Essentials of Rhinology (Hitesh Verma, Alok Thakar)
Essentials of Rhinology (Hitesh Verma, Alok Thakar)
Essentials of Rhinology (Hitesh Verma, Alok Thakar)
Hitesh Verma
Alok Thakar
Essentials of Rhinology
Hitesh Verma • Alok Thakar
Essentials of Rhinology
Hitesh Verma Alok Thakar
Department of Otorhinolaryngology Department of Otorhinolaryngology
All India Institute of Medical Sciences All India Institute of Medical Science
New Delhi New Delhi
India India
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature
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Rhinology has been perhaps the most rapidly involving subspecialty in oto-
rhinolaryngology over the last few decades. Essentials of Rhinology is an
up-to-date and excellently illustrated text on the subject which captures the
essence of contemporary rhinology. As a multi-author book, led by the team
of Dr. Hitesh Verma and Dr. Alok Thakar at AIIMS New Delhi, it brings
together the experience of many recognized pioneers and experts from the
Indian subcontinent.
The book expands its scope beyond the conventional by including sections
on rhinological instruments, biofilms, packing materials, surgical cavity man-
agement, open transcranial skull base surgery, and a detailed description of
complications and their management. Authors from allied specialties have
contributed to sections on diagnostic microbiology, intervention radiology,
and nuclear medicine in sino-nasal diseases. Controversies are covered in a
comprehensive and balanced manner.
My congratulations to the editors in compiling this excellent textbook on
the subject. It serves both as a textbook on fundamental aspects of the subject
and as a reference guide for the recent advancements in the field.
Naresh Panda
Department of Otolaryngology
Chandigarh, India
x Contents
List of Contributors
xiv List of Contributors
1.1 Part A: Anatomy of Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses 2
1.1.1 Ethmoid Cells 4
1.1.2 Frontal Sinus 6
1.1.3 Maxillary Sinus 6
1.1.4 Anterior Ethmoid Artery 6
1.1.5 Sphenopalatine Artery 7
1.1.6 Cribriform Plate 7
1.1.7 Sphenoid Sinus 7
1.1.8 Optic Nerve Relationship with Paranasal Sinuses 8
1.2 Part B: Local Anesthesia and Regional Blocks in Nasal Surgery 8
1.3 Part C: General Anesthesia 13
1.3.1 Preoperative Concerns 13
1.3.2 Anesthesia Technique 14
1.3.3 Hypotensive Anesthesia 14
1.3.4 Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution 15
1.3.5 Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma with Intracranial Extension 15
1.3.6 Emergence from Anesthesia 15
1.3.7 Postoperative Concerns 15
1.3.8 Emergency Surgical Intervention 16
D. Bhoi · N. Tangirala
H. Verma (*) Anaesthesiology, Pain Medicine and Critical Care,
ENT, AIIMS, New Delhi, India AIIMS, New Delhi, India
A. Kumari
S. Manchanda ENT, Command Hospital, Kolkata,
Radiology, AIIMS, New Delhi, India West Bengal, India
S. Kumar A. Gupta
ENT, LHMC, New Delhi, India ENT, Army College of Medical Sciences,
V. Saini New Delhi, India
ENT, AIIMS, Bhatinda, Punjab, India
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 1
H. Verma, A. Thakar (eds.), Essentials of Rhinology,
2 H. Verma et al.
Fig. 1.1 NCCT PNS orbit (Coronal cuts) is showing infe- The central picture is depicting bullosa of MT (white
rior turbinate (IT), inferior meatus (IM) middle turbinate arrow) and the right side picture is showing paradoxical
(MT), middle meatus (MM), and cribriform plate (CP). MT with uncinate process attachment on middle turbinate
2. In frontal and horizontal plane it attached opening. Surgical window to reach the
with lamina papyracea. It is known as floor of the maxillary sinus in endoscopic
ground lamella. Ground lamella divides surgery, in ancient surgery like Proof
ethmoid air cells into anterior and poste- puncture and for inferior meatal antros-
rior ethmoid cells. Lamina papyracea is tomy (2 × 1 cm) is performed at genu
thin at the site of attachment so that unin- because lateral wall bone is thinnest in this
tentional pooling of turbinate can leads to area. The middle meatus is the space pres-
orbital fat prolapse. ent lateral to the middle turbinate. It con-
3. Normally middle turbinate is concave on tains the uncinate process, hiatus
the middle meatus side. Paradoxical turbi- semilunaris, bulla ethmoidalis, and eth-
nate is the convex presentation of middle moid infundibulum (Fig. 1.2). Anterior
turbinate which reduces the volume of ethmoid air cells, maxillary, and frontal
middle meatus (Fig. 1.1). Minimum sinuses drains into middle meatus. Middle
inflammation in the middle meatus can turbinate along with its contents is known
affect the drainage of anterior sinuses as osteomeatal complex (Fig. 1.2).
significantly. Superior meatus is the smallest meatus.
Meatus is the part of the nasal cavity It is located between the middle and supe-
which is present deep and lateral to the tur- rior turbinate and posterior ethmoid cells
binate. Sphenoethmoidal recess and lies within it. Sphenoethmoid recess is the
supreme meatus are present medial to space above and behind the superior
superior turbinate (Fig. 1.7). Inferior meatus. Posterior ethmoid cells and sphe-
meatus is the largest and it is present along noid sinus drains into it.
the entire length of the inferior turbinate. C. Uncinate Process
Nasolacrimal duct opening locates at ante- It is a boomerang shape of two-dimensional
rior third and posterior two-third junction structure. It attaches laterally with the lacrimal
of the inferior turbinate. Genu is the part of bone and inferiorly with the inferior turbinate.
inferior meatus which locates just below Superiorly, the uncinate process has three dif-
and posterior to the nasolacrimal duct ferent kinds of attachments. In 70–80% cases,
4 H. Verma et al.
it attaches with the lamina papyracea and responsible for the upper attacment of the
allows the drainage of the frontal sinus into the uncinate process. Hiatus semilunaris inferior is
middle meatus. Recess terminalis is the blind the space between the free posterior edge of
sac formed by the attachment of the uncinate the uncinate process and bulla ethmoidalis
process with the lamina papyracea. Skull base (Fig. 1.2). It allows the drainage of the eth-
and middle turbinate are two other attachments moid infundibulum into the middle meatus.
and it allows the drainage of the frontal sinus D. Ethmoid Infundibulum
into ethmoid infundibulum (Fig. 1.1). The It is a three dimensional space. It is bounded
presence of the frontoethmoidal cells may be anteriorly by the uncinate process, posteriorly
by the bulla ethmoidalis, medially by the unci-
nate process medial surface (Fig. 1.2). It com-
municates with middle meatus via hiatus
semilunaris inferior. Superiorly, it is either end
as recess terminalis or it continues with frontal
recess, when the uncinate process attaches
with the middle turbinate and the skull base.
Type 1
Type 3
Fig. 1.3 The NCCT PNS orbit (sagittal cut) is depicting type 1 Frontoethmoidal air cells. The coronal cut is depicting
type 3 frontoethmoidal cell
1 Endoscopic Anatomy and Surgery 5
1.1.2 Frontal Sinus rior accessory maxillary sinus ostium are found
at membranous fontanelle. they are visible on
Frontal sinus dimensions are 24 × 20 × 12 mm with endoscopic examination. Accessory ostium is
a volume of 6–7 ml. It develops from the embryonic round and it is present in up to 43% of cases. The
infundibulum at frontal recess superior part during lining epithelium is the pseudo stratified ciliated
the 16th week of intrauterine life. The frontal columnar epithelium and it is known as
sinuses are absent at birth and reach their full size Schneiderian membrane.
by the end of puberty. The anterior edge of the fron-
tal sinus ostia is formed by the frontal beak and the
posterior edge by the skull base. Ostia is the narrow- 1.1.4 Anterior Ethmoid Artery
est part of the frontal outflow tract. Frontal sinus is
an asymmetrically paired sinus with scalloping It is the largest branch of the ophthalmic artery. It
margins which may loss in the frontal sinus chronic runs in the orbit between the superior oblique and
diseases e.g mucocele. The anterior wall is thicker medial rectus muscles. It enters into the nasal
than the posterior wall (Fig. 1.4). cavity via the anterior ethmoid foramen and runs
in the ethmoid roof 1–2 mm behind the anterior
end of bulla ethmoidalis. The anterior ethmoid
1.1.3 Maxillary Sinus foramen is present 24 mm deep to anterior lacri-
mal crest. Anterior ethmoid artery runs out of
Maxillary sinus is also known as the antrum of fovea ethmoidalis in the nasal cavity in 8–10% of
Highmore. It is pyramidal in shape. It is the larg- cases. The radiological sign for the nasal cavity
est paranasal sinus with a volume of approxi- entry point is visible in the form of a point
mately 10 ml. Maxillary sinus ostium is lying (Kennedy nipple) the radiological features for
high in the medial wall which opens into the eth- intranasal course of anterior ethmoid artery are
moid infundibulum (Fig. 1.2). Maxillary sinus Keros 3 cribriform plate, presence of supraorbital
ostium is 2–3 mm oval structure. It is not visible cell or wide antero-posterior width of frontal
on routine nasal endoscopy as the ostium is cov- recess and more than 2 cm length of cribriform
ered by the uncinate process. Anterior and poste- plate (Fig. 1.5).
a b Frontal
Fig. 1.5 (a) NCCT PNS orbit is showing bilateral soft tis- operative endoscopic picture is showing the intranasal
sue density in the nose and paranasal sinus. Anterior eth- anterior ethmoid artery
moid artery enter site is depicted by the arrow. (b) Post
1 Endoscopic Anatomy and Surgery 7
1.1.5 Sphenopalatine Artery injury to the cribriform plate is less but the
height if the skull base is less so that the risk of
It is the largest terminal branch of third part of injury is more in fovea ethmoidalis (bone of
maxillary artery and it supplies a major part of skull base over ethmoid air cells). Type 2 is
the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. It origi- when the depth of olfactory fossa varies from 4
nates within the pterygopalatine fossa region and to 7 mm. It is the most common keros type.
it enters into the nose via the sphenopalatine Type 3 is when the depth of olfactory fossa is
foramen. Foramen lies just deep to the posterior- more than 8 mm and it is least common. Type 3
most attachment of middle turbinate. The pres- is more associated with skull base injury at the
ence of the anterior bony crest in the middle cribriform plate area. The thickness of the verti-
meatus close to posterior end of middle turbinate cal lamina is 0.2 mm. The thickness reduces
is the landmark for endoscopic surgery (see with increasing height of vertical lamina [3].
Chap. 9). The thickness is 0.05 mm at the entry point of
the anterior ethmoid artery. It is the weakest part
of the vertical lamina [4].
1.1.6 Cribriform Plate
Sphenoid sinus
Fig. 1.7 CT angiography is depicting the relationship of internal carotid artery with sphenoid sinus. The right picture is show-
ing relationship of the internal carotid artery and optic nerve and the optic canal is dehiscent on both sides
uncinate IT
Fig. 1.10 Both figures are representing the site of local rior turbinate (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate
infiltration for the anterior ethmoid and the sphenopala- Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
tine neurovascular structure. MT middle turbinate, IT infe-
2 cm from the midline in adults. Series of bral fold and the eyebrow. The needle is
injections from central to medial brow block directed forward and medially till it reaches
frontal nerve branches. After the injection, the bony roof of the orbit. At a depth of
firm pressure is applied for better anesthetic 1.5–2 cm, the needle is at the level of the ante-
spread and prevention of ecchymosis. rior ethmoidal foramen. 1–2 ml of local anes-
B. Infraorbital Nerve Block thetic solution is infiltrated (Fig. 1.12).
It can be blocked by two routes: Extraoral and D. Greater Palatine Nerve Block
intraoral Greater palatine nerve supplies the lower part
1. Extraoral route: A longitudinal line is
of the septum and floor of the nasal cavity.
drawn along the pupil, another horizontal Greater palatine foreman is located 1 cm
line along the ala of the nose. At the point medial to second/third molar or 1.4–1.5 cm
of intersection, the needle is advanced in lateral to the maxillary suture line. The needle
lateral-to-medial direction, as the foramen is inserted 0.5–1 cm and 1 cc of local anes-
is directed medially and caudally. thetic is applied (Fig. 1.13).
2. Intraoral approach:-The needle is inserted E. Sphenopalatine Nerve Block
into the canine fossa and the finger is kept Two approaches are recommended: Intraoral
over the infraorbital foramen to assess the and intranasal approach.
proper location of the needle tip. 1–3 mL 1. Intraoral approach: Palpate the greater pal-
of local anesthetic is injected after negative atine foramen intraorally just medial to the
aspiration (Fig. 1.11). second/third molar 5–7 mm anterior to the
C. Nasociliary Nerve (Anterior Ethmoid posterior margin of the hard palate. A nee-
Nerve) Block dle bent 45° and advanced 2 cm in greater
It is blocked at the anterior ethmoidal foramen. palatine foreman and 1–2 ml injected.
A 26 G needle was inserted 1–1.5 cm above 2. Intranasal approach: The nerve is blocked
the medial canthus halfway between the palpe- by injecting anesthetic solution near the
12 H. Verma et al.
Fig. 1.11 Intraoral approach for infraorbital nerve block (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS,
New Delhi, India)
outflow, thereby helps to induce controlled hypo- (ICP). The extensiveness of the surgery with
tension. It also decreases the requirement of massive blood loss, postoperative mechanical
anesthetic agent. Nitroglycerine and sodium ventilation with intensive care unit (ICU) stay
nitroprusside infusion, by vasodilatation reduce should be explained in informed consent.
the peripheral vascular resistance. Beta-blockers
like esmolol, labetalol, or metoprolol, and cal-
cium channel blockers also help to maintain 1.3.6 Emergence from Anesthesia
hypotension. Magnesium sulfate infusion also
helps to induce hypotension and helps to reduce Smooth recovery of anesthesia is warranted to
blood loss, however, it might prolong the anes- prevent any straining and bleeding. The throat
thesia emergence time [14]. pack is removed after suctioning of the oral cavity
and it is better to do under either direct laryngo-
scope or video laryngoscope. Postnasal space
1.3.4 Acute Normovolemic should be carefully evaluated to remove any blood
Hemodilution clots. Administration of esmolol or lignocaine
prevents extubation response. Decompression of
It can be used as a technique for blood conserva- the stomach with an orogastric tube should be
tion strategies. After induction of anesthesia, performed prior to extubation to remove the blood
blood is withdrawn upto a limit of 7 g% hemo- clots, which is a predisposing factor for postop-
globin, and subsequently, crystalloids and col- erative nausea and vomiting. In cases with mas-
loids are infused to maintain the blood volume. sive blood loss or high-grade JNA with intracranial
Intraoperative red blood cell salvage is not done extension, patients are kept intubated and mechan-
as there is chance of contamination by nasal flora. ically ventilated to avoid any rise of ICP by hyper-
Blood loss is carefully estimated by counting the carbia. Dexamethasone is administered 0.1 mg/kg
number of gauze pieces used and from the suc- to decrease airway edema by surgical trauma.
tion bottle. End tidal CO2 is maintained to pre- Extubation should be done in controlled environ-
vent any hypercarbia or hypocapnia. ment with adequate hemostasis, stable coagula-
Normothermia is maintained for the proper func- tion status, and hemodynamics [16].
tioning of platelets and coagulation factors.
surgical trauma as well as nasal packing. Oral tion by restoring physiologic sinus ventilation
acetaminophen and an NSAID/cyclo-and drainage. A proper diagnosis of the condition
oxygenase 2 inhibitor usually provide safe and by thorough history, clinical examination,
effective analgesia. Encourage the patient to Endoscopy, imaging is necessary. Correct knowl-
breathe through the mouth due to the presence edge of the endoscopic anatomy, its variations,
of nasal packing. The patient should have and steps of surgery aids in the successful out-
counseled in the preoperative visit. come of the surgery. With advances in better
understanding of disease and the introduction of
newer antibiotics along with better endoscopes,
1.3.8 Emergency Surgical the treatment of CRS has greatly revolutionized.
Intervention Among the various options available for surgery
it may range from Mini FESS, i.e., middle meatal
Sometimes there is postoperative orbital hema- antrostomy and anterior ethmoidectomy to full
toma or might be progressive deterioration of FESS with the opening of frontal, sphenoid, and
vision warranting a relook for hemostasis. In complete ethmoidectomy. More recent advances
such situation airway is secured by rapid sequence have come like balloon sinus dilatation to the use
intubation with anticipation of blood in the oral of high-powered drills and computer navigation
cavity and difficult mask ventilation. The wide system. The use of the appropriate surgical tech-
bored suction catheter should be kept ready dur- nique will depend on proper evaluation of dis-
ing securing of airway. Invasive monitoring is ease, its extent, and the expertise available. Here
continued in the perioperative period. Arterial in this chapter, we would briefly discuss the steps
blood gas analysis should be done to know the of FESS, with emphasis on various techniques,
current hematocrit, lactate levels, and electro- complications, and recent advances.
lytes. Sometimes patients with JNA present with
epistaxis in the causality, which might be resis-
tant to traditional compression or vasoconstrictor 1.4.1 Diagnostic Endoscopy
drops. Such cases need emergency embolization
and subsequent diagnostic procedures, so that A careful diagnostic endoscopy is the key for
excision can be planned. In such cases with epi- successful diagnosis and planning for surgery. It
staxis, the airway is secured by rapid sequence is of two types anterior to posterior
induction followed by intubation with cuffed (Messerklinger technique) and posterior to ante-
endotracheal tube. rior (Wigand technique). In anterior to posterior,
it consists of three passes. In first Pass, The 0°
endoscope (or 30° endoscope) passes along the
1.4 Part D: FESS floor of the nasal cavity between the inferior tur-
binate and septum. The structures studied are
Chronic rhinosinusitis is defined as inflammation nasal septum, inferior turbinate and inferior
of the nose and paranasal sinuses which gener- meatus, nasal cavity anterior and inferior to the
ally lasts for more than 3 months. It is character- middle turbinate, posterior choana, posterior wall
ized by two or more symptoms, one of which is and roof of the nasopharynx, eustachian tube,
either nasal discharge or blockage/obstruction/ fossa of Rosenmueller, and nasolacrimal duct. In
congestion along with the presence or absence of second Pass, The scope passes medial to the mid-
either facial pain or reduction of the sense of dle turbinate. Structures studied are the space
smell. Treatment of CRS mostly involves medi- medial to middle turbinate, anterior face of sphe-
cal therapy with surgery reserved for those cases noid sinus, sphenoid ostium, superior turbinate
where symptoms persist in spite of adequate and meatus, sphenoethmoidal recess. In third
medical therapy. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Pass, it is done to examine the contents of the
Surgery (FESS) aims to restore mucociliary func- middle meatus (Fig. 1.14). The scope is gently
1 Endoscopic Anatomy and Surgery 17
Fig. 1.14 Diagnostic nasal endoscopy is showing right is visible after removal of polyps (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh
polypoidal uncinate process with polyp in middle meatus Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
passed into the middle meatus, the adjacent lat- 1. Traditional Method/Anterior to Posterior
eral nasal wall. The structures studied are middle It was first described by Messerklinger. It
turbinate, uncinate process, ethmoid bulla, starts with identification of the anterior attach-
ground lamella, and any variations or pathologi- ment of the uncinate. It is first incised off the
cal process [17]. Wigand approach (posterior to lateral wall using sickle knife/freer’s elevator,
anterior) is the diagnostic technique in revision then incision is extended to release it from its
surgery. It starts from choana then the identifica- anterior attachment to the lacrimal bone
tion of sphenoid ostia and follows skull base in (Fig. 1.15). It can be dangerous by injuring to
retrograde fashion. lamina papyracea resulting in prolapse of
orbital fat. To overcome complications of
orbital injury in lateralized/contracted UP in
1.4.2 FESS Techniques and Steps traditional method and NLD injury in swing
door approach, two more approaches are
The classification of ESS based on the extent of futher introduced.
surgery (Japanese Rhinologic Society, 2013) (a) Uncinectomy Through the Anterior Nasal
• Type I removal of the ostiomeatal complex; Anterior fontanelle is membranous struc-
• Type II single-sinus procedure ture located between the lower and mid-
• Type III polysinus procedure dle concha. It separates the maxillary
• Type IV pansinus procedure sinus and the nasal cavity only by the
• Type V the extended procedure beyond the mucosa. This approach allows complica-
sinus wall tion free maxillary sinus exposure in
selected cases.
Uncinectomy is the first step in FESS. The (b) Uncinectomy Through Posterior Fontanelle
technique of doing uncinectomy by various The posterior fontanelle is located between
methods depends on surgeons' training and per- the tails of the middle and inferior turbi-
sonal preference [18]. nate, behind the hiatus semilunaris, and
18 H. Verma et al.
Fig. 1.15 Freer’s elevator is used for antero-posterior uncinectomy. Ethmoid infundibulum is opened and fungal muck
is visible through maxillary sinus ostia (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
under the ethmoid bulla. It is mainly com- Maxillary sinusotomy is of four types
posed of soft tissue as a part of the medial (Fig. 1.17):
wall of the maxillary sinus. It is identified,
as an iatrogenic opening. The wide antros- 1. Infundibulotomy (uncinectomy): Removal of
tomy is performed by combining uncinec- the uncinate process, preserving the mucosa
tomy and removal of medilal wall of of the natural maxillary ostium. The superior
maxillary sinus. attachment of the uncinate can be left intact.
2 . Swing Door Technique (retrograde 2. Type I—Enlarging the natural maxillary
uncinectomy) ostium posteriorly by less than 1 cm.
Retrograde uncinectomy is initiated by identi- 3. Type II—Antrostomy is opened 2 cm posteri-
fying the posterior edge of uncinate process orly and inferiorly.
(Fig. 1.16). The retrograde uncinate window is 4. Type III—Antrostomy is opened up to the
made with small backbiting forceps. The unci- posterior wall of maxillary antrum. anteriorly
nate process is removed inferiorly. The unci- to the lacrimal sac, and inferiorly to the base
nate is swung forward using the ball probe and of the inferior turbinate.
then removed with blakesley forceps. The
advantage is less risk of injury to orbit but it The natural ostium of bulla ethmoidalis lies
can damage nasolacrimal duct when it runs in postero-medial to the anterior face. It can be
the free medial wall of the maxilla. located using ball probe or curette. Anterior eth-
moidectomy is initiated at antero-inferior part
Middle meatal antrostomy is performed by the of bulla to avoid orbital and anterior ethmoid
identification of maxillary sinus ostium, at the artery injury [20]. Bullectomy can be done by
same level of inferior edge of the middle turbi- placing J curette in retrobullar recess followed
nate. The opening is widened posteriorly and by anterior fracture of bulla (Fig. 1.18). Anterior
inferiorly by removing mucosa [19]. If accessory ethmoid artery generally runs intracranially but
ostia have previously been identified, surgical in 10% of cases, it can be found in suprabullar
window and accessory ostium should be inter- recess so one has to be careful using micro-
connected to avoid a subsequent recirculation debrider to avoid injury to artery (Fig. 1.5). The
phenomenon. anterior ethmoid artery is 1–2 mm posterior to
1 Endoscopic Anatomy and Surgery 19
a b
c d
Fig. 1.16 (a) and (b) is showing site of lower cut in pos- needed. (d) is showing uncinate flap generated after both
terior to anterior technique. (c) is showing site of upper cuts (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor,
cut which can be vary in the relationship of exposure AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
the superior limit of the anterior wall of the The preservation of vertical sagittal and hori-
bulla ethmoidalis. The distance between the zontal lateral attachment is required to maintain
artery and the middle turbinate axilla is the stability of middle turbinate. Few situations
17–20 mm. Mini-ESS is performed by uncinec- where partial or total resection of the middle
tomy and opening of the bulla with preservation turbinate is necessary are
of 3 or 4 mm of the anterior and inferior edge of
the bulla. If a posterior ethmoidectomy is • Concha Bullosa
required. Complete anterior ethmoidectomy • Polypoidal middle turbinate
should be done. • Lateralized Atrophic Middle Turbinate
For post ethmoidectomy, ground lamella is • Lateral displacement of the middle turbinate
perforated in infero-medial quadrant (Fig. 1.19). with narrowing of the frontal recess to create
It minimizes the risk of injury to the skull base or the wide exposure in extended endoscopic
lamina papyracea. appraoches
20 H. Verma et al.
a b
Type 1
c d
Type 2
Fig. 1.17 (a) is representing view after complete unci- the maxillary sinus after type 3 enlargement (Courtesy—
nectomy. (b) is showing visibility of maxillary sinus after Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New
type 1 enlargement. Figure (d) is showing inside view of Delhi, India)
The detail study of preopertive radiology refactory anterior ethmoid disease. Inferior
helps in mapping the anatomy of posterior eth- uncinectomy and anterior ethmoidectomy is
moid sinus, presence of Onodi cell, and course of performed to clear the frontal recess.
optic nerve. Clearance of disease in the ostiomeatal com-
Surgery of Frontal Sinus—Three distinct phi- plex allows resolution of disease in the fron-
losophies for surgical management of chronic tal sinus and frontal recess.
rhinosinusitis affecting the frontal sinus and fron- 2. Frontal sinusitis is formed due to frontal
tal recess is proposed by P J Wormald [21]. recess involvement. Complete uncinectomy,
anterior ethmoidectomy with removal of agar
1. Minimal Invasive Sinus Technique (MIST)— nasi and frontoethmoid cells is performed to
Frontal sinusitis is developed secondary to clear the outflow tract of frontal sinus.
1 Endoscopic Anatomy and Surgery 21
a b
Fig. 1.18 The instrument is indicating site of entry in bulla ethmoidalis. J curette is placed in retrobullar recess for
postero-anterior bullectomy (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
The sphenoid sinus can be accessed by landmarks. The location of these instruments is
medial route (medila to middle turbinate) and tracked by the machine with fitted navigation
lateral route (lateral to middle turbinate) after probe. The machine displayed images in all
ethmoidectomy transethmoid approach. In planes corresponding to the pateints anatomy
intermediate approach, the lower half of supe- prepared from prefeeded radiology (CT and/or
rior turbinate is removed to get access in the MRI) in the system. The Indications are
sinus. The sinus ostium is lies half the distance
between the superior and inferior border on the 1 . Revision sinus surgery
anterior wall of the sphenoid. Sinus ostium is 2. Distorted surgical anatomy
gently widened in infero-medial direction in 3. Extensive nasal polyposis
the intial step of widening to examine the 4. Pathology involving the skull base
spehnoid sinus lateral wall structures and to
prevent inadvertent injury to perisinus struc-
tures. Posterior nasal branch of sphenopalatine 1.4.3 NASAL POLYP and FESS
artery may injure during inferior widening
which can be prevented by pushing mucosa • Functional endoscopic sinus suergery (FESS)
inferiorly before removing the bony wall. is indicated for complicated sinusitis and
Caution to be taken for the posterior attachment chronic sinusitis with or without nasal polypo-
of intersphenoid septa and accessory septa. sis, failed maximum medical management.
Natural dehiscence of the optic nerve and inter- FESS aims to improve sinus ventilation and
nal carotid artery is always keep in mind while drainage as well as removing polyps. The
removing disease and violating septas. Onodi extent of surgery varies with the extent of dis-
cell is the posterior extension of posterior eth- ease, the surgeon’s individual practice, and
moid cells over the sphenoid sinus and the optic available technology.
nerve may be seen in its lateral wall [23]. Onodi
cell is present above the imaginory line passes
from the roof of maxillary sinus. 1.4.4 AFRS and FESS
Fig. 1.24 Polyvinyl
acetate nasal pack
1. Stemmberger H, Kennedy DW. Paranasal sinuses:
anatomic terminology and nomenclature. Ann Otol
Rhinol Laryngol. 1995;104:7–16.
Fig. 1.28 Rapid Rhino Sinu-Knit—a mesh-like fabric of 2. Bent JP, Cuilty-Siller C, Kuhn FA. The frontal cell
CMC as a cause of frontal sinus obstruction. Am J Rhinol.
3. Gera R, Mozzanica F, Karligkiotis A, Preti A, Bandi
Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose It promotes F, Gallo S, Schindler A, Bulgheroni C, Ottaviani F,
platelet aggregation. It is preferably used for Castelnuovo P. Lateral lamella of the cribriform plate,
hemostasis in deeper regions of the nasal cavity a keystone landmark: proposal for a novel classifica-
tion system. Rhinology. 2018;56(1):65–72.
which are difficult to access for direct vessel con- 4. Kainz J, Stammberger H. The roof of the anterior eth-
trol. It creates an acidic environment which moid; a place of least resistance in the skull base. Am
causes platelet activation and prevents bacterial J Rhinol. 1989;4:191–9.
growth. Resorption is prolonged and favors the 5. Elwany S, Yacout YM, Talaat M, EI-Nahaas M,
Gunied A. Surgical anatomy of the sphenoid sinus. J
formation of granulation tissue and adhesions. Laryngol. 1983;97:227–41.
6. Wei S, Yu-Han Z, Wei-Wei J, Hai Y. The effects of
Microporous Polysaccharide Beads These are intravenous lidocaine on wound pain and gastrointes-
derived from purified potato starch. These are tinal function recovery after laparoscopic colorectal
surgery. Int Wound J. 2020;17(2):351–62. https://doi.
available as an injectable powder consisting of org/10.1111/iwj.13279.
spheres ranging from 10 to 200 μm. Due to poros- 7. Yilmaz AH, Ziypak E, Ziypak T, Aksoy M, Adanur S,
ity it extracts the fluid from the blood and Kocakgol H, Demirdogen SO, Polat O. Comparison of
increases the local concentration of platelets and the effect of lidocaine versus a lidocaine-bupivacaine
combination in a periprostatic nerve block undergo-
coagulation factors. ing transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy: a
double-blind randomized controlled trial. Curr Urol.
Chitostan It is a hemostatic agent that is de- 2016;9(3):153–8.
acetylised polysaccharide derived from shellfish 8. McAlvin JB, Reznor G, Shankarappa SA, Stefanescu
CF, Kohane DS. Local toxicity from local anes-
chitin. It is known to possess anti-fungal and thetic polymeric microparticles. Anesth Analg.
anti-bacterial properties. It prevents adhesion for- 2013;116(4):794–803.
mation by inhibiting fibroblast growth. It is avail- 9. Moskovitz JB, Sabatino F. Regional nerve
able as aerosol and gel form. blocks of the face. Emerg Med Clin North Am.
30 H. Verma et al.
2.1 art A: External Nasal Anatomy, Aesthetics and Photography
P 31
2.1.1 Photography and Analysis 34
2.2 Part B: Open and Close Rhinoplasty and Tip Plasty 39
2.2.1 I ntroduction 39
2.2.2 Approaches 39
2.2.3 Tip Defining Procedures 40
2.2.4 Management of the Overprojecting Tip 41
2.2.5 The Under-Projected Nasal Tip 41
2.2.6 The Broad Nasal Tip 42
2.2.7 Complications 42
2.3 art C: Nasal Dorsum Correction and Material for Rhinoplasty
P 42
2.3.1 Post-Operative Management 44
2.3.2 Materials for Reconstruction in Rhinoplasty 45
References 47
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 31
H. Verma, A. Thakar (eds.), Essentials of Rhinology,
32 A. K. Kairo et al.
of middle and lateral crural of lower lateral carti- two-third part of the nose and adherent and
lage [1, 2]. External nasal soft tissue anatomy can thicker over the lower one-third part, thinnest at
be divided into parts for easy understanding, i.e. the junction of upper one-third and lower two-
skin, framework and supporting tissues (Fig. 2.1). third. Thinner skin makes underlying anatomy
Skin is separated from underlying bone and more visible thus more precision is required in
cartilage by four layer of tissue; the external most such patients. Postoperative results of the rhino-
is the superficial fatty layer follow by the fibro- plasty surgery also depend on the thickness of the
muscular layer and deep fatty layer. Periosteum/ skin. When the patient has thick skin, slight
perichondrium is the last layer that separates the imperfection can be hidden beneath the thick
skin from underlying bone/cartilage. The surgical skin whereas thinner skin can show slight uneven-
plane is created deep to the perichondrium as ness but results are not that much visible as visi-
blood supply for nasal framework runs in the deep ble in thin skin (Fig. 2.2).
fatty layer. The soft triangle is part of the nostril
apex where outer dermis is in direct contact with Support Tissues
the inner dermis without any deep tissue. Bony Overlying skin is attached to underlying bone
framework is the upper framework and it is formed and cartilage by different ligaments and other
by contribution of the nasal bone, frontal process soft tissues like fat and muscle. If ligaments are
of maxilla, and part of the frontal bone. The ante- severed during surgery, it should be mended at
rior nasal spine is a projection formed at the ante- the end of the surgery. If the surgeon forgets this
rior most part of the intermaxillary suture line. step then the stability of the dorsum will be com-
Cartilaginous framework is formed by two alar promised. Other soft tissue is subcutaneous fat,
and one septal cartilage. Septal cartilage is hooked dermo-cartilaginous ligament (ligament of
in the midline by the maxillary crest. Nasal valve Pitanguy) and muscles. Eight nasal muscles have
(10°–15°) is formed by anterior most end of the been described. Out of these, only two muscles,
inferior turbinate, alar nasi (junction of upper and procerus and nasalis, are in a position to impact
lower cartilage) and septum. In this chapter, surgi- the nasal profile.
cally relevant and concise anatomy is given along
with how to document and analyse the pre and Blood Supply
postoperative changes. Dorsum of the nose is very vascular especially in
Skin: For aesthetics, it is divided into subunits. the central part where there is rich anastomosis of
These subunits are dorsum, lateral walls, tip and bilateral blood supplies. Unlike the major part of
the alar region. Scar of any subunit should see as the face, it gets supplies from both external and
part of that subunit and should be dealt with internal carotid artery. The blood supply is from
accordingly. The thickness of the skin over the anterior ethmoids, dorsal nasal, columellar
nasal dorsum is not even and its thickness keeps branches from superior labial and dorsal nasal
changing. It is mobile and thinner in the upper artery from the angular artery. Columellar
2 Rhinoplasty Anatomy and Procedures 33
branches and dorsal nasal arteries are anastomo- cess of the maxilla (Fig. 2.3). Nasion is a mid-
sis to form arcades over the dorsum of the nose. line point over the frontonasal suture line just
These arcades get damaged by excessive removal superior to the root of the nose. Rhinion is the
of soft tissue from dorsum. anterior tip at the end of the nasal bone suture
line. Bony vault is narrowest and thickest at the
Nerve Supply intercanthal level. It requires osteotomies for
Nerve supply follows the embryological origin of correction.
the area. The major part of the dorsum is supplied
Middle one-third (Upper Cartilaginous
by first branch of the trigeminal nerve (ophthal- Vault)—Upper lateral cartilage is the main con-
mic) for sensory innervation. Some part of the tent in the middle vault. An area of tight syn-
lateral wall and the inner lining second branch of chondrosis between the bony and upper
the trigeminal nerve (mandibular). For motor cartilaginous vault along with its attachment to
innervation, the facial nerve is a supplier. Dorsal the dorsal septum is known as key stone area
nasal skin up to the tip is derived from branches (Fig. 2.3). Overlap of lower lateral cartilage
of the trigeminal nerve (from branches of the with upper lateral cartilage is known as the
supratrochlear and anterior ethmoidal nerve, scroll area (Fig. 2.3). Attachment of upper lat-
branch of the ophthalmic nerve). The infraorbital eral cartilage with the dorsal septum forms the
nerve may also contribute branches to the lateral internal nasal valve, which can be improved by
nasal walls, columella and vestibule. For endona- using spreader graft.
sal mucosa—branches come from sphenopala- 3
Lower one-third (Lower Cartilaginous
tine ganglion. Vault)—It is comprised of alar cartilage which
is divided into three parts as medial, intermedi-
Frame Work ate and lateral crural (Fig. 2.3). It is an essen-
The external nasal framework is divided into tial part of the tip and its projection. Tip
three nasal vaults [1, 2]. support is assessed by Tip recoil phenomenon.
Tardy described nasal tip support mechanisms
1 Upper one-third (Bony Vault)—It is formed by in major and minor groups
paired nasal bone and part of the frontal pro- (a) Major Tip Support
34 A. K. Kairo et al.
Sesomoid Scroll area
Alar Cartilage
maxilla tissu
Septal Cartilage
(i) Size, shape and resilience of the Anatomically middle crus is further divided into
lower lateral cartilages domel and lobular segment. Domel segment is thin,
(ii) Attachment of the medial crural foot- delicate and narrowest part of the entire alar arch.
plate to the caudal septum Convex, box and concave are the type of domel seg-
(iii) Scrolled attachment of the cephalic ment shape. Angulations, the position with other
margins of the lower lateral cartilages dome and thickness of overlying skin affect the
to the caudal margin of the upper lat- shape of the nasal tip [1]. Nasal supports are essen-
eral cartilages tial in maintaining the normal nasal airway, as
( b) Minor Tip Support excessive resection of intermediate crura for pinch-
(i) Dorsal septum ing effect leads to nasal airway obstruction.
(ii) Interdomal ligaments
(iii) Membranous septum
(iv) Anterior nasal spine 2.1.1 Photography and Analysis
(v) Attachment of the lower lateral carti-
lages to the skin–soft tissue envelope Photographs are important for pre-operative anal-
(vi) Lateral crural attachment to the pyri- ysis, documentation and for comparing postopera-
form aperture tive results. Photographs should cover the full face
(hairs to chin). Recently, computer software’s are
Nostril is divided into three types (cheek, labial available for rhinoplasty. They are useful for plan-
and tube) based on the relationship of nostril floor ning surgery, for explanation purposes and postop-
with ala base. Medial crus of further divided into erative outcome assessment (Table 2.1).
columellar and foot segment. The width of the colu-
mella is affected by the intrinsic shape of cartilage, 1. Ratios—Facial ratios can be defined to assess
amount of soft tissue and posterior caudal edge of harmony in facial features. Following are few
septal cartilage (Fig. 2.4). Asymmetric parallel, of common ratios
flare and straight symmetry are paring patterns of (a) Rule of fifths—face can be divided verti-
the medial and middle crux. Columella skin flap cally into five equal parts equal to the size
must rise in full depth to maintain the symmetry of of length from medial cantus to lateral
the medial crux at the end of the operation. cantus (Fig. 2.5).
2 Rhinoplasty Anatomy and Procedures 35
Table 2.1 Computer software’s for aesthetic assessment for rhinoplasty [3]
Computer softwares Pros Cons Online Cannot calculate different angles
Cosmetic digital image editing Software
Also on Android
Adobe Photoshop Software Proportionate measurement angular relationship Require more skills to use
Easily available
Alter image Cosmetic digital image editing software Expensive
Dental simulation also present
Mirror suite Cosmetic digital image editing software Expensive
Easy to measure distances, angles, proportions
Colour and orientation can be matched
3D version is also available
(b) Rule of thirds—face can be divided hori- mella to line between the base of the colu-
zontally into three equal parts equal to the mella to mentum in lateral view. In the
size of length from glabella to nasal tip male, it is 90o–95o and in the female
(Fig. 2.5). 95o–110o.
(c) Golden ratio—Fibonacci ratio or ‘divine (b) Nasomental angle—it is angle in between
proportion’—Consider a line is divided lines from nasal dorsum to tip and from
into two parts (A and B) where A is tip to pogonion. It is in between 120o–130o.
smaller than B. The golden ratio (ɸ) is (c) Nasofacial angle—it is in between lines
when A/B = (A + B)/A = 1.618. If nose from nasal dorsum and nasion to pogo-
width is 1 than length is 1.618. nion. It is around 30o–35o.
2 . Angles ( d) Naso-frontal angle (Fig. 2.6)—it is the
(a) Nasolabial angle (Fig. 2.6)—it is the intersection of tip nasion and glabella and
angle between a line running from colu- it is around 130o.
36 A. K. Kairo et al.
3. Nasal Tip—The points that need to be evalu- deviation of the bony and cartilaginous compo-
ated are tip rotation, projection (Fig. 2.6). nent of the nasal framework. Brow-tip aesthetic
Aesthetically, the face can divide into two line, alar shape, lobular bulbosity, nostril size and
equal half from the midline. In normal condi- shape are also evaluated in frontal view. Bifidality
tions, the width of the nasal dorsum is half of of the nasal tip is observed in this plane.
the width of intercanthal distance. The width 2. Right and left lateral view (profile view)
of the nasal ala is approximately equal to the (Figs. 2.6 and 2.7)—The assessment is done in
width of the eyebrow free medial border. relationship to the Frankfurt plane. The projec-
Nasal projection is 50–60% of nasal length tion of nasal dorsum, tip, chin with nasal length
as per the rule of 3–4–5. It is also calculated and height of radix are assessed in this plane.
by the division of line from the nasal tip from Nasal tip rotation, break and columella show
ala groove by an imaginary line from the are observed in this plane. Naso-frontal, naso-
upper lip and anterior part is around 50–60% labial angles, etc. are calculated in this plane.
in normal individual (Fig. 2.7). 3. Right and left lateral-Oblique view (three
quarter view)—Brow-tip aesthetic line and
Standard photographic views are [4] soft tissue facets are assessed in this view.
4. Base view—It is for calculation of the shape
1. Frontal view—It is for the assessment of facial of crura’s of lower cartilage, tri-angularity,
and nasal symmetry (Figs. 2.2 and 2.4). It is use- columella to lobular ratio. The shape of the
ful to assess the width, symmetry and midline nasal base is equilateral triangle ideally with
2 Rhinoplasty Anatomy and Procedures 37
a b
Nasofrontal angle
Fig. 2.6 The line diagram is representing nasolabial lateral view (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate
angle and naso-frontal angle. Naso-frontal angle is almost Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
180° with tip ptosis and less tip projection is visible in
a b
Fig. 2.8 Basal view is providing detail of nostril types, of nostril, thin cartilage and wide arch with normal colu-
shape of crura, nostril height, etc. Figure (a) is showing mella (Courtesy—Dr. David Victor Kumar Irugu,
cheek type of nostril, thick alar cartilage, narrow arch with Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi)
thick basal part of columella and (b) is showing tube type
2 meters
12 to 18 inches
lens). An interchangeable lens is recommended removed with hair retracted to improve the vis-
for photography because of flexibility with gaze ibility of the forehead and ear. Pre and post-
at focal length, focus and resolution. The focal operative photography should be performed in
length of the camera lens should be 85–105 mm the same clothes and cloth should have a bland
and the aperture in lens varies from f/9 to f/11. neck line. Solid coloured back drop preferably
Two synchronized studio flashes are placed on light blue as it is kind to all skin tones with good
either side of the camera with 45° horizontal disparity and less glare. The patient needs to sit
angle between the patient-camera axis with on the stool with a rough position of an eye
flashlight. The makeup and jewellery should be within the camera (Fig. 2.9).
