Hadrat Fatima (RA) and Hadratain Hasnain (RAA) 'S Being Chiefs (Sayyeds) of Residents of The Paradise
Hadrat Fatima (RA) and Hadratain Hasnain (RAA) 'S Being Chiefs (Sayyeds) of Residents of The Paradise
Hadrat Fatima (RA) and Hadratain Hasnain (RAA) 'S Being Chiefs (Sayyeds) of Residents of The Paradise
Assalamun Alaikum WRWB Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam! The following stuff, I have taken from my upcoming book titled it The Holy Family in Quran and the Prophetic Sunnah which soon is going to be published and even uploaded on the website. I have titled this very article Hussain in Prophetic Sunnah. I hope the small piece of this information meet a bit to your need about the Loving of Hussain (RA) following the command of our beloved Prophet (SAWS). Furthermore, I wish to inform you that this article has purely been written in the light of the Prophetic Sunnah (traditions) derived from our own Ahl ulSunnat Wa al-Jama'at's famous and trustworthy books as well as from the non-Islamic Holy Scriptures. Should you need anything more on this issue, feel free to ask me, and I will try my level best to answer. Since this article is not a copyright protected one, hence you are kindly urged to forward it verbatim to as many as you can. Moreover, I cordially welcome and look forward to your kind suggestions and/or comments so that I may further improve myself; therefore, if you wish so, you could send me an Email at the following Email Address: truepathofislam@yahoo.com
Hadrat Fatima (RA) and Hadratain Hasnain (RAA)s being Chiefs (Sayyeds) of residents of the Paradise.
That the Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: Fatima is the Chief Mistress of
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2 Reported by Ibn Maaja on the authority of Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (RA) that the Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: al-Hasan and al-Hussain are the chiefs
of the youth of the Paradise, and their father (i.e. Ali) is better than they are.
1) Sunan Ibn Maaja, V1, P.44, H.No.118 2) Al-Mustadarak Ala Sahihain by al-Hakim, V3, P.167 (through two chains of narrators, Imam al-Hakim has reported this tradition and authenticated it) 3) Talkhis al-Mustadarak by al-Dhahabi, V3, P.167 ( Imam al-Dhahabi has also rated this tradition authentic)
Reported by Imam NasaI, Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal and so many others on the authority of Hadrat Abi Saeed al-Khudri (RA) that the Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: al-
Hasan and al-Hussain are the chiefs of the youth of the Paradise!.
1) Al-Jamie al-Sahih Sunan al-Tirmizi, V5, P.614, H.No.3768 ( the narrators are trustworthy and the tradition is authentic as says Imam al-Tirmizi) 2) Al-Khasais by Imam Nasai, P.107, H.Nos.140-142 3) Musnad Imam Ahmed, V3, P.3,H.No.10999 and V5, P.391 4) Fadhail ul-Sahaba by Imam Ahmed, V2, P.No.979, H.No.1384 (the chain of the narrators is authentic and trustworthy) 5) Sunan al-Kubra by Imam al-Nasai, V7, H.No.8169 6) Sahih Ibn Khozeima, H.No.1194 7) Sahih Ibn Habban, V9, P.55, H.No.6921 8) Huliyat ul-Awliya, V5, P.71 9) Muajjam al-Awsat by al-Tabarani, V2, P.347, H.No.2190 and in V6, P.10, H.No.5644 10) Muajjam al-Kabir by al-Tabarani, V3,P.37, H.No.2607 11) Al-Mustadarak Ala Sahihain by al-Hakim, V3, P.381 12) Talkhis Ala Mustadarak by al-Dhahbi, V3, P.381 (Sahih)
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Hadrat Huzaifa (RA) narrated: My mother asked me, When do you go to the Prophet (SAWS) I said that I had not gone to him since so many days. She became angry at me, so I said to her, Exscuse me now, but I will go to the Prophet and pray the Maghrib prayer with him and request him to seek forgiveness for me and for you. So, I went to the Prophet (SAW) and prayed the Maghrib with him. He was occupied in salah till he prayed the isha. Then he moved out and I followed him. He heard me and asked:Who is he, Huzaifa? I said, Yes. He asked, What do you need? May Allah forgive you and your mother! This, here, is an angel. He has never come down to earth before this night. He has asked permission of his Lord to convey greetings to me and give me glad tidings that Fatimah is the chief of women of paradise and that Hasan and
