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Experiment No. 2 - Composition of Concurrent Forces

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The purpose of this experiment is to use the force table to experimentally

determine the force which balances two other forces. This result is compared with the
results acquired by mathematically adding the two forces by using their components
(component method) and by graphically adding the forces (graphical method).

Fig. 1. Force Table Assembly

Fig. 1 shows the force table that is used to demonstrate the addition of vectors
using the concept of equilibrium. In a force table, the “vectors” are forces supplied by
the weight of masses hanging over pulleys. The sum of the weights of masses over
pulleys placed at certain angles (resultant vector) is balanced by another mass over a
pulley at another angle (equilibrant vector).
There are two ways to attach the strings to the table: The first uses the
conventional ring in the center of the table and the second way uses an anchor string
through the hole in the center of the table. The advantage of the anchor string is that a
higher precision can be achieved because a single knot is being centered instead of the
massive ring. The anchor string keeps the masses from falling to one side when the
system is not in equilibrium.

NOTE: In both methods it is important to adjust the pulleys so that the strings are
parallel to the top surface of the Force Table, and are as close to the top surface as
possible. When adjusting the pulleys, don't let the ring rest on the top surface.

Fig. 2. Ring Method of Stringing Force Table

Fig. 2 shows the ring method of attaching the strings to the force table. To use
this method, screw the center post up until it stops so that it sticks up above the table.
Place the ring over the post and tie one 30 cm long string to the ring for each pulley.
The strings must be long enough to reach over the pulleys. Place each string over a
pulley and tie a mass hanger to it.

NOTE: A string can be attached to the PASCO mass hanger by wrapping the string
several times (4 or 5) around the notch at the top of each mass hanger.

Fig. 3. Anchor Method of Stringing Force Table

Fig. 3 shows the anchor method of attaching the strings to the force table. To use
this method, cut two 60cm lengths of string and tie them together at their centers (to
form an "X"). Three of the ends will reach from the center of the table over a pulley; the
fourth will be threaded down through the hole in the center post to act as the anchor
string. Screw the center post down so it is flush with the top surface of the table. Thread
the anchor string down through the hole in the center post and tie that end to one of the
legs. Put each of the other strings over a pulley and tie a mass hanger on the end of
each string.


This procedure finds the resultant of adding two vectors by three methods:
experimentally, by components, and graphically.

NOTE: In all cases, the force caused by the mass hanging over the pulley is found by
multiplying the mass by the acceleration due to gravity.

Experimental Method

Two forces are applied on the force table by hanging masses over pulleys
positioned at certain angles. Then, the angle and mass hung over a third pulley are
adjusted until it balances the other two forces. This third force is called the equilibrant
( ) since it is the force which establishes equilibrium.
The equilibrant is not the same as the resultant ( ). The resultant is the sum of
the two forces. The equilibrant, on the other hand, is equal in magnitude to the resultant
but is in the opposite direction because it balances the resultant (see Figure 4). So the
equilibrant is the negative of the resultant:

− = = +

Fig. 4. The Equilibrant Balances the Resultant

Component Method

Fig. 5. Components

Two forces are added together by adding the x- and y-components of the forces.
First the two forces are broken into their x- and y-components using trigonometry:

= + and = +

where is the x-component of vector and is the unit vector in the x-

direction (See Figure 5). To determine the sum of and , the components are
added to get the components of the resultant, :

= + + + = +

To complete the analysis, the resultant force must be in the form of a magnitude
and a direction (angle). So the components of the resultant ( and ) must be
combined using the Pythagorean Theorem since the components are at right angles to
each other:

= +

And using trigonometry gives the angle:

tan =

Graphical Method

Two forces are added together by drawing them to scale using a ruler and
protractor. The second force ( ) is drawn with its tail to the head of the first force ( ).
The resultant ( ) is drawn from the tail of to the head of . See Figure 6. Then the
magnitude of the resultant can be measured directly from the diagram and converted to
the proper force using the chosen scale. The angle is then measured by using a

Fig. 6. Adding Vectors Head to Tail


ME-9447 Force Table, –3 pulleys and pulley clamps, –3 mass hangers, –mass set, –
string,– metric ruler, –protractor, –2 sheets of paper

PROCEDURE (Force Table Method)

1. Assemble the force table as shown in the Assembly section. Use three pulleys
(two for the forces that will be added and one for the force that balances the sum
of the two forces).

