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Department of Physical Therapy, Exercise Science, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; 2University of Wisconsin,
La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin; and 3Department of Health, Exercise Science, and Sport Management, University of
Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin

ABSTRACT selection to best target and maximally activate a variety of hip

Simenz, CJ, Garceau, LR, Lutsch, BN, Suchomel, TJ, and and thigh musculature.
Ebben, WP. Electromyographical analysis of lower extremity
KEY WORDS gluteus medius, program design, ACL injury,
muscle activation during variations of the loaded step-up
exercise. J Strength Cond Res 26(12): 3398–3405,
2012—The loaded step-up exercise allows strength and
conditioning practitioners to incorporate a unilateral re-

sistance for athletes while performing extension at the hip, uantification of muscle activation of lower body
knee, and plantar flexion at the ankle. This study evaluated the resistance training exercises allows practitioners
to make informed decisions regarding which
activation of the biceps femoris (BF), gluteus maximus (GMx),
exercises are optimal for performance enhance-
gluteus medius (GMe), rectus femoris, semitendinosus (ST),
ment and rehabilitation. A variety of muscles are active during
vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis during 4 variations of the
both dynamic sport movement and resistance training
step-up exercise to assess the specific muscle training exercises, including those that flex and extend the knee and
stimulus of each exercise variation. The exercises included hip, and those that abduct and adduct the leg at the hip,
the step-up, crossover step-up, diagonal step-up, and lateral including the hamstrings, gluteals, and quadriceps.
step-up. Fifteen women who regularly engaged in lower body Of these muscle groups, the hamstring muscle group has
resistance training performed the 4 exercises with 6 repe- been shown to be important in reducing anterior cruciate
tition maximum loads on a 45.72-cm (18-in.) plyometric box. ligament (ACL) injury risk, and evidence indicates training
Data were collected with a telemetered electromyography reduces hamstring inhibition and quadriceps to hamstrings
(EMG) system, and root mean square values were calculated ratio (11). Although there is a growing body of literature on
for EMG data for eccentric and concentric phases. Results of hamstring activation during resistance exercise and ham-
string to quadriceps ratios, other muscle groups within the
a repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed a variety
hip complex have received less attention. For instance, few
of differences in muscle activation between the exercises
have examined the eccentric and concentric phases (39) or
(p # 0.05). The results indicated that the crossover step-up
the role of the gluteus medius (GMe) in closed chain
elicited the greatest concentric muscle activation for the resistance exercise (1,14,38).
GMe, whereas the step-up elicited greatest eccentric Although data have indicated reduced activation of gluteus
activation for the GMe and greatest activation for the GMx, maximus (GMx) during single-leg activities (40), little data
BF, and ST in both concentric and eccentric phases. These exist to describe the role of the GMe. Studies examining the
findings can be used by practitioners to inform exercise role of the GMe during dynamic movements such as jump
landings and cuts have shown strengthening the GMe may
reduce the risk of ACL rupture through reduction in dynamic
valgus position (6,7,19). Training the GMe may improve both
Address correspondence to Dr. Christopher J. Simenz, christopher. strength and timing of GMe activation, which may reduce
simenz@mu.edu. dynamic knee valgus during sport and exercise, reducing risk
26(12)/3398–3405 of ACL injury (6,7,21,26,28,31,41).
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research The literature has shown the benefits of including loaded
Ó 2012 National Strength and Conditioning Association single-leg exercises to improve functional stability, allowing
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previous studies has been the rehabilitation of the knee,