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The Members of the Holy Prophet (SAWS)s House are similar to that of Ark of Noah (AS)
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A number of traditionalists have recorded, on the authority of Abu al-Tufail that he said: I saw Hadhrat Abu Dharr al-Ghiffari (RA) while standing near the door, call out: No doubt! Whosoever knows me, has known me and to the one who does not know me, let me tell that I am Abu Dharr Jandab the companion of the Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) and that I heard Him (SAWS) say:
My progeny is similar to the Ark of Noah (AS), whosoever embarked it, achieved salvation and whosoever abandoned it, was sunk and lost
1) Fadhail ul-Sahaba by Imam Ahmed, V2, P.987, H.No.1402 2) Al-Mustadarak Ala Sahihain by al-Hakim, V2, P. 343 and V3, P.150 (Authentic on
the criteria set by Imam Muslim) Al-Maarifa WA al-Tareekh by al-Qaswi, V1, P. 296 Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba, V6, P.372 Musnad al-Bazzar, V9, P. 343, H.No.3900 Mutalib ul-Aliya by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, V4, P.75, H.No. 4003 ( Declared Hasan) Al-Muajjam al-Kabeer by al-Tabarani, V3, P. 37-38, H.Nos. 2636-2638 and V12, P. 34, H. No.1238 8) Manaqib by Ibn Maghazili al-Shafaie, P.187-190, H.Nos. 173-177 ( through various chains of different narrators) 9) Al-Muajjam al-Sagheer by al-Tabarani V1, P. 139 and V2, P. 22 10) Huliyat ul-Awliya by Abu Nuaim V4, P.306 11) Kitab al-Amthaal by Abi Sheikh al-Asbahani, P.247, H.No.333 12) Meezan al-Aitdaal by Al-Dhahabi, 13) Nuzm Durar al-Simtain by Hafiz al-Zarandi, P.293 14) Majma al-Zawaid by al-Haythemi, V9, P.168 15) Also in Musnad Abu Yaala al-Muwasalli and Faidh al-Qadeer
3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
In addition to it, reported Hafiz al-Tabarani and Ibn Abi Shayba with more words as below:
My progeny is same as the Ark of Noah (AS), whosoever embarked it, achieved salvation and whosoever abandoned it, was sunk and lost. In addition, it is similar to the Gate of Banu Israel, whosoever entered through it, was forgiven!
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1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba, V6, P.372 Al-Muajjam al-Sagheer by al-Tabarani V1, P. 139 and V2, P. 22 Nuzm Durar al-Simtain by Hafiz al-Zarandi, P.293 Zakhair ul-Uqba by Muhib al-Tabari, Swaique al-Muharriqua
Recorded al-Faswi through many chains of narrators, and other noted traditionalists that the Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: My family is same as the Ark of
Noah (AS), whoever embarked it, achieved salvation and whoever left it, was sunk and lost. Moreover, our killers, in the last of the times shall surely be killed with al-Dajjal.
1) Al-Maarifa WA al-Tareekh by al-Faswi, V1, P. 296 2) Musnad Bazzar, V9, P. 343, H.No.3900 3) Manaqib by Ibn Maghazili al-Shafaie, P.188, H.No.177
The Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) ordains Ummah to love Hasan and Hussain (RAA)
Reported by many traditionalists on the authority of Hadhrat Ali Ibn al-Hussain (RA) that he narrated on the authority of his father i.e. Hadrat Hussain Bin Ali (RA) that he heard Hadrat Ali Bin Abitalib (RA) say: The Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) held the hands of Hasan and Hussain, then said:
One, who loves me, these two (i.e. Hasan and Hussain), their father (i.e. Ali) and their mother (i.e. Fatima), will be in my company at my place, on the Day of Judgment.
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1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Al-Jamie al-Sahih Sunan al-Tirmizi V5, P.599, H.No.3733 (Hasan) Musnad Imam Ahmed, V1, P.77 and V6, P.323 Fadhail ul-Sahaba by Imam Ahmed, V2, P.862, H.No.1185 Manaqib by Ibn Maghazili al-Shafaie, P.433, H.No.417 Tareekh al-Baghdad, V13, P.287-288
It is reported on the authority of Hadrat Abdullah Ibn al-Abbas (RAA) that the Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: Love Allah for He gives you sustenance
from his bounties, love me for the sake of Allahs love and love my progeny (Ahl ul-Bait) for the sake of my Love.
