Activity Sheet

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ry School
Third Quarter
CODE : WK 1 / D3
Activity 1.3 FRICTION FREE

Problem: How does a lubricant work?

A smooth metal tray notebook a small flat glass
Bottle water soap

1. Hold up the tray on the books to make a slope?
2. Wet one side of thr tray and slide the bottle down each side in turn.
3. Now rub the soap on the wet side and slide the bottle down again. Observe the movement
of the bottle.

Guide Questions:
1. Is there friction between the bottle and the dry metal tray? Why do you say so?

2. Why did the glass bottle slide down easily when the surface of the tray was wet with water?

3. What happened when you rubbed the soap on the wet side of the tray?

4. Is soap a lubricant? Why or why not?


CODE : WK 1 / D4

Problem: How does friction affects motion of an object ?

Materials needed:
Three textbooks of different weight and dimensions
String (8 feet in length)
Three different testing surfaces like a table, carpet or tile floor
Tape Measure/yard stick
1.Collect three of your school textbooks that are different size and weight (you can use books
of various sizes that you have at home as well).
2. Record the weight of each of the books before experimenting.
3. Find three different surfaces to slide (or push) the textbooks on (examples: table, carpet, tile
floor, etc.).
4.Being sure not to damage the textbook, slide the textbook along various surfaces, keeping a
keen eye on the frictional force that each surface has on the movement of the textbooks.
5. Record the time and distance that each book traveled on the three different surfaces.
6. Tie strands of string around each textbook, and this time, pull each book and record the time
it takes to pull the same distance you pushed the book on the three surfaces. Write down
your observations and record the times of this experiment.

A. Push #1: Distance and Distance Time Fas or Slow

speed on table surface
Push #2: Distance and
speed on carpet
Push #3: Distance and
speed on tile floor
Guide Questions:
1. Which book travels a short distance? Why?
2. Which book travels a long distance? Why?
3. Do you think which surface shows lesser frictional force?
4. Do you think which surface shows greater frictional force?
5. What is the effect of the rough surface to the motion and distance travelled by the book?
6. What is the effect of the smooth surface to the motion and distance travelled by the book?
7.How does friction affect motion of an object?

CODE : WK 2 / D4

Observing Force of Gravity

Problem: does weight affect how fast the object falls?

Materials: ball (plastic and metal balls)

platform balance

1. Measure the mass of the different objects. Record it below.
2. Get two different balls. One in each hand at the same height.
Stand and stretch your arms in front of you at the shoulder height.
3. Drop the two balls at the exactly the same time and listen for them to hit the floor.
Record your result.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 three times to be sure that your observation are accurate.
5. Do the activity using a pencil and an eraser. Record your observations.

Objects Used Object That Hits The Floor First

Mass Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Plastic ball
Metal ball

What have you found out:

1. Which ball consistently hits the floor first?

2. When you dropped different objects, which hits the floor first-the lighter or the heavier one? Why?
3. What force acts on the objects as they fall on the floor?
4. How is the mass of an object related to the gravitational force of attraction?

How is gravitational force related to the mass of an object?

CODE : WK 3 / D1
Moving on Different Surface

Problem: How does friction affect the motion of objects?

Materials: spring balance, block of wood with a string. Wooden board for your ramp, wax paper,
masking tape

1. Set the ramp with one side higher.
2. Cover one side of the ramp with wax paper. This is your smooth surface.
3. Cover the other side of the ramp with sand paper. This is your rough surface.
4. Set the block of wood at the lower end of the ramp in the smooth surface.
4. Hook the spring balance to the block of wood.
5. Pull the spring balance slowly. Take note of the reading on the string balance ust before the
block moves. Record your reading.
6. Repeat numbers 4-6 on the rough surface. Compare the data gathered.

Let’s write down our observation

What is the reading on the spring balance on the
smooth surface? __________________________
rough surface? ____________________________

Guide Question:
1. Which surface registered a greater force in pulling the block? Why?

2. In which surface does the block of wood move easily or fast?


How does friction affect the motion of an object?

CODE : WK 3 / D1
Measuring Distance of a Moving

Let’s find out: How does friction affect the distance travelled by a moving object?

