aquatic Habitat An evaluation of habitat quality is critical to any assessment of ecological integrity. A habitat quality evaluation is accomplished by measurement of physical habitat parameters over a defined stream reach according to established TCEQ protocols (Receiving Water Assessment Procedures Manual, GI-253). These habitat measurements should be conducted at the same time as biological field work. Physical habitat measurements are made at evenly- spaced transects over the defined stream reach. Measurements are made instream, along the stream channel and banks, and on the riparian zone to provide a holistic habitat assessment. The actual habitat process involves rating nine parameters across four categories through use of a multimetric habitat quality index (Table 12). The total score obtained from the stream reach is compared to categorical ranges that relate to exceptional, high intermediate, limited, and minimal aquatic life uses. Support for water bodies identified in Appendixes A and D of the TSWQS will be assessed according to the decision matrix shown in Table 13.
Table 10. Metrics and Scoring Criteria for Surber Samples - Benthic Macroinvertebrates
(Davis, 1997)
CENTRAL BIOREGION (Ecoregions: 23,24,27,29,30 31, and 32) 1. Total Taxa 2. Diptera Taxa 3. Ephemeroptera Taxa 4. Intolerant Taxa 5. % EPT Taxa 6. % Chironomidae 7. % Tolerant Taxa 8. % Grazers 9. % Gatherers 10. % Filterers 11. % Dominance (3 Taxa) EAST BIOREGION (Ecoregions: 33,34, and 35) 1. Total Taxa 2. Diptera Taxa 3. Ephemeroptera Taxa 4. Intolerant Taxa 5. % EPT Taxa 6. % Chironomidae 7. % Tolerant Taxa 8. % Grazers 9. % Gatherers 10. % Filterers 11. % Dominance (3 Taxa) NORTH BIOREGION (Ecoregions 25 and 26) 1. Total Taxa 2. Diptera Taxa 3. Ephemeroptera Taxa 4. Intolerant Taxa 5. % EPT Taxa 6. % Chironomidae 7. % Tolerant Taxa 8. % Grazers 9. % Gatherers 10. % Filterers 11. % Dominance (3 Taxa)
> 32 >7 >4 >8 > 30 ---a ---a > 14.9 > 15.2 ---a < 54.6 > 30 > 10 ---b >4 > 18.9 ---a < 16.0 > 9.0 > 12.5 ---a < 57.7 > 33 > 14 ---b >3 > 14.4 < 36.9 < 14.1 ---b ---a > 12.2 < 68.1
32 - 18 7-4 4-2 8-4 30.0 - 17.4 < 22.3 < 10.0 14.9 - 8.7 15.2 - 8.8 > 11.9 54.6 - 67.8 30 - 17 10 - 6 >3 4-2 18.9 - 10.8 < 40.2 16.0 -24.3 9.0 - 5.2 12.5 - 7.3 > 16.3 57.7 - 71.6 33 - 19 14 - 8 >2 3-2 14.4 - 8.2 36.9 - 56.2 14.1 - 21.5 > 5.4 > 14.9 12.2 - 7.1 68.1 - 84.5
< 18 <4 <2 <4 < 17.4
$ 22.3 $ 10.0
< 8.7 < 8.8
# 11.9
> 67.8 < 17 <6
<2 < 10.8
$ 40.2
> 24.3 < 5.2 < 7.3
# 16.3
> 71.6 < 19 <8
<2 < 8.2 > 56.2 > 21.5
# 5.4 # 14.9
< 7.1 > 84.5
a - discriminatory power was less-than-optimal for this bioregion, so metric was assigned only two scoring categories b - median value for this bioregion was less than the metric selection criterion (< 5.5 for taxa richness metrics; < 12 for percentage metrics expected to decrease with disturbance), so metric was assigned only two categories
Aquatic Life Use Point Score Ranges: Exceptional >40; High 31-40; Intermediate 21-30; Limited <21
Table 11. Metrics and Scoring Criteria for Kick Samples, Rapid Bioassessment Protocol Benthic Macroinvertebrates
(Harrison, 1996)
Scoring Criteria Metric Taxa Richness EPT Taxa Abundance Biotic Index (HBI) % Chironomidae % Dominant taxon % Dominant FFG % Predators 4 > 21 >9 < 3.77 0.79-4.10 < 22.15 < 36.50 4.73-15.20 > 4.79 < 25.50 >5 8.00-19.23 0.88-10.04 3 15-21 7-9 3.77-4.52 4.11-9.48 22.15-31.01 36.50-45.30 15.21-25.67 3.21-4.79 25.51-50.50 4-5 19.24-30.46 10.05-20.08 2 8-14 4-6 4.53-5.27 9.49-16.19 31.02-39.88 45.31-54.12 25.68-36.14 1.63-3.20 50.51-75.50 2-3 30.47-41.68 20.09-30.12 1 <8 <4 >5.27 < 0.79 or >16.19 > 39.88 > 54.12 < 4.73 or >36.14 < 1.63 > 75.50 or no trichoptera <2 < 8.00 or >41.68 < 0.88 or >30.12
Ratio of Intolerant:Tolerant Taxa % of Total Trichoptera as Hydropsychidae # of Noninsect Taxa % Collector-Gatherers % of total number as Elmidae
Aquatic Life Use Point Score Ranges: Exceptional: High: Intermediate: Limited: > 36 29 - 36 22 - 28 < 22
