MGN629 Part 7 Pumping Piping Systems R07.20
MGN629 Part 7 Pumping Piping Systems R07.20
MGN629 Part 7 Pumping Piping Systems R07.20
7.11 Tables
7.1.1 Integral tanks for oil fuel may be constructed of steel as double bottoms,
wing, or deep tanks incorporated within the structure of the vessel as
detailed in Part 4. Such tanks are to be complete with washplates,
baffles or internal floors to prevent excessive free surface effects.
Suitable access manholes are to be provided to ensure access to all
parts of the tank. Manhole covers are to be fitted by bolting, and oil
impervious gasket to heavy inserts or raised angle frames. Spacing of
bolts is to be not greater than 5 times diameter of bolt. Covers mounted
on vertical surfaces are to have save-alls fitted below to catch any
7.1.2 All plate and sections utilised for the construction of oil tanks are to be
thoroughly descaled, cleaned.
7.1.3 Separate oil tanks (e.g. header or daily service tanks) are to be
constructed of steel and complete with washplates and baffles where
necessary. Such tanks are to be rigidly mounted to the vessel structure,
and should not be situated directly above engines, heated surfaces,
stairways, ladders, or electrical equipment other than unbroken runs of
cable. Save-alls are to be fitted in way of all valves, fittings, and access
plates. Separate tanks are to be tested to the requirements of Part 1,
Section 1.4 prior to fitting onboard.
7.1.4 Sight glasses, contents gauges, or sounding pipes are to be fitted to all
oil tanks. Sight glasses are to be adequately guarded and fitted with
spring-loaded isolating valves or other approved shut-off device to
prevent spillage in the event of breakage of the sight glass.
7.1.5 Sounding pipes are to be of steel and are to be led to the freeboard deck
and should be fitted with a screw cap or cover indicating function. A
striking plate is to be fitted below the open end within the tank. The
sounding pipe is to be so arranged that in the event of the overfilling of
the tank, spillage will not occur. Short sounding pipes (e.g. to wing tanks
in engine rooms) are to be fitted with lever weighted cocks at the top of
the pipe, complete with screwed access cap.
7.1.6 Integral oil tanks are to be fitted with a spring-loaded self-closing valve at
the lowest practical point for drawing off water. Non-integral oil tanks are
to be fitted with a sediment sump, complete with a self-closing draw-off
cock. Adequate provision is to be made to prevent sediment, etc., being
drawn into the fuel system. Draw-off cocks should be provided with
save-alls or drip trays.
7.1.7 Fore peak tanks are not to be arranged for the stowage of oil fuel or
hydraulic/lubricating oils.
Section 7.2 – Oil fuel systems
7.2.1 Oil fuel used in machinery is to have a flash point of not less than 60C
(closed cup test).
7.2.2 Tank filling pipes are to be of steel and permanently fitted with the filling
connection positioned on an open deck, and either welded to the tank or
secured by another means of approved connection. The filling pipes are
to be fitted with a screwed cap and name plate inscribed ‘FUEL OIL’.
Filling arrangements should be so arranged that any overflow would not
come into contact with any hot surface where it might be ignited, or
discharge over deck or side of vessel.
7.2.3 Fuel filling and venting pipes are to be constructed of steel, adequately
supported, and of sufficient dimensions to prevent spillage during filling.
Venting pipes are to be led to the open atmosphere terminating in a
position level with or higher than the fuel filling mouth, and where there is
no danger of fire or explosion resulting from the emergence of oil vapour
from the pipe (refer also to Paragraph 7.2.2). The open end of the pipe
should be protected against:-
7.2.5 Air pipes from oil fuel tanks and levelling pipes attached to tanks are to
have a net cross-sectional area not less than 1.25 times that of the filling
7.2.6 Pipes used to convey fuel oil are to be of solid drawn seamless steel or
other suitable material and are to be properly installed, taking into
consideration vibration and chafing. Pipes, joints and fittings, before
being put into service for the first time, are to be subjected to a test by
hydraulic pressure to twice their maximum working pressure, and at any
time thereafter are to be capable of withstanding such a test. Flexible
pipes are to comply with Paragraph 7.2.16.
