The Lost Phantom

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At the beginning of phase, roll 2d6 as percentile. Change Change Change
Hex Proximity* Endurance
Range 0-4
1 4+ 4+* 4+ Health
11-14 15 16 21 Proximity Endurance AFFLICTIONS
5+ 4+* 2+
2 55 56 61-63 64-66 PHASE 7 m Deep
Range 5-9 JOURNALING Cut

3 4+ 3+* 4+ m Burn – Heat

or Chemical
11-15 16 21 22-23 m Broken
2+ 4+* 5+ Foot
4 61-62 63 64 65-66
m Gunshot
Range 10-15 m Fever
5 3+ 4+* 4+
11 12-15 16 21-23 Lose 1 Health every time you choose a “six” ACQUIRED
during Phases 4, 5, and 6. INVENTORY
6 56 61-62 63 64-66 * You may reroll 1 die if you started the turn in a different hex.
m First Aid Kit
V0328 Mike Heim
m Flare Gun
m Scope
m SKS Rifle
m Machete
Turn Order
A turn consists of seven phases which must be done in order. You can follow the phases on the Player
Sheet and refer these rules for clarification until you are familiar enough with the game that little reference
is needed.

Phase 1 Mapping
V4 Mike Heim
During Phase 1, roll 1d6 and refer Table 1 on the Player Sheet. It will give you 3 terrain hexes. You will fill
in the blank adjacent hexes in this order/pattern. For instance, if you roll a 4,
07 May 1972; The Easter Offensive
you would fill in the adjacent hexes, Field, Jungle, Hills (repeat) Field, Jungle,
You are U.S. Airforce Major Diego Montoya, a pilot serving his second tour in the
Hills until all hexes are mapped. Always start at the northern-most hex and fill
Vietnam War whose F-4 Phantom was shot down by ground fire in the Quang Tri
them in clockwise. For instance, if only two hexes are unmapped and they’re not adjacent to each other
Province near the DMZ. You were able to eject at the last moment into thick jungle.
(but adjacent to you) and you rolled a 4, the first would be Field and the second would be Jungle. Since
Wounded, disoriented, and behind enemy lines you must make your way east
there are no other empty hexes, there will be no Hills.
through unknown terrain to the Song Thach Han River before the North Vietnamese
Army captures you.
If you move—or are forced to move—into a hex that is unmapped, it becomes jungle. (There are some
special events and items that might make you map areas farther away than just those that are adjacent to
Besides this PDF, you will need