Total Score for Aquatic Life Subcategories 26 - 31 20 - 25 14 - 19 13 - 8 <7 Exceptional High Intermediate Limited Minimal
Table 13. Decision Matrix for Integrated Assessments of Aquatic Life Use (ALU) Support Based on Bioassessment, Dissolved Oxygen, Toxics in Water, and Toxicity in Water Testing Data
Aquatic Life Use Support Attainment
Bioassessment Data Dissolved Oxygen Data Meets Screening Criteria*** Toxics in Water, Toxicity Testing All Meet Screening Criteria Fully Supported Dissolved Oxygen Data Do Not Meet Screening Criteria*** Toxics in Water, Toxicity Testing Do Not Meet Screening Criteria Toxics in Water, Toxicity Testing Data Not Available Fully Supported Habitat Assessment Meets Screening Criteria Fully Supported Habitat Assessment Does Not Meet Screening Criteria Fully Supported
Benthic macroinvertebrate and Fully Supported* fish bioassessments done and both attain designated ALU Benthic macroinvertebrate and fish bioassessments done and one of the two does not attain designated ALU Both benthic macroinvertebrate and fish bioassessment done and both indicate non-attainment of designated ALU Partially Supported
Partially Supported
Partially Supported
Partially Supported
Partially Supporting
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Only fish bioassessment done and Not Supported indicates nonattainment of designated ALU* Only benthic macroinvertebrate bioassessment done and indicates nonattainment of designated ALU* Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
Only fish bioassessment done and Fully Supported indicates attainment of designated ALU* Only benthic macroinvertebrate bioassessment done and indicates attainment of designated ALU* Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Fully Supported
Bioassessment data not available Fully Supported Fully Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Assessed Fully Supported Not Supported * Both fish and macroinvertebrate samples are required to make an aquatic life use (ALU) attainment determination for 305(b)/303(d) assessment purposes. In certain cases where it is only possible to collect one or the other, the ALU determination may be made based on only fish or benthic macroinvertebrates according to the framework presented in this table. Proper justification is required for why only one type of community was sampled. ** Long-term bioassessment monitoring will be conducted to determine if adverse effects to the fish and/or benthic macroinvertebrates are detected. *** Site-specific dissolved oxygen criteria may be applicable (see Appendix D of the TSWQS).
primary concern is identified if the average concentration exceeds the MCL and is based on only 4 to 9 samples.
Table 14.
Maximum Contaminant Levels for Organic Chemicals in Public Drinking Water Supplies
mg/L 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.004 0.003 0.005 0.0002 0.04 0.005 0.002 0.07 0.2 0.0002 0.4 0.006 0.6 0.075 0.005 0.007 0.07 0.1 0.005 0.005 0.007 0.02 0.1 0.002 Contaminant Ethylbenzene Ethylene dibromide (EDB) Glyphosate Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Lindane Methoxychlor Monochlorobenzene Oxamyl (vydate) Pentachlorophenol Picloram Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Simazine Styrene 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Dioxin) Tetrachloroethylene Toluene Toxaphene 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene Vinyl chloride Xylenes (total) mg/L 0.7 0.00005 0.7 0.0004 0.0002 0.001 0.05 0.0002 0.04 0.1 0.2 0.001 0.5 0.0005 0.004 0.1 0.00000003 0.005 1.0 0.003 0.05 0.07 0.2 0.005 0.005 0.002 10.0
Contaminant Alachlor Aldicarb Aldicarb sulfone Alicarb sulfoxide Atrazine Benzene Benzo(a)pyrene Carbofuran Carbon tetrachloride Chlordane 2,4-D Dalapon Dibromochloropropane (DBCP) Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate Di(2-ethylhexyl) pthalate o-Dichlorobenzene p-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene Dichloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane Dinoseb Diquat Endothall Endrin
Table 15.
