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Covid-19 Outbreak and New Normal Teaching in Higher Education

Vol. 20 No. 2, 2020
P-ISSN: 1411-3031; E-ISSN: 2442-9651
doi: http://doi.org/10.21093/di.v20i2.2545

Covid-19 Outbreak and New Normal Teaching in Higher

Education: Empirical Resolve from Islamic Universities in
Ani Cahyadi
UIN Antasari, Indonesia
e-mail: anicahyadi@uin-antasari.ac.id

Mid of March 2020, the coronavirus 19 pandemic outbreaks caused many offices,
markets, schools, and universities closed to maintain its dead spreading. It makes
all the offline activities should be changed into online interaction including at
higher education. Lawrence & Tar (2018) reflected a study about factors that
influence teachers’ adoption and integration of ICT in teaching/learning process.
This study is about the activity of new normal in conducting online education
relating to the use of six strategies applied which are applied by teachers in the
Islamic University of Antasari Banjarmasin Indonesia. Within the new normal
period, this study reveals the six strategies on conducting online education namely;
a) the strategy of contextualization, b) the strategy of proper delivery, c) the
strategy of high adaptation on using technology, d) the strategy of adequate
support, e) the strategy of quality participation, f) the strategy of sustainable

Keywords: covid-19, new normal, online education

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Ani Cahyadi

A. Introduction
The pandemic of covid-19 brings the died impact to the society and community in
any aspect of life survival including in education sector. Since the mid of March 2020,
during the pandemic outbreaks, all the tertiary education in Indonesia removed and
adapted the new normal era in learning method, from face to face interaction in the
classroom towards online education. Lawrence & Tar (2018) reflected a study about factors
that influence teachers’ adoption and integration of ICT in teaching/learning process. The
government of Indonesia deliberately produced the policy toward this pandemic outbreak
by asking all the educational institutions to host the education; teaching and learning at
home (study at home) through maximizing the use of the online system. Hinostroza (2018)
explained about new challenges for ICT in education policies in developing countries: The
need to account for the widespread use of ICT for teaching and learning outside the school.
Consequently, formal institution should change their perspectives and practices and
think about why, who, what, and how of education during covid-19 outbreak (Lie, 2020).
all the education rulers began to start using online education through their cellphones,
smartphones, notebooks to keep them stay at home and getting lessons and knowledge
from the teachers. Biddix et al. (2016) explained about faculty use and perception of
mobile information and communication technology (m-ICT) for teaching practices. Besides
Indonesia, there are some other countries all over the world getting stuck on the hit of
covid-19. About 61 countries already made the local take down to their citizen by closing
the schools and universities (Unesco, 2020).
Teaching and learning process at higher education during the covid-19 pandemic
spreading caused educational institution cannot undertake the face to face interaction in
the classroom. It makes the universities think so hard to overcome existing learning
difficulties faced by the lecturers and students. Online education is chosen to occupy the
academical connection between lecturers and students. Shishkovskaya et al. (2015) argued
about “Paperless” foreign languages teaching. Online teaching uses paperless contribution
in distributing materials as well as the submitting assignments. Moreover, Oproiu (2015)
took a study about using e-learning platform (Moodle) in university teaching process.
More research on the online teaching have been explained by these following
writers; Brinkley-Etzkorn (2018): Learning to teach online; Measuring the influence of
faculty development training on teaching effectiveness through a TPACK lens, Hege
(2011): The online theology classroom: Strategies for engaging a community of distance
learners in a hybrid model of online education, Jenkins (2014): Teaching leadership online:
An exploratory study of instructional and assessment strategy use, Camus et al. (2016):
Facebook as an online teaching tool: Effects on student participation, learning, and overall
course performance, Cowan (2013): A Connectivism Perspective of the Transition from
Face-to-Face to Online Teaching in Higher Education, and Camus et al. (2016): Perceived
that Facebook as an online teaching tool: Effects on student participation, learning, and
overall course performance.

