Artificial Intelligence Solutions For Urban Land D
Artificial Intelligence Solutions For Urban Land D
Artificial Intelligence Solutions For Urban Land D
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Elisabete Silva
University of Cambridge
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What is This?
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are widely accepted as a technology offering an alternative way to tackle complex and dynamic
problems in urban studies. The goal of this article is a review of current literature in the field of planning and AI. The aim of this
review is to increase the understanding of how AI approaches urban and land dynamics modeling processes and how, as a result,
researchers can structure that knowledge and choose the correct approaches to embed in their models. For this purpose,
the authors review the applications of AI techniques in urban land dynamics domain as well as the emerging challenges they
face. The authors discuss hybrid AI systems as a need resulting from the trend in planning policy to develop more holistic
approaches. The authors conclude that, although challenges exist, AI-based approaches offer promising solutions for urban and
land dynamics.
AI, urban and land dynamics, cellular automata, genetic algorithm, agent-based system
1. Introduction: Urban Land Dynamics and beginning in the 1970s (Los 1973; Tobler 1979; Batty
Artificial Intelligence and Longley 1994; Silva and Clarke 2005; Silva 2008b)—
fundamentally changed the traditional methodologies and
Land change is driven by the combination of synergetic spatial provided deeper theoretical insight into the dynamics of land
and aspatial factors that trigger the dynamic process of land use change. AI is now explored in many scientific fields as
change with their interactions. At the same time, urbanization allowing the inclusion of high levels of complexity in the mod-
of cities and the changes in physical, social, and ecosystem eling process that previous models could not represent.
aspects that result from urban growth affect the drivers of land AI covers a broad spectrum, which has successfully been
change. Urban land use dynamics are the direct consequence of used in a wide range of fields. Our research in this article
the actions of individuals and public and private corporations focuses primarily on the AI technologies that have been
acting simultaneously in time over the urban space (Barredo directly imported to urban studies or developed as new ele-
et al. 2003). The speed and intensity of urbanization created ments of AI-based techniques of many urban analysis systems
pressure for change in the land use pattern. Therefore, it is of or models. Considering this, the term artificial intelligence in
the utmost importance to study the driving forces of land use our article refers to what is commonly known as the ‘‘weak
change in order to understand what the change process is and AI’’ camp: technology that is able to manipulate predetermined
also to predict substantial changes in the speed, intensity, or tra- rules and apply the rules to reach a well-defined goal (Bethell
jectory (the process known as bifurcations or phase transitions) 2006). In this article, we only selected the approaches that are
of land change in urban regions. most commonly termed AI for urban planning in the literature.
Over the past decades, efforts have been made by This idea of ‘‘weak’’ or ‘‘soft AI’’ is shared when considering
researchers to capture the dynamics of land change. However, the application of AI in business Goodwins (2001),
the pitfalls of traditional analytical methodologies, particularly
the static and top-down approaches of traditional modeling
such as linear and mathematics modeling, limited insight into
the dynamic complexity and nonlinear properties of land 1
University of Cambridge, UK
change. Although this choke point has been improved by the
application of computer models since the mid-1950s (Voorhees Corresponding Author:
1959; Batty 2004), it is still hard to understand the delicate Elisabete A. Silva, Department of Land Economy, Department of Land
Economy and Fellow of Robinson College, University of Cambridge, 19
problems in land dynamic modeling. More recently, the great
Silver Street, Cambridge CB3 9EP, UK; phone: þ44(0)1223337141; fax:
strides in computer techniques—particularly the use of com- þ44(0)1223337130; Web site:
plex analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) in spatial analysis Email:
environment (S. H. Chen, Jakeman, and Norton 2008), and intelligent stochastic simulation models, (3) evolutionary com-
water quality modeling (Chau 2006b). puting and spatial DNA, and (4) knowledge-based intelligent
This article is organized as follows: part 2 reviews a wide systems.
spectrum of literature on artificial intelligence and its imple- There is a clear distinction in these four approaches, which
mentation in urban land dynamics. In some cases, we also has to do with scale. The first case (artificial life) tended to be
included less representative applications, which are certainly particularly focused in the micro-simulation environment,
still worth mentioning as they expose new ways of exploring while the remaining cases tended to be focused on global oper-
AI in urban planning. Part 3 discusses the need for hybrid sys- ationalization issues. And while stochastic optimization (group
tems able to incorporate more holistic approaches and further 2) still relies on mathematical algorithms and data-mining pro-
modeling developments, and part 4 gives concluding remarks cesses, group 4 (knowledge-based systems) departs in many
(see Figure 1). cases from the sole reliance on mathematical and advanced sta-
tistical formulations to model in language-alike environments.
Finally, group 3 (evolutionary computation) appears as a result
2. Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Urban
of the introduction of AI approaches to urban planning but is
Land Dynamics itself important for explaining algorithms and models that are
The term AI has been applied to computer systems and pro- sensitive to local conditions and allow the exploration of
grams capable of performing tasks more complex than straight- behavior.