Maximum Contaminant Levels for Inorganic Chemicals in Public Drinking Water Supplies
mg/L 0.006 0.05 7 million fibers/liter (longer than 10 m) 2.0 0.004 0.005 0.1 0.2 (as free cyanide) 4.0 0.002 0.1 10.0 (as nitrogen) 1.0 (as nitrogen) 10.0 (as nitrogen) 0.05 0.002 Applicable System2 CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN C CN CN CNT CNT CNT CN CN
Contaminant1 Antimony Arsenic Asbestos Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cyanide Fluoride Mercury Nickel Nitrate Nitrite Nitrate + Nitrite (total) Selenium Thallium
1 2
Dissolved fraction analyzed for metals C = Community; N = Non-transient, non-community; T = Transient, non-community
Column C Tidal-Water Fish Only :g/L 7.3 0.0028 1,060 70.8 0.00232 0.540 0.540 0.0129 5.6 0.0213 920 861 2,216 5.4 8,744 0.007 0.005 0.005 0.481 47.7 0.223 107 0.001
106 0.00347 0.810 0.810 0.0193 8.4 0.0213 1,380 1,292 3,320 8.1 13,116 0.010 0.007 0.007 0.721 71.6 0.335 161 0.002
Chlorobenzene Chloroform Chromium (d) Chrysene Cresols Cyanide (free) 4',4'-DDD 4',4'-DDE 4',4'-DDT 2,4-D Danitol
1.27 4,0001 0.00260 0.159 0.0194 2.99 0.163 0.570 0.21 84.2 0.0531 4.98 0.0122 2.21 70 52,917
1.34 0.00265 1.1 0.0198 3.6 0.413 1.45 2 278 0.053 25.3 0.0122 2.22 9.94E06
0.893 0.00177 0.723 0.0132 2.4 0.275 0.964 1.34 185 0.036 16.9 0.0250 1.48 6.63E06
Heptachlor epoxide Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha) Hexachlorocyclohexane (beta) Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma) (Lindane) Hexachloroethane Hexachlorophene Lead (d) Mercury4 Methoxychlor Metolachlor6 Methyl ethyl ketone
Column B Freshwater Fish Only :g/L 233 7.68 13.5 0.0013 6.68 135 13,333 0.243 323 0.014 50.3 1,069 612 12,586 415
Column C Tidal-Water Fish Only :g/L 156 5.12 8.98 8.85E-04 4.45 90 8,889 0.162 215 0.009 33.6 712 408 8,391 277
Parameter Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)6 Nitrate Nitrogen Nitrobenzene N-Nitrosodiethylamine N-Nitroso-di-nButylamine PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls)5 Pentachlorobenzene Pentachlorphenol Perchlorate6 Pyridine Selenium Simazine6 1,2,4,5Tetrachlorobenzene Tetrachloroethylene Toxaphene
Water and Fish :g/L 15.0 10,000 37.3 0.0382 1.84 0.0013 6.10 1.01 22 88.1 501 4 0.241 51 0.005 47.0 953 51 2001 1001 21
2,4,5 - TP (silvex) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol Trichloroethylene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane TTHM (sum of total trihalomethanes) Vinyl Chloride
Based on maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) specified in 30 TAC 290 (relating to water hygiene). Calculations based on measured bioconcentration factors with no lipid correction factor applied. Calculations based on USEPA action levels in fish tissue. Compliance will be determined using the analytical method for cyanide amenable to chlorination or weak-acid dissociable cyanide. Calculated as the sum of seven PCB congeners: 1016, 1221, 1232, 1242, 1254, 1248, and 1260. Human health criterion not established; screening level used to assess water quality concerns. Laboratory analytical method is under development.
(d) Indicates the criteria are for the dissolved fraction in water. All other criteria are for total recoverable concentrations.
A Tier 1 primary concern is identified when only four to nine samples are available. A Tier 2 primary concern is identified when there are 10 or more samples and the evidence is compelling (at least two exceedances are found). The fish consumption use is also assessed by review of TDH-published fish tissue data, human risk assessment information, and consumption advisories and aquatic life closures. The TDH Web site (www.tdh.state. tx.us/bfds/ssd/survey.html) is a source of information concerning fish consumption advisories and aquatic life closures. The TDH should be consulted concerning recent data and information on existing and imminent fish consumption advisories and aquatic life closures. Results of fish/shellfish tissue sampling by the TDH are available in their latest publication, TDH Fish Sampling Data, 1970-1997. The TDH data are periodically updated to reflect recent sampling. The fish consumption use is supported in water bodies where the TDH has collected tissue data and a subsequent risk assessment indicates no appreciable risk of deleterious effects due to consumption over a persons lifetime. The use is partially supported when a restricted-consumption advisory has been issued for the general population, or a subpopulation that could be at greater risk (children or women of child-bearing age). The fish consumption use is not supported when a no-consumption advisory has been issued for the general population, or for a subpopulation that could be at greater risk; or when an aquatic life closure has been issued that prohibits the taking of aquatic life from the affected water body (see Table 6).