*9 six-sided dice – Six for allocating during Phase 3, one of which must be a darker
color for Phase 2, and three dice to track your Stats; Proximity, Health, and Phase 2 Encounter
Endurance. (Alternately, you can use 18 cubes or stackable chips to replace the three Stats dice.) Roll 2d6 as percentile dice during Phase 2. One of the dice should be a darker color. That will be your
*Pencil and Eraser
 “tens” die. So if you roll a 2 on your darker die and a 5 on your lighter die, your number would be 25. A
*Colored Pencil (or a cube/counter to track movement across the map) result of 11 to 14 will be a dangerous encounter, while a result of 63 to 66 with be a
* Lined paper for journaling (optional)
beneficial encounter. The encounter table varies by range from the starting Jungle hex.
Count how many hexes you are from the starting hex and refer to the chart for that
Set Up range. There are three ranges, 0-4 hexes, 5-9 hexes, and 10-15 hexes. Then, you check the last two
Place three of the dice (with the 6 side up) in the three Stat boxes at the top- pages to see what event that icon causes.
right of the Player Sheet (Proximity, Endurance, and Health).
None of three
stats boxes can exceed 6. Put a star on your starting Jungle hex (in the upper Dangerous encounters can result in Afflictions. You can only have an Affliction once (except the
left next to the swamp hexes) with your colored pencil. As you move from hex Superficial Wound). If you receive the same Affliction a second time, gain a Fever. If you get a Fever more
to hex, you will use your colored pencil to draw your path. than once, nothing happens.
Your sheet is set up! All you need now are your pencils and the other 6 dice. The Encounter Icons are explained on the last three pages and they all offer two or three choices—but
don’t look at them until you have to.
How to Win
Move from the Starting Jungle Hex in the northwest to Village
any of the three River hexes in the southeast. Fever (-1 to all dice rolls during phases 4, 5, and 6)
Swamp Gunshot Wound (Lose 1d5 Health, reroll 6s)
How to Lose Broken Foot (You can only roll a maximum of 2 dice during Phase 4)
Reduce your Proximity to zero (captured by NVA forces), or Reduce your Health to Hills Burn (Endurance is capped at 5. You can never have 6 Endurance)
zero (dying or bleeding out), or get killed during an Encounter event. Deep Cut (-2 Health. If you enter a Swamp, gain Fever as well)
Jungle Superficial Wound (-1 Health) You usually get these by rolling a “six” during Phases 4, 5, and 6.
You score 1 point for each hex you have mapped by the end of the game. If you Field Phase 3 Dice Allocation
win, you also gain a winning bonus equal to the current number of Proximity, You get an amount of dice equal to your current Endurance. When rolling dice during later phases, you
Health, and Endurance remaining. With 80 blank hexes and 18 points available Paddy always choose the die with the highest value. So if you really want to hide in a Rice Paddy where you’ll
from the three stats dice, the maximum amount of points is 98. need a 5-6 you should allocate more than one dice to increase your odds of success.
Player Sheet Remind yourself how your dice are allocated by placing them on the edge of the Player Sheet where the
Just like in the other xx72 games, the Player Sheet is consumable. You will be drawing on the bottom half arrows are pointed. Once allocated, you cannot move them. They are locked in that position until the end
of the sheet where the hex map is located, and will also have to mark Wound Afflictions and Acquired of the turn. For instance, if you have 4 Endurance at the beginning of your turn, then you could allocate 1
Inventory. After you play a game, win or lose, you’ll need another Player Sheet. (However, some gamers to Move, 2 to Stealth, and 1 to Rest (for a total of 4 dice). On the Move phase you only roll 1 die, but on
have worked around this by sleeving the Player Sheet and using dry erase markers.) the Stealth Phase you roll 2 dice and choose the highest of the two rolled, and then on the Rest phase
you only roll 1 die.
Phase 4 Move Phase 6 Rest
It’s not easy finding your way through the wilderness of Vietnam. In order to keep your bearing and move Endurance is the key to your survival. As you lose endurance, you lose dice to use in the Allocation
into an adjacent hex, you will have to navigate your way out of the hex you’re currently in. Roll the dice Phase, reducing your choices – and chances you have at succeeding in future phases. The terrain
you have set aside (during Phase 3) and choose only one die rolled. Refer to the chart on the Player modifies your success. Roll the dice you have set aside (during Phase 3) and choose only one die rolled.
Sheet to see what you must roll (or higher) to navigate out of the hex. For instance, if you’re in a Jungle Refer to the chart on the Player Sheet to see what you must roll (or higher) to maintain your Endurance.
hex, you need a 4+ (4 or better) to move out of the hex. This is based on the hex you are currently in. If your roll is successful, gain 1 Endurance.
If your roll is not successful, lose 1 Endurance.
If you rolled and choose a “six” then you succeed but you lose a Health in the process. This could be to a If no dice were allocated here, lose 1 Endurance. Although you can never have more than 6 Endurance,
wound, to bleeding out, etc. You decide during the Journaling Phase the method of losing the Health. you can still allocate dice if you’re at 6 Endurance and do not want it to drop.
You will always have at least 1 Endurance. If you are reduced below 1 Endurance, remove 1 Health
If you successfully moved out of your hex this turn, you will be able to reroll one allocated 6-sided die instead.