forward programming, though they are still far from the realm Following is a description of the main AI approaches that
of actual thought (Kalogirou 2003). The review of this litera- can be found in each group. It is important to mention that at
ture unveils a multitude of AI approaches that have been used the most basic representation of an AI approach, we can find
in urban studies. We classified them into four groups according an algorithm as a basic model that represents one particular
to their application and properties: (1) artificial life, (2) issue, but advancements in AI allow for the exploration of
complex models that include multiple algorithms and (as we much richer forms of degenerations in the level of individuals:
will explore in the third part of the article) interact with differ- Insight into land dynamics in various scales increasingly
ent AI approaches. requires analyses on the individual level. Batty (2005) intro-
For the purpose of this article, it is important to explore the duced new forms of representation at a fine spatial scale, where
most fundamental approaches in AI that make it useful for (or units of space are conceived as cells and populations as individ-
that are being predominantly used in) urban planning. Once this ual agents. (2) Adaptations of the CA formalism: The modifica-
goal is accomplished, it is possible to explore in further detail tions and adaptations to CA models mainly include changes to
sophisticated dynamic urban models (N. Wu and Silva n.d.-b) the structure and dimension of the lattice of cells (Stevens,
and different methodologies to selected the most appropriate Dragicevic, and Rothley 2007), expansion of allowable cell
models (N. Wu and Silva 2009, n.d.-a). states (Mathey et al. 2008), and expanded neighborhood
definitions (H. Michel, Geertman, and Ottens 2007; Geertman,
Hagoort, and Ottens 2007; Jiao and Boerboom 2006). (3) Effi-
2.1. Artificial Life ciency improving of CA models, especially in optimization and
Artificial life is the study of manmade systems that exhibit calibration processes: Many approaches have been used to
behavior characteristics of natural living systems. Cellular improve parameters/global optimization and calibration
automata (CA) and intelligent agents are typical artificial life (Rocha et al. 2007; Al-Kheder, Jun, and Jie 2007; Frans
techniques, and in the past decades they have been increasingly 2003; Goldstein 2005; Silva and Clarke 2002). (4) Linking
implemented in urban studies. CA models to traditional cross-sectional approaches such as
transportation models (F. Wu and Martin 2002; Iacono,
2.1.1. Cellular Automata. CA, due to its ability to fit such com- Levinson, and El-Geneidy 2008): Although CA models appear
plex spatial nature using simple and effective rules, is being to be growing more mature with all the achievements in CA
widely implemented to model the urban growth process. urban growth modeling over the past twenty years, the limita-
Briefly, this article outlines CA’s outstanding characters in the tions of CA such as simplicity (which is also considered to be
following five points: (1) Complexity and dynamics represen- an advantage) (Iacono, Levinson, and El-Geneidy 2008;
tation: CA is a discrete dynamical system, and its structure sup- Torrens and O’Sullivan 2001; Norte Pinto and Pais Antunes
plies a capacity of performing dynamic and complex spatial 2007), the quantification of the neighborhood functions (still
modeling (Sietchiping 2004). (2) Spatial integration: The spa- rudimentarily defined among immediate neighborhood
tial structure of CA enables it to easily incorporate with geo- effects) (Verburg, Dijst, and Veldkamp 2004), and immobility
graphic and remote sensing data such as GIS (Batty, Xie, and (Benenson and Torrens 2003) cannot be ignored.
Sun 1999; Stevens, Dragicevic, and Rothley 2007; Piyatham-
rongchai 2007; Silva and Clarke 2002, 2005) and self- 2.1.2. Agent-Based Model. In contrast with CA’s abilities on spa-
organizing mapping (Álvaro and Blas 2008) for producing tial dynamics of land change, ABM has presented its strongest
highly visual outputs. (3) Extensibility and adaptability: Adap- representation on aspatial dynamics. Advantages of ABMs
tations to the original CA architecture involve the flexibility of include their ability to model individual decision-making enti-
neighborhoods and dimensions and shapes of cells (Yasser, ties and their interactions, to incorporate social processes on
Moorea, and Whighama 2007; Dragicevic 2007; Kocabas and decision making, and their dynamic socioeconomic environ-
Dragicevic 2007; Jenerette and Wu 2001) as well as the exten- mental linkages (B. Matthews et al. 2007).
sibility of CA to incorporate with diversity of models, espe- An increasing number of researchers are exploring the
cially associated with agent-based models (ABM) (Sudhira potential of ABMs for urban land change. Since the first appli-
2004; Batty 2007). (4) Simplicity and complexity: The simpli- cation of ABM on agriculture system by Lansing and Kremer
city of CA enables it to present spatial complexity in an intui- (1993), a number of agent-based land-use models have been
tive but effective way. It reduces the formidable complexity of developed for different application areas. For example, ABMs
urban systems to a manageable level (Torrens and O’Sullivan were used by some researchers (Berger 2001; Balmann et al.
2000; Silva 2008a, 2008b). (5) Visibility: The lattice structure 2002; Happe 2004) to illustrate the impact of agriculture poli-
(cells in a CA model, usually represented by the grids in a raster cies on regional farmland. Ligtenberg et al. (2004) described an
image) and the link to geographic data make CA models highly ABM to explore different ways in which decisions regarding
visual. CA allows modelers to view urban systems growing land use could be made. Ligmann and Jankowski (2007)
over time in increments (Dietzel and Clarke 2004). And this focused on using ABM for spatially explicit modeling of
characteristic is enhanced by integration with some virtual real-world policy scenarios. Itzhak, Martens, and Birfir
techniques such as 3D (Qin, Wang, and Wang 2007; Semboloni (2007) simulated urban parking policy scenarios and analyzed
2000). their impacts from the user and public policy perspective.
Many applications reflect the relative ease and flexibility of Simulation of the social-economic interactions in urban sys-
CA, with which they can be modified to describe processes of tems is another important application of ABM. D. G. Brown
change (Iacono, Levinson, and El-Geneidy 2008). To perform and Robinson (2006) presented an ABM that represents the
growing complexity in different urban dynamics, CA models process of residential development within an urban system.
are extended mainly in the following ways: (1) Generating Milner-Gulland et al. (2006) described the use of an ABM to
investigate the trade-offs in allocation of wealth by households. Similarly, the potential of PSO on urban studies has been
Ettema et al. (2007) presented a multi-agent-based urban model noticed with its application on environmental studies (Gill
(PUMA) concerning land conversion problems. et al. 2006; Matott, Rabideau, and Craig 2006; Chau 2006a)
The integration of ABMs with other spatial models was usu- and urban traffic control (Hu et al. 2008). Recently, Pinto
ally used to explain spatial patterns of land use or urban (2006) used PSO to calibrate a CA-based urban growth model
dynamics. Batty (2005) gave a good presentation of how agents to simulate urban growth in small-size areas.
