AC 2.1 Application Form and Accreditation Agreement V9.1

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AC 2.1 Application for accreditation & Accreditation Agreement

Applicant details:
Name of the organization (same name may appear on the
accreditation certificate upon grant of accreditation)

Address (physical & mailing)

Application status ☐ New application ☐ Application for extension of scope (existing location) ☐ New Location for extension of scope
Would you like GAC to consider
Are you already accredited for the scope being applied?
your existing accreditation?
Commercial registration number or Professional Licence No:
Name of the contact person from Top Management Position/Title:
Contact Email: Mobile: Office Telephone:
Name of the authorised representative: Position/Title:
Contact Email: Mobile: Office Telephone:
Legal status (please tick one or more): ☐ Private limited company ☐ Private partnership ☐ Public body ☐ Public limited company ☐ Sole trader
☐ Part of a learned/technical institution ☐ Part of an academic/ professional body ☐ Other: Specify
Are you part of a bigger entity? please name the bigger
entity and describe the relationship
Accreditation being sought for:
☐ Product certification in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065 ☐ Personnel certification body in accordance with ISO/IEC 17024
☐ Testing laboratory/ facility in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 ☐ Calibration laboratory/ facility in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025
☒ Inspection body in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020 ☐ MS certification body in accordance with ISO/IEC 17021-1
☐ PT Provider in accordance with ISO/IEC 17043 ☐ Medical laboratories in accordance with ISO 15189
☐ Halal Product Certification in accordance with GSO 2055-2 ☐ Halal Product Certification in accordance with UAE.S 2055-2
Any other:
Other conformity assessment activities / services provided:
Is the accreditation being sought for multiple locations: ☐ yes ☐ No If the answer is “Yes” please provide us the below information:
Number of locations requested
Name/address of all locations: 1). 2).
3). 4). 5.)
Please specify locations at which the key activities are performed:
Total number of employees and contractors in the applicant’s organisation:
Does the organisation carry out work outside the Gulf region (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Yemen) : ☐ Yes ☐ No
If so, please state where:
Where did you hear about GAC’s accreditation services? ☐ Reference from a regulator/regulation ☐ Newspaper/Journal advertisements ☐ Conference/Trade show.

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AC 2.1 Application for accreditation & Accreditation Agreement
☐ Reference from another CAB ☐ GAC website ☐ Other: Specify…………..

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AC 2.1 Application for accreditation & Accreditation Agreement
Instructions on filling the scope table: The scope must be filled in the relevant table, you can insert as many rows as needed, for more than one location you can insert/copy another table
accordingly, an example for each scope/scheme is prefilled for your ease to follow, the test methods/standards must be stated along with their applicable edition or year or version
number as applicable. (only activities where the CAB can prove its competence to perform are included in the scope, which excludes externally provided activities on an ongoing basis).
When filling the form for scope extension, type only parameters/activity for which extension of scope is being sought – do not type the already accredited scopes.
Testing laboratories/facilities (including medical testing)
Location#1 (Main): address/name (if different from the one stated on page 1 of this application):
PROPERTIES, Tests are performed at Permanent
COMPONENTS, laboratory (P) or on-site (O)
(for microbiology parameters
Chemical testing Drinking water APHA/AWWA 4500-H+B / 23rd Ed 2017 P
state detection or
Phase Contrast Examination of Uncentrifuged Urine Using
Medical microbiology Urine Microscopy P
Kova Slide As documented in LWI-M02 - 2018
Bromocresol Green Method as documented in LWI-CP02
Chemical pathology Serum Albumin P
Hitachi 747/911 - 2018

For medical laboratories please provide details about the collection centres:
Calibration laboratories/facilities
For calibration laboratories/facilities seeking accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 please indicate the field of calibration and all the measurement parameters for which you seek GAC
accreditation (for example force, mass, pressure):
Method (standard/guide + internal Calibrations performed at Permanent
Measurand / Equipment Measuring Range CMC (k=2)
procedure) laboratory (P) or on-site (O)
Instrument calibrators
1 – 10V 0.3mV Euramet Guidelines … P
(DC Voltage)

Inspection bodies
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AC 2.1 Application for accreditation & Accreditation Agreement
For inspection bodies seeking accreditation to ISO/IEC 17020 please indicate the scope(s) for which you seek GAC Accreditation (see the relevant supplementary accreditation
requirements for predefined scopes): Type A ☐ Type B ☐ Type C ☐
Inspection Category Items of inspection Type of inspection Reference standards / Regulations
Lifting Equipment Mobile Crane Initial and periodic inspections BS 7121