during Phase 5.
If you rolled and choose a “six” then you succeed but you lose a Health in the process. This could be to a
If you move into a Village hex, immediately roll on the Village Chart below to determine how wound, to bleeding out, etc. You decide during the Journaling Phase the method of losing the Health. Of
you are welcomed. course, since you may have moved to a new hex, you might have to use a different terrain than you did in
2 Robbed. Lose all of your Acquired Inventory items, then move to any adjacent mapped hex.
3 Delayed. Reduce Proximity and Endurance by 1, then move to any adjacent mapped hex. Force a Fail – You may always choose to fail any roll instead of taking a “six.” You likely would want to do
4-5 Kicked out. Immediately return to your previous hex and end the turn. This village becomes this if you only had 1 Health and taking the 6—which would apply a wound—would end the game.
impassable (draw a dark outline around the hex to show that it’s impassable).
6-8 Untrusting. The villagers warily ignore you. Move to any adjacent hex (an unmapped hex INVENTORY
becomes Jungle). Inventory Items are marked with a n and are usually found during an Encounter roll. Each item can only
9-10 Peaceful. The villagers offer you Sanctuary. Gain 2 Endurance, discard your Rest dice, then be used once and can only be acquired once. Future instances of the same item are broken, empty, or
move to any adjacent mapped hex. otherwise unserviceable. As you find an item, fill in the bubble on the Player Sheet next to the item. Put a
11 Helpful. A villager gives you a Motorcycle. Use this item to immediately move 3 hexes in any strikethrough line across the item once you use it.
direction. All three hexes will be Rice Paddy. Increase Proximity by 1.
12 Allied. A Doctor heals any one Affliction of your choice and increases all stats 1, then you m Flare Gun n If you are in an Open Field you can force an Encounter find and possibly win the game!
move to any adjacent hex (an unmapped hex becomes Jungle). m First Aid Kit n Remove 1 affliction of your choice (except Fever) and increase Health by 1.
m Scope n You can map any 2 hexes each turn within range 3 during the Mapping Phase
Phase 5 Stealth m Motorcycle n Use this item to immediately move 3 hexes in any direction. All three hexes will be Rice
The Viet Cong and NVA know that your F-4 was shot down and are actively looking for survivors. Your Paddy. Increase Proximity by 1.
parachute hanging in the tall jungle canopy is a dead giveaway. They will steadily close in on your m SKS Rifle n The first time Proximity reaches 0, reset it to 2
location. You can slow their progress by staying on the move and hiding when you find the right place.
This phase is not as forgiving as Phase 4 (Rest) since you can never regain Proximity, only prevent it from
dropping. Also, since you may have moved to a new hex, you might have to use a different terrain than Phase 7 Journaling (optional)
you did in Phase 4. This is where your trek comes to life. Write a short summary (a sentence or few) on what happened this
turn. Even if it seemed uneventful, a creative journal entry can enhance you experience.
Some terrain gives better cover than others. For instance, in the Jungles you need a 3 or better and while
in the Rice Paddy you need 4 or better—it’s a lot easier to hide in the Jungle than the Rice Paddies. For instance, “I can hear thunder in the distance. A few drops of rain start to reach the Jungle canopy. I
continue into more Jungle. I could’ve crossed that open field but I fear an ambush and am too wounded to
Roll the dice you have set aside (during Phase 3) and choose one die rolled. Refer to the chart on the take the chance.”
Player Sheet to see what you must roll (or higher) to maintain your distance from those pursuing you.
Historical Disclaimer
If your roll is successful, do not adjust your Proximity. This game is based on the true story of USMC Captain John W. Consolvo.
If your roll is not successful, lose 1 Proximity.
If no dice were allocated here, lose 1 Proximity. Captain Consolvo was a member of VMFA-212 stationed in Vietnam. On 07 May
1972, Capt. Consolvo’s F-4J was shot down. He ordered his RIO to bail out when the
If you rolled and choose a “six or higher” then you succeed but you lose a Health in the process. This aircraft was hit and became uncontrollable. Two other aircraft saw the RIO, but not
could be to a wound, to bleeding out, or whatever makes the most sense to you thematically. You decide Captain Consolvo bail out. There was no visual contact with his F-4J during its final 3-
during the Journaling Phase the method of losing the Health. 4 miles before impact—which could have given Consolvo an opportunity to eject.
Captain Consolvo was never recovered and is listed MIA and presumed dead. His
name can be found on the Vietnam Memorial Wall on Panel 1W, Row 14.
If you are in a different hex during this phase than the one you started in at the beginning of the turn, you
can choose to reroll one die after your allocated dice have been rolled.
Range 0-4 from Starting Hex
Do not read these until instructed to do so.
High Ground: From this vantage you can see for miles. A glint of metal in the distance
11-14 meets your eye. Four hexes from your location draw a Village with a +2 on it. You get a
Flash Flood: A torrential downpour turns this terrain into a dangerous river. +2 to your Village roll if you visit there. In all adjacent hexes around it, draw…
1) You may choose to avoid this by retreating to your previous hex. Or… 1) Rice Paddies. Or…
2) Lose 2 Endurance fighting against the current towards higher land. 2) Plains

