Unit 17
Unit 17
Unit 17
17.0 Objectives
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Rationale for Planning and Priority for Heavy Industry Base
17.3 Direction of Industrial Development and Evolution of Control
17.4 Growth and Structural Composition of Indian Industry
17.5 Phases of Industrial Growth
17.5.1 The First Phase of Rapid Growth (1950-51 to 1965-66)
17.5.2 The Second Phase of Deceleration (1965-66 to 1979-80)
17.5.3 The Third Phase of Recovery and Revival (1980-81 to 1989-90)
17.5.4 The Phase of Industrial Growth Under New Economic Policy
17.6 Linkage Between Economic Reforms and Economic Outcomes
17.7 Let Us Sum Up
17.8 Key Words
17.9 Some References for Further Reading
17.10 Answers/Hints to CYP Exercises
After going through this unit, you will be in a position to:
As you are by now well aware, development of industry is regarded as
critical for increasing the employment potential and thereby the
competitive strength of a country. Although this view can be regarded as
conventional [particularly because a service sector led growth, bypassing
the Lewisian stylisation (of a transition from agriculture to industry and
then to services), is now seen as possible even in a labour surplus agrarian
economy], it is nevertheless an accepted fact that the industrial base of
a country should be strengthened by focused policy measures. The early
thinkers and planners of independent India duly recognised this fact and
laid a firm foundation for its industrial base. What was the direction and
emphasis accorded for establishing an industrial base in the initial years
of planning in the country? How did the industrial sector grow and what
structure it came to acquire during the course of next two to three
decades? To what extent it served the long term interests of the country?
At which stage, a change in the direction and approach in the industrial
promotion policy of the country was perceived essential? What has
been the experience of adopting a radical change in the policy pursued
in the initial few decades, as seen by the outcomes of the industrial
performance during the course of last ten to fifteen years (i.e. 1990s
and post-2000 years) in India? These are some of the questions to
which the present unit addresses itself in the context of industrial
performance in India.
Around 1960s, it was realised that the system of approvals and licenses
was unsuited for directing investments. The government appointed several
committees to examine the industrial licensing system. Most of them
identified that the licensing mechanism was not serving its purpose of
channelising investments in the desired directions. For instance, the
Hazari Committee (1967) observed that:
3 6
l the extent up to which the industrial licensing has served to channelise Industrial Growth
and Structure
investment in the desired directions appears extremely doubtful;
The high growth rates in respect of capital goods and consumer durable
goods industries, appear high only because the initial starting base of
these industries was very low. This is to say, that a faster growth which
was necessary to correct the imbalance in the industrial structure was
made good by the high growth of these industries. The net result was, in
fact, more than a mere correction of the imbalance with the overall
industrial capacity for production becoming quite sizeable. The fast growth
of the basic and capital goods industries thus contributed to the expansion
of the country’s capacity for production of industrial goods in general.
This is indicated by the fact that the weightage to the basic and capital
goods industries in the index of industrial production was (and has still
remained) quite high [e.g. in the index with base 1993-94, it was 44.9%;
in the index with 1980-81 base it was 55.8%]. This is a significant
structural feature as it allows a country to build infrastructure facilitating
other productive activities as it means larger possibilities of producing
consumer goods. In fact, it is for this reason that the country is no
longer dependent on imports of goods of basic importance for the
economy. This has also increased the capacity of the country to produce
goods which cannot be imported easily.
In this unit we are focusing on bringing out the efforts made to improve
the industrial base in the country. You are already familiar from the
units in the first block that plan-wise, the first plan laid exclusive emphasis 4 1
Industry and Services Sector on agriculture. Also, this emphasis on the agricultural sector continued
in the subsequent plans too with the emphasis on agriculture during
1970s shifting to promotion of agro-industries, agricultural
infrastructure, etc. This emphasis on public agricultural investment,
however, suffered during the 1990s contributing to the registering of
lower growth rates in the agricultural sector in recent years.
1. What was the basic approach followed in the I and the II Five Year
Plans to achieve the envisaged economic/industrial growth in India?
3. What marked the two specific years of 1994-95 and 2006-07 in respect
of growth performance of the manufacturing sector in India?