support of the oyster waters use). When the most recent TDH water quality surveys indicate acceptable fecal coliform densities, restricted areas are assessed with primary concerns if the classification is based on high risk of microbial contamination (proximity to marinas and wastewater treatment plants, stormwater runoff, drainage from areas frequented by livestock or waterfowl, etc.). Mapped information will also differ from oyster waters assessment due to the inclusion of a 1,000 foot buffer zone in the TSWQS. Application of the oyster waters use for the TCEQs assessment is excluded within the buffer zone, which is measured from the shoreline to ordinary high tide. Water bodies are classified as supporting or not supporting according to the classification guidance provided in Table 6. The TDH classifies shellfish growing areas into one of four categories. Approved Area An approved area is a shellfish growing area approved by the TDH for growing and harvesting shellfish for direct marketing. The approved area is not subject to contamination from human and/or animal fecal matter in amounts that may present an actual or potential hazard to public health. The approved area is not contaminated with pathogenic organisms, poisonous substances, or marine biotoxins. The classification of an approved area is determined by a sanitary survey conducted by the TDH. An approved area meets criteria except under extreme conditions. Conditionally Approved Area A conditionally approved area is determined by the TDH to meet approved criteria for a predictable period. Events causing the degraded water quality must be predictable and definable (river stage, wastewater treatment plant effluents, run-off conditions). A conditionally approved shellfish growing area is closed when the area does not meet the approved criteria. Conditionally approved areas are assessed as supporting the oyster waters use, but are identified as primary concerns. Restricted Area Restricted areas are shellfish growing areas classified by the TDH as threatened by poor water quality. Shellfish may be harvested from these areas only if permitted and subjected to a suitable and effective cleansing process. The harvested shellfish must be cleaned by depuration (moved to processing plants for cleansing in clean water) or by relaying (moved to estuarine waters in a clean area). Areas classified as restricted for reasons other than water quality impairment are reported as not assessed. Prohibited Area A prohibited area is where there are recent TDH sanitary surveys or other monitoring program data which indicate that fecal material, pathogenic microorganisms, poisonous or deleterious substances, marine toxins, or
49 August 15, 2003
radionuclides may reach the area in excessive concentrations. The taking of shellfish for any human food purposes from such areas is prohibited. Prohibited areas with sanitary surveys indicating impairment are assessed as not supporting the oyster waters use. Areas without recent sanitary surveys are also classified as prohibited, since no data are available for assessment. Prohibited areas where there is no sanitary survey are assessed with primary concerns. Areas that are classified as prohibited for reasons other than water quality impairment are reported as not assessed. Shellfish from a prohibited area may not be taken for cleansing by depuration or relaying.
Information provided by TCEQs Water Permits and Resource Management Division indicates finished drinking water concentrations are above one-half the MCL for primary drinking water standards greater than 10 percent of the time. For a water body to be classified as threatened, individual concentrations may actually exceed the MCL (that is, concentrations are not restricted to the range between 50 percent of the MCL and the MCL). A water body is considered nonsupportive of the water supply use when the annual running average (minimum of 4 samples) exceeds the MCL (see Methodology for Assessing Use Support). These chemicals must also represent possible source water contaminants from a surface water source. Other reliable, available data and information indicate an apparent declining water quality trend (that is, water quality conditions have deteriorated, compared to earlier assessments, but the waters still support uses) (Table 6). The information must demonstrate that in the next two to four years, uses or criteria will not be supported unless additional pollution controls are implemented. Threatened water bodies, in this context, are those where specific pollutants are identified and documented as probable contributors to nonsupport of uses and/or criteria in the future.
Units/Criteria F, segment-specific
Fully Supporting 10% or less of the time, measurements are less than the criterion (see Table 2 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Not assessed due to small sample size.
Partially Supporting Greater than 10% to 25% of the time, the criterion is exceeded (see Table 2 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Not assessed due to small sample size.
Not Supporting Greater than 25% of the time, the criterion is exceeded (see Table 3 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Not assessed due to small sample size.
Primary Concern Tier 2: Greater than 10% of the time, the criterion is exceeded (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Tier 1: Greater than 10% of the time, the criterion is exceeded (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Tier 2: Greater than 10% of the time, values are outside the pH range (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Tier 1: Greater than 10% of the time, the criterion is exceeded (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Tier 1: Segment average exceeds criterion.
10% or less of the time, measurements are outside the pH range (see Table 2 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Not assessed due to small sample size.
Greater than 10% to 25% of the time, values are outside the pH range (see Table 2 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Not assessed due to small sample size.
Greater than 25% of the time, values are outside the pH range (see Table 3 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Not assessed due to small sample size.
mg/L, segment-specific
10 4-9
Segment average less than or equal to criterion. Not assessed due to small sample size.
Partial support is not assessed. Not assessed due to small sample size.
Segment average exceeds criterion. Not assessed due to small sample size.
