Chemistry Investigeto Ry Project: Siddhant Singh C/31 Science Session: 2022-23

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Name : Siddhant Singh

STREAM: Science

Session: 2022-23

This is to certify that this “Chemistry Investigatory

Project” on the topic “To study the setting of
mixture of cement with lime, sand of different
qualities of fly ash” has been successfully completed
by Siddhant Singh of class XII/C , CBSE
Registration number……….. of ZOOM
the guidance of Arabinda Koner, Indranath
Chatterjee,Mousumi Bhattacharya,Binod Mishra as
prescribed by Central Board of Secondary Education
(CBSE) in the academic session of 2022-23.

Signature of External Examiner Signature of Chemistry Teacher


First of all, I am immensely indebted to almighty God for his blessings

and grace without which I could not have undertaken his task and my
effort would never had been a success. I would like to thank the
management for the academic and technical support.

I humbly consider a privilege and honour to express my heartiest and

profound gratitude to Mr. Raj Paulson Shekhar, Principal, Zoom
International School, Durgapur for his appropriate directions, valuable
suggestions, under judging assistance so generously extended to me.

Above all, I wish to express my deepest feelings of gratitude to Arabinda

Koner, Indranath Chatterjee, Mousumi Bhattacharya without whom this
project would have never been taken place. I am deeply grateful for help,
valuable guidance and support. In-depth knowledge and vast experience
proved to be guiding light throughout the course of my project. I would
like to thank our Lab-Assistant Mr. Binod Mishra for his cooperation.

I also owe a sense of gratitude to my parents for the encouragement

and support throughout the project.

Siddhant kr Singh (Students Name)

To study the setting of mixture
of cement with lime , sand of

different qualities of fly ash

In the most general sense of the word, CEMENT is a binder of a
substance that sets and hardness independently, and can bind
other material together.
The word “CEMENT” traces to the Romans, who use the term
opus caementicium to describe masonry resembling modern
concrete that was made from crushed rock with burnt lime as
binder. The volcanic ash and a pulverized brick additive that
were added to the burnt lime to obtain a hydraulic blinder were
later referred to as cementum, cament and cement.
The most important use of cement is the production of mortar
and concrete.
The bonding of natural or artificial aggregates to form a strong
building material that is durable in the face of normal environment
Cement is made by heating limestone (calcium carbonate), with
small quantities of other materials (such as clay) to 1450 C in a
kiln, in a process known as calcination, where by a molecule of
carbon dioxide is liberated from the calcium carbonate to form
calcium oxide, or quicklime which then blended with other
materials that have been included in the mixture.
Construction of Buildings
using Cement

Cement used in construction is

characterised as hydraulic or non-
hydraulic. Hydraulic cements (Portland
cement) harden because of hydration
chemical reaction that occurs
independently of the mixture water
content they can harden even underwater
or when constantly exposed to wet
weather. The chemical reaction that
result when
the anhydrous cement powder is mixed with
water produces hydrate that are not water-
soluble. Non-hydraulic cement (e.g. Lime and
gypsum plaster) which must be kept dry in order
to retain their strength.
Effect of Quality of Sand on
Setting of Cement Mortar
Sand obtained from different sources has
different qualities. For example, Sea sand
obtained from sea contains unwanted salts and
retards settings of cement and is not suitable for
making mortar. On the other hand, pit sand is
obtained from pits in the soil and river sand
obtain from river bed is considered excellent for
preparing mortar and concrete.

Effect of Time on Setting of Cement Mortar

Time has an important role on strength of

developed cement mortar. When a cement paste
in the ratio 1:3 in water is allowed to dry, the
strength of solid mass keeps on increasing with
increase in time given for setting. It acquire a
nearly full strength in 28 days.
Aim of the Experiment- To study the
setting of mixture of cement with lime
sand of different qualities of fly ash.
Apparatus Required – Beaker, Glass
rods, weight box, matchboxes, Limestone,
River sand, cement and fly ash.
1. Prepare mixtures of various compositions as
given in Observation table.
2. Take each of the given mixtures in different
beakers and prepare their pastes by
adding minimum amount of water.
3. Take nine cases of empty match boxes and
mark them from 1 to 9.
4. Fill the three cases with the paste of
each compositions.
5. Spray water from time to time over the paste,
so that they remain moist all the time.
6. After three days, take out slab of each
compositions from box and test their strength.
7. Similarly, take out a set of three slab after 7 days
after 30 days respectively and test their strengths.
3 4 10

1 CEMENT RIVER SAND (1:3) 18g 20g 30g

2 CEMENT: RIVER: FLY ASH (2:9:1) 16g 18g


3 15g
CEMENT: RIVER: SAND: LIME (1:3:1) 10g 20g
The strength of the slab increases with the
increase in setting time allowed.

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