7.2.7 Means are to be provided to isolate a source of fuel or oil that may feed a
fire in an engine space. A valve or cock, capable of being closed from a
position outside the engine space, is to be fitted in the fuel feed pipe as
close as possible to the tank and in an accessible position. Tanks to be
considered for such an arrangement are those in excess of 65 litre
capacity and fitted with an outlet valve, which may be left open during
normal operation of the vessel. Inlet and re-circulation valves should be
of the non-return type.
7.2.8 Outlet valves or cocks are to be fitted at each tank outlet position, with
valves fitted directly to the tank plating and capable of being closed both
locally and remotely. Remote operation position should always be
readily accessible in the event of fire. Valve covers are to be so
constructed that they will not become slack when the valves are
operated. Heat sensitive materials are not to be used in the construction
of valves and cocks used for fuel oil services.
7.2.9 Electric driven fuel pumps are to be fitted with a remote stop at a suitable
position outside the machinery space.
7.2.11 Piping systems used to convey oil fuel should be routed clear of engine
exhausts and hot surfaces, but where pipe fracture, coupling or joint
failure could result in oil fuel spraying onto hot surfaces, suitable
screening is to be arranged to deflect the oil to a safe place.
7.2.12 Fuel supply lines to main propulsion and essential auxiliary machinery
are to be provided with duplicate filters, so constructed that either filter
may be dismantled for cleaning without interruption to the fuel supply
through the filter in use.
7.2.13 Where daily service tanks are provided, overflow pipes are to be fitted
which are led back to the top of the main tank from which they are
supplied. Daily service tanks are to be provided with high and low level
content alarms with an audible and visual alarm located at the tank and
at the helm position. The overflow tank is to have an air vent pipe as
required by Paragraphs 7.2.3 and 7.2.5, which should be positioned on
an open deck in the vicinity of the main oil fuel-filling pipe.
7.2.14 Fuel return pipes are to be led back to the fuel tank and care is to be
taken that where tanks can be isolated, the fuel is to be returned to the
emptying tank.
7.2.15 All valves are to be labelled indicating service and function. Valve hand
wheels are to be suitably retained on the spindles and marked to show
the open and closed direction of operation.
7.2.16 Flexible piping and fittings will be considered with regard to the intended
service and the properties of the material proposed, and are to be of
robust construction complying with established standards. Plastic piping
is not to be used for the fuel supply to the engine or fuel tanks, or for any
purpose in the machinery space where destruction by fire or heat would
present a safety hazard. An anti-vibration coil or a short length of
approved fire-resistant flexible hose (ISO 15540 or equivalent) is to be
incorporated into the metal fuel lines serving the engine(s).
Section 7.3 – Lubricating oil systems
7.3.1 Where lubricating oil for main propulsion engines is circulated under
pressure, provision is to be made for the efficient filtration of the oil.
7.3.2 Where flexible pipes are fitted as part of the lubricating oil system and
are within a high fire risk area, such pipes should be fireproof and
capable of withstanding a fire test to 800C for 30 minutes. One of the
following standards may be used to verify such a test:-
7.3.3 Where lubrication oil storage tanks are provided and tubular contents
gauge glasses are fitted, they should be of substantial construction,
adequately protected and fitted with self-closing arrangements at the
tank position. Where draw-off taps are fitted, they are to be of an
approved spring-loaded self-closing type.