with experimental procedures based on commonly used
TABLE 1. Descriptive data (mean 6 SD).* rehabilitation protocols such as step heights of 8 in. or
Women (N = 15)
lower (1,3,14,22), and only body weight resistance
(1,3,4,5,8,9,14,22), thereby applying rehabilitative loads
Age (y) 20.8 6 1.56 and conditions to nonrehabilitation populations. Those
Height (cm) 166.40 6 7.76 studies that did use additional resistance when assessing the
Body weight (kg) 64.08 6 6.92
step-up used an arbitrary load of 125% of body weight
High school sports 3.93 6 0.26
participation (y) (34,37,38) out of concern for the limited capacity of
Number of high school sports 2.2 6 0.86 rehabilitation patients and based on case studies using
College varsity sorts (y) 1.67 6 1.76 injured and previously immobilized athlete subjects (23).
College club sorts (y) 0.6 6 0.99 Thus, determining test loads used neither repetition
Intramural sports (y) 1.33 6 1.54
maximum (RM) testing nor predictive regression tools as
Resistance training (dwk21) 2.7 6 1.03
Plyometric training (dwk21) 1.63 6 1.34 previously recommended for load prescription (12,16).
Aerobic training session (dwk21) 4.27 6 1.73 Previous studies have used electromyography (EMG) to
Aerobic duration (min) 42.2 6 12.39 assess lower body muscle activation as a viable way to
Step-up 1RM (kg) 51.57 6 12.30 quantify both the internal forces acting across a joint (42).
Lateral step-up 1RM (kg) 31.54 6 9.15
Additionally, EMG has been frequently used regularly to
Crossover step-up 1RM (kg) 38.90 6 12.18
Diagonal step-up 1RM (kg) 41.95 6 8.86 assess the nature of resistance training exercise(s)
(1,3–5,8–10,11–14,20,24,34,36,38). Therefore, the purpose
*RM = repetition maximum. of this study was to determine hip and knee muscle
activation using EMG to assess 4 variations of the loaded
step-up exercise using prescribed 6RM. This study sought
to examine differences between these variations.
the athlete more dynamic control when supported by a single
limb during jump landings and cuts and thus to reduce ACL
injury risk (30). Also, the use of single-leg resistance METHODS
exercise has been shown to improve sport performance Experimental Approach to the Problem
in athletes (27). One single-leg exercise that may be This study used a within-subjects repeated measures design to
particularly useful is the step-up, because it requires test the hypothesis that there are differences in muscle
unilateral support and facilitates dynamic pelvic and trunk activation between 4 variations of the loaded step-up exercise
stabilization (2), increases movement specificity (32), and performed with prescribed 6RM loads. Once determined,
offers many possible variations. Previous research on the practitioners will be able to prescribe these exercises knowing
step-up exercise is limited in a number of ways. Existing the effect each exercise has on muscle activation. Independent
research has focused primarily on the thigh musculature variables included the concentric and eccentric phases and 4
involved in flexion and extension (4,10,34,35). No study has step-up variations. Dependent variables included the root
examined a large variety of step-up exercise variations or mean square (RMS) EMG representing magnitude of muscle
comprehensively assessed muscle activation using rela- activation of the biceps femoris (BF), GMx, GMe, rectus
tively high-intensity training loads. The primary focus of femoris (RF), semitendinosus (ST), vastus lateralis (VL), and

TABLE 2. RMS EMG data for the BF, expressed as a percentage of MVIC for each 6RM during eccentric and concentric
phases of 4 step-up variations (N = 14).*
Eccentric phase Step-up† Crossover step-up‡ Diagonal step-up‡ Lateral step-Up‡§k
26.92 6 12.35 25.73 6 11.94 21.46 6 10.93 15.73 6 5.76
Concentric phase Step-up Diagonal step-up Crossover step-up Lateral step-up
73.14 6 28.64 69.94 6 28.49 64.24 6 33.57 55.44 6 18.00
*RMS = root mean square; EMG = electromyography; BF = biceps femoris; MVIC = maximal voluntary isometric contraction;
RM = repetition maximum.
†Significantly different from lateral step-up (p # 0.05).
‡Significantly different from diagonal step-up (p # 0.05).
§Significantly different from step-up (p # 0.05).
kSignificantly different from crossover step-up (p # 0.05).

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Variations of the Loaded Step-Up Exercise

TABLE 3. RMS EMG data for GMx, expressed as a percentage of MVIC for each 6RM during eccentric and concentric
phases of 4 step-up variations (N = 14).*
Eccentric phase Step-up†‡ Diagonal step-up Crossover step-up Lateral step-up
97.47 6 84.58 82.42 6 51.42 80.41 6 55.20 75.54 6 46.66
Concentric phase Step-up†‡§ Lateral step-up Diagonal step-up Crossover step-up
240.98 6 201.56 152.96 6 133.3 144.00 6 79.09 127.98 6 72.07
*RMS = root mean square; EMG = electromyography; GMx = gluteus maximus; RM = repetition maximum; MVIC = maximal voluntary
isometric contraction.
†Significantly different from lateral step-up (p # 0.05).
‡Significantly different from crossover step-up (p # 0.05).
§Significantly different from diagonal step-up (p # 0.05).

