History of Development of Wrestling Sports

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Pindus Journal of Culture, Literature, and ELT

ISSN: 2792 – 1883 | Volume 2 No. 12


History of Development of Wrestling Sports

Yusupov Erali Tuychiyevich

Is a senior teacher of the Department of Physical Education of Karshi Institute of Engineering

Annatation: This article provides brief information about the history of the development of
Keywords: wrestling, sport, people, overthrow, many, race, competition, history, ceremony,

One of the unique features of sports in Uzbekistan is the unity of clearly expressed sports of a
national character, such as tumbling bridge, racing, wrestling, folk games, etc. All these types of
sports performed different social tasks and changed their form at each historical stage of
development that appeared in ancient times. To prove our point, let's take a look at his past.
Wrestling has a history of several thousand years. In ancient manuscripts, there is information that
even in the era before our era, wrestling took a worthy place in the composition of public
competitions. This is confirmed by many written and historical monuments. For example,
according to Elan Klavdiy, author of Ancient World, Sak, Missaget and other tribes lived in the
territory of modern Uzbekistan in ancient times. Among them, the test of strength - wrestling is
widespread: if the young men were thought to be, the rest had to be defeated in a fight. The famous
orientalist and ethnographer S.R. Tolstov writes that in the past, Uzbeks attached great importance
to wrestling in ceremonies such as weddings, Ramadan, Eid al-Adha, Navruz days and holidays.
On the first three days of these holidays, wrestling was organized under the leadership of the
elders, and people came out to watch. The prisoners were released, the guilty were absolved.
According to many archeological materials, kursha is considered one of the main places in the life
and life of the Uzbek people.
In fact, our people considered wrestling as one of the main means of physical training. According
to ethnographic studies, wrestling was widely developed in the territory of our country in the 9th-
10th centuries AD, and it became customary to hold wrestling competitions in all elections.
If we look at the ancient sources one by one, we will be sure of how far our struggle has developed,
and the Uzbek people have experienced many trials. With their unparalleled skills in strength
testing, lifting heavy loads, and wrestling, they spread fame to seven climates and were popularly
called wrestlers.
Examples of Uzbek folklore - epics such as Alpomish, Tolginoy, and Gorogli praise the struggle of
wrestlers. According to historical sources, many wrestling competitions were held in the territory
of present-day Uzbekistan in the 10th century AD. In the ancient Chinese manuscript "Tanshi" it is
recorded that during Navruz holiday in Fergana, the population was divided into two and
competitions were held. According to the 10th-century Arab geographer and traveler Maqsudi,
such competitions were held during Nowruz holiday in large cities such as Marv, Samarkand, and

ISSN 2792-1883 (online), Published in Vol: 2 No: 12 for the month of Dec-2022
Copyright (c) 2022 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons 24
Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Pindus Journal of Culture, Literature, and ELT
ISSN: 2792 – 1883 | Volume 2 No. 12

