طاقة الرياح
طاقة الرياح
طاقة الرياح
Prepared by :
Aouachria Ali
Mohamed Wassim
Mohamed Dhiya eddine
Wind Energy
Wind energy is a form of solar energy. Wind
energy (or wind power) describes the process by
which wind is used to generate electricity. Wind
turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into
mechanical power. A generator can convert
mechanical power into electricity. Mechanical
power can also be utilized directly for specific
tasks such as pumping water. The US
DOE developed a short wind power animation that
provides an overview of how a wind turbine works
and describes the wind resources in the United
Wind speed:
The amount of energy in the wind varies
with the cube of the wind speed, in other
words, if the wind speed doubles, there is
eight times more energy in the wind
(2^3=2x2x2=8). Small changes in wind
speed have a large impact on the amount of
power available in the wind .
. Density of the air:
The more dense the air, the more energy
received by the turbine. Air density varies
with elevation and temperature. Air is less
dense at higher elevations than at sea level,
and warm air is less dense than cold air. All
else being equal, turbines will produce more
power at lower elevations and in locations
with cooler average temperatures.
Swept area of the turbine:
The larger the swept area (the size of the
area through which the rotor spins), the
more power the turbine can capture from
the wind. Since swept area is
Wind Farm
Siting a wind farm varies from one location to
another, but there are some important matters for
land owners to consider:
1. Understand your wind resource
2. Evaluate distance from existing
transmission lines
3. Determine benefits of and barriers to
allowing your land to be developed
4. Establish access to capital
5. Identify reliable power purchaser or
6. Address siting and project feasibility
7. Understand wind energy’s economics
8. Obtain zoning and permitting expertise
9. Establish dialogue with turbine
manufacturers and project developers
10. Secure agreement to meet O&M needs
Necessary Services to
Wind power project or WPP involves development
through own resources and manpower or by availing
the technical services from consultant organisations:
Land Requirements:
The amount of land required for a wind farm
varies considerably, and is particularly dependent
on two key factors: the desired size of the wind
farm (which can be defined either by installed
capacity or the number of turbines) and the
characteristics of the local terrain. Typically,
wind turbine spacing is determined by the rotor
diameter and local wind conditions. Some
estimates suggest spacing turbines between 5 and
10 rotor diameters apart. If prevailing winds are
generally from the same direction, turbines may
be installed 3 or 4 rotor diameters apart (in the
direction perpendicular to the prevailing winds);
under multi-directional wind conditions, spacing
of between 5 and 7 rotor diameters is
1. "AWEA Website Wind Energy Basics"
2. "US DOE EERE: Wind Program: How Wind
Turbines Work"
3. "Danish Wind Industry Association Where
does Wind Energy come From"
4. "Danish Wind Industry Association The
Energy in the Wind"
5. Gipe, Paul. (2009).Wind Energy Basics.
Chelsea Green Publishing Company. ISBN 978-
6. "EERE Wind Energy Technologies Office"
7. "WINDExchange"
8. (Published: November 2015) "US DOE 2014
Renewable Energy Data Book"
9. "16 Gigawatt of Wind Power added in First
Half of 2010"
10. (Published: Aug 2010) "2009 Renewable
Energy Data Book"
11. (Published: October 25, 2017 "U.S. Wind
Industry Third Quarter 2017 Market Report"
12. "AWEA: Ten Steps to Developing a Wind
Farm (Updated 3-2010)"
13. "Detail of Technical ServicesWind Energy
14. "Wind Power Project Site Identification and
Land Requirements Prepared by: Global
Energy Concepts and AWS Truewind, LLC"