2 Rhinoplasty Anatomy and Procedures 39
a b
Frontal bone
Frontal bone
Nasal bone
Nasal bone
Keystone area
Keystone area
Lateral Upper
Cartilage Lateral
Scroll area Sesomoid
Scroll area
fatty Alar Cartilage Cartilage
maxilla Fibro
Alar Cartilage
Septal Cartilage
maxilla Fibro
Septal Cartilage
Fig. 2.10 The diagram is showing the site of the intercartilaginous incision (red line). (b) is showing the placement of
the tip delivery incisions (Courtesy—Dr. Arvind Kairo, Associate Professor, ENT, AIIMS, New Delhi)
nique. A single incision is made at the position till the nasal dorsum is exposed. Medial crura
that overlies the cartilaginous part. Cephalic can be separated to expose the caudal end and
strip of cartilage with or without underlying dorsal area of the nasal septum.
skin can be removed. In this, an intercartilagi-
nous incision is made followed by retrograde
dissection over the lateral crus at the non- 2.2.3 Tip Defining Procedures
vestibular side, eversion of the lateral crus and
resection of the planned cephalic portion of Under-projected nasal tip can correct by various
the cartilage (Fig. 2.10a). techniques. The choice of approach can be sim-
2. Tip delivery is indicated when the tip is bifid, ple removal of the cephalic strip of lower lateral
cephalically rotation and over-projected. It cartilage, vertical division + / − strip excision of
delivers the alar cartilages with the underlying lower lateral cartilage, tip suturing and tip graft-
skin and mucosa as a ‘bucket handle’ [7]. The ing alone or in combination [7].
incisions are made along the caudal margin
and cephalic margin of the alar cartilage 1. Strip excision/division of cartilage: Tip is nar-
(Fig. 2.10b). The overlying soft tissue and rowed by trimming the cephalic part of lower
skin are dissected off the alar cartilage leaving lateral cartilage (Fig. 2.12). Lateral part of the
the cartilage attached to its underlying skin lower lateral cartilage is left intact to maintain
and mucosa. the integrity of the nasal valve. Cephalic edge
3. External rhinoplasty is described by Gillie and of the lower lateral cartilage can be approached
popularized by Rethi [8]. Inverted V shaped by a cartilage-splitting incision, tip delivery
incision is joined with bilateral rim incision to approach, or via the external rhinoplasty
prepare of the columella skin flap (Fig. 2.11a). approach. Approximately 10 mm of lower lat-
Incision should not disturb the underlying car- eral cartilage should be left in situ to avoid
tilage of the medial crura (Fig. 2.11b), to pre- buckling of the cartilage.
vent postoperative skin necrosis and visibility 2. Tip suturing techniques. Cephalic trimming
of scar [7]. Skin flap is elevated and dissected reduces straight of the nasal value area. Tip
2 Rhinoplasty Anatomy and Procedures 41
Fig. 2.11 Showing a b
elevation of the flap by
external rhinoplasty
approach (Courtesy—
Dr. David Victor Kumar
Irugu, Associate
Professor, AIIMS,
New Delhi)
Fig. 2.13 Left ala is lower than right ala. Cartilage piece ala before separating both ala’s. Suture needs to be passed
is placed over the left dome and in between both sides of in the same fashion with other ala and supporting cartilage
medial crura. The suture is passed from the right side of to prepare tip (Courtesy—Dr. David Victor Kumar Irugu,
right side medial ala where it was approximate with other Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi)
lage and septal cartilage grafts are generally used. may be related to scar tissue or to excessive
The disadvantages of this method are that it lower lateral cartilage excision and subse-
thickens the tip of the nose. In the lateral crural quent loss tip support.
steal technique, alar cartilages are dissected off (b) Retracted ala: This is due to excessive lower
the underlying vestibular skin in the intermediate lateral cartilage and/or vestibular skin exci-
crural area and the alar cartilages may be deliv- sion causing retraction of the alar cartilages.
ered. The lateral crura are then advanced to the (c) Alar asymmetry is caused by unequal alar
medial crura and sutured with permanent sutures. cartilage remnants.
Shield graft is useful in short columella and weak (d) Retracted columella: This may be related to
lower lateral cartilages (Fig. 2.13). either excessive resection of the caudal edge
of the septum or medial crura.
(e) Bossae: weakening and subsequent bending
2.2.6 The Broad Nasal Tip of the alar cartilage.
It is seen in thick skin people or in the abnormal These complications are often managed with
shape of alar, septal cartilages. Nasal tip can be an open rhinoplasty approach for accurate diag-
narrowed and a more triangular base be obtained nosis and it can be resolved by local grafts.
by either using a Goldman tip technique or
sutures to create a narrow tip.
2.3 art C: Nasal Dorsum
Correction and Material
2.2.7 Complications for Rhinoplasty
Patient dissatisfaction is the most common com- The external nasal scaffold extends from the root
plication of rhinoplasty [7]. This can be managed of the nose till the nasal tip is known as the nasal
by accurate pre-operative assessment, realistic dorsum. The bony nasal dorsum is formed by
expectations and better communication. nasal bone and the frontal process of the maxilla
Haemorrhage and infection are other complica- and nasal part of the frontal bone. The cartilagi-
tions. Deformities relating to the nasal tip are: nous part is formed by upper lateral cartilage.
Deformity of nasal dorsum is described as hump
(a) Pollybeak deformity: This produces loss of (over-projected), saddle (under-projected),
tip definition with supratip fullness. This twisted, C and S shaped which can involve bony
2 Rhinoplasty Anatomy and Procedures 43
appearance. External nasal splint protects the characteristics like non-immunogenic, non-
loose nasal bone fragments from external carcinogenic, no foreign body reaction, not inter-
pressure [18]. fering with healing, must match the surrounding
(c) Cold application—Post-operative pain, tissue, non-absorbable, available in adequate
edema and ecchymosis are common after quantity, easy to manipulate into the desired
surgery. This can be minimized with the cold shape, low cost. Grafts can be autologous, homol-
application as it reduces inflammation and ogous or xenologous/semi-synthetic. It can be
metabolism by induced vasoconstriction. It porous or non-porous. Porous material with pore
also increases than pain threshold and size of 10–50 μm cannot be penetrated by macro-
reduces nerve impulse but Meta-analysis phages, thus it is more prone to bacterial infec-
failed to show a statically significant tion. If the pore size is more than macrophage
difference. penetration and tissue in growth is good, there-
(d) Medications—Pain is the main post- fore less chances of infection. Materials with par-
operative complaint and it generally lasts ticle size between 20 and 60 μm have least
for a few days at a mild to a moderate level chances of shredding of particles, which can be
after rhinoplasty. It is more with a costal phagocytosed by macrophages and may lead to
cartilage graft where it can last from weeks chronic inflammatory reactions [19].
to a month. Muscle sparing technique and Autografts—They can be cartilaginous or
preservation of the inner laminar arch bony. Cartilage gives better matching with sur-
reduces the need for analgesics. Long- rounding structure as it is soft and easy to reshape.
standing local anaesthetic should be applied Cartilage is very close to the ideal graft defini-
at the donor site to block intercostals nerves. tion. It can be harvested from nasal septum, con-
Post-operative antibiotics may require till chal or costal cartilage. Small deficit is managed
the nasal pack removed. by septal and conchal cartilage graft whereas
(e) Head end elevation—It is to prevent/ large deficit is managed by costal cartilages.
decrease post-op edema. It should be done in Right side costal cartilage graft is preferred over
the initial post-operative period. left to prevent injury to pericardium and post-
(f) Donor site management for costal carti- operative misunderstanding of donor site pain
lage graft—The dead space should be oblit- from angina. The graft is generally harvested
erated completely and dressing should be in from middle (sixth–eighth) ribs and sixth costal
place for the next 3 days to prevent post- cartilage shows more similarity with nasal dor-
operative hematoma formation. X-ray chest sum in term of depth and width. Conchal and sep-
is recommended on the first post-operative tal cartilage graft harvesting is associated with no
day to look for pneumothorax. or minimal morbidity. Pain, scar, risk of pneumo-
(g) Follow up—Regular follow up should be thorax and relatively prolong surgery time with
done to ensure proper healing and post-op hospital stay are the morbidities associated with
changes. costal cartilage graft. Costal cartilage has more
(h) Photography—Post-op photography should warping and reabsorption chances than other car-
be done in similar background and angles for tilage grafts. Warping can be minimized by com-
proper post-operative comparison. plete removal of perichondrium and by delaying
the insertion of graft by 30 min. Bone on other
hand gives a hard un-natural feel in rhinoplasty
2.3.2 Materials for Reconstruction and it can be harvest from iliac crest, ribs or split
in Rhinoplasty calvarium. Moreover, it has more donor site mor-
bidity, difficult fabrication of dorsal L strut and it
There has been a long search for the ideal recon- appear as more rigid, abnormal at the reconstruc-
struction material for rhinoplasty, but it is yet to tion site. Absorption rate of split calvarium is less
be found. An ideal material should have some than iliac crest bone. Post auricular fibro-
46 A. K. Kairo et al.
connective tissue and mastoid fascia graft are of connective tissue which increases the
used to correct minute residual deformities. Soft acceptability of implant at donor site. It is
tissue graft is also useful to correct soft tissue more user-friendly material with less extru-
loss [20, 21]. sion rate but the cost is high.
Homografts—Usually not used because of • Hydroxyapatite material is resembled more
fear of transmission of slow viruses. Irradiated with human bones. Its graft form coarse,
homologous costal cartilage is used in literature highly fragile, poor moldable feature whereas
and it has no chance of virus transmission with granular form is more user-friendly with good
excellent tolerance to tissue and infection. It take-up rate.
reduces the operative time, need for auto graft • Proplast and Teflon—it produces significant
but it stability of graft is questionable. In some inflammatory reaction. It is not in use because
series, it is around 70–100%. Acellular allo- of its high collapsibility and fragmentation
genic cadaveric dermis (alloderm) is used to rate with shearing power.
augment tapered soft tissue encase but it has • Supramid is the polyamide mesh and it is not
high absorption rate [20–22]. in use because of high chances of graft
Alloplastic materials—the most accepted absorption.
indication for alloplastic material is lack of suf- • Polyethylene tetraphthalate mesh is easy mold-
ficient autograft. It is applicable at stationary ana- able and stable graft material. It is less in use
tomical areas such as nasal dorsum as extrusion due to high infection and graft failure rates.
chances high at the mobile area. Scarred, thin
scaffold with under-tension allograft has got high Commonly used terminology for grafting
chances of extrusion. materials is listed below.
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Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis
K. Davraj, Mayank Yadav, Preetam Chappity,
Prity Sharma, Mohnish Grover, Shitanshu Sharma,
Tanmaya Kataria, Kranti Bhawna, Anand Pendakur,
Gurbax Singh, David Victor Kumar Irugu,
Anoop Singh, and Nitin Gupta
3.1 Part A: Physiology of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 50
3.1.1 I ntroduction 50
3.1.2 Nasal Secretions and Mucociliary Drainage 51
3.1.3 Nasal Breathing 52
3.2 Part B: Olfactory Nerve and Olfactory Dysfunctions 54
3.2.1 natomy of Olfactory Nerve
A 54
3.2.2 Blood Supply of Olfactory Nerve 56
3.2.3 Smell Disorders 56
3.2.4 Management of Smell Disorders 56
3.2.5 Bioelectronic Nose 57
3.2.6 Applications of Bioelectronic Nose 57
3.3 Part C—Acute and Chronic Rhinosinusitis 58
3.3.1 ummary
S 58
3.3.2 Introduction 58
3.3.3 Pathophysiology 58
3.3.4 Diagnostic Work Up 59
3.3.5 Radiological Staging 60
3.3.6 Differential Diagnosis 61
3.3.7 Complications 61
3.3.8 Treatment 62
3.3.9 Surgery 62
K. Davraj
A. Pendakur
ENT, KMC, Manipal, Karnataka, India
Allergy Asthma ENT Clinic,
M. Yadav Bangalore, Karnataka, India
ENT, SHKM GMC, Nalhar, Nuh, Haryana, India
G. Singh
P. Chappity · P. Sharma ENT, GGS Medical College and Hospital,
ENT, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India Faridkot, Punjab, India
M. Grover · S. Sharma · T. Kataria D. V. K. Irugu (*) · A. Singh
ENT, SMS Medical College, ENT, AIIMS, New Delhi, India
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India e-mail:
K. Bhawna N. Gupta
ENT, AIIMS, Patna, Bihar, India ENT, GMCH, Chandigarh, India
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 49
H. Verma, A. Thakar (eds.), Essentials of Rhinology,
50 K. Davraj et al.
inspired air. It can be appreciated in children as rior vestibular part having stratified squamous
young as 3 years, would be present in a majority lining with sebaceous glands and vibrissa,
of the adults, lasts around 2–4 h, and can persist while the rest of the nasal cavity except the
even after cessation of nasal airflow. In physio- olfactory region having pseudostratified
logical conditions, nasal breathing is dependent columnar ciliated epithelium, with microvilli
vastly on the nasal cycle. The objective assess- on the surface [3]. Submucosal lamina propria
ment of nasal airway and breathing can be done contains the mucosal glands and the neuro-
by tests like acoustic rhinometry, rhinosteriome- vascular tissues which are involved in pecu-
try, and rhinomanometry. The present clinical liar autonomic and inflammatory responses of
indications for these objective tests of nasal the nasal cavity.
breathing include assessment of dynamic intrana-
sal pressure changes and the site(s) of obstruction Contents of Nasal Secretions
in obstructive sleep apnea, for choosing the Approximately 0.5–2 L of mucus is produced
appropriate patients for surgery, and for compar- every day in an individual, 95% of which is
ing the improvement in nasal breathing after sur- water, and rest of it contains peptides like glyco-
gery or medical therapy. proteins, lactoferrin, lysozyme, immunoglobu-
The nose is a physiological conduit through lins, surfactants, and antitrypsin along with
which the air is inspired and expired to the human some salts, and debris [3]. Nasal mucus consists
body, whereas the paranasal sinuses are air-filled of two layers, a continuous inner “sol” phase of
pockets in the skull, communicating with the lower viscosity surrounding the shafts of cilia;
nasal cavities. Together they are involved in and a discontinuous outer “gel” phase of higher
humidifying and warming the inspired air, filter- viscosity, which rides along the tips of the
ing the inspired air, regulation of intranasal pres- extended cilia [2, 3].
sure, increasing surface area for olfaction,
lightening the skull weight, resonance to voice, Mucociliary Drainage Pattern
and absorbing shock during trauma preventing Around 50–200 cilia per epithelial cell, each
injury to brain and orbit. Anatomical variations of measuring 5–7 μm in length and 0.2–0.3 μm in
nose and sinuses, inflammatory diseases like rhi- diameter, clear the mucus blanket of 10–15 μm
nosinusitis, systemic diseases like diabetes [1], thickness [2], by beating in a coordinated and
drugs, and trauma can all influence these physio- rhythmic manner [3]. The average basal ciliary
logical functions. Nasal cycle is characterized by beat frequency in humans is 9–15 Hz and the
alternate nasal obstruction. It is because of resultant dynamic range of mucus velocity is
changes in venous sinusoid blood volume. It lasts about 3–25 mm/min [3]. Ciliary beat to propel
for 4–12 h. The autonomic nervous system con- the mucus is coordinated and peculiarly ori-
trols the changes. ented in the nasal cavity and each sinus as
shown in Fig. 3.1. The mucociliary flow from
the anterior sinuses is drained to posterior
3.1.2 Nasal Secretions nasopharynx passing anteriorly and inferiorly
and Mucociliary Drainage to the eustachian tube orifice, and from the
posterior sinuses to the posterior nasopharynx
Nasal secretions are important to carry out most passing posteriorly and superiorly to the eusta-
of the listed functions of the nose and are pro- chian tube orifice [3].
duced by submucosal seromucous glands and
mucosal goblet cells [2]. Tests for Mucociliary Clearance Nasal Mucosal Lining Dysfunctional mucociliary clearance is central
The distribution of glands and epithelium var- pathology in hereditary conditions like cystic
ies at different regions of nasal cavity, ante- fibrosis and primary ciliary dyskinesia includ-
52 K. Davraj et al.
a b
Fig. 3.1 Diagrammatic representation of sinonasal eral wall to frontal ostium in medial aspect of floor) and
mucociliary clearance pattern. (a) Whorl pattern in the (b) Stellate pattern in maxillary sinus (from floor to max-
frontal sinus (from the medial wall through roof and lat- illary ostium located in superior part of medial wall)
For intransal dimensions For nasal airflow and For nasal mucosal For olfaction For ciliary function
and cross sectional area transuasal pressure blood flow
Chemosomatosensory– Rhinoscintigraphy
Magnetic resonance imaging Nasal spirometer
evoked potentials
(volume of airflow)
Fig. 3.2 Schematic diagram showing the objective tests for nasal functions
the lateral edge is flat. The dorsal surface is in con- Olfactory tract- it is a 28–30 mm long, thin, tri-
tact with orbital and rectus gyri (inferior surface of angular, myelinated nervous projection with
frontal lobes), with a double layer of arachnoid approximately 5 mm thickness anteriorly which
separating them. The ventral surface of olfactory narrows down posteriorly upto 2 mm thickness. It
bulb overlies posterior 1/3 of the cribriform plate originates in the anterior cranial fossa and ends in
which is also the horizontal plate of the ethmoid the middle fossa, giving rise to olfactory trigone.
bone. It is divided medially by crista galli, which is During its course, the olfactory tract passes over
a vertical bony prominence in the anterior part of the optic nerves, which in turn pass over the oculo-
ethmoid. There are two grooves on each side of motor nerves. Olfactory tract lacks Schwann cells
crista galli, which harbor olfactory tracts and are (similar to olfactory bulb). Each olfactory tract is
known as “olfactory ethmoidal canals.” Cribriform traverse posteriorly to end into olfactory trigone
plate has 18–22 foramina on each side through which is located above the anterior clinoid pro-
which the Fila olfactoria pass into the cranial cavity cess. This olfactory trigone is basically a widening
and synapse with the olfactory bulb. The micro- of the olfactory tract that eventually becomes tri-
scopic laminar structure of the olfactory bulb con- angular, it divides and gives rise to two main olfac-
sists of seven layers. The glomerular stratum, tory striata (medial and lateral) and a small central
consisting of glomeruli of dendritic projections, is Olfactory stria, these striata eventually relay to
the second layer among the 7 layers of the olfactory higher brain regions. Primary olfactory cortex,
bulb and it contains the second-order neurons anterior olfactory nucleus, olfactory tubercle,
which synapse with fila olfactoria. This is the first amygdaloid complex are the important central cor-
relay of olfactory sensory information. The most tical structures related to olfaction (Fig. 3.4).
important second-order neurons in the olfactory Hippocampus, hypothalamus, thalamus, orbito-
pathway are Mitral cells, Tufted cells, and peri- frontal cortex, cerebellum are the secondary cen-
glomerular cells. Each glomerulus and all the neu- tral olfactory structures. The axons of the three
rons synapsing in it are considered the basic olfactory striata (medial, lateral, and central) are
functional unit of odor perception. The axonal pro- distributed to central olfactory areas. The interac-
jections of the Mitral and Tufted cells form bundles tions of medial olfactory stria axons are primarily
that traverse the olfactory bulb and pass dorsally, responsible for the autonomic responses associ-
merging together to form secondary olfactory pro- ated with the sense of smell, e.g., salivation in
jection or olfactory tract. response to odor of food or increased gastric juice
8. 4.
Fig. 3.4 Schematic diagram of basal view of the brain stria, 5. Insular cortex, 6. Primary olfactory cortex, 7.
showing the ventral aspect of the frontal lobes with olfac- Medial olfactory stria, 8. Olfactory tubercle, 9.
tory centers and pathways. 1. Olfactory bulb, 2. Olfactory Amygdaloid complex, 10. Hippocampal formation, 11.
tract, 3. Anterior olfactory nucleus, 4. Lateral olfactory Entorhinal cortex
56 K. Davraj et al.
3.2.2 B
lood Supply of Olfactory Epidemiology
Nerve The prevalence increases with age and males are
more commonly affected than females. Risk fac-
The entire course of the olfactory tract and olfac- tors are increasing age, male gender, smoking,
tory bulb is supplied by the olfactory artery which stroke, epilepsy, nasal congestion, URTIs, nasal
is either a direct branch of the anterior cerebral polyps. The most common etiology for smell loss
artery or a collateral branch of the medial fronto- is aging. Other three major etiological factors for
basal artery, which in turn is a branch of the ante- smell loss are—URTIs, sinonasal disease, and
rior cerebral artery [13]. The blood supply of head trauma (Table 3.1).
olfactory nerve also includes anterior and posterior
orbital arteries also known as anterior and poste-
rior ethmoidal arteries or accessory o lfactory arter- 3.2.4 Management of Smell
ies. Other less significant arteries are Frontopolar Disorders
artery, the recurrent artery of Heubner. Investigations
1. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy—It is to exclude
3.2.3 Smell Disorders potential causes of conductive olfactory loss,
e.g., rhinitis, nasal polyps, tumors, etc.
• Hyposmia—partial loss of smell perception. 2. Radiological imaging—MRI is the investiga-
• Anosmia—complete loss of smell tion of choice if the nasal cavity is normal. It
perception. provides better soft tissue detail for intracra-
• Parosmia/Cacosmia/Troposmia—the dis- nial pathology. It can also detect reduced
torted perception of an existing odor, when a olfactory bulb volume in congenital smell loss
person perceives even pleasant odors to be or parosmia.
foul smelling, as similar to feces, burning, rot- 3. Olfactory tests—Olfactory tests are listed
ten, or chemical odor. below.
(a) UPSIT (University of Pennsylvania Smell than topical steroid therapy alone, in decreasing
Identification Test)—This forced choice polyp size and improving olfaction [14]. In nasal
standardized test uses 40 microencapsu- polyposis, surgery is reserved for cases not
lated odorants which are released on responding to optimal medical therapy and can
scratching using pencil on the standard- improve olfaction even in some of the refractory
ized odor impregnated test booklets. cases. Surgical resection of olfactory neurons
Patients are asked to identify the odor may lead to olfactory reinnervation from the
from 4 choices provided for each odor. basal stem cells, leading to recovery of smell.
Hence scoring is done out of a total score
of 40.
(b) Smell diskettes test—It is a questionnaire- 3.2.5 Bioelectronic Nose
based test with illustration.
(c) Cross-Cultural Smell Identification Test Bioelectronic nose mimics the olfactory function
(CC-SIT)—It is 12 item cross-culture of the natural nose by converting chemical sig-
smell identification test and it is relatively nals into electrical signals using novel forms of
quick than UPSIT. It is prepared with transducers. In the human nose, odorants are first
familiar odorant of different countries. recognized by olfactory receptors; nearly 400
(d) Sniffin’ sticks test—It is semi-objective different olfactory receptors binds with specific
test. Olfaction is assessed by calculating odor molecules. A key challenge for mimicking
the mean of three subfactor threshold, the olfactory system is the development of
identification, and discrimination. appropriate transducers to modify odor mole-
4 . Electrophysiologic testing of olfactory disor- cules into electrical signals. Advancements in
ders usually includes the recording of olfac- nanomaterials, such as CNTs, grapheme, and
tory event-related potentials. In response to conducting polymers, have enabled hybridiza-
odorant induced stimulation, the olfactory tion of olfactory receptors via nanoelectronics
receptor neurons oscillate and the slow nega- interface formation. The bioelectronic nose con-
tive DC voltage changes recorded from the sists of primary perception elements and second-
olfactory mucosa are termed ary transducers and amplifiers, inspired by
Electrolfactograms (EOGs) and are regarded biological chemoreceptors and nerve systems.
as compound receptor potentials of olfactory So combining biological receptors with novel
receptor neurons in the olfactory epithelium. forms of transducers, such as microelectrode
This diagnostic tool presents the final method arrays (MEAs), electrochemical and optical
to confirm anosmia, but it is more used for devices, and nanomaterial-based field effect
research purposes. transistors (FETs) effectively convert external
chemical signals into electrical signals. Optical Treatment Options transduction techniques, including fluorescence
It depends upon the etiological factors; lifestyle and calcium imaging, offer accurate and objec-
modifications are breathing exercise and regular tive cue of smells with visualized binding pat-
nasal douches, etc. Oral steroids may help in terns. Combined with electronic sensors, such
regaining of smell in idiopathic cases. Counseling optical transduction methods can improve the
is necessary in cases of parosmia and phantos- performance of the bioelectronic nose.
mia. Psychiatric or neurological treatment (e.g.,
antidepressants or antiepileptic drugs) may be
required in some patients. In cases of chronic rhi- 3.2.6 Applications
nosinusitis with nasal polyposis, the highest level of Bioelectronic Nose
of evidence exists in support of use of glucocorti-
coids. Initial oral steroid therapy followed by 1. In medical diagnosis: By detecting Volatile
topical steroid therapy seems to be more effective organic compounds (VOCs) released from the
58 K. Davraj et al.
body during infections, intoxication, meta- conservative management and cases with
bolic diseases, or cancers [15]. complications.
2. In food quality control: It is quick and accu-
rate method to detect microbial spoilage of
food materials [16]. It is also useful to monitor 3.3.2 Introduction
the maturity of fruits so that fruits can be har-
vested at the best possible time and for the Rhinosinusitis is by far the most common para-
determination of quality and identity of nasal sinus disease. As the name suggests, it is
cheese. the inflammation of the nasal and sinus mucosa.
3 . In environmental monitoring: The bioelec- Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) prevalence rates
tronic nose provides cheap, improved, and vary from 6 to 15% with a prevalence of recur-
reliable method for rapid, accurate detection rent ARS estimated at 0.035% [17] Chronic rhi-
and quantification of environmental chemical nosinusitis (CRS) represents a significant
pollutants. disease burden worldwide, affecting at least
4 . In smell visualization: It is based on the bio- 11% of the population which creates substantial
electronic nose which expects to enable anos- economic burden to healthcare systems and to
mic patients to perceive smells that have not the economy, by loss of productivity in the
been sensed before. workplace [18]. Rhinosinusitis is primarily clas-
sified based on the duration of signs and symp-
toms (Table 3.2).
3.3 art C—Acute and Chronic
P CRS is further classified into those cases with
Rhinosinusitis polyps and those without polyps based on endo-
scopic findings. A proportion of patients with
3.3.1 Summary polyps also fall into a unique subset, character-
ized by coexistent asthma and aspirin sensitivity
Rhinosinusitis is by far the most common para- known as Samter’s triad or aspirin-exacerbated
nasal sinus disease encountered by rhinologists respiratory disease (AERD) [19].
worldwide. The etiopathogenesis of acute rhi-
nosinusitis is mostly attributed to infectious eti-
ology, whereas chronic rhinosinusitis arises 3.3.3 Pathophysiology
from inflammatory processes triggered by vari-
ous agents. The diagnosis of this condition is Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) can be viral or bacte-
given by various criteria. The European position rial, with viral etiology being the most common
paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps (EPOS (>95%) [20]. Predisposing factors to ARS include
2012) defined rhinosinusitis as a diagnosis made sinus-related anatomical factors (e.g., Haller/
on clinical grounds based on the presence of
characteristic symptoms, combined with objec- Table 3.2 Rhinosinusitis is classified on the basis of
tive evidence of mucosal inflammation. duration of symptoms
Evidence-based review and EPOS 2012 have Type of
recommended against routine use of antibiotics rhinosinusitis Duration of inflammation
in rhinosinusitis. Steroid nasal sprays are the Acute Up to 4 weeks
Chronic >12 weeks
gold standard for the medical management of
Sub-acute 4–12 weeks
CRS. It decreases mucosal inflammation and
Recurrent ARS >4 episodes per year without
causes partial polyp resolution. FESS evidence of CRS
(Functional endoscopic sinus surgery) is quite Each episode lasts 7–10 days
often required for management of CRS and very Acute on CRS The inflammation never touch
occasionally in ARS, in cases not responding to baseline
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 59
1. Allergy testing—skin prick testing or IgE lev- Table 3.3 Symptoms and signs of rhinosinusitis
els (specific and total) Major symptoms/signs
2. Nasal brushings for cytology Facial pain/pressure
3. Nasal biopsy for the exclusion of neoplasia, to Facial congestion/fullness
look for granulomas/vasculitis, or to examine Nasal obstruction/blockage
Nasal discharge/purulence, discolored posterior
for evidence of eosinophilia, fungal hyphae, drainage
ciliary disorders, etc. Hyposmia/anosmia
4. Blood tests—full blood count (serum eosino- Purulence on nasal examination
philia), ANCA (Wegener’s granulomatosis), Fever (acute rhinosinusitis only)
ACE (sarcoidosis) Minor symptoms/signs
5. Olfactory testing: Psychophysical (threshold Headache
(quantitative) and discrimination/identifica- Fever (nonacute rhinosinusitis)
tion (qualitative)), Olfactory event-related Halitosis
potentials (OERPs) (objective)
Dental pain
6. Physiological testing
(a) Peak inspiratory nasal flow Ear pain/pressure/fullness
(b) Rhinomanometry
(c) Acoustic rhinometry
(d) Mucociliary clearance (saccharin test)
7. Ciliary function testing is a widely used method for documentation and
(a) Ciliary beat frequency comparison (Table 3.5).
(b) Ciliary beat pattern analysis For each sinus, score 0 means no opacifica-
(c) Electron microscopy tion, score 1 means partial and 2 means complete
opacification whereas for ostiomeatal complex,
the score is either 0 (not obstructed) or 2
3.3.5 Radiological Staging (obstructed). Each side is graded separately. A
combined score of up to 24 is possible. In case of
The common staging used for scoring of radio- an aplastic or absent frontal sinus, a score of 0 is
logical findings is Lund-Mackay score [28]. This awarded.
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 61
Fig. 3.8 Pansinusitis is completely resolved by oral steroid treatment (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate
Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 63
sinus pathologies has evolved from open approaches age pathway. It is essential to clear the outflow
to endoscopic approaches in the past few decades. tract in case of any pathology obstructing the
The introduction of various classification systems drainage pathway without causing iatrogenic ste-
like Bent and Kuhn system, Wormald classification, nosis. Outflow tract (FSOT) is described as an
and the latest International frontal sinus anatomy hourglass. Identification of this drainage pathway
classification system for frontal cells has helped in helps in directing a surgeon to dissect in a way
the surgical management of the sinus. Surgical deci- that minimizes mucosal trauma. It appears by the
sion making with respect to the ideal approach to age of 4 years and expands in adolescence. In
the frontal sinus, can be a challenge. Hence, a thor- radiological studies, it appears by the age of
ough understanding of the available surgical tech- 8 years. It gains its maximum size by 19 years of
niques and the specific circumstances in which each age. Frontal sinus is a paired asymmetric structure
is most effective is critical. with intersinus septum that can vary in location.
Frontal recess is a three-dimensional space
(Fig. 3.9). Anteriorly, it lined by agger nasi (AN)
3.4.2 Introduction (Fig. 3.10a), frontoethmoidal cell (FEC) and the
frontal process of maxilla, frontal beak (FB), pos-
The frontal sinus is one of the most complexes of teriorly by the upward continuation of the anterior
all paranasal sinuses because of its complex drain- face of the bulla (Fig. 3.10b), laterally by lamina
papyracea (Fig. 3.10c) and medially by upper
attachment of middle turbinate (Fig. 3.10d).
FS 3.4.3 Pathophysiology
a b c d
Table 3.7 The factors related to patient, anatomy, and pathology of frontal sinus are listed in the consideration column.
The surgical plan is listed in the surgical options column
Considerations Surgical options
Patient 1. Limited disease Simple FESS with minimal manipulation
2. Compliance issues and significant comorbidities. of the frontal recess.
Asthma and aspirin sensitivity Comprehensive clearance of frontal
If recurrence see below
Anatomy Preserved landmarks, minimum previous surgery, no Draf type I procedure
complex cells
Poor landmarks, osteoneogenesis, multiple revision Draf type (modified endoscopic lothrop)
procedures, thick frontal beak, complex frontal cells
Pathology Chronic frontal sinusitis with or without polyps, No Draf type I procedure
previous surgery.
Recurrent disease, ASA with polyp, Eosinophilic mucin Draf type (modified endoscopic lothrop)
CRS, tumors, Lateral mucoceles. Recalcitrant.
Complicated frontal sinusitis with the erosion of posterior Draf type III or an osteoplastic flap
table, anterior table osteitis, lateral extending tutors approach.
Combined approach.
sinus surgery is proposed on the basis of struc- sible via a MEL alone or with the aid of an
tures removed (Table 3.8) [36]. It also incor- external trephine.
porated recent modifications in treatment 3. The junction of the anterior and posterior wall
policy. in the most lateral part of the frontal sinus may
be too narrow to admit a drill. Similarly,
The considerations for endoscopic manage- supraorbital ethmoid cells may limit lateral
ment of frontal sinus tumors are: access for tumor removal.
4. In general, tumors arising from the anterior
1. Lesions not extending beyond a sagittal plane wall of the frontal sinus are difficult to access
through the lamina papyracea are accessible endoscopically. Those arising low down may
endoscopically. Lesions extending beyond be accessible via a MEL.
this may be accessible depending on the 5. A narrow anterior-posterior dimension of the
anterior-posterior dimension of the floor of floor of the frontal sinus (<10 mm) can limit
the frontal sinus and the intercanthal endoscopic access and favor open or com-
distance. bined approaches.
2. Tumors arising from the medial quarter of the 6. Superior reach within the sinus may not be
orbital plate of the frontal sinus may be acces- possible in well-pneumatized sinuses.
66 K. Davraj et al.
(a) Chronic frontal sinusitis ment can lead to permanent sequalae and even
(b) Mucoceles lead to mortality.
(c) Tumors Due to the close proximity of sinuses to the orbit
(d) Fractures and the brain, management often warrants com-
(e) Correction of pneumatoceles bined efforts of ENT surgeons, Ophthalmologists,
and Neurosurgeons.
(a) Fracture of the bone flap, accidental intra-
cranial entry 3.5.2 Introduction
(b) Paresthesia and anesthesia on forehead
(c) Postoperative mucoceles Complications of sinusitis can be both benign
Management of frontal sinus pathologies and potentially fatal. The incidence of complica-
requires a thorough understanding of the tions has come down drastically due to the timely
anatomy of the sinus and its outflow tract. use of appropriate antibiotics. Generally, compli-
Each case of frontal sinus pathology is cations of sinusitis can be divided into three cat-
unique and so requires an individualized egories [37–39]
approach for management. Though endo-
scopic approaches form the mainstay of (a) Local (Osseous) (5–10%).
frontal sinus surgery, open approaches have (b) Orbital (60–75%).
a role as an adjuvant to the endoscopic (c) Intracranial (15–20%).
approach. (d) Other rare complications of cranial nerve
palsy and optic neuropathy.
Table 3.9 It is showing local complication list, clinical features, and management
Complications Clinical features Management
Mucocele Can present as swelling in and around the eye (ethmoid and Endoscopic clearance or external
frontal mucocele) or just some pressure symptoms or approach
orbital symptoms (sphenoid mucocele)
Pott’s puffy Frontal sinusitis with acute osteomyelitis. Subperiosteal Managed by combined
tumor pus collection in the frontal sinus leads to puffy fluctuance. neurosurgical and ENT team.
• Patient presents with fever, headache, neurological
findings, periorbital/frontal swelling, nasal congestion,
and rhinorrhea.
• May be associated with other abscess like pericranial,
periorbital, epidural, subdural, and intracranial abscess if
not managed adequately.
• Fronto- cutaneous fistula as a late complication.
• CT Scan imaging modality of choice.
Facial cellulitis These complications are local complications associated Managed by aggressive antimicrobial
and abscess with acute sinusitis especially of the ethmoids and therapy followed by surgery to clear
maxillary sinusitis. the pus and open the sinuses.
Fig. 3.12 Left side frontal mucocele. The left eyeball is pushed inferomedially and radiology is correlating with clini-
cal photograph (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
Table 3.10 It is showing the type of orbital complications, Symptomatology, and treatment
cations Symptomatology Treatment [41]
Preseptal • Eyelid edema and erythema • Immediate i.v antibiotics, warm compress, and
cellulitis • Extraocular movement intact head elevation
• Normal vision • Facilitate sinus drainage using nasal
• May have eyelid abscess decongestants, mucolytics, and saline nasal
• CT Scan: Diffuse thickness and edema of douching.
lids and conjunctiva
• Least severe, most frequent
Orbital • Post septal infection • Immediate i.v antibiotics, warm compress, and
cellulitis • Eyelid edema/erythema head elevation
• Proptosis and chemosis • Facilitate sinus drainage using nasal decongestants,
• Impaired Extra ocular movt. mucolytics, and saline nasal douching
• No discrete abscess • Surgical intervention to facilitate sinus drainage if
• Visual acuity intact symptoms worsen in 48 h.
• CT shows low attenuation adjacent to • This could be done either endoscopic or external
lamina papyracea approach
Subperi • Pus formation between periorbita and lamina • Medical and surgical management
osteal papyracea • Look for worsening of visual acuity and EOM
abscess • Displace orbital contents downward and movements
laterally • Surgical drainage by doing external
• Proptosis, chemosis, ophthalmoplegia ethmoidectomy (Lynch Operation). Remove
• Risk for residual visual sequelae lamina papyracea
• May rupture through septum and present in • Endoscopic approach for medially placed
eyelids abscesses
• CT Scan: Rim enhancing hypodensity with • Transcaruncular approach
mass effect adjacent to lamina papyracea (transconjunctival incision extend medially around
lacrimal carbuncle)
Orbital • Pus formation within orbital tissues • Drain sinuses and abscess
abscess • Severe exophthalmos and chemosis • Incise periorbita and drain the intraconal abscess
• Ophthalmoplegia • Similar approaches as with subperiosteal
• Visual impairment • Abscess (Lynch incision, Endoscopic for medial
• Risk for irreversible blindness extent)
• Can spontaneously drain through eyelid
Cavernous • Orbital pain • Condition is very serious and warrants immediate
sinus • Proptosis and chemosis attention
thrombosis • Ophthalmoplegia • I.V Antibiotics which cross blood-brain barrier in
• Symptoms in contralateral eye high doses
• Associated with sepsis and meningismus • Surgical drainage of sinuses
• Radiology: Poor venous enhancement on • Mortality can be as high as 30%
CT. Better visualized on MRI • Anticoagulant use to stop further propagation of
clot is controversial.
Fig. 3.16 Left cavernous sinus thrombosis (chemosis with dilated fixed pupil and restriction of extraocular move-
ments) (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 71
Table 3.11 It is showing the type of intracranial complications, clinical features, and management
complications Symptomatology Treatment
Meningitis • Most intracranial common complication • Initially treated with antibiotics that
• Headache penetrates blood-brain barrier
• Meningismus • Followed by surgical drainage of the
• Fever sinus
• Cranial nerve palsies
• Kernig’s and Brudzinski sign (neck rigidity)
• Usually due to involvement of sphenoid and
ethmoid sinus
Epidural • Second most common complication • Good antibiotic coverage for long
abscess • Fever, headache, nausea and vomiting, duration (may range for 4–6 weeks)
papilledema, hemiparesis, seizures • Neurosurgical intervention for drainage
• Usual sinus involved: Frontal of abscess
• CT: Crescent hypodensity • Followed by ENT intervention of frontal
sinus drainage (trephine, cranialization)
or drainage of other involved sinuses.
Subdural • Third most common complication. Condition of • Aggressive medical therapy
Abscess the patient deteriorates very rapidly leading to • Antibiotics
high mortality rates of residual neurological • Anticonvulsants
sequeal. • Hyperventilation, mannitol, steroids
• Headaches • Drain sinuses and abscess
• Fever • Medical therapy possible if <1.5 cm
• Nausea, vomiting • Craniotomy or stereotactic burr hole
• Hemiparesis • Endoscopic or external sinus drainage
• Lethargy, coma
Intracerebral • Least common complication • Aggressive medical therapy
abscess • Generally due to frontal sinus involvement • Antibiotics
followed by ethmoid and sphenoid sinus • Anticonvulsants
• Headache • Hyperventilation, mannitol, Steroids
• Altered sensorium • Drain sinuses and abscess
• Focal neurological deficit • Medical therapy possible if abscess
• Fever <2.5 cm
• Seizure, meningismus, papilledema • Excision or aspiration
• 60% chance of neurological sequeal and high • Diagnostic aspiration if <2.5 cm or
mortality (20–30%) cerebritis
• Stereotactic-guided aspiration
• Endoscopic or external sinus drainage
Venous Sinus • Retrograde thrombophlebitis from the frontal • Antibiotics, steroids, anticonvulsants
thrombosis sinus may lead to thrombosis of the superior • Anticoagulation
sagittal sinus. • Drain source of infection the sinuses
• Can be associated with other intracranial
• MRI: Decreased cavernous carotid artery flow
• Mortality rate is high
may act as triggers to produce the symptoms. obstruction. Polyps can cause unilateral and
Similar symptoms may be produced in some bilateral obstruction. Sometimes they are con-
cases due to other systemic drugs like some comitantly present with AR. Ethmoid polyps are
antihypertensive and hormonal medication. commonly associated with AR. A foreign body
The absence of supportive information on and a tumor are other causes of unilateral obstruc-
nasal cytology and SPT for allergy will help tion. Bilateral obstruction may be due to Rhinitis
the diagnosis. Very rarely though, VMR may Medicamentosa, which results due to the misuse
be present concomitantly with AR when it is of locally applied alpha-adrenergic drugs. History
quite a challenge for the patient and to the of obstruction in elderly patients must make the
doctor treating the case. Cerebrospinal fluid clinician to suspect atrophic rhinitis. Examination
(CSF) rhinorrhea is a rare condition that can will reveal atrophic changes of the turbinates
be mistaken for the rhinorrhea of AR. History with crusts. These days it is not uncommon to
of trauma and injury to the skull must make encounter atrophic rhinitis among youngsters
a clinician to suspect CSF rhinorrhea. Do also, especially after surgical procedures in the
consider a congenital defect as a point of dif- nose.
ferential diagnosis in a very young child for Pruritus in AR is a common symptom. Itching
CSF rhinorrhea. of the eyes and in inner canthi with increased
III. Nasal obstruction is the third major com- tears, itching in the nose and sometimes in the
plaint in AR. A Large number of patients ears may be present. Itching of the palate is not
find it difficult to cope up with this com- uncommon and can be intense. It can be so
plaint when its severity is moderate or more intense in some patients that they try to scratch
than moderate degree. Children find it very the palatal region with a spoon attempting to
difficult to cope up with the nasal obstruc- obtain relief of itching.
tion. It is due to the swollen mucosa, which Nasal intonation is another associated symp-
is the result of the late phase of allergic tom commonly present when the obstruction is
inflammation. There is a play of chemical profound either because of allergic inflamma-
mediators during the late phase. In addition tion or when complicated by the presence of
to Histamine which is a pleiotropic media- polyps.
tor, cysteinyl leukotrienes, prostaglandins
and Kinins are the other mediators that
cause the late phase. Obstruction is usually 3.6.3 C
ascading Inflammation of AR
unilateral and shifts from one side of the Causing Complications
nose to the other every 4–6 h depending on and Comorbidities
the secretory activity of the nose. In some
cases, the obstruction can become bilateral It is quite common in many cases for AR to be
and almost complete when the sufferer will concomitant with conjunctivitis. Eyes are
be in a miserable condition. If there is a mar- exposed to the airborne allergens as much as the
ginally deflected septum also, the obstruc- nose is. Anatomically the nose is better protected
tion could be more on that side of the nose. than the eyes. From another point of view, eyes
Complete nasal obstruction results in the have their lids to close and protect themselves
patient to become a mouth breather and if which the poor nose does not possess. Though
not treated early and adequately, it can affect there is a difference in their structure and their
the normal contour of a growing child’s physiology, they are neighbors to contend with.
face. They are in close proximity and they are inter-
nally connected to each other through the naso-
Unilateral obstruction can be due to a deviated lacrimal duct on either side. Tears are constantly
nasal septum. Very rarely a “S” shaped crooked produced in the eyes to irrigate and keep the eyes
deflection of the septum can cause bilateral moist.