1) Al-Mustadarak Ala Sahihain by al-Hakim, V3, P.149 (An authentic tradition, as declared by Imam al-Hakim) 2) Al-Jamie al-Sahih Sunan al-Tirmizi, V5, P.622, H.No. 3789 (Sahih) 3) Al-Maarfat WA al-Tareekh by al-Qaswi, V1, P.269 4) Zakhair ul-Uqba by Muhib al-Tabari, P.50 5) Nuzm Durar al-Simtain by Hafiz al-Zarandi, P.289
In addition, in his Musannaf the Imam Ibn Abi Shayba (RA) and many great traditionalists (Ahadith-Scholars) have recorded it on the authority of Hadrat Abu Huraira , Hadrat Usama bin Zaid and Hadrat Bara (RAA) that the Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) observed Hasan and Hussain (RAA) and said: O Allah! I love them,
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6) Musnad Imam Ahmed, V5, P.205 and P.210 (and he reported it through two chains of narrators) 7) Muajjam al-Kabir by al-Tabarani, V3, P.39
Its reported by Hadrat Hasan bin Usamah ibn Zaid (RA) that his father Hadrat Osama bin Zaid (RA) narrated: I went to the Holy Prophet (SAWS) one night in connection with a need. The Holy Prophet (SAWS) came out wrapped in something. I did not know what it was. When I had finished what I had to, I asked, What is this you are wrapped into? He uncovered it and they were Hasan and Hussain (RA) on his back. He said, They
are my sons and the sons of my daughter. 0 Allah, I love them, so do love them, and love the one who loves them,
1) 2) 3) 4)
Sahih Ibn Habban, V9, P.57, H.No.6928 (Sahih) Mustadarak Ala Sahihain by Imam Hakim Nisapuri (Sahih)
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Reported by many famous traditionalists through a long chain of narrators that narrated Abdullah bin Masaud (RA):
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8 While the Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) was praying and whenever He wanted to prostrate, the Hasan and Hussain (RAA) would ascend on His (SAWS) back. Whoever wanted to forbid them (Hasan and Hussain) from doing so, the Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) would order them by hinting to let them what they were doing. When the Holy Prophet (SAWS) finished the prayer, He (SAWS) seated them both on his lap and then said: One, who loves me, must love Hasan and Hussain {It means that for the one, who wants to or loves the Holy Prophet (SAWS), has been enjoined upon to love these two i.e. Hasan and Hussain. }
1) Sahih Ibn Khozeima, V1, P.446, H.No.887 ( Narrators are that of Imam
narrators of Abi Yaala are trustworthy) 14) Silsila al-Ahadith as-Sahiha by Mohd Nasiruddin al-Bani, P.127, H.No.694
It is reported on the authority of Hadrat Abu Huraira (RA) that the Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: One, who loved Hasan and Hussain, has truly loved me
and the one, who hated them both, has actually hated me.
1) Sunan al-Kubra by Imam Nasai, V7, P.317, H.No.8112 2) Fadhail ul-Sahaba by Imam Nasai, P.20, H.No.65 3) Fadhail ul-Sahaba by Imam Ahmed, V2, P.967, H.No.1359, P.975, H.No. 1376 and P.976, H.No.1378 (the narrators are trustworthy and hadith is authentic) 4) Mustadarak Ala Sahihain by al-Hakim, V3, P.166 and P.171 (narrators are trustworthy and hadith is authentic, as says Imam al-Hakim)
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5) Talkhis al-Mustadarak by al-Dhahabi, V3, P.166 (Authenticated by al-Dhahabi) 6) Musnad Imam Ahmed,V2, P.288 and P.440 7) Majma al-Zawaid by Ibn Hajar al-Haythemi, V9, P.179 ( the narrators are trustworthy as says Imam al-Haythemi) 8) Sahih Ibn Habban, V9, P. 57, H.No. 6928 9) Sunan Ibn Maaja, V1, P.51, H.No. 143 (the narraotors are authentic) 10) Muajjam al-Kabir by al-Tabarani, V3, P.41 11) Silsila al-Ahadith as-Sahiha by al-Bani, P.663, H.No.3580 (Sahih)
Upon seeing Hadrat Hussain bin Ali (RAA), Hadrat Abdullah bin Umar (RA) said: This
man is beloved of the inhabitants of the earth to the inhabitants of the Heaven.