Parameter Sulfate
Fully Supporting Segment average less than or equal to criterion. Not assessed due to small sample size. Segment average less than or equal to criterion. Not assessed due to small sample size. 10% or less of the time, measurements are less than the criterion (see Table 2 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Not assessed due to small sample size
Partially Supporting Partial support is not assessed. Not assessed due to small sample size. Partial support is not assessed. Not assessed due to small sample size. Greater than 10% to 25% of the time, the criterion is exceeded (see Table 2 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Not assessed due to small sample size
Not Supporting Segment average exceeds criterion. Not assessed due to small sample size. Segment average exceeds criterion. Not assessed due to small sample size. Greater than 25% of the time, the criterion is exceeded (see Table 3 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Not assessed due to small sample size
Primary Concern
Tier 1: Segment average exceeds criterion. Tier 1: Segment average exceeds criterion. Tier 2: Greater than 10% of the time, the criterion is exceeded (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size). Tier 1: Greater than 10% of the time, the criterion is exceeded (see Table 4 for number of exceedances required for a given sample size).
mg/L, segment-specific
10 4-9
Enteroccoci bacteria
provide indication of contamination, rather than protection of a recreational use. Due to heavy ship and barge traffic on the Houston Ship Channel, local statutes have been enacted to discourage any kind of waterbased recreation. The degree of Enterococci criteria support is based on a 10-sample minimum and the number of exceedances for a given sample size (see Table 17). Tier 1 primary concerns are identified for sites where only 4 to 9 samples are available. Tier 2 primary concerns are identified when there are 10 or more samples and evidence is compelling (minimum of two exceedances).
within each water body follows the same basis as that for determining use support. Water bodies with concerns are candidates for targeted monitoring in subsequent years and further evaluation to determine if designated uses are affected.
Parameter/Screening Levels
No Concern
NH3-N NO2-N + NO3-N OP TP Chl a NH3-N NO2-N + NO3-N OP TP Chl a NH3-N NO2-N + NO3-N OP TP Chl a NH3-N NO2-N + NO3-N OP TP Chl a
0.17 mg/L 2.76 mg/L 0.5 mg/L 0.8 mg/L 11.6 :g/L 0.106 mg/L 0.32 mg/L 0.05 mg/L 0.18 mg/L 21.4 :g/L 0.58 mg/L 1.83 mg/L 0.55 mg/L 0.71 mg/L 19.2 :g/L 0.10 mg/L 0.26 mg/L 0.16 mg/L 0.22 mg/L 11.5 :g/L
For any one parameter, the screening level is exceeded 25% or less of the time (see Table 5 for number of exceedances for a given sample size).
For any one parameter, the screening level is exceeded greater than 25% of the time (see Table 5 for number of exceedances for a given sample size). For any one parameter, the screening level is exceeded greater than 25% of the time (see Table 5 for number of exceedances for a given sample size).
For any one parameter, the screening level is exceeded 25% or less of the time (see Table 5 for number of exceedances for a given sample size).
Tidal Streams
For any one parameter, the screening level is exceeded 25% or less of the time (see Table 5 for number of exceedances for a given sample size).
For any one parameter, the screening level is exceeded greater than 25% of the time (see Table 5 for number of exceedances for a given sample size).
Estuaries 10 For any one parameter, the screening level is exceeded 25% or less of the time (see Table 5 for number of exceedances for a given sample size). For any one parameter, the screening level is exceeded greater than 25% of the time (see Table 5 for number of exceedances for a given sample size).
Parameter/Screening Levels 12 Metals and 131 Organic Substances (85th Percentiles and PELs); see Tables 17 and 18 7 Metals and 31 Organic Substances; see Tables 19 and 20
No Concern For any one parameter, the screening level is exceeded 25% or less of the time (see Table 5 for number of exceedances for a given sample size). For any one parameter, the screening level is exceeded 25% or less of the time (see Table 5 for number of exceedances for a given sample size). Average less than or equal to criteria.
Concern For any one parameter, the screening level is exceeded greater than 25% of the time (see Table 5 for number of exceedances for a given sample size). For any one parameter, the screening level is exceeded greater than 25% of the time (see Table 5 for number of exceedances for a given sample size). Average exceeds criteria.
Finished Water Secondary Drinking Water Standards Surface Water Secondary Drinking Water Standards
Narrative Criteria
Increased Costs for Demineralization of Surface Water Only MTBE, 240 g/L perchlorate, 22 g/L Nutrients, sediment contaminants, fish tissue contaminants, other narrative criteria
Demineralization is not used in the treatment process. Average less than or equal to the criteria. Information available indicates attainment of screening levels and narrative criteria.
Demineralization used to treat water to make it palatable. Average exceeds the criteria. Information available indicates a concern; however, it is insufficient to determine impairment of uses or criteria.
mals that are exposed at very high dose rates. The q1* values were obtained from the EPA IRIS database. Additional procedures and assumptions: (1) The ratio of average body weights was used to convert data on laboratory test animals to human scale. When the weight of test animals was not specified, the average weights were considered to be 0.35 kg for rats, 0.03 kg for mice, and 70 kg for humans. If the concentration of a substance in fish tissue used for these calculations was greater than the applicable U.S. Food and Drug Administration action level for edible fish and shellfish tissue, then the acceptable concentration in fish tissue was lowered to the Action Level for calculation of criteria.