and cells represent cities and the interactions between them. X. BCO is a self-organization algorithm based on the behaviors
Li and Liu (2007) proposed a multiagent system integrated of honey bees on searching for flower patches. It is a new direc-
with CA and GIS to simulate residential development in urban tion of SI, and the majority applications of BCO are on trans-
systems. Wagner and Wegener (2007) described an agent- portation and urban traffic problems. For example, Lucic and
based travel submodel in the ILUMASS model, which takes the Teodorovic (2001) first used BCO as combinatorial optimiza-
needs and wishes of people to conduct activities and the result- tion approach for the traveling salesman problems. Later, Teo-
ing need for travel into account. dorovic and Lucic (2005) proposed a fuzzy bee system to solve
Land change phenomena include spatial and aspatial combinatorial problems characterized by uncertainty for public
dynamics. The stationary transition probabilities and less aspa- transit; the artificial bees used approximate reasoning and rules
tial representation of CA have limited its ability as individual of fuzzy logic in their communication and acting. Teodorovic
levels to reflect feedbacks to global changes in land change sys- and Dell’Orco (2005, 2008) explored the possible applications
tem. Few models allow global changes in the system (e.g., as of collective bee intelligence in solving ride-matching
action at a distance) to influence transitions at the cellular level problems.
(Parker et al. 2003). Both SLEUTH (by enabling and disabling SDS is a population-based search and optimization algo-
boom and boost; Silva and Clarke 2002) and CVCA (by allow- rithm introduced by Bishop (1989). The agents in SDS that
ing localized changes accordingly to proximity and area issues search for the optimal solution communicate in a way similar
and globally by allowing changes to landscape shape index; to communication between species of ants. SDS was used by
Silva et al. 2008b; Silva, Wileden, and Ahern 2008) allow this Hurley and Whitaker (2002) in site selection for wireless
to a certain extent. Nevertheless, when incorporated with networks.
ABM, the integration model includes two important compo-
nents: cellular models that are used to describe spatial
dynamics and ABMs that represent social interactions. ABM,
2.2. Intelligent Stochastic Optimization Processes
as a complement/enhancer of spatial models, makes modeling Stochastic optimization (SO) methods are optimization algo-
of urban and other land systems more comprehensive in a non- rithms that incorporate probabilistic (random) elements, either
linear fashion. in the problem data (the objective function, the constraints,
etc.), or in the algorithm itself (through random parameter val-
2.1.3. Swarm Intelligence. Swarm intelligence (SI) is a kind of ues, random choices, etc.), or in both (Spall 2003).
AI introduced by Beni and Wang (1989) that is based on the
study of the collective behavior of decentralized, self- 2.2.1. Genetic Algorithm. Genetic algorithm (GA) is an efficient
organized systems. Ant colony optimization (ACO), particle optimal-solution-searching algorithm based on the evolution-
swarm optimization (PSO), bee colony optimization (BCO), ary mechanisms of natural selection and natural genetics (Hol-
and stochastic diffusion search (SDS) are the four main SI algo- land 1975). Due to its ability of dealing with nonlinear
rithms that have been applied to urban planning studies. optimization problems, many applications have been used in
Although there are limited applications of SI on urban land urban/land change studies.
research, they supply us with good mechanisms that can be bor-
rowed to urban research disciplines. (a) GA in land use change. Optimization of land allocation is
ACO is a population-based meta-heuristic algorithm based one of GA’s significant applications. Papini et al. (1998) used a
on ant behaviors (Dorigo and Blum 2005; Marco and Stützle GA as a method of generating new rules for a CA in a land use
2004). Recently, ACO has been applied in environment prob- modeling exercise. K. Matthews (2001) incorporated GAs into
lems, such as optimizing sampling locations for long-term the land allocation decision support system (LADSS) for land
groundwater monitoring (Y. Li and Hilton 2007), estimating use optimization. Theodor, Janssen, and van Herwijnen
unsaturated soil hydraulic parameters (Abbaspour, Schulin, (2004) described a GA that was used as nonlinear combinator-
and van Genuchten 2001), and water distribution systems ial optimization to solve constraints of different land use allo-
(Maier et al. 2006; Zecchin et al. 2006). Urban application of cation and the conflict management objectives. Annelie and
ACO has so far been limited, but the previous examples Seppelt (2007) presented a GA to optimize the spatial config-
demonstrate their potentials. Matteo and Mussone (2006) used urations of land use. Fang-Chih et al. (2007) presented a hybrid
ACO to the assignment in congested transportation networks. GA to solve the discrete urban location allocation problem.
X. Liu et al. (2007) used ACO to extract transition rules as logi- Land pattern change and land cover classification are the other
cal expressions for geographical CA, which was applied to applications of GA (Jenerette and Wu 2001; Manson 2005;
simulate rural-urban land conversions. Tseng et al. 2007).
(b) GA in urban planning. Strictly speaking, the application of among them. A similar application of SA was made by
GA to urban planning just started in the past decade. Balling Michaela et al. (2005), where household data has been synthe-
et al. (1999) first described an example urban planning problem sized by SA, proving that it is a reasonable approach for accom-
that used GA to search for optimal future land use and transpor- plishing the household generation problem. However, some
tation. The application of GA in urban system mainly concen- researchers asserted that SA’s performances are not as good
trates on three aspects: (1) urban growth and sprawl, as as GA in solving some urban research problems, for example,
exhibited in Wong, Wong, and Tong (2001); Al-Kheder, Jun, the urban road network design (Cantarella, Pavone, and Vitetta
and Jie (2007); and Balling, Powell, and Saito (2004); (2) urban 2006) and optimizing traffic signals (Al-Hassan, Fayek, and
planning and decision making (Michael 2004; Ferdinando Shaheen 2006). Recently, SA has been implemented in location
2006); and (3) urban transportation infrastructure planning and and allocation problems of land use. Steven et al. (2002) pro-
urban spatial optimization (Xu, Zhang, and Zhou 2006; He, Li, posed an SA algorithm to search for a ‘‘good’’ partitioning of
and Feng 2007; X. Zhang and Armstrong 2008). police jurisdiction. Aerts and Heuvelink (2002) used an SA-
GA was generally implemented as an optimization approach based optimization procedure for equivalence between the
in three areas for urban and land dynamic models: (1) global energy function and the development costs of a land use plan.
optimization: finding the maximal/minimal value of any func- Inés et al. (2008) described the use of SA for allocation of land
tion (Balling, Powell, and Saito 2004; Theodor, Janssen, and units. Duh and Brown (2007) developed a knowledge-informed
van Herwijnen 2004; Ferdinando 2006); (2) auto-calibration: SA to tackle specifically multiobjective allocation problems
parameter estimation of complicated urban dynamic models that consider spatial patterns as objectives.