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 75
Allergic inflammation when present, cascades clinical marker of disease severity [32]. This
between the nose and the eyes conveniently to complication of AR needs a quick and detailed
each other through the connecting nasolacrimal attention since the loss of olfaction will lead to
duct. That is how many cases of AR are cases of several obstacles in a growing child’s develop-
Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis. ment. Loss of smell causes loss of perceiving the
Paranasal sinuses are in close proximity to the aroma of food which in turn results in loss of
nose. Mucous membrane in the nose and that in appetite and further non-secretion of saliva and
the paranasal sinuses is the same. In other words, other enzymes, leading to difficulty in digesting
there is a continuity of the same mucosa from the food. It may further result in nutritional defi-
nose into the paranasal sinuses. Secretion from ciency which will stunt the growth of the affected
the sinuses gets drained into the nasal chambers child.
through the ostium of each sinus. Even when the When allergy cascades downwards, it affects
sinuses are not inflamed with allergy, inflamma- the pharynx causing pharyngitis with symptoms
tion of AR may and can occlude the ostium of of the sore throat sometimes associated with
these sinuses causing retention of fluid in the slight difficulty in swallowing and a constant
sinuses. Retention causes heaviness in the head. urge to clear the throat.
The heaviness or fullness in the head may result Further down when it affects the larynx, it
in an unpleasant status and it leads to lack of con- causes laryngitis with loss of range of voice,
centration in studies and at work. Cavities as they hoarseness of voice, and loss of timbre of voice.
are, the sinuses normally lighten the weight of As it cascades further downwards, it causes
the skull being borne by the neck. Sinuses also comorbidity in the trachea causing tracheitis or
provide resonance to the voice. When they are cough variant asthma with dry cough, sometimes
blocked, both of these are affected. Further, the a very annoying difficulty to the patient espe-
allergic inflammation can spread to the sinuses cially at nights.
causing sinusitis. Bronchial asthma is the resultant condition
Inflammation of AR can spread to the middle when allergy invades the lower airways. Episodes
ear through the eustachian tubes causing aller- of cough, tightness of chest, wheeze, and breath-
gic otitis media with effusion or Glue Ear. This lessness which can be of varying degree are the
is especially possible when AR is inadequately symptoms. Significant limitation to the life of a
treated or when it is ignored. There will be loss patient happens when the disease is persistent
of hearing in speech frequency. Loss of hearing and when the symptoms are moderate or more
can be mild to moderate. The affected person than moderate.
will have a feeling of fullness in the affected ear. When these conditions persists, they become
Tinnitus can be present. When a young child comorbidities. These are actually complications
develops glue ear, it can lead to a very bad dis- of AR especially when it is neglected or if AR is
ability for the child not developing proper not treated adequately. Conjunctivitis, Sinusitis,
speech and developing improper intellectual and Asthma could be comorbidities right from
growth. It is important to identify and diagnose the onset of AR in a few cases. Further Inquiry,
this condition as early as possible. Reparative Classification of the Disease and Clinical
measures must be instituted quickly and Findings on examination (Fig. 3.17):
aggressively. Even before you examine a patient of sus-
Anosmia is possible to occur when AR is ill- pected AR, history would be quite revealing in
treated or inadequately treated. It is clearly most of the cases. Depending on the episodes and
related to the disease duration and severity. severity of the symptoms, a patient can be classi-
Persistent inflammation and its effect on the fied into one of the four groups. This guidance is
umbrella of innumerable nerve endings of the very helpful in making a strategy for treatment.
olfactory nerve cause this damage. Loss of smell Anterior rhinoscopy will reveal pale, swol-
can be considered in children, as in adults, to be a len mucosa with rugosity and it will be boggy
76 K. Davraj et al.
< 4 days/ week or < 4 per episode ≥ 4 days/ week &≥ 4 weeks/ episode
Fig. 3.17 Classification of the Disease on the basis of duration and interference in daily activities [56]
both over the septum and the turbinates. Clear The existence of an entity called local allergic
transudate will be present in uncomplicated rhinitis (LAR) with nasal production of specific
cases. The diagnostic endoscopic examination IgE (sIgE) antibodies in the absence of atopy, in
will confirm the picture of AR as also of any over 40% of non-allergic rhinitis (NAR) patients
other comorbidity like a deflected septum and a has been reported [57]. Evidence for this entity is
complication like polyps, adhesions, syn- supported by the clinical symptoms, the local
echiae, perforations, atrophic changes; and production of sIgE, and a leukocyte-lymphocyte
presence of a tumor or a foreign body. It will inflammatory pattern, with an increase in the
also provide a picture of the nasopharynx and nasal fluids of eosinophils, mast cells, and T lym-
condition of the ostia of paranasal sinuses, phocytes during natural exposure to aeroaller-
especially of the maxillary sinus. A telescope gens, as well as a positive immediate and dual
of 0o or a 30o and with a wide-angle profile pro- response to a nasal allergen provocation test
vides adequate endoscopic examination. (NAPT) with local production of tryptase and
When necessary, the nasal secretion can be eosinophil cationic protein and an increase of
examined for the type of cells present. To get a nasal sIgE to inhalant allergens [37]. Over recent
good columnar epithelial cell sampling, a small years, increasing evidence has shown that an
sterile cotton-tipped applicator can be passed important number of patients previously diag-
under the interior turbinate and gently rubbed nosed with NAR or idiopathic rhinitis develop a
along the floor of the nose and is then rolled local allergy with nasal production of sIgE and a
onto a clean glass slide. The procedure is done positive response to a NAPT [57]. This entity has
under direct vision. It may either be fixed with been suggested to be entopy or LAR. These
spray-fix for a later study or can be stained with patients could also progress over time to AR [57].
Gram’s stain or Papanicolaou stain immediately
for the study. Epithelial cells, granulocytes, and
mononuclear cells are looked for, and presence 3.6.4 Management of AR:
of bacteria is also observed. These cytograms Therapeutic Options (Fig. 3.18)
can be of substantial help in diagnosing AR or to
rule it out. Unless the disease is mild, AR must not be taken
Nasal obstruction can be measured using a for granted. It must be treated adequately. Patient
Rhino-manometer. It provides a measure of the must be convinced of the need to treat the inflam-
nasal airway resistance present in a given case at matory disease properly.
a given time. The procedure uses a pneumotach- Allergen avoidance is easy said than done.
ograph to measure the flow of air through the Once the causative allergens are found and if
nose. avoidance is possible, it is the best course of
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 77
Fig. 3.18 ARIA
Allergen avidance
indicated when
ARIA specialist
effectiveness prescription may
alter the natural
administered course of the
Patient education
always indicated
action. For pet allergens and for some food aller- symptoms. First Generation antihistamines have
gens, avoidance can practically be the complete been discarded because of the profound drowsi-
solution. ness they cause. New generation antihistamines
A variety of molecules are available to treat provide good relief and can relieve comorbid
and address different symptoms of AR. Depending symptoms also. Good compliance is possible
on the severity of symptoms and morbidity, the because of once-a-day dosage. Several of these
medication must be chosen (Table 3.12). molecules do not cause drowsiness. There is an
When AR is mild, H1 blocker, an antihista- array of new generation molecules that have
mine of the new generation can address all the superior therapeutic exertion and a good safety
78 K. Davraj et al.
profile. Such oral H1 blockers are Cetirizine, macrophage migration, reverse the effect of the
Levocetirizine, Loratadine, Desloratadine, early and late phase of inflammation, and inhibit
Fexofenadine, Rupatadine, Ebastine, hyper-reactivity. INS relieves all symptoms of
Olopatadine, and Bilastine. Azelastine and AR, including nasal blockage, and meta-analysis
Olopatadine are available as locally applied anti- shows that INS is more effective than antihista-
histamines also. The onset of action is rapid and mines [53]. They act by suppressing inflamma-
the therapeutic effect is limited to the tissue. They tion in the nasal mucosa leading to a reduction or
are of choice in very mild cases of AR and aller- resolution of symptoms. There is some worry
gic conjunctivitis and as add-on therapy to INS in over the long-term effects of using steroids but
persistent cases of AR and allergic conjunctivitis Fluticasone furoate, Fluticasone propionate,
when it is necessary. Budesonide, and Mometasone have little sys-
Decongestants are sometimes necessary when temic absorption. Mometasone which is a sus-
there is significant nasal obstruction. Local pension is the only molecule recommended to be
decongestants must not be administered for more safe even for a child of 2 years and above. No
than 7–10 days for fear of rhinitis medicamen- significant difference in the number of symptom-
tosa. Systemic decongestants like pseudoephed- free days or quality of life has been reported
rine may be administered for a short duration but between the three drugs [59].
with caution, especially in those patients with Once the disease is persistent and is not mild
hypertension and anxiety neurosis. anymore, allergic inflammation must be
Mast cell stabilizers have a limited role. If the addressed continuously and with adequate dose
patient is younger than 2 years, a mast cell stabi- of INS. If persistent AR is inadequately treated,
lizer like Sodium cromoglycate will be a very the cascade of inflammation does damage the
safe option to be applied locally in the eyes, nose, anatomical structure of nasal mucosa and the tur-
and even as an inhaler. Compliance is a chal- binates. Like inadequately treated persistent
lenge. If VMR is suspected as a concomitant asthma can cause re-modulation of lower airway
partner of disease, addition of anti-cholinergic smooth muscle, re-modulation of the upper respi-
drops instilled intranasally may help. ratory area is quite possible. This is an important
Among the four main symptoms of AR sneez- aspect of the management of chronic AR. If a
ing, rhinorrhea and pruritus are caused by the patient is vehemently opposing INS, the
early phase of allergic inflammation in which his- Leukotriene modifier will be the next best option
tamine is the main chemical mediator and that is and it must be given regularly, for adequate
why a H1 blocker may address these symptoms. period of time, and in adequate dose. Both fluti-
Nasal obstruction is caused by the late phase of casone furoate and mometasone have been shown
inflammation wherein a host of mediators play to reduce symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis as
their role in causing the symptom. Only an anti- well as those of allergic rhinitis [60, 61]. The
inflammatory molecule like a corticosteroid can onset of action is variable among the steroid
address these symptoms. Though oral steroids preparations (Table 3.13) [62]. Mometasone has
are rarely required and if at all for a very short the highest binding ability but flunisolide has
duration, intranasal steroids (INS) are the main- maximum bioavailability (Figs. 3.19, 3.20, and
stay of management of such condition. They pro- 3.21) [63–65].
vide effective treatment for AR and are the
first-line therapy for adults in moderate-to-severe
cases or in individuals who are still symptomatic 3.6.5 Leukotriene Receptor
despite the regular use of antihistamines [53]. Antagonists
INS has the capability to inhibit histamine
release, reduce mucus production, exert anti- Leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRA) block
edematous and vasoconstrictor activity, inhibit the effects of cysteinyl leukotrienes which are
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 79
important pro-inflammatory mediators of nasal may be beneficial. If the nostrils are completely
allergic reactions and whose release locally blocked and if INS cannot simply enter the nasal
induces nasal obstruction. Although some effi- cavities, INS sprays will not be effective of
cacy with LTRAs has been shown in AR, the course, and therefore oral steroids may be co-
spectrum of individual responsiveness remains prescribed along with an INS [53]. It is advisable
variable and the combination of an antihistamine to prescribe a good steroid molecule like
and an LTRA is no more effective than an INS Prednisolone or Methylprednisolone in adequate
alone. However, it is worthwhile considering the dose and for a reasonably good period of time
prescription of an LTRA in patients with difficult like 5–7 days.
AR and concurrent asthma, in addition to treat- Even when symptoms are well under control,
ment with antihistamines and topical nasal ste- the inflammation of AR needs to be addressed on
roids [53]. a continuous basis to prevent damage to the
Systemic corticosteroids are rarely indicated mucosa and to prevent further remodeling [28]. If
in the management of AR. However, there are a patient on INS is stable and symptom free, an
occasions when a short course of oral steroids attempt to reduce the daily dose may be made but
the INS needs to be continued to address the
“minimum persistent inflammation.” Medication-
Table 3.13 Intranasal steroids—onset of action sparing effect can only be achieved by allergen
Medication Onset of action immunotherapy (AIT).
Beclomethasone dipropionate Within 3 days With INS and complementary measures, you
Budesonide Within 24 h may secure satisfactory results and the patient
Flunisolide 4–7 days expectantly becomes symptom free. It means you
Fluticasone furoate Within 12 h have successfully obtained good control of the
Triamcinolone acetonide 24 h
disease. All the more the allergic inflammation
Mometasone Fluticasone Budesonide Trimsinolone Dexamethasone
Series 1
Fluticasone Fluticasone Mometasone Budesonide Flunisolide
furoate propionate furoate
Moderate Moderate
Mild Severe Mild Severe
ntermittent Intermittent Persistent Persistent
persists and prevails because the causative aller- does persist. It is like a cauldron when it has been
gens and other triggers do persist. Even when a controlled. When the inflammation is raked up, it
patient is symptom free with adequate treatment is like an inferno. That is why INS needs to be
do understand that the minimum inflammation continued to address the inflammation. INS is
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 81
both a reliever and a preventer. Every possible benefit. Proper documentation of causative aller-
allergic attack must be prevented to further pre- gens is necessary to institute immunotherapy.
vent re-modulation of the internal structure of the The gold standard for the specific diagnosis of
nose. allergy is SPT. Results of SPT will be the founda-
tion for a successful AIT.
Spreading inflammatory cascade can involve
3.6.6 Difficult-to-Treat AR several tissues and cause complications that will
become permanent comorbid conditions [70].
When a patient is still symptomatic despite treat- That is why AR must be adequately treated and
ment with oral antihistamines and INS, the first properly monitored. There is enough evidence to
stage is to check adherence and correct technique demonstrate that upper and lower airways are
[53]. Clinical practice suggests that most patients connected both anatomically and physiologi-
who have found INS unhelpful have not persisted cally. In fact, they are simply upper and lower
with treatment for an adequate period [11]. segments or components of one airway. That is
Patients should be advised that the onset of action why AR needs to be treated properly to prevent
of INS takes some time and that they should be the onset of complications in the adjacent area
used regularly for a minimum of 2 weeks before and lower down in the airway, especially in the
considering them unsuccessful [66]. Patients bronchi causing the onset of asthma. There is evi-
with seasonal AR should commence therapy 2 dence of the existence of inflammation in the
weeks before the pollen season as this improves mucosal layers of lower airways in patients of
efficacy [53, 67] To maximize the response to AR without any symptoms of asthma. In cases of
treatment, patients using INS should be given AR with very mild asthma, adequate dose of INS
clear instructions on this aspect. They must also provides relief of nasal symptoms as well as
be advised to direct the nasal spray laterally those of asthma. In patients with AR, intranasal
(rather than medially towards the nasal septum) procedures to create roominess must be consid-
towards the lowest and anterior most part of infe- ered very carefully. Creating roominess by an
rior turbinate of that side and not to sniff for at inadvertent procedure without proper control of
least 10 min after spraying. All these measures allergy may encourage the entry of allergens and
will increase the benefit. Tipping the head back other triggers into the lower airways causing the
and sniffing hard decreases treatment efficacy. onset of asthma. It will become a complication,
The spray will run down the nasopharynx and an iatrogenic surgeon-induced asthma. Surgery is
patients should be advised not to do this. To max- never an option of management for allergy.
imize effect patients may well be advised to Some cases of AR or asthma will have comor-
douche with saline prior to using their nasal bid symptoms in distant regions like the skin. AR
spray. Saline douching clears mucus and mucus or asthma can have atopic dermatitis as a comor-
plugs if any, from the nasal cavity permitting bidity. In such a case, as you learn the details of
local absorption of the INS, thereby increasing its the case, you find a strong case of allergy being
effectiveness. The use of saline douching has the underlying disease. Treatment must include
demonstrable benefits in symptom reduction in medication and other complimentary measures
children and adults with seasonal rhinitis as well for both conditions. Patient must be convinced of
as in chronic rhinosinusitis [68, 69]. the need for an approach to include proper inclu-
Depending on the severity of disease, the sive medication and necessary changes in
medication must be designed. As the patient lifestyle.
secures benefit, step down of medication may be Some cases of AR may have to be considered
achieved. However, when there are episodes of for treatment with Biological such as omali-
flare up, step up of medication needs to be done. zumab. Though uncommon, rarely you encounter
Once the disease is persistent, AIT must be con- a case of AR where your patient is not getting
sidered especially if the patient desires a curative stable and is not comfortable. If the patient can
82 K. Davraj et al.
afford, it may be worth its while to treat such a • AIT is capable of impeding the onset of
patient with biologicals. Patient may get excel- asthma in cases of allergic rhinitis.
lent benefits especially if there are comorbid • AIT can impede poly-sensitization.
symptoms and the relief may be for all comor- • AIT is capable of providing medication-
bidities. You may be able to shorten the course of sparing effect.
therapy with biologicals with the introduction of • There is enough evidence that the benefit of
allergen immunotherapy. AIT continues to be present for a long tenure
Management must be holistic and integrated. even after concluding the therapy.
Patient must be convinced of the condition being • AIT has the capacity to provide long-term
a non-infectious disease, that it needs to be protective benefit against the development of
addressed as one does for hypertension and or for various other allergic conditions.
diabetes, that the treatment with medicines pro-
vides control of disease but does not cure it, that AIT is the administration of gradually increas-
the doctor and medication are a good part of ing quantities of an allergen vaccine to an allergic
treatment but are not the only one and, that the subject, reaching a dose that is effective in ame-
patient has to comply with the continuation of liorating the symptoms associated with subse-
treatment and complementary measures for their quent exposure to the causative allergens [71].
own wellbeing. Good Rapport with the patient is For an effective AIT, a proper specific diagno-
necessary for a good prognosis. Periodic check- sis must be established. History and clinical
up for a good examination of the nose and to examination are crucial but it is erroneous to
assess the treatment is mandatory. Once a patient make a specific diagnosis based on history alone.
has AR, he will continue to have it unless inter- Causative allergens have to be determined by
vention with SPT is done to document the caus- conducting specific allergy detection tests and
ative allergens and specific AIT is instituted as a correlated with the clinical manifestations.
curative procedure. Regular physical activity, Skin Prick Tests (SPT) can provide evidence
adoption of healthy measures, and good nutrition of causative allergens and will demonstrate the
will complement the management. Rewards to presence of allergen-specific IgE (Fig. 3.22).
the patient and to the doctor will definitely arrive. Serum specific IgE (ssIgE) estimation can pro-
vide a quantitative evidence of the antigen-
specific antibodies in the blood circulation of an
3.6.7 Allergen Immunotherapy allergic individual. Advantage of ssIgE estima-
(AIT) tion is that one blood sample is enough for the
assay. Availability of normal skin is not a require-
Allergen Avoidance and Allergen Immunotherapy ment. There need not be a curfew on immunosup-
(AIT) are the only treatments that modify the pressive drugs when the test is conducted. The
course of an allergic disease either by preventing result of ssIgE may be negative but the patient
the development of new sensitivities or by alter- may have potential allergy. A positive result is an
ing the natural history of disease or disease pro- excellent evidence of specific allergen sensitivity.
gression [71]. SPT done with good quality allergens is the best
AIT provides a window of opportunity for diagnostic option. SPT offers both qualitative and
multiple benefits. Following are the benefits of quantitative measures of an allergen activity. It is
AIT: fairly simple, safe, cost-effective, and reliable.
SPT is hardly an invasive procedure.
• AIT is the only available curative tool. Subcutaneous AIT (SCIT) or Sublingual AIT
• AIT can alter the course of allergic disease for (SLIT) (Fig. 3.23) as a choice is left to the clini-
good. cian and the patient considering various angles of
• AIT is capable of changing the Th2 status therapy and tenure. Possibility of systemic reac-
(allergic) to Th1 status (normal). tions and anaphylaxis that is a major concern in
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 83
SCIT, is eliminated in SLIT. Proper diagnosis, safety are a major concern in SCIT. For food
good quality allergens, compatible and proper allergy and at present SCIT is not the accepted
combination of allergens, and compliance are option. Considering all these difficulties, SLIT
crucial to successful treatment by AIT. appears to be a safe and viable option. Much
With evidence of SLIT providing excellent higher dose and concentration need to be achieved
therapeutic benefit to patients of AR and allergic in SLIT for it to become success. Proper combi-
asthma and especially with its safety profile, it nation of allergens in the SLIT vaccine is neces-
has emerged and has become the option of choice sary. Treatment happens in the comforts of the
for AIT. SCIT has to be administered by a medi- patient’s home. It is the biggest benefit. This
cal professional. In the initial and build-up phase, itself must not become a hindrance to the mainte-
injections are quite frequent. If the scheduled gap nance of treatment. SLIT works on trust. Patient
between injections is prolonged for any reason and the family must be made to understand this
and if the following higher dose is administered, fundamental aspect. Patient must also be made to
there is a risk of a systemic reaction especially if understand that SLIT contains the same allergens
the sensitivity is high. The danger of anaphylaxis to which the patient is allergic and that it is
is a possibility. For AIT to become effective, the directed to shift the patient’s status of allergy to
effort is necessary to reach the highest possible normalcy, and that it does not directly relieve the
concentration and dose. So, compliance and symptoms like the medication does.
84 K. Davraj et al.
The process of AIT commences from the very matitis is so severe that it affects the social and
first dose but it generally takes some time for its professional life of a patient, even if the reason-
beneficial effect to reflect on the symptoms. able benefit can be obtained, AIT will be great.
Allergic Rhinitis, Allergic Conjunctivitis, Selected cases of migraine and Meniere’s disease
Allergic Asthma, Sting Reactions are the classi- especially with comorbid allergy conditions,
cal indications for AIT. AIT may be a good option would be worth the while candidates for AIT.
in some selected cases of drug allergy. The beneficial effect of AIT will not be appre-
Anaphylaxis and angioedema are conditions ciable if it is administered in cases of mild allergy
where AIT if possible, would be a boon to the conditions. When the disease is persistent and
patient and may actually be a life-saving tool. when the symptoms are moderate or moderate-
AIT has been approved as a major option of man- severe, AIT would be a great option in addition to
agement for Atopic Dermatitis. When atopic der- medical management.
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 85
Successful AIT will initiate a marked enhance- ize on the tolerogenic antigen-presenting cells in
ment of protective blocking IgG antibodies. AIT the oral mucosa [4, 5]. It is further thought that
will blunt the serum concentration of specific IgE SLIT efficacy can be enhanced by exposure to
antibodies. There will be a down-regulation of the food protein in its intact form before possible
inflammatory cell recruitment, activation, and epitopes are broken down through gastric diges-
mediator release. These will modify the tion [74, 75].
T-Lymphocyte response to the benefit of the Both in adults and children, a judicious com-
patient. Th2 response will get down-regulated bination of AIT, medical management, and cor-
resulting in enhanced Th1 response [72] rection of allergen-rich environment have become
Poly-sensitization is a common feature in the hallmark of providing the complete solution
patients [73]. Poly-sensitization happens over a to the persistent suffering of allergy patients.
course of period. Poly-sensitization can be pre- Wherever necessary, an effort must be made to
vented by the institution of AIT early. Children change the existing lifestyle to suit the prevailing
are the best candidates. Re-modulation of the air- condition to achieve the best results. With better
ways that happens due to persistent allergic understanding, better techniques, quality training
inflammation is prevented with effective and of specialist doctors, proper guidance by experi-
early AIT. AIT also makes it cost-effective in the enced allergy specialists, and better quality of
long run. allergens, AIT can only become a more powerful
and sustaining tool and the option of manage-
ment of allergic diseases.
3.6.8 Allergens and Non-Allergic
3.6.10 Allergen Avoidance,
Allergens have to be differentiated from non- Complimentary Lifestyle,
allergic triggers. A clear distinction is necessary. and Prevention
Non-allergic triggers must never be included in
prescriptions for immunotherapy. Infect they Allergen Avoidance:
should not even be included in the tests for Food allergens if documented by diagnostic tests,
allergy. Many of them are inanimate subjects. the best course of action is to eliminate the particu-
They do not contain any allergen themselves. lar food from the diet. If the allergy is severe and
Various dusts other than house dust, smokes, causes anaphylaxis or anaphylaxis type of reac-
fumes, perfumes, dhoop, incense, plastic, paper, tion, extreme precaution is necessary. One must
cement, gravel, nylon, and polyester are such have very quick access to adrenaline injection.
substances. AIT is such a case may be a life-saving effort.
Allergens are substances that initiate and Pet allergy if detected, donating the pet may
cause an allergic reaction in an individual who be the best option of the management. If this is
has developed specific IgE antibodies to those not acceptable to the patient, AIT would be the
substances. They are protein in nature. They can next option.
be broadly classified into three main groups. Pollen allergy if present, during the pollen
They are Injectants or Ingestants or Inhalants. season patient must avoid being outdoors unnec-
essarily and especially in early mornings and
later in the evenings. While going out, wearing a
3.6.9 S
LIT as Food Allergen face mask may provide protection. Such a patient
Immunotherapy must keep the windows of their bedroom closed
at night and early morning when it would be
With SLIT, the food protein is delivered sublin- blossoming time of the plants.
gually in a liquid form and then usually held for Fungal spores if are the causative allergens,
2 min and swallowed. SLIT is thought to capital- all places in the house must be checked for
86 K. Davraj et al.
seepage and fungus infested corners and crev- greens, fresh seasonal and dry fruits if included into
ices. Correction measures and waterproofing of our diet, nutrition will be balanced and that itself will
seepage areas will help. The indoor environment act as highly organic medicine to preserve good
must be kept well ventilated and clean. health and to protect ourselves from the disease.
HDM and insect allergy are very common. Some amount of physical activity regularly will
Repeated and vigorous dust and insect control- make our life robust to ward off allergy. One must
ling measures will help to a good extent both for also try to relax for some time every day.
the mites and for the insects. Minimum things
must be in the bedroom especially. Corners, Prevention of Allergy:
Crevices must be made rid of collected dust. Universal understanding and gigantic efforts are
Wardrobes and cupboards must be dust free. necessary to stop the usage of harmful chemi-
Curtains and carpets to be examined and if neces- cals in agriculture and horticulture. Pollution of
sary, to be done away with. Maximum attention ambient air, water, and soil must be controlled
must be on the mattress and pillows. Dead or by people and governing bodies. These appear
alive parts of mites and their tiny little fecal pel- to be the major triggers all over the world. There
lets are the deadly allergens. Human skin scales is evidence that antibiotic administration to a
are the main food for the HDM. Throwing the pregnant woman will enhance the chance of the
pillow and mattress to hot sunlight and beating child to become an asthmatic. Antibiotics must
them up nicely will help. If the vacuum cleaner is be administered only when it is absolutely nec-
available, it must be generously and repeatedly essary for a pregnant woman. Breastfeeding the
used on the mattress and pillows. Synthetic cas- infant is very important to ward off many pos-
ings for the mattress and pillow are available. sible diseases. A person having an allergic dis-
They are helpful too. Linen must be changed fre- ease must marry a person who does not have an
quently and they must be soaked in very hot allergy so that the possibility of their child being
water for half hour at least before washing a non-allergic child is very high. Intranasal sur-
because dust mite allergen is heat labile. If the gery must be avoided to a great extent in a
washing machine has heat control, linen can patient of AR. Surgery is not a treatment for
alternatively be washed with a minimum of 60 allergy. It can trigger the onset of asthma in a
degrees Celsius temperature. patient of AR. Platt-A Mills’ hygiene hypothe-
sis supports children growing up with pets and Complimentary Lifestyle farm animals. Farm animals like cow release a
We are subjected to various chemicals in the food and very low-grade endotoxin. When a growing
beverages we consume. There is also a play of syn- child is exposed to these farm animals, low-
thetic colors, food additives, and preservatives in grade infections happen but the immune system
most of the available out of the shelf packaged food. responds positively providing an umbrella of
We must be protective of not getting exposed to these protection. This will provide a protection to the
items to whatever extent we can. Many of these items child from developing allergy. Bactericidal and
though not allergens are capable of being triggers. so-called Germ-check ingredients being used in
Injurious data on long-term usage is not completely toothpaste, soaps, handwash, detergents, floor
available. Preprocessed food is not health friendly. cleaning solutions, and sprays could contain
We may be subjected to harmful effects of these pesticides like Triclosan and Triclocarban.
many known and unknown ingredients. Deficiency These will kill and eliminate microbiomes and
of Vitamin-D and Vitamin-B12 predispose us to be will render the homes sterile. An infant or a
vulnerable to many diseases including allergy. young child growing in a sterile house has a
Abundant sun energy is available. We must get our- very high possibility of developing allergy and
selves exposed to sunlight for Vitamin-D. Our nutri- asthma. We need clean homes, not sterile homes.
tion must contain adequate amount of protein. It is impossible to eliminate allergy but efforts
Sprouts, whole grains, legumes, seafood, poultry, can be made to control the disease and to enforce
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 87
It is an entangled mass of fungi involving 3. The mixed theory combines the above
single paranasal sinus subsite usually associ- two and considers both the above factors
ated with minimal mucosal inflammation. It to be contributory to the disease
is usually seen in immunocompetent indi- manifestation.
viduals with the age range being 14–87 years Non-contrast Computer tomography of
with a predilection for females (~57–64% of paranasal sinuses is the investigation of
the patients). According to the above men- choice. Typically imaging shows single
tioned FRS guidelines, the fungal ball is an sinus involvement. Expansion of the
appropriate term for this clinical entity involved sinus is not expected with a fungal
rather than mycetoma or aspergilloma. It can ball, and the opacification of the involved
present as unilateral nasal blockage or facial sinus with patchy areas of high density hav-
heaviness. The incidence of sinus involve- ing fine, round to linear matrix calcifications
ment in the descending order is: maxillary are observed. Histologically, it is character-
sinus (78–84%) followed by sphenoid sinus ized by the mass of fungal elements embed-
(15–40%) and the ethmoid sinus (1–15%), ded in a fibrous necrotic matrix with minimal
however, it can involve multiple sinuses mucosal inflammatory reaction. There is no
also. Pathophysiology is still unclear, how- tissue invasion or granulomatous reaction in
ever, it most likely starts with fungal spores the surrounding tissue. The most commonly
gaining access into the paranasal sinuses isolated pathogen on culture is Aspergillus
spontaneously (in the geographic regions of species. Prior to surgery, the risk factors for
heavy antigen exposure) or getting inocu- the development of fungal ball, like previous
lated by surgery/trauma. The spores may sinonasal surgery, dental procedures, or any
then grow on obtaining a favorable environ- traumatic incidents, should be sought.
ment. There are three theories mentioned in Surgical excision with adequate sinus aera-
the literature regarding its development: air- tion is the treatment of choice.
borne, odontogenic, and mixed. ( C) Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis (AFRS)
1. Airborne theory: The fungal spores pres- [92, 94–96]:
ent in the air gain access into the sinuses The term was coined by Robson et al. Even
through natural sinus ostia and multiply. though inhabitation of the sinuses by the
These spores can become pathogenic on fungal elements is common and occurs early
being exposed to the favorable anaerobic on in life, only few individuals go on to
environment in the sinuses. The septal develop AFRS. This entity is seen in immu-
deviation and turbinate hypertrophy are nocompetent, atopic patients; more com-
possible contributing factors causing sta- monly in warm and humid climates such as
sis of secretions by osteomeatal obstruc- in the southern and southeastern the USA,
tion leading to the development of India, and the Middle East. The affected
hypoxic environment with lowering of sinuses contain inspissated, thick clay-like
the pH inside the sinuses, creating a (also described as peanut butter jelly like)
favorable atmosphere for the prolifera- fungal muck with mucin varying in color
tion of fungi. from yellow, green, brown to grayish
2. The odontogenic pathway refers to an iat- (Fig. 3.6). Microscopic examination of the
rogenic affection, where the fungal col- eosinophilic mucin shows thick mucus from
ony is inoculated in the maxillary sinus sinus mucosa admixed with dead epithelial
owing to an oroantral communication cells, eosinophils, eosinophil degradation
secondary to dental extraction, periodon- products like Charcot–Leyden crystals, and
tal lesions, or endodontic treatment. other inflammatory cells arranged in a lay-
ered pattern with occasional fungal hyphae.
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 93
The preferred terminology for the tenacious 2. Either (a) Methenamine silver stain of allergic
fungal mucin is “Eosinophilic mucin” rather mucin is positive for fungi (without any fun-
than allergic mucin because of the contro- gal elements inside mucosa) or (b) fungal cul-
versies surrounding the allergic etiology of ture is positive (with or without a positive
the disease. Fungal hyphae can be seen on silver stain); 3) sinus mucosal H&E stain is
Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stain, but are characteristic for AFS and indistinguishable
best highlighted by histochemical stains from the mucosal infiltrate in asthmatic bron-
such as silver stains or Periodic Acid Schiff chial mucosa; and.
(PAS). There is geographical variation in the 3. Other histopathological fungal disorders are
fungi isolated on culture from the AFRS excluded.
patients. Most commonly grown organisms
are either Dematiaceous fungi (Alternaria, Bent and Kuhn [97] have described major
Bipolaris, Curvularia, Drechslera, (five) and minor (six) criteria for the diagnosis of
Exserohilum, etc.) or Aspergillus sp. depend- AFS in adults.
ing on geographical location. In India and Major Criteria:
Saudi Arabia, Aspergillus flavus is the com-
monest fungal organism cultured; while in 1 . Type I (IgE-mediated) hypersensitivity
the USA, Dematiaceous fungi can be cul- 2. Nasal polyposis
tured in 70–90% of cases. The pathogenesis 3. Characteristic CT scan findings showing
of this disease remains unclear. It is believed patchy hyperdensities involving sinuses
to be the result of host reaction to fungal pro- 4. Allergic mucin, and
teins instead of actual fungal infection/inva- 5. Positive fungal smear
sion of the tissues. Traditionally, AFRS has
been considered to be a Type I hypersensitiv- Minor Criteria:
ity reaction to fungal antigens. In fact, one of
the widely used diagnostic criteria for AFRS, 1. Concomitant Asthma
the Bent and Kuhn criteria, includes type 1 2. Unilateral disease predominance
hypersensitivity as a major criterion. 3. Radiographic (CT scan) bone erosion
However, not all patients with the pathologic 4. Positive fungal culture
diagnosis of AFRS have systemic (or even 5. Charcot–Leyden crystals, and
local) hypersensitivity to fungi. Bent and 6. Serum eosinophilia
Kuhn [90] proposed five clinical criteria for
the diagnosis of AFS: (1) nasal polyposis; Bent and Kuhn [97] proposed diagnostic for
(2) allergic mucin; (3) characteristic com- AFRS (Table 3.15).
puted tomographic (CT) scan findings show- Currently, these are the most widely accepted
ing patchy hyperdense areas corresponding and used criteria for the diagnosis of AFS. More
to fungal mucin; (4) positive fungal KOH recent studies indicate that fungal protease induced
smear; and (5) type I hypersensitivity diag- production of Th-2 cytokines attracts eosinophils,
nosed by history, skin test, or serology. and the subsequent products of eosinophilic inflam-
These criteria are now referred to as major mation result in the formation of eosinophilic
criteria. mucin. Non-contrast CT scan of paranasal sinus
shows a heterogeneity of signals seen in involved
Schubert and Goetz [96] histopathological cri- sinus (Fig. 3.25), characterized as “starry-sky” or
teria for the diagnosis of AFS: “serpiginous” pattern. The presence of intermittent
hyperdense (corresponding to the deposition of
1. Allergic mucin is present on gross and/or his- heavy metals within eosinophilic mucin) and
topathological evaluation. hypodense signals on CT scan is referred to as
94 K. Davraj et al.
“double-density” sign. Treatment of this disease is surgical clearance of the disease with the reduction
not without controversies. The mainstay of treat- of the risk of recurrence. Utilization of antifungal
ment is the surgical removal of disease with all therapy has been mentioned by some authors in the
mucin to provide good ventilation and facilitate the literature, however, the evidence for or against the
delivery of topical therapy. Steroids can be used in same is sparse [98].
pre and/or postoperative setting to reduce the
inflammatory load and facilitate the more efficient
3.9 art I: Invasive Fungal
Table 3.15 Diagnostic criteria for AFRS
Endoscopic Invasive fungal sinusitis is a potentially lethal
Stage findings Diagnostic criteria entity which if untreated can cause lot of morbid-
Stage 0 No edema off Confirmed type 1
ity and mortality for the patient. It is generally
mucosa and hypersensitivity by
allergic mucin history, skin prick tests, seen in immunocompromised patients and can
or by serology involve intra-orbital or intracranial compartments.
Stage 1 Edema of • Nasal polyposis The incidence and prevalence rate is increasing
mucosa with and • Characteristic CT progressively with more and more uses of antibi-
without allergic finding
mucin otics, chemotherapy drugs, immune-suppressive
Stage 2 Polypoidal • Positive fungal strain or drugs, steroids, intensive care intervention, pro-
edema with or culture long life expectancy in immune deficiency
without allergic • Asthma patients. The risk of invasive fungal infection is
more in transplanted patients. Invasive fungal
Stage 3 Polyps in the • Fungal elements with
sinus with fungal eosinophilic mucin sinusitis is defined by the presence of fungal
debris or allergic without tissue invasion hyphae within the mucosa, submucosa, bone, or
mucin • One-sided blood vessels of the paranasal sinuses. Invasive
predominance sinonasal fungal infection is a silently progressive
• Bone erosion on
radiology disease that, may invade the adjacent intracranial
• Charcot–Leyden and intra-orbital compartments incurring serious
crystals morbidity. Early recognition and prompt treat-
• Eosinophilia in blood ment are needed in these patients. Aggressive
a b
Fig. 3.25 (a) Axial and (b) coronal non-contrast CT scan corresponding to allergic fungal mucin can be seen. Bony
of paranasal sinus of a patient with extensive allergic fun- thinning and remodeling leading to severe thinning and
gal sinusitis. Expansion of the involved sinuses occupied dehiscence of the roof of posterior ethmoids and the lat-
by the soft tissue density with patchy hyperdense areas eral wall of the sphenoid sinus can be appreciated
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 95
Aspergillus species are mostly seen chronic inva- sibility of tissue necrosis. Hypodense lesion with
sive fungal sinusitis. osteitis and periostitis and presence of seques-
trum are the other clinical features for acute inva-
sion. In the chronic form, sinus opacification
3.9.3 Imaging appears hyperdense due to the metallic ions
concentrated by the fungus with localized ero-
CT suggests the diagnosis by showing mucosal sion of the sinus wall (Fig. 3.27). It is also invalu-
thickening or the presence of adjoining soft tissue able to assess for bony erosion into adjacent
thickening without erosion of the bony sinus wall orbital and cranial cavities [104, 105]. Sometimes,
in acute invasive form. The absence of enhance- tissues outside sinuses are more involved than
ment of nasal mucosa/turbinates raised the pos- within the sinus (Fig. 3.27b). The dense calcifica-
tion is generally seen in the chronic form of inva-
sive fungal sinusitis. CEMRI is more useful than
CT for indicating the involvement of peri-sinus
soft tissues such as orbit, brain parenchyma. A
decrease in signal intensity on T1-weighted
images and a marked decrease in signal intensity
on T2-weighted images is characteristic of fungal
disease, especially that is caused by aspergillus
(Fig. 3.27c) [104, 105].
