The Church of P-Wps Office
The Church of P-Wps Office
The Church of P-Wps Office
VENUE ............
19TH SEP.2022 Bro. Chares SONG LEADERS Dcn. Francis Dcns. Elizabeth Dcn. Djanie
Lawerteh Lawerh Freepoma Benjamin
MONDAY Fiergbor
Sis. Amenvi
20th SEP.2022 Dcn. Isaac SONG LEADERS Dcn. Gabriel Dcn. Robert Mr. Albert Ozor
Amartey Addy Sabbah Addy
21ST SEP. 2022 Sis. Isabella SONG LEADERS Pastor Samuel Elder Emmauel Elder
Ozor Augustine Kutusafor Emmanuel
WEDNESDAY Amoakohene Kutusafor
Sis. Alice
22ND SEP.2022 Miss Comfort SONG LEADERS Dcns. Felicia Sis. Akos Dcns. Magaret
Addo Gidiglah Enerstina Amesimeku
Akos Akweley
23RD SEP.2022 Dcn. Benjamin SONG LEADERS Elder Andrews Elder Hayford Elder. Hayford
Djanie Martey Amesimeku Amesimeku
Sis. Angela
Tuesday also for PEMEN , they will lead and other ministries will help