(Wong, Wong, and Tong 2001; Goldstein 2005; Al-Kheder,
Jun, and Jie 2007); and (3) combinatorial optimization: inte- 2.2.3. Others. There are other techniques that can be categor-
grating with other AI approaches as hybrid combinatorial opti- ized in the family of intelligent stochastic optimization process
mization. Usually, GA was embedded into other AI models to but have less application in urban/land dynamics. They tend to
solve initialization and parameter estimation problems, such as be used predominantly in transportation studies, so the authors
initiating and estimation of fuzzy logic parameters (Mota, et al. list them separately in this part. They are still an important part
2007; Dimitriou et al. 2008), the transition rules optimization of urban studies and therefore should be included in this
of CA (Hua and Yohei 2001; Li et al. 2007; Jenerette and review, even if the approach is focusing on a specific sector/
Wu 2001; Xu, Zhang, and Zhou 2006), agent-based modeling application and tends to be used less broadly in other fields.
(Manson 2005), and selection of input variables in Artificial The Hill Climbing Algorithm (Millan, Clark, and Dawson
Neural Networks (ANN) (Zhou and Civco 1996; C. Wang, 1997), for example, can be used to solve problems that have many
Luo, and Liu 2005). solutions. It starts with a random (potentially poor) solution and
Recently, a promising solution of GA on explaining iteratively makes small changes to the solution, each time improv-
decision-making processes and behavior of agents has been ing it a little more. When the algorithm cannot see any improve-
noticed. Silva (2008a) presented that GA is important for its ment anymore, it terminates. Ducca and Wilson (1976) used it as
behavioral roles that are very apt to model individual one of the calibration procedures for a model to solve shopping
agents and their behavior. In this way, GA works as a high- center locations problems. Marc and Sang (1981) presented a Hill
level pattern of ‘‘human behavior,’’ which produces solutions Climbing Algorithm to solve the resulting optimization problem
for the behavior choices of ‘‘humans’’ (agents) under a in land use design. Williamson, Birkin, and Rees (1998) used a
social-economic environment. This could be introduced into Hill Climbing Algorithm to find a set of households that matches
the original concept of the GA model to make it a more constraints with URBANSIM model.
inclusive structure, including agents that represent entities In an attempt to integrate Tabu search, scatter search, inte-
(households, vehicles, and pedestrians) in land system and the ger programming, and neural networks into a single search
behavior regulations (e.g., optimization on transport cost func- algorithm for deterministic or stochastic optimization prob-
tion of agents) that GA exerts over them. The integration of this lems, OptQuest Engine was developed (OptTek Systems, Inc.
kind of GA model with a CA model could be potential solution 2004). Ilsoo (2006) applied the OptQuest Engine as an optimi-
for the problem of the lack of aspatial dynamics in today’s land zation method for an urban corridor and traffic signal optimiza-
change modeling. tion, and the results indicated that the GA-based optimization
method outperforms SA and OptQuest. A similar comparison
2.2.2. Simulated Annealing. Simulated Annealing (SA) was first was made by Cantarella, Pavone, and Vitetta (2006), which
introduced by Metropolis et al. (1953). It is an algorithm devel- showed that Tabu Search and GA have higher speed of conver-
oped analogously with the physical process of controlled gence than SA and Hill Climbing in their modeling of a lane
annealing of solid material to arrive at an arrangement of atoms layout.
with low energy (Venkataraman 2001; Ilsoo 2006).
The performances of SA, GA, and the Hill Climbing Algo-
rithm in finding a set of households that matches certain con-
2.3. Evolution Computing and Spatial DNA
straints were compared by Williamson, Birkin, and Rees Evolution computing processes are often inspired by biological
(1998), the result of which shows that SA performed best mechanisms of evolution. Candidate solutions are the best
choices in the evolutionary process because they are similar to CA and DNA (Openshaw and Openshaw 1997) offers research-
the processes of biological mechanism such as the neural ers the opportunity to explore urban process in a different view.
network and the immune system. Following research in fractal city (Batty and Longley 1994;
Batty and Xie 1996) and urban morphological fingerprints
2.3.1. Artificial Neural Network. Artificial Neural Networks (Webster 1996), all hold a promising prospect for the further
(ANN) is a computational mechanism that is able to acquire, emergence of the spatial DNA concept.