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Industrial Growth
Government’s key role: During this phase the government played the
most important role in which a number of industries were set up in the
public sector. Most of these were basic and capital goods industries
(see Key Words) like electricity, steel, machinery, etc. These were the
industries in which the gestation period was long and required investment
levels were very high, and therefore the fruits could be realised over a
long term time frame. The government simultaneously undertook
measures to ensure that these (and other) industries in the private sector
also developed. Although little was provided in the First Plan (1951-56)
for industries, the second (1956-61) and the third plans (1961-66) laid
a firm foundation for industrial development. The amount of resources
was stepped up from a small 3 percent of total outlay in the First Plan
to as much as 30 percent in the Second Plan and 35 percent in the Third
Plan. Apart from setting up industries, the government provided resources
and facilities for the private sector to start industries on its own or
jointly with the government, in the areas ear-marked for the private
sector. Such help was extended by the establishment of public financial
institutions to provide capital, large protection to domestic industries
through high import duties including quantitative restrictions on imports,
regulation of the use of resources to direct them along the lines laid
down, etc. Activities in respect of industrial research and development
were also undertaken by the government which benefited both the private
as well as the public sector industries. 4 3
Industry and Services Sector Expansion of private sector: The private sector also contributed
considerably to industrial growth. Expansion of private sector took
place principally on three counts. One, the entrepreneurial class, which
had emerged before the freedom of the country, found further
opportunities to investment as they had already gained experience in the
running of many consumer goods industries. Private industries were
also set up in the basic sectors like steels, machinery , etc. This enabled
them to expand in the existing industries and also set up new ones. Two,
profitability of the investment in industries increased due to measures
like restriction on imports which enabled private entrepreneurs to tap
domestic market without fear of foreign competition. Oddly enough, for
a capital scarce country, interest rates remained low, keeping cost of
investment also low. There were also many inducements in the form of
tax concessions for the establishment of new industries. Large funds
were also made available to this sector by the new financial institutions
set up by government. Three, owing to industrial policy of India which
permitted the entry of foreign capital under reasonable conditions, the
inflow of private foreign capital increased. Most of the aid (in the form
of loan on concessional terms) received from foreign countries was for
industrial development. The twin benefits that India got from such aids
were funds in the form of foreign exchange (which enabled India to
tackle its balance of payment position which arose due to lack of
exportable items) and technical know-how. A fact of important relevance
in this respect is that there was spectacular growth in educational
infrastructure, in the form of engineering colleges, IITs, management
institutions, and entrepreneurship development institutions. This
institutional infrastructural growth gave India the required strength in
generating skilled manpower. The role of both the government and the
private sector is notable in this regard.
It is thus evident that the state not only acted as the catalyst for the
industrial growth by undertaking the task of developing industries itself,
but also created an environment conducive for the private sector to
contribute to the industrial development of the country. It was thus a
state engineered growth.
In the first place there were some major disturbances caused by wars
(with China in 1962 and with Pakistan in 1965 & 1971), the draughts
4 4 in 1965 & 1966 and the steep rise in oil prices in 1973 (first ‘oil’
Second was the reduced availability of critical inputs for production Industrial Growth
and Structure
like power, infrastructure and raw material. Imports became costlier
and fluctuations in agricultural production adversely affected the agro-
based industries.
A fourth factor was the controls and regulatory measures. In the earlier
years, these controls and regulatory measures were essential when saving/
investments were low. With improvement in the saving/investment ratio
the controls and regulatory measures had become restrictive in character
acting as impediments to industrial growth.
Thus, from 1980 onwards, due to the above factors coupled with
improvement in domestic political environment, industrial policy
witnessed greater pragmatism. This process was further assisted by factors
like: (i) a gradual loosening of controls, (ii) greater freedom to import
technology, (iii) flow of foreign private capital facilitating modernisation
of the manufacturing sector, etc. Greater realism in policy-making also
4 6 included: (i) stepping up of public investment in infrastructure and energy
production and (ii) investment in rural development for diffusion of Industrial Growth
and Structure
green revolution technology and for a ‘direct’ attack on poverty. The
‘second oil shock’ was successfully met by increasing domestic oil
production and import substitution in fertilisers in a short time. The
second half of the 1980s also witnessed considerable de-licensing and
relaxation of import controls facilitating up-gradation of industrial
technology. This was achieved by a greater reliance on the private
corporate sector with fiscal incentives extended for stock market-based
financing of industrial investment. Also, in the 1980s, many branches
of manufacturing like automotive industry, cement, cotton spinning, food
processing, and polyester filament yarn, witnessed modernisation and
expansion of scales of production. As a result, industrial export growth
also improved in the second half of the 1980s. Thus, the turnaround in
the industrial output growth in the decade of 1980s is variedly attributed
to liberalisation, improvement in public investment and private sector
While the trend in the growth rate in the 1990s is the same as in the
previous decade of 1980s, the yearly growth rates showed a marked
difference. After an expected contraction in response to the external
payment crisis in 1991-92, industrial output rebounded rapidly in the
following four years, reaching a new peak in 1995-96 with an annual
growth rate in output of over 14 per cent. The sharp upturn is widely
credited to policy reforms leading to a liberalised and competitive
industrial atmosphere. However, the expectation of further acceleration
with more reforms was short-lived as the growth rate steadily decelerated
in the following seven years, except for a minor improvement in the
The policy initiatives of the 1990s were based in theory from the
mainstream economics. They were, in principle, expected to set right
what was widely believed to have been wrong with India’s industrialisation
effort. As the noted economist, T N Srinivasan argued, the reforms were
based on an understanding of the experience of Indian development
strategy since the 1950s that delivered ‘neither rapid growth nor
appreciably greater equity’. In the words of an yet another leading
economist, Jagdish Bhagwati’s views, the three main elements of India’s
policy framework that stifled growth and efficiency were: (i) extensive
4 7
Industry and Services Sector bureaucratic controls over production, investment and trade; (ii) inward
looking trade and foreign investment policies, and (iii) a substantial
public sector going well beyond the conventional confines of public
utilities and infrastructure. The control system followed by India has
also been argued differently to imply that the industrial policy pursued
was responsible for persistent fiscal deficits and periodic balance of
payment crises. Although in broad terms, none of these features of the
policy framework remained any more after 1991, the question that still
remains to be answered is one of ‘why the growth of the industrial
sector, especially the manufacturing sector’s growth, slowed down in
the mid-1990s’?