Using this approach, screening levels were developed for lead and 31 organic substances (see Tables 21 and 22). Screening levels developed by the TDH are used for the other six metals. Five years of data are screened using these levels. Identification of secondary concerns is determined when the screening levels are exceeded greater than 25 percent of the time based on the number of exceedances for a given sample size.
TCEQ) for drinking water. Human health screening levels are 240 g/L for MTBE and 22 g/L for perchlorate (Table 18). Implementation of advanced treatment may be required for water supplies with elevated chloride, sulfate, and total dissolved solids concentrations. Public water supply systems that experience increased costs for demineralization treatment are identified as concerns for dissolved solids in the surface water body (see Table 18).
Concentrations of taste- and odor-producing substances. Floating debris and suspended solids. Settleable solids (erosion from land surface, banks, and bottom scour). Aesthetically attractive conditions. Waste discharges that cause substantial and persistent changes from ambient conditions or turbidity or color. Foaming of a persistent nature. Oil, grease, or related residue that produce a visible film of oil or globules of grease on the water surface. Toxic surface waters that are harmful to humans through ingestion of water, consumption of aquatic organisms, or contact with the skin, or to terrestrial or aquatic life. Nutrients from permitted discharges or other controllable sources that cause excessive growth of aquatic vegetation that impairs an existing, attainable, or designated use.
The analysis and identification of narrative concerns is inherently less objective and consistent than that for numeric screening levels. Therefore, narrative standards are assessed using narrative criteria for which related numeric data exist (for example, excessive aquatic plant growths associated with instream nutrient concentrations). All water bodies are automatically evaluated to determine if they also fail to support narrative criteria if they exhibit concerns identified by numeric screening criteria for nutrients, contaminated sediment, contaminated fish tissue, and public water supply concerns.
Reservoir 32.7 347.0 0.73 51.3 26.8 34.8 0.169 33.5 2.46 0.87 143.0
Estuary 9.61 483.0 0.663 36.9 19.9 21.9 0.23 21.4 1.7 0.6 107.0
Pesticides 39731 39741 39761 39333 39076 34257 34262 2,4-D 2,4,5-T 2,4,5-TP (silvex) Aldrin alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane delta-Hexachlorocyclohexane gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane) Chlordane, total Chloropyrifos (dursban) DDD, total DDE, total DDT, total Demeton Diazinon Dicofol (kelthane) Dieldrin Diuron 6.67 4.3 4450.0 51.7 1.38 8.9 0.99 4.79 38.5 8.95 7.0 5.74 6..01 6.1 6.1 5.74 30.0 43.9 11.2 13.35 11.45 100.0 45.75 25.0 6.01 ---75.0 13.0 10.5 21.0 16.4 30.0 30.0 16.4 190.0 78.0 65.0 30.0 37.0 100.0 77.65 31.0 15.0 ---330.0 34.5 65.0 34.05 32.95 34.05 34.05 23.45 172.5 172.5 35.9 35.9 34.75 203.0 160.5 20.0 26.68 ---220.0 190.0 190.0 13.0 12.0 15.0 15.0 10.0 60.0 50.0 25.0 24.0 25.0 100.0 50.0 1050.0 13.1 ----
39783 39351 81404 39363 39368 39373 82400 39571 79799 39383 73030
Volatile Organic Substances 34218 34237 34290 88802 34299 34304 34309 34314 34579 34318 88835 34330 88805 34499 34534 34504 34549 34544 34702 34697 34374 Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethane Dichlorobromomethane 1,2-Dibromomethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1,2-trans-Dichloroethylene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene Ethylbenzene 1100.0 250.0 250.0 480.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 550.0 1900.0 300.0 480.0 250.0 220.0 250.0 250.0 235.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 1500.0 300.0 300.0 750.0 300.0 312.5 300.0 750.0 3000.0 300.0 750.0 300.0 350.0 300.0 300.0 312.5 312.5 300.0 300.0 312.5 340.0 2650.0 500.0 550.0 1100.0 450.0 500.0 450.0 1300.0 5300.0 450.0 1100.0 500.0 665.0 450.0 450.0 450.0 500.0 450.0 500.0 500.0 550.0 1700.0 335.0 335.0 850.0 335.0 335.0 335.0 850.0 3800.0 335.0 850.0 325.0 390.0 335.0 335.0 335.0 380.0 335.0 335.0 335.0 335.0
Additional information is solicited from CRP partners, TCEQ central and regional office staffs, and other basin stakeholders to document conditions that may contribute to narrative criteria concerns or nonsupport. The information about concerns and nonsupport of narrative criteria may be used to identify water bodies as impaired. Such information may consist of water quality studies, occurrence of fish kills or contaminant spills, photographic evidence, local knowledge, and best professional judgment.