represent, and compute a mapping from one multivariate space Recently, Silva (2001) gave a more systematic view of spa-
of information to another, given a set of data representing that tial DNA in urban science, which gave birth to a new offshoot
mapping (Garret 1994). The capability of an ANN to cope with of AI’s application in regional planning. It allows for the under-
uncertainty in complex situations makes it successfully standing of how the different elements progress and constrain
employed to the analysis and modeling of problems in land- different regions and what role they should have in shaping
related disciplines. The major drawbacks of ANN include its future scenarios (Silva and Clarke 2002; Silva 2004). In Silva’s
black-box and static nature (Cheng 2003). research, ‘‘DNA’’ was described as the character of a place,
Generally, the application of ANN to urban land dynamics which reflects the natural and human constraints and identifies
mainly includes two approaches. First, the capability of ANN the uniqueness of a region without compromising its universal-
as a classifier makes it good for land cover classification/clus- ity. The possibility of a DNA for a region was proved with CA
ter and land pattern learning. Pijanowski et al. (2002), for models (SLEUTH and CVCA), and several variables/metrics/
example, used ANN to learn the patterns of development in a indicators were seen as the DNA of regions (in Sleuth: diffu-
region and test the predictive capacity of land transform sion, breed, spread, slope, and road gravity; in CVCA: Edges,
model. X. H. Liu, Skidmore, and Oosten (2002) presented an Area, Num Clusters, MCS—Mean Cluster Size, MPS—Mean
integrated approach for land-cover classification using a Patch Size, LSI—Landscape Shape Index, MNND—Mean
rule-based expert system classifier and an ANN classifier. Near Neighbor Distance). We can use SLEUTH or CVCA
Pijanowski et al. (2005) parameterized an ANN model for two models to learn the DNA of regions; it mirrors the region’s own
cities in the United States and attempted to test whether they individuality and reveals new emergent characteristic (Silva
were transferable across both metropolitan areas. L. Zhang and and Clarke 2005). A spatial DNA supplies us with a good
Yu (2006) integrated a GIS-based analysis on landscape pat- insight into how different elements progress and constrain dif-
terns with an ANN to quantitatively characterize the urbaniza- ferent regions and what function they should have in shaping
tion patterns. Second, ANN was used to seek suitable future scenarios. It helps us to understand the implications of
parameters for models. X. Li and Yeh (2001, 2002), for exam- transposing certain policies and actions from one region to
ple, conducted a model of land use change for a cluster of cities another as ‘‘cloning a DNA to another region.’’ Furthermore,
in southern China; the parameter values from the training of it helps to understand the complexity of urban dynamics from
ANN were then imported into the CA model. Later, they fur- a different view. A good example is the explanation of bifurca-
ther refined this model dealing with multiple regional land uses tion and phase transition in the trajectory of urban systems
and simulations for alternative development scenarios (Yeh given by Silva (2006) using a region’s DNA.
and Li 2003), but their investigations did not ever scale down Nicholas and Clarke (2006) further detailed the DNA of our
at the intraurban level. region with comparison of output data in twenty SLEUTH
applications. Their work created a digital ‘‘petri dish’’ for the
2.3.2. Spatial DNA. Strictly speaking, spatial DNA is not the further spatial DNA analysis. Another similar analysis under
same kind of AI technique as the others in this article. How- the concept of ‘‘DNA of world and cities’’ was conducted by
ever, it is a new view and methodology to use to analyze the Caglioni, Pelizzoni, and Rabino (2006) with the SLEUTH
process of urban dynamics. model. Wilson (2008) focused on the structural variables that
Technically, it supplies a special approach to urban studies determine future dynamics and seek to identify the ‘‘DNA’’ and
from the view of evolutionary life. That is why this article cate- the ‘‘genes’’ of the urban system.
gorizes it in this section. It marks the change from pure deter-
ministic models to new, ‘‘adaptive’’ models that adjust
themselves to reality, making them unique in their representa- 2.3.3. Others. As reported previously, other approaches to evo-
tions, but universally comparable by the universal rules they lutionary computing tend to be less represented in the literature
include. While few authors explored this research strand or but are still worth mentioning. The Shuffled Complex Evolu-
other fields of data-led theory, the fact is that the majority of tion (SCE) algorithm is a general-purpose global optimization
today’s AI models, by their calibration specifications, tend to algorithm that provides an efficient estimate of the most likely
contain variables and overall indicators that can be reported parameter set (mode) and its underlying posterior probability
as unique DNAs. distribution within a single optimization run. Madsen (2000)
Linking CA and DNA can be tracked to decades ago. applied SCE for solving the multiobjective calibration problem
Langton (1986) pointed out that CA provides us with the logi- in rainfall-runoff model. Shie-Yui and Atiquzzaman (2004)
cal universes within which we can embed artificial molecules applied SCE for the design of a cost-effective water distribu-
in the form of propagating, virtual automata. The linking of tion network, and their findings showed that SCE is
computationally much faster compared to other widely used 2.4.2. Expert Systems. Expert system (ES) was defined as
algorithms such as GA or SA. knowledge-based system that emulates expert decision
Artificial immune system (AIS) is based on the guided thought to solve significant problems in a particular domain
stochastic search inspired by biological immune systems of expertise (Sell 1985). One of the key features of ES is
(DeCastro and Timmis 2002). Mahesh (2008) explored the they address problems normally through the requirement
potential of an artificial immune-based supervised classifica- of decision mechanisms alike human specialist decision
tion algorithm for land-cover classification. The applications making strategies for their solution. Growing application
of AIS in urban traffic control can be found in Pallav (2006) of ES in urban land dynamics can be briefly classified into
and L. Jia et al. (2006), which proved the usefulness of AIS for four areas.
urban traffic control.
(a) Urban planning in general and site selection. Liang and Gao
(1999) proposed a managerial expert system that helps develop
optimal managerial strategies for land use and plant selection.
2.4. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Systems Witlox (2003, 2005) detailed ES in land use subjects, particu-
Knowledge-based intelligent systems (KBIS) are interactive larly in site selection problems. Tzai-Zang, Wu, and Wei
computer programs that mimic and automate the decision- (2008) presented a knowledge-based system (KBSLUA) that
making and reasoning processes of human experts. Generally, is used to help the assessment of development plans for
fuzzy logic, and expert system, and heuristics are the three most watershed land use. B. Matthews et al. (2007) compared the
important KBIS. land use plans proposed by planners with those derived from
DSS and ES.