4 8
Industrial Growth
The relevant question is therefore whether there is any evidence from
theory or empirical results to suggest that we could expect a positive
relationship between the pace of reforms and its economic outcomes.
In a comparative experience, there is little evidence to suggest an
unambiguously positive association between the scope (and speed) of
reforms on the one hand and economic outcomes on the other. If one
can cite cases from Asian economies as successful examples of following
the expected trends, there are equally compelling cases from Latin
America with adverse outcomes. Thus, there are no clear signals as to
how to reverse the trend of decelerating industrial growth, for achieving
sustained growths, except for the expectation that further relaxation of
rigidities governing the use of capital (domestic and foreign) and labour
would yield better results. Thus, the view that ‘reforms have not gone
far enough’ bears similarity with the argument of earlier times that
repeated failure of the five-year plans to meet the targets is attributable
to ‘inadequate planning’ and ‘inefficient implementation’.
5 1
Industry and Services Sector
Over the last five decades, Indian industry has experienced major change
both in its structure and growth. We saw that the Indian industry’s growth
experience can be divided into four different phases each of which is
associated with different policy orientation. The first two decades (i.e.
1950s & 1960s) saw the importance laid on basic and capital goods
industry under the Nehruvian import substitution strategy. In the
subsequent decades, the intermediates and consumer goods industries
grew steadily. In the initial stages the government acted as the catalyst
for industrial growth by undertaking to lead the industrial development
by a major public sector presence. This created a favourable environment
for the private sector also to establish industries securing, in the process,
foreign capital from its own account. It was thus a state engineered
growth. But after mid 1960s, Indian industry experienced decline in
growth due to constraints of demand and supply. The Industrial License
Policy didn’t serve to sufficiently channelise investment in the desired
direction. During the 1980s, industrial policy witnessed greater
pragmatism following a gradual loosening of controls, and a greater
willingness to import technology and foreign private capital to modernise
the manufacturing sector. The second half of the 1980s thus witnessed
considerable de-licensing and relaxation of import controls and capital
flows, contributing to the up-gradation in the industrial technology. The
experience under New Economic Policy, during the 1990s, suggests
that what is required for sustained growth is to nurture the demand for
industrial goods, comprising of both the domestic demand (for consumer
goods and investment goods) and the foreign demand (for exports).
Towards this end, the growth in rural economy, both agricultural and the
non-farm industrial growth, were recognised for their importance. In
sum, in order that demand is fully tapped and the supply-position is also
improved, it is essential that the industrial atmosphere is made efficient
and competitive. This needs to be achieved by a combination of measures
like abolition of controls, improvement of fiscal and monetary structure,
prudency in public investment, etc. and suitable labour reforms.
5 3
Industry and Services Sector
Atul Kohli (2006), Politics of Economic Growth in India: 1980-2005,
Parts I and II, Economic and Political Weekly (EPW), April 1 & 8.
Bhagwati, Jagdish (1993): “India’s Economy: The Shackled Giant”,
Clarendon Press, 1993.
Chakravarty, Sukhamoy, Bhagwati, J (1969), “Contributions to Indian
Economic Analysis”, American Economic Review, Vol. 59: pp.1-73.
Patnaik, Prabhat and S K Rao (1977): Towards an Explanation of a
Crisis in a Mixed Underdeveloped Economy, EPW, Vol 12, Nos 6-8,
February, Annual Number.
Srinivasan, T N (1993): ‘Demand Deficiency and Indian Industrial
Development’ in Pranab Bardhan et al (ed.), Development and Change:
Essays in Honour of K N Raj, Oxford University Press, Delhi.
5 4