Let’s use this materials:

Ball, meter stick, stopwatch

Let’s do it this way:

1. Look for a smooth floor (i.e. stage). Draw a starting line.
2. From the starting line, roll the ball gently. Make sure that the ball will not hit any object while rolling.
3. Use the stopwatch to get the time the ball start rolling until it stops. Record this on the table below.
Observe if there is a change in the ball speed.
4. Measure the distance travelled by the ball using your meter stick>Record this on the table below.
5. Repeat the procedure. Have at least two more trials. Be sure to apply the same amount of force.
6. Compute for the average distance and average time.
7. Look for a rough ground (i.e. stony ground)
8. Do the same procedure as you have done in the smooth surface. Be sure to apply the same
amount of force.
Compare your data.

Distance and Time Travelled by a Rolling Ball on a Smooth Floor

Trial Distance (m) Time (s)

Distance and Time Travelled by a Rolling Ball on a Rough Floor

Trial Distance (m) Time (s)

Let’s write our observation:

1. What happens to the ball after rolling for some time?

2. Is the speed of the ball the same all throughout the travel?

3. What causes the ball to change speed and stops?


4. Compare the average distance travelled by a moving object?


Let’ share our knowledge:

How does friction affect he distance travelled by a moving object?


CODE : WK 3 / D3

Comparing Movements of Objects on Different Surfaces

Problems: how does the kind of the surface affect the movement of an object?

What you need:

Block of wood spring scale hook tape
Sand paper baby powder rods

What you need to do:

1. attach a piece of sandpaper on one side of the block of wood.
2. hook a spring scale to the block of wood. Place the wood on the table (The sandpaper should meet
the surface of the table.)
3. Using a steady force, use the spring scale to pull the wood across the table at a steady speed.
Record the force applied to pull the block of wood across the table.
4. Remove the sandpaper from the block of wood. Sprinkle a small amount of powder on the table.
Repeat step 3.
5. Place several rods on the table. Place the block of wood on top of the rods. Then, repeat step 3.

Kinds of surface Force Exerted (N)

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4

Smooth surface

Rough surface

Surface with rollers

What have you found out:

1. What affects the motion of the block of wood ?

2. What kind of friction is shown when you let the block of wood with sandpaper slide on the surface
of the table?

3. What kind of friction is shown when you let the block of wood roll on the rods?

4. Under what condition was the frictional force smallest?


5. How do rollers help in decreasing the amount of force needed to pull the block of wood?

CODE : WK 3 / D4

Making an Advertisement on Road Safety

Lesson Concept
Friction occurs between the parts of the vehicle and between the road and the tires.
Wearing away of parts in engines sometimes cause road accidents.

Materials: pictures
1.Form 4 groups.This will be according to their talents.
2. Create an advertisement to show road safety.
3. Present the outputs based on the task assigned.


Criteria Rating
4 3 2 1
Ideas and Contents The The The The
jingle/,poster/,song,/dia jingle/,poster,/song,/ jingle,/slogan/,poste jingle/,poster/,sl
logue which is used as dialogue which is r /dialogue which is ogan/,dialogue
advertisement is used as used as is not used as
clear,and thorough and advertisement on advertisement on advertisement
provides needed road safety have road safety contain on road safety.
information for the some missing parts information not
topic on road safety. but provides needed essential to the topic
information for the .
topic .
Creativity The The The The
(for slogan and jingle/poster/slogan/dia jingle/poster/slogan/ jingle/poster/slogan/ jingle/poster/slo
poster) logue which is used as dialogue which is dialogue which is gan/dialogue
advertisement is used as used as which is used as
creatively done and advertisement is advertisement is advertisement
presented. creatively done but done and presented. is done but not
not clearly presented.
The audience is The audience is The audience is The audience is
Audience Impact captured by the output captured by the captured by the not captured by
and presentation output and output and the output and
And is convinced by it. presentation presentation but not presentation
But not really convinced by it. And is not
convinced by it. convinced by it.

CODE : WK 4 / D3
Electrical Energy to Sound Energy

Objectives: How to transform electrical energy to sound energy ?

Materials:Portable radio

Let the pupils plug-in the portable radio to the electrical outlet, and turn on the radio what will be the result?

1. What are the materials in the activity? ______________________________________________
2. What did you do with the portable radio? ____________________________________________
3. What does it produce? __________________________________________________________
4. How did they produce the sounds? ________________________________________________

CODE : WK 4 / D4
Electrical Energy to Light Energy

ACTIVITY: Electrical energy to light energy

PROBLEM: How does electrical energy transformed to light energy ?