2.4.1. Fuzzy Logic. Fuzzy logic theory was first introduced by (b) Land evaluation. Rossiter (1990) and Yizengaw and Ver-
Zadeh (1965); it provides a way to express the degree of mem- heye (1995) have proved the potential of ES on land evaluation
bership to a particular class or set (Dragicevic 2004). The by combining knowledge-based systems, decision support sys-
excellent performance of fuzzy logic has been tested by many tem, and neural network. Feng and Xu (1999) introduced an
researchers in their models. Oh and Jeong (2002), for example, integrated system to help the evaluation of urban development.
showed that the fuzzy set approach performed better than a Kalogirou (2002) presented a tool (LEIGIS) that combined
Boolean approach in evaluating the urban residential environ- expert systems and GIS technologies to help with an implemen-
ment. Fuzzy logic supplies us with a suitable tool to analyze tation of a land suitability evaluation model.
some problems related to land classification. Arijit, Pal, and
Das (2006), for example, proposed a multistage classifier for (c) Land use allocation and classification. The classifications of
land cover classification that involves fuzzy rule extraction urban land cover based on ES are discussed by Luckman,
from the training data. Similar application of ANN can be Jessen, and Gibb (1990) and Moller-Jensen (1997). Expert sys-
found in Aiazzi, Alparone, and Baronti (2003); Owen et al. tems allow for the integration of remotely sensed data with
(2006); and Tang, Wang, and Myint (2007). Fuzzy logic has other sources such as land use data and spatial texture and digi-
also been applied in urban studies, such as traffic flow tal elevation models to obtain greater classification accuracy
(Dimitriou et al. 2008) and urban growth model (Eleftherios, (Stefanov, Ramsey, and Christensen 2001; Stuckens, Coppin,
Hatzichristos, and Prastacos 2007). and Bauer 2000).
Fuzzy logic is an extension of conventional logic. It over-
comes the limitation of information loss in the land classifica- (d) Integration with GIS technologies for general application.
tion process by providing results in a continuous scale. Also, Expert systems have been integrated with intelligent tech-
fuzzy logic is more readily customizable in natural language niques such as GIS in urban and land use studies. Zhu,
terms (Abdullah and Al-Lawama 2008). Nevertheless, this Aspinall, and Healey (1996), for example, presented a strategic
approach has some limitations. The main difficulties associated land use decision support planning system (ILUDSS) that
with applying the fuzzy logic approach to land use suitability adopts knowledge-based techniques and a GIS to strengthen
modeling is the lack of a definite method for determining the analysis capabilities. Similar examples can be found in Jun
membership function (Malczewski 2004). This is in line with (2000), Plant and Vayssieres (2000), and Filis et al. (2003).
the problems of defining land use classes that need to vary Malczewski (2004) presented an overview of GIS-based ES
accordingly to scale variations, geographical location, and and DSS for land use suitability analysis.
goals of the classification. The applications of fuzzy logic Expert systems incorporated with other relevant technolo-
incorporating other AI approaches have been used in many gies (e.g., GA in Rogers et al. [1996] and Anna [2007]; ANN
areas, for example, the hybrid of fuzzy logic–GA for traffic in Mohamad et al. [1996]) allows for handling both quantitative
incidents detection (Srinivasan, Cheu, and Poh et al. 2001) and and qualitative data and facilitating the process of decision
site selection (Ebadi et al. 2004). These kinds of integration making (Kalogirou 2002; Moller-Junsen 1990). Another major
provide indeterminate and stochastic components for determi- strength of the ESs is their flexibility with regard to data
nistic modeling as complements. sources and potential for application to diverse research
Artificial life
Cellular automata Spatial dynamics Batty (2005); Silva and Clarke (2005); Yasser, Moorea, and Whighama
representation (2007); Dragicevic (2007)
Agent-based modeling Aspatial dynamics Brown and Robinson (2006); Berger (2001); Ettema et al. (2007)
Ant colony optimization Optimization Matteo and Mussone (2006); X. Liu et al. (2007)
Particle swarm optimization Optimization Hu et al. (2008); Pinto (2006); Chau (2006a)
Bee colony optimization Optimization Lucic and Teodorovic (2001); Teodorovic and Lucic (2005);
Intelligent stochastic optimization
Genetic algorithm Optimization, cost of Candau et al. (2000); Al-Kheder, Jun, and Jie (2007), Michael (2004);
function control, behavior Balling, Powell, and Saito (2004)
Simulated annealing Optimization Michaela et al. (2005); Cantarella, Pavone, and Vitetta (2006);
Al-Hassan, Fayek, and Shaheen (2006); Duh and Brown (2007);
Hill Climbing Algorithm Optimization Marc and Sang (1981); Williamson, Birkin, and Rees (1998)
Tabu search and path reliking Optimization Cantarella, Pavone, and Vitetta (2006)
OptQuest engine Optimization Ilsoo (2006)
Stochastic diffusion Search Optimization Hurley and Whitaker (2002)
Evolution computing and spatial DNA
Artificial Neural Network Optimization Pijanowski et al. (2002, 2005); Zhang and Yu (2006); Yeh and Li (2003)
Spatial DNA Evolutionary view to urban Silva (2001, 2004); Silva and Clarke (2002, (2005); Nicholas and Clarke
systems (2006); Caglioni, Pelizzoni, and Rabino (2006); Wilson (2008)
Shuffled complex evolution Optimization Madsen (2000); Shie-Yui and Atiquzzaman (2004)
Artificial immune system Optimization Mahesh (2008); Pallav (2006); Jia et al. (2006)
Knowledge-based intelligent systems
Fuzzy logic Knowledge engine Aiazzi, Alparone, and Baronti (2003); Owen et al. (2006); Tang, Wang,
and Myint (2007); Dimitriou et al. (2008)
Expert systems Knowledge engine Stefanov, Ramsey, and Christensen (2001); Witlox (2003); Tzai-Zang,
Wu, and Wei (2008)
Heuristics Knowledge engine Chen and Alfa (1991); Ahmad and Simonovic (2001); Arentze,
Borgers, and Timmermans (2006)
Rule-based reasoning Knowledge engine Rajkishore and Sinha (2002); Kawano et al. (2005); Brown (2006)
Case-based reasoning Knowledge engine X. Li, Ye, and Liao (2004); Roda et al.(2001)
Reinforcement learning Knowledge engine Miyagi (2004); Z.-Y. Liu and Ma (2007)
Analytical learning Knowledge engine Jia et al. (2007)
studies (some are more concerned with spatial/aspatial CA and MAS, is a more appropriate method for urban
solutions, while other applications are more concerned with modeling since it possesses the advantages of both CA and
optimization or knowledge engine solutions). MAS (Nara and Torrens 2005). Also, by accepting the need
Most AI approaches supply optimization for modeling pro- of hybrid models, the AI approaches cannot rely solely on a sin-
cesses such as GA, SA, SDS, ANN, and so on. Spatial DNA gle algorithm to simulate reality and tend to include sets of
provides us with a new insight and view into the dynamics of algorithms and other formulations in more advanced models
urban land change. Knowledge-based intelligent systems work and modeling approaches.
as a knowledge engine for the data analysis in urban studies.