Product certification bodies

For product certification bodies seeking accreditation to ISO/IEC 17065 please state the name of products and applicable standards and/or schemes against which you are applying for GAC
Product Category Items, Materials or Products Scheme Type Specification, standard method or Technique used
scheme - GSO
General Requirements for house
HOUS LVE BD- IEC 60335-1
hold appliances
142004-01 /
Type 1a

Proficiency testing providers

For Proficiency testing providers, please complete the relevant table(s) for all proficiency testing schemes for which you seek GAC accreditation
Discipline Sub- Discipline Material, Matrix or Type

Halal certification bodies

Categories Products Scheme Type Specification, standard method or Technique used
Long shelf-life products Canned products, biscuits, sugar, GSO scheme
GSO 2055-1, GSO 993, OIC/SMIIC 1
(CAT E) sault SMIIC scheme

Management system certification bodies

For management system certification bodies seeking accreditation to ISO/IEC 17021-1 please state applicable standards and IAF codes against which you are applying for GAC
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AC 2.1 Application for accreditation & Accreditation Agreement
(Please refer to IAF MDs for the codes, clusters and categories; IAF MD 16, IAF MD 17,..).
Name of the standard IAF Code / NACE code/ Category Description of Industry / Sector /Subcategory Product/Process/Service
ISO 9001:2015 IAF 30 / NACE 55, 56 Hotels & restaurants Catering

Personnel Certification Bodies

Sector (Industry, Field), Category Person Certified (title) Scheme/ Standards/ Regulations
Lifting Equipment Crane, Forklift … Crane operator / Forklift operator
Health Clubs, Facilities Centres Swimmer instructor /
Pools, beaches, ponds
(life guarding) Pool Lifeguard / Beach lifeguard

For Testing & Calibration laboratories, Inspection bodies to provide below information:
Do you perform in-house calibrations? (in relation to the scope of accreditation): Yes ☐ No ☐
Do you hold any valid accreditation for the in-house calibrations you perform: Yes ☐ No ☐ (if yes, please provide copy accreditation certificate and scope)
Method (standard/guide + internal Calibrations performed at Permanent
Measurand / Equipment Measuring Range CMC (k=2) laboratory (P) or on-site (O)
Incubator 300C - 500C 0.50C Euramet Guidelines … P

A. Confidentiality Policy: I authorize GAC to release information regarding our application status. Yes ☐ No ☐
B. Language Policy: All documentation & records must be provided in English (however GAC can also accept documents in Arabic & conduct assessment using Arabic/English or other
languages as needed for facilitation). If required by GAC an appropriate translation of pertinent documentation must be provided as well as a translator, if needed, to facilitate an
assessment. Where some documents/records are in language(s) other than the English the conformity assessment body shall provide translated copies in English language.
C. Application Validity: The application is valid for a period of 2 years from the date application invoice, all fees are non-refundable. The application will expire if no assessment is undertaken
by the applicant within first 12 months. An accepted application may lapse in case of no follow-up or communication by the CAB for a period of 6 months. In case the accreditation was not
granted GAC imposes a minimum of 3 months cool off period after which only CAB can re-apply for accreditation, new application fee will be charged if the duration of 2 years exceeded with
ref. to the earlier application that resulted in decline of accreditation.
D. Legally Enforceable agreement: The annex -1 constitutes the legally enforceable agreement between GAC and the applicant in line with requirements of ISO/IEC 17011.