3.9.4 Pathology
a b c
Fig. 3.27 (a) Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan shows tissue and right cavernous sinus infiltration, (c)
right ethmoid and sphenoid sinusitis with the destruction (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor,
of the lateral wall of the right sphenoid sinus (arrow). AIIMS, New Delhi, India), T1-weighted MR images
There is invasion of the right cavernous sinus with occlu- show characteristic high signal intensity within the left
sion of the right internal carotid artery. (b) Right orbital maxillary, left posterior ethmoid, and sphenoid sinuses
3 Nasal Physiology and Sinusitis 97
infiltrating mucosa, blood vessels, and adjacent adult dose of voriconazole is 6 mg/kg twice a day
tissues as muscles and bones, which often exhibit on day one followed by 4 mg/kg twice a day for
necrosis and a nonspecific inflammatory infil- 7 days with the option to decrease to 200 mg
trate. Granulomatous invasive fungal rhinosinus- orally, twice a day thereafter. Therapy for those
itis is characterized by non-caseating granuloma with the overt bone disease should be for at least
with scanty fungal hyphae) within Langerhans- 3–6 months and possibly for 12 months or longer.
type giant cells, together with surrounding vascu- Other regime is 3–6 week course of conventional
litis and perivascular fibrosis. amphotericin B (1 mg/kg/day) or liposomal
amphotericin B (3–5 mg/kg/day) usually secures
a remission and should be followed by itracon-
3.9.5 Treatment azole or voriconazole for 6 months. Posaconazole
(tablets or liquid) is an alternative to control the
The standard management involves a combina- disease and to prevent recurrences.
tion of surgical debridement of necrotic tissues
and long-term antifungal treatment, guided by
culture results if possible, to prevent relapse. The 3.9.6 Outcome and Follow-Up
surgical approach is determined by the CT find-
ings. Patients with angioinvasion might benefit Patients with granulomatous fungal sinusitis are
from a more aggressive therapeutic approach, believed to have a better prognosis than those
such as higher dose of intravenous therapy, early with invasive fungal rhinosinusitis, although
surgical debridement, more intense assessment granulomatous invasive fungal rhinosinusitis
of response, and alternative therapy if the tends to have a high relapse rate. Overall, mor-
response is inadequate and consideration of sup- bidity and mortality appear to be lower than the
plementary gamma interferon therapy [106]. acute invasive disease. Regular follow-up is indi-
Amphotericin B is the initial antifungal choice cated and should continue for about 5 years. A
for mucormycosis. Amphotericin B and CT scan 1 month after surgery (Fig. 3.28) and a
Posaconazole are the drugs used to treat mucor- prolonged course of antifungal chemotherapy,
mycosis. For invasive aspergillosis—The usual with imaging repeated every 3 or 4 months and
Fig. 3.28 Radiology after completion of treatment (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New
Delhi, India)
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Granulomatous Disease
and Faciomaxillary Trauma 4
Gaurav Gupta, Pooja D. Nayak, Manju Silu,
Shashank Nath Singh, and Harpreet Kocher
4.1 art A: Granulomatous Disease of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
P 104
4.1.1 Introduction 104
4.1.2 Other Granulomatous Pathology 111
4.2 Part B: Atrophic Rhinitis 111
4.2.1 athology
P 112
4.2.2 Management Aim 113
4.2.3 Surgical Management 113
4.3 Part C: Maxillofacial Trauma 114
4.3.1 I ntroduction 114
4.3.2 Imaging 115
4.3.3 Timing of Surgical Intervention 116
4.3.4 Airway Management During Surgery 116
4.3.5 Management of Nasal Bone Fractures 117
4.3.6 Zygomatic Fractures 118
4.3.7 Fractures of Midface 118
4.3.8 Orbital Fractures 119
4.3.9 Postoperative Care 119
References 119
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 103
H. Verma, A. Thakar (eds.), Essentials of Rhinology,
104 G. Gupta et al.
women are similarly affected. Patients nasal biopsy can provide a definitive
may present with constitutional com- diagnosis of WG. The c-ANCA test is
plaints like fever, night sweats, highly sensitive for GPA, but a negative
fatigue, loss of appetite, and weight. result does not exclude the diagnosis.
It is Multisystem autoimmune dis- The main agents used to induce remis-
ease. Clinical features of WG can be sion are glucocorticoids, cyclophospha-
divided into three categories. mide, and/or methotrexate [7, 8].
• Type 1 GPA—It is characteristic (B) Sarcoidosis—It frequently involves
by prolonged upper respiratory the lymphatic system, lungs, liver,
tract infection. spleen, and bones. It occurs most
• Type 2 GPA—Pulmonary involve- commonly between the ages of 20
ment is often present and is asso- and 40 years with women are slightly
ciated with a cough, hemoptysis, more often affected than men. The
and cavitary lesions on chest etiology of sarcoidosis is unknown.
radiography. It is characterized by a seemingly
• Type 3 GPA is a widely dissemi- exaggerated immune response
nated form of the systemic dis- against an unknown antigen.
ease and commonly consists of Sarcoidosis is manifested by the
upper and lower airway involve- presence of multiple noncaseating
ment, cutaneous lesions, and pro- granulomas in affected organ tissues.
gressive renal involvement. The sarcoid granuloma consists of a
History, examination, radiologic, and central area of tightly packed epithe-
biochemical data findings help in diagno- lioid cells surrounded by lympho-
sis. The nasal cavity examination usually cytes and fibroblasts. The lung is the
shows septal perforation with or without primary organ affected by sarcoid-
granulomatous tissue (Fig. 4.5). Patients osis. Approximately 40% of patients
also have abnormal erythrocyte sedimen- have extrapulmonary involvement.
tation rate, hemoglobin, serum creati- The involvement of the nose and
nine, and serum c-ANCA levels. These paranasal sinuses by sarcoidosis is
serologic findings in conjunction with relatively infrequent with the inci-
dence ranging between 1% and 6%.
Symptoms of nasal involvement are
nasal obstruction, epistaxis, dys-
pnea, nasal pain, epiphora, and anos-
mia. Nasal sarcoidosis commonly
affects the mucosa of the septum and
inferior turbinate. On examination,
the nasal mucosa is dry and friable
with crusts. Submucosal nodules
with a characteristic yellow color
may be noted. In more advanced dis-
ease, irregular polypoid, friable
mucosa is seen and bleeds readily.
More severe infiltration may lead to
septal perforation or oronasal fistu-
Fig. 4.5 Nasal endoscopy is showing large septal perfo-
ration with crusting and atrophy of surrounding tissue
lae. Diagnosis is based on a combi-
(Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, nation of histologic, radiographic,
AIIMS, New Delhi, India) immunologic, and biochemical data.
110 G. Gupta et al.
symptomatology and response. The first line of to their arrested development. Young and Taylor
management is to increase mucosal clearance by [16] have proposed that atrophic rhinitis is of two
nasal douches. The last management option is the types, depending upon the vascular involvement
closure of the nasal cavity for certain period. into two types. Type I is major subtype (50% to
Primary Atrophic rhinitis is multi-factorial in 80%) and is characterized by endarteritis obliter-
origin. Hereditary, as the disease is known to ans, periarteritis, and periarterial fibrosis of ter-
involve more than one member in the same family. minal arterioles as a result of chronic infection
In some cases, it usually involves females more with round cell and plasma cell infiltration. Type
than males and starts at puberty. The disease is self- II is minor subtype (20% to 50%) and shows cap-
limiting, tends to cease after menopause thus hor- illary vasodilation with active bone resorption.
monal influence cannot be ruled out. It is more Infection affects the surfactant system leading to
common in hot and humid climate specially in the surfactant deficit [17] through several mecha-
low socioeconomic group. Nutrition has also been nisms including, the absence of noteworthy SP-A
shown to play a vital role as deficiency of vitamin gene up-regulation and diminution of SP-A pro-
A, D, or iron or some other dietary factors have tein reserves, also inflammatory cytokines pro-
been associated with the disease and are likely duced in response to sepsis inhibiting the
causes. Autoimmune process in which viral infec- synthesis of surfactant leading to decrease the
tion or some other unspecified agents trigger anti- efficiency of mucociliary clearance also, surfac-
genicity of nasal mucosa. The antibody released tant deficiency impairs opsonization and phago-
causes destruction of the nasal mucosa is also pos- cytosis of bacteria thus developing into a vicious
tulated. The most widely accepted fact is the infec- cycle of colonization of nasal mucous by bacteria
tive process where in various organisms have been and causing destruction overtime.
cultured from cases which are Klebsiella ozaenae,
(Perez bacillus), diphtheroids, P. vulgaris, E. coli, Clinical Features
Staphylococci, and Streptococci. They are all con- The disease is commonly seen in females and
sidered to be secondary invaders responsible for starts around puberty. Merciful anosmia is a term
foul smell rather than the primary causative organ- characterized by the foul smell from the nose but
ism. Specific infections like syphilis, lupus, lep- the patient herself is unaware of the smell due to
rosy, and rhinoscleroma are the etiology for marked anosmia which accompanies these
secondary atrophic rhinitis which may cause degenerative changes thus making the patient a
destruction of the nasal structures leading to atro- social outcast. Patient may also complain of nasal
phic changes. Atrophic rhinitis can also result from obstruction in spite of unduly wide nasal cham-
long-standing purulent sinusitis, radiotherapy to bers. This is due to large crusts filling the nose
the nose, or excessive surgical removal of turbi- with atrophy of nerve ending. Epistaxis may
nates [14]. Unilateral Atrophic Rhinitis—changes occur when the crusts are removed. Complain of
in the wider side of the nasal cavity is sometimes decreased hearing and fullness of ear due to
seen in cases of marked septal deviation. obstruction to eustachian tube. On examination,
anterior rhinoscopy shows the nasal cavity to be
full of greenish or grayish black dry crusts cover-
4.2.1 Pathology ing the turbinates and septum, which bleeds if
removed (Fig. 4.5). On removal of crusts, nasal
The characteristic feature is squamous metapla- cavities appear roomy with atrophy of turbinates
sia of the normal ciliated columnar epithelium which may be reduced to mere ridges and the
along with its endarteritis obliterans is seen in the posterior wall of nasopharynx can be easily seen.
mucosa, periosteum, and bone leading to atrophy Nasal mucosa appears pale and dermatitis of the
of seromucinous glands, venous blood sinusoids, nasal vestibule may be present. Septal perfora-
and nerve elements [15]. The bone of turbinates tions can be seen leading to saddle nose defor-
undergoes resorption causing the widening of mity. Atrophic changes may also be seen in the
nasal chambers. Paranasal sinuses are small due pharyngeal mucosa which appears as dry and
4 Granulomatous Disease and Faciomaxillary Trauma 113
glazed with crusts leading to atrophic pharyngi- crusts and the associated infection, putrefying
tis. Sometimes the atrophic changes may extend smell, and to further check crust formation. alka-
to the laryngeal mucosa causing cough and line nasal douching solution is made by dissolv-
hoarseness of voice typical of Atrophic Laryngitis. ing a teaspoonful of powder containing soda
middle ear effusion, tympanic membrane retrac- bicarbonate one part, sodium biborate one part,
tions due to obstruction to eustachian tube causes sodium chloride two parts in 280 ml of water.
hearing-impairment in the minority of cases [18]. Saline acts as solvent and it washes thick mucus,
Paranasal sinuses are usually small and underde- crust, and debris. Nasal douches also increase
veloped with thick walls. The presence of 2 or mucosal humidification and ciliary function. The
more features beyond 6 months are in favor of solution is run through one nostril and comes out
atrophic rhinitis: recurrent epistaxis, episodic from the other. It loosens the crusts and removes
anosmia, nasal purulence, crusting, surgical thick tenacious discharge. Initially, irrigations are
intervention in two or more sinuses, and presence done two to three times a day but later once every
of chronic inflammatory disease [19]. 2–3 days is sufficient. After crusts are removed,
the nose is painted with 25% glucose in glycer- Investigations ine. This inhibits the growth of proteolytic organ-
Mainly aim to establish the diagnosis by exclud- isms which are responsible for foul smell. In
ing secondary causes of atrophic rhinitis and other place of this antibiotic spray can also be used like
granulomatous conditions. Low hemoglobin and Kemicetine antiozena solution contains chloro-
peripheral blood smear show microcytic hypo- mycetin, oestradiol, and vitamin D2 but antibiot-
chromic picture pointing towards iron deficiency ics are not having much role in the treatment of
anemia. As bacterial infection is seen, there is atrophic rhinitis. Budesonide based nasal wash
raised total leukocyte count (TLC) and differen- (2 ml in 1000 ml saline irrigation solution) is also
tial leukocyte count (DLC) show lymphocytosis. recommended after saline nasal douches to
Commonly, low Serum protein and plasma vita- improve symptomatology.
min levels are seen due to malnutrition. Other Other treatment strategies that have shown
tests done to rule out secondary causes are the benefit are oestradiol spray which has been found
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) which is to increase vascularity of nasal mucosa and
raised in tuberculosis and granulomatous infec- regeneration of seromucinous glands for Young
tion. Blood sugar is to rule out diabetes mellitus. and Taylor Type1 not Type 2. Placental extract,
VDRL test is to diagnose secondary to syphilis. when injected submucosally in the nose may pro-
Chest X-ray and Mantoux test/enzyme-linked vide some relief. A potassium iodide oral prepa-
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for tuberculosis. ration promotes and liquefies nasal secretion
Skin biopsy is to get the diagnosis of leprosy. [20]. Mitomycin C, platelet-rich plasma, and
Nasal biopsy is for granulomatous diseases such ozone were tried as an adjuvant treatment with
as lupus, leprosy, scleroma, and gumma. CT scan nasal douches but both medications were not
of paranasal sinuses shows mucoperiosteal thick- showed any significant benefit. Nasal endoscopic
ening of paranasal sinuses, loss of definition of surveillance is recommended twice a year to
osteomeatal complex due to resorption of eth- clear crusting and to remove adhesion till symp-
moidal bulla and uncinate process, hypoplastic toms persist.
maxillary sinuses, enlargement of the nasal cavity
with the erosion of the lateral nasal wall, and atro-
phy of inferior and middle turbinates. 4.2.3 Surgical Management
Complete cure is not yet possible. Goal of treat- 1. Surgeries for narrowing the nasal cavities—
ment is to maintain nasal hygiene by removal of Nasal chambers are very wide in atrophic rhi-
114 G. Gupta et al.
nitis and air currents dry up secretions leading 3. Surgeries to increase lubrication of dry nasal
to crusting. Narrowing the size of the nasal mucosa: There are two main techniques used
airway helps to relieve the symptoms. Among one is Raghav Sharan’s operation [22], in which
the techniques followed for narrowing the implantation of maxillary sinus mucosa is done
nasal cavities initially Wilson injected in the nostril. And the other is Wittmack’s tech-
Submucosal a mixture of 50% Teflon in glyc- nique, where implantation of the Stenson’s duct
erin paste. Then insertion of the implant under is done (parotid duct) into the maxillary antrum.
the mucoperiosteum of the floor and lateral 4. Surgeries to improve the vascularity of the
wall of the nose and the mucoperichondrium nasal cavities: Sympathetic tone causes vaso-
of the septum was done and the types of constriction and emptying of the venous
implants used can be classified into two sinusoids via the arteriovenous anastomosis.
(a) Living tissue implants A reduction in sympathetic tone causes venous
(i) Autogenous—dermofat, bone, sinusoids dilatation along with the increase in
cartilage blood supply by decreasing the vasoconstric-
(ii) Homogenous—placenta tion which is being utilized in these proce-
(iii) Heterogenous—bioimplant dures that are satellite ganglion block, cervical
Synthetic implants—acrylic, silicone, sympathectomy, pterygopalatine fossa block,
Teflon, proplast and juxta-nasal sympathectomy.
2. Surgeries to promote regeneration of normal Number of surgical options is mentioned in
mucosa: Young’s operation [21]—In it both literature but no control trial is performed till
the nostrils are closed completely just within date for the efficacy of different procedures
the nasal vestibule by raising flaps. They are [20].
opened after 6 months or later. In these cases,
mucosa may revert back to normal and crust-
ing reduced. To avoid the discomfort of bilat- 4.3 Part C: Maxillofacial Trauma
eral nasal obstruction, modified Young’s
operation was devised which aims to partially 4.3.1 Introduction
close the nostrils instead of complete closure.
It is also claimed to give the same benefit as Maxillofacial trauma presents in emergency as
Young’s (Fig. 4.7). part of polytrauma or standalone facial trauma.
The common causes include motor vehicle acci-
dents, fall from height, or assault. Maxillofacial
trauma is very commonly associated with neuro-
logical and eye trauma, along with possibility of
solid viscera injury. This necessitates team
approach to this entity. Like any trauma, princi-
ples of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
should be followed and attention to Airway,
Breathing, Circulation, Disability, and Exposure
(ABCDE) be done appropriately.
Non-comminuted maxillary fractures seldom
bleed profusely. At the same time, in severe frac-
tures nasal packing alone to control bleeding may
be insufficient as splayed walls of the nasal cav-
ity and/or palatal process of maxilla will not
allow the packing to generate enough pressure to
Fig. 4.7 The clinical photograph is showing modified
control bleeding. In such cases, airway securing
Young’s operation. The catheter is placed to prepare small
size nostril (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate followed by both oral and nasal packing can be
Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India) considered (Fig. 4.8a, b).
4 Granulomatous Disease and Faciomaxillary Trauma 115
a b
Fig. 4.8 (a) Patient with nasoethmoidal and bilateral minuted nasoethmoidal complex and bilateral maxillary
maxillary fracture who needed securing of airway and fractures leading to splaying of lateral nasal wall. Bleeding
oral and nasal packing to control bleeding. (b) 3D CT in such a case may not be controlled by nasal packing
reconstruction of the same patient shows severely com- alone
a b
Fig. 4.12 (a) Left parotid swelling and ear bleeding in a injury. (b) Same patient showing malocclusion due to
patient with the left condylar fracture. The patient was condylar fracture
otherwise well preserved with no other apparent facial
a b
Fig. 4.13 Preoperative (6a) and postoperative (6b) image of a patient with nasal bone fracture who underwent closed
ening is done if required. If significant septal and displaced fracture of zygomatic arch are
cartilage and septal fracture are present, emer- reduced and fixed by coronal approach. Non-
gency septoplasty can be considered. Telescoping comminuted depressed fractures of arch that are
of fragments with significant comminution may cosmetically and functionally significant can
merit external fixation using lead plates or ortho- undergo closed reduction by temporal (Gilles) or
pedic plates [24]. vestibular (Keen) approach using periosteal or
Rowe zygoma elevator.
matory pseudotumor. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 19. Ly TH, deShazo RD, Olivier J, Stringer SP, Daley W,
2019;276:2465–73. Stodard CM. Diagnostic criteria for atrophic rhinosi-
14. RA S, Kaliner MA. Nonallergic rhinitis, Chapter 14. nusitis. Am J Med. 2009;122(8):747–53.
Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2013;27(Suppl 1):S48–51. 20. Mishra A, Kawatra R, Gola M. Interventions for
15. Chen HS. Desquamation and squamotransforma-
atrophic rhinitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
tion of rhinomucosa as a prodromal sign of atrophic 2012;2:CD008280.
rhinitis. J Otorhinolaryngol Related Specialties. 21. Young A. Closure of nostrils in Atrophic Rhinitis. J
1984;46(6):327–8. Laryngol. 1967;81:514–5.
16. Taylor M, Young A. Histopathological and histo-
22. Sharan R. Transplantation of the maxillary sinus
chemical studies in atrophic rhinitis. J Laryngol Otol. mucosa in atrophic rhinitis. Indian J Otolaryngol.
1961;75:574–89. 1978;30:14–6.
17. El-Anwar MW, et al. Surfactant protein A expres- 23. Fonseca RJ. Oral and maxillofacial trauma. 3rd ed. St.
sion in chronic rhinosinusitis and atrophic rhinitis. Int Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2018.
Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015;19(2):130–4. 24. Kochar HS. An innovative approach to external fixa-
18. Bist SS, Bisht M, Purohit JP. Primary atrophic rhini- tion of severe nasal bone fractures with orthopedic
tis: a clinical profile, microbiological and radiological plates. Ear Nose Throat J. 2011;90:102–4.
study. ISRN Otolaryngol. 2012;2012:404075. 25. Chen CT, Chen YR. Endoscopically assisted repair
of orbital floor fractures. Plast Reconstr Surg.
Diagnostic Method
and Instrumentation in Rhinology 5
Gagandeep Singh, Immaculata Xess, Ankur Goyal,
Ashu Seith Bhalla, Shamim Ahmed Shamim,
Hitender Gautam, Zareen Lynrah,
Pradip Kumar Tiwari, Ripu Daman Arora,
Nikhil Singh, and Nitin M. Nagarkar
5.1 Part A: Diagnosis of Fungal Infections of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 122
5.1.1 I ntroduction 122
5.1.2 Diagnosis of Invasive FRS 123
5.1.3 Specimens 123
5.1.4 Sample Transport 124
5.1.5 Sample Processing 124
5.1.6 Culture and Antifungal Susceptibility Testing (AFST) 124
5.1.7 Serologic Tests 124
5.2 Part B: Intervention Radiology for Rhinology 126
5.2.1 re-Requisites
P 127
5.2.2 Image-Guided Sampling 127
5.2.3 DSA Assessment of Vascularity and Collateralization 128
5.2.4 DSA Embolization in Trauma Setting 129
5.2.5 DSA Embolization in Epistaxis 129
5.2.6 DSA Embolization in Tumors 130
5.2.7 DSA Embolization in AVMs 133
5.2.8 Sclerotherapy for Sinonasal Low-Flow Malformations 133
5.2.9 Complications 134
5.3 art C: Nuclear Medicine Perspective
P 134
5.3.1 Introduction 134
5.4 art D: Bacteriology and Virology
P 142
5.4.1 Introduction 142
5.4.2 Staining Procedures 143
Z. Lynrah · P. K. Tiwari
G. Singh · I. Xess · H. Gautam ENT, NIGRIMS, Shillong, Meghalaya, India
Microbiology, AIIMS, New Delhi, India
R. D. Arora (*) ·N. Singh · N. M. Nagarkar
A. Goyal · A. S. Bhalla ENT, AIIMS, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Radiology, AIIMS, New Delhi, India e-mail:
S. A. Shamim
Nuclear Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi, India
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 121
H. Verma, A. Thakar (eds.), Essentials of Rhinology,
122 G. Singh et al.
5.4.3 C ulture Media Are Required to Isolate the Bacteria from the Clinical
Specimens 144
5.4.4 Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (NAAT) 144
5.4.5 Antibiotic Sensitivity, Resistance, and Prevention 145
5.4.6 Viruses in ENT 145
5.4.7 Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Diseases 145
5.5 Part E: Advanced Instruments in Rhinology 146
References 153
Fungal rhino-sinusitis is one of the major sub- involved in the majority of rhinosinusitis. Acute
types of chronic rhino-sinusitis. It is classified infection generally starts with viruses and super-
into invasive and none-invasive types. Surgical added bacterial infection usually prolongs the
clearance is the primary treatment method for disease duration and can complicate the out-
non-invasive type. Non-invasive fungal sinusitis comes. The acute type is more complicated than
may convert into invasive type to some extent. the chronic type. The evaluation is required gen-
The invasive is managed by debridement & long erally in poor responder to the standard line of
term antifungal therapy. The prognosis of inva- the management, complicated cases, and in
sive type is poor than non-invasive type. chronic rhinosinusitis cases. The correct identifi-
Prophylactic, incomplete & unnecessary prolong cation of the causative organism is possible by
treatment raised the possibility of drug resis- knowing the correct way of sample collection,
tance. Proper identification of the causative transportation technique, etc. Endoscopes, micro-
organism, drug sensitivity against it & treatment debrider, radiofrequency ablation, coblator, etc.
duration reduces the risk of relapse of disease & revolutionized the outcomes of surgery by
drug resistance which intern improves the quality improving the surgical field exposure, by provid-
of life. The correct diagnosis of causative fungal ing finer details and by controlling the surgical
organism is possible if the samples extract in cor- bleeding. Navigation system allows expansion of
rect way, timely transport to the laboratories, etc. endoscopic surgical approaches. Recent advances
New serological tests allow early identification of in the instruments allow dealing of central skull
tissue invasion. Radiological interventions are base lesions by transnasal route. The quality of
commonly done for tissue diagnosis especially in life is improved significantly in comparison to
hidden areas which requires extensive exposure traditional open trans-cranial approaches.
for biopsy such as high infratemporal fossa, cra-
nial tumour eroding middle & posterior skull
base. Interventions are also indicated to control 5.1 art A: Diagnosis of Fungal
traumatic bleeding & to reduce the vascularity of Infections of Nose
vascular lesions. The procedures are performed and Paranasal Sinuses
under image guidance in head and neck region
include those performed for obtaining diagnostic 5.1.1 Introduction
information or for therapeutic intent. Nuclear
Medicine uses radiopharmaceuticals for diagnos- Fungi are ubiquitous in the environment and we
tic and therapeutic purposes. It plays an impor- are exposed to them on a regular basis. In few
tant role in identifying the unknown etiological individuals, fungi can cause allergic manifesta-
factor, the staging of mass lesions of nose and tions or even invasive disease in the nose and
paranasal sinuses pathology, to assess the treat- PNS, depending on underlying conditions and
ment response. Bacteria’s and viruses are are collectively termed as fungal rhinosinusitis
5 Diagnostic Method and Instrumentation in Rhinology 123
Table 5.1 Common agents associated with fungal except mucormycosis and cryptococcosis. The
galactomannan test is specific for invasive asper-
Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis Invasive fungal Sinusitis gillosis. Newer techniques like the lateral flow
devices for detecting Aspergillus antigens and
• Aspergillus flavus • Rhizopus oryzae
• Aspergillus fumigatus • Rhizopus microsporus polymerase chain reaction for detecting fungal
• Aspergillus niger • Lichtheimia DNA in tissue specimens are under evaluation.
• Other Aspergillus species corymbifera As the nose and paranasal sinuses are in close
• Fusarium spp. • Apophysomyces proximity to the eye and brain, invasive type
• Alternaria spp. elegans
• Cladosporium spp. • Aspergillus flavus infections should be managed aggressively.
• Curvularia spp. • Aspergillus fumigatus Classification of FRS: Based on histopathol-
• Bipolaris spp. ogy, clinical features, and laboratory investiga-
tions (Fig. 5.1) [1–4].
(FRS) (Table 5.1). FRS affects all age groups and
socioeconomic status. FRS is neglected and often
misdiagnosed in developing countries. Correct 5.1.2 Diagnosis of Invasive FRS
sample collection to establish an appropriate
diagnosis is of paramount importance. Nasal A high degree of suspicion should be kept for estab-
swabs are considered inferior and biopsy speci- lishing a diagnosis of invasive FRS, especially in
mens are the most conclusive. Once the biopsy is the immunocompromised patient with facial pain.
collected it should be transported immediately to The nares and oral cavity should be carefully exam-
the laboratory, immersed in normal saline in a ined for necrotic areas. Early nasal endoscopic eval-
sterile leak-proof container. Samples should uation by an otolaryngologist is essential for
always be well labeled and accompanied with sampling the site. Computed tomography (CT)
complete clinical details. The samples should be shows sinus involvement and may reveal bony ero-
processed as early as possible to avoid over- sions or extension of the infection. Magnetic reso-
growth of commensal flora. Samples can be nance imaging (MRI) should be performed to assess
stored at 4 °C if the processing is being delayed, intracranial and cavernous sinus involvement.
however, if mucormycosis is being suspected the Maxillary and ethmoid sinuses are the most com-
samples should not be stored at 4 °C and main- mon sites for invasive FRS. The diagnosis is depen-
tained at room temperature. Biopsy samples are dent on histopathologic/direct demonstration of
processed depending on the presumptive diagno- fungal elements. Isolation of the infecting fungus is
sis made by the clinician. All biopsies should be necessary to guide therapy [1, 5].
homogenized to release the fungal elements in all
non-mucormycosis cases. However, if the diag-
nosis of mucormycosis is made, the biopsy speci- 5.1.3 Specimens
men should not be homogenized as it will damage
the delicate fungal elements of the Mucorales and Tissue biopsy is the ideal sample. It should be
inhibit the recovery in culture. These should obtained from the necrotic part of the affected site
instead be cut into small pieces and simply placed under direct visualization. Nasal scrapings have
on the culture media. In routine, Mucorales are low yield, however, may be obtained in patients
recovered on the culture within 3–4 days of cul- with bleeding diathesis. Nasal swabs should be
ture and Aspergillus sp. grow within 5–7 days. avoided as fungal elements get trapped in fibers.
Obtaining a biopsy specimen may not always be Moist swabs should be obtained, if at all used, as
feasible. In such situations, non-culture tech- drying of the sample will cause fungi to lose their
niques aid in establishing the diagnosis. The viability. Serum samples can be sent for galacto-
beta-D-glucan is a pan-fungal marker, it is posi- mannan antigen detection and Beta-1,3- Glucan
tive in all cases of invasive fungal infections detection and other serological markers [6, 7].
124 G. Singh et al.
Fig. 5.1 Classification
of fungal rhinosinusitis Acute invasive
Invasive FRS FRS
Fungal ball
Allergic FRS
Suspected Suspected
invasive invasive
aspergillosis mucormycosis
KOH-Calcofluor KOH-Calcofluor
Culture Culture
white stain white stain
a b
Fig. 5.3 Calcofluor white-KOH mount under 40× foldings indicating mucormycosis (b) Dichotomous
magnification (a) Broad aseptate hyphae are observed branching at acute angle (arrow) suggestive of asper-
with right angle branching (arrow) and ribbon-like gillosis/hyalohyphomycosis
Surgical gauzes/sponges—transient false • False-positive Galactomannan results have
positives in surgical patients. been shown in patients receiving Plasmalyte
for intravenous hydration or if Plasmalyte is
False negatives may be seen in the following used for BAL collection.
a b
Fig. 5.4 (a) Ultrasound image showing sampling from necrotic nodal mass. (b) Axial CT image shows transcondylar
approach for targeting infratemporal masses. Arrowheads denote needle
sion into ITF or beyond can be approached are usually sufficient if the needle throw is 2 cm.
through CT guidance. Similarly lesions with Upto 5 cores may be required if length of biopsy
extension into premaxillary or buccal space can needle hub is 1 cm.
be sampled under USG guidance. Addition of
USG allows sampling of most solid, non-necrotic
components where the yield is likely to be higher. 5.2.3 DSA Assessment
Coaxial technique is preferred for deep-seated of Vascularity
lesions so that access is retained for repeated and Collateralization
passes and there is no repetitive trauma to the
intervening tissues. Also, it saves time and mul- Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is done
tiple samples can be taken via the outer needle. for assessment of vascularity of masses of supra-
This employs 16G outer needle and 18G inner hyoid neck and skull base as well as cross-
biopsy needle. Fine needle aspiration cytology is circulation prior to surgery. For cross-circulation
best done with on-site pathologist and/or micro- assessment, the common carotid artery ipsilateral
biologist to assess the adequacy of the sample to the side of the neoplasm is manually com-
[Rapid On Site Evaluation (ROSE) by the pathol- pressed, while contrast is injected into the contra-
ogist to check for the cellular adequacy so as to lateral internal carotid artery and DSA acquisition
reduce recalling of the patients for a second sit- is done in the frontal projection (Matas maneu-
ting]. FNAC is done with a 21–23 gauge hypo- ver) [12]. Opacification of ipsilateral brain paren-
dermic/spinal needle and two-three excursions chyma through patent anterior communicating
are usually sufficient. When clinico-radiological artery indicates preserved cross-circulation
diagnosis is infection, then aspiration of the liq- (Fig. 5.5).
uefied/necrotic content is useful both for identi- Allcock maneuver involves dominant vertebral
fying the pathogen as well as therapeutic artery injection [12] with manual carotid com-
purposes. However, if the neoplasm is suspected, pression to look for posterior communicating
then FNAC/biopsy from the solid component artery patency and is done if cross-circulation is
should be done. Biopsy cores are taken in case not preserved. Carotid balloon occlusion test is
the cytology smears are inadequate or the lesion done by inflating an occlusion balloon in the ipsi-
is predominantly solid. 18G cores have much bet- lateral internal carotid artery (cervical portion) for
ter yield than 20G cores. Two-three biopsy cores 20 min and evaluating ischemic tolerance. Latter
5 Diagnostic Method and Instrumentation in Rhinology 129
a b c
Fig. 5.5 DSA runs showing examples of cross- ing artery. (b) DSA run through left ICA shows preserved
circulation. (a) DSA run through right internal carotid cross-circulation. (c) DSA run through right ICA shows
artery ICA (with compression of left carotid) shows pre- absent cross-circulation
served cross-circulation through the anterior communicat-
can be done in the most basic form by clinical though the patient is bleeding. Most common
neurological assessment (motor, touch sensation, cause of this finding is arterial spasm secondary
language, memory, judgment tests) or more accu- to trauma as well as hypovolemia. In such case,
rately by doing electroencephalography (EEG). empirical embolization of bilateral internal max-
Various imaging-based perfusion assessment illary arteries and ipsilateral facial artery is done
studies (Single photon emission CT SPECT using using gelfoam. Table 5.3 outlines the commonly
Tc99m HMPAO) can also be done. The test is used embolizing agents and sclerosants.
positive in case any neurological deficit or EEG/
SPECT abnormality is detected. Though consid-
ered safe, there is mild risk of arterial dissection, 5.2.5 DSA Embolization in Epistaxis
thrombosis, and distal infarction (3.5%) [12].
Matas and Allcock’s maneuver are safer alterna- The first step in non-traumatic epistaxis is to
tives to balloon occlusion test and can accurately identify the cause. This is done by nasal examina-
predict the results of latter [12]. tion, endoscopy, and CT angiography. If no defi-
nite cause is apparent or there is abnormal cluster
of vessels or arteriovenous malformation, then
5.2.4 D
SA Embolization in Trauma endovascular embolization is usually done. This
Setting is particularly applicable to posterior epistaxis.
Depending on the finding on diagnostic runs,
Arterial embolization procedures are commonly appropriate embolization agent is used. If no sig-
performed in the emergency setting for traumatic nificant finding is seen and bleeding cannot be
oronasal bleed not responding to packing. localized to one side, then empirical emboliza-
Selective arterial runs of bilateral internal maxil- tion of bilateral internal maxillary arteries is done
lary and facial arteries are mandatory to identify using gelfoam/PVA particles. If bleeding can be
the source of the bleed. DSA may show pseudoa- localized to one side, then the superior labial
neurysm due to traumatic injury of the artery or branch (nasal septal branches) of ipsilateral facial
abnormal parenchymal blush due to bleeding artery is also embolized [13]. Internal maxillary
from small arterioles (Fig. 5.6). Former is usually artery is embolized distal to the origin of the mid-
treated by selective coil embolization while the dle meningeal artery so that sphenopalatine and
latter is managed by occluding the culprit artery descending palatine arteries are embolized [13].
using gelfoam. Sometimes the diagnostic runs Most common cause of failed embolization is
may not show any abnormality on DSA, even bleeding from anterior and posterior ethmoidal
130 G. Singh et al.
Fig. 5.6 Traumatic maxillary bleed. (a) Shows contrast extravasation from internal maxillary artery in the DSA run.
(b) After gelfoam embolization, the extravasation has stopped
Table 5.3 Commonly used embolizing and sclerother- operative blood loss and morbidity. This is usu-
apy agents ally done within 72 h of surgery but should not be
Sclerotherapy done more than 5–7 days earlier. This is to pre-
Embolizing agents agents vent revascularization by recruitment of collater-
Mechanical: Coil, Microcoil, 3% STDS
Vascular Plug, Gelfoam pledgets
als. Endovascular embolization is usually done.
Particulate: PVA particles, Polidocanol Percutaneous/endoscopic direct intralesional
Embospheres, Gelfoam slurry embolization may also be done, especially if arte-
Liquid: Glue Bleomycin rial feeders are small and difficult to catheterize
Ablative: Alcohol or if there is significant supply from the internal
Chemo-embolic agents: carotid artery. Common lesions where preopera-
Chemotherapy drug with lipiodol
tive embolization is done include juvenile naso-
STDS sodium tetradecyl sulfate pharyngeal angiofibroma and glomus tumors
(Figs. 5.7 and 5.8).
arteries (branches of ophthalmic artery); this It may also be done for other hypervascular
requires surgical ligation. Reported success rates neoplasms like hemangiopericytoma, nerve
of embolization in epistaxis are 71–95% [13]. In sheath tumors, plasmacytomas, and metastases.
diseases like hereditary hemorrhagic telangiecta- Commonly used embolizing agent is polyvinyl
sia where multiple sessions may be needed, the alcohol (PVA) particles 300–500 μ in size.
main arteries must be kept patent and proximal Gelfoam can also be used. Glue is used if there is
embolization with coils should not be done. excessive arteriovenous shunting or for direct
embolization. Direct intratumoral glue injection
can be done through percutaneous or nasal route,
5.2.6 DSA Embolization in Tumors depending on the tumor location and extent.
All the feeding arteries (usually from external
Usual indication of embolization in tumor setting carotid artery branches) need to be embolized so
is in the preoperative period to reduce the intra- that the entire tumor blush disappears. The goal is
5 Diagnostic Method and Instrumentation in Rhinology 131
Fig. 5.7 DSA runs showing parenchymal blush of JNA. vidian branch and (c) Demonstrates percutaneous target-
(a) Shows predominant supply from internal maxillary ing of JNA component in the infratemporal fossa
artery. (b) Depicts supply from internal carotid artery via
Fig. 5.8 Glomus tumor. (a) Sagittal T2w MRI image ICA and ECA with intense blush. (c) There is predomi-
shows hyperintense mass with flow voids within. (b) DSA nant supply from the posterior auricular artery
image RT common carotid artery runs shows splaying of
to deposit the embolizing agent at arteriolar/cap- surgically because of distorted anatomy, large
illary level to reduce vascularity. Feeders from tumor size, post-radiation changes, fistula, and
the internal carotid and vertebral arteries are usu- infection [14]. CT angiography is usually done
ally not embolized because of the risk of stroke. first to assess the tumor and its relationship with
Few series have also tried selective chemo- adjacent vessels. CT also helps to identify any
embolization where chemotherapy drugs are pseudoaneurysm or active contrast extravasation.
injected selectively into the feeding arteries of In such a case the corresponding artery is usually
the tumor. This may increase the local effect of blocked with coils at the site of injury. If no site
the drug on the tumor and reduce systemic toxic- of arterial injury is identified, then tumor emboli-
ity. This has been mostly tried in laryngeal can- zation is done to reduce bleeding.
cers but results have been heterogenous. Carotid blowout syndrome is a complication
Sometimes tumors may erode adjacent arteries of extensive or recurrent squamous cell carci-
and lead to bleeding. This is difficult to control noma of the head and neck in which there is rup-
132 G. Singh et al.
Fig. 5.9 (a) Frontal and (b) lateral DSA runs in a patient with locally invasive laryngeal cancer with carotid blowout
show contrast extravasation from the distal common carotid artery
Fig. 5.10 Face AVM. (a) and (b) DSA runs in lateral projection arterial phase and late venous phase respectively show
abnormal cluster of vessels getting supply from the internal maxillary artery and showing early venous shunting
ture or bleeding from the carotid artery or its such a case and thus endovascular treatment is
branches (Fig. 5.9). This may be due to tumor preferred. There are two options in carotid blow-
eroding the vessel wall or post-radiation changes out. One is permanent occlusion of the carotid
or postoperative exposure. Surgical ligation of artery by coils or detachable balloons. However,
the carotid artery is technically challenging in if the balloon occlusion test is positive, then cov-
5 Diagnostic Method and Instrumentation in Rhinology 133
ered stent (stent graft) may be used to prevent 5.2.8 Sclerotherapy for Sinonasal
cerebral ischemia. However, the latter does not Low-Flow Malformations
have good long-term outcome.
Low-flow vascular malformations include venous
and lymphatic malformations are commonly
5.2.7 DSA Embolization in AVMs treated by sclerotherapy. Cystic masses in the
region of glabella need to be carefully evaluated
Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) in the to rule out meningocele. MRI is usually recom-
face/nose/ITF may present with pulsatile swell- mended prior to any management to map out the
ing and/or bleeding (epistaxis) (Fig. 5.10). Lip entire extent of the lesion, muscle involvement,
is often involved in such cases. Glue mixed proximity to the course of nerves, orbit, and air-
with lipiodol is the commonly used embolizing ways. Direct puncture of the lesion followed by
agent. In case of large venous varices, espe- contrast phlebography is done initially to decide
cially when causing osteolysis of mandible, the type of sclerosant, estimate its volume and
coils are used to pack the venous side of the look for draining veins (Fig. 5.11). The intent of
AVM. Absolute alcohol may also be used; how- sclerotherapy is the alleviation of symptoms
ever, has the propensity to cause side effects (pain, bleeding, swelling, mass effect) and rarely
due to tissue necrosis. Onyx (ethylene vinyl curative. Sodium tetradecyl sulfate (STDS) is the
alcohol copolymer) can also be used especially commonly used sclerosant especially in case of
in cases where there is direct arteriovenous fis- macrocystic lesions and 3% concentration is used.
tula. For bleeding control; many times, percuta- Polidocanol is less effective, less painful, and
neous direct embolization is also done after incites less edema; used when the risk of side
endovascular control. The potential sites of effects is more especially in case of small cystic
dangerous anastomoses between internal and spaces. Bleomycin is the agent of choice for
external carotid circulations need to be kept in microcystic lesions and incites the least inflam-
mind in case of midline face lesions to avoid mation, thus can be used if the lesion is close to
inadvertent blindness and stroke. These include airways. However, the cumulative dose of bleo-
nasal bridge, glabella and orbits and the anasto- mycin should not exceed the safety limits to avoid
mosis is between ophthalmic and ethmoid pulmonary toxicity. Orbital extension is frequent
arteries with internal maxillary and facial artery in sinonasal lesions, thus there is potential risk of
branches. Also, such lesions usually have some orbital inflammation post sclerotherapy. Hence
drainage into the cavernous sinus as well. risk versus benefit to be assessed based on patient
Fig. 5.11 Low-flow malformations of face. (a) Axial vein. (c) Axial T2w MRI image shows hyperintense lym-
T2w MRI image shows hyperintense microcystic venous phatic malformation involving right parotid. (d)
malformation in the left upper lip. (b) Corresponding Corresponding phlebogram image shows macrocystic
phlebogram shows spongy pattern without any draining pattern
134 G. Singh et al.
symptoms and vision. Usual technique is foam ter patient comfort [16]. With advances in the
sclerotherapy for both STDS and polidocanol to hardware of interventional radiology and increas-
increase the surface area of contact with the endo- ingly available expertise, the use of IR is going to
thelial wall and to slow down the clearance. The expand in ENT surgery. Both specialties need to
usual gap between sclerotherapy sessions is work together for decision making to enhance
6–8 weeks. Sclerotherapy or alcohol ablation may patient care.
also be done for benign cystic lesions like colloid
thyroid nodules, plunging ranula, salivary gland
cysts [14]. 5.3 art C: Nuclear Medicine
commonly performed investigation since it is rel- assess the functional activity of the disease. This
atively easy and fast method and detects deminer- feature can be used for response assessment,
alization and bone destruction. However, CT especially in immune-compromised patients in
cannot detect the early functional changes that whom clinical features and laboratory parameters
characterize bone infections and suffers a definite may not be reliable, which helps in making the
delay in detecting bony structure alterations [17]. decision of change or discontinuation of antibiot-
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is suggested ics. However, the disadvantage of planar bone
to visualize intracranial spread, thrombosis, and scintigraphy is that the ongoing osteoblastic activ-
soft tissue involvement. Both these conventional ity of the healing process may appear as false
imaging techniques give anatomical details and positive on scan. In such cases, WBC labeled
do not allow assessment of disease activity and its imaging will differentiate between infection and
response to treatment. In SBO, bone scintigraphy bone remodeling. The negative predictive value of
is indicated for the diagnosis and the extent of dis- bone scintigraphy in SBO is much higher and can
ease, to evaluate disease activity status, and for rule out active infection.
assessment of response to treatment. In active
SBO, there will be increase in flow, pool activity, 18
and uptake in delayed images. With SPECT/CT 18
F FDG PET/CT can be used for SBO, since it is
imaging the anatomical extent of the disease can easily available and has higher resolution than
be corroborated with functional activity. planar and SPECT imaging (Fig. 5.13). As it is
Occasionally flow and pool activity may not be not a bone-specific agent, it can differentiate
significantly increased, particularly in cases of between bone infection and osteoblastic changes
chronic osteomyelitis. In these cases, diagnosis is in bone healing. However, it is non-specific and
made on the basis of delayed and SPECT images can be positive in other non-infectious etiologies,
(Fig. 5.12). The advantage of bone scan over con- like malignancy, and has higher radiation expo-
ventional anatomical imaging is its ability to sure to the patient than 99mTc bone scintigraphy.
