Store Question
Store Question
Store Question
1. Show how to enter any data on Tally card correctly (just draw no need to explain in word)
It is not okay if the turnover rate per year is 17. A good inventory turnover ratio is between 5
and 10, which indicates that you sell and restock your inventory every 1-2 months. This ratio
strikes a good balance between having enough inventory on hand and not having to reorder
too frequently.
9. Usage item A is 60 pack per month. What’s the ideal stock holding for item A? extra mark if u
can explain a bit.
ABC analysis is an inventory management technique that determines the value of inventory
items based on their importance to the business. ABC ranks items on demand, cost and risk
data, and inventory mangers group items into classes based on those criteria. This helps
business leaders understand which products or services are most critical to the financial
success of their organization.
The most important stock keeping units (SKUs), based on either sales volume or profitability,
are “Class A” items, the next-most important are Class B and the least important are Class C.
Some companies may choose a classification system that breaks products into more than
just those three groups for example A to F.
2. Estimated total purchase of item B per year is RM53,000.00. The method of procument
is Direct purchase or quotation lampiran Q?
3. Central contract item Acarbose 50mg Tab: LPO issued on 14.11.2018, Stock Received on
14.12.2019. Public Holiday on 30.11.2020. Question: bilangan hari lewat bekal adalah?
Not true
• No. LPO
• Quantity
• Unit Price
1. List :
2 item Biological.
• Vaccine
• Gene Theraphy
2 item cytotoxic.
• Aprepitant
• Cisplatin
2 item freezer.
• Insulin
• Topical preparation
2 item inflammable.
• diethyl ether
• alcohols
2. Julat Suhu ideal for Peti sejuk dan Peti Sejuk beku
3. Condition indicator (Indikator pendedahan suhu) : whats CCM dan VVM stand for? Draw the
indicator when the breakcoldchain occur during receiving/ storage.
1. Refer above Data : what is your Anggaran Usage sebulan for Mask surgical diso, 3ply?
99 per month
2. Refer above Data : what is your ideal buffer level (in month) for Mask surgical diso, 3ply?
3. Refer to Phis : List Step by step to generate report SLOW MOVING STOCK
4. Refer to Phis : List Step by step to generate report ITEM NEARLY EXPIRED
First, go to Inventory then select Inventory Management and select others then go to New
Expiration Item then select All then search for month.
5. Attach a picture of tallycard and item movement phis of any 2 item in stor farmasi kk tawau
yang sudah di buat stock checking and verification. AND 1 item in Substor.