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Cartography Notes

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CARTOGRAPHY NOTES patterns of numerical data (e.g.

income, age, population).
✓ are a more specialized type of map and
• graphic representation, drawn to are designed for making accurate
scale and usually on a flat surface, of measurements. Cartometrics, or
features—for example, geographical, cartometric analysis, refers to
geological, or geopolitical—of an mathematical operations such as
area of the Earth or of any other counting, measuring, and estimating—
celestial body. Globes are maps thus, cartometric maps are maps which
represented on the surface of a
are optimized for these purposes.

Hundreds of different maps exist, but they

CLASSIFIACTION OF MAPS generally fall into two categories: reference
TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS maps and thematic maps. Reference maps
indicate very definite places, structures,
MENTAL MAPS features, or boundaries. These maps could
SPECIAL PURPOSE MAPS show roads, buildings, cities, states,
mountains, bodies of water, political
GENERAL PURPOSE MAPS boundaries, or time zones. These are items
✓ are often also called basemaps or that do not change much over time and
reference maps. They display natural provide basic information. Thematic maps
and man-made features of general start with the basic information from a
interest, and are intended for reference map then add data on top of that.
widespread public use. These maps could display weather systems,
election results, populations in an area, or
THEMATIC MAPS natural resources. The information on these
✓ are sometimes also called special maps is often updated and can easily change.
purpose, single topic, or statistical
maps. They highlight features, data,
or concepts, and these data may be DIFFERENT TYPES OF MAPS
qualitative, quantitative, or both. PHYSICAL MAPS
Thematic maps can be further
divided into two main categories: ✓ Physical maps are intended to
qualitative and quantitative. show natural landforms and
Qualitative thematic maps show the features of an area, such as
spatial extent of categorical or mountains, deserts, lakes, oceans,
nominal data (e.g., soil type, land and rivers. Unlike the
cover, political districts). topographical map, it does not
Quantitative thematic maps, show contour lines or give exact
conversely, demonstrate the spatial elevations. Instead, it shows
elevation change using a color waterways. The most common in the
gradient ranging from green to U.S. is a map of the 50 states. If it
brown to scales of gray. The shows election results or party
darker colors start at sea level affiliations, then it would be a
and get lighter as elevation thematic map.
increases. It can also show
elevation change with shading on
the map. A physical map will ✓ Weather maps are presumably the
show the most important political most recognizable types of map, and
boundaries, such as major cities they are used daily. It is a thematic
or roads, but this is only to help map because the information is
observers understand the terrain. specific to a place or time and can
change often. A weather map starts
with a reference map of the desired
✓ are a type of reference maps. They area, then the information such as
show the shape of the Earth's temperature, precipitation, fronts,
surface, including mountains, snow, frost, amount of sun, wind
valleys, craters, lakes, rivers, roads, speed, and many other types of
and trails. The shape of the surface is meteorological information can be
indicated using contour lines. These added. Weather maps are the world's
are lines of equal elevation drawn at most updated maps, sometimes
consistent intervals, such as every 20 hourly. They can be found in print in
or 50 feet of elevation. When contour newspapers, online, and on
lines are closer together, it indicates television. Weather maps can show
a steeper slope. When they are historical data as well as projective
further apart, the elevation change is data that might happen in the future.
less. Elevation can also be shown
with colors and shaded relief on a
topographic map. Topographical ✓ An economic map is a map that
maps are used by geologists, describes the economy in terms of
surveyors, engineers, outdoor economic development and
enthusiasts, hunters, and especially production. This map includes: the
the military. living standards, level of
unemployment and how different
regions contribute to the national
✓ Political maps can be a reference economy. This map can be used to
map or a thematic map, depending predict economic projections. Also
on the political information it pretty much are concerned with the
depicts. It is a reference map if it trade, commerce, transport of goods,
describes the boundaries of economic conditions of a country,
countries, states, and counties. It state or a city. So pretty much in an
could also show capitals, cities, easier way to say it is that it is a map
roads, railroad tracks, and major that has pictures in certain places on
a map to show what is at that BATHYMETRIC MAPS
location or what it lives there.
✓ A bathymetric map, sometimes
RESOURCE MAPS called a bathymetric chart, is a map
that shows the depth of a body of
✓ focuses on the natural resources in a
water, such as a lake, a part of the
community, like land, hills, rivers,
ocean, a river, or a reservoir. Depths
fields, vegetation, etc. and may also
can be shown using contour lines,
cover habitation. Similar to a social
shaded relief, colors, or a
or village map, it is not drawn to
combination of these methods.
scale and is done by the local people
because they have an in-depth
knowledge of the surroundings
where they have lived for
generations. A resource map reflects • Cartography or mapmaking is the
people’s perceptions of the reality of study and practice of making maps.
their natural resources rather than Map making involves the application
precise measurements. of both scientific and artistic
elements, combining graphic talents
and specialized knowledge of
✓ A population map details how many compilation and design principles
people live in each area. It can also with available techniques for product
break the population down by generation. Maps function as
income, age, sex, culture, population visualization tools for spatial data.
migration, and many for factors. A Spatial data is stored in a database
population map details how many and extracted for a variety of
people live in each area. It can also purposes. The traditional analog
break the population down by methods of map making have been
income, age, sex, culture, population replaced by digital systems capable
migration, and many for factors. of producing dynamic interactive
maps that can be manipulated
✓ The map shows a representation of
the world, the land and the seas of
Earth. And no, the map is not proof
that the world is a disc. The map
below is a two-dimensional (flat)
projection of the global landmass and
oceans that covers the surface of our
spherical planet. The map shows the
continents, oceans, major countries,
and a network of lines (graticules)
representing meridians and parallels,
the geographic coordinate system.

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