1) Al-Isaba by Ibn Hajr Al-Asqalani, V1, P.333 2) Tareekh Baghdad
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Related by Ibn Ishaq (RA) on the authority of Hadrat Salman Farsi (RA) that the Holy Prophet (SAWS) said: You asked me something that I had not been given any order about. It has come to me that Allah (SWT) sent down four thousand prophets, four thousand vicegerents (Awsiya) and eight thousand grandsons. By The One, in whose hand my soul is, I am best of
the Prophets, my Vicegerent (VASI) is best of the Vicegerents and my Grandsons are best of the Grandsons.
Al-Seer wa al-Maghazi by Muhammed Ibn Ishaq (RA, D.151AH), P.125
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Reported by Hadrat Yaala al-A'amri (RA) that the Holy Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said for Hussain (RA): Hussain is part of me, I am part of him, and Allah
loves the one, who loves Hussain. The Hussain is a Generation (Chosen) from amongst the generations (Nations). {The word Sibt has many meanings
i.e. Progeny, Tribe, generation, Grandson and Nation and here it means A blessed generation and/or Nation.}
Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba, V6, P.380, H.No.32196 Musnad Imam Ahmed, V4, P.172 Fadhail us-Sahaba by Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal, V2, P.772 Adaab al-Mufarrad by Imam al-Bukhari, P.133, H.No. 364 Al-Jamie al-Sahih Sunan al-Tirmizi, V5, P.617, H.No. 3775 (Sahih) Sunan Ibn Maaja, V1, P.No.51, H.No. 144 ( the narraotors are authentic) Sahih Ibn Habban, V8, P. 59, H.No. 6932 Mustadarak Ala Sahihain by al-Hakim, V3, P.194, H.No. 4820 and in Old V3, P.177 (narrators are trustworthy and hadith is authentic, as says Imam al-Hakim) 9) Fadhail ul-Khulfa il-Arbaa Wa Ghairhum by Abu Nuaem al-Isfahani, P.117, H.No.127 10) Al-Marfa Wa al-Tareekh by al-Faswi, V1, P.308 11) Muajjam al-Kabir by al-Tabarani, V, P. , H.No.2586 (Hasan) 12) Majma az-Zwaid by al-Haythemi, V9, P.209, H.No. 15075 (Hasan and he records from al-Tabarani who recorded this hadith about both i.e. Hasan and Hussain) 13) Al-Firdaus Bi al-Mathour by al-Dailami, V2, P.158, H.No.2805 14) Nuzm Durar al-Simtain by Hafiz al-Zarandi, P.266 15) Talkhis al-Mustadarak by al-Dhahabi, V3, P.177 (Authenticated by al-Dhahabi) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)
Well! Chosen generation from amongst the generations (Nations) was a promise made by the Holy God to the Prophet Abraham (AS) to make the Prophet Ishmael (AS) a Great Nation (Generation) as recorded in the Holy Bible, Ch. 17, Book of Genesis (OT) under verse No. 20:
3 Transliteration: lyiml3 mat hinnh| brat w whifr w whirb w bim m nm-r nim ywl natw lwy gwl:
And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I
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H1419 gdl gdl gaw-dole, gaw-dole great (in any sense); hence older; also insolent: - + aloud, elder (-est), + exceeding (-ly), + far, (man of) great (man, matter, thing, -er, -ness), high, long, loud, mighty, more, much, noble, proud thing, X sore, () very. H1471 gy gy goee, go-ee Apparently from the same root as 1465 (in the sense of massing); a foreign nation; hence a Gentile; also (figuratively) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts: - Gentile,
One who dies with love of the progeny of Muhammad died as a Martyr. One who dies with love of the progeny of Muhammad died forgiven. No doubt! The one who dies with love of the progeny of Muhammad died repented. Behold! One, who dies with love of the progeny of Muhammad, died a believer with a perfect belief. And no doubt! The one who dies with love of the progeny of Muhammad, the angle of death gives him the glad tiding of Paradise, and so do the Munkar and Nakeer. Verily one, who dies with love of the progeny of Muhammad, has truly died on Sunnah and Jamaa. Verily! One who dies with hatred of the progeny of Muhammad shall come on the Day of resurrection with a written note between ones eyes that that has been deprived of the
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12 mercy of Allah. No doubt! One, who dies with hatred of the progeny of Muhammad, died an unbeliever (Kaffir). Verily! One, who dies with hatred of the progeny of Muhammad, shall not even sniff the smell of Paradise.