7.3.4 Visual and audible alarms in accordance with Table 6.5.4 and Paragraph
6.5.5 are to be provided for indicating of the loss of engine lubricating oil
7.4.1 All engine cooling, sea water piping and fittings are to comply with the
engine Manufacturer’s requirements, and are to be installed with easy
bends as required. The piping may be of aluminium bronze, cupro-nickel
or similar corrosion-resistant material. Valves, strainers and other fittings
are to be of compatible material to avoid electrolytic action and wasting.
Where short flexible connections are used within the machinery spaces,
these are to be of ISO 15540 standard or an equivalent.
7.4.2 ‘Heavy wall’ mild steel pipe may be used, provided that the pipe is to be a
minimum of schedule 80 and is to be galvanised internally after all
fabrication work is complete.
7.4.3 Where sea water is used for cooling engines, either directly or using a
fresh water/sea water heat exchanger, an efficient strainer is to be fitted
between the sea inlet valve and the circulating pump. The strainer is to
be readily accessible and capable of being cleaned without interruption
of the supply of cooling water. There is to be at least two means capable
of supplying water to such cooling services. The total open area of the
inlet strainer is to be at least three times the cross-sectional area of the
pipes, which the strainer is to serve. Supply pipework is to be of
corrosion- resistant material such as copper, cupro-nickel, aluminium
bronze or other corrosion-resistant material.
7.4.4 All vessels are to be fitted with at least two main sea water cooling inlets,
with one inlet fitted on each side of the vessel (except when ‘keel cooling’
or box cooling arrangements are fitted).
7.4.5 Where cooling water services are for the cooling of the propelling
machinery, an alternative means of circulating water is to be provided in
the event of failure of the primary source. Such alternative means should
be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority.
7.4.7 Water velocities are to be assessed at the design stage and the materials
of pipes, valves, etc., selected to suit the conditions. The water velocity
in copper pipes is not to exceed 1.0m/s. The water velocity in the types
of pipes listed below should normally not be less than 1.0m/s to avoid
fouling and subsequent pitting, but should not be greater than the
7.4.8 Sea inlet and overboard discharge pipes are to be fitted with valves or
cocks connected to substantial pads welded to the hull plating or to
fabricated sea inlet boxes attached to the hull plating. Short steel
distance pieces may be fitted between the valve and the hull plating,
providing that their thickness is equivalent to the shell thickness or pipe,
whichever is the greater. The arrangement of the pipe is to be such that
the section of the pipe immediately inboard of the valve may be removed
without affecting the watertight integrity of the vessel.
7.4.12 Hand wheels and levers operating the main sea inlet valves for engine
cooling purposes are to be capable of operation from, and be extended
to, at least 300mm above the level of the engine room floor plates.
7.5.3 Where peak compartments are incorporated in a vessel’s design and are
not used for ballasting purposes, an accessible drain cock may be fitted
in lieu of a bilge suction, provided that any drainage will flow naturally to
adjacent bilge suction. The drain cock is to be of an approved type with
a securing handle permanently attached and so loaded that on being
released will automatically close the cock.
7.5.8 Non-return valves are to be fitted in all suction pipes, and where two
pumps are fitted, the system is to be so designed that either pump can
draw from any compartment by the use of a suitable changeover
7.5.9 Bilge systems and valves are to be clearly labelled with regard to the
compartment served and the position of the valve.
7.5.10 All bilge suctions should be fitted with readily accessible strainers. The
total area of the perforation in the strainer should be not less than twice
the cross-sectional area of the bilge pipe.
7.5.12 The minimum thickness of steel pipes used for bilge and ballast systems
is to be not less than 4mm. Where pipes run through ballast or oil fuel
tanks, the pipe thickness is to be not less than 6mm. Copper pipes are
not to be run inside tanks unless passing through via a ‘welded-in’ steel
tube connected to each end of the tank. Joints in steel pipelines may be
made by the following methods:-
7.5.15 Piping systems are to be designed and installed to enable any section to
be removed for inspection/maintenance.