256 Dinamika Ilmu, Volume 20(2), 2020

Covid-19 Outbreak and New Normal Teaching in Higher Education

The use of technology in new normal teaching make lecturers and students should
realize to use the online education in harmony with the pandemic period. Asamoah &
Oheneba-Sakyi (2017) mentioned about Constructivist tenets applied in ICT-mediated
teaching and learning: higher education perspectives. Discussion on the internet,
Communication and Technology (ICT) have also been elaborated by some writers such as;
Valtonen et al. (2015) mentioned that the impact of authentic learning experiences with
ICT on pre-service teachers' intentions to use ICT for teaching and learning. Wu & Liu
(2015) took the acceptance of ICT-mediated teaching/learning systems for elementary
school teachers: Moderating effect of cognitive styles. Kamaruddin et al. (2017) mentioned
Integrating ICT in teaching and learning: A preliminary study on Malaysian private
preschool. Kweka & Ndibalema (2018) delivered constraints hindering adoption of ICT in
government secondary schools in Tanzania: The case of Hanang District.
Based on the research review above, as higher education in Indonesia, 223 Islamic
universities have only delivered hundreds, online education hosts. Zare et al. (2016)
explained Multi-criteria decision-making approach in E-learning: A systematic review and
classification. It is still much lower compared to the online education conducted by public
universities. Simon (2016) stated Mobile instant messaging support for teaching and
learning in higher education. The pandemic outbreak asks the institutions of Islamic
universities to create many kind online education programs to occupy the 2.526 students
undergraduate to get keeping at home as well as having virtual teaching and getting
transfer knowledge form teachers during the new normal period. Particularly, this study
focuses on the solution on the online education though appearing the empirical resolution
by promoting the six strategies of teaching the online education in Islamic universities in
Indonesia. Therefore, the researcher proposed one research problem i.e. “How do the
universities resolve the strategies of teaching online education to confront the covid-19

B. Literature Review
Covid-19 outbreak brings people all over the world to change their methods from
traditional to more technological way in teaching. It is obvious that in traditional teaching,
as what teachers conduct everyday where they can accommodate face to face interaction
directly to students. Additionally, teachers can maximize the power of body language,
facial expressions, and teacher’s voice in order to make students understand toward the
materials explained. In the era of covid-19 outbreak nowadays, teachers seem cannot use
those three elements in clear and direct way because the whole elements elements in
school whould should switch to online platform. As a result, the teacehrs should slow down
their explanation in order to have meaningful teaching and learning process where the
students can understand and capture the points explained in the online lesson (Bao, 2020).
Indonesian scholars and educators have been used to apply and implement e-
learning through internet access and system. In Indonesia, it has begun in the mid-
nineteenth about the late 70s and early 80s (Sulistyo, 2007). We have been emerging
technology in the education society from 2010 to 2015 as the developing country and was

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ranked 9th highest growth rate of technology users. Indonesian students love and
profound technology, including the usage of social media. According to the research of the
Cambridge Assesment International Education (2018) shows that mostly Indonesian
scholars have been literate ICT to support their readiness in facing the online education
(Widyanti, 2020; Suwarsono, 2016; Hasanah et al., 2014).
Review on the use of e-learning have been explored by these following authors like;
Horspool & Lange (2012) said applying the scholarship of teaching and learning: student
perceptions, behaviours and success online and face-to-face. Lameras et al. (2012)
explained Blended university teaching using virtual learning environments: conceptions
and approaches. Donlan (2014) mentioned Exploring the views of students on the use of
Facebook in university teaching and learning. Alwehaibi (2015) elaborated the impact of
using Youtube in EFL classroom on enhancing EFL students' content learning. De Freitas et
al. (2015) stated about will MOOCs transform learning and teaching in higher education?
Engagement and course retention in online learning provision.
Analyzing subjects towards online learning have been declared by Young (2006)
stated that student views of effective online teaching in higher education. Hege (2011)
elaborated the online theology classroom: strategies for engaging a community of
distance learners in a hybrid model of online education. Cowan (2013) argued a
connectivism Perspective of the Transition from Face-to-Face to Online Teaching in Higher
Education. Hung & Jeng (2013) explored factors influencing future educational
technologists' intentions to participate in online teaching. González-Sanmamed et al.
(2014) took a study on the level of proficiency and professional development needs in
peripheral online teaching roles.
Moreover, it is important to highlight new normal approach so that decision makers
and teachers are able to analyse opportunities and challenges that teachers and students
might face in teaching and learning process on post covid-19 period. Therefore, curriculum
design of new normal is highly urgent to guide teachers in solving problems as well as
gaining solutions in teaching by considering goals, contents, approaches, and evaluations
items (Cahapay, 2020). Furthermore, covid-19 in new normal setting is not only influencing
the teaching content and curriculum, habitual actions on post covid-19 outbreak brings
human to new activities which should be applied wherever they are, i.e. wearing face
mask, washing hands, keeping physical distancing, applying online teaching and learning
platform, as well as keeping body health by consuming more Vitamin C and healthy food
(Tria, 2020). Additionally, in the era of new normal, teacherr should also consider not only
to suggest students to have healthy body, but also tend to keep away students from
psychological effect of the online learning such as stress and being afraid of academical
lost. Hence, having sufficient teaching and learning plans and teachers’ professional
development are suggested to be improved to adjust this pandemic condition (Hasan &
Bao, 2020).