The great Hakim Abu Ali ibn Sina gives information about two types of fighting in his work
"Kitab-al Qanun Fit Tib". According to him, in the first one, two people grab each other by the belt
and try to pull them down, and in the other type, one of them grabs the other's shirt collar and hand,
kicks the opponent's legs, and uses the methods of wrapping and returning. tried to knock him
According to Ibn Sina, such methods of struggle were known even a thousand years ago. However,
both methods are forbidden to remove the legs with hands.
Philosopher, poet, and wrestler Pahlavon Mahmud (1247-1326) was considered the greatest
wrestler in Iran, Turkestan, and India. The following lines were written in the book "Otashkadan
Azari" published in Bombay in 1881: "His name was Mahmud, who gained fame with the
nickname Puriorivali, and was the only wrestler who captured the world with the voice of his
If we look at history, our struggle was very developed in ancient times, especially during the time
of Amir Temur. Wrestling was a source of physical training and strength for Amir Temur's troops.
In particular, Amir Temur paid great attention to the competition and fighting types of wrestling
and called his troops to learn the science of wrestling. Amir Temur was not only a statesman,
intelligent, enlightened person, a historical figure with a perfect knowledge of military science, but
also a strong wrestler with a deep knowledge of the art of wrestling.
Mahmud Kashghari writes in his famous book "Devoni Lugatit-Turk" that wrestlers hold each
other by the waist and use their legs to lift their opponent. Incomparable heroes of wrestlers,
mutual struggles are glorified in literature such as Tabir's "Tarikh", Firdavs' "Shahnoma", Shirozi's
"Devon", Nizami's "Hamsa".
Uzbek folklore also contains valuable information about wrestling. In the literature of this genre,
we learn not only about the existence of a struggle, but also about its characteristics, conditions and
techniques of struggle.
The struggle is also reflected in fairy tales. For example, in the story of Hasan and Zuhra, we read
the following lines: "Seven years have passed, Hassan and Zuhra have grown up. One day Hasan
got into a fight with the children and in the process defeated the children of the whole village.
Hasan is growing up and his strength is increasing day by day. In the fight, he started even the
older people to touch the ground. Hasan grew up to be a handsome young man, and people say that
Hasan Batir was engaged in wrestling from a young age. In Tolginoy's tale, a scene of battle is
described. Kokan Khan's troops marched to Ortatepa with a battle. When the armies of Kokan
Khan and Ortatepa faced each other, they did not start a battle, but stood in opposite ranks. They
went to the Kokan bahodirs and called the wrestlers from the middle hill to fight. Ollonazar, a
wrestler from Ortape, testifies that his matches are not only a means of winning over his opponent,
but also have a moral and emotional impact on fighters. The symbolic character of the wrestlers'
competition reflected the physical fitness and morale of the combatants and helped to raise the
combative mood of the fighters. In the tale of Hirs the wrestler, the role of training in the formation
of wrestling qualities is noted. Until now, I have not met an opponent who is equal to me. I never
want to lose when I meet an opponent. That's why I always practice fighting. These physical
trainings indicate exercises in a specific system that contributes to physical fitness. For example,
Hirs used a method called the wrestler's choke. Even now, Uzbek wrestlers use this method more
(Olim Khaitov, Bobur Sevinchov).
The Uzbek people considered wrestling as a means of physical education. The people would treat
with respect wrestlers who embody strength, will, bravery and the moral purity of the hardworking
people. On religious and family holidays, and sometimes on ordinary days, wrestling competitions
ISSN 2792-1883 (online), Published in Vol: 2 No: 12 for the month of Dec-2022
Copyright (c) 2022 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons 25
Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Pindus Journal of Culture, Literature, and ELT
ISSN: 2792 – 1883 | Volume 2 No. 12

were held. These competitions were held during the days of the Nowruz holiday, as a public event.
Wrestlers from different cities and villages took part in it. When choosing a pair of wrestlers, they
determined their weight by eye. They tried to enter wrestlers of approximately the same weight into
the competition. Before the competition, the wrestlers did not perform leg exercises, but only
massaged and stroked the body. The competition was limited neither by its duration nor by how
many was held in one day. The pace of the competition was fast and the break between them would
be very short. Wrestlers competed in traditional clothes. Wrestlers under the Fergana rule wore
cotton tunics, and those under the Bukhara rule wore euro tunics without cotton. The waist was tied
with a belt. Wrestlers sometimes wore maxis in national trousers. They usually fought barefoot.
This type of dressing of wrestlers has been preserved to this day.
Since 1992, prestigious competitions have started. International tournaments dedicated to the
memory of Father Tursun in Karakol, Amir Temur in Shahrisabz, Surkhandarya At-Termizi,
Bahoviddin Naqshband in Bukhara, Bobir Mirzo in Andijan, and Pahlvon Mahmud in Khorezm for
the "President's Prize" were held at a high level of wrestling, in the world of sports. made a great
contribution to its introduction as a new species. Because wrestling won the love of all participants
and foreign experts with its attractiveness and bravery, beauty and honesty in the first competitions.
Unceasing work, many efforts were not wasted. The date of September 6, 1998 was written in
golden letters on the pages of the history of several thousand years of wrestling as a universal
event. At the founding congress held in Tashkent with the participation of representatives of 28
countries of Latin America, Europe and Asia, it is recognized that the International Wrestling
Association (IKA) has been established, and that the national value of our people - Wrestling, has
entered the world arena in the name of Wrestling.
Today, there are thousands of fans of wrestling in more than 130 countries on 5 continents,
including Canada, Bali, Brazil, the Republic of South Africa, Great Britain, Holland, Turkey, India,
Iran, South Korea, and Japan.
Yes, our struggle has spread to the world. When it came out, it came out honestly. Uzbek language
flourished. Now it has become the property of world sports.
Despite the fact that wrestling was a rare opportunity to enter the world sports arena, it was
included in the Asian Games in a short period of time.
In 1998, the International Wrestling Association was established. World championships have been
held since 1999. A. Gurbanov, K. Murodov and T. Mukhammadiyev are the athletes who won the
title of the first world champion. The main task ahead is the task of our wrestling taking a place in
the program of the Olympic Games.
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3. F. Akhmedov, A. Abdulakhatov. Uzbek wrestling is a masterpiece of national and universal
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ISSN 2792-1883 (online), Published in Vol: 2 No: 12 for the month of Dec-2022
Copyright (c) 2022 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons 26
Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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