Fig. 5.12 A 40 years old diabetic patient presented with region. (b) CT and fused SPECT-CT images reveal the
pain and discharge in the left ear for past 3 months and focal concentration of radiotracer in left mastoid air cells
was referred to rule out skull base osteomyelitis. (a) which show loss of pneumatization on CT
Delayed planar images show uptake in the left mastoid
136 G. Singh et al.
Fig. 5.13 53 years old male, with known left skull base CT shows focal area of radiotracer uptake in the left sty-
osteomyelitis, post-left radical mastoidectomy, referred loid process and mastoid air cells, suggestive of residual
for FDG PET/CT to rule out residual disease. FDG PET/ disease
Fig. 5.14 Sixty years old female, with clinical suspicion of skull base osteomyelitis and inconclusive bone scan, under-
went 18F-WBC PET/CT, which revealed the involvement of left temporomandibular joint and sphenoid
Fig. 5.15 62 year old male with biopsy proven nasopha- vical lymph nodes. (c) Axial fused PET/CT images show-
ryngeal carcinoma underwent 18F-FDG PET/CT for stag- ing parenchymal lung nodule with uptake in right lung
ing. (a) MIP image reveals uptake in primary, cervical lower lobe, superior segment. (d) Axial fused PET/CT
lymph node, lung, liver, and skeletal lesions. (b) Coronal images showing multiple liver metastases. (e) Axial fused
section of head and neck showing intense FDG uptake in PET/CT images in bone window showing increased
ill-defined lesion occupying the roof of nasopharynx with uptake with lytic lesion in left ilium suggestive of bone
intracranial extension. Also seen, multiple FDG avid cer- metastases
tumor. 18F-FDG PET/CT has a limited role PET/CT can detect residual disease in the
in T staging of tumor and tends to miss background of postoperative and RT changes
lesions in the skull base and cavernous and therefore has a role to play in response
sinuses due to physiologically high uptake assessment in these groups of patients.
of FDG in the brain and in early-stage tumor (B) Sinonasal Tumors
invasion and because of the lower resolution Sinonasal neoplasms are rare in occurrence
of PET compared with MRI [18]. Since MRI and comprise only 3% of all head and neck
and CT depend on size criteria, it may be cancers. Sinonasal tumors can be of epithe-
difficult to differentiate between small lial (carcinomas) or mesenchymal (sarco-
benign and malignant nodes. 18F-FDG PET/ mas) origin. Epithelial tumors are the most
CT has high accuracy in assessing N stage of common and originate from the epithelial
tumor. 18F-FDG PET/CT has a sensitivity of lining, accessory salivary glands, neuroen-
97–100% and specificity of 73–97% in docrine tissue, and olfactory epithelium.
assessing cervical lymph nodes in patients Mesenchymal tumors derive from the sup-
with NPC, and MRI has a sensitivity of porting tissue. Since their presentation is
84–92% and specificity of 73–97% [19]. similar to rhinosinusitis, by the time of diag-
However, PET/CT is not comparable to MRI nosis they are usually much advanced.
in the detection of retropharyngeal nodes Common benign tumors in this region are
close to the primary, use of contrast enhanced papilloma and schwannoma. These benign
CT with PET may improve this detection. tumors are routinely imaged with CT and
According to NCCN guidelines (v1.2015) MRI. However, in the presence of malignant
F-FDG PET/CT is recommended for imag- transformation 18F-FDG PET/CT has shown
ing of distant metastases (chest, liver, bone) to have increased uptake. Therefore, PET/
for WHO class 2–3/N2–3 disease. 18F-FDG CT may have a role to play in cases with sus-
138 G. Singh et al.
Fig. 5.16 12 year old boy with juvenile nasopharyngeal gland and avid mass. Whereas MIP image of PSMA (b)
angiofibroma, underwent 68Ga DOTANOC (a) and 68Ga shows physiological uptake in lacrimal and salivary
PSMA (b) PET/CT for baseline evaluation. Images reveal glands along with the avid mass (On going thesis- Dr.
ill-defined lobulated mass occupying entire nasal cavity Prabhu, Dept of ENT, AIIMS, New Delhi, under guidance
and left maxillary sinus, with erosion of sphenoid and of Prof. Alok Thakar (ENT) & Prof Rakesh Kumar
extension into left infratemporal fossa. MIP image of (Nuclear Medicine)
DOTANOC (a) shows physiological uptake in pituitary
5 Diagnostic Method and Instrumentation in Rhinology 139
Fig. 5.17 39 year old male, with NK Tcell lymphoma of ity and involving the nasal septum and nasopharynx, with
nasal cavity, underwent 18F-FDG PET/CT for staging. diffuse FDG uptake. (c) FDG avid extension of mass into
MIP image (a) reveals FDG avid mass involving the nasal infra-orbital region of right eye and right ethmoid seen.
cavity and diffuse uptake in axial and appendicular skele- No other lesion noted in rest of the body
ton. (b) Irregular soft tissue thickening of right nasal cav-
Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Most com- metastatic evaluation and disease activity
mon NHL in the head and neck region is response assessment (Fig. 5.17).
of the Waldeyer ring, in which palatine (iv) Mucosal Melanoma:
tonsil is most common followed by naso- Mucosal malignant melanoma is a very
pharynx. Primary nasopharyngeal lym- rare tumor counting for approximately
phoma constitutes 8% of all head and 0.8–1.3% of all melanomas. Sinonasal
neck lymphomas. 18F-FDG PET/CT is malignant melanoma (SNMM) accounts
useful for the detection of the Primary roughly for 4% of all head and neck mel-
Nasopharyngeal lymphoma (PNL), its anomas and sinonasal malignancies [22].
extent of disease, and response evalua- In routine practice of head & neck radio-
tion. Studies have revealed that 18F-FDG logical assessment, CT and MRI are used
PET/CT is not reliable to differentiate for initial diagnosis. These modalities
between PNL and NPC [21]. The nasal have their limitation in metastatic evalua-
cavities and paranasal sinuses are rarely tion and detection of residual/recurrent
affected by primary NHL, these can be disease. 18F-FDG-PET/CT imaging has
differentiated from squamous carcino- higher sensitivity and specificity over
mas of these areas on conventional imag- conventional imaging in the staging of
ing due to their sub-mucosal origin. malignant melanoma [23]. Therefore,
F-FDG PET/CT also has a role in the 18
F-FDG-PET/CT can be a one-stop-
140 G. Singh et al.
Fig. 5.18 50 years old female, with known malignant mel- axial skeleton. (b) Axial CT and Pet/CT fused images show-
anoma, underwent 18F-FDG-PET/CT post-surgery and ing mucosal thickening in lateral wall of left nasal cavity
radiotherapy to look for disease status. (a) MIP image show- with FDG uptake, suggestive of residual disease. (c) FDG
ing increased uptake in the region of nasal cavity, lungs, and avid parenchymal metastatic nodule in right lung lower lobe
Fig. 5.19 33 years old male, with suspected nasal neuro- nasal cavity with intense tracer uptake. (b) Sagittal CT
endocrine carcinoma, post three cycles of docetaxel, and PET/CT fused images showing mass occupying the
underwent 68Ga DOTANOC PET/CT. (a) Axial CT and right nasal cavity. Biopsy revealed olfactory
PET/CT fused images showing sift tissue mass in right neuroblastoma
the superior diagnostic role of Choline- DOTANOC in tumor and response to 90Y
based PET (18F or 11C labeled) over FDG DOTATATE (Fig. 5.19) [30].
PET, however, more data is required to (vi) Occult Primary:
establish this [28]. High expression of Carcinomas of unknown primary (CUP)
Somatostatin Receptors (SSTR), particu- account for 5–10% of head and neck can-
larly SSTR-1 and 2, has been docu- cers [31]. Oropharynx is one of the most
mented in tumor cells of neuroblastoma common sites of origin of head and neck
[29]. Extending from this knowledge occult primaries, accounting for nearly
Savelli et al. have reported SSTR scintig- 90% of CUPs, the nasopharynx and
raphy and peptide receptor radionuclide hypopharynx are relatively less common
therapy (PRRT) in a case of ENB, they ‘hot spots’ for occult primary tumors
have reported good uptake of 68Ga [32]. When conventional imaging, i.e.,
142 G. Singh et al.
CT and MRI, fail to localize occult pri- tium), 90Y (yttrium), or 225Ac (actinium)
mary, PET/CT becomes the next investi- labeled DOTATE. Olfactory neuroblastoma
gation of choice. FDG PET/CT scan has like other neuroblastomas is amenable to
an overall staging accuracy of 69–78%, a 131
I-MIBG therapy. JNA has been shown to
positive predictive value of 56–83%, a express both SSTRs and PSMA, therefore,
negative predictive value of 75–86%, a theoretically can receive PRRT or PSMA
sensitivity of 63–100%, and a specificity labeled 177Lu or 225Ac therapy.
of 90–94% in CUP [33]. Apart from the
localization of primary, PET also assists
in identifying more feasible sites for 5.4 art D: Bacteriology
biopsy. However, FDG PET/CT also has and Virology
its drawbacks, the presence of infective/
inflammatory pathology in nasal cavity 5.4.1 Introduction
and paranasal sinuses may give rise to
false positives. Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek was the first
(C) Sentinel Lymph Node Scintigraphy scientist who observed bacteria. Bacteria are sin-
Sentinel lymph node biopsy is based on the gle cell organism seen by light microscopy which
identification of the predictable pattern of unlike viruses is able to multiply by binary fission
lymphatic drainage to a primary tumor, and as well as survive outside other cells. After birth,
its role as an effective filter for tumor cells the nasopharynx of a new born does not remain a
[34]. Histopathological confirmation of the sterile site for more than 48 h. With rapid acquisi-
involvement of sentinel lymph node helps in tion of colonizing bacteria initially from the
limiting unnecessary neck dissections. There maternal genital tract and later followed by organ-
are various techniques for the identification ism which are either ingested or received from
of the sentinel lymph nodes, commonly used carrier skin. The normal indigenous flora consists
are the dye method and radiotracer method. of gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic and
In the radiotracer method, the radiolabeled anaerobic bacteria including the oral streptococci,
colloid suspension is injected at the primary Bacteroides species, Corynebacterium species,
site, and planar and SPECT/CT images are and Neisseria species.
acquired at 15, 30, and 60 min from injec-
tion. SPECT/CT provides anatomical confir- Bacteriology of Nose and PNS
mation of lymph node level of the sentinel Common cold (Rhinitis) is defined as an inflam-
lymph node. During surgery, the exact loca- mation of the nasal mucous membrane or lining.
tion of the nodes may be confirmed using a Bacterial agents are responsible for 10–15% of
hand-held gamma detector probe. These cases of rhinitis which include Chlamydia pneu-
identified lymph nodes are then biopsied to moniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Group A
look for the spread of malignancy, and assist streptococci [36]. Maxillary sinus is the most com-
in decisions regarding neck dissection. Few monly involved sinus. The subsequent order of
sentinel lymph node scintigraphy studies frequency of sinus involvement is the ethmoid,
have been done for sino-nasal malignancies, frontal, and sphenoid sinuses) [37]. Streptococcus
showing an increment in the identification of pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae are the
involved nodes of up to 14% [35]. most common etiological agents among
( D) Therapeutic Potential community-acquired cases (50–60%). Moraxella
Tumors expressing somatostatin receptors catarrhalis is responsible for around 20% of cases
(SSTR) like NET of the nose and paranasal in children. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
sinuses, may be considered for peptide aureus (MRSA) concern is emerging. Among
receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) tar- anaerobes, Prevotella spp. Fusobacterium spp.,
geting these receptors, such as 177Lu (lute- are found [38]. Among chronic sinusitis, common
5 Diagnostic Method and Instrumentation in Rhinology 143
pathogens are S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, and 2 . Sinusitis is the clinical diagnosis. Maxillary
M. catarrhalis. Other pathogens that are less fre- sinusitis is the most common type of sinus-
quently seen are anaerobic streptococci, Prevotella itis, and specimen is collected by aspiration
spp., and Fusobacterium spp. M. catarrhalis is and subjected to culture and susceptibility
one of the possible agent in chronic sinusitis in testing [36, 40]. Therapy can be modified
children [36]. according to the etiological agent and treat-
Nosocomial sinusitis is a relatively common ment response. As nasal cavity is colonized
occurring complication, mainly in critical care. heavily with respiratory flora, contamination
Risk factors are nasal intubation, nasal-enteric of sample collected from paranasal sinuses is
tube. Bacterial species that are prevalent in envi- quite common. To help in differentiating true
ronment of hospital are the common etiological infection from contamination, quantitative
agents for nosocomial cases including, methods can be helpful. Colony count of at
Staphylococcus. aureus, Pseudomonas spp., least 104 colony-forming units per milliliter
Klebsiella pneumonia, etc. Such infections are (CFUs/mL) of aspirated material is sugges-
commonly polymicrobial and multidrug resis- tive of infection.
tant. During the last three decades, extra- 3. General instructions for specimen transport:
pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) has gained The specimen should reach the laboratory as
special attention because of the human immuno- soon as possible. Ideally specimen must
deficiency virus (HIV) pandemic. Mycobacterium reach the laboratory within <2 h. If specimen
tuberculosis most frequently reaches the lung and is taken in odd hours, it can be store at 4 °C
rarely involves paranasal sinuses and nasophar- (This only applies to Virus etiology as men-
ynx. It reaches the nose and facial bones through tioned with Coronavirus). For suspected
blood stream or lymphatics. Antral lavage exami- Bacterial etiology, we can keep the specimen
nation for AFB and culture for Mycobacterium at room temperature maximum for 24 h. It
tuberculosis can facilitate early diagnosis, there should not be refrigerated, Sinus drainage is
by avoiding surgical intervention. unacceptable for smear or culture because of
contamination with naturally occuring flora.
Steps and Site of Specimen Collection [39]
1. Rhinitis: The sample is collected from ante- Nasal smear is also useful to evaluate eosino-
rior nares. If pus is found on anterior rhinos- phils. It may help in diagnosing the suspected
copy, dry swab is applied over it to collect cases of allergic rhinitis. Even in uncomplicated
sample. If no pus is found, the swab is moist- cold, polymorpho-nuclear leukocytes predomi-
ened first and then the anterior nares are nance in nasal secretions can be seen and does
swabbed. Swab specimen should be taken not always a marker for bacterial superinfection.
from at least 1 cm inside the nares. The trans- Routine microbiological investigations like
port medium for the swab is mainly for staph- bacterial cultures or antigen detection are
ylococcal carriers. To culture the lesion, the required when specific bacterial etiological agent
sample is to be collected from the advancing like group A streptococcus, nasal diphtheria, or
margin of the lesion. For nasopharyngeal Bordetella pertussis is suspected.
swab, flexible swab stick is inserted per nasal,
it is passed through the nasal cavity till it
impinges on the nasopharynx, and then rotate 5.4.2 Staining Procedures
for 5–10 s. Swab can be moistened with
Stuart’s or Amie’s medium. (This moistening • Gram Stain: It divides the bacteria into Gram-
is only for bacterial etiology suspected). Thin positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
wire or flexible swab is dipped into transport • Ziehl–Neelsen Technique: It divides the bac-
medium. Transport to laboratory teria into acid fast and non-acid fast.
immediately. Mycobacterium tuberculosis being acid fast,
144 G. Singh et al.
is presumptively diagnosed with this 3. Loeffler’s serum slope and Potassium tellurite
technique. agar (PTA): It is used for isolation of
• Albert Stain: It is performed for Corynebacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
diphtheriae, will appear as green bacilli with 4. Blood agar and Pike’s medium (Blood agar
purple-blue metachromatic granules and in typi- containing crystal violet and sodium azide):
cal arrangement. For Streptococcus spp.
5. Robertson’s cooked meat medium (RCM),
PRAS (pre-reduced anaerobic sterilized)
5.4.3 C
ulture Media Are Required transport medium, Stuart’s transport medium
to Isolate the Bacteria for anaerobes.
from the Clinical Specimens
Growth from the medium can be identified by
1. Primary Plating Medias are blood agar,
conventional biochemical tests, automated iden-
MacConkey agar, chocolate (Heated blood tification system, or MALDI-ToF {Matrix-
agar) agar. It is for isolation of aerobic bacte- assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI),
ria (Figs. 5.20, 5.21, and 5.22). and the mass analyzer is time-of-flight (TOF)
2. Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) medium: It is used analyzer}.
for isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Storage of Media
Bacterial cultures are generally stored on agar
plates or in stab cultures in the refrigerator at
4 °C. Long-term storage methods should be con-
sidered for maximum bacterial viability like:
1. Freezing samples
2. Freeze-drying (Lyophilization)
5.4.4 N
ucleic Acid Amplification
Techniques (NAAT)
(PCR), Real-time polymerase chain reaction, degenerative alterations of the ciliary ultrastruc-
Ligase chain reaction (LCR), Transcription- ture (shortening and focal or even general loss of
mediated amplification (TMA), Nucleic acid the cilia), the cytoplasm (contraction of the cyto-
sequence-based amplification (NASBA), and plasm, or even shortening of the upper portion of
Strand displacement amplification (SDA) [41]. the cell body), the nucleus (chromatin margin-
The PCR technique involves three basic steps ation with a ground-glass appearance and intra-
to amplify the number. nuclear inclusions). The range of viruses that
commonly infects the respiratory tract is notori-
1 . DNA extraction from the organism ously wide (rhinovirus, coronavirus, respiratory
2. Amplification of extracted DNA syncytial virus [RSV], adenovirus, parainfluenza
3. Gel electrophoresis of the amplified product virus, coxsackievirus, cytomegalovirus).
However, no specific cytomorphologic alteration
has been found till date that could represent a
5.4.5 Antibiotic Sensitivity, turning point in epidemiology, despite viral infec-
Resistance, and Prevention tions accounting for the bulk of human infectious
diseases, or in prognosis and therapy. Some have
Testing for antibiotic sensitivity is often done by strongly linked with the carcinogenesis of several
the Kirby-Bauer method or automated antibiotic tumor types, particularly Burkitt’s lymphoma
susceptibility system. Small disc containing anti- and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) with
biotics are placed onto a plate upon which bacte- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
ria are growing. If the bacteria are sensitive to the
antibiotic, a clear ring, or zone of inhibition, is
seen around the disc indicating poor growth. 5.4.7 L
aboratory Diagnosis of Viral
Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria Diseases
change in some way that reduces or eliminates
the effectiveness of drugs, chemicals, or other Laboratory Diagnosis of Common Cold [37]:
agents designed to cure or prevent infections. The The culture, antigen detection, PCR, or serologic
bacteria survive and continue to multiply causing methods are the commonly employed diagnostic
more harm. Bacteria can do this through several methods for viral pathogens that cause the com-
mechanisms. To preserve the potency of existing mon cold. As such, routine diagnostic methods
antibiotics, overall antibiotic use must be neither required nor of any help in cases with
decreased. Physicians, pharmacists, and the gen- common cold. It is only helpful when therapy
eral public must avoid the careless use of these with an antiviral agent is required for specific
valuable drugs. Antibiotics must be prescribed etiological agent. As such, viruses have been
only for bacterial infections and in the proper infrequently isolated from patients with acute
dose for the correct amount of time. sinusitis. Timing of sinus aspiration may be
responsible for this. Sinus aspiration is usually
done in persistent sinusitis when case has been
5.4.6 Viruses in ENT symptomatic for at least 7–10 days [42].
Normally, by this time, viral infection may be
Viruses are the smallest unicellular organisms, diminishing. Respiratory viruses have been
are obligate intracellular. Viruses are the most recovered from approximately 10% of sinus aspi-
primitive microorganisms infecting man. Viral rates. Approximately 30–40% of sinus aspirates
infections are responsible for rhinitis in 20–25% in cases with acute sinusitis are not positive for
of cases. In rhino-pathologies of viral origin, the any bacteria. It is presumed that many of these
microscopic picture is characterized by fairly infections are, in fact, viral. Nasopharyngeal and
aspecific cellular changes gathered under the oropharyngeal swab is also collected to evaluate
term “ciliocytophthoria,” which comprises virus. Swab should be Dacron or polyester
146 G. Singh et al.
flocked swab. For transport of samples for viral improved, handling of diseased and normal
detection, Viral transport medium (VTM) con- healthy mucosa is improved, access to difficult
taining antifungal and antibiotic supplements to area is also improved so the disease clearance
be used. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing of is better than with cold instruments which in
specimen. Transport the sample to laboratory at term reduce the chances of recurrence and
4 °C. If specimen is required to be stored, store at residual disease. Sinonasal region is sur-
4 °C less than equal to 5 days while at -70 °C for rounded by vital structures such as brain and
>5 days. orbit. Inadvertent injury to these vital struc-
tures can create devastating complications. Detection Methods for Viruses Powered instrument also reduces the rate of
Direct Demonstration of Virus is done by elec- complications and fear to handle disease close
tron microscopy, immune-electron microscopy, to these vital structures, which in turn reduces
Fluorescent microscopy, Light microscopy. the morbidity, mortality, and financial burden
ELISA, direct immunofluorescence (IF), on community. Endoscopes, debrider, coblator,
Immunochromatography (ICT) test, flow through navigation system, ultrasonic aspirator, radio-
assays are the methods for detection of viral anti- frequency ablation, etc. are advances in the last
gens. Hemagglutination Inhibition assay (HAI), two decades.
neutralization test, and complement fixation test
(CFT) are the conventional techniques for detec-
1. Endoscopes—It is prepared by using fiber
tion of the specific antibodies. Enzyme-linked optics and powerful lens systems to provide
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a technique lighting and visualization of the relatively
used to detect antibodies to infectious agents in a inaccessible areas through conventional instru-
sample. Antibodies are made in response to infec- ments. The portion of the endoscope inserted
tion and so an antibody ELISA can indicate into the body can be rigid or flexible. Hopkins
whether or not an animal has been in contact with rod lens system was developed to provide
a certain virus. Molecular methods include endoscopes of different length, diameter, and
RT-PCR is for RNA and DNA detection. The iso- angle to provide visualization in certain areas.
lation of virus is done by animal inoculation The rigid endoscopes commonly used are 2.7,
method, embryonated egg inoculation method, 3, and 4 mm in diameter. 2.7 mm is for pediat-
and by tissue cultures such as organ culture, ric and 4 mm is for adult nasal procedures.
explant culture, cell line culture [43]. Visualization is better with the increase in
diameter of endoscopes as more light can
transmit to the surgical field. The working
5.5 art E: Advanced
P length of nasal endoscopes is 18 cm. Nasal
Instruments in Rhinology endoscopes are available in various degrees
such as 0, 15, 30, 45, 70, and 90° (Fig. 5.23)
The normal anatomy of the nose and paranasal [44]. 0° and 30° endoscopes are the most com-
sinuses is highly variable and complicated. monly used endoscopes. With the increase in
Certain parts were very difficult to access with degrees, we can see more hidden part of nose
existing cold instruments so clearance of dis- and paranasal sinuses. Seventy degree endo-
ease from these areas was difficult. With the scope is useful for visualization of frontal
advent of the concept of functional endoscopic sinus and maxillary sinus floor. All the endo-
sinus surgery, preservation of uninvolved scopes are now autoclavable. 0° nasal endo-
mucosa is very important so outcome of sur- scope comes with green color coding. Fifteen
gery is better. It improves the quality of life to and thirteen degrees endoscopes comes with
great extent. With the advancement in instru- white and red color coding. Color coding for
mentation in the field of rhinology, the knowl- 45°, 70°, 90° endoscopes are blue, yellow, and
edge of normal anatomy and its variation is black respectively.
5 Diagnostic Method and Instrumentation in Rhinology 147
Fig. 5.23 Nasal
Video endoscopes are mechanically simi- greater than that of standard halogen sources,
lar to fiber-endoscopes. They have charged with white rather than yellow-tinted light
couple device (CCD) ‘chip’ and supporting quality. In comparison to halogen light,
electronics mounted at the tip, to and fro wir- xenon is more robust and efficient, with
ing replacing the optical bundle and further greater life, less heat creation. The drawback
electronics and switches occupying the site of of xenon bulbs is the cost to install and
the ocular lens on the upper part of the control replace, it takes a few seconds to attain full
head [45]. A CCD chip is an array of 33,000– glow and give off more glare.
100,000 individual photo pixel receiving pho- Digital cameras use chips that process
tons reflected back from the mucosal surface color information. Modern 3-chip cameras
and producing electrons in proportion to the have spate chips to process each of the three
light received. The advantages are improved primary colors, red, blue, and green. This
image quality, improved monitor view, remov- markedly enhances video quality [46].
ing the necessity to grasp the instrument close 2. Microdebrider—Microdebrider is a powered
to the surgeon eye has hygienic advantages instrument. It is an extremely helpful surgical
and it also improved instrument design and tool in modern endoscopic sinus surgery [47].
handling techniques. The only limiting factor Handpiece, interchangeable blades, and
is no direct viewing. Endoscopic observation machines are the components of microde-
can further increase by the light source and brider. The handpiece is connected with suc-
digital camera. tion and irrigation source which is cylindrical
Light Source further augment visualiza- or piston drip in design (Fig. 5.24). The blades
tion by increasing light output. With the have cylindrical back part for easy connection
advent of the xenon light source (peak wave- with handpiece. It contains two hollow shafts.
lengths in the 800–1000 nm range), visual- The outer shaft allows suction and irrigation
ization has markedly improved. Xenon through and around the blades whereas the
sources have been observed to be 3 times inner shaft rotates or oscillates with in outer
148 G. Singh et al.
Fig. 5.24 Microdebrider hand piece, blades, and machine (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS,
New Delhi, India)
shaft. For surgical ease, blades are available in sheared bits of debrided tissue are sucked by
wide range in term of size and angles. Straight the suction effect. Microdebrider also
edge blades allow clear tissue cut without improves surgical field by its suction and irri-
injury to surrounding mucosa whereas ser- gation mechanism. The Advantages are the
rated edge blades allow rapid tissue removal. preservation of surrounding healthy mucosa,
Frontal sinus and the deeper part of maxillary it allows precise tissue removal and decreases
sinus can be accessed by more angled blades. surgical time [49]. It is commonly used for
Recent modification in design increases the the removal of polyp and tumor tissue of
application of microdebrider such as inferior nose and paranasal sinuses. Current technol-
turbinate reduction, correction of septal spur ogy advances have added cauterization of
[48]. The mode and speed can be control by bleeders by delivering bipolar cautery effect
footplate of microdebrider. via the end of the blade. These blades them-
Microdebrider acts by indrawn of soft tis- selves are surrounded by layers of insulation
sue by the suction portal. This tissue is causing a sandwiching of the inner and outer
sheared off by the revolving blade between electrodes [50].
the inner and outer cannulas. Irrigation is 3. Coblator—Coblator term is originated from
classically incorporated into the device, “Controlled ablation”. It is a kind of bipolar
applied by another set of tubing, and pumped radiofrequency ablation that works at rela-
into the blade to assist the movement of tively low temperatures (typically 60–70 C)
debrided tissue. The irrigation helps to pre- by unsettling molecular bonds and allowing
vent blockage of the device by the debrided tissues to melt [51, 52]. Soft tissue melting
tissue. The slower the revolving speed of the makes use of bipolar radiofrequency energy.
blade, the big is the tissue nibble. At higher This energy is made to flow through a conduc-
speed rates, the instrument becomes less tive medium like normal saline. When current
effective for debridement of tissue but it is from radiofrequency probe passes through
more effective for drilling of bone. Oscillation saline medium it breaks saline into sodium
mode is used for tissue debridement and it is and chloride ions. These highly energized ions
around 5000 rotations per minute. Other form a plasma field strong enough to break
mode is rotation, it is used for drilling and it organic molecular bonds within soft tissue
is around 15,000 rotations per minute. The causing its dissolution. The excellent conduc-
5 Diagnostic Method and Instrumentation in Rhinology 149
tivity of saline is used in this technology. This (e) Fifth stage (stage of thermal dissipation
conductivity is responsible for high energy of energy): This stage is essentially due
plasma generation. Low temperature limits to the combination of plasma ions, active
the thermal damage to surrounding tissues atoms, and molecules. Plasma contains
with a depth of penetration 2–4 mm. The H and OH ions. These ions makes
stages of plasma generation are (Fig. 5.25). plasma destructive. Hydroxy radicals
(a) First stage is characterized by the transi- causes protein degradation. When cobla-
tion from bubble to film boiling. This tion is being used to perform surgery the
decreases heat emission and causes interface between the plasma and dis-
increase in surface temperature. sected tissue acts as a gate for charged
(b) Second stage is vapor film pulsation.
Tissue ablation occurs during this stage. Radiofrequency generator, foot pedal, irriga-
(c) Third stage—Reduction of amplitude of tion system, and wand are the components of
current across the electrodes. coblator (Fig. 5.26). Radiofrequency (RF)
(d) Fourth stage: Dissipation of electron
generator generates RF signals. It is managed
energy at the metal electrode surface. by the microprocessor. This generator is com-
petent in adjusting the settings as per the type
Fig. 5.26 Radio frequency generator, irrigation system and wand (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor,
AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
150 G. Singh et al.
of wand inserted. It automatically senses the (b) The head mount universal tracker is
type of the wand and adjusts settings accord- attached to the patient.
ingly. For coblation, the plasma setting is 7 (c) Registration: It relates the patient in OT
and for cauterization, non-plasma setting is 3. to pre-op acquired image data sets and is
Foot pedal control has two color-coded ped- used to establish the relation between
als. The yellow one is for coblation and the two coordinate systems. It is done by
blue one is for RF cautery. This device also using anatomical landmarks that are vis-
emits different sounds when these pedals are ible on patient and image data, e.g.,
pressed indicating to the surgeon which mode Tragus, outer canthus, inner canthus,
is getting activated. There are different types nasion. The position of the tip of probe is
of wands available to perform coblation pro- identified by tracking device and coordi-
cedure optimally [53–55]. nates are fed back to navigation soft-
The efficiency of ablation can be improved ware. With the use of fiducial markers
by its intermittent application, copious irriga- the registration process is complete
tion, and by using cold saline. Cold saline can (Fig. 5.27) [56, 57].
be prepared by placing the saline pack in a (d) Tracking—It is the mechanism of fol-
refrigerator overnight. lowing the position of patient/instru-
It is primarily useful in adenotonsillec- ments within the operative field. It
tomy, removal of vascular lesion of sinonasal provides dynamic positional informa-
region. The advantages are less bleeding, lim- tion. Tracking system must be precise,
ited surrounding tissue damage. consistently accurate, fast enough to pro-
4 . Surgical Navigation System vide >25 readings/s, insensitive to
It is also known as image-guided surgery changes in air temperature, unaffected
(IGS) and has emerged as a critical tool during by metal objects. Tracking systems are
the era of endoscopic surgery. Structures in based on either magnetic field or based
the skull base are either embedded or closely on infra-red light sensors [58].
adherent to the bone, making this region ideal The Mechanism is that every point in the
for IGS. Steps of image guidance machine for patient’s sinuses/surface landmarks has x, y, z
rhinology and skull base surgery are coordinate (Real coordinates). The patient’s
(a) Preoperative 0.5–1 mm cuts in all plans CT scan image will also have a corresponding
of radiology of nose and paranasal x, y, z coordinates (Virtual coordinates). IGS
sinuses are acquired in CD and it needs works by matching and correlating the real
to be uploaded in IGS machine. and virtual coordinates. It produces 3D local-
ization information for navigation during sur-
Fig. 5.27 Registration and tracking for navigation system (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS,
New Delhi, India)
5 Diagnostic Method and Instrumentation in Rhinology 151
Fig. 5.29 Ultrasonic aspirator (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
Fig. 5.30 RF ablation circuit and machine (Courtesy for figure b and c Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS,
New Delhi, India)
various neoplasms, including metastasis from The nature of the thermal hurt depends on
a variety of primary tumors [67, 68]. The act the tissue temperature and the duration of heat-
by deposition of power into tumors induces ing. Successful ablation can only be achieved
thermal injury resulting in a tumoricidal
by optimizing heat production and minimizing
effect. RF ablation involves the flow of electri- heat loss. Successful RF ablation can be
cal alternating current through tissues whereby reduced when tissues are heated to greater than
ionic shakeup and resistive heating of the tis- 100 °C and/or when charring of tissues occurs.
sues occurs. In order to set up this current, the An important element of effective ablation is
RF ablation system requires a closed-loop cir- the extent of the ablation zone. In order to
cuit comprised of an electrical generator, a assure eradication of microscopic tumoral
needle electrode, a patient (a resistor), and extensions, the ablation zone needs to include
large dispersive electrodes (or “grounding areas beyond the tumor margin. This is called
pads”) (Fig. 5.30). the ablation margin, and safe ablation margins
5 Diagnostic Method and Instrumentation in Rhinology 153
varies depending on the organ being ablated one axial holes) allows the fluid to reach hid-
and should preferably be approximately 1 cm. den recesses. It is useful to lavage of sinuses
Principles of RF ablation is based on and to remove fungal muck in non-invasive
(a) Joule heating—rapid alternating current fungal sinusitis.
(~460–480 kHz) passing through a resis-
tive medium is converted into thermal
(b) RF ablation: electrode → tissue →
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Tumours of Nose and
Paranasal Sinuses 6
Gyan Nayak, Hitesh Verma, Rakesh Kumar,
Rupa Mehta, Nikhil Singh, Kuldeep Thakur,
Kapil Sikka, Anchal Kakkar, and Deepali Jain
6.1 Part A: Benign Lesions of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 158
6.1.1 I ntroduction 158
6.1.2 Clinical Presentation 158
6.1.3 Benign Tumours of Epithelial Origin Sinonasal Papilloma 158
6.1.4 Clinical Presentation 159
6.1.5 Schneiderian Papilloma (Oncocytic Type) 160
6.1.6 Schneiderian Papilloma (Exophytic Type) 160
6.1.7 Salivary Gland Adenoma 160
6.1.8 Benign Tumours of Bony and Cartilaginous Origin 161
6.1.9 Fibroosseus Lesion 162
6.1.10 Benign Vascular Tumours 164
6.1.11 Other Rare Lesions 164
6.2 Part B: Angiofibroma, Its Medical and Surgical Management 164
6.2.1 Extensions 166
6.3 Part C: Cancer of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 173
6.3.1 etiology
A 173
6.3.2 Patterns of Tumour Spread 173
6.3.3 Clinical Features 174
6.3.4 Histopathology 176
6.3.5 Stage with Description 176
6.4 Part D: Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 178
6.4.1 ummary
S 178
6.4.2 Anatomy of Nasopharynx 178
6.4.3 Benign Tumours 180
6.4.4 Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 180
R. Mehta · N. Singh
G. Nayak ENT, AIIMS, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
ENT, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
A. Kakkar · D. Jain
H. Verma (*) · R. Kumar · K. Thakur · K. Sikka Pathology, AIIMS, New Delhi, India
ENT, AIIMS, New Delhi, India
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 157
H. Verma, A. Thakar (eds.), Essentials of Rhinology,
158 G. Nayak et al.
Fig. 6.2 NCCT PNS orbit (coronal cut) is showing air–fluid level is visible within the sinus. MRI Nose and
homogenous mass filling both side frontal, ethmoid PNS (axial cut) are showing characteristic “cerebriform”
sinuses with focal hyperostosis (black arrow) in the region pattern (black arrow) in nasal cavity and ethmoid sinuses.
of the right frontal outflow tract. The right maxillary sinus (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor,
is also filled up by secretions as the ostium is not wide and AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
drilling of the thick bone of the lateral wall of the is equal distribution among the sexes and HPV
pyriform aperture from the anteromedial part of has not been isolated from these variants.
the maxillary sinus. This significantly improves
the surgical accessibility to the posterolateral
wall and infratemporal fossa. The commonly 6.1.6 Schneiderian Papilloma
reported complications are bleeding, infraorbital (Exophytic Type)
hypoesthesia, epiphora, orbital fat exposure, alar
collapse, etc. These are the papillomas arising from the
Radiation therapy as adjuvant therapy is used Schneiderian membrane with rich papillary
for local recurrences at some centres, but this fronds and fibrovascular cores covered by layers
remains controversial [17]. However, regular fol- of epithelium [1]. Other synonyms are transi-
low- up and subsequent surgical management tional cell papilloma, fungiform papilloma, sep-
remains the treatment option for the vast majority tal papilloma. These tumours are more commonly
of recurrent cases. seen in men (2–10 times) between 20–50 years of
age. In contrast to inverted papilloma, these vari-
ants are localised more on the lower anterior
6.1.5 Schneiderian Papilloma nasal septum with no significant lateralisation.
(Oncocytic Type) They are infrequent on the lateral nasal wall.
Malignant change in exophytic papilloma is rare.
These types of papilloma are a variant of
Schneiderian papilloma where the columnar cell
lining have oncocytic features. The high content 6.1.7 Salivary Gland Adenoma
of cytochrome C oxidase and mitochondria estab-
lishes this oncocytic appearance. Other synonyms Only 25% of glandular tumours are benign in the
are cylindrical cell papilloma, columnar cell pap- nose and paranasal sinus tract. The common
illoma [1]. In contrast to inverted papilloma, there veining tumours are pleomorphic adenoma, myo-
6 Tumours of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 161
epithelioma, and oncocytoma. Pleomorphic ade- obstruction to frontal recess, nasolacrimal duct
noma presents with non-specific signs and and can also lead to mucocele formation.
symptoms like nasal obstruction, discharge, and Osteomas have slight male preponderance and
occasional bleeding. These are more common are usually diagnosed between the second and
between 20 and 50 years of age. Most of the fifth decades.
cases arise from the submucosa of the bony and These tumours are histologically divided into
cartilaginous part of the nasal septum. Treatment three categories as shown in Table 6.2 [19].
is surgical with wide local excision. Osteomas can also be associated with Gardner
syndrome, a form of familial adenomatous pol-
yposis with epidermoid cysts, lipomas, and des-
6.1.8 Benign Tumours of Bony moid tumours [20]. High-resolution computed
and Cartilaginous Origin tomography of paranasal sinus and orbit assesses
the site of attachment and gauges the extent of the Osteoma lesion. Differential diagnosis of nasal osteoma
Osteomas are benign, slow-growing osteoblastic includes other fibroosseous lesions like fibrous
lesions and the most common type of benign dysplasia and ossifying fibroma.
sinonasal tumours [18]. They are incidental find-
ings on computed tomography of patients with Table 6.2 Histological types of osteoma
sinus symptoms. These tumours are mostly Types of
asymptomatic and occasionally present with osteoma Histology
symptoms of headache, nasal discharge, epiph- Ivory Lobulated, made of compact dense bone
ora, forehead swelling, ocular pain, etc. The most osteoma containing a minimal amount of fibrous
common location of osteoma is in the frontal
Mature Spongy, mature bone with conspicuous
sinus followed by ethmoid, maxillary, and more osteoma fibrous tissue
rarely the sphenoid sinus (Fig. 6.3). However, Mixed Findings of both ivory and mature
rarely, the turbinates can be involved causing osteoma osteoma
Fig. 6.3 Water’s view is showing radio-opaque mass in of the right anterior ethmoid region. (Courtesy—Dr.
the region of the right ethmoid and frontal sinus floor. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi,
NCCT PNS orbit (Coronal cut) is showing ivory osteoma India)
162 G. Nayak et al.
Treatment of osteoma depends upon the signs fibroosseous lesions is shown in Table 6.3 and
and symptoms. These tumours are slow-growing Table 6.4, respectively [1, 22].
in nature and there is a general consensus in
favour of a wait-and-watch policy provided there Fibrous Dysplasia
are no symptoms and the lesion does not encroach Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a benign dysplastic
critical structures like optic nerve, orbit, frontal skeletal lesion where the normal bone is replaced
mucocele, facial deformity. Local resection by by disorganised and immature bony and fibrous
endoscopic or external approach is the treatment tissue. FD may affect a single bone (monostotic)
of choice. or more than one bones (polyostotic). Monostotic
FD is more common in the craniofacial skeleton Chondroma with the maxilla affected more commonly than
Chondromas are extremely rare and any cartilagi- the mandible. Polyostotic FD may be associated
nous tumour more than 2 cm in this site should be
considered potentially malignant unless proven Table 6.3 WHO classification of fibroosseous lesions
Fibroosseous conditions Subtypes
Ossifying fibroma
Fibrous dysplasia
6.1.9 Fibroosseus Lesion Osseous dysplasia (a) Periodical osseous
dysplasia, focal osseous
Fibroosseous lesions comprise a diverse group of dysplasia, florid osseous
dysplasia, familial
conditions of cranio facial skeleton which gigantiform cementoma
includes developmental lesions, reactive or dys- Central giant cell
plastic lesions, and neoplasms. These lesions are granuloma
characterised by the replacement of normal bone Cherubism
by variable fibroblastic connective tissue matrix Aneurysmal bone cyst
[21]. The WHO and Eversole classification of Solitary bone cyst
with endocrine abnormality and skin pigmenta- toms will require surgical decompression of the
tion and this variant is known as McCune– optic nerve [25, 26].