CA and ABS are often used separately in models of urban sys-
tems. CA can represent the spatial dynamics as opposed to the 3.1. Hybrid AI Systems
aspatial dynamics representation of agent-based modeling, Recently, integrated AI approaches as hybrid system are pro-
which is demonstrated in Table 2. From it, we can see that viding promising solutions for urban land studies.
CA and agent-based methodologies each has its strong points. Agent-based cellular automata (AB-CA) is a kind of hybrid
However, nowadays separation of applications of CA and system that integrates agent-based modeling and cellular auto-
multiagents (MAS) make it insufficient to depict real urban mata. As mentioned, this is particularly important when one
systems since real cities consist of both immobile entities such needs to include spatial and aspatial approaches in the same
as urban infrastructures and mobile entities such as human model, but they can be used as helpful tools to calibrate models.
beings. Therefore, the hybrid model, which is composed of For example, Sudhira (2005) proposed an AB-CA framework
CA Agent
Focus City level and regional level Household and family; vehicles
Landscape and transition Human actions
Urban simulations Population dynamics
Status change Exchange data with neighborhoods navigation Alter attributes and behaviors by themselves
Mobility Immobile entities Mobile entities
Representing Spatial dynamics Aspatial dynamics
Geographic factors Social-economic factors
Character Affinity with raster data and GIS Freedom for true spatial mobility
Evolution Systems Complex Systems
Geographic loose
Publication Application Issues Type of agent Tool/project location coupling
Dijkstra, Jessurun, and Traffic and Pedestrian dynamics in Pedestrians N/A No specific Yes
Timmermans (2002) pedestrian shopping mall location
Sudhira et al. (2005) Urban systems Urban sprawl Population NETLOGO / Mangalore, Yes
simulation MapObjects2 / India
Benenson and Torrens Urban systems Geographic Automata Householders OBEUS No specific Yes
(2005) Systems location
X. Li and Liu (2008) Sustainable Residential Householders N/A Pearl River Yes
development development Delta, China
Wahle and Urban traffic Traffic flow simulation Tasks of drivers SURVIVE Duisburg, Yes
Schreckenberg (2001) systems Germany
Chaker, Moulin, and Transport Multiscale modeling of Vehicles TransCad / Vissim Quebec, Yes
Thriault (2007) networks transport networks traffic simulator Canada
Ligtenberg et al. (2001) Urban dynamics Modeling spatial Stakeholders SWARM Nijmegen, the No
planning Netherlands
Niandry et al. (2007) Forest Caparo tropical forest Settler Galatea / SpaSim / Caparo, Yes
reserve Actilog Venezuela
W. Wang, Feng, and Urban traffic Passengers organiza- Passengers N/A Guangzhou, No
Wang (2007) tion optimization China
Loibl and Toetzer Suburban Landscape transition Households and STAU-Wien Vienna, No
(2003) regions simulation commercial Austria
Nara and Torrens Urban systems Inner-City Gentrifica- Residents Netlogo Salt Lake City, Yes
(2005) tion Simulation America
for urban sprawl simulation, where the agent-based model is this kind of model. Although most models are only verified
used to define the transitional rules of CA. In Table 3, we com- on a theoretical level, they can be a springboard to explore
pare eleven recent AB-CA hybrid systems in urban studies. more sophisticated hybrid models.
From this table, it is possible to infer that agents usually repre- GA as a calibration or an optimization approach for CA
sent the behaviors of pedestrians, vehicles, drivers, and passen- models (CA-GA) can be tracked from publications, as shown
gers in urban traffic systems or householders, stakeholders, and in Table 4. Atkinson et al. (2005) and Goldstein (2005) demon-
residents in urban systems. And geographical changes are rep- strated GA as calibration for CA model (SLEUTH). Lu and Liu
resented by CA. Take the model in Nara and Torrens (2005), (2007) used hybrid GA to optimize signal setting of CA mod-
for example: it includes fixed agents who act as CA represent- els. GA mainly concerns the optimization or calibration of tran-
ing individual properties as well as mobile agents that act as sition rules or parameter sets of CA models. The potential of
MAS representing residents in the space. GA to explain behavior regulations is not presented, and this
Besides, most AB-CA models are tight-coupling, which is a research topic for further studies.
means agents and CA in these models interact with each other Traditionally, the transition rules are deterministic. The
tightly. Interoperability of the processes is a big challenge for combination of fuzzy logic and CA systems can incorporate
Tool/ Time
Publication Application Objectives of GA Type of GA project period Geographic location
Al-Kheder, Jun, and Urban growth Identify transition rule values Calibration N/A 1982-2003 Indianapolis, USA
Jie (2007)
Goldstein, (2005) Urban growth Coefficients optimization Calibration SLEUTH 1992-2015 Sioux Falls, USA
Xu, Zhang, and Urban spatial Optimize urban spatial Optimization NSFC 1949-2005 Lanzhou, China
Zhou (2006) optimization structure
Jenerette and Land use change Optimize the parameter set Optimization CAP– 1912–2038 Phoenix, USA
Wu (2001) LTER
Hua and Yohei Land transformation Cell’s conversion control Optimization N/A 1990-2095 Jiangsu Province,
(2001) China
X. Li, Yang, et al. Urban evolution Optimize the model Optimization N/A 1988-2004 Pearl River Delta,
(2007) parameters China
nondeterministic or fuzzy factors to make the simulation more control, so researchers have to use other AI approaches such
appropriate. Y. Liu and Stuart (2003) concluded that with the as GA and ANN to determine the transition rule’s change prob-
application of fuzzy-set theory, the state of a cell is associated ability. But the black-box construction of ANN makes it impos-
with continuous processes in space and over time, rather than as sible for users to investigate the physical meanings of spatial
a binary nonurban to urban conversion process. factors. The design of adaptive function of GA and the exces-
The ANN-based CA models (ANN-CA) recently were used sive computation time in the encoding and decoding processes
in urban land research areas. X. Li and Yeh (2001, 2002) demon- make the efficiency of GA-based models a real challenge.