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Tafsir al-Kabir, by Imam Fakhr al-Razi, under the commentary of Verse 42:23. Tafsir al-Kashshaf, by al-Zamakhshari, under 42:23, P.405 Tafsir al-Kashaf WA al-Bayan by Imam al-Tha'labi,V8, P.314 Noor al-Absaar, P.159 Tafseer Jamie Ahkam al-Quran by al-Qurtubi, V2, P.2741 (commentary 42:23) Tafseer Rooh al-Bayan, V8, P.312
The Holy Messenger (SAWS)s being at War with those, whom Hadrat Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussain (RAA) are at War with!
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Reported by Sabeeh, a servant to the Umm ul-Momineen Hadhrat Umm Salma (RA) on the authority of Hadrat Zaid Bin Arqam (RA) that the Holy Prophet (SAWS) addressing to Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussain (RAA) said:
'I am in a state of peace with the one, who you are at peace with' and in a state of war with the one, who you are at war with.
1) Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba, V6, P.378, H.No. 32181 2) Musnad Ibn Abi Shayba, V1,P.355, H.No.520 3) Fadhail ul-Sahaba by Imam Ahmed, V2, P.961, H.No.1350 4) Musnad Imam Ahmed V2, P.442 and V4, P.368 5) Sunan Ibn Maaja, V1, P.52, H.No.145 6) Al-Jamie al-Sahih Sunan al-Tirmizi, V5, P.656, H.No. 3870 7) Sahih Ibn al-Habban, V8, P.61, H.No.6938 8) Musnad al-Bazzar, V10, P.228, H.No.4320 9) Al-Kunna wal Asmaa by Ad-Dowlabi, V2, P.350, H.No.2985 10) Mustadarak Ala Sahihain by al-Hakim, V3, P.149 and 161 (Hadith hasan as says Imam al-Hakim)
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11) Mustadarak Ala Sahihain by al-Hakim, V2, P.343 (Imam al-Hakim says that this is an authentic tradition, according to the criteria set by Imam Muslim). 12) Manaqib Ibn Maghazili al-Shafaie, P.117, H. No. 117 13) Muajjam al-Kabir al-Tabarani V3, P.30,40, H.No.2619 and V5, P.184, H.No.5030 14) Muajjam al-Awsat al-Tabarani, V5, P. 182 and V7, P.197 15) Muajjam al-Sagheer by al-Tabarani, H.No.767 16) Tareekh Madinatu d-Damishque by Ibn Asakir, V14, P.157 {Tarjuma Hussain (R.A.) and V13, P.218-219 {Through three different chains of narrators on the authority of H. Zaid Bin Arqam (R.A.), Tarjuma Hasan (R.A.)} 17) Tafseer al-Kashaf WA al-Bayan by Imam al-Tha'alabi, V8, P.311 18) Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, V9, P.121 and168 19) Siyer Aalam un-Nubla by al-Dhahabi, V2, P.122 20) Zakhair ul-Uqba by Muhib al-Tabari, P.62 21) Nuzm Durar al-Simtain by Hafiz al-Zarandi, P.291 22) Usdul Ghaba by Ibn Atheer, 23) Tehdhib al-Kamal by Al-Muzzi
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On the authority of Hadrat Abu Saeed al-Khudri (RA) that the Holy Prophet (SAWS) addressing to Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussain (RAA) said:
'I am in a state of war with the one, who you are at war with and in a state of peace with the one, who you are peace with'.
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On the authority of Hadrat Abu Huraira (RA) that the Holy Prophet (SAWS) looked at Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussain (RAA) and then said:
'I am in a state of war with the one, who you are at war with and in a state of peace with the one, who you are peace with'.
1) Mustadarak Ala Sahihain by al-Hakim, V3, P.161, H.No. 4713 and in Old V3, P.149 (This hadith is Hasan and Zaid bin Arqam is a witness to it, as says Imam al-Hakim)
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2) Tareekh Madinatu d-Damishque by Ibn Asakir, V13, P.218 {(Tarjuma Hadrat Hasan bin Ali (R.A.A.)} 3) Sahih al-Jamie al-Saghir by al-Bani, V2, P.17,H.No.1475 (Allama Mohammed Nasiruddin al-Bani declared this Hadith Hasan Abi Huraira)
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