for listing a water body on the 303(d) list. It is also used to identify concerns with small data sets and focus more monitoring resources on possible problems to determine if the uses or criteria are supported. This information will be used to plan monitoring that will subsequently strengthen the assessment and lead to appropriate water quality management initiatives to restore and maintain water quality. Table 23 illustrates monitoring responses to the water quality status reported in the assessment. In addition to emphasizing impaired water bodies and water bodies with identified concerns, the TCEQ maintains and coordinates a routine monitoring network. General commitments for the monitoring program include:
Conducting a comprehensive assessment of all state waters. Using a wide range of indicators to provide assessment information, including physico-chemical measurement; chemical constituents in water, sediment, and tissue; biological and habitat measurements; and ambient toxicity. Collecting all data under an approved QA program (TCEQ-approved QAPP or data acquired and quality approved by agency staff).
The program works to ensure consistency and share data with other monitoring organizations, including all TCEQ water programs; federal monitoring programs of the EPA, the IBWC, and the USGS; state programs at TPWD and TDH; and river authorities and local cooperators in the CRP program. The assessment activities that result in the 305(b) and 303(d) reports are long-term planning activities that are implemented through the Water Quality Management Plan. The emergency response and complaint programs are TCEQs means for addressing water quality problems in the shorter term. There are, however, emerging monitoring and water quality issues that the program will investigate. Recent examples include MTBE and perchlorate in surface water, and the need for low-level metals collection and analysis methods. The implementation of coordinated statewide monitoring is a priority of the TCEQ and the CRP. It ensures reduced duplication of effort, improves spatial coverage of monitoring sites, and improves consistency of parametric coverages. An annual meeting is held in each major river basin, hosted by the CRP planning agency, during the spring of each year. The purpose of the meeting is to develop a coordinated basin-wide monitoring
Use Partially Supported On the 303(d) List Primary Concern (for water quality criteria) Tier 1 ( < 10 samples) Primary Concern (for water quality criteria) Tier 2 ( >10 samples) Concern Identified for Threatened Water Quality or Declining Trend Secondary Concern (narrative criteria, i.e., nutrients and sediment) Tier 2 ( >10 samples)
2nd 3rd
Conventional parameters on high For conventionals, local interest use water bodies and water bodies determines priority at this time of local interest. Monitor at least one station in each classified segment and important water body Toxics, ambient toxicity, and biological monitoring in areas of risk For toxics, etc., local interest determines priority at this time
For Water Bodies and Parameters Conventional parameters on high For conventionals, local interest That Are Not Assessed use water bodies and water bodies determines priority at this time Determine use support of local interest Determine Statewide Percentages for Use Support and Concerns Reports to the Texas legislature and EPA Comprehensive probability-based To be developed for the 2003 schedule; 10-30% of total or watershed-integrator resources monitoring plan
Table 23. Targeted and Surveillance Monitoring Objectives, continued Use Supported or Not Assessed General Monitoring Objective Determine Water Quality Trend for a Water Body Monitoring Approach Develop a water body- and parameter-specific plan, or continue some of the monitoring already underway Develop ecoregion specific monitoring plan Prioritizing Monitoring Resources Local interest determines priority at this time
Develop watershed and parameter Local interest determines priority specific plan at this time; or part of TMDLinitiated investigation Conduct compliance monitoring of effluents and receiving waters Plan is developed from results of the assessment, compliance history, and relative risk to the environment
Develop watershed and parameter As required by implementation specific plan plans Develop watershed and parameter As required by TMDL priorities specific plan or schedule
schedule (plan), reduce duplication of monitoring efforts, enhance spatial coverage of sampling sites, and ensure consistency in sampling, analysis, and data reporting protocols. All water quality monitoring groups that collect SWQM data and commit to comply with TCEQ requirements for collecting quality-assured data are invited to participate in the meetings. The merits of maintaining or relocating existing sites and changing parametric coverages are discussed in relation to the historical baseline sampling, identification of use impairments and water quality concerns from the 305(b) assessment, local knowledge of water quality problems, permit activities, special studies, and TMDL monitoring projects. Special attention is focused on spatial gaps in station locations and inadequacy of parametric coverages. New sites are added, existing sites may be relocated, and parametric coverages may be changed based on the discussions at the meetings. Additional information pertaining to coordinating monitoring across river basins is available in the Clean Rivers Program Guidance and Reference Guide, FY 2000-2001 (TCEQ). Basin-wide monitoring schedules are developed and submitted to the TCEQ, where they are aggregated to produce a coordinated statewide SWQM schedule provided to EPA. Beginning in 2002, the statewide schedule will be made available at the TCEQ Web site (www.tnrcc. state.tx.us/water/quality/data/coopmonitoring.html).