vastus medialis (VM), expressed as a percentage of maximal normalize the EMG data. The subjects also received
voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC). instruction in and performed the 4 exercises including the
step-up, crossover step-up, diagonal step-up, and lateral
step-up. These exercises were selected for evaluation
Fifteen women (mean 6 SD; age 21.0 6 1.41 years; body
because they all are characterized by hip and knee extension,
mass 63.56 6 6.89 kg, height 159.84 6 28.99 cm) volunteer
and diagonal, lateral, and crossover step-up are additionally
university students who regularly engaged in lower body
characterized by hip abduction and adduction in a dynamic,
resistance training for at least 1 year before participation in
single-leg fashion, which is thought to elicit greater GMe
the study, and participated in sports ranging from club level
activation (24). The subjects were then tested to determine
to professional soccer, served as subjects. Subject descriptive
their 6RM for each step-up variation. Six RM loads were
information including training experience and status are
chosen because this study sought to test muscle strength as
given in Table 1. The study was approved by the institution’s
opposed to muscle endurance (16), and this exercise
university internal review board. All the subjects provided
intensity was previously used in studies assessing lower
informed consent.
body muscle activation (10,11). Approximately 72 hours
Procedures after the habituation session, the subjects returned for the
All the subjects performed a habituation and testing session. testing session.
Before each session, the subject performed a general warm- During the testing session, the subjects performed the
up including 5 minutes on an ergometer and a dynamic same dynamic warm-up session as in the habituation
warm-up for each of the major muscle groups to be used session, followed by 5 minutes of rest. The subjects then
in the test exercises. During the habituation session, all performed 2 repetitions of each of the step-up test exercises
the subjects were familiarized with the test procedures, in a randomized order with 6RM load, with 5 minutes of rest
including performing MVIC, which were obtained to between each exercise. For each step-up variation, EMG

TABLE 4. RMS EMG data for GMe, expressed as a percentage of MVIC for each 6RM during eccentric and concentric
phases of 4 step-up variations (N = 14).*
Eccentric phase Step-up†‡ Diagonal step-up‡§k Crossover step-up†‡ Lateral step-up†§k
41.90 6 15.04 40.41 6 14.80 38.39 6 15.66 36.46 6 15.10
Concentric phase Crossover step-up†‡ Step-up†‡ Diagonal step-up‡§k Lateral step-up†‡k
76.47 6 23.40 69.57 6 16.75 65.87 6 15.73 54.66 6 13.77

*RMS = root mean square; EMG = electromyography; MVIC = maximal voluntary isometric contraction; GMx = gluteus maximus;
RM = repetition maximum.
†Significantly different from diagonal step-up (p # 0.05).
‡Significantly different from lateral step-up (p # 0.05).
§Significantly different from step-up (p # 0.05).
kSignificantly different from crossover step-up (p # 0.05).

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TABLE 5. RMS EMG data for RF, expressed as a percentage of MVIC for each 6RM during eccentric and concentric
phases of 4 step-up variations (N = 14).*
Eccentric phase Diagonal step-up†‡ Lateral step-up†‡ Step-up§k Crossover step-up§k
41.59 6 10.49 39.93 6 13.07 35.69 6 9.24 35.40 6 10.93
Concentric phase Lateral step-up Diagonal step-up Crossover step-up Step-up
62.72 6 18.51 62.56 6 19.92 59.50 6 15.30 57.16 6 16.94
*RMS = root mean square; EMG = electromyography; MVIC = maximal voluntary isometric contraction; RF = rectus femoris; RM =
repetition maximum.
†Significantly different from step-up (p # 0.05).
‡Significantly different from crossover step-up (p # 0.05).
§Significantly different from diagonal step-up (p # 0.05).
kSignificantly different from lateral step-up (p # 0.05).