7.5.16 Slush wells, where fitted, are to be not less than 0.15m 3 capacity and are
to be positioned such that water will drain to them under all normal
conditions of trim. The slush wells are to be protected by a coarse
perforated plate or grid to prevent debris being drawn into the pipe
7.5.17 A bilge alarm sensor should be fitted in the propulsion machinery space
and fish hold(s) of the vessel. These alarms should be accessible for
regular testing.
7.5.19 Any auto-start bilge pump serving a clean compartment should be fitted
with an audible and visual alarm at the control position(s) so that the
reason for pumping may be investigated. Such pumps should also be
fitted with a ‘manual override’ to start the pump.
7.5.20 Each dry compartment provided with a bilge suction capability (built-in or
portable) should be fitted with a bilge level alarm if the level of bilge water
cannot be readily checked visually without entering the compartment.
Alternatively, spring-loaded drain valves may be fitted outside the
compartment as a means of checking the bilge level.
7.5.21 A bilge alarm should provide an audible and visual warning at the control
7.5.22 Each engine room bilge alarm system should be provided with:-
7.5.24 Provision is to be made for pumping or draining from both port and
starboard sides of any weathertight deck shelter.
7.5.26 Flexible piping for bilge duties may only be fitted for use as short terminal
length on suction pipes where access for clearing debris at the tail pipe
and mud box is required. Where fitted, the flexible pipe is to be of the
smooth bore type with single or double closely woven integral wire braid
reinforcement, and is to be fire resistant type meeting the minimum
requirements of ISO 15540 or an equivalent standard.
7.5.27 A system diagram is to be displayed in a prominent position.
a) Not less than two separate bilge pumps, each having a minimum
capacity (Q) calculate as follows:-
7.6.2 Bilge branch suction pipes diameters should be not less than:-
Db = 30 + 2.15√C(B+D)
7.6.4 Bilge ejectors do not meet the requirements of a power driven bilge
7.6.6 Distribution boxes, valves and cocks fitted in bilge pumping systems
should be in accessible positions.
a) Pipes from the pumps for draining hold spaces or any part of the
machinery space should be independent of pipes that may be
used for filling or emptying spaces in which water or oil is carried;
b) Bilge pipes should be of steel or other suitable material having
flanged joints wherever practicable. Flexible piping, if accessible
for inspection and jointed with suitable clamps, may be installed
where necessary (e.g. anti-vibration bellows). All flexible sections
within the machinery space are to be of a fire resistant type
meeting the minimum requirements of ISO 15540 or an equivalent
7.6.8 Bilge main pipe diameters should be in accordance with Paragraph 7.6.1.
7.7.1 The bilge pumping arrangements are to comply with Section 7.5 with the
exception of the system draining the machinery space, which is to be
arranged such that any water that enters this compartment must be able
to be pumped out through at least two bilge suctions, see Paragraph
7.5.2, under all conditions of trim and list in the maximum assumed
damage condition.
7.7.3 The machinery space direct bilge suction is to be of a diameter not less
than that required for the bilge branch suction as defined in Paragraph
7.7.4 Provision is to be made for pumping oily bilge water from the machinery
space to a suitable position above the freeboard deck, via a suitable
pipework and valve arrangement to comply with national sea water
pollution requirements.
7.8.1 Shelter decks and weathertight spaces above the freeboard deck that
contributes to the vessel’s stability righting moment, are to be provided
with an independent pumping system or other approved overboard
discharge being in addition to the requirements of Section 7.5 and 7.7.
7.8.2 The pumps are to be capable of automatic operation via a float switch
arrangement, which is also to activate an alarm at the helm/control
position to indicate that the individual pump is operating.
7.9.1 Integral and non-integral fresh water tanks are to be constructed of steel
or other approved material. Steel tanks are to be treated with an
approved non-toxic coating to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. The non-
integral tanks are to be securely fastened on suitable seats to the hull
structure. An inspection manhole is to be fitted to facilitate cleaning. The
tanks are to be fitted with baffles and installed with all necessary cocks,
valves, vents, filling pipes, sounding pipes or contents gauges. Fresh
water tanks are not to have a common bulkhead with fuel or lubricating
oil tanks.