15 56
Agent Orange: You lose your footing and slip facedown Empty Hut: It appears that this hut has been abandoned. The burn marks and bullet
into a pool of toxic chemicals. holes present this as another casualty of war.
1) If you have a Gunshot Wound or Deep Cut, the chemical 1) You repurpose the muslin-like material on the wall into a bandage. Gain 2 Health. Or…
exposure is unbearable. Lose 2 Health. 2) A rusty nMacheten hanging from a hook near the door seems to be the only salvageable
2) Otherwise, you are extremely sensitive to this and it quickly gear. Gain Machete. Or…
develops into a Chemical Burn. 3) As a quiet respite, gain 1 Endurance

Thorny Briars: You’ve made so much progress only to be halted by these half-inch
thorns. 61-63
1) Retreat back to the hex you came from. This hex is now impassable (draw a dark outline Trail/Road: An easy path is found out of this Jungle.
around the hex to show that it’s impassable). Or… 1) Immediately move to any adjacent hex. Or…
2) Push through the Briars and take a Deep Cut. Or.. 2) Increase Proximity by 1.
3) If you have the nMacheten, you may skip phases 4 and 5 while you cut a path. Do not
discard the nMacheten.
21 Dead VC: A fallen soldier lies facedown hidden in the brush. It was likely VC by the
Cliff: (Disregard if in Swamp or Rice Paddies). shattered pith helmet and ChiCom chest rig over black civvies.
In the thick brush, faint human voices distracted you from cliff face. You tumble down 1) You are able to acquire the nSKS Riflen still loaded with a few rounds. The kanji on the
and suffer a Broken Foot. Also choose one of the two options: receiver lets you know that this is a Chinese model. Or…
1) You lose 1 inventory item in the fall. Or… 2) You find a map of the area in one of his pouches. Three hexes from your location draw an
2) You tumble to a landing where you see a large lake in the distance. Place a Lake two hexes Open Field with an X in it (If you enter this hex, do not roll during Phase 2. Instead,
away between you and the River expanding the north and south of that hex by one. (a north- encounter a range 5-9 Crashed Huey ).
south 3 hex lake of Impassable terrain.)
Range 5-9 from Starting Hex
Do not read these until instructed to do so. 61-62
Crashed Huey: Partially submerged in the
swamp you find the fuselage remains of a UH-1.
Although it has been stripped, the looters didn’t
11-15 get everything.
Flash Flood: A torrential downpour turns this terrain into a dangerous river. 1) You find a working nFlare Gunn. Or…
1) You may choose to avoid this by retreating to your previous hex. Or… 2) You find nothing of value, but the cabin offers a silent
2) Lose 2 Endurance fighting against the current towards higher land. solace. Gain 2 Endurance.

Snake: You step into the knee-deep muck. You should have paid more attention 63
because you disturbed a sleeping snake. You jerk away upon realizing what you have Destroyed M113: The hulk of an Army personnel carrier stands in stark contrast to its
awaken but it’s too late. agricultural surroundings. The insides have been thoroughly stripped.
1) If you are in Plains, gain a Superficial Wound. 1) You find a compartment with a nFirst Aid Kitn. Or…
2) If you are in any other terrain, gain a Fever. 2) You find nothing of value, but the cabin offers a silent
3) If you have the nMacheten you may avoid option 1 and 2 completely. sanctuary from the elements. Gain 1 Proximity and 1