data were collected from the BF, GMx, GMe, RF, ST, VL, Procedures—Step-Up
and VM. Randomization and adequate rest between sets was All step-up exercises were performed on a 45.72-cm (18.0-in.)
used to reduce order effects and potential fatigue consistent plyometric box. This box height was selected to provide
with previous studies (10,11). For each exercise, the right a challenging step-up training stimulus, consistent with box
foot was identified as the lead (load bearing) foot. All EMG heights that are believed to be used in strength training
data were collected from the muscles in the right leg. The programs and similar to those used in previous research
technique for each step-up exercise variation is described as examining muscle activation during lower body resistance
follows. training exercises (11).
The subject stepped with the posterior border of the lead
Procedures—Maximum Voluntary Isometric Contraction
leg heel landing flush with the leading edge of the step box
Maximum voluntary isometric contractions for the BF and ST
and with heel-to-toe foot position perpendicular to the
groups were measured at 60° of knee flexion using the seated
leading edge of the box. The starting position was
leg curl (Hammer Strength, Schiller Park, IL, USA).
characterized by the trail leg in 10° hyperextension at the
Maximum voluntary isometric contractions for the VL,
hip measured from the greater trochanter to the midline of the
VM, and RF were measures at 60° of knee flexion on the
femur. The subject then extended the knee and hip of the lead
leg extension machine (Magnum Fitness Systems, South
leg until the trail foot was placed on the box lateral to the lead
Milwaukee, WI, USA). Maximum voluntary isometric
foot. The trail foot then returned to starting position, and the
contractions for the GMx was measured with subject lying
process was repeated.
prone at approximately 70° hip flexion on a decline bench for
the (Magnum Fitness Systems), and GMe was tested with the Procedures—Crossover Step-Up
subject’s leg abducted to approximately 25° against a padded, The subject started to the right of the box, with toes of the trail
immovable mass. foot flush with the leading edge of the box. The lead foot was

TABLE 6. RMS EMG data for ST, expressed as a percentage of MVIC for each 6RM during eccentric and concentric
phases of 4 step-up variations (N = 14).*
Eccentric phase Step-up†‡ Diagonal step-up†‡ Crossover step-up§k Lateral step-up§k
28.80 6 12.35 23.81 6 12.26 21.72 6 10.0 16.81 6 9.16
Concentric phase Step-up Diagonal step-up Crossover step-up Lateral step-up
57.36 6 29.34 52.50 6 26.0 41.85 6 20.73 42.91 6 24.51

*RMS = root mean square; EMG = electromyography; ST = semitendinosus; MVIC = maximal voluntary isometric contraction; RM =
repetition maximum.
†Significantly different from crossover step-up (p # 0.05).
‡Significantly different from lateral step-up (p # 0.05).
§Significantly different from step-up (p # 0.05).
kSignificantly different from diagonal step-up (p # 0.05).

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Variations of the Loaded Step-Up Exercise

TABLE 7. RMS EMG data for VL, expressed as a percentage of MVIC for each 6RM during eccentric and concentric
phases of 4 step-up variations (N = 14).*
Eccentric phase Step-up Diagonal step-up† Crossover step-up Lateral step-up‡
61.76 6 29.51 56.62 6 14.64 54.74 6 21.72 51.66 6 15.57
Concentric phase Diagonal step-up Crossover step-up Step-up Lateral step-up
99.37 6 29.31 97.50 6 29.20 95.02 6 26.29 94.25 6 26.31
*RMS = root mean square; EMG = electromyography; VL = vastus lateralis; MVIC = maximal voluntary isometric contraction; RM =
repetition maximum.
†Significantly different from lateral step-up (p # 0.05).
‡Significantly different from diagonal step-up (p # 0.05).

placed onto the corner of the box, with the posterior border of Procedures—Lateral Step-Up
the heel flush with the leading edge and the lateral aspect of The subject started to the left of the box with lead foot on the
the foot flush with the lateral edge of the box. The subject box. Medial edge of lead foot was placed 6 in. from the left
distance from box was determined by the measurement of edge of the box with the posterior border of the heel flush
shin angle in the frontal plane of 35° from the vertical. The with the leading edge of the box. The lead leg started with
subject then extended the knee and hip of the lead leg, a 35° shin angle from the vertical in the frontal plane. The lead
accompanied by hip abduction at the right leg until the trail leg started in neutral anatomical position. The subject then
foot landed on the step box directly lateral to the lead foot. extended the knee and hip of the lead leg until the trail foot
The trail foot was then returned to the starting point and the touched the box directly lateral to the lead foot. The trail foot
process repeated. then returned to starting position and the process repeated.