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Covid-19 Outbreak and New Normal Teaching in Higher Education

C. Research Methodology
This was a descriptive qualitative research design. The writers got the students of
Islamic universities in Indonesia as the random sample of research. Exploring the
observation as the instrument in collecting the data through attaining the students’ social
media. There were some steps in analyzing the data, (Miles & Huberman, 2014) namely;
data reduction, data display, data conclusion. First, the writers were doing reduction on
the all data got form the students’ responses in social media they commented about the
online education held in higher education. Second, data display was accomplished
through tabulating data, classifying data, categorizing data and analyzing data. Lastly,
third, the writers conclude the findings and discussing the result of analysis regarding with
the answers of research problems.

D. Research Findings and Discussion

The institution should work hard to provide anything in conducting online education
such as; the internet connection, online materials, the audio and video application, and the
hardware facility. Moreover, teachers need to break the challenge right now to prepare
themselves in holding the online teaching under the sufficient teaching experience and
lack of high technology. Surprisingly, during this covid-19 outbreak, it potentially causes
the unprepared and unqualified students in the future since there is no readiness in
implementing online education bringing technology on the program of study at home
(Hariyadi & Martiarini, 2019). Another research pointed out that the online application for
whole academic period will make the students less active and creative because they spend
too much time at home without any teachers’ guidance (Murdaningsih, 2019).
On the other hand, based on the data got from the students; responses through the
social media they have, the problems of attending the online classroom is not always
about the technical disorder like the insufficient of internet infrastructure and online
hardware, but also about the non-technical disorder such as the appropriate materials and
students' learning attitudes (Brinkley-Etzkorn, 2018). Those disorder have frequently
disordered in the students' and teachers' settings regarding the unreadiness of hosting it.
Based on that, then the result of research focus on the strategies which are helping
teachers and students in conducting the online classroom effectively and maintain the
students’ learning attitude. We have already held the observation; this study describes the
online teaching strategies to provide students with the materials and learning kits
First, create an alternative teaching plan; This online teaching will be dependent on
the internet online system which needs a huge and visibility computer hardware and
software, we need to serve the platform that we are going to use which is tangible and
easy to operate for students. Mohamad et al. (2015) mentioned that making easiness for
students is one of the factors affecting lecturer’s motivation to students in using online
teaching tools. The internet connection and access are the majority consideration that
should be overcome. The institution needs to provide the well-maintained internet
terminal at the campus which supports the process of platform online teaching while being

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used. They also need to gather those students who cannot have access to the online
teaching platform by providing them with sufficient internet quota.
Second, we need to pay attention to our audio voice; When we hold conventional
classroom teaching, we can have students' body language, facial expressions, and speak
loudly to ensure that our voice is well listened to by students. Since the online classroom,
there are some limited things to have like; teachers' and students' attitudes on-screen,
readiness, and existence during the online interaction, and the acceptance of the full
materials. Besides, we also find some weaknesses of online teaching like; teachers' voices,
students' voices, and very short time allotments. To handle these problems teachers
should organize their voice, their presentation slides, and cooccurrence time in a teaching
Third, the small class is beautiful; Having an online classroom is not easy for students
of Islamic universities. They are not persistently encouraging in attending and joining the
virtual classroom. Some of them feel lazy to follow since they don't have any enough
internet quota access and some other reasons. Teachers should manage the lessons into
several parts of the session such as; teaching content materials, dividing classrooms into
small groups, separated materials into small topic areas discussion, and using an effective
and simple teaching technique. Kizilcec et al. (2017) viewed about self-regulated learning
strategies predict learner behavior and goal attainment in small class open online courses.
Whereas, teachers should as consider as the firmed curriculum of structure in which has
several topic discussions that should be consumed by students in a semester within each
meeting class is about 30 minutes.
Fourth, increasing students’ competency through classroom outside activity; while
conducting an online classroom, the teacher can not monitor and control the students;
doing at home even though they are joining our class meeting. They are freely hiding the
visual monitor on their face to have personal private and teachers can not see him/her face
with any gestures binging out. By this phenomenon, the teacher can only interact with the
audiovisual and slides of materials during the online teaching and virtual classroom.
Therefore, the result of designing an online classroom can proceed effectively if students
have a high technology adaption that they got from the outside and field experience while
they have trial and error using any online learning platform. Jenkins (2014) mentioned
teaching leadership online: An exploratory study of instructional and assessment strategy
use. They also welcome for the materials and assignment which is easily understood and
easily submit through the common online teaching media they acknowledged.
Fifth, using a teaching assistant; Teachers at universities are parted to be junior and
senior teachers. They have different empirical teaching using technology since it depends
on the expertise of their subject. Some teachers like using ICT (internet, communication,
and technology) some others do not accustom to use it. based on the data of the
institution mentioned that 70 percent of teachers are senior teachers aged 50 years old
over. This condition makes them face difficulties in emerging online teaching using any