Wild Boar: A snort and squeal startles you as a shadow darker than night charges,
knocking you onto your back. It’s over just as quickly as it started. The frightened swine
runs off into the foliage.
1) If you’ve allocated at least 3 dice to movement, gain a Superficial Wound.
(Disregard if in Swamp or Rice Paddies).
2) If you allocated less than three dice to movement, gain a Deep Cut. Cave: This small cave must have served as an OP or HQ for communist forces before
3) If you have the nMacheten you may avoid option 1 and 2 completely, but your Machete is being abandoned.
ripped from your grasp as it lodges itself into the boar before it bolts into the brush. 1) You find a map of the area. Three hexes from your location draw a Swamp with
an X in it. Do not roll for an encounter if you enter this hex. Instead, encounter the
22-23 range 10-15 Tributary. Draw Swamp in all adjacent non-mapped hexes around
Mortar Fire: The familiar whistle announces the arrival of mortar rounds around you. the Swamp hex. Or…
1) Sprint across the field to the next hex, but take a Gunshot Wound, and lose 1 2) You find a spotting nScopen neglected under some detritus.
Endurance. Or…
2) Drop into cover right away. Take a Superficial Wound and lose 1 Proximity.
Huey Gunships: Roaring overhead is a flight of dual engine Marine gunships escorting a
Slick. If you have a nFlare Gunn, you are able to signal to the Slick which picks you up
and you win! Otherwise…
1) The Hueys open fire on the Jungles in the distance. Add 2 to Proximity. Or…
2) “Give ‘em Hell,” you whisper as the Hueys let loose rockets. The pressed attack invigorates
you. Gain 2 Health and 1 Endurance.
Range 10-15 from Starting Hex
Do not read these until instructed to do so.

11 Milepost: You come to quiet back road that runs toward the River. Move 1 hex closer to
Flash Flood: A torrential downpour turns this terrain into a dangerous river. any of the River hexes.
1) You may choose to avoid this by retreating to your previous hex. Or… 1) All unmapped adjacent hexes are Plains. Or…
2) Lose 2 Endurance fighting against the current towards higher land. 2) One unmapped adjacent hex is a Village. Or…
3) Gain +2 to your next movement roll.

Punji Sticks-Booby Traps: You’ve heard the horror stories from 61-62
the grunts about these sinister creations. Song Thach Han Tributary: You come across a large stream that heads towards the
1) You step down into a short Pitfall spike trap. Gain a Broken Foot. Or… River.
2) The spikes have recently been coated with feces. Gain a Deep Cut. 1) Draw a stream-path from your current hex to a River hex. While in any hex with a stream-path,
gain +1 to your Move rolls. Or…
2) Take a refreshing rest in the clear waters and gain 1 Health and 1 Endurance.
Mines: You notice dew collected on an invisible wire at your ankles. Beyond that you see
a pressure plate emerged from the mud. Mines have been placed in your way. 63
1) Lose 1 Proximity as you slowly navigate the minefield. Or… Empty Hut: It appears that this hut has been abandoned. The burn marks and bullet
2) Return to your previous hex and mark this hex as impassable (draw a dark outline around the holes present this as another casualty of war.
hex to show that it’s impassable). 1) You repurpose the muslin-like material on the wall into a bandage. Gain 2 Health. Or…
2) You find a quiet respite and catch your breath. Gain 1 Endurance.

Sniper: You work your way across an open area that gives a perfect field of fire for 64-66
snipers. A round strikes you in the shoulder. Take a Gunshot Wound… Huey Gunships: Roaring overhead is a flight of gunships escorting a Slick. If you have a
1) You serpentine your way towards the cover of the Hills ahead of you. Take another Gunshot nFlare Gunn, you are able to signal to the Slick which picks you up and you win!
Wound. Move into any unmapped hex and map it as Hills. Ignore Sniper encounter results Otherwise…
while in this Hills hex. Or… 3) The Hueys open fire on the Jungles in the distance. Add 2 to Proximity. Or…
2) You retreat back out of sight towards indefilate cover. Gain a Deep Cut and retreat to your 4) “Give ‘em Hell,” you whisper as the Hueys let loose rockets. The pressed attack invigorates
previous hex. The hex is now Impassable (draw a dark outline around the hex to show that it’s you. Gain 1 Health and 1 Endurance.

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