Procedures—Diagonal Step-Up Instrumentation

The subject started to the left and posterior to the step box, Electromyography was used to quantify muscle activity using
with the lead foot placed on the box. Medial foot was placed an 8-channel telemetered EMG system (Myomonitor IV;
6 in. from the left edge of the box with the posterior border DelSys Inc., Boston, MA, USA). The input impedance was
of the heel flush with the leading edge of the box. Subject 1,015 V with a common-mode rejection ratio of .80 dB.
rear foot placement was determined relative to lead foot Electromyographic data from the RF, VM, VL, LH, MH,
placement, with lead leg exhibiting 20° shin angle from the GMe, and GMx muscles were recorded at 1,024 Hz using
vertical in the frontal plane and a 45° angle in the transverse rectangular-shaped (19.8-mm-wide and 35-mm-long) bipolar
plane between first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint of surface electrodes with 1310-mm 99.9% Ag conductors and
the lead foot and the first MTP of the trail foot in the an interconductor distance of 10 mm. Electrodes were placed
transverse plane. The trail leg started in neutral anatomical on the longitudinal axis of the muscles. The RF electrode was
position. The subject then extended the knee and hip of the placed halfway between the greater trochanter and medial
lead leg until the trail foot touched the platform directly lateral epicondyle of the femur. The VL electrode was placed one
to the lead foot. The trail foot was then returned to starting quarter of the distance from the lateral line of the knee joint to
position and the process repeated. the anterior superior iliac spine. The VM electrode was placed

TABLE 8. RMS EMG data for VM, expressed as a percentage of MVIC for each 6RM during eccentric and concentric
phases of 4 step-up variations (N = 14).*
Eccentric phase Diagonal step-up Crossover step-up Step-up Lateral step-up
62.51 6 14.51 62.14 6 23.17 60.48 6 14.68 57.55 6 15.72
Concentric phase Diagonal step-up Crossover step-up Lateral step-up Step-up
106.89 6 30.02 105.47 6 29.10 102.73 6 24.28 103.30 6 28.23

*RMS = root mean square; EMG = electromyography; MVIC = maximal voluntary isometric contraction; RM = repetition maximum;
VM = vastus medialis.

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one-fifth of the distance from the medial joint line to the GMx, RF, ST, VL, VM. Tables 2–8 present the specific data
anterior superior iliac spine. The LH electrode was placed for each of the muscle group and step-up variation.
halfway between the ischial tuberosity and the fibular
insertion site, at least 5 cm proximal to the musculotendinous DISCUSSION
junction. The MH electrode was placed halfway between the This is the first study to comprehensively evaluate a variety of
ischial tuberosity and the tibial insertion point, at least 4 cm step-up exercises using training loads based on RM testing
proximal to the musculotendinous junction. The GMx while monitoring the activation of the GMe musculature
electrode was placed on the muscle belly one-third of the along with a large number of other hip and thigh musculature.
distance from the second sacral spine to the greater Significant differences were found between step-up variations
trochanter. The GMe electrode was placed one-third of the and between concentric and eccentric phases for the GMe,
distance from the iliac crest to the greater trochanter. A contrary to the findings of Ayotte et al. (1) who found no
common reference electrode was placed 10 mm anterior and significant differences in GMe activation between the step-up
halfway between the medial condyle and medial malleolus of and lateral step-up exercises in unloaded subjects. Thus, in
the tibia. Skin preparation included shaving hair if necessary, higher load testing conditions such as the 6RM used in this
abrasion, and cleaning the surface with alcohol. Elastic tape study, GMe activation appears to change as a function of
was applied to ensure electrode placement to minimize exercise variation. Specifically, the crossover step-up was
motion artifact and to provide strain relief for the electrode found to elicit the greatest concentric activation of the GMe,
cables. Surface electrodes were connected to an amplifier and whereas the step-up produced the greatest eccentric
streamed continuously through an analog to digital converter activation, which may be because of the starting position
(DelSys Inc.) to an IBM-compatible notebook computer. of crossover step-up, which placed the lead leg of the subject
into femoral adduction. As a result, GMe showed greater
Statistical Analyses activation during the concentric phase of the crossover step-
All data were filtered with a bandpass filter allowing 10 Hz up, as the position likely forced the muscle to activate in an
high pass and 450 Hz low pass, saved, and analyzed with the attempt to abduct the femur. This finding suggests the
use of computer software (EMGworks 3.1, Delsys, Inc.). Root crossover step-up should be included in resistance training
mean square EMG-signal processing was calculated over programs for court and field sport athletes in an attempt to
a 125-millisecond moving window and used on all EMG data reduce incidence of dynamic knee valgus, as weakness/
for the duration of the exercise and normalized to the RMS fatigue in the GMe has been shown to contribute to this (6,7).
EMG signal of the MVIC to determine muscle activation and Thus, training of the GMe in this fashion should be
to evaluate results with respect to previous research. Data incorporated to reduce dynamic valgus, a common injury
were analyzed for the second repetition of each exercise and position because of unplanned changes of direction and
compared with the MVIC of each muscle group. Data were cutting maneuvers, because the GMe plays a role in dynamic
analyzed for seconds 2–3 of the MVICs, using the highest of pelvic stabilization and the reduction of dynamic valgus of
the trials. the knee during such maneuvers (18).
The statistical analyses were undertaken with SPSS 17.0. In this study, all muscle groups exhibited concentric
A 2-way mixed analysis of variance with repeated measures activations that were much greater than eccentric, consistent
for step-up exercise type was used to evaluate the main with the findings of previous research (15,34). The GMx
effects for step-up variation and the interaction between showed significantly different activation patterns between
step-up variation and eccentric-concentric phase, for RMS exercises. The greatest activation for both concentric and
EMG of each muscle groups. When the main effects were eccentric phases was elicited by the step-up exercise, which is
found, Bonferroni adjusted pairwise comparisons were consistent with the muscle’s predominantly inferior-superior
used to identify the specific differences in muscle activation line of pull (29). Much greater activation was demonstrated
for each exercise. Assumptions for linearity of statistics for this exercise than has been previously shown during the
were tested and met. An a priori alpha level of p # 0.05 was loaded squat exercise when using 6RM loads (33).
used. In this study, the RF showed greatest activation during the
lateral step-up, which ranged from 39.93% of MVIC during
RESULTS the eccentric phase to 62.72% during the concentric phase
The analysis of EMG data revealed significant main effects and diagonal step-up exercises, which ranged from 41.59%
(p # 0.001) for BF, GMx, GMe, RF, ST, and VL, indicating MVIC during the eccentric phase to 62.56% during the
that there were differences in activation of these muscle concentric phase, both of which were performed with 6RM
groups between the step-up exercise variations. No differ- intensity. However, both were completed with lighter
ences were found for the VM (p = 0.833). A significant absolute loads compared with the step-up and crossover
interaction (p # 0.001) was found for exercise type and phase step-up.
for GMe. Analysis revealed no significant interactions The VL and VM showed no significant differences
between exercise type and phase (p # 0.05) for the BF, between concentric and eccentric phases, contrary to

VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 12 | DECEMBER 2012 | 3403

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Variations of the Loaded Step-Up Exercise

previous findings (15,34), where significant differences in PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS

activation between concentric and eccentric phases for the There are several practical applications that can guide the use
lateral step-up and step-up exercises were found. This of variations of the step-up exercise for maximal muscle
finding may be because of the use of 6RM resistance load activation. For maximal GMe activation, the crossover step-
in this study compared with an arbitrary load of 25% of up should be used. Increased GMe activation in resistance
body weight condition in Selseth et al. (34) and because of
training should result in more force production capability and
the likely decreased contraction velocity because of load,
improved resistance to fatigue of the GMe, which may aid in
which has been shown to increase muscle force output prevention of the dynamic valgus position at the knee during
(25). This study found activation of the RF (35.4 and 62.7% cutting movements, specifically during unilateral support.
of eccentric and concentric MVIC, respectively), VL (51.6 The step-up and diagonal step-up should be used for maximal
and 99.37% of eccentric and concentric MVIC, respec- hamstring activation, which will better resist anterior trans-
tively), and VM (57.55 and 106.89% of eccentric and lation of the tibia during dynamic movements. To best
concentric MVIC, respectively) to be consistent with activate the RF, the lateral step-up and diagonal step-up
activation during maximal isometric squat exercises (33)
should be used. Ultimately, certain variations of the step-up
and with activation found in comparably loaded (6RM)
exercise preferentially activate different muscle groups of the
squats (74%) (10). hip and thigh, this data can aid strength and conditioning
Significant differences in hamstring activation were found professionals in deciding which variations would be the most
between the step-up and diagonal step-up, during eccentric effective based on the desired muscle to be trained.
and concentric phases. This finding may be because of the
requirement of more sagittal plane movement of the limb ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
coupled with the advantageous line of action of the
hamstrings (17) in that position. Activation levels for the Travel to present this study was funded by a Green Bay
BF and ST were relatively low when compared with VL and Packers Foundation Grant.
VM musculature for the selected exercises, consistent with
existing literature (1,5,9,20). This is likely because of the REFERENCES
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