Alberto Bogado - Hw1 - Photovoltaics

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) Honewo RK

P.2. Using le eno brcd" model for a stmi condhucdor, diecde how on viSualit

a) An eleclnon ) A hsle
Ee: condwehion boro
Evvelenca berd


c) Donor sites

oOM Teperhre

a)Acceptor siles

Te o
oom tptbr

ojonyrrier elecon ) Treee-out of majsity corrirr lolks a ocupkr

e reeae-ovt
t tperabre is siks He teebre is lowtrad wed ok
odonor si hs as

lovtred ovrd oK


T o

A.U (
dintibohon of corriers in ht respe ch ve bords E : Fermi lavel
1h nerSy


E f oeaw midgp
E e cbove midg E nor md5

) An intnnsi c smicendwebr
) An nype som o delor An p-ipe seicondwebor


stmcon duckor
2) A destnerade
E)A non de gaoera sumi condu clor


E hera... Dene rk sRmcondvebr

6 here
Non de Seneate

E here. D,Oerett sm condeetor



aDenw he bondira model for GoAs depictioa he re-ova o e sheded Ga erd As eto


= (As


6) Redrrw he bordicn For

ode 6aAs showina e inse rhon of Si atoms o misSin
oood As om siles


(A) =

Ga As) CAs

c) Ts h Ge As dsped p or n-hpr whn Si aor reploce o aons

loecavSR kc eecton oled in b) scecdily releesed yaldina

irceeose ia h electro n concantree hon

d)T, e GoAs epd p- or n whtn Si atoms rploce As ao5

ot st emisin bod oled in 6)
ce -dily Pille d roo
kepacr yldin oircctest io h hole canceat chon

e)Daw he eoersy nd degrvfor GAs when he

oc As trdapd S on
(i) Ge
siles andGi) o As sits

Vndee sqilibium codkons ond T>ok, nhet e iliy of en skelron sloh bein
octupied i t is locoed che Ter mi leve7

hPbesli f lectrons ocvpying slts a ivtn enerdar uhbnvm srdiion

5ien by h Termi furchon. Here we are old He tay o4
in leres s E E

(erifnch)|E(¬): - -

(EEr)+{(¬,)-14 F/T ,
T E s posi iood dkrmint (ueeal ortr ceeirtd) he pobebility of rdieg

electons s s tK
R:e desired (obebllysoselo gin by he Ter m vnehon, Here o f told
E Fe end hte9Y ntrest is E Ec 4 T . Consiauntly

(TeiGrhon) E) 4 -Er

(E, Ee)-T ) o. 269

.** 1+ e

Th fbelikby s lld Ge+ET wa t he pobebilitya stet y

p ot G+T where H emi levtl locoh d

R: e rblem stome nt dicaes -

Cc4T C)/T 4

4 4 +KT - CE)/T +kT-GG\/kT

4 ET \/KT 14 14-e-ET)/eT

wwst he-yt:
C+ET Er E- (Cct T)

a Dedtrne he lemptravre awhh he intnrsic cacjer concentahos in () Si ond) Ge As

ore h room
hwpusre 300 ) intoinsic tist orcndre hon o4 Ge

R om Fi2.3
at E T10K
C n (S;) =
; ( Ge, 3ook)
at T# 600 k
(GeAs) n ; (6o 3o0 k)
W ,

b) Semiordator A h bero goe while sem Condwe tor hes Land so 2eV.
of 1eV
w a is Ha reho of He iatirsic cocrie oncanberhon s in two neenads (iA /i) o30o K.
Assut Y dfercoces a h coritr ffechvt nesses may be eleuted

hefechve osre s lav d

-EGa /2T CCg-E)/2kT -1/a.(o.0159) - 2.42 10


Conaatkor sho wh wist

) Asilian etrs vnifor doped p : r e h Na 1 0 m A t Tsok whet or lhe
e ibaum Lole an d leclcon conctalahons?

0, o od p 0 A T oF e thurmel earaY Avatlable in he

syslemis irs-fpint releei? e weekly bovod firh leotron on donor silu e
LolllyirsufC.ueotb a i t le cons ceross a brnd nre

L)A d toris coped witk en impuci y cosrhon N veh het N»n ard ll

h irpucikes ore ioni tad AA30,n Nnd W/N. T

Fh puy clonor or on
N> On woul d have

od ,"N.
P:Nerd n: /N. it cCeeta

nrdp c l rly A i i dond
c) The alec ron coruesden hon piece ofSiointainud 300 k nder q:bovn
urd hort 4 6 / whel isHhe hole oncenhre hon?

Mere m r tn h minOny oeritr orCentnbon, n 10/ As ons as Le

Con alunys wtt
Ssnondtgner-te, one

p n Ph (o

)For Slon sSeple mointainecd T 3ooH e ferm lavel is lackd o.159eV ahovehe
insintot Tormi lvel.. whet ore He halt ord deeren cencendra hons

E p - E; = o.25 eVV ond T o o KK

.20 10 /c

P: e
(E; Er)/gT 1oo,15)/o.0251 4.54 10/Cm

e) To nondegotat srnd Sompl moisoind undar euiliSavm Cord hons neOr TOom

o PLcekra, it s Caon heT n 10 / n 2p nd N =o Dtrmnt n ar N

Rrployi e procuc tetionship
1.411 Oo

ling cargt oudeliylehosshp

P-n N -NA z
-n t o

N / 0.209* 10 %.

P.2. 1Dhemire He t a v m ekclron erd Lole onuntahon s insid ouni for my dope d Sple

ofSi vnder a Pollowing Cond. hoAS:

)T300 k NA N N =1o"/
R o t ooR perbot i S i o TLws hrt NA, > and

P: /N,

) T 30ok, N -
10 N N
Sice NA S N NA w

P NA l0/m
w -[o

hera mu rein o N ord N LA N NA » W

n N- NA lo /c

p N Na) l o ' S


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