2. If you are using the Ring Method, screw the center post up so that it will hold the
ring in place when the masses are suspended from the two pulleys. If you are
using the Anchor String Method, leave the center post so that it is flush with the
top surface of the force table. Make sure the anchor string is tied to one of the
legs of the force table so the anchor string will hold the strings that are attached
to the masses that will be suspended from the two pulleys.

3. Hang the following masses on two of the pulleys and clamp the pulleys at the
given angles:

Mass A = 50 g at 30°
Mass B = 100 g at 120°

NOTE: You are given the masses of A and B, not the forces. To determine the
corresponding forces, use Newton's Second Law: = , where =
(9.80665 m/s ).

4. By trial and error, determine the angle for the third pulley and the mass which
must be suspended from it that will balance the forces exerted on the strings by
the other two masses.

5. Record the mass and angle required for the third pulley to put the system into
equilibrium in Table 1.

To determine whether the system is in equilibrium, use the following criteria.

Ring Method of Finding Equilibrium

The ring should be centered over the post when the system is in equilibrium.
Screw the center post down so that it is flush with the top surface of the force table and
no longer able to hold the ring in position. Pull the ring slightly to one side and let it go.
Check to see that the ring returns to the center. If not, adjust the mass and/or angle of
the pulley until the ring always returns to the center when pulled slightly to one side.

Anchor String Method of Finding Equilibrium
The knot should be centered over the hole in the middle of the center post when
the system is in equilibrium. The anchor string should be slack. Adjust the pulleys
downward until the strings are close to the top surface of the force table. Pull the knot
slightly to one side and let it go. Check to see that the knot returns to the center. If not,
adjust the mass and/or angle of the third pulley until the knot always returns to the center
when pulled slightly to one side.


To determine theoretically what mass should be suspended from the third pulley,
and at what angle, calculate the magnitude and direction of the equilibrant ( ) by the
component method and the graphical method.

Component Method
On a separate piece of paper, add the vector components of Force A and Force
B to determine the magnitude of the equilibrant. Use trigonometry to find the direction
(remember, the equilibrant is exactly opposite in direction to the resultant). Record the
results in Table 1.

Graphical Method
On a separate piece of paper, construct a tail-to-head diagram of the vectors of
Force A and Force B. Use a metric rule and protractor to measure the magnitude and
direction of the resultant. Record the results in Table 1. Remember to record the
direction of the equilibrant, which is opposite in direction to the resultant.


1. Physics Laboratory Experiments 4th Edition, Jerry D. Wilson @ 1994 D.C. Heath and
Company; Lexington, Massachusetts
2. Laboratory Manual In Conceptual Physics 2nd Edition, Bill W. Tillery @ 1995 Wm. C.
Brown Communications, Inc. Dubuque, IA
3. Laboratory Experiments in College Physics 7th Edition, Cicero H. Bernard, Chirold D.
Epp @ 1995, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York
4. Instruction Manual and Experiment Guide for the PASCO scientific Model ME-9447:
Force Table. (1991, November). PASCO Scientific. Retrieved from www.pasco.com

Laboratory Group # & Name: __________________________________________________
Date Performed: __________________________________________________
Course Code & Section: __________________________________________________
Group Members: __________________________________________________
__ ___________________________________
__ ___________________________________

Table 1. Results of the Three Methods of Vector Addition

Method Equilibrant ( )

Magnitude Direction ()

Force Table Method

Component Method
= _____
= _____

Graphical Method (Polygon


How do the theoretical values for the magnitude and direction of the equilibrant
compare to the actual magnitude and direction?

College of Science
De La Sallee University - Manila

e Question
4 of the Written Re
eport (Gro
oup Reportt) Grade

n the force table method, how was

1. In w the ve ector sum o of the force
es determin
D e the resulta
ant force fro
om the equ ilibrant forcce.

2. When
W addinng vectors using
u the graphical
g m
method, whyy is it impo
ortant to sp
he scale to be used? Give
G two reasons.

3. In
n adding vectors,
v hat is the advantage
wh e of the grraphical me
ethod overr the
component method? What
W is the advantage
e of the component mmethod ove
er the
graphical me

4. Two
T forces and yie eld a vector sum of when adde ed togetherr. If a third fforce
will be added to the first two forces such tthat the vecctor sum off the 3 forcces is
zero, is it ne
ecessary fo
or to be coplanar
c (in
n the same plane as) w with both and
? Explain.

5. Which
W method (graphic cal or comp
ponent) givees a result that is closser to that o
of the
orce-table result?
r Give
e an explan
nation why.


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