Grain Products
Read to Learn
Key Concepts
● Describe how food is made from grains.
● Explain how the processing of grains can affect their
nutritional value. English
● Name and describe six grains used around the world.
Language Arts
NCTE 4 Use written language
● Explain what to look for when buying grain products.
to communicate effectively.
● Describe how to prepare grains for eating.
Main Idea NCTM Algebra Represent
Grains are a versatile, nutritious, and flavorful addition to meals and analyze mathematical
and an economical way to stretch a food budget. situations and structures using
algebraic symbols.
Content Vocabulary
You will find definitions for these words in the glossary at the
NSES B Develop an under-
back of this book.
standing of the structure and
■ grains ■ whole grain ■ noodles
properties of matter.
■ kernels ■ wheat ■ leavened bread
■ bran ■ rice ■ flatbread NCTE National Council of
■ endosperm ■ pasta ■ whole wheat Teachers of English
■ germ ■ macaroni ■ al dente NCTM National Council of
■ hull Teachers of Mathematics
NSES National Science
Academic Vocabulary Education Standards
You will find these words in your reading and on your tests. Use NCSS National Council for
the glossary to look up their definitions if necessary. the Social Studies
● considerable
● translucent
Graphic Organizer
Use a graphic organizer like the one below to identify and
briefly describe three common types of rice grains.
Jewel of Grains
Quinoa is a grain prized for its protein. Why do people
with wheat allergies often like Quinoa?
Orzo Linguine
(=}rd-(+)z%) Small, rice-shaped (li{-=gw#-n#) Long, narrow, flat
pasta, good for salads and pasta. Holds sauces well.
Fusilli Lasagne
(fy<-=si-l#) Corkscrew pasta. (l`-=z&n-y`) Wide, flat noodles,
Holds smooth sauces well and usually baked with sauce.
works well in salads.
Penne Fettuccine
(=pe(n)-(+)n@) Straight tube- (+fe-t`-=ch#-n#) Long, flat pasta,
shaped pasta cut diagonally on wider than linguine. Holds sauces
the ends. Works well with most well.
sauces and in baked dishes.
Conchiglie Spaghetti
(kon-=k#l-y@) Seashell pasta. Long, thin round pasta. Angel hair
Holds sauce well. is thin spaghetti.
Cooking Rice
Rice is usually cooked by simmering.
Figure 30.4 shows how much liquid you need
to cook 1 cup of different types of grain, as
well as the cooking time and approximate
yield. You can use water or add extra flavor
to rice by cooking it in milk, juice, or broth.
Bring the liquid to a boil. Add the rice, cover,
and bring to a boil again. Then reduce the
heat so the rice simmers gently. Keep the pan
covered and stir the rice as little as possible.
Stirring scrapes off the starch and makes the
rice sticky. Brown rice needs more liquid than
white rice, and takes longer to cook.
Near the end of the cooking time, check the
Safety rice for doneness. It should be moist and ten-
der but firm, with no liquid left in the pot. If
Matters any liquid remains, remove the lid and con-
To Rinse or Not to Rinse tinue cooking until the liquid is absorbed or
evaporates. Undercooked rice is hard and
Some cookbooks direct you to rinse rice. Others
state rice should not be rinsed. This is because gritty. Overcooked rice is soft and sticky. To
rice grown in Asia has to travel a great distance cook converted and instant rice, follow the
to get to your store. When it is packed for trans- directions on the package.
port, it sometimes is packed with talc, a fine If you plan to use cooked rice in a recipe
powder that is not edible. Even if it is not packed that needs further cooking, undercook the rice
with talc, it could pick up impurities on the way.
slightly. This prevents it from getting mushy.
Rice grown in the U.S. does not have the same
problem. Rinsing clean rice removes some of Keep rice warm by placing it in a colander
the starch and other nutrients that make rice a and setting the colander over a pan of simmer-
good food choice. Rinse any rice you have not ing water. Cover the pan to allow the steam to
used before. When you add water to rinse the warm the rice without making it sticky. You
rice, look at the water. If it stays clear, the rice can also reheat rice using this method.
does not need to be rinsed.
Refrigerate leftover rice immediately and
! What Would You Do? Bob eats a lot of
use it within a few days. You can also freeze it
rice. Because of the large discount he was able
to get, Bob purchased a 50-pound bag of rice for longer storage. To reheat rice, add 2 table-
online. It arrived in a burlap bag. Should Bob spoons of water for each cup of cooked rice,
rinse his rice before cooking? then microwave it or reheat it on top of the
Critical Thinking
7. Summarize why you think grains have been a food staple around the
world for thousands of years.
8. Explain how it is possible for Casey to eat wheat at lunch when she does
not have any bread products or pasta.
9. Describe three ways that grains can be combined with other foods to pro-
duce tasty dishes.
10. Infer the reason why Harry, who has only cooked dry pasta in the past,
cooked fresh pasta and it came out too soft and mushy.
Real-World Skills
Problem- 14. Storing Grains Paul pulled a bag of whole-grain bread from the cup-
Solving board, and used two slices to prepare a sandwich. When he ate it,
Skills however, he noticed the bread had a rancid taste. Why, and what can
he do to prevent this in the future?
Interpersonal 15. Radio Advertisement Follow your teacher’s instructions to form
and groups. Work together to write an attention-getting and informative
Collaborative radio advertisement for one type of grain. The ad should describe
Skills some of the grain’s characterisitcs, uses, and nutritional benefits in
one minute. Read your ad for the class.
Financial 16. Homemade vs. Storebought Find instructions for making your own
Literacy bread crumbs. As a homework assignment, make one cup of bread-
Skills crumbs. Bring your breadcrumbs to the foods lab and compare their
quality and cost to prepared crumbs purchased from the supermarket.
Express your analysis in a paragraph.
Academic Skills
Food Science Starting Hint Since the ratio of dry spaghetti
17. Gluten in Dough Gluten, an important to cooked spaghetti is 4 oz./2 cups, set 4⁄2 =
protein in bread making, is made from 2 x/(8 × 1½) and solve for x to find the total
proteins found in wheat, gliadin and glute- dry weight of spaghetti needed.
nin. It is formed when water and kneading
NCTM Algebra Represent and analyze mathematical situa-
are added. The amount of kneading influ- tions and structures using algebraic symbols.
ences how much gluten is developed.
Procedure Add ½ cup water gradually to English Language Arts
about 2 cups of flour, mixing as you go.
19. The Need for Grains In recent years, sev-
Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and
eral fad diets have suggested limiting grains
form into a dough ball. Separate the dough
for weight loss. Write a persuasive article
into 3 equal smaller balls. Leave the first
that counters this view. Review the informa-
alone. Knead the second for 1 minute.
tion in Chapter 11 on maintaining a healthy
Knead the third for 5 minutes. Roll out each
weight, and include specifics on the valu-
with a pin, noticing how easily it stretches
able role of grains in the diet.
or snaps back.
Analysis Which sample has the most gluten NCTE 4 Use written language to communicate effectively.
development? How might this experiment
help you to make better bread?