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AC 2.1 Application for accreditation & Accreditation Agreement
Annex – 1 Accreditation Agreement
1. Conditions for Accreditation: To attain and maintain accreditation, an applicant must agree to:
a. Committed to fulfil continually the requirements for accreditation for the scope for which accreditation is sought (new applicant) or granted (already accredited) and to
commit to provide evidence of fulfilment, these requirements for accreditation includes but not limited to e.g. compliance with accreditation criteria (scheme),
requirements of GAC such as applicable technical notes, FADs (GAC’s accreditation policies and procedures are all available on its website,
and requirements of international bodies such as ILAC, IAF, IHAF. This also includes agreement to adapt to changes in the requirements for accreditation.
b. Cooperate as is necessary to enable GAC to verify compliance and fulfilment of requirements for accreditation;
c. Provide access to conformity assessment body personnel, locations (includes all as applicable e.g. CAB & customer premises, other sites for witnessing activities),
equipment, information, documents and records as necessary to determine the compliance with requirements of accreditation thru assessments, (initial, surveillance,
reassessment, follow-up, unannounced assessments..), resolution of complaints & investigations, and fulfillment of Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA/MLA) and/or
specifier requirements. The CAB shall provide all the documents as necessary and specified by GAC (see annex-2) so it can perform document review in relation to any type of
assessment to be conducted (including documents that provide insight into the level of independence of the applicant from any other related activities undertaken by their
organization, where applicable), in case if a CAB doesn’t wish to provide some documents, GAC will then accordingly determine the necessary increase in the duration of
assessment to cover the review onsite.
d. Arrange the witnessing of conformity assessment activities (accredited or applied) when applicable and as requested by the GAC;
e. To have, where applicable, legally enforceable arrangements with their clients that commit the clients to provide, on request, access to accreditation body assessment
teams to assess the conformity assessment body's performance when carrying out conformity assessment activities at the client’s site.
f. To claim accreditation only with respect to the scope for which accreditation has been granted and which are carried out in accordance with these conditions.
g. Not use its accreditation in such a manner as to bring GAC into disrepute and not make any statement relevant to its accreditation which GAC may consider misleading or
h. Inform GAC within one week and in writing of changes or pending changes in any aspect of the organization’s status or operation that affects the organization’s legal, commercial
or organizational or ownership status; organization or top management or key personnel (e.g., managerial staff); significant change to management system, and to where
appropriate; premises (including relocation of premises), equipment, facilities, working environment or other resources, where significant; authorized signatories; or such other
matters that may affect the organization’s capability, or scope of accredited activities, or compliance with the criteria, requirements and conditions for accreditation;
i. Pay all necessary fees at the time of application and during the duration of accreditation services being invoiced by the GAC (Please refer to fee schedule available on website), all
the fees applicable are to be paid upfront in advance before execution of the services unless special approval is given by GAC financial department.
j. Assist in the investigation and resolution of any accreditation-related complaints about the conformity assessment body referred to it by the GAC.
k. Carry out any adjustments to its procedures in response to due notice (by GAC publication, email and/or hardcopy) of any intended changes by GAC to the criteria, requirements,
or conditions for accreditation, in such time as in the opinion of GAC is reasonable.
l. Maintain impartiality and integrity
m. Retain all quality and technical records (as defined in relevant management system standard such as ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 15189, ISO 17020, etc.) for at least 4 years.
n. Not provide accreditation or certification services to any standard used by GAC as a basis for accrediting organizations (e.g., ISO/IEC 17025, 17020, 17065, 17043, ISO 15189)
when those services may affect the impartiality of either party. (NOTE: It is recognized that an organization may have to evaluate subcontractors/external resources to confirm

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AC 2.1 Application for accreditation & Accreditation Agreement
that they meet the organization’s requirements, which may include accreditation standards such as ISO/IEC 17025. Documentation issued to subcontractors/external resources
as a result of a successful evaluation shall clearly state that this is not certification or accreditation in accordance with ISO/IEC 17011).
o. All the CABs are responsible for the activities they perform, GAC cannot be held responsible for anomalies, mistakes or errors arising from CAB’s activities or operations.
p. Accreditation is not provided for conformity assessment activities that are outsourced permanently.
2. Use of accreditation symbols and other claims of accreditation
To attain and maintain accreditation CABs need to comply with GAC requirements specified in Technical Note #6, an applicant must agree to:
a. Comply with the requirements of GAC when claiming and making reference to its accreditation status in communication media such as advertising, brochures,
b. Endeavor to ensure that no certificate or report or unauthorized statement regarding its accreditation nor any part thereof, is used in a misleading manner(s).
c. Upon suspension, withdrawal or expiration of its accreditation (however determined) discontinue its use of all advertising matter that contains reference thereto its
accreditation, if required by GAC return accreditation certificates and scopes of accreditation to GAC.
d. does not refer to its accreditation in a way so as to imply that a product, process, service, management system or person is certified or endorsed or approved by GAC;
e. informs its affected clients of the suspension, reduction or withdrawal of its accreditation and the associated consequences without undue delay.
f) only uses the accreditation symbol and claims of accreditation status for the specific activities covered by the scope of accreditation.

To apply, the applicant’s AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE must agree to the above terms and must attest that all statements made on the application are correct to the best of
his/her knowledge and belief. An organization’s AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE is an official who represents the organization in all matters related to maintaining GAC
accreditation. This official is GAC's primary point of contact with the organization. An Accredited Organization’s Authorized Representative shall be in a position of authority to
ensure that the organization complies with the GAC criteria. Furthermore, this representative is responsible for ensuring that all of the relevant conditions for accreditation are

At any point in the application or assessment process, if there is evidence of fraudulent behaviour, if the conformity assessment body intentionally provides false information or if the
CAB conceals information, deliberately violates accreditation requirements, GAC shall reject the application or terminate the assessment process, or in case of an accredited CAB,
accreditation will be withdrawn and GAC also reserves the right to take any legal action. (Ref. to AC 12.0 Suspension, Reinstation, Reduction and Withdrawal of Accreditation).
All contractual agreements and subsequent disputes between GAC & its accredited or applicant CAB or other parties shall only be dealt within the Saudi Arabia laws & regulations.

