Chapter 10 - ENG 310
Chapter 10 - ENG 310
Chapter 10 - ENG 310
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Environmental Ethics
10.3. Environmental Problems
10.4. Sustainable Development
10.5. Sustainable Society
10.6. Engineers and Sustainability
10.7. Summary
10.1 Introduction
Case: Biofuels
Considerations arising from biofuels case:
• Should we leave each generation to solve the problems that are relevant
to their lifetime?
10.2 Environmental Ethics
• Anthropocentrism: The philosophical view that the environment has only
instrumental value, that is, only value for humans and not in itself
Engineers have
People in general special
Environment are responsible responsibility
has moral value
must be for the because of both
protected environment positive and
or intrinsic)
negative effects
of technology
10.3 Environmental Problems
Social dimension of environmental problems
• Exhausting resources and polluting water, air and soil are endangering the
continuity of human welfare and well-being
Humans depend on the environment
• Environmental problems hit those lower on the social ladder first and
harder (ex.: Housing near sources of pollution such as highways or
municipal dumps is cheaper)
Ecological Footprint
• The regenerative ability of the various resources cannot keep up with our
10.4 Sustainable Development
10.4.1 Brundtland Definition
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland definition)
Three factors are of importance for sustainable development: the ecological factor, the
social and the economical ones.
A design choice can be positive for more than one field at the same time:
For example take a design in which you can reduce the amount of material required, it
is favorable both from an economic and environmental point of view.
Source :Circles of Sustainability, Melbourne 2011 11
10.4.2 Moral justification
- Intergenerational justice: “ can we continue to use fossil fuels simply until we run out
and let next generation find alternatives? ”
- Intragenerational justice: unjust division of resources between First and Third Worlds
- Utilitarianism approach:
a) The total utility must be maximized over an extremely extended period, otherwise
in the short term it will not lead to sustainability.
b) Criticism: utilitarianism is insensitive to questions of distribution both between
different groups of people or across time => morally unsatisfactory
- Duty Ethics: Golden Rule (Kant) “Treat other generations as you would have to treat
Them.” => it defends intergenerational justice
- Operationalization: sustainability should be detailed into a number of concrete
policy measures and design guidelines.
- Environmental Space: we must ensure that our environmental impact does not
exceed our environmental space => ecological footprint. What damage can we do to
the environment without the damage being irreversible?
Problems: inaccuracy of predictions, the earth ecosystem as a whole is very complex to
analyze, the fact that irreversible damage has been done often becomes clear when
it’s too late.
10.5 Can a Sustainable Society be Realized?
• What about a green dictatorship?
• No
• Dictatorships often fail to achieve their goals
• Sustainable society is achieved through a voluntary action of its citizens
10.6 Engineers and Sustainability
10.6.2 Life Cycle Analysis
1. Quantitative
• Use of specialized software
• Analysis used on a database of the environmental impact of each
operation during the life cycle.
• A final score expresses the environmental impact of the product (UBP 06
• Limitations of the quantitative method
1. Time consumption
2. Use of a one-dimensional indicator scale (fixed weighing factors for
exhaustion of materials, pollution and degradation)
3. Designer is not given access to fundamental design variables
2. Qualitative
• Focuses on several rules of thumb
• The LiDS wheel approach is based on eight rules of thumb:
1. New concept Development
2. Selection of low-impact materials
3. Reduction of material
4. Optimization of production techniques
5. Efficient distribution system
6. Reduce of the environmental impact in the user stage
7. Optimization of initial life-time
8. Optimization of end-of-life system
10.7 Summary