strated a framework of ANN-CA, using ANN to obtain the para- Other technical challenges in urban planning, such as how to
meter values automatically based on training data and to carry find efficient and effective methods to incorporate AI
out CA simulation based on these parameter values. Claudia and approaches into urban models to synchronize the spatial and
Gleriani (2005) used ANN to train transition probabilities maps temporal dynamics in urban systems, all leave researchers vast
that used input of CA models for land use change. Guan, Wang, space to develop a new generation of models.
and Clarke (2005) described a framework of ANN-Urban-CA. From the literature above, it is not difficult to detect that an
More recently, Rocha et al. (2007) introduced a hybrid system increasing number of integrated AI approaches have been used
of fuzzy logic, ANN, and CA for land use evolution. As pre- in urban and land dynamics. From a system-level perspective,
sented in Table 5, ANN-CA mainly concerns transition probabil- this acknowledges the trend of using integrated AI techniques
ities and parameter seeking. Fuzzy logic–cellular automata for modeling, which has been proposed in the notion of a fifth
(Fuzzy-CA) mainly focuses on controlling transition rules with generation of modeling systems (Chau 2006b, Chau and Chen
indeterminate scale and initials of CA model. 2001, Abbott 1989). The demands of more sophisticated mod-
There are some other kinds of hybrid models, such as the sys- els, coupled with the increasing need to incorporate urban
tem proposed by Matsuba and Namatame (2003) using CA and dynamics, is triggering the improvement of modeling. And at
SA, which succeeded in reproducing the qualitative similar the same time, the limitations of different AI techniques and
structural complexity of an actual city by taking into account the their complementarities make integration among different AI
transportation system, especially the railroad network. C. Wang, approaches a natural step forward. The increasing computa-
Luo, and Liu (2005) developed a loose-coupling GA and ANN tional ability of computer technique further supports the inte-
for land use classification. X. Liu et al. (2007) applied an gration progress. AI approaches could be loosely coupled
ACO-based CA model (ACO-CA) to simulate rural-urban land with fine flexibility and low inner-operation cost or, alterna-
conversions. Manson (2005) illustrated how genetic program- tively, be tightly coupled with good integrity and coherence.
ming can be used to model decision making in the context of Balancing the different level of coupling is also one of the key
human–environment relationships. Table 5 shows several appli- concerns of further modeling developments.
cations of these hybrid models. The increasing development of AI approaches has led to a
new generation of urban growth models, in which the dynamic
models based on fine-scale cells and individual behaviors
3.2. Future Modeling Developments involving agents (Batty 2005) have begun to favor enhancing
AI models obviously have the limitations inherited from AI the existing interaction and synchronization between different
techniques, and these are still an obstacle to the full develop- levels over the model and capturing the emergent phenomena
ment of integrated AI approaches that could optimize urban resulting from the interactions of individual entities.
planning models to its full potentialities. Taking CA-based The objective of integrating AI approaches is to achieve the
models, for example, the transition rule of CA is difficult to most combination forces of AI techniques, in this way, to build
Time Geographic
Publication Application Implementations of AI Hybrid AI Tools/projects period location
Eleftherios, Hatzichristos, Urban growth Cells’ states and transition rules controlled by fuzzy systems Fuzzy-CA ArcToolbox 1994-2004 Mesogia Area,
and Prastacos (2007) Greece
Liu and Stuart (2003) Urban Fuzzy-logic-controlled transition rules of CA Fuzzy-CA AML, ARC/ 1971-1996 Sydney,
development INFO Australia
Bolliger (2005) Simulating com- Fuzzy was used for landscape classification; CA was used for spatial simulation Fuzzy logic, CA FuzMe, 1832-1866 Southern
plex landscapes MWINDOWS Wisconsin,
Al-Kheder et al. (2008) Urban growth The use of fuzzy logic provides good initials for the cellular automata model and Fuzzy-CA, GA N/A 1982-2003 Indianapolis,
allows for including semantic knowledge into urban growth modeling USA
F. Wu (1998) Urban Fuzzy-logic-controlled transition rules of CA Fuzzy-CA ARC/INFO N/A Guangzhou,
encroachment China
Claudia and Gleriani Urban land use ANN trained transition probabilities maps served as inputs to the CA CA-ANN DINAMICA, 1985-1999 Piracicaba,
(2005) change SNNS Brazil
Yeh and Li (2003) Land use planning Transition rules of CA are represented by the ANN calibrated by empirical data CA-ANN ARC/INFO, 1988-1993 Dongguan,
AML China
X. Li and Yeh (2001) Complex urban Calculate conversion probabilities for competing multiple CA-ANN ARC/INFO, 1988-1993 Dongguan,
system AML China
Guan, Wang, and Clarke Urban growth ANN was used to seek suitable parameters for CA model CA-ANN ArcGIS, AML 1980-2015 Beijing, China
Rocha et al. (2007) Land use ANN was used to calibrate the degree of importance that each prediction variable CA-ANN, fuzzy N/A 1940-2013 Almada,
evolution has on the geographic Constraints; Euclidean distance to road network (left) and logic Portugal
distance normalized by fuzzy logic
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