Materials : lamp shade



1. Prepare the lamp shade inside the classroom.

2. Be sure that thre is an outlet inside the classroom.
3. Look for the outlet inside the room.
4. Plug in the lamp shade in the outlet.
5. Make sure the hands are dry.
6. Observe what happen .


1.What happen when you plug in the lamp shade ?

2.Why do you think the lamp shade lighted?

3. How is light produced ?

4. Where does the energy comes from?

5.How does it happen ?

6.Why do you think that electrical energy transformed to light energy ?

7.What are the advantage of energy transformation to us ?


What conclusion can you make from your observation?

CODE : WK 6 / D3

Investigating the Transformation of Energy


Light Me Up!

I. Materials: Matches and candle

II. Procedure:
1. Prepare your materials
2. Light the candle
3. Observe what happen
III. Questions
1. What form of energy is present in the candle?
2. How did energy changed to another form when the candle was lighted?
IV. Conclusions

Move the toy car

I. Materials: Toy car and battery

II. Procedure:
1. Prepare the materials needed.
2. Place the battery in a toy car.
3. Observe what happen.
III. Questions
1. What form of energy is present in the battery?
2. How is this energy changed when it is placed in a toy car?
IV. Conclusions

Pluck the guitar
I. Materials: guitar
II. Procedure:
1. Prepare the materials
2. Let the pupils pluck the guitar.
3. Observe what happen.
III. Questions
1. What form of energy is present in the guitar?
2. How is energy changed when you pluck the strings of guitar?
IV. Conclusions

CODE : WK 6 / D4
Group Activity: Constructing a Model of Energy Transformation
Group 1 Construct A Model of Electric Circuit

You need:
1 dry cell
1 flashlight bulb
1 connecting wire
1 switch
Do these:
1.Construct a simple electric circuit using the given materials.
2.Hold the flashlight bulb for a minute. Observe.
3.Press the switch down. Observe.
4.Leave the switch in “on” position for about five minutes.
5.After five minutes hold the flashlight bulb. Observe.
6.Compare your first and second observations about how you feel when you hold the flashlight bulb.

Answer These:
1.How does the flashlight bulb feel before turning on the light? After the switch has been turned on for
about five minutes, how does the bulb feel?

2.What does current electricity produce? Why?


Group 2 Construct A Model of Pinwheel using Recyclable material

In this activity, you will need the following:

two candles
a pinwheel made of paper
a pencil or a ballpen
string or thread
What to do:
1. Hang the pinwheel with the string in the pencil or ballpen asshown in the picture.
2. Light the two candles.
3. Place the pinwheel about 2.5 cm. above the burning candles.Observe what happens.

Answer the following questions:

1. What energy does the candle posses? _______________________________________________________

2. As you light the candle, what happens to the air around? ________________________________________

3. What happens as the air around the candle heats up? __________________________________________

4. Did the pinwheel turn? ___________________________________________________________________

If yes, what causes the pinwheel to turn? _____________________________________________________

If no, repeat the activity until the pinwheel turns. ________________________________________________

5. What energy transformations are shown in this activity? _________________________________________

A. When you lighted the candle

_________ energy to _________ and _________ energy

B. When you placed the pinwheel over the burning candle

_________ energy to __________ energy

CODE : WK 7 / D1-2

Investigating Simple Machines

Problem: What are the characteristics of simple machines?

What you need:

Scissors doorknob safety pins

Screw pulley in the flagpole stairs

What you need to do:

1. Find out how the different simple machines work.

2. Manipulate machines to describe their characteristics and uses. List down the observation in the chart below.

Machines How does it Work? Characteristics Types





Safety pins


What have you found out:

1.What are the different kinds of simple machines?

2. What are the distinguishing characteristics of each simple machine?

a. lever _______________________________________________________________

b. inclined plane________________________________________________________
c. pulley______________________________________________________________

d. wedge______________________________________________________________

e. screw______________________________________________________________

f. wheel and axle_______________________________________________________

Conclusion: Make a conclusion based from the given problem.



CODE : WK 7 / D4

Activity 1
Investigating Lever

Problem: What are the characteristics of a lever?

What you need:
bottle opener broom spoon
tongs scissors pliers
clothespin tweezers

What you need to do:

1. Use the different objects. Identify the fulcrum, load resistance, and the effort.
2. Classify unto what type of lever the objects belong.
Device/ Location of Types of
Objects Fulcrum, Lever
Load and
Example: Fulcrum Resistance Effort Second-
wheelbarrow wheel Load Handle class Lever
1. Bottle
2. Tongs
3. Scissors
4. Clothespin
5. Broom
6. Spoon
7. Pliers
8. Tweezers

Activity 2

Problem: What are the characteristics of a lever?