During the monitoring planning cycle for 2002, a considerable effort has been directed toward impaired water bodies. Monitoring has been scheduled to confirm nonsupport of 24-hour dissolved oxygen criteria for all water bodies identified as impaired based on grab sampling. Over the next two years, this emphasis will continue. The 2002 assessment will identify Tier 1 and 2 primary concerns, as well as secondary concerns. Monitoring resources will be directed to these new categories in order to identify potential and confirmed water quality problems.
Appendix A. Sample Sizes and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Partial Support of a Use
(continued from Table 2, page 9)
Sample Size (n) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Number of Exceedances 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 Type I Error Rate (%) 15.2 17.2 19.3 8.5 9.8 11.2 12.6 14.2 15.8 17.5 19.3 9.4 10.6 11.8 13.2 14.5 16.0 17.5 19.0 9.9 11.0 12.1 13.3 14.6 15.8 17.2 18.6 20.0 11.2 12.2 13.3 14.4 15.6 16.8 18.0 19.3 11.2 12.1 13.1 14.2 Sample Size (n) 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Number of Exceedances 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Type I Error Rate (%) 15.2 16.3 17.5 18.6 19.9 12.0 12.9 13.8 14.8 15.8 16.9 18.0 19.1 20.2 12.6 13.5 14.4 15.4 16.3 17.3 18.4 19.4 12.3 13.1 14.0 14.9 15.8 16.7 17.7 18.6 19.6 12.8 13.5 14.4 15.2 16.1 17.0 17.9 18.8 19.8
Appendix B. Sample Sizes and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Nonsupport of a Use
(continued from Table 3, page 10)
Sample Size (n) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Number of Exceedances 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 Type I Error Rate (%) 13.0 16.1 19.6 12.1 14.9 18.0 11.3 13.8 16.6 19.6 12.8 15.3 18.1 11.9 14.2 16.7 19.4 13.2 15.4 17.9 20.5 14.3 16.6 19.0 13.3 15.3 17.6 20.0 14.2 16.3 18.5 13.2 15.1 17.2 19.4 14.1 16.0 18.0 20.2 14.8 Sample Size (n) 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Number of Exceedances 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 Type I Error Rate (%) 16.8 18.8 13.8 15.6 17.5 19.5 14.5 16.3 18.2 20.2 15.2 17.0 18.8 14.2 15.8 17.6 19.4 14.8 16.4 18.2 20.0 15.4 17.0 18.7 14.4 15.9 17.6 19.3 14.9 16.5 18.1 19.8 15.4 17.0 18.6 20.3 15.9 17.5 19.1 14.9
Appendix C. Sample Sizes and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Primary Concerns and Partial Support of Aquatic Life Use Acute Criteria
(continued from Table 4, page 11)
Sample Size (n) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Number of Exceedances 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 Type I Error Rate (%) 35.1 38.0 40.8 43.6 46.3 48.9 28.2 30.5 32.9 35.2 37.6 40.0 42.3 44.6 46.9 49.1 30.9 33.0 35.0 37.1 39.1 41.2 43.2 45.3 47.3 49.3 32.8 34.7 36.5 38.4 40.2 42.1 43.9 45.7 47.5 49.3 34.3 36.0 37.7 39.3 Sample Size (n) 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Number of Exceedances 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 Type I Error Rate (%) 41.0 42.7 44.4 46.1 47.7 49.4 35.4 37.0 38.5 40.1 41.7 43.2 44.8 46.4 47.9 49.4 36.3 37.8 39.3 40.7 42.2 43.7 45.1 46.6 48.0 49.5 37.1 38.5 39.8 41.2 42.6 44.0 45.4 46.8 48.1 49.5 37.7 39.0 40.4 41.7
Appendix D. Sample Size and Number of Exceedances Required to Determine Secondary Concerns (or Primary Concerns for Bacterial Indicators) and Nonsupport of Aquatic Life Use Acute Criteria
(continued from Table 5, page 12)
Sample Size (n) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Number of Exceedances 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 Type I Error Rate (%) 43.3 48.3 34.6 39.2 43.9 48.5 35.7 40.0 44.3 48.6 36.6 40.6 44.7 48.7 37.4 41.2 45.0 48.7 38.0 41.6 45.2 48.8 38.5 42.0 45.4 48.8 39.0 42.3 45.6 48.9 39.4 42.6 45.8 48.9 39.8 42.9 45.9 49.0 40.2 43.1 Sample Size (n) 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Number of Exceedances 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 Type I Error Rate 46.1 49.0 40.5 43.3 46.2 49.0 40.7 43.5 46.3 49.1 41.0 43.7 46.4 49.1 41.2 43.9 46.5 49.1 41.5 44.0 46.6 49.1 41.7 44.2 46.7 49.2 41.8 44.3 46.7 49.2 42.0 44.4 46.8 49.2 42.2 44.5 46.9 49.2 42.3 44.6