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Covid-19 Outbreak and New Normal Teaching in Higher Education

platform application. Consequently, they need to have any pieces of training to equip
them mastering that online teaching platform comprehensively.
The solution is that senior teachers need to have a teaching assistant before teaching
their students with their expertise. This can be shaped by including junior teachers in a
teaching team with them. In the teaching team, the junior teacher will help the senior
teacher in operating the online teaching using the internet and adapted technology as well
the junior teacher can learn from the senior about the profound materials, references, and
teaching assessment. Additionally, here the teaching assistant can help the senior teacher
in maintaining during the online teaching using the platform whether assisting to open the
online classroom, proceeding the online classroom, designing content discussion online
classroom, and organizing the students' online tasks and assignments.
Sixth, combining online classroom and independent classroom; The teaching
problem usually appears while there is no very active participation from the students in
having a discussion and academic dialogue between teacher-student and student-student.
This commonsense occurs in offline teaching or face to face classrooms, even much worst
in online classrooms then. To cope with that problem, the teacher should rely on the two-
classroom domain, namely; online classroom and independent classroom. In online
classroom teachers should be active in releasing the lesson plans and transferring
materials and knowledge, as well as students, are asked to attend and join all the teaching
and learning processes including being active in questioning and answering about the
materials. Additionally, Young (2006) declared that student views of effective online
teaching in higher education. On the other hand, In the independent classroom, the
teacher independently digging up more materials from any sources which are fun and
interesting, students are asked to explore more knowledge from other sources they might
To support online education, teachers should arrange an academic assessment
regarding cognitive and content assessments. According to González-Sanmamed et al.
(2014) discussed about the level of proficiency and professional development needs in
peripheral online teaching roles. The institution should have a rubric to measure the
students' skills and knowledge as the instruments in assessing the teaching process. The
circumstances of teaching and learning process using online classroom, teachers
encourage students to be more active and creative in absorbing and accepting the
knowledge and materials delivered by teachers, including having a virtual small group
discussion, virtual group conference, and virtual presentation to strengthen the mastery of

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Figure: 1 Six empirical resolutions on online education

This study delivers the implication on the teaching pedagogy especially in facing the
online education to maintain the health protocol on the covid-19 pandemic period.
According to Hung & Jeng (2013), there are some factors influencing future educational
technologists' intentions to participate in online teaching both for lecturers and students.
These are the implications that might be inputted for lecturers in conducting materials
during teaching form home as well as the learning from home instead, such as; lecturers
should be creative and innovative in designing the daring/online lesson plan including
daring materials and daring assessments. Next, lecturers need to have an assistant to
operate and manage during online teaching. Lecturers require students to be active and
independent in compiling their knowledge through many resources whether from the
internet or the natural settings. Lastly, lecturers should be completing with the hard and
soft devices to succeeded the online education during the covid-19 pandemic.

E. Conclusion
The writers can conclude that there is an empirical resolution on overcoming the
online education while conducting withing the covid-19 pandemic outbreaks through the
six strategies. Firstly, having the daring lesson plan. This is quite different from the regular
lesson plan that is usually designed before the covid-19 pandemic scattering. Secondly,
providing the best audio tools in our teaching devices. The audio devices are the important
part of holding the online teaching. Thirdly, organizing the small classroom by dividing the
class shifts by 10-15 students in a teaching schedule session. Fourthly, ordering students to
get digging up any sources of learning from the outsides of classroom, like internet,
environment, news, and natural sources. Fifthly, many senior lecturers get a trouble in
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Covid-19 Outbreak and New Normal Teaching in Higher Education

hosting the online education. It seems that they need to have a teaching assistant from the
junior who master the ICT matters. This is supported by Qaddumi et al. (2020) who
revealed that evaluating the impact of ICT on teaching and learning need to have in
daring/online system. Sixthly, intermixing between the online teaching and independent
learning by instructing students to attend the distance classroom as well as demanding
students accomplishing the tasks and assignments given. In line with (Nikolić et al., 2019)
argued that lecturers are required to use appraisal and review of e-learning and ICT
systems in teaching process.


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