3. Liabilities and Remedies

GAC shall not be held liable for any loss or damage incurred by the CAB or its personnel due to any act of omission or error during the performance of accreditation process &
services by GAC under the terms of this Accreditation Agreement.
In case when GAC essentially fails to provide agreed services as per the application or otherwise breaches its obligations under this Accreditation Agreement, the applicant or
accredited CAB solitary and exclusive remedy in connection with any such failure is to allow GAC in its sole and absolute discretion, to:
a.     Within a reasonable period of time, remedy the deficiencies identified by the applicant or accredited CAB,
b.     Refund to the applicant or accredited CAB the fee related to the deficient services in question. 
Nonetheless in the accreditation agreement or otherwise, GAC shall not be liable to applicant or accredited CAB or to any third party for any loss, consequential statutory, or
exemplary damages of any nature whatsoever, including without limitation, damages related to loss of profit, loss of income or revenue, loss of goodwill, personal injury or
wrongful death, even if it has been put on notice of the possibility of such damages. Without limiting or expanding the provisions of any of the sections of these terms and
conditions, in no event shall GAC’s liability for monetary damages exceed the amount actually paid by the organization for the services with respect to which such liability arose.
4. Indemnity
Applicant or Accredited CAB agrees and acknowledges that it shall indemnify and hold harmless the followings:

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AC 2.1 Application for accreditation & Accreditation Agreement
GAC and its employees and associated personnel (directors, managers officers, and shareholders, assessors/experts) from and against any and all claims, loss or damages, suits,
liabilities, arising out of or related to, without limitation: losses incurred as a result of Applicant’s or Accredited CAB’s noncompliance with national, or federal laws, regulations,
losses caused by its misconduct or negligence and any breach by it, the applicant or accredited CAB shall guard GAC against any such Claims and in any action or proceeding
resulting directly or indirectly from its own acts or omissions.  

Force Majeure:  GAC shall not be liable in any aspect that prevented it or caused delays in providing its services and obligations hereunder in an unforeseen event that is
beyond its control, this may include but not limited to e.g., fires, flooding’s, accidents or other geographical or national or regional changes, acts of God, strikes, lockdowns, labor
disruption, wars, terrorism, flights, riots, government allocations or priorities, severe weather conditions, and changes of law or regulation. (Refer to GAC’s procedure on
extraordinary events QM…)
5. Employment:
As an applicant or accredited CAB, it agrees to not to employee or make any contract with any of GAC’s assessor/expert who on behalf of GAC conducted assessments for the
CAB, for a period of one year from the date of assessment conducted and after this period a no-objection letter has to be obtained from GAC. In case of violation to this term, GAC
will take necessary action for compensation to any image damage, loss of clients and losses related to non-availability of the mentioned employee/assessor/expert.


In the event that any dispute arises between the two parties due to this agreement or the interpretation of any of its provisions, it shall be resolved amicably as much as possible. In
the event that an amicable solution has not been reached after a month has passed from the emergence of the dispute, and the parties are not willing to resolve the issue amicably,
the applicable law shall be the Saudi law before the competent Saudi courts, and either party has the right to refer the subject of the dispute for arbitration according to the Saudi
arbitration law, it shall be based in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the city of Riyadh.

As the applicant Organization's Authorized Representative, I agree to the above conditions and obligations for accreditation. I attest that all statements made on this
application are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


……………………………………………… …………………………………………………….. …………….

Please return the filled application form to your GAC contact person or otherwise at:

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AC 2.1 Application for accreditation & Accreditation Agreement
Annex - 2
*List of required documents: to be submitted alongside with this filled and signed application form:
Sr.# 17025 17021-1 17024 17065 17043
Description / Title of the document 15189 Testing & 17020 Management Personnel Product GSO/UAE Proficiency
Medical Calibration Inspection system certification Certification Testing
2055-2 Provider
1 If you have existing accreditation and you wish it to be considered If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable
by GAC then please provide:
a. Copy of Accreditation certificate
b. Copy of Accreditation scope
c. Copy of the last assessment report
2 For the accreditation for Notification Program: NA If applicable NA NA NA If applicable NA NA
a. Copy of the Application form submitted to GSO,
b. Proofs of legal representation in the GCC countries
3 Proof of organisation being legal entity ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
(e. g. Trade license or Commercial Registration)
4 Proof of third-party liability insurance or equivalent provisions If applicable If applicable ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ If applicable
(if a liability insurance is required by law or other regulations)
5 Quality management system documentation ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
a. Documented mechanism of quality policies & procedures e.g.
Quality manual or procedural manual as applicable
b. Quality procedures (management system procedures)
6 Master list(s) of all documentation of the management system ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
7 Organisational chart ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
8 List of concerned personnel for the scope of accreditation (e.g., ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Competence Matrix)
List of approved signatories of the reports / certificates
9 Provide methods / procedures/ standards / SOPs in relation to the ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
scope applied.
For PT providers: covering – Planning, Stability evaluation,
Homogeneity evaluation, Choice of the statistical model,
Preparation, storage and distribution of the PT items, Determination
of reference value (assigned value) and evaluation criteria,
(standard deviation for proficiency assessment), Performance
evaluation of the participants
Example: Test methods (testing laboratory) or Calibration
procedures (calibration laboratory), product standard for product
AC 2.1 v.9.1 Issue date: 1st December 2021 Approved by: Atta Subhan Page 9 of 11
AC 2.1 Application for accreditation & Accreditation Agreement
Sr.# 17025 17021-1 17024 17065 17043
Description / Title of the document 15189 Testing & 17020 Management Personnel Product GSO/UAE Proficiency
Medical Calibration Inspection system certification Certification Testing
2055-2 Provider
Note: if in-house SOP (sometimes called work or test instructions) is used
then provide both in-house SOP as well as the reference
national/international standard.
10 A copy of the original report or certificate for each major category If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable ✔ If applicable ✔
for the applied scope of accreditation.
For example, Testing Lab: test report for each testing field
applied / accredited e.g., chemical tests in water, microbiological
tests in food, Calibration Lab: calibration certificate for each
measurand / calibration item, PT provider: One PT report for each
PT field.
11 Budget of measurement uncertainty for the scope of accreditation If applicable If applicable NA NA NA NA NA If applicable
12 List of reference materials/standards, & measurement standards If applicable If applicable If applicable NA NA NA NA If applicable
(if applicable in relation to its scope of accreditation)
13 List of equipment items with in-house registry (if applicable, If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable
agreements for license equipment)
14 The last Management review report ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

15 The last internal audit Report ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

16 Impartiality documents (Risk analysis, top management declarations If applicable ✔ ✔ If applicable If applicable ✔ If applicable If applicable
and mechanism)
17 Mark statute NA NA If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable
18 Fee regulation or price list NA NA If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable
19 List of countries where certificates are granted indicating the NA NA If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable
number of certificates per country
20 List of countries where certification activities are performed by NA NA If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable
branch offices indicating the specific activities
21 List of countries where certification activities are performed by” NA NA If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable
remote personnel “(personnel, that is not working from a branch
office of the certification body)
22 Critical locations according to IAF MD 12 NA NA If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable
23 Rules of the certification body for the management of branch NA NA If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable
offices abroad or” remote personnel “
24 List of all auditors/inspectors approved by the certification body NA NA If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable
indicating the scope and location (country)
25 Sample of all types of contracts for certification, for subcontracting NA NA If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable If applicable
and with auditors

AC 2.1 v.9.1 Issue date: 1st December 2021 Approved by: Atta Subhan Page 10 of 11
AC 2.1 Application for accreditation & Accreditation Agreement
Sr.# 17025 17021-1 17024 17065 17043
Description / Title of the document 15189 Testing & 17020 Management Personnel Product GSO/UAE Proficiency
Medical Calibration Inspection system certification Certification Testing
2055-2 Provider
26 List of the proficiency testing (PT) schemes organized within the NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ✔
last three years
27 One certificate / one Certificate of Attendance of a PT scheme for NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ✔
each of the fields applied for,
when they are issued.
*Its mandatory to provide all the documents at the time of (before) initial assessment whereas in the subsequent assessment only updated/revised document are normally required to
be provided however GAC reserves the right in asking for all the documents again as and if needed.

For GAC Use Only:

Application and Resource Review
GAC Reviewed the application for completeness, including documents and information provided and that the application is signed, GAC did also review
the resources, capabilities, competence, personnel and timeline to arrange assessment within 12months or earlier, other necessities checked – based on
the above GAC Accepted / Rejected the application.

Reviewed by ASM /DM

Name of File manager (if different)
Remarks or notes (if any)

☐ This application covers a scheme that is mandatory scheme, the scheme corresponds to a conformity assessment activity listed as level 2, and it uses a
standard listed as level 3 in the MRA/MLA structure. The scheme does not omit any requirement of the chosen standard.

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