7.10.3 Hydraulic pumps are to be capable of safe operation with the prime
mover running at its maximum speed. All motors and valves should be
capable of accepting the oil flow under the stipulated conditions.
7.10.4 All hydraulic piping, except for pump suction pipes, is to be of cold drawn
mild steel to BS 3502 (or equivalent), reinforced rubber hose to
BS EN 853 1997 or BS EN 856 1997 (or equivalent), or other approved
material, and is to conform with current statutory requirements.
7.10.5 All pump suction piping, return, and relief valve drain piping is to be
capable of accepting the full flow under maximum operating conditions.
7.10.7 Every care should be taken in installation to avoid confusing piping of the
same external diameter, but differing bore.
7.10.8 All pump and motor drain piping is to be capable of accepting flows of
twice the Manufacturer’s stated leakage flow rate. If no leakage flow rate
is available, a value of 15% of the input flow rate should be assumed.
Drain piping is to be rated to withstand pressures of not less than 10 Bar.
7.10.9 All pressure and return piping should be connected by means of
approved high pressure couplings rated to withstand operating pressures
of not less than 120% of the normal maximum working pressure, and
should be tested to twice maximum working pressure prior to
commissioning. Re-usable hose fittings of the screw threaded inner type
are not to be used.
7.10.10 Oil reservoirs should, unless formed as an integral unit with the pump, be
sited to provide an effective static head of oil in accordance with the
requirements of the pump Manufacturer. Oil supply piping from the
reservoir to the pump is to be arranged to provide a continuous fall to the
pump suction. Small radius bends or elbow fittings are not to be fitted
unless supplied as the pump Manufacturer’s standard fittings.
7.10.11 Reservoir tanks may be free-standing or built-in, and are to be fitted with
an oil level indicator which is easily visible. Where tanks are built-in, to
avoid condensation contamination of the oil, the shell plating should not
form a tank boundary.
7.10.12 Where the reservoir capacity is greater than 75 litres, the filling system is
to incorporate a manual or powered pump delivering to the reservoir
through a filter of not more that 25 microns.
7.10.14 Filters should be sited so as to permit easy access for cleaning and
replacement of their elements. Blockage indicators, if fitted, are to be
clearly visible.
7.10.15 All piping is to be installed clear of all sources of extreme heat. Where
practicable, the use of flexible pipes is to be avoided in engine rooms,
but when fitted, should not be run over engines or adjacent to heat
sources or exceed a maximum length of 1.50m. Installations of flexible
pipe systems in small vessels will be specially considered on submission
of details.
7.10.16 Where piping is routed through fish room areas above the fish storage
levels, the use of pipe couplings is to be avoided and arrangements
should be incorporated to protect the catch from accidental oil leakage.
7.10.17 An oil temperature gauge is to be provided on the pressure side of the
system, or suitable provision made for monitoring the oil temperature.
7.10.19 The type and viscosity of the hydraulic oil should be clearly displayed at
the oil reservoir or other convenient prominent location. Proposals to use
water-based hydraulic fluids are to be submitted for consideration.
7.10.20 Where oil coolers are sea water cooled, the sea water inlet, discharge
valves and piping are to be as required for engine cooling systems.
7.10.21 An emergency stop facility is to be fitted at the helm position for all
hydraulically operated deck equipment. Where a winch or hauler is
controlled from the helm position, a local emergency stop device is to be
fitted at the winch or hauler (see Paragraph 9.22.11).
7.11 Tables
Central heating 60C-100C French blue 166 Post Office red 538
1) The above table is for guidance only. For any colour coding systems which are
used, a clear and visible legend is to be placed within the machinery space(s)
7.12 Figures and illustrations