What you need:


What you need to do:

1. Examine the scissors, pliers, tweezers and tongs.
2. Fill in the following table based on your observations.
Devices/Objects Uses Characteristics
1. Pliers
2. Tweezers
3. Tongs
Activity 3

Problem: How a wedge helps to do the work?

What you need:

Needle with thread
Pieces of cloth

What you need to do:

1. Examine a needle. Observe its appearance.
2. Thrust the needle into two pieces of cloth.
3. Make stitches on these pieces of cloth to fasten them together.

1. How does a needle look like?
2. What kind of simple machine is needle?
3. What are the characteristics of a needle?

Activity 4

Problem: What are the characteristics of a lever?

What you need:(pictures or real objects)


What you need to do:

1. Examine the scissors, pliers, tweezers and tongs.
2. Fill in the following table based on your observations
Devices/Objects Uses Characteristics
1. Knife
2. Chisel
3. Saw
4. Axe

Other Suggested Simple Activities:

Activity 5
a. Get a piece of paper (half crosswise intermediate pad)
b. Divide into two equal triangles. What do you have?
c. Put the two triangles back to back with their shortest edge as the base.
Can you describe what you have found?
This is called wedge.
Record all your observations.

Activity 6
a. Examine a chisel.
b. Lay it on one side of its flat surfaces.
What do you observe?
Does the surface look like an inclined plane?
How many inclined plane do you see? (This is called a single wedge)
Record all your observations.

Activity 7
a. Examine a knife.
b. Lay it on one side of its flat surfaces.
What do you observe?
How many inclined planes are there?
How do you call this? (This is called a double wedge)
Record all your observations.

Activity 8
a. Force a wedge between two books. Observe.
b. Record your observation.

CODE : WK 9 / D1

Activity 7.9
Investigating Wheel and Axle

Problem: How does the wheel and axle work?

What you need:

Thick shoe box String

Pencil Match box
Paper clip Tape
What you need to do:
1. Remove the cover and the base of the shoe box. Be sure that the frame is strong. Bore two holes about 2
inches from the top of the box and put the pencil through.
2. Make a mark in the center of the pencil and tie a cord or string to it. If you want a counter weight, place a
stone in a small plastic and tie it with cord.
3. Stretch paper clip and attach it to the end of the pencil. Bend it into shape to serve as a handle of the wheel
and axle.
4. Using the scotch tape or strong adhesive tape, wind the handle to the axle so as not to slip
5. Attach a small box to serve as a cart of your freight.
6. Wind the wheel and axle. Now you have a model of a freight elevator.
7. Observe the function of the wheel and axle in the model.
What have you found out?
1. Which is the wheel and axle in the model?
2. How does the wheel and axle work?
3. How does counterweight work when the freight goes up and down?
Make a conclusion based from the given problem.

CODE : WK 9 / D3

Investigating Pulleys

Problem: How do different pulleys differ!

What you need:

Small plastic bag
Broomstick or mop handle
200 gram weight
2 meters cord or string
Spring scale

What you need to do:

A. 1. Put two chairs back-to-back 1 meter apart.
2. Place the stick across the top of the chair. Attached one end of the cord to the center of the stick.
3. Place the cord through the pulley so that the wheels ride freely. The cord will serve as a track. This is movable
4. Attached the weight to the pulley. Then attach the spring scale to the end of the cord and pull up as shown in
figure 7.68
5. Read and record the reading on the spring scale.
See Reference SCIENCE LINKS page 367-368
Fig. 7.70 Movable pulley
Fig. 7.71 Combination pulley
B. 1. Attached one pulley to the center of the stick using a short piece of cord.
This will be the fixed pulley refer to figure 7.69.
2. Tie one end of the cord to the stick. Pull the cord through the movable pulley up through the fixed pulley.
3. Attach the free end of the cord to the spring scale. Attach the weight tied in the bag to the movable pulley.
Pull and read the scale.

Observation table:
Pulley used Effort force
Movable pulley
Black and Tackle
(combination Pulley)

What you have found out:

1. Compare the effort force in the movable pulley in the block and tackle.
2. What is the function of the fixed pulley in the block and tackle?
3. What is the advantage of using pulley?
Based a conclusion based from the given problem.______________________________


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