Finger-Prints Can Be Forged

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Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology

Volume 25
Article 16
Issue 4 November-December

Winter 1934

Finger-Prints Can Be Forged

C. D. Lee

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Recommended Citation
C. D. Lee, Finger-Prints Can Be Forged, 25 Am. Inst. Crim. L. & Criminology 671 (1934-1935)

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claimed ability to distinguish counterfeits would impose test condi-

tions of utmost severity.8

The results of this test point against acceptance of the common

dictum that a counterfeit finger-print would be inevitably recognized
as such. The conclusion is conservatively phrased, so as to leave
open the possibility that some experts (perhaps especially those hav-
ing comprehensive experience in manufacture of counterfeits and their
study9 ) may be able to make reliable judgments in at least some of
the cases presented to them.


C. D. LEEf

It is with considerable reluctance that finger-print experts have

come to realize that finger-prints can be forged, and to have to admit
as much when testifying in court. But we might as well face the
facts, at the same time considering just how much harm is done by
such admission.
Webster defines forgery as "a false imitation of something
which if genuine would import legal efficacy." Shorn of its legal
aspect, then, a forgery implies merely a false imitation, on which
basis anything susceptible of false imitation may be forged. This fact
was recognized generally among the early researchers in this field,
but many of us did not believe that finger-prints could be so perfectly
imitated that the forged print could not be distinguished from the
genuine. We had in mind the fact that a genuine finger-print is an
impression from the living skin made with a natural secretion of the
living tissue, and that the impression carries over a certain life-like
appearance which would be difficult to simulate.
Dr. Erastus Mead Hudson, of New York City, has devoted special atten-
tion to the subject of finger-print forgery during a period of some fifteen years.
Experimenting with methods of forgery, he is convinced that counterfeit prints
can be made with such success as to defy detection. His experience, however,
enables him to find telling features of artificiality in at least some forgeries;
lie correctly identified the counterfeit and genuine prints used in the present test,
and submitted the diagnostic points. (From personal communications, referred
to with
the permission of Dr. Hudson.)
Supra note 8.
tCaptain of Detectives, Police Department, Berkeley, California.

Long before Wehde made his great discovery, some of us had

experimented with finger-print forgeries, utilizing a collotype photo-
graphic emulsion, by means of which an ink impression may be
photographed and the ridges made to stand up a trifle on the plate or
film. By oiling the ridges lightly, a forged impression of a latent
print could be placed wherever desired. These were easily distin-
guished from genuine impressions. Later we learned that a genuine
latent impression could be picked up bodily and transplanted by
means of a surprisingly simpld transfer material. This looked for-
midable at first, but on examining the transferred impressions mi-
croscopically it was discovered that they differed in two aspects from
the genuine. First, the oil particles in the form of ellipsoids in the
original were found to be divided into very minute spheroids in the
transplant; and second, the relative width of ridge and interspace
(normally approximately even) was unnatural due to the flattening
and consequent widening of the ridge. Other distinguishing features
of lesser importance were noted.
Finger-print "lifters" soon came into general use to supplant the
camera where photography was difficult on account of inaccessibility
of the latent. By means of a lifter made of a slightly sticky material
(transparent), the developed impression is picked up intact and taken
to the dark-room, where as many photographic prints as needed are
made by using the lifted print as a negative. This is a type of trans-
fer forgery, inasmuch as the impression itself is picked up, but its
evidentiary value has never been questioned by the courts so far as
known to the writer.
Now comes Whede who describes an etching process for making
a negative in metal, from which a positive may be made with ma-
terial approximating the texture of the skin. So far as the negative
is concerned, there was nothing new or startling in that, since finger-
print circulars bearing printed facsimilies had been in use some time
before his so-called discovery. However, theretofore no one seems
to have thought of making skin-like positives in this manner, possibly
because those most interested in finger-prints were too busy with
routine identifications, or perhaps because they lacked incentive or
training for this type of technical research. Be that as it may, the
fact remains that Wehde broadcast his discovery to the world in 1924,
and in spite of it the courts are still admitting this type of circum-
stantial evidence and will continue to do so.
While the problem of planting forged finger-prints at the site of
crime is probably not quite so simple as Wehde implies, we have no

doubt that in practice it could be done so skilfully as to escape de-

tection and permit the forgeries to pass for genuine. But it is com-
mon experience that fabricated evidence is usually badly overdone.
The plotter would need to guard against stamping his forged im-
pressions around too generously, and the matter of position of, the
impressions would require careful consideration, as the thief uses
his fingers mostly for picking things up--perhaps more so than do
honest people! So instead of just simply a stray impression here and
there, the prints should be so placed as to simulate naturally the
picking up of a jewel box, say, or lifting the lid; or manipulating the
combination of a safe; or pulling a piece of broken glass from the
window through which entry was made. To accomplish this, one
would require stamps for at least two fingers, preferably three-the
thumb, index, and middle fingers. One would need to have in mind,
also, that in grasping some objects the thumb does not register ex-
actly opposite the index and middle fingers; that it does not always
lie fiat on the object so as to register the complete pattern; and that
sometimes the index and middle fingers are impressed in exact juxta-
position and at other times with the middle extended beyond the
index, depending upon whether the object is round or fiat and upon
other factors.
Another small difficulty likely to be overlooked is the matter of
sweat pores. In their physiological functioning the mouths of these
pores are sometimes open, sometimes closed. This means that in suc-
cessive impressions of healthy skin different pores may be open and
active one moment and closed the next, whereas in stamped impres-
sions there will be no such change. The resulting "fixed" expression
of the forged prints might well serve to distinguish them as such,
However, these are small matters, and as stated above in prac-
tice, where original finger-prints are not immediately available for
comparison, the planted forgery may pass muster as genuine, es-
pecially if its authenticity is unchallenged. This brings to mind that
in our twenty-six years' experience, in which many convictions have
been secured largely on finger-print evidence, not a single case has
been encountered in which the possibility of forgery was advanced as
a defense.
Finger-prints are not conclusive proof of guilt in any case, nor
of the presence of their owner at the scene of crime. But just what
single type of evidence, unsupported by other corroborative evidence,
is absolutely conclusive? The testimony of eye witnesses is ordinarily
given the greatest credence. Yet who has not experienced cases of

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