Albright syndrome [23].
FD occurs in the first two decades of life with Ossifying Fibroma
equal preponderance in males and females. The Ossifying fibroma are true benign tumours
most common symptoms are painless swelling among all the fibroosseous lesions. Ossifying
and asymmetry of the facial skeleton. Involvement fibroma of craniofacial skeleton divided into fol-
of nose, paranasal sinuses, and foramina of the lowing types:
skull base, orbit can cause symptoms such as
nasal obstruction, headache, proptosis, visual • Ossifying fibroma of Odontogenic origin
abnormality, hyposmia/anosmia. Diagnosis of (Cemento-ossifying fibroma)
this condition requires clinical, radiological, and • Juvenile Ossifying fibroma (JOF)
histological assessment. Key radiological fea-
(a) Trabecular Juvenile Ossifying fibroma
tures on CT scan show radiolucent/radiopaque (TrJOF)
depending upon the degree of calcification lead- (b)
Psammomatoid Juvenile Ossifying
ing to a typical “ground glass” appearance fibroma (PsJOF)
(Fig. 6.4). This mottling appearance blends with • Gigantiform cementoma
the surrounding normal bones with ill-defined
margins [24]. Ossifying fibromas are generally unifocal
Histological feature depends upon the grade lesions except the gigantiform cementoma which
of ossification and calcification within the imma- are typically multifocal in presentation [22, 23].
ture matrix and the trabeculae assumes classic Radiologically OF are well-defined unilocular
“Chinese figure script” pattern [22, 23]. These mass and due to the expansile nature, the cortex is
lesions tend to become quiescent after puberty. thinned out (Fig. 6.5). The radiolucency on com-
Only cosmetic deformity can be corrected by sur- puted tomography scan can vary and depends
gical contouring of the affected site. However, upon the degree of calcification. Treatment is usu-
continuous growth in later life with visual symp- ally surgical excision by enucleation or curettage.
The recurrence rate is low in most of the cases.
Fig. 6.4 NCCT Head is showing fibrous dysplasia Fig. 6.5 Unilocular expansile mass lesion in right ante-
involving all skull base bones. (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh rior ethmoid region. It is pushing lamina papyracea and
Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India) eyeball laterally
164 G. Nayak et al.
Fig. 6.6 Clinical photographs are showing cystic, fistulous external presentation. (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma,
Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
Fig. 6.7 NCCT PNS is showing bifid crista galli and corresponding MRI is not showing intracranial extension of tract.
(Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
166 G. Nayak et al.
6.2.1 Extensions
Sphenopalatine foreman (SPF) is present in the Fig. 6.8 CECT PNS orbit is showing characteristic
lateral nasal wall. The nasal cavity communicates extensions of JNA
with the pterygopalatine fossa via a sphenopala-
tine foreman. The foreman is covered by palatine
bone inferiorly and sphenoid bone superiorly. 3. From ITF it may erode the greater wing of the
Sphenopalatine artery and nerve to the lateral sphenoid and middle cranial fossa (lateral to
nasal wall and nasopalatine nerve enter into the cavernous sinus).
nasal cavity via the foreman. Angiofibroma gets 4. It can enter the cranial cavity via the posterior
origin from the superior aspect of foreman and it wall of PPF. Foramen rotundum, vidian canal
tends to spread submucosally in close by less- are the natural communication site with the
resistant anatomical sites. It follows the standard cranium.
pathway of spread because of its fixed site of ori- 5.
Rarely Infratemporal fossa® temporal
gin and characteristic tumour behaviour. It can fossa®intracranial by the erosion of squa-
extend medially into the nasal cavity, paranasal mous part of the temporal bone.
sinuses, nasopharynx, and oropharynx. It can
invade within the cancellous bone of the basisphe- Demographic Features [35] It is seen in the
noid region. The lateral extension involves the first two decades of life. It is found exclusively in
pterygopalatine fossa (PPF), where It can push the males and it may be explained by the presence of
posterior wall of the maxilla anteriorly which is high androgen, oestrogen receptors. Nasal
known as the Holmen–Miller sign. It further obstruction (70–90%) and recurrent epistaxis
extends laterally and it involves the infratemporal (40–60%) are the most common ways of presen-
fossa (ITF), temporal fossa, and cheek (Fig. 6.8). It tation. Facial pain, persistent rhinosinusitis, and
can extend behind the pterygoid plates (PP) [33]. headache are the other symptoms. Conductive
Superiorly, it enters into the intracranial cavity hearing loss and ear fullness occur after the
mostly via inferior orbital fissure, orbit, superior blockage of eustachian tube opening in the naso-
orbital fissure (Fig. 6.9) [34]. The intracranial pharynx. Proptosis and facial asymmetry appears
extension is found in 10–20% of cases but dural in the advanced stage. Clinical examination
infiltration is very rare. Other pathways are: shows the presence of mucoid discharge in the
nasal cavity, anterior displacement of the soft
1. Nasal cavity®ethmoid roof®erosion of fovea palate, and widening of space behind the last
ethmoidalis or cribriform plate®intracranial. upper molar. Nasal endoscopy reveals a single
2. Nasal cavity®erosion of skull base at planum large pinkish-red lobular mass filling choana and
and sphenoid sinus roof® or lateral wall and posterior part of the nasal cavity. It pushes the
intracranial. posterior part of the middle turbinate anteriorly.
6 Tumours of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 167
Fig. 6.10 The clinical photograph is showing the widen- ated by extension of JNA in the temporal fossa and cheek
ing of space behind the last right molar with a bulged and region
displaced soft palate. Two different swellings are appreci-
168 G. Nayak et al.
Fig. 6.11 CT angiography is showing feeder and tumour blush. Loss of tumour vascularity post embolisation is visible
in DSA pictures
a b c
Fig. 6.14 Different stages of JNA. (a) stage Ia, (b) stage IIa, (c) stage IIc
170 G. Nayak et al. Treatment
Surgical treatment is the gold standard treatment. SS
The choice of approach can vary between centres
based on the surgeon's experience and hospital
setup. The majority of centres are shifted from JNA
open surgical methods (lateral rhinotomy, Weber–
Fergusson, transpalatal, sublabial, midfacial
degloving, Le Fort 1 approach) to endoscopic IT
method because of improving anatomical knowl-
edge, advancement in technology, and expertise
[44]. Endoscopic Denker’s, septal window, ante-
rior maxillotomy, and small posterior sublabial
Fig. 6.15 Endoscopic picture is showing a bloodless
incision allow easy dealing of ITF extension of field with coblator while separating JNA from the
JNA by endoscopic approach (Fig. 6.15). Posterior surrounding
a b c
Fig. 6.16 Maxillary swing approach. (a) Weber–Fergusson’s incision is made, (b) plating for postoperative approxi-
mation, (c) raising of palatal flap
6 Tumours of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 171
a b
Temporalis muscle
Fig. 6.17 Preauricular subtemporal approach for right side. (a) JNA 3b, (b) flap elevation, (c) exposure of tumour
Excision of residual tumour lies in close prox- inexperienced surgeon, and early age of onset are
imity with ICA, dura, optic nerve and cavernous the major factors for tumour residual.
sinus is challenging as tumour handling can lead
to significant morbidity [45]. Hypotensive anaes- Medical Management Immunohistochemistry
thesia, reverse Trendelenburg position, proper shows the presence of oestrogen α, oestrogen β,
decongestion, preoperative embolisation, and androgen, and vascular endothelial growth factor
coblation of peritumoral tissues are the measures (VEGF) receptors in tumour tissue. It is an oes-
to reduce the amount of intraoperative bleeding trogen suppressive tumour and testosterone
significantly (Fig. 6.15). Large-volume tumour, responsive tumour. Diethylstilbestrol was ini-
an extension of tumour into vidian canal and tially used for shrinkage but it has a long list of
infiltration into the cancellous bone of skull base, adverse effects. Flutamide therapy is a non-
172 G. Nayak et al.
Fig. 6.19 Clinical photograph is showing bilateral proptosis, with fullness in the right cheek. CECT is showing hyper-
intense mass with 360-degree involvement of the bilateral carotid artery
steroidal, anti-androgenic drug without feminis- trol rate ranging from 70 to 90%. The side effects
ing side effects and limited reversible adverse are cataract, panhypopituitarism, growth retarda-
effects. The dose is 10 mg/kg/day for 6 weeks. tion, temporal lobe necrosis, and secondary
The response rate ranged from 7 to 44% and it malignancy. Recent techniques such as IMRT
was found more in post-puberty patients can reduce the risk of complication rate, but lim-
(Fig. 6.18). It is also effective in reducing episode ited literature is available [48, 49].
number and amount of blood loss in the preoper-
ative period [46, 47]. Surveillance The advised radiological investi-
Radiotherapy is indicated for unresectable gation is MRI and it can be performed after pack
tumours (Fig. 6.19), in patients with persistent removal or at 3 months postoperative period after
residual lesion even after multiple surgeries and [46]. The surrounding inflammation interferes in
when residual lies close to the vital structure the diagnosis of residual lesion. PMSA PET scan
where surgery is very much challenging. The is indicated when MRI is doubtful. When no
dose ranges from 30 to 55 Gy with tumour con- lesion is found in 5 years’ follow-up period, then
6 Tumours of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 173
Fig. 6.20 Preoperative
CECT and postoperative
surveillance (3-months
interval) MRI scan for
residual detection
the patient can be labelled as disease-free nickel refining processes, alkaline battery man-
(Fig. 6.20). ufacture industry, leather tanning, soldering,
welding has been reported to cause cancer of
paranasal sinuses.
6.3 art C: Cancer of Nose
P Squamous cell carcinoma has been associated
and Paranasal Sinuses with softwood dust, nickel, mustard gas, asbestos
industry workers. African mahogany appears to
Cancers of the nose and PNS are very rare, and be the most carcinogenic of all agents.
account for 0.2–0.8% of all neoplasms. Overall, Adenocarcinoma, especially the interstitial vari-
they form <3% of all head and neck cancers. The ant, is mostly associated with hardwood dust in
symptoms of nose and PNS tumours are similar the furniture industry, clothes and leather indus-
to those of common disorders such as chronic try. Biologically active compounds in wood dust
rhinosinusitis and thus cause a delay in diagnosis. impair mucociliary clearance and predispose to
The commonest age of presentation is in the fifth carcinogenesis [51].
and sixth decade of life with a male predilection Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection has
(Male:Female:: 2:1) [50]. The most commonly an increased risk of malignant transformation of
involved sinus is the maxillary (70%) > ethmoid inverted papilloma. However, no significant asso-
(20%) > frontal and sphenoid sinuses. A wide ciation between cigarette smoking and alcohol in
variety of histologies may be encountered sinonasal cancers has been noted.
although Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is the
most common malignant tumour. The TNM stag-
ing system is slightly complex and different for 6.3.2 Patterns of Tumour Spread
different regions of the nose and paranasal
sinuses. A correct documentation of staging is The most common route of spread is by local
required for treatment planning, prognostication, invasion. Orbit and cranium are seperate from
and information transfer. nose and paranasal sinuses by thin bone. The
paranasal sinuses other than the maxillary sinus
are in close proximity to orbit and cranial cavity
6.3.1 Aetiology which makes them more vulnerable even at low
volume of tumour. Natural foreman allows early
Several carcinogenic compounds have been spread of tumour.
identified with inhalation of these carcinogens
being responsible for ~40% of reported sinona- Local Invasion Periosteum, perichondrium, and
sal malignancies. Exposure to industrial fumes, dura appear to act as a momentary fence and
174 G. Nayak et al.
The clinical presentation is depending on the site Diagnosis Clinical staging requires detailed
of involvement. Nasal symptoms are the most local examination with neck evaluation for cervi-
6 Tumours of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 175
cal lymphadenopathy, cranial nerve function, and obtain tissue for biopsy (Fig. 6.24). Contrast CT
ophthalmological evaluation. Nasal endoscopy is scan of nose and paranasal sinuses 3–5 mm axial,
done with a diagnostic purpose to see the charac- coronal, and sagittal images are required to docu-
teristic of mass and with a therapeutic purpose to ment staging of the tumour. Coronal images are
obtained for involvement of the orbital floor and
skull base and axial images are obtained for
extension through the posterior wall of the maxil-
lary sinus into the pterygopalatine fossa and
infratemporal fossa (Fig. 6.25). It also helps to
evaluate the tumour involvement of the retro-
orbital and orbital apex region. Sometimes,
reconstructed images are required to pinpoint
bony erosion. However, the limitations of CT
scan are in the evaluation of periorbita, dural
involvement to see whether the tumour has
invaded or is just abutting these structures. It is
Fig. 6.25 CECT Nose and PNS showing the extent of a sinonasal tumour (T4a stage). MRI is showing right periorbital
infiltration with retained section in right maxillary sinus (T4a stage)
difficult to differentiate tumour from soft tissues with the potential of inducing paraneoplastic syn-
and secretions owing to their similar densities. drome by releasing peptides. Sinonasal undiffer-
MRI is prescribed in such cases as it provides us entiated carcinoma, melanoma, and
better soft tissue details and it differentiates hemangiopericytomas are other common differ-
tumour from secretion [54, 56]. Angiography and ential diagnoses for sinonasal tumours [57, 58].
embolisation have limited indications in highly
vascular malignant lesions, such as hemangio- Staging it is devised for carcinomas of the max-
pericytoma. Histopathology is compulsory for illary sinus, ethmoid sinus, and the nasal cavity
tissue diagnosis. Unusual presentation and abnor- and is not applicable to mesodermal tumours,
mal recurrence are the indications for PET scan. olfactory neuroblastoma (OAN) for which other
grading systems have been devised. TNM
Classification (AJCC 2018) is proposed for nose
6.3.4 Histopathology and paranasal sinuses lesions [59].
Dulgurov proposed a new staging system for in about 10% of cases. Nasopharyngosocopic
esthesioneuroblastoma [61]: examination reveals growth and provides a suit-
able area for biopsy under direct visualisation.
• T1 is confined to the nose and PNS without The use of immunohistochemical markers will
superior ethmoid cells and sphenoid sinus help to differentiate NPC from other malignan-
involvement. cies in the nasopharynx.
• T2 is T1 + sphenoid sinus with or without ero- Computed tomography has been the corner-
sion of cribriform plate. stone of radiological staging for many years;
• T3 is any stage with intraorbital and intracra- however, magnetic resonance imaging has been
nial extension without dural infiltration. used increasingly because of its superior defini-
• T4 is brain parenchyma involvement. tion in detecting soft tissue changes and intracra-
nial involvement. Bone scan and positron
The presence of regional and distal metastasis emission tomography are other reliable investiga-
is marked as N1 and M1. Dural involvement is tions to look for distant metastasis.
noticed in 25% and lymph node metastasis in 5% In recent years, treatment of NPC had under-
of cases. Hyems et al. proposed a histopathologi- gone several paradigm shifts resulting in improved
cal grading system on the basis of tumour cell prognosis. Advances in the planning and delivery
architecture, degree of differentiation, nuclear of radiation treatment and the addition of chemo-
pleomorphism, mitotic index, tumour necrosis, therapy have been demonstrated to improve dis-
and nature of the matrix. They graded histology ease control rates in locally advanced NPC. In
into four subtypes where type 1 is least aggres- general, patients with stage 1 are treated by radia-
sive and type 4 is most aggressive [62]. tion therapy alone, whereas, stage II, III, and IV
Surgical and other management for sinonasal are treated by concurrent radiotherapy and che-
malignancies is mentioned in Chaps. 7 and 10. motherapy. Surgery should be considered as a
first-line treatment of residual or recurrence dis-
ease at the primary site (rT1 and limited rT2).
6.4 art D: Nasopharyngeal
P Technical advances have enabled surgeons to per-
Carcinoma form endoscopic or robotic surgeries as salvage,
reducing the morbidity from traditional open
6.4.1 Summary resections. Patients with NPC cases are followed
up and assessed with office-based rigid and/or
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is the most fibro-optic nasal endoscopy. Positron emission
common neoplasm arising in the nasopharynx tomography–computed tomography, CT, or MRI
which shows remarkable geographical difference scan should be carried out at 3 months from com-
in incidence across the world. NPC is uncommon pletion of treatment to assess response.
in the United State but is endemic in many areas
in the world, particularly southeastern China and
Hong Kong where the incidence is as high as 6.4.2 Anatomy of Nasopharynx
20–30 cases per 100,000 population. The main
factors believed to be associated with the devel- It is also known as postnasal space, located in the
opment of NPC are EBV, genetic, and environ- centre of the head behind the nasal cavity and
mental; however, we are still unable to assimilate above the oropharynx. It is a region where thor-
these information to translate knowledge into ough clinical examination as well as adequate
prevention, early detection, and improved sur- exposure for surgical resection is difficult.
vival outcome. The most common clinical pre- Anatomically, the roof is formed by the body of
sentation is palpable cervical lymphadenopathy sphenoid bone, sphenoid further slants downwards
(50%) followed by blood-stained nasal discharge in front of arch of atlas and body of axis to form
(41%), deafness (30%), and cranial nerve palsy the posterior wall. The floor is formed by the upper
6 Tumours of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 179
surface of the soft palate. The lateral wall is formed separated from the apex of the lateral recess by
by the eustachian tube opening in the upper part only a thin layer of fibroconnective tissue.
and superior constrictor muscle in the lower part. Blood supply of the nasopharynx is from
Fossa of Rosenmuller, also called lateral pharyn- branches of the internal maxillary artery, ascend-
geal recess, is an important structure lying in the ing pharyngeal artery and venous drainage is to
lateral wall, which is bounded anteriorly by torus the pterygoid plexus. Sensory supply is from
tubarius and levator palatine muscle, posteriorly branches of the maxillary nerve and lymphatic
by the posterior wall of the nasopharynx and retro- supply drains into the retropharyngeal and cervi-
pharyngeal space, laterally by parapharyngeal cal lymph nodes.
space, and inferiorly by the upper edge of superior
constrictor muscle (Fig. 6.26a, b). Its superior Tumours of Nasopharynx A broad range of
boundary is the skull base with important open- neoplasms arise in the nasopharynx from epithe-
ings including foramen spinosum, foramen ovale, lial to mesenchymal, lymphoid, and neuroecto-
and carotid canal. The internal carotid artery is dermal cells (Table 6.6) [63].
Fossa of Rosenmuller
Torus tubaris
Fig. 6.26. Axial view of nasopharynx and the endoscopic view of nasopharynx from left choana
develop concurrently with NPC, late after diag- Multislice computed tomographic scan of
nosis, or months before the NPC is clinically head, neck, and chest is an essential investiga-
apparent [73]. tion particularly useful in delineating clival and
skull base erosion. Magnetic resonance imaging
Assessment Patients should be assessed with provides superior definition in detecting soft tis-
rigid and fibro-optic nasal endoscopy which sue changes and intracranial involvement
reveals exophytic mass that may occupy the (Fig. 6.28a, b).
whole postnasal space (Fig. 6.27). Ulcerated
growth may be present and in about 10% of NPC Diagnosis The gold standard in the diagnosis
patients, the lesion is submucosal. of NPC is the histopathological confirmation.
The immunohistochemical markers such as
cytokeratin, epithelial cell markers, and
Epstein–Barr encoded ribonucleic acid (EBER)
will help in differentiating NPC from other
Fig. 6.28 (a) Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (axial section) of left nasopharyngeal carcinoma. (b) T2w
axial section, left nasopharyngeal carcinoma
182 G. Nayak et al.
on the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of using enables more flexible adjustment of the beam
PET-CT as a sole staging tool to assess the pri- direction.
mary and regional metastasis. A recent meta- • Radiotherapy (RT) is the mainstay for the rad-
analysis has confirmed the reliable performance ical treatment of NPC (stage I).
of PET-CT in the evaluation of distant metastasis, • Concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by
with a pooled sensitivity of 83% and specificity adjuvant cisplatin and fluorouracil or neo-
of 97% [74]. adjuvant chemotherapy followed by concur-
rent chemoradiotherapy offers significant
EBV DNA copies may be measured by poly- improvement in overall survival in stage III
merase chain reaction techniques which correlate and IV diseases [75, 76].
with the stage of disease and are useful as an indi-
cator of treatment response. Immunoserology NCCN Guideline [77]
DNA can be used as screening methods. • T1, N0, M0: Definitive radiotherapy to naso-
Pathology: WHO histological classification: pharynx and elective RT to neck.
Three types: • T1, N1–3; T2–4, N0–3: Clinical trials (pre-
ferred) or Concurrent chemo/RT followed by
• Type I—Keratinising squamous cell carcinoma adjuvant chemotherapy or induction chemo-
• Type IIa—Differentiated non-keratinising therapy followed by chemo/RT or concurrent
carcinoma chemo/RT not followed by chemotherapy.
• Type IIb—undifferentiated non-keratinising • Any T, any N, M1: Clinical trials (preferred)
carcinoma or Platinum-based combination chemotherapy
• Type III—Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma followed by RT or concurrent systemic ther-
apy/RT as clinically indicated or observation
In endemic areas, the non-keratinising sub- or concurrent chemo/RT or RT or surgery in
type constitutes most cases (>95%) and is invari- select patients with oligometastatic disease.
ably associated with EBV infection. On • Cetuximab or nimotuzumab, monoclonal anti-
histopathology, abundant lymphoid cells are seen bodies in combination with induction chemo-
intermixed with malignant epithelial cells. therapy has shown better overall survival and
3-years’ disease-free survival in patients with
Staging of Nasopharyngeal Cancers The locally advanced NPC treated with intensity-
eighth edition of AJCC Classification and staging modulated radiotherapy [78].
[59] is given in Table 6.7.
Treatment of Local Recurrence
• Differential diagnoses include lymphoma, Brachytherapy, high-dose external reirradiation,
extramedullary plasmacytoma, melanoma, or surgery has comparable results in terms of
rhabdomyosarcoma, and adenoid cystic treatment outcome in patients with early local
carcinoma. recurrence, but their toxicity profile is quite dif-
ferent. Nasopharyngectomy is mainly reserved
Treatment: Non-keratinising NPC is a radio- for lesions that do not involve skull base or inter-
sensitive tumour and radiotherapy is the mainstay nal carotid artery (rT1 and limited rT2) whereas
of treatment, whereas surgery is reserved for sal- external beam reirradiation is an alternative to
vage of radiation failure. surgery for rT2 disease and is often the only
option for more advanced disease (advanced rT2,
• Intensity-modulated radiation therapy tech- rT3–4). Brachytherapy is only suitable for small
niques are the standard of care, and integrating recurrences confined to the central nasopharynx.
CT or MRI images into the 3D planning sys- Few radioresistant tumours like adenoid cystic
tem provides accurate spatial information on carcinoma should be treated with upfront surgery
the normal organ and tumour target which followed by radiotherapy.
6 Tumours of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 183
Outcome In general, patients with non-viral- expression of thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-
associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma (i.e. HPV- 1) and therefore can be confused with metastatic
negative, EBV-negative tumours) had worse papillary thyroid carcinoma histologically but
outcomes than patients with viral-associated these lesions are thyroglobulin-negative.
tumours. The average 5 years survival rates with
treatment are [86]: These tumours commonly arise from surface
epithelium in the posterior and superior aspect of
• Stage I: 100% the nasopharynx. Histologically, tumour cells
• Stage II: 90% have a papillary architecture with mild nuclear
• Stage III: 67% atypia and invasive growth pattern. On immuno-
• Stage IV A: 67% histochemistry, these tumours are TTF-1 V,
• Stage IV B: 69% CK-7, CK-19, and CEA positive. Complete sur-
• Stage IV C:18% gical excision is the treatment. Adjuvant radia-
tion therapy is advised in case of incomplete
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Adenoid cystic excision [89].
carcinoma (ACC) arising from minor salivary
glands in this region is relatively rare and has a Chordoma Chordoma is a low-grade malig-
progressive clinical course. These lesions are nant tumour arising from notochord remnants
characterised by local infiltration and neural showing epithelial–mesenchymal differentia-
invasion and can extend from the nasopharynx tion. They mostly arise from clivus in the head
into the orbital cavity, along the cranial nerve and neck region in 25–35% of cases. These
canal and anterior skull base. Most often, they lesions are slow-growing and invade local struc-
tend to be locally aggressive and have high ten- tures, and malignant transformation occurs in
dency of recurrence. Magnetic resonance imag- third to fourth decade of life. Metastasis is rare
ing is the investigation of interest as it detects and if occurs, metastasise to lungs, bones, skin,
perineurial invasion and has a superior definition and lymph nodes. They can have varied presen-
in detecting soft tissue changes. It is widely used tations, depending on their location. Cranial
for monitoring the response of treatment. tumours may present with chronic intractable
Complete surgical resection is an important goal headache, cranial neuropathy, inferior extension
in the treatment; however, close resection mar- results in nasal or nasopharyngeal mass, nasal
gins in an anatomically complex area, adjuvant obstruction, nasal bleeding, and cerebrospinal
therapy becomes an integral part of treatment rhinorrhoea. Histologically shows lobular
[87]. Endoscopic surgery is becoming a promis- growth pattern separated by connective tissue
ing approach for early-stage disease. septae (typical multivacuolated physaliferous
cells). Immunohistochemistry shows positivity
ACC grows slowly, recurs frequently, and for cytokeratin, vimentin, and S-100 [90].
metastasises to distant organs, particularly lungs, Staging is done by radiological investigations
and therefore, its long-term prognosis is poor. (CECT/CEMRI) and is a prerequisite for appro-
The solid component of tumour on histology, priate management. Treatment options include
advanced tumour stage, and the perineurial inva- surgery (gross total resection) +/− radiotherapy
sion appears to be associated with an unfavour- or radiotherapy. Endonasal endoscopic skull
able prognosis. base approach has allowed a high rate of gross as
well as microscopic clearance of disease [91].
Nasopharyngeal Papillary Adenocar Due to the locally invasive nature of the lesion,
cinoma Primary nasopharyngeal papillary ade- complete excision may not be possible leading
nocarcinoma is an extremely rare tumour which to a high recurrence rate. Five and 10 years over-
is reported to occupy 0.48% of all types of NPC all survival rates are 50% and 20%. Tumour
[88]. These tumours have features resembling necrosis and volume of tumour more than 70 ml
papillary carcinoma thyroid with nuclear positive are independent poor prognostic factors.
6 Tumours of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 187
a b c
Fig. 6.29 Keratinising squamous cell carcinoma show- cinoma showing large rounded nests with smooth borders
ing irregular nests of cells with abundant pink cytoplasm (b) containing tumour cells with scant cytoplasm (c)
and keratin pearls (a); non-keratinising squamous cell car-
6 Tumours of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 189
a b
c d
e f
Fig. 6.30 SMARCB1-deficient sinonasal carcinoma with staining (d); NUT carcinoma showing undifferentiated
“blue” basaloid cells showing empty vacuoles (a), “pink” basaloid cells (e) with foci of abrupt squamous differen-
plasmacytoid (b) and rhabdoid (c) cells, and loss of INI1 tiation (f)
have been described at midline locations in the lining epithelium of the sinonasal region. They
head and neck including the sinonasal region and present as exophytic masses that extensively
parotid gland, and in the mediastinum and lung. invade surrounding tissue. They show a variety of
These tumours are composed of sheets and nests histological patterns, including papillary
of undifferentiated basaloid cells (Fig. 6.30e), (Fig. 6.31a), tubular, solid, and mucinous. Mixed
with foci of abrupt squamous differentiation patterns are frequent. Mucinous, goblet, and
including clear cells and squamous eddies signet-
ring cells containing intracytoplasmic
(Fig. 6.30f). The tumour cells may display spin- mucin are present; intraluminal and extracellular
dling and peripheral palisading. Interspersed mucin may also be seen. The tumour cells are
inflammatory cells may be present. The tumour cuboidal to columnar with pseudostratified nuclei
cells show diffuse immunopositivity with cyto- (Fig. 6.31b) showing variable crowding and loss
keratin, p63, p40, and NUT protein [97]. of polarity which increase with increasing grade
from low through intermediate to high. The Adenocarcinoma tumour cells are immunopositive for CK20,
Sinonasal adenocarcinomas are glandular neo- CDX2 (Fig. 6.31c), villin, and MUC2, similar to
plasms that arise from glandular cells in the colonic adenocarcinomas; variable staining for
respiratory mucosa. Non-salivary-type sinonasal CK7, EMA, and CEA is also seen. Focal positiv-
adenocarcinomas are classified as intestinal and ity for neuroendocrine markers is frequent.
non-intestinal types. Mutations have been identified in KRAS, HRAS,
Intestinal-type adenocarcinomas (ITACs) are TP53 genes, like in colonic adenocarcinomas.
sinonasal glandular neoplasms that resemble gas- Solid, mucinous, and signet ring patterns have
trointestinal adenocarcinomas, hence the name. been found to be associated with poor prognosis
They develop through intestinal metaplasia of the in these tumours [98].
190 G. Nayak et al.
a b c
d e f
Fig. 6.31 Intestinal-type adenocarcinoma with papillary intestinal- type adenocarcinoma with tubuloglandular
structures (a) lined by tall columnar cells with stratifica- pattern (d), cuboidal cells (e) and CK7 positivity (f)
tion of nuclei (b) immunopositive for CDX2 (c); non-
a b c
d e f
Fig. 6.32 Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma showing ated carcinoma with nests and trabecular arrangement (d)
lobular architecture (a), sheets of cells with scant cyto- of monomorphic malignant cells with brisk mitoses (e)
plasm, stippled chromatin, and nuclear molding (b) that and cytokeratin positivity (f)
are positive for synaptophysin (c); sinonasal undifferenti-
noid) NEC are extremely rare in the sinonasal entiation, which are arranged in sheets, lobules,
tract. Pituitary adenoma, ectopic or extending or trabeculae (Fig. 6.32d). Cells have scant to
from the sella, should be excluded prior to mak- moderate amount of cytoplasm, ill-defined cyto-
ing this diagnosis [100]. plasmic borders, large round vesicular to hyper-
chromatic nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and brisk Sinonasal Undifferentiated mitotic activity (Fig. 6.32e). However, they are
Carcinoma (SNUC) relatively isomorphic appearing. There usually is
SNUC is a high-grade undifferentiated epithelial abundant necrosis and apoptosis. Surface dyspla-
malignancy lacking specific differentiation, i.e. sia is not present. Tumour cells are immunoreac-
without glandular or squamous features by histo- tive with pan-cytokeratin (Fig. 6.32f), CK7,
logical or immunohistochemical examination. It CK19, and epithelial membrane antigen, while
is a highly aggressive carcinoma with uncertain CK5/6 and CK14 are negative. Focal positivity
histogenesis and morphological overlap with with neuroendocrine markers and p63 may be
other malignant tumours (Table 6.9). It is postu- present. However, p40, a more specific marker of
lated that the cell of origin of this neoplasm may squamous differentiation is negative or maybe
be related to both the Schneiderian membrane seen in occasional cells only. Neuroendocrine
and olfactory epithelium. SNUC is now consid- markers like chromogranin and synaptophysin
ered a diagnosis of exclusion and has become may show focal positivity. Tumour cells are neg-
less common with the description of specific ative for NUT, INI1 expression is retained, and
genetically defined tumour entities, such as p16 may be positive, regardless of HPV status. A
SMARCB1-deficient carcinoma, SMARCA4- subset of SNUCs have recently been found to
deficient carcinoma, and NUT carcinoma. show mutation in IDH1 and 2 genes, which can
SNUC is composed of atypical, overtly malig- be identified by IDH immunohistochemistry and
nant cells lacking squamous or glandular differ- sequencing [101].
192 G. Nayak et al.
a b c
Fig. 6.33 Sinonasal inverted papilloma with endophytic submucosal proliferation of rounded nests (a) of immature
squamous cells lacking atypia (b); transmigrating neutrophils are prominent (c)
Table 6.10 Salient features of different types of sinona- expression, and p53 expression in >25% of
sal papillomas tumour cells [92, 94].
Inverted type Exophytic type Oncocytic type
Most common Rare Least common
type 6.5.4 Mesenchymal Neoplasms
Lateral nasal Nasal septum Lateral nasal
wall, paranasal wall, paranasal
sinuses sinuses Biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma is a recently
Endophytic Exophytic Exophytic and/ described entity. It is a low-grade malignancy
growth pattern polypoid or endophytic with a distinctive genetic signature and propen-
growth growth sity for local recurrence but not metastasis, which
Nests, Papillary Nested and is exclusive to the sinonasal region. It is charac-
ribbon-like structures with papillary
growth pattern; delicate architecture terised by t(2;4) resulting in fusion of the PAX3
edematous fibrovascular gene with MAML3, NCOA1/2, FOXO1, or
stroma cores WWTR1 genes. These tumours are seen most
Multilayered Multilayered Multilayered commonly in females in the fourth to sixth
non-keratinising squamous or cuboidal to
decades of life. They are histologically character-
immature respiratory columnar
squamous cells, epithelial cells, epithelial cells ised by infiltrating monomorphic spindle-shaped
with variable with with abundant cells arranged in fascicles, herringbone, and sto-
respiratory mucocytes; rare eosinophilic riform pattern in a collagenous background. At
epithelial cells transmigrating cytoplasm;
places, tumour cells may show evidence of
and mucocytes; neutrophils; intraepithelial
transmigrating koilocytic mucous cysts, Schwannian or rhabdomyoblastic differentiation.
neutrophils are change may be neutrophilic Entrapped epithelial invaginations with or with-
prominent seen microabscesses out squamous metaplasia is a typical feature of
Mutually Association KRAS this tumour. Tumour cells have minimal nuclear
exclusive EGFR with low-risk mutations
mutations and HPV types 6 pleomorphism; mitoses are infrequent. These
low-risk HPV and 11 tumours display dual neural and myogenic dif-
association ferentiation histologically and immunohisto-
Low to Very low risk of Low to chemically, hence the nomenclature
intermediate malignant intermediate risk
“biphenotypic.” Differential diagnosis of biphe-
risk of transformation of malignant
malignant transformation notypic sinonasal sarcoma includes all spindle
transformation cell tumours that may occur in this region, as
shown in Table 6.11 [102–104].
Table 6.11 Differential diagnosis of common spindle cell neoplasms of the sinonasal tract
Tumour Histopathological features IHC Genetics
Biphenotypic sinonasal Spindle cells in short fascicles S100, SMA, muscle- PAX3
sarcoma Elongated nuclei specific actin, calponin, rearrangements
Epithelial invaginations Staghorn desmin/myogenin (patchy),
vasculature PAX3, β-catenin (focal)
Glomangiopericytoma Plump oval/spindle cells in short β-Catenin, SMA, cyclinD1 CTNNB1
fascicles, syncytium mutations
Round to oval nuclei Staghorn
Perivascular hyalinisation
Solitary fibrous tumour Bland spindle cells in patternless STAT6, CD34, bcl2, CD99 NAB2-STAT6
pattern fusion
Alternating hypo- and
hypercellular areas
Ropey collagen
Malignant: Increased cellularity,
atypia, mitoses
Monophasic synovial Plump oval to spindle cells in CD99, bcl2, TLE1, SSX-SS18 fusion
sarcoma fascicular/herringbone pattern, cytokeratins, EMA
scant cytoplasm; branching
Malignant peripheral Spindle cells with tapered nuclei, SOX10, S100 (focal), Neurofibromatosis
nerve sheath tumour myxoid background H3K27me3 loss type 1
Nuclear atypia, necrosis, mitoses
Spindle cell Herringbone, fascicular Desmin (more diffuse than MYOD1 mutations
rhabdomyosarcoma architecture BSNS), myoD1; PAX3
Greater atypia, mitoses negative
Leiomyosarcoma Spindled cells in long fascicles SMA, SMMHC, desmin,
Bright eosinophilic cytoplasm caldesmon
Cigar-shaped nuclei
Fibromatosis Spindled cells in broad fascicles Nuclear β-catenin CTNNB1 mutation
Collagenised/myxoid matrix
Infiltrating margins
Fibrosarcoma Cellular spindle cell tumour in Vimentin
fascicular/ herringbone pattern
Inflammatory Spindle cells admixed with ALK1, SMA ALK translocations
myofibroblastic tumour inflammatory cells
Schwannoma Cellular Antoni A and hypocellular S100, SOX10, GFAP, NSE
Antoni B areas
Benign spindle cells with fibrillary
Wavy, buckled nuclei
Verocay bodies
Cystic, hemorrhagic areas
Meningioma Whorled architecture, cells in EMA, vimentin,
syncytium, intranuclear inclusions, progesterone receptor
Phosphaturic Stellate to spindled cells with Vimentin, FGF-23, FGFR1 gene
mesenchymal tumour vesicular nuclei; smudgy matrix; somatostatin receptors fusions
grungy calcification; staghorn (SSTR)
vessels; osteoclastic giant cells
RMS is the most common sinonasal sarcoma in Embryonal RMS is seen in young patients,
children and young adults. There are three histo- i.e. the first decade of life. It is composed of
logical subtypes of RMS, viz. embryonal, alveo- small round, polygonal and spindle cells with
lar, and spindle cell/sclerosing RMS. scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei in a
6 Tumours of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 195
myxoid to collagenous stroma. There is vari- tumour cells are designated as sclerosing
able evidence of rhabdomyoblastic differentia- RMS. Desmin and myogenin show variable
tion in the form of cells with bright pink staining but myoD1 is strongly positive in this
cytoplasm and eccentric nuclei. Strap cells and, RMS subtype. MYOD1 mutations are seen in
rarely, cytoplasmic cross-striations may also be spindle cell/sclerosing RMS.
seen. The botryoid variant of embryonal RMS All RMS may aberrantly express CK, EMA,
presents as a polypoidal mass with linear con- synaptophysin, chromogranin, INSM1, and
densation of tumour cells beneath the surface CD99; hence, immunohistochemistry should be
epithelium, forming a hypercellular “cambium” interpreted with caution [105].
layer. Embryonal RMS shows diffuse strong
desmin positivity and variable reactivity with Schwannoma
myogenin and myoD1. FGFR4/RAS/AKT path- Schwannomas are benign nerve sheath tumours
way mutations have been identified in embryo- that originate from Schwann cells. They are
nal RMS. unencapsulated tumours, with cellular Antoni A
Alveolar RMS is seen in adolescents and and hypocellular Antoni B areas. Antoni A areas
young adults. It displays small to medium are composed of elongated spindled cells with
round blue cells arranged in an alveolar pattern wavy, buckled nuclei having tapered ends.
with intervening fibrovascular septa. Nuclear palisading and Verocay bodies are pres-
Multinucleated tumour cells are frequent, and ent. Antoni B areas consist of a hypocellular,
are a clue to the diagnosis; rhabdomyoblasts myxoid stroma with reticular appearance and
may also be seen. The solid variant of alveolar infiltration by inflammatory cells, particularly by
RMS does not show the alveolar pattern with histiocytes. Perivascular hyalinisation and degen-
fibrovascular septa but has sheet-like growth of erative changes such as haemorrhage, cystic
tumour cells. Alveolar RMS are diffusely posi- areas, and nuclear atypia are commonly seen.
tive for myogenin and stain positively at least Schwannomas show diffuse strong S100
focally with desmin. Alveolar RMS harbour positivity.
PAX3FOX01 (in 70–90% of cases) or PAX7
FOX01 (in 10% of cases) gene fusions. These Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
are of prognostic significance, with the former These are benign, locally aggressive fibrovascular
having worse outcomes than the latter. Fusion- neoplasms seen almost exclusively in adolescent
negative alveolar RMS have a prognosis similar males. They arise from a nidus in the posterolat-
to embryonal RMS. eral wall of the nasal cavity. The growth of these
Spindle cell/sclerosing RMS are the rarest tumours is believed to be testosterone hormone-
RMS subtypes and occur at all ages. In adults, dependent. They are characterised by submucosal
they frequently occur at head and neck locations. haphazard proliferation of thin- and thick-walled
They are comprised of intersecting fascicles of blood vessels which are surrounded by spindled
spindle-shaped cells with eosinophilic cyto- to stellate shaped fibroblasts in a collagenous
plasm. Those with prominent stromal hyalinisa- stroma (Fig 6.34a, b). There is minimal nuclear
tion and nested or cord-like arrangement of atypia, and mitoses are rare. Necrosis may be seen
Fig. 6.34 Nasopha a b
ryngeal angiofibroma
showing a spindle cell
tumour with many blood
vessels (a) from which
the spindle cells
emanate (b)
196 G. Nayak et al.
6.5.6 Fibroosseous Lesions more frequently affected than the gnathic bones.
JPOFs consist of compact stellate to spindle- Ossifying Fibroma shaped cells with scant stroma, accompanied by
Ossifying fibromas are benign fibroosseous numerous rounded, bluish deposits of woven
lesions of the jaw and craniofacial bones. They bone known as psammomatoid bodies or ossi-
are classified into three specific variants viz. cles, as they resemble psammoma bodies. Similar
Cemento-ossifying fibroma, Juvenile trabecular to JTOF, osteoblastic rimming is absent. Larger
ossifying fibroma (JTOF), and Juvenile psam- bone deposits may fuse to form irregular angu-
momatoid ossifying fibroma (JPOF). lated trabeculae. Cystic degeneration and sec-
Cemento-ossifying fibromas (COFs) are ondary cyst formation may be seen [110].
tumours of odontogenic origin, which occur in
the third and fourth decades of life, with a female Fibrous Dysplasia
preponderance. The mandible is more frequently Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a benign condition in
involved than the maxilla. Microscopically, COF which normal bone is replaced by disorganised
demonstrates a variably cellular, fibroblastic pro- immature bone and fibrous tissue. Clinical types
liferation in a fibrotic stroma, accompanied by include monostotic FD, polyostotic FD, and
deposition of mainly woven and scant lamellar McCune–Albright syndrome characterised by
bone, osteoid and cementum-like material polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, café-au-lait spots,
arranged in irregular islands, trabeculae, and and multiple endocrinopathies. The maxilla is
spheroids. The fibroblastic cells are bland, stel- involved more frequently than the mandible. FD
late to spindle-shaped, with normo- to hyperchro- is slightly more common in females and occurs in
matic nuclei that lack atypia and mitoses. The young adults. Histologically, FD shows replace-
bone shows osteoblastic rimming. Osteoclastic ment of the medullary cavity of normal bone by a
giant cells and secondary cyst formation are rare. cellular fibroblastic stroma containing narrow
COFs are associated with mutations in CDC73 curvilinear (C shaped) and irregularly shaped
(HRPT2) gene. Multiple lesions occur in patients (Chinese letter pattern) trabeculae of woven bone
with hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumour syndrome that lack osteoblastic rimming. FD is character-
attributed to this mutation. GNAS mutations, ised by activating missense mutations in the
characteristic of fibrous dysplasia, are absent. GNAS gene, which is seen in all three forms
Juvenile trabecular ossifying fibroma (JTOF) [111].
occurs in the first and second decades of life with
equal sex distribution and involves the maxilla
more frequently than the mandible. JTOF is com- 6.5.7 Nasal Polyps
posed of a hypercellular stellate to spindle cell
proliferation with minimal atypia and occasional Inflammatory Nasal Polyp
mitoses. Stroma shows sparse collagen. These are polypoid Inflammatory swellings of
Elongated curved and branched trabecular depos- the sinonasal mucosa with multifactorial aetiol-
its of osteoid which mineralise at the centre and ogy. They are lined by respiratory mucosa on
lack osteoblastic rimming are present. These may three sides, which may undergo squamous meta-
ossify and form lamellar bone. Clusters of osteo- plasia. The basement membrane of the epithe-
clastic giant cells may be seen and secondary cyst lium is thickened and hyalinised. The underlying
formation is not uncommon and can aid in dis- lamina propria is expanded, edematous, and con-
tinction from COF. tains seromucous glands. Fibroblasts and small
Juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibroma blood vessels may be seen in the stroma. A mixed
(JPOF) occurs over a wide age range with mean chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate is usually
age in second to fourth decades of life and equal present. Secondary changes may be identified,
sex distribution. The paranasal sinuses and peri- including ulceration, formation of granulation
orbital bones, i.e. ethmoid and frontal bones are tissue, fibrosis, infarction, nuclear atypia in stro-
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Extended Procedures
Pankuri Mittal, Hitesh Verma, Amit Kesari,
R. S. Virk, Kshitiz Charya, Smriti Panda,
Alok Thakar, Rajesh Kumar Meena,
Ramesh S. Doddamani, Manish Gupta,
Rohit Verma, Vikas Gupta, Ganakalyan Behera,
Amit Shanker, Namrita Mahmi, M. Ravi Sankar,
and Arulalan Mathialagan
7.1 art A: Extended Endoscopic Approach
P 205
7.1.1 Contraindications of EEAs 213
7.1.2 Limits of EEAs 214
7.2 art B: Anatomy and Surgical Approaches to Pterygopalatine Fossa,
Pterygomaxillary Fissure and Infratemporal Fossa 214
7.2.1 Surgical Approach to PPF and ITF 215
7.3 Part C: Pituitary Tumours and Surgical Management 220
7.3.1 natomy
A 220
7.3.2 Physiology 221
7.3.3 Postoperative Care 225
7.3.4 Pearls of Pituitary Surgery 225
7.4 art D: Open Techniques for Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
P 225
7.4.1 Indications for Open Approaches 226
7.4.2 Relative Contraindications for Surgical Resection of Nose/Paranasal
Sinus Tumours 226
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 203
H. Verma, A. Thakar (eds.), Essentials of Rhinology,
204 P. Mittal et al.
Good radiology, better-quality visualization, mechanism violation and external scar. The
advances in technology and in-depth anatomical proper surgical technique and regular follow-up
knowledge allows removal of central skull base reduces the risk of restenosis. Choanal atresia is
lesion by transnasal route. CECT and MRI scan the stenosis/atresia of the posterior choana. It can
in all planes at 1 mm interval is required to map present in isolation or as a part of the syndrome.
the extent of the lesion. The diagnostic cerebral It can be bony, membranous or mixed types.
angiography (DSA) is indicated in selected cases, Endoscopic direct visualization is the gold stan-
to obtain information regarding vascularity of the dard way to confirm the diagnosis. Transnasal
lesion and possible involvement of surrounding and transpalatal are the most accepted approaches.
major neurovascular bundle. Extended endo- CSF rhinorrhea is developed by the abnormal
scopic approaches are divided into median and communication of the nasal cavity with the cra-
paramedian type. Median approaches are for nial cavity. The aetiology is broadly classified
midline lesions. It is further divided on the basis into traumatic and non-traumatic types. The
of site of involvement such as frontal sinus, crib- numbers of haematological and biochemical
riform plate, planum sphenoidalis, etc. parameters are mentioned for confirmation of the
Paramedian approaches are for lateral lesions. It presence of CSF fluid within the nasal cavity but
is further divided into anterior, middle and poste- β-2-transferrin is the most specific for CSF. HRCT
rior approaches. Intraorbiral and transorbital temporal bone with MR cisternography is the
comes under the anterior subtype. Cavernous most accepted radiological investigation combi-
sinus, petrous apex and infratemporal area lesions nation to localize the site of leak. Traumatic ones
are managed by the middle approach. Condylar, are mainly managed by a conservative approach
hypoglossal canal and jugular fossa lesions are but non-traumatic ones require surgical repair.
delt by posterior approach. Pituitary gland lies Optic nerve comes in a lateral relationship with
behind and above the sphenoid sinus. Number of the posterior ethmoid and sphenoid sinus. Direct
hormones are secreted by the pituitary gland. and indirect injuries are the types of optic nerve
Pituitary adenomas are dealt by both medical and injury. No management option is available for
surgical ways. These adenomas are the most direct injury. The indirect optic neuropathy is
common lesions managed by extended endo- managed by both medical and surgical way. The
scopic approaches. Tumours involving the skin, extended surgical approaches create a large sur-
extending beyond the mid-pupillary line, tumour gical cavity and iatrogenic communication of the
infiltration into the orbital tissue and palatal bone nasal cavity with the cranial cavity. The flaps are
erosion are the indications for open approaches. used to separate these cavities and to improve the
Open extra-cranial approaches are further subdi- outcome of repairs.
vided into soft tissue and bony approaches.
Moure’s Lateral Rhinotomy Incision and Weber–
Ferguson incisions are the most commonly used 7.1 art A: Extended Endoscopic
soft tissue approaches. Transcranial approaches Approach
to the anterior skull base are divided into anterior
and anterolateral approaches depending upon the Extended endoscopic endonasal approaches
tumour extensions. The lacrimal system is for (EEAs) have come up as a good substitute to tra-
sucking the tears. The obstruction of nasolacri- ditional open approaches. Advance technology
mal duct requires the creation of new communi- allows superior visualization and better control
cation between the sac and nasal cavity. of instruments with precision in disease clear-
Dacryocystorhinostomy is of two types: endo- ance. The extent of EEAs is from cribriform plate
scopic and external. The endoscopic method pro- to clivus and C2 vertebrae. The major drawback
vides almost equal results with an open approach. of open approaches is the manipulation of the
The endoscopic approach is devoid of complica- cerebrum, blood vessels and cranial nerves. The
tions of external approach such as lacrimal pump other disadvantages of traditional approaches are
206 P. Mittal et al.
large incision size, prolonged exposure time, further defined based on the anatomy of the cor-
bleeding, frontal lobe symptoms, prolonged hos- ridor and target areas and their relationship with
pitalization and medical care, etc. The rate of critical structures (Fig. 7.1) [1, 2]. The choice of
complications is drastically reduced by endo- approach is based on the extent of the lesion and
scopic approaches. In the last two decades, more in a number of situations; a combination of close-
and more centres have moved towards endo- by approaches is required.
scopic approaches to the skull base and intracra-
nial lesion because of the improvement in 1. Access to the median skull base (sagittal
knowledge in endoscopic anatomy, hi-tech endo- plane): anterior to posterior direction
scopic equipment, micro-instruments, refining (A) Transfrontal Approach (Fig. 7.2)
the expertise of the surgeon and EEAs have a The indications are chronic refractory
lack of disadvantages of open approaches. frontal sinusitis not responding to other
Sphenoid sinus is the entry route for the majority management, fibro-osseous lesions of
of skull base lesions. Internal carotid artery, cav- frontal sinus, posterior table CSF rhinor-
ernous sinus, optic nerve and maxillary division rhoea, recurrent mucoceles, and other
of trigeminal nerve are the close-by vital struc- lesions of frontal sinus like dermoid. The
tures, so good preoperative radiological assess- surgery starts with complete exposure of
ment and selection of correct instruments with bilateral frontal recesses. Superior septal
copious saline irrigation to prevent thermal window is created anterior to anterior
trauma is the key for surgical success in EEAs. attachment of middle turbinate and ante-
The complexity of lesion is the deciding factor rior to cribriform plate area to visulaized
for two-hands or four-hands technique. both frontal sinuses. The final step is the
EEA can be classified into approaches to removal of the interfrontal sinus septum
median skull base and paramedian skull base, to create one large frontal sinus. It pro-
according to the orientation of the surgical field vides wide access to remove the disease
(target area) under two main categories and are and to deal with posterior table.
7 Extended Procedures 207
Frontal sinues
Cribriform plate
Fig. 7.2 CT scan of nose & PNS revealing heterogenous mass filling fronal sinuses, nasal cavity with surrounding
osteogenesis. Right figure is showing healed postoperative cavity after transfrontal approach
a b c Septal
Fig. 7.3 Recurrent adenocarcinoma of left olfactory cleft. (a) endoscopic photo, (b) contrast-enhancing mass in the left
nasal cavity and olfactory cleft, (c) healed postoperative cavity
Fig. 7.4 Esthesioneuroblastoma. (a) sagittal MRI T2 images (Kadish stage 3 lesion), (b) surgical cavity (NCCT head)
after combined transcribriform and transplanar approach
rotundum CPs CPs
Orbital surface
Pterygoid canal
fossa crest
Spine of CPc CPc
Sphenoidal C
Lateral pterygoid rostrum
Vaginal process
Fig. 7.5 The natural anatomy of sphenoid bone and endoscopic view of sphenoid sinus after wide sphenoidotomy and
removal of posterior septum (Courtesy for line diagram—Dr. Arulalan Mathialagan- Senior Resident SGPGI, Lucknow)
a b c
d e f
g h
Fig. 7.6 Extended endoscopic trans-seller approach drilling of intersphenoid septum with bone over sella, (e)
(courtesy—Dr. Ramesh Doddamani, Associate Professor, line diagram of figure d, (f) entry into sella turcica and
AIIMS, New Delhi). (a) Endoscopic view of right sphe- flap creation, (g) line diagram of figure f, (h) adenomatous
noid ostium, (b) separation of posterior septum from ros- tissue is visible through entry site
trum of sphenoid sinus, (c) wide sphenoidotomy, (d)
a b
posterior Angiofibroma
c d
Fig. 7.8 Right middle coronal plane. (a) Complete expo- placement of tissue laterally after ligation of vessels, (e)
sure of posterior and part of the lateral wall of right maxil- line diagram is showing surgical field after removal of
lary sinus, (b) complete removal of posterior wall, (c) posterior maxillary sinus wall (Courtesy Dr. M. Arulalan,
ligation of terminal branches of maxillary artery, (d) com- Senior Resident, Neurootology, Department of
plete removal of pterygopalatine fossa content and dis- Neurosurgery, SGPGIMS, Lucknow)
7 Extended Procedures 213
a b
Fig. 7.9 Infratemporal fossa—bony outlines. (a) Lateral view and (b) posterior view
7 Extended Procedures 215
a b
Fig. 7.10 Computed tomography Axial sections (a) showing tumour (asterisk) involving sphenopalatine foramen and
pterygomaxillary fissure and (b) involving infratemporal fossa
a b c
d e f
Fig. 7.12 Endoscopic excision of the infratemporal fossa lesion, (d) endoscopic exposure after removal of posterior
tumour. (a) Axial CT showing hypodense lesion in left wall of maxillary sinus, (e) tumour dissection from sur-
ITF, (b) zoomed image, (c) coronal section for the same rounding tissue, (f) postoperative cavity
7 Extended Procedures 217
Bleeding can occur intraoperatively due to
injury to the maxillary artery or its branches
and rarely from feeders of ICA. Injury to the
nasolacrimal duct is evident after surgery with
complaints of epiphora. Injury to V2, spheno-
palatine ganglia can lead to dry eye and numb-
ness of the face. Orbital injury can occur
during dissection of tumours, dissection
around orbital fissure and optic nerve can lead
to visual deterioration, if the optic nerve is
injured and extraocular muscle injury can lead
to diplopia. CSF leak can occur from the mid-
dle cranial fossa after tumour removal and
Fig. 7.13 Endoscopic view of right internal maxillary repair of encephaloceles. Intracranial bleeding
artery in the infratemporal fossa. (1) Internal maxillary can also occur during tumour removal from
artery, (2) sphenopalatine artery, (3) descending palatine
the intradural compartment. Complications
artery, (4) infraorbital artery, (5) infraorbital nerve, (6)
infratemporal fossa fat, (7) lateral wall of the maxillary can happen due to removal of normal struc-
sinus, (8) medial wall of the maxillary sinus tures like piriform aperture leading to numb-
ness of the vestibular area, nasal obstruction
from crusting in nasal cavity and septal perfo-
and its branches by careful dissection of peri- ration. Postoperative epistaxis can occur lead-
osteum of posterior wall of maxilla to expose ing to blood loss or aspirations [19, 22]. So,
contents of PPF, PMF and ITF (Fig. 7.13). each and every step of the procedure has to be
The maxillary artery dissection and the meticulously performed and the possible com-
control is important as it is the major vascular plication has to be anticipated and avoided.
supply to the tumours arising or located in this 2. Open Approach to PPF and ITF
area. Preoperative embolization can reduce Indications
the vascularity in vascular tumours like JNA It is indicated for the tumours of ITF with
and hemangiopericytoma. extensions to masticator space, buccinators
Lateral exposure of ITF by endoscope is space and Zygomatic space. Malignant lesions
limited by Piriform aperture, which can be of the maxillary sinus with ITF involvement
removed by modified Denker’s approach or are managed by open anterior approach. It is
by wide anterior wall maxillotomy to gain also advised for gross extension of lesion to
access to the lateral compartment of middle cranial fossa through foramen rotun-
ITF. Single surgeon endoscopic approach can dum or ovale. Parotid gland, mandible and
be converted into a two surgeon 4 handed zygomatic bone can be involved by lateral
technique after making a septal window any- extension of ITF lesions. Inferior extension of
time during surgery for better visualization, ITF lesions into parapharyngeal space is also
dexterity, dissection, for controlling the ves- managed by an open approach. Jugular fora-
sels and for tumour removal. For pathology men lesion with ITF extension is also handled
located in the middle fossa and surrounding by open approaches [23, 24]. Approaches for
skull base, a greater wing of sphenoid and malignant lesions of the nose and PNS are
pterygoids can be drilled to access the middle mentioned in Part D (Sect. 7.4).
fossa above, the petrous carotid from cavern- Contraindications
ous sinus to lateral part of temporal bone after There is no absolute contraindication to the
either displacing the maxillary artery and its open approach to ITF as this approach can be
branches downward and clipping it [14, 15]. extended or combined with other open or
218 P. Mittal et al.
endoscopic approaches for tumour removal. of tragus coursing superiorly and then anteri-
Being a lateral vector, this approach is not orly in the frontal scalp to end superior to the
suited for lesion crossing midline to other supraorbital notch near the midline. Scalp inci-
sides like contralateral sphenoid sinus and sion is elevated by giving incision in the super-
nasopharynx. Extensive malignant tumour ficial layer of deep temporal fascia to prevent
like squamous cell carcinoma and tumour injury to the frontal branch of facial nerve.
having extensive involvement of ICA or verte- Temporal muscle is incised to gain exposure of
bral artery are deemed inoperable. zygomatic arch and lateral orbital rim in
Surgical Steps
Open approaches to PPF and ITF are many.
Most commonly performed open approaches
are transmaxillary like midface degloving and
maxillary swing approach which works in an
anterior vector (Fig. 7.14), while commonly
performed lateral approaches are preauricular
transzygomatic (Fig. 7.15) approach for ITF
lesions and a preauricular fronto-temporal
orbitozygomatic for ITF lesions having major
intracranial extension.
For a preauricular transzygomatic approach,
a curvilinear incision is made in the preauricu-
lar region staying above the lower attachment Fig. 7.14 Midfacial degloving for left ITF lesion
Fig. 7.15 Preauricular transzygomatic approach. (a) poral extension, (c) flaps elevated, (d) temporal craniot-
MRI is showing dumbbell tumour with ITF involvement omy bone, (e) postoperative CT scan and (f) healed wound
of right side, (b) preauricular incision is marked with tem-
7 Extended Procedures 219
selected cases where zygomatic arch needs Temporomandibular joint dysfunction can
removed and in more advanced case orbitozy- occur due to drilling, leading to varying
gomatic osteotomy is required. Combining this degrees of trismus. Injury to ICA can occur
with pterional craniotomy, middle cranial fossa if vertical petrous carotid is involved by
can be approached. The middle fossa skull base lesion, as this approach does not give
is drilled to expose the V2, V3 and Middle access to gain control over it. Injury to
meningeal artery which can be mobilized or facial nerve and branches can lead to facial
sacrificed combining ITF and middle fossa. nerve palsy [25].
This approach can provide access for tumour Conclusion
removal medially from sphenoid sinus to cav- PPF and ITF have a complex anatomy and
ernous sinus, superiorly from middle cranial contain many neurovascular structures and a
fossa, laterally up to skin mandible and parot- clear understating of this anatomy is impor-
ids, inferiorly till parapharyngeal space and tant for surgery in this area. Medial and
lower neck if skin incision is extended below. medium-size lesions are better suited by
Control of great vessels in the neck can be endoscopic approach while laterally based
taken for lesions involving the petrous ICA. extensive tumours are better suited by open
Complications approach. Both approaches can be combined
Mandibular nerve needs to be sacrificed in selected cases for complete resection of
sometimes leading to hypoesthesia. lesions (Fig. 7.16).
Fig. 7.16 Endoscopic and midfacial degloving approach is used to excise the lesion (pre- and postoperative
220 P. Mittal et al.
Fig. 7.17 Anatomical
location and relations of
pituitary gland (1)
pituitary gland, (2) ICA
(cavernous part), (3)
cavernous sinus, (4)
oculomotor nerve (III),
(5) trochlear nerve (IV),
(6) ophthalmic nerve
(V1), (7) abducent nerve
(VI), (8) maxillary nerve
(V2), (9) optic chiasm,
(10) sphenoid sinus, (11)
ICA (clinoidal part),
(12) posterior
communicating artery
7 Extended Procedures 221
Table 7.1 Differential diagnosis of sellar lesions Table 7.2 Classification of pituitary adenoma
Tumours Pituitary adenoma Based on size Based on character
Craniopharyngioma Microadenoma Non-functional
Meningioma (<1 cm) Clinically no function
Glioma • Enclosed (hypopituitarism due to pressure)
Chordoma • Invasive
Lymphoma Macroadenoma Functional
Metastasis (>1 cm) • Prolactinoma (Prolactin)
Cyst Rathke’s cyst • Enclosed • Acromegaly (GH)
Dermoid cyst • Invasive • Cushing disease (ACTH)
Inflammatory Bacterial Abscess • Expanding • Gonadotropin-producing
conditions Tuberculosis adenoma (LH, FSH)
Sarcoidosis • Thyrotropin-producing
Langerhans cell adenoma (TSH)
histiocytosis • Mixed (GH with PRL)
Hypophysitis Mesoadenoma
Others Pituitary apoplexy (1 cm)
Hypothalamus hamartoma
ICA aneurysms
7 Extended Procedures 223
sion, cavernous sinus involvement [40] and this chapter is on neoplastic disease (benign or
extension beyond the mid-pupillary line were malignant), the indications for open approaches
considered to preclude endoscopic approaches. may be listed as the following:
With advancements in neuro-navigation and
endoscopic surgical armamentarium, properly • Lesion extending beyond mid-pupillary line
selected cases with the above-mentioned disease • Skin involvement
extension can be dealt without resorting to con- • Extensive involvement of orbital fat, extraocu-
ventional open approaches. Open approaches in lar muscles and skin of the eyelid
this chapter have been classified into bone and • Involvement of the bone of the hard palate or
soft tissue approaches. Soft tissue approaches paranasal sinuses
and incisions like the Moure’s incision with lat- • Significant intracranial extension
eral rhinotomy also serve as a precursor for bony
approaches like the medial maxillectomy. Bony
approaches can further be classified into midline, 7.4.2 Relative Contraindications
paramedian and lateral approaches based on the for Surgical Resection
trajectory to the skull base. Strictly midline of Nose/Paranasal Sinus
approaches include transpalatal, lateral rhinot- Tumours
omy, medial maxillectomy and Le Fort’s
Osteotomy approach. Paramedian approaches Surgical resection with open technique with or
additionally target the infratemporal fossa with without endoscopic guidance can be attempted
the maxillary swing being the best example. but resection may not offer oncological clearance
Lateral approach to the paranasal sinus and the of the disease [41]:
skull base as in the case of a preauricular subtem-
poral approach provides excellent visualization • Orbital apex involvement
of the lateral part of the infratemporal fossa, • Infratemporal fossa involvement
para-sellar, cavernous sinus and lesions located • Erosion of pterygoid plates
lateral to the cavernous internal carotid artery. • Cavernous sinus involvement
Craniofacial resection pertains to a combination • Intradural/brain parenchymal involvement
of transfacial or transpalatal approach to the para- • Involvement of nasopharynx and sphenoid
nasal sinus and a bicoronal incision with frontal sinus
craniotomy for the intracranial component. • Cranial nerve involvement other than I, II and
Choosing the best approach requires detailed pre- infraorbital nerve
operative radiological assessment and an under- • Encasement of internal carotid artery
standing of tumour biology.
Tumour extension to the above-mentioned
sites are technically resectable. Resection can be
7.4.1 Indications for Open attempted in case of benign tumours like naso-
Approaches pharyngeal angiofibroma and inverted papilloma,
and similarly, low-grade sinonasal malignancies
These vary for inflammatory disease and for neo- like olfactory neuroblastoma (Hyams grade 1 and
plastic disease. For inflammatory disease, mere 2), epithelial–myoepithelial carcinoma, bipheno-
drainage of sinus contents and partial removal of typic sinonasal sarcoma and adenoid cystic carci-
polypoid mucosa is appropriate and the contrain- noma [42]. It is to be noted that although adenoid
dications to endoscopic approaches are few. cystic carcinoma is a high-grade malignancy, it
Frontal sinus disease extending beyond the mid- has a protracted course with disease recurrence
pupillary line can however be a relative contrain- and metastasis occurring after as long as 10 years,
dication as it can be inaccessible even with the justifying the radical resection. Moreover, many
modified Lothrop technique. The prime focus of of these tumours are relatively non-responsive to
7 Extended Procedures 227
radiation or chemotherapy. Therefore, radical biopsy should be avoided as this may lead to
surgical excision followed by adjuvant therapy tumour seeding in the biopsy tract.
offers the best chance of cure [43, 44]. • Preoperative digital subtraction angiography
with or without embolization can be consid-
ered for vascular lesions (angiofibroma,
7.4.3 Preoperative Work-Up hemangiopericytoma and vasoformative
tumours). This is also indicated in cases where
Before embarking on the surgical aspects of radiology shows encasement, narrowing or
treating sinonasal tumours, detailed preoperative irregularity of the internal carotid artery.
evaluation is of paramount importance. This Information gathered from DSA and cerebral
broadly includes radiologically mapping the cross-circulation will guide the management
tumour followed by biopsy from representative of carotid artery involvement.
areas and screening for distant metastasis in case
of malignant tumours:
• Contrast-enhanced computed tomography 7.4.4 Classification of Approaches
(CECT) should preferably be high-resolu- to Nose and PNS
tion 1 mm cuts in the axial, coronal and sagit-
tal planes. This provides information with 1. Soft Tissue Approaches (Surgical Incisions
regard to bony involvement, intraorbital Pertaining to the Nose and PNS) (Fig. 7.22)
extension, skull base erosion, major vessel • Moure’s Lateral Rhinotomy Incision
encasement. • Modified Moure’s incision.
• MRI provides information complimentary to • Weber–Ferguson incision.
that of CECT with better soft tissue delinea- • Modified Weber–Ferguson incision.
tion. Hyperintense signal in any of the para- • Lynch–Howarth extension to Moure’s
nasal sinuses on T2 will differentiate incision.
accumulated secretions from tumour. Invasion • Weber–Ferguson with subcilliary
of periorbita can be identified on T1-weighted Dieffenbach Extension.
contrast sequences. Fat suppression allows • Midfacial degloving.
one to establish orbital fat involvement. This • *Classical Moure’s and Weber–Ferguson
facilitates preoperative decision-making with incisions provide excellent exposure but a
regard to management of the orbit. Perineural facial scar. Modifications were introduced
invasion can be inferred from a widened or to incorporate the concept of nasal and
destroyed of neural foramina on a CT scan. facial aesthetic subunits.
This can be confirmed on fat-suppressed • *Lip-split in a Weber–Ferguson incision
contrast-enhanced T1-weighted sequences as can be avoided in case of small tumours of
enhancement along the course of the nerve or the lateral wall of the nasal cavity.
atrophy of the muscles seen as hyperintensity 2. Bony Approaches:
on T2-weighted sequences. MRI provides • Maxillary swing
detailed information with regard to the extent • Le Fort I osteotomy
of intracranial invasion. Extensive intraparen- • Transpalatal Approach
chymal invasion with surrounding oedema • Denker’s Approach
usually precludes curative-intent treatment. • Facial Translocation
• Histopathological information is obtained by
means of an endoscopic biopsy. Radiology
should precede biopsy as this helps to under- 7.4.5 Soft Tissue Approaches
take a directed biopsy, and also the tissue
oedema consequent to a biopsy may lead to 1. Moure’s Lateral Rhinotomy incision is use-
overestimation of tumour extent if radiology ful for excision of tumours located in the
is undertaken after. Open biopsy or sublabial nasal cavity, maxillary sinus, ethmoid sinus
228 P. Mittal et al.
a b
Fig. 7.22 Surgical incisions pertaining to the nose and modified lateral rhinotomy, Weber–Ferguson–Longmire
PNS. (a) Weber–Ferguson–Longmire incision, (b) lateral with subcilliary Dieffenbach Extension (Courtesy—Dr.
rhinotomy, lateral rhinotomy with lip splitting incision, Harsha Yadav, JR, ENT, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
and orbit. Lynch–Howarth extension is help- process. Entry into the nasal cavity is facili-
ful to access the frontal sinus. Weber– tated by the use of a Kerrison rongeur to
Ferguson with or without lip-split provides remove the bone at the naso maxillary suture
access to the lateral extension of the tumour line. Soft tissue connecting the nasal mucosa
to the pterygopalatine fossa or the infratem- to the vestibule can be divided at the pyriform
poral fossa. Soft tissue approaches can be aperture to complete exposure.
part of more extensive procedures like Complications:
medial maxillectomy, orbital exenteration • Bleeding and haematoma can occur from
and craniofacial resection the external carotid system, mainly the
Limitations internal maxillary artery. This complication
The lateral rhinotomy approach is best suited can be minimized by either preoperative
for midline tumours with minimal parame- embolization or by identifying and ligating
dian extension. Therefore, exposure to the the internal maxillary artery preemptively.
contralateral side or infratemporal fossa • Suture line dehiscence can occur especially
extension form an important limitation of this if acute angulations are created while
approach. designing the incision. One should always
Technique place incisions on a bony framework espe-
After making the incision, the flap is elevated cially near the medial canthus.
in a subperiosteal plane. Close to the orbit, the 2. Midfacial Degloving (Figs. 7.14 and 7.23)
flap is elevated superficial to the orbicularis This approach provides excellent exposure
oculi muscle. This is done to prevent ectro- without the need for a facial incision. With
pion. Lateral limit of dissection for Moure’s regard to the indications, it serves as an alterna-
Lateral Rhinotomy approach is the infraor- tive to the lateral rhinotomy. Additionally,
bital foramen and the nerve. Modifications tumours crossing the midline can also be
can be made to this step to include skin or approached. This technique can only be
subcutaneous tissue if involved by the disease extended to lesions situated inferior to the infra-
7 Extended Procedures 229
Tumour extending to the following anatomical
sites can be accessed using maxillary swing:
• Nasopharynx
• Infratemporal fossa
• Sphenoid sinus
• Pterygoid plates
• Cavernous sinus, clivus and foramen
This approach is ideally suited for midline and
paramedian lesions. Therefore, one should not
consider maxillary swing in case of tumour
extension posterior to the carotid artery or
extension to the contralateral skull base.
The soft tissue approach can either be a
Weber–Ferguson or a midfacial degloving.
Fig. 7.23 Midfacial degloving (Courtesy—Dr. Harsha One should be careful in not elevating beyond
Yadav (JR (ENT), AIIMS, New Delhi) what is required to place the osteotomies to
prevent devascularization of the osteoplastic
orbital foramen. Moreover, skin and orbital flap. Preplating is performed at the following
invasion are not suitable for this technique. sites of osteotomy:
Technique • Frontal process of maxilla extending from
Midfacial degloving entails elevation of the the pyriform aperture to the inferior orbital
midface in a subperiosteal plane. To accom- fissure
plish this, a sublabial incision is made from • Zygomatic process of the maxilla to the
one maxillary tuberosity to the other. To inferior orbital fissure
elevate the cartilaginous external nasal Palatal incision is the modified Owen’s
framework off the pyriform aperture, a com- incision placed close to the alveolar process.
plete transfixion incision and an intercarti- Mucoperiosteal flap is elevated based on the
laginous incision is made. Once the vestibule contralateral greater palatine artery. Midline
is freed from the pyriform aperture, the flap osteotomy is performed over the hard palate.
elevation is completed till the infraorbital The last osteotomy is placed between the
foramen. maxillary tuberosity and the attachment of
Complications the pterygoid plates using a curved osteo-
A complication unique to this approach is tome. After completion of the osteotomies,
vestibular stenosis. the entire maxilla with the overlying skin and
soft tissue can be swung laterally exposing
the pterygomaxillary fissure and the infra-
7.4.6 Bony Approaches temporal fossa.
1. Maxillary Swing (Fig. 7.24, Fig. 6.16 (Chap. 6)) • Palatal fistula: This complication can be
Displacing the maxilla anteriorly as an osteo- minimized by avoiding the superimposi-
plastic flap with the overlying skin and soft tion of the mucosal and the hard palatal
tissue based on the greater palatine artery incision. One way to go about this is the
exposes the skull base posterior to the poste- modified Owen’s incision and placement
rior wall of the maxilla. of a palatal prosthesis to keep the muco-
230 P. Mittal et al.
a b
Infra temporal fossa
Maxilla left
Fig. 7.24 Left maxillary swing. (a) Miniplates are fixed Delhi, India), (b) Maxilla swung on left side which allows
at the site of osteotomies (Courtesy—Dr. Kuldeep Thakur, exposure of infratemporal fossa contents (Courtesy—Dr.
MCh student (Head and Neck cancer), AIIMS, New Harsha Yadav (JR (ENT), AIIMS, New Delhi)
Fig. 7.25 Le Fort I Osteotomy (Courtesy—Dr. Harsha Yadav (JR (ENT), AIIMS, New Delhi)
periosteal flap in close proximity to the Le Fort I fracture displacing the palate
bone. inferiorly.
• Dental malocclusion: Preplating prior to Indications
osteotomy helps in maintaining postopera- This is a strictly midline approach for selected
tive occlusion. cases of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, clival
2. Le Fort I Osteotomy (Fig. 7.25) chordoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. If
Following a sublabial incision, a transverse combined with medial maxillectomy, it can
facial osteotomy is created along the lines of provide some paramedian extension also.
7 Extended Procedures 231
the orbit, palatine bone, lateral wall of (iv) Inferolaterally—The maxilla is sep-
nose and the inferior turbinate. The fol- arated from the pterygoid plates.
lowing osteotomies are performed to • May be accompanied by eth-
mobilize the maxilla: moidectomy or sphenoidotomy
(i) Superomedially—Nasal process of (b) Partial Maxillectomy: Medial maxillec-
maxilla. tomy: with or without ethmoidectomy.
(ii) Superolaterally—Between maxilla Involves resection of medial wall of max-
and zygomatic arch. illary sinus from the floor of orbit to floor
(iii) Inferiorly—Between lateral incisor of nasal cavity. The most common nasal
and canine till midline of palate. pathology where this is indicated is
inverted papilloma.
(i) Supromedially—From pyriform
aperture towards inferior orbital fis-
sure, inferiorly and parallel to
fronto-ethmoidal suture line
(ii) Laterally—Vertically along anterior
wall of maxilla towards inferior
orbital fissure along floor of orbit
(iii) Inferiorly—Above the alveolar arch
(iv) Infero-medially—Parallel to floor of
nasal cavity floor inferior to inferior
8. Craniofacial Resection (Fig. 7.28)
Involves resection of intracranial as well as
extra-cranial parts of a sinonasal tumour
Fig. 7.26 Left side marked Preauricular Subtemporal extending to the anterior skull base. Paranasal
Approach sinuses are approached either by a lateral rhi-
Fig. 7.27 Maxillectomy specimen. Cuts are made the same as maxillary swing but anterior soft tissue flap is separated
from underlying bone as showed in Fig. 6.16 of Chap. 6.
7 Extended Procedures 233
a b
groups. They can be classified according to the imaging (MRI) with contrast scan. The diagnostic
site of tumour origin as described below: cerebral angiography (DSA) is indicated in
selected cases to obtain information regarding vas-
1. Basal neurovascular structures and cularity of the lesion and possible involvement of
meninges surrounding major neurovascular bundle. Elective
• Meningiomas: Olfactory groove, Planum preoperative angiographic embolization is advised
Sphenoidale, Tuberculum sella in highly vascular cases to reduce intraoperative
• Schwannomas blood loss. Quantitative assessment of visual acu-
• Pituitary adenoma ity and visual field charting is required to docu-
• Craniopharyngiomas ment the preoperative status of vision. Endocrine
• Paraganglioma work-up is for tumours extending to the sellar/
• Hemangiopericytoma suprasellar region. The approaches for anterior
2. Cranial base skull base are tabulated in Fig. 7.29 [47, 48].
• Chordoma Transcranial approaches indicated for lesions
• Chondrosarcoma restricted to the intracranial compartment. They
• Osteosarcoma are divided into anterior and anterolateral
• Plasmacytoma approaches depending upon the tumour exten-
• Metastasis sions [49–51]:
3. Subcranial with upward extension
• Sinonasal carcinomas 1. Anterior:
• Olfactory neuroblastoma • Bifrontal craniotomy
• Juvenile angiofibroma • Unifrontal craniotomy
• Nasopharyngeal carcinoma • Transbasal craniotomy
• Adenoid cystic carcinoma Anterior craniotomy approaches are indi-
• Primary sarcomas cated for midline lesions like meningiomas of
olfactory groove, planum sphenoidale, tubercu-
Anosmia, frontal lobe dysfunction, increased lum sella, esthesioneuroblastomas without lat-
intracranial pressure, nasal obstruction, CSF rhi- eral extensions. Large midline lesions are
norrhoea, epistaxis, visual changes and endocrine approached using bifrontal craniotomy whereas
dysfunction are the list of symptoms with intra- small lesions can be approached using either
cranial connection of mass lesion of the nose and unifrontal/bifrontal craniotomy. The incision is
paranasal sinuses. bicoronal or unilateral frontal curvilinear inci-
sion. Following the incision, a bifrontal (large
lesions) or unifrontal (small lesions) craniotomy
7.5.1 Diagnostic Work-Up is performed. Dura is opened based on superior
sagittal sinus (SSS) and the sinus ligated and
The clinical examination is focused on complete cut. Sinus ligation is done in large lesions
evaluation with special attention to the head and involving the cribriform plate. Smaller lesions
neck region. Supplemental information regarding may not require sinus ligation (Fig. 7.30).
the extent of the tumour can be obtained by oph- 2. Anterolateral—Five types of anterolateral
thalmoscopy, indirect laryngoscopy or flexible approaches are described:
fibreoptic nasopharyngoscopy. The imaging bat- (a) Fronto-orbital
tery includes contrast-enhancing computerized (b) Fronto-temporal craniotomy
tomography (CECT) scan, magnetic resonance (c) Pterional craniotomy (Frontosphenotemporal)
7 Extended Procedures 235
• Lateral rhinotomy
• Weber-Ferguson
• Lynch incision
• Dieffenbach incision
Transfacial • Subciliary/Midcilary
• Midfacial degloving
a b
c d
Fig. 7.30 Stepwise demonstration of transbasal otomy with intact bilateral superior orbital walls and
approach: (a) Bicoronal skin incision and elevation of nasion, (d) Exposed bifrontal dura, spatula in midline
subgaleal flap separately for skull base carpeting later, (b) over SSS, bilateral orbit (Star), bilateral frontal sinus and
Burr holes on either side of SSS, (c) Single-piece crani- ethmoids (Donut) along with nasion
It is contraindicated in well-pneumatized are direct exposure of the anterior skull base from
frontal sinus and lesions involving cribriform anterior to posterior, allows simultaneous intra-
plate (relative contraindication). dural and extradural tumour removal from ante-
rior to posterior, does not require facial incisions
and minimal frontal lobe manipulation. The dis-
7.5.2 The Subcranial Approach advantage of this approach is osteonecrosis,
especially following radiotherapy (RT).
It is a single-stage procedure used for tumours
involving the anterior skull base [52, 53]. It
involves coronal incision and osteotomy of the 7.5.3 Reconstruction
naso-fronto-orbital bone segment. It allows
access to the intra- and extra-cranial compart- The aim is to create watertight dural closure and
ments of the anterior skull base. The advantages secure barrier between the nasal cavity and the
7 Extended Procedures 237
Fig. 7.31 Stepwise demonstration of FTOZ craniotomy. along the superior temporal line, (d) Single-piece crani-
(a) Positioning with malar eminence as the highest point, otomy with the temporalis muscle cuff, (e) Exposed orbit
(b) Curvilinear hairline incision, (c) Fronto-temporo (Star) and the fronto-temporal dura, (f) Bone fixed with
zygomatic bony exposure with cuff of muscle left attached miniplates and screws
Fig. 7.32 (a) Eyebrow incision shown as red, (b) eleva- dura, (E) after dural opening using suction and scissors
tion of periosteal flap (star) separately, suction pointing on and suction as dynamic retractors resting on the basifron-
the supraorbital frontal bone, (c) fashioning the craniot- tal lobe covered with cotton (star) and basal dura of ante-
omy (2.5 × 2.5 cms) using the footplate drill, (d) exposed rior cranial base (yellow asterisk)
238 P. Mittal et al.
cranial cavity. It can be done by curetting of turbinate’s anterior attachment and is lateral to
mucosa of frontal, ethmoidal and sphenoidal the agger nasi cells. The anterior attachment of
sinus and packed with fat. The dura defects the uncinate process is regarded as the posterior
should be closed primarily with sutures or with a limit of bone removal. The lacrimal sac and
fascial graft. Basal repair performed by placing a nasolacrimal duct slopes down backward and
pedicled galea aponeurotica-pericranial-frontalis inward. Chronic dacryocystitis is more com-
muscle flap based on the supraorbital–supra- mon in females than males because of the nar-
trochlear vessels along the anterior cranial fossa row nasolacrimal duct in women. On blinking
base (Fig. 7.28a). Further posterior reinforce- the orbicularis muscle alternate contraction and
ment of fascia lata graft with temporalis muscle relaxation creates negative pressure in the lacri-
rotation is required to obliterate the dead space. mal sac; this tear pump helps in sucking tears
Bony segments secured in their respective ana- into the sac. Capillary action carries most of the
tomical positions using sutures or miniplates + tears (70%) into the lower punctum and cana-
autologous temporal or frontal bone to reinforce liculus, while the rest is carried through the
the skull base bony reconstruction. Additionally, upper punctum and canaliculus.
musculocutaneous and free flaps based on the As demonstrated on Scintillography, the trans-
pectoralis major and trapezius as well as free fer of fluid from the canaliculi to the sac is an
omental flaps for basal repair. active process, while the flow of tears into the
nasolacrimal duct is the passive process.
7.5.4 Complications
7.6.1 Pathology—Dacryocystitis
Transcranial surgery has a long list of complications
such as cerebral edema, frontal lobe signs (mainly The most common cause is blockage of the naso-
due to retraction)—deficits of speech, memory, lacrimal duct, leading to inflammation of the sac.
cognitive and intellectual function, seizures, CSF It occurs due to:
leak, subdural or extradural haematoma, pneumo-
cephalus, CNS Infections like meningitis and brain • Structural limitation—congenital incomplete
abscess, vascular complications like carotid, ante- canalization (Hasner’s valve), narrow osseous
rior/middle cerebral artery injuries, hormonal dys- nasolacrimal duct, grossly deviated nasal
function and cranial nerve deficits [54]. septum, inferior turbinate hypertrophy, polyp
or tumour.
• Infection from surrounding structures—nasal
7.6 art F: Lacrimal Sac Anatomy
P infection, ethmoidal inflammation, conjunc-
and DCR tival infection, long-standing nasal packs.
• General infection—Influenza, chickenpox.
The lacrimal gland has a tubule-acinar structure
and secretes serous tears in superior fornix. The
secretomotor fibres are from the VII nerve 7.6.2 Preoperative Tests/
through the pterygopalatine ganglion. The lac- Investigations
rimal system starts from the lacrimal puncta
and consists of vertical and horizontal canalic- 1. ROPLAS—“Regurgitation on pressure over
uli (upper and lower), a common canaliculus, the lacrimal sac” area—the positive test indi-
lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct. Lacrimal cates the blockage of the nasolacrimal duct
sac is 12–15 mm long, situated in lacrimal fossa (Fig. 7.33).
formed by frontal process of maxilla and lacri- 2. Jones dye test—Fluorescein dye is instilled in
mal bone, anterior to posterior. The superior the eye. The presence of dye in the nasal
border of the lacrimal sac is above the middle cavity in 5 minutes is considered as normal
7 Extended Procedures 239
a b c
d e f
Fig. 7.35 The surgical steps of flap elevation. (a) local horizontal incision, (f) posterior-based flap. Maxillary line
infiltration, (b) site of upper incision, (c) site of lower (ML) (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor,
incision, (d) two horizontal incision lines, (e) joining of AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
7 Extended Procedures 241
a b
c d
Fig. 7.36 (a) Kerrison’s punch is engaged for bone out after puncturing of sac (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma,
removal, (b) lacrimal sac exposure, (c) sharp instrument is Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
projected over lacrimal sac, (d) straw colour fluid coming
sac window and anterior-based sac flap can be used by most of the surgeon. Silicon tube stenting
joined with nasal mucosa to reduce the chances of in selected cases [65], covering of exposed bone
granulation formation, scarring and risk of reste- with nasal or lacrimal sac mucosal [66] applica-
nosis. Nasal mucosal flap can be double posterior tion of Mitomycin C [67] are the techniques to
based or bipedicled to cover a major area of prevent restenosis. Silicon tube with metal probes
exposed bone to reduce granulation formation [63, at both ends is placed through upper and lower
64]. Tissue glue can be applied at mucosal junc- punctum and pulled out of the sac into the nose
tion to prevent retraction and separation of approx- and knot tied to secure it. The tube is removed
imated flaps. after 6 weeks by cutting the loop at the medial
Grommet, t sheet, hydrogel, otogenic T tube, canthus. Stenting is indicated when the surgeon
proline and silicone tube are the materials men- is suspecting poor outcomes of surgery like
tioned in literature for stenting. Silicone tube is excessive mucosal trauma, significant flap
242 P. Mittal et al.
d amage, poor anatomy of the sac, revision cases, identified. Periosteum is cut and lacrimal sac is
etc. [68] The meta-analysis showed that silicone lifted from lacrimal fossa. Bony window is cre-
stenting is not affecting the surgical success and ated with burr or chisel hammer and widened
postoperative complications rate [69]. with Kerrison punch. The punctum is cannu-
lated and the sac is tented medially. Sharp scis-
Points to Remember Poor localization of sac, sors are used to create openings and flaps in the
incomplete osteotomy, inadequate opening on medial sac wall and nasal mucosa.
medial wall of sac, significant iatrogenic mucosal Corresponding cut ends of sac wall and mucosa
injury and circumferential cicatrization are the sutured together to create a new pathway for
most common causes of failure [70]. The surgical drainage and wound closed in layers. The
success can be improved by proper tissue han- advantages are direct visualization, the cre-
dling, good flaps approximation with good cavity ation of an adequate bony window and suturing
care (Fig. 7.37). of mucosa. The disadvantages are scar and dis-
ruption of the pump mechanism.
Follow-Up Any nasal pack placed should be
removed after 24–48 h. Medical management is Recent Development
indicated for a week. Look for any regurgitation • Intranasal laser Dacryocystorhinostomy—
from punctum, crusting, granulations, stenosis at KTP-YAG laser helps in precise coagulation
rhinostomy site or displacement of tube at weekly and vaporization of soft tissue, and thus blood
intervals for a month. loss and scarring are minimal.
• Transcanalicular laser-assisted
Surgical Technique of External DCR Dacryocystorhinostomy—The passing of a
A curvilinear skin incision is made at the level laser probe through the upper punctum and
of the medial canthus. Orbicularis oculi muscle canaliculi down the nasolacrimal duct and fir-
is separated and the anterior lacrimal crest is ing the laser to open up the sac wall.
Methylcellulose viscous is used along to dilate
the sac and lubricate the passage of laser fibre.
The advantages are fast technique, laser
passed towards the nose, so no risk of injury to
the eye. The disadvantages are that the mem-
brane formation may occur due to charring
and cause blockage, sump syndrome may not
be addressed, there is a risk of canalicular
injury and success rate is low due to small-
sized window placed at a higher level [71].
• Balloon Dacryoplasty—It is indicated in chil-
dren with failed probing or silicone intuba-
tion. In this, the nasolacrimal duct is dilated in
its distal portion using a balloon catheter
inserted through the upper punctum. The bal-
loon is inflated by injecting water and is
retained for one and a half minutes. After
deflation, it is withdrawn and again inflated
for half a minute at the junction of the lacrimal
sac and nasolacrimal duct.
• Ultrasonic endoscopic dacryocystorhinos-
Fig. 7.37 Wide-open nasolacrimal sac (courtesy—Dr.
Karan Agarwal, skull base fellow, AIIMS, New Delhi,
tomy is a new emerging technique. It utilizes
India) specific ultrasonic vibrations with irrigation to
7 Extended Procedures 243
7.7.6 Results
Fig. 7.39 Coronal CT scan showing mucocele involving posterior ethmoid and sphenoid sinus with erosion of sphe-
noid walls
7 Extended Procedures 245
Fig. 7.40 T2 MRI demonstrating hyperintense signal in sphenoid sinus consistent with mucocele
Fig. 7.44 Patient with left sphenoid mucocele exhibiting proptosis and ptosis (preoperative image). Ocular symptoms
in the immediate postoperative period
The absence of a normal opening is called atre- zontal processes of the palatine bone, incomplete
sia. Choanal atresia was first described by resorption of the nasopharyngeal mesoderm. The
Roederer in 1755. Choanal opening(s) may be most popular theory is the local misdirection of
occluded by soft tissue (membranous), bone or neural crest cell migration. The reason behind it,
both. Recent data based on CT shows mixed Treacher Collins syndrome which is caused by
bony and membranous atresia to be the most abnormal neural crest migration has a high rate of
common (70%) and pure bony to be forming the choanal atresia. Certain external factors like
almost 30% percentage of atresia. Pure membra- Retinoic acid deficiency [93] and the use of anti-
nous atresia is rarest in radiology [90]. The inci- thyroid drugs (methimazole, carbimazole, propyl-
dence of choanal atresia is 1:5000 to 1:8000 live thiouracil) during pregnancy are linked to choanal
births [91, 92]. It is more commonly encountered atresia [94].
in females (2:1). Choanal atresia may be unilat-
eral or bilateral; unilateral presentation being
more common than bilateral (65–70%). In unilat- 7.8.2 Patho-physiology
eral cases, right choana involvement is more
common than left. The closure part of the nasal Neonates are obligate nose breathers as the lar-
cavity is roomy. Choanal atresia is not interfering ynx is placed at a higher level which descends at
with the development of the face. Three-fourth 4–6 weeks of life and mouth breathing is estab-
cases of bilateral atresia are associated with other lished. In bilateral choanal atresia, neonate expe-
congenital anomalies like CHARGE syndrome, riences episodes of asphyxia and severe distress
Crouzon’s syndrome, Treacher Collins syn- with or without cyanosis in quiet respiration
drome, Polydactyly, craniosynostosis, cleft lip/ when the mouth is closed, especially during sleep
palate and nasal/palatal deformities. or feeding. Cyanosis is relieved by crying or
gasping when the child opens the mouth widely,
releasing air obstruction.
7.8.1 Aetiology
Various theories are proposed for the origin of 7.8.3 Clinical Presentation
choanal atresia. Some of the popular ones are the
persistence of the buccopharyngeal membrane, Clinical presentation in choanal atresia cases
persistence of the nasobuccal membrane of depends on the laterality, character and severity of
Hochstetter, medial outgrowth of vertical and hori- atresia. Bilateral choanal atresia is a life-threatening
7 Extended Procedures 247
condition. It may cause acute respiratory distress metallic tongue depressor just below the nos-
and cyanosis in a newborn. Distress and cyanosis tril may be used as the initial bedside test. No
are relieved with crying and there happens return of sound of breathing when the bell of the stetho-
cyanosis with rest (paradoxical cyanosis). Difficulty scope over nostril raised the possibility of
in feeding is obvious in these newborns. Unilateral atresia. A more frequently used screening test
choanal atresia presents later in life. Presenting is an attempt to pass an infant feeding tube or
complaints in unilateral cases are unilateral chronic suction catheter (6–8 F) through the nostril
nasal discharge with nasal obstruction and the child into the child’s oral cavity. Failure to pass the
shows thick nasal discharge on examination. A catheter into the oral cavity calls for transna-
child with unilateral choanal atresia presents rarely sal endoscopic examination. Cotton wisp test
with respiratory distress. and methylene blue dye test are the two other
Differential diagnosis includes pyriform aper- infrequently used screening tests.
ture stenosis, nasolacrimal duct cyst (dacryocys-
tocele), turbinate hypertrophy, septal dislocation Radiological Tests—Computed Tomography
and deviation, antrochoanal polyp, nasal neo- (non-contrast) is the radiological investigation of
plasm, meningocele, encephalocele. choice. One-mm thick coronal and axial cuts of
nose and paranasal sinuses in both bony and soft
tissue windows are requested (Fig. 7.46). The
7.8.4 Diagnosis and Evaluation indications of CT scan are to characterize the
type of atresia (bony/membranous/mixed), delin-
1. Clinical Tests/Examination—A confirmatory eate thickness of atresia, estimate mean choanal
diagnosis of choanal atresia is made only by air space and to differentiate from other causes of
transnasal endoscopic examination of the pos- nasal obstruction.
terior choana. Endoscopic examination with
2.7 mm rigid or flexible nasal endoscope after
nasal decongestion and mucous suctioning 7.8.5 Treatment
allows direct visualization of choanal atresia
(Fig. 7.45). Decreased fogging on placing a The treatment of choice is surgery. The timing or
urgency of surgery depends upon laterality. In
cases of bilateral choanal atresia, an immediate
Inferior turbinate preliminary airway management is warranted
followed by elective surgery. In unilateral atresia
cases, definitive surgery can be postponed to later hard palate and vomer which is at the
school-going age group. most infero-medial point of the atretic
plate. It is the safest site to enter into the
7.8.6 Preliminary Airway (e) Starting from this most infero-medial
Management portion of the atretic plate, bone is
removed sequentially, superiorly and lat-
Bilateral choanal atresia is an emergency requir- erally. Powered instruments are used for
ing immediate airway intervention. Inserting an the bone removal (microdebrider or dia-
oral airway is the best initial airway management mond drill). Spacious single neo-choana
in such cases. McGovern nipple is also a viable with removal of all intervening tissue and
option. It is an intraoral nipple with a large open- covering of bony defect with mucosal flap
ing made by cutting its end off and is secured in is the key to success (Fig. 7.47).
the mouth with ties around the infant’s head. If, The primary success rate is between 67 and
in spite of this, the patient fails to maintain an 88% (Mean = 85.3%) [99, 100]. Frequent
adequate airway, endotracheal intubation is the postoperative use of nasal saline irrigation
other alternative. If the patient is having associ- and periodic endoscopic surveillance or
ated comorbidities such as cardiopulmonary second-look procedure is required. If the nasal
instability and multilevel airway obstruction tra- passage is too narrow to pass both endoscope
cheostomy may be needed [95]. and drill, a 120° endoscope from nasopharyn-
geal side may be used for visualization
(Retropalatal approach). The rest of the proce-
7.8.7 Definitive Surgical dure is performed transnasally.
Management 2. Transpalatal Approach
This approach was first described by Owens.
Over the years, various surgical procedures have Greater palatine vessels-based, U-shaped
been proposed. An ideal surgical procedure mucosal flap is elevated posteriorly beyond
should maintain the patency of choana; it should the hard and soft palate junction. The palatine
not interfere with normal craniofacial develop- bones posterior to the greater palatine foram-
ment with minimal invasiveness and less risk of ina, the atresia plates, the posterior vomer and
recurrences. the medial pterygoid plates are carefully
drilled using a diamond burr [95]. It carries Surgical Approaches the risk of significant complications including
1. Transnasal Endoscopic Approach palatal flap breakdown and fistula formation,
It is the most preferred surgical approach palatal muscle dysfunction, velopharyngeal
because of better surgical outcomes and fewer insufficiency and effect on maxillary growth
complication rates [96]. This approach was causing crossbite and high palatal arch defor-
first demonstrated by Stankiewicz and later mity. The transpalatal approach is not pre-
modified by other authors [97, 98]. This sur- ferred nowadays.
gery is completed in the following steps: 3. Transseptal Approach
(a) Adequate nasal decongestion. Described by Hall et al. and Osquthorpe et al.
(b) Rigid nasal endoscope (2.7 mm) is intro- in 1982, the transseptal approach is recom-
duced for visualization of atretic plate. mended in case of unilateral CA and in age
(c) A laterally based mucosal flap is raised to >8 years [101]. It permits better correction of
expose the bony part. any deviations of the septum, resection of the
(d) The best point of entry into nasopharynx posterior part of the vomer and preservation
is at the thinnest part of the atretic plate, of mucosal flaps for coverage of the bleeding
found usually at the junction between the area.
7 Extended Procedures 249
a b
c d
Fig. 7.47 Transnasal endoscopic approach for choanal middle turbinate, NF nasal floor, AP atretic plate, MF
atresia repair, from left nostril. Similar for the right side mucosal flap, NC neo choana
also S septum, I incision line, IT inferior turbinate, MT
7.8.8 P
revention of Restenosis After is less likely required for older patients. Surgery
Surgery with navigation is preferred in syndromic
Bilateral choanal atresia with purely bony atretic
plate, age less than 10 days, nasopharyngeal
reflux, gastroesophageal reflux and associated 7.8.9 Use of Laser in Surgery
malformations are the risk factors for restenosis.
Delayed surgery in bilateral atresia has a higher CO2 laser was used initially but ablation is not
failure rate [103]. Unilateral atresia can be possible when the bony atretic plate is thicker
delayed after at least 6 months of age and repair than 1 mm. Other types of laser used are KTP,
should be done by transnasal endoscopic Nd- YAG, holmium-YAG, contact diode laser but
approach [104]. The use of microbebrider, micro- they lack a significant advantage over
drills reduces the surrounding trauma which microdebrider.
reduces the risk of scarring. After a successful
repair, a close and long follow-up at 2, 4 and 8
weeks with endoscope-assisted cleaning of the 7.8.10 Syndromes Associated
nasal cavity and surgical site should help in with Choanal Atresia
reducing restenosis. Use of Mitomycin C (inhib-
its fibroblasts and angiogenesis), stents, mucosal CHARGE, Axenfeld–Rieger Syndrome—Type
flap preservation and serial balloon dilatations 1, Diamond–Blackfan Anaemia, DiGeorge
are still a matter of debate as systematic review Syndrome, Treacher Collins Syndrome, Apert
has depicted similar results even without using Syndrome, Crouzon Syndrome, Pfeiffer
them [105]. Customized endotracheal tube, naso- Syndrome, Marshall Syndrome, Raine Syndrome,
pharyngeal airway and Teflon sheet have been Fraser Syndrome, Pallister–Hall Syndrome,
used as stents for 48 h to 12 months in different Burn–McKeown Syndrome, Cat Eye Syndrome,
series (Fig. 7.48). Studies favour either no use of Fryns Syndrome, McKusick–Kaufman Syndrome
stents or use limited to bilateral choanal atresia. are associated with choanal atresia with variable
Today, the use of stents remains the surgeon’s frequency [91, 106].
choice in absence of proven advantage. Stenting
transferrin assay is the test of choice because of clear cells (<5/μL). CSF represents the end prod-
its high sensitivity and specificity. Various com- uct of the ultrafiltration of plasma across epithelial
binations of planar tomography and CT, contrast- cells in the choroid plexus lining the ventricles of
enhanced CT cisternography, and radionuclide the brain. Circulation of CSF is maintained by
cisternography, and, more recently, MR cister- the hydrostatic differences between its rate of
nography have been used in the diagnosis of CSF production and its rate of absorption. Normal
leak. MRI with NCCT is a very useful and spe- CSF pressure is approximately 10–15 mmHg,
cific diagnostic and localizing technique. and elevated pressure constitutes an intracranial
Traumatic CSF rhinorrhea is managed by con- pressure (ICP) greater than 20 mmHg.
servative measures in 70–80% of cases. In cases
of iatrogenic and spontaneous leaks, it is less
likely to heal with conservative measures. It is 7.9.2 Applied Anatomy
currently accepted that endoscopic intranasal
management of CSF rhinorrhea is the preferred The most common anatomic sites of spontaneous
method of surgical repair, with higher success cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks are the areas of
rates and less morbidity than intracranial surgical congenital weakness of the anterior cranial fossa
repair. Uncomplicated CSF fistula, located at the and areas related to the type of surgery per-
posterior wall of frontal sinuses can be repaired formed. The lateral lamella of the cribriform
extradurally with osteoplastic frontal sinusotomy. plate appears to be involved in approximately
Intracranial approaches should be reserved for 40% of the cases, the frontal sinus in 15%
more complicated CSF rhinorrhea. The timing whereas sella turcica and sphenoid sinus are
for surgery and CSF drainage procedures must be involved in 15%. Common sites of injury second-
decided with great care and with a clear strategy. ary to endoscopic sinus surgery include the lat-
This chapter reviewed the applied anatomy and eral lamella of the cribriform plate and the
physiology, causes, diagnosis and treatment of posterior ethmoid roof near the anterior and
CSF leakage. medial sphenoid wall. Rarely, the leak can origi-
nate in the middle or posterior cranial fossa and
can reach the nasal cavity by way of the middle
7.9.1 Applied Physiology ear and eustachian tube. These patients typically
present with aural fullness due to a serous middle
The total volume of CSF in adults is 90–150 ml. ear effusion.
CSF is produced in the choroid plexus and epen-
dyma at a rate of 0.35 ml/min (500 ml/d). It is
absorbed in arachnoid villi, total volume turned 7.9.3 Classification
over 3–5 times per day. CSF circulates from the
lateral ventricle to the third ventricle via the It is classified by Ommaya et al. (1960) [107]. It
aqueduct of Sylvius. From the third ventricle, the is grossly divided into traumatic, non-traumatic
fluid circulates into the fourth ventricle and out and congenital types. Both entities can be further
into the subarachnoid space via the foramina of classified:
Magendie and Luschka. After circulating through (A) Traumatic
the subarachnoid space, CSF is reabsorbed via (i) Non-surgical
arachnoid villi. (ii) Surgical
CSF consists of a mixture of water, electro- (B) Non-traumatic
lytes (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl−, and HCO3−), glu- (i) Normal pressure
cose (60–80% of blood glucose), amino acids (ii) High pressure
and various proteins (22–38 mg/dL). CSF is (C) Congenital
colourless, clear and typically devoid of cells Traumatic CSF leak can be divided on the
such as polymorphonuclear cells and mononu- basis of aetiology:
252 P. Mittal et al.
(A) Trauma—it is the most common type and 7.9.4 Patient Evaluation
anterior cranial fossa is the most common
site (cribriform and roof of ethmoid). It is Presenting symptoms are clear, watery discharge
further classified into non-surgical and sur- from the nose (more on bending forward). The
gical. Non-surgical (accidental) accounts for fluid is non-sticky and has a salty taste in the
~80% of all CSF leaks result of blunt or pen- mouth. Patients are not able to sniff back the
etrating head trauma. 2–3% of major head fluid. The other presentation is the history of
trauma results in CSF leaks. CSF leak occurs recurrent meningitis. The history should be
in 15–30% of cases of skull base fracture. focused on duration, onset, associated symptoms.
Leak may be either immediate (within 48 h) History should also include the severity, laterality
or delayed and in ~95% of cases of delayed and quantity of rhinorrhea. The important ques-
leaks occur within 3 months. Surgical tions are history of trauma, symptoms of menin-
(Iatrogenic) CSF leak accounts for 16% of gitis, recent sinus surgery or neurosurgery. The
CSF leaks. Endoscopic sinus surgery is the physical examination includes complete ENT
most common cause (0.5% of ESS cases). examination, weight and BMI, site of leak by
The most common site of injury is the lateral banding forwards.
lamella of the cribriform plate.
(B) Non-traumatic—it is 4% of cases of CSF rhi-
norrhea. It can be further classified into high, 7.9.5 Differential Diagnosis
normal pressure leaks. High-pressure leak is
45% of non-traumatic cases. The patho- Autonomic dysfunction, allergic rhinitis, CSF
physiology is persistent high intracranial oto-rhinorrhoea are the differentials for CSF
pressure (ICP), that leads to remodelling and rhinorrhoea.
thinning of the skull base and creates com-
munication (theorized to be due to ischemia
from compression of vessels). The causes of 7.9.6 Investigations
high ICP are intracranial tumour growth
(typically pituitary tumours) and hydroceph- (A) Bed Side Test
alus secondary to obstruction of the normal 1. Halo or Ring Sign—blood will separate
pathway of CSF fluid drainage. Normal pres- out from CSF when nasal discharge is
sure leaks are 55% of non-traumatic cases. placed on a filter paper (central blood
The causes are true spontaneous leaks (usu- with clear ring). The ring sign is not spe-
ally seen in adults). Tumours and other cific to bloody CSF. Blood mixed with
osteolytic lesions of skull base erodes the water, saline, and other mucus will also
boundary of the nasal and cranial cavity form a ring sign.
(nasopharyngeal carcinoma, inverted papil- 2. Reservoir sign—Morning rise showed
loma, etc.) gush of CSF leak. It is because of fluid
(C) Congenital—It may be either increased ICP collection in paranasal sinuses.
or normal ICP. The reason for congenital 3. A handkerchief is not stiff when soaked
CSF leak is the failure of closure of the nor- with CSF fluid.
mal linings which separates the cranial and (B) Laboratory Tests
nasal cavity. It typically involves the fora- 1. Glucose testing—It is a rapid but highly
men cecum and fonticulus frontalis. The unreliable test. CSF glucose level is two-
persistent cricopharyngeal canal creates a third of blood glucose level. Glucose oxi-
vertical midline defect connecting the mid- dase paper colour is changed with
dle cranial fossa to the sphenoid. Primary glucose concentrations of 5+ mg/dL. In
empty sella syndrome is developed by con- recent trauma, the presence of blood
genital widening of the diaphragma sella. gives false-positive results. Recent men-
7 Extended Procedures 253
7.9.7 Treatment
Fig. 7.52 (a) Incision marking, (b) drilling the outline of with suturing, (f) obliteration of frontal sinuses
frontal sinus after marking with X-ray templet, (c) ante- (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor,
rior frontal sinus wall is elevated, (d) view of frontal AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
sinus, (e) repair of dural defect with fascia lata and secured
a b c
Fig. 7.53 (a) Showing bony defect of left cribriform plate with dura exposed in spontaneous leak (black arrow), (b)
facia lata composite grafting, (c) showing fibrin glue/dura seal in situ
taken while doing dissection near dissection extends from the mid-
the olfactory groove. dle turbinate to the lamina papy-
• Transfovea approach—For get- racea. The frontal sinus marks the
ting access to the lateral aspect of anterior limit and the sphenoid
the anterior cranial fossa. The marks the posterior limit. In some
258 P. Mittal et al.
may lead to the displacement of the graft when optic nerve whereas indirect optic nerve injury
removed. In the face of increased ICP, it is rec- occurs due to blunt impact to head or face which
ommended that a multilayered graft be utilized. further sets a shearing force damaging the optic
The size of the defect also plays a role in the nerve or its blood supply. Direct and indirect
grafting technique utilized. If the defect is injuries both cause mechanical and ischemic
<2 mm, the type of grafting technique utilized damage to the optic nerve. CT scanning helps in
typically does not make much difference as most delineating fractures of bones and is critical for
techniques will be successful in repairing the surgical planning. MRI is superior in delineating
CSF leak. If the defect is 2–5 mm, one must note soft tissue involvement. Both corticosteroids and
whether comminuted bone segments or signifi- surgical decompression alone or in combination
cant dural injury is present. If they are not pres- helps in improving visual prognosis.
ent, the use of an overlay grafting technique is Orbital and Optic Nerve Anatomy [117]
sufficient. However, if either is present, one Optic nerve is 3–4 mm in diametre, 35–50 mm
should utilize a composite graft or a separately in length from retina to optic chiasma. It is basi-
harvested bone plus mucosa grafting technique cally divided into four segments. The first seg-
where the bone is placed in an underlay fashion ment named as intraocular segment is around
while the mucosa is placed in an overlay fashion. 1 mm in length. The second segment is intraor-
If the defect is >5 mm, the repair should be per- bital with 20–30 mm length, third and fourth seg-
formed with a composite graft or separate bone ments are intracanalicular (5–11 mm) and
plus mucosa grafting technique as described intracranial (3–16 mm), respectively, as depicted
above. Meningitis (0.3%), brain abscess (0.9%), in Fig. 7.54. The optic canal is approximately
subdural haematoma (0.3%), smell disorders 6.5 mm in diametre and 8–10 mm in length.
(0.6%), headache (0.3%) are the complications Figure 7.55 depicts relations of intracanalicular
of endoscopic technique (much lesser than crani- part of the optic nerve. Relations of intraorbital
otomy) [116]. part of optic nerve are shown in Fig. 7.56. Optic
Postoperative care includes bed rest with the canal contains optic nerve axons, their supportive
head of the bed set at 15–30 degrees for 3–5 days. glia, the ophthalmic artery and branches of the
The blood pressure should be maintained at a carotid sympathetic plexus of the autonomic ner-
normal level. Stool softeners and cough suppres- vous system. Axons of the optic nerve arise from
sants to prevent straining, coughing. The patients the ganglion cell layer of the retina and extend
should be advised to avoid blowing the nose and beyond chiasma and optic tracts just before syn-
any heavy lifting. If a lumbar drain is utilized apsing in the lateral geniculate body.
postoperatively, it should be left 3–5 days with a
maximum drainage of 10–15 cc/h. If non-
absorbable packing is utilized, antibiotics should
be given.
7.10 P
art J: Optic Nerve Anatomy
and Management Intraorbital
Medical rectus
Opthalmic nerve
Opthalmic artery
vein Annulus of zinn
Lateral rectus
Inferior rectus
Lateral rectus
Optic nerve
and nerve Opthalmic Posterior ethmoidal artery
artery and nerve
The optic nerve is surrounded by pia, arach- supplied by arterial circle of Zinn–Haller with
noid and dura mater in its intraorbital and intra- contributions from posterior ciliary arteries, the
canalicular part which forms the optic sheath. In pial arterial network and the peripapillary choroi-
the intracanalicular part, the dura is fused to dal vasculature. Perforating branches derived
sphenoid periosteum and at the posterior end of from the ophthalmic artery supplies intraorbital
the optic canal, the optic nerve sheath is fused to part of the optic nerve and intracanalicular part is
dura lining calvaria. Thus, intracranial part lies in supplied by small pial branches from ophthalmic
subarachnoid space. Intraocular optic nerve is artery. On the other hand, intracranial part is sup-
7 Extended Procedures 261
plied by pial branches of the internal carotid, 2. Relative afferent pupillary defect is present
anterior cerebral and anterior communicating except in cases of symmetric B/L TON.
arteries. 3. Impairment of colour vision.
Traumatic optic nerve injury is basically of 4. Variable visual field defects.
two types: direct and indirect optic nerve injury.
Direct Optic Nerve injury is caused by penetrat- Optic disc appearance in anterior indirect
ing objects impinging directly on the optic nerve. TON is associated with disc swelling and retinal
Direct optic nerve injuries have a worst prognosis haemorrhages whereas in posterior indirect TON
than indirect optic nerve injuries. Indirect optic fundus looks normal. In direct TON, there could
nerve injuries are further divided based on ana- be avulsed optic nerve head or optic disc swelling
tomical site into anterior and posterior. Anterior with haemorrhages. CT findings can be sugges-
indirect optic nerve injuries are the injuries ante- tive of direct TON and excluding indirect
rior to where the central retinal artery enters the TON. Although both direct and indirect mecha-
optic nerve 8–12 mm posterior to insertion of nisms can cause optic nerve damage, a clear dis-
nerve into globe whereas posterior indirect optic tinction between the two is difficult.
nerve injuries are posterior to this site. Other causes of optic neuropathy include:
Initial ocular examination should be done
including visual acuity using Snellen’s chart, 1. Dysthyroid optic neuropathy is a consequence
colour vision and visual field charting [118]. of Graves orbitopathy that results in decreased
Swinging Flashlight test should be used to visual acuity, RAPD, disturbed colour vision,
elicit Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect optic disc abnormalities and visual field
(RAPD) which is positive in traumatic optic defects. Diagnosis and management requires
neuropathy but may be absent in bilateral a multidisciplinary approach. Mechanism of
cases. Ophthalmoscopic examination will help dysthyroid optic neuropathy appears to be
to evaluate the retinal and choroidal circula- caused by direct compression of the optic
tion, optic nerve head morphology and to rule nerve due to enlarged extraocular muscles,
out any intraocular foreign body. Visual evoked stretching caused by proptosis and inflamma-
potentials (VEP) are usually not required to tion. Treatment options are high dose i.v ste-
establish the diagnosis but may be used in roids followed by orbital decompression. The
questionable cases. Flash VEP amplitude ratio accepted dose regimen of these patients is
greater than 0.5 appears predictive of a favour- once per week dose of 500 mg i.v methylpred-
able, long-term visual outcome in unilateral nisolone for 6 weeks followed by 250 mg per
traumatic optic neuropathy. It has diagnostic week for another 6 weeks. Total cumulative
value in patients having suspicion of bilateral dose should not be more than 6–8 g [120].
optic neuropathy where RAPD may not be evi- 2. Fibrous dysplasia [121]—Clinical low vision
dent. Thin Section CT Scanning is the main with radiological proven optic nerve encase-
modality to see fractures of the optic canal and ment and documented progression of vision
to plan for any surgical intervention. MR imag- deterioration are the indications of optic nerve
ing is useful in chiasmal trauma and should be decompression in fibrous dysplasia.
done after the metallic orbital foreign body is 3. Benign intracranial hypertension—the role of
being ruled out. optic nerve fenestration can prevent further
Diagnosis of Indirect over Direct TON [119] visual loss in patients of BIH with rapidly
is made on the following findings: progressing vision loss but the risk of menin-
gitis is increased.
1. Variable visual loss ranging from normal to
no light perception in indirect TON; direct Treatment Options—There are two main
TON causes immediate and severe visual loss. modalities of treatment including medical ther-
262 P. Mittal et al.
apy and surgical decompression used alone or in patients with partial vision loss, surgical
combination: decompression was beneficial even when
(A) Medical therapy—Corticosteroids were
surgery was performed after 1 year of
considered as neuroprotective due to their onset of visual loss [126]. The surgical
antioxidant properties and inhibition of decompression can be done by endoscopic
free radical-induced lipid peroxidation. or external approaches:
This hypothesis was reinforced following 1. Endoscopic optic nerve decompression
National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study 2 [127]—This technique is less invasive and
[NASCIS II]; a multicentre clinical trial provides good exposure to the optic canal
that evaluated patients with acute spinal and orbital apex. This procedure is done
cord injury concluded that the use of under general anaesthesia. Adequate
methylprednisolone (30 mg/kg loading nasal decongestion is achieved using
dose, followed by 5.4 mg/kg/h for 24 h) epinephrine and using a 4 mm 0 degree
started within 8 h of injury was associated rigid endoscope, standard spheno-
with a significant improvement in both ethmoidectomy is performed. Fracture of
motor and sensory function compared to lamina papyracea approximately 1 cm
patients treated with a placebo [122, 123]. anterior to the optic canal is done and then
There is no convincing evidence that ste- lamina papyracea is removed in a poste-
roids provide any additional benefit over rior direction to expose the annulus of
conservative management as there is high Zinn. Thin lamina is then replaced with a
rate of spontaneous visual recovery in thick bone of lesser wing of sphenoid near
TON [123]. optic canal, which is then removed after
(B) Surgical decompression—Due to the lack adequate thinning like eggshell. Removal
of Randomized controlled trials, the tim- of bone for a distance of 1 cm posterior to
ing and outcome of surgery is still contro- the face of the sphenoid sinus is usually
versial. In a recent meta-analysis, they sufficient. In acute conditions, incision of
divided patients into two groups based on the optic sheath is recommended in case
the timing of surgery, in which 57% of of intra-sheath haematoma or significant
patients in the early group (patients who papilledema. Optic sheath incision
had surgery in <3 days) had visual showed better results in delayed decom-
improvement and 51% in the late group pression. Optic sheath is then incised with
(>7 days) also improved. So, it concludes sickle knife in the superomedial quadrant
that even in delayed cases, surgical inter- to minimize risk of injury to ophthalmic
vention should be done [124, 125]. In artery (Fig. 7.57).
Fig. 7.57 Endoscopic optic nerve decompression. (a) Uncinectomy, (b) wide middle meatus antrostomy, ethmoidec-
tomy and sphenoidotomy, (c) drilling of sphenoid bone, (d) exposure of optic nerve (ON), (f) incision on optic sheath
7 Extended Procedures 263
d e
Fig. 7.57 (continued)
2. Extra-nasal Trans-ethmoidal Approach There are other agents who have experimen-
[124]—This technique provides access tal importance and little clinical evidence to
to the ethmoid sinus and medial wall of support the effectiveness of these therapies
orbit. The incision is made along the [128]. These are:
medial canthus from the inferior margin
of medial aspect of the eyebrow and then 1. Crystallins—these are the heat shock proteins
the periosteum is elevated followed by which act as anti-inflammatory agents and are
removal of lacrimal bone and lamina neuroprotective.
papyracea. Following which, the medial 2. Erythropoietin—it increases retinal ganglion
wall of the apex of orbit, optic canal and cell somata and survival of axon.
optic foramen is drilled using diamond 3. Glutamate inhibitors—it acts as an excitatory
burr. Then thinned- out OC ring is neurotransmitter in the eye.
removed after tilting orbital contents to 4. Neurotropic factors—these factors help in the
the lateral side (Fig. 7.58). Endoscopic- survival of existing neurons and growth and
assisted medial transorbital approach is differentiation of newer ones. These include
also used to overcome drawbacks of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), brain-
facial scar. derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and cili-
3. Transcranial approach [124]—This tech- ary neurotrophic factor (CNTF).
nique is more invasive than the endonasal 5. Tacrolimus—Protective role by inducing
approach as it requires brain retraction that fibroblastic apoptosis and prevents loss of
can lead to serious complications. It can myelin.
also alter cosmetic appearance as com- 6. Therapeutic hypothermia.
pared to the endonasal approach although 7. TNFα and NO synthase inhibitors—they
it provides a familiar view to neurosur- enhance retinal ganglion cell survival.
geons and achieve wider decompression. 8. Adipose tissue-derived stem cells are tried to
Recently minimally invasive approaches repair ischemic optic neuropathy and optic
like the supraorbital approach have been nerve injury in rat models and showed
introduced but lack clinical data. success.
264 P. Mittal et al.
a b c
Fig. 7.58 External optic nerve decompression in fibrous (b) separation of orbital content from medial wall with
dysplasia. (a) Drilling of medial orbital wall right side to wider posterior view, (c) optic nerve decompression in
gain posterior access. Self-retaining retractor is placed, intracanalicular portion
7.11 P
art K: Skull Base the superficial temporal artery. The supraorbital
Reconstruction in Extended and supratrochlear artery based Pericranial flap
Endoscopic Approaches and the Palatal flap (Oliver flap) based on
descending palatine artery can also be used based
With widespread application of extended endo- on the location and size of the defect.
scopic skull base procedures, the need for a
robust reconstruction, preferably by the same
approach and from the tissue in the vicinity, was 7.11.1 Introduction
the need of the hour. This necessity gave rise to
the invention of the endonasal mucosal flaps. The Recent advances in vascular reconstruction tech-
endonasal flaps are designed based on the vascu- niques in skull base procedures have led to
larity of the nasal mucosa. The nasal mucosa of extended endonasal endoscopic procedures as the
both the septum as well as the lateral nasal wall is gold standard for anterior skull base pathologies
used along with its vascularity for the reconstruc- (Fig. 7.59). It reduces short- and long-term com-
tion of the defects. The choice of the endonasal plications like CSF leak (reduced from 20–30%
mucosal flap is dictated by the site and size of the to <5%) [129–131], meningitis and postoperative
skull base defect. The Hadad–Bassagasteguy flap mortality and morbidity [132, 133].
is the commonly used axial nasoseptal flap (NSF)
based on the posterior septal branch of the
Sphenopalatine artery. Flaps that can be har- 7.11.2 Principles of Skull Base
vested from the lateral nasal wall are the anteri- Reconstruction
orly based inferior turbinate endonasal flap which
is a random Pattern flap based on the anterior eth- Preoperative anticipation of area and size of the
moidal artery. The posteriorly based Inferior tur- defect, type of leak, type of reconstruction and
binate endonasal flap which is an axial flap based type of tissue available for reconstruction, sound
on the inferior conchal artery. The middle turbi- knowledge of nasal vascular anatomy and
nate flap which is again an axial flap based on the whether reconstruction is feasible as a part of the
middle turbinate artery. Regional flaps can also endoscopic procedure or not, is important.
be used for reconstruction like the temperopari- Attention to the flap harvesting, storage during
etal facial flap, based on the anterior branch of tumour resection, positioning (Avoid kinking of
7 Extended Procedures 265
the pedicle) and fixation over the defect is para- 1. Nasoseptal flap (NSF)—(Hadad–
mount for the best outcome. Flaps should be peri- Bassagasteguy flap)—The NSF was designed
odically removed from its stored position to by Gustavo Hadad and Luis Bassagasteguy
reduce congestion. The flap should confound to from Argentina in 1996. It is an axial flap that
the complex skull base defect by making the sur- is based on the posterior septal branch of the
rounding bone surface smooth and filling dead Sphenopalatine artery (Fig. 7.62b). The flap
space with fat. Avoid burying of functional provides a large surface area and a wide arc of
mucosa as this can lead to mucocele formation in rotation which helps in covering defects from
the late postoperative period. Reconstruction the frontal region till the lower Clivus
should be robust and reliable enough to separate (Fig. 7.62c). The side from which it should be
the nasal cavity from the cranial cavity. Small harvested depends on anatomical variation
defects (CSF grades 0, 1, 2) are usually managed (deviated nasal septum and turbinate anoma-
with non-vascularized graft [134]. Large defects lies), side and extent of tumour, visualization
(CSF grade 3, 4), defects with high central pres- and space for instrumentation, surgeon prefer-
sure, post-radiotherapy and those who need post- ence, side and size of skull base defect. It is
operative radiotherapy will need vascular preferred to harvest the flap from the non-
reconstruction (Fig. 7.60 and Table 7.3). tumour side or from the side of the dural
Restoration of normal nasal and cranial physiol- defect. In paediatric patients (till 14 years),
ogy as much as possible should always be due to the differential growth rate of facial
attempted. Avoiding a tight nasal packing at the skeleton with the cranium, the use of NSF is
end of the procedure will help in retaining ade- limited [131]. Contraindications for an NSF
quate vascularity to the harvested vascular flaps. are if the tumour is involving the nasal septum
CSF diversion can be considered in selected or the sphenoidal rostrum and in patients in
cases, like those where there is a direct communi- whom there is a history of previous septal
cation of the defect with high-flow CSF pathways surgery.
(communication with the third ventricle). In Surgical Technique
cases of lesion crossing lateral to pterygoid plan, Adequate decongestion of the nasal mucosa
contralateral falp is indicated. Covering of two as in any other endonasal surgery is essential
contiguous areas of skull base defect is feasible before attempting any instrumentation and
with a single flap (NSF), when more than two this is an essential initial step. Exposure of
266 P. Mittal et al.
Vascularised flaps
Mechanism of flap uptake
• MSF (Nasoseptal artery)
• Middle turbinate flap (artery to
Depends on the blood supply of recipient
MT from SPA)
• Inferior turbinate flap
Anteriorly base endonasal
(Random pattern based on Perfusion to the wound site
Anterior ethmoidal artery)
Posteriorly based endonasal Various stages of inflammation
(Inferior conchal artery)
Regional- Neo-angiogenesis
• Pericranial flap (Trochlear and
supra-orbital artery) Remodelling
• Temperoparietal flap (STA)
• Palatal flap (Greater palatine artery)
Sphenoethmoidal recess is the next step, and on the need, it can be extended superiorly till
this is done by lateralization of the middle tur- the dorsum of the nose or anteriorly till the
binate (or partial resection) followed by resec- mucocutaneous junction. The inferior incision
tion of lower one-third of superior turbinate. is made over the superior aspect of the poste-
This is followed by the exposure of mucosal rior choana and extends towards the posterior
bridge between sphenoidal ostium and upper part of septum and junction of septum and
choana. A fine tip mono-polar on 12–15 W nasal floor, based on the need it can involve
setting is preferred for mucosal incision. The the nasal floor or the inferior turbinate
superior incision of the NSF starts just below (Fig 7.62a). The anterior incision is made to
the sphenoidal ostium and followed anteriorly connect the superior and inferior incisions.
1 to 1.5 cm below the anterior skull base till The plane of dissection is in the sub-
the anterior end of the middle turbinate. Based mucoperichondrial over the cartilaginous
a b
Fig. 7.61 Nasal vascular anatomy (a) Medial Nasal wall, artery, (5) inferior branch of posterior septal artery, (6)
(b) Lateral Nasal wall, (c) Endoscopic Posterior nasal Superior labial branch of facial artery, (7) SPA (main
cavity. (1) Anterior ethmoidal artery, (2) Posterior eth- trunk), (8) Posterior lateral nasal artery, (9) Middle turbi-
moidal artery, (3) Nasoseptal branch of sphenopalatine nate artery, (10) Inferior turbinate artery, (11) Superior
artery (SPA), (4) Superior branch of posterior septal turbinate, (12) Middle turbinate, (13) Inferior turbinate
268 P. Mittal et al.
a b
Fig. 7.62 Nasoseptal flap (NSF), (a) Types of NSF, (b) (5) inferior incision, (6) reconstruction of posterior table
Incisions of NSF, (c) Uses of NSF. (1) Basic NSF, (2) of the frontal sinus, (7) reconstruction of planum and
anterior extension, (3) lateral extension (into floor with or sella, (8) reconstruction of clivus
without inferior turbinate mucosa), (4) superior incision,
nasal septum and sub-mucoperiosteal at its or nasal packing, which is removed after 2–3
bony part. days.
After harvesting, the flap is stored in the naso- 2. Rescue Nasoseptal Flap
pharynx or into the wide middle meatal The rescue NSF is useful in cases of unantici-
antrostomy. Repair is preferably multilayered, pated leaks [135]. The technique consists of
inlay with collagen graft (preferred) or syn- identification of sphenoid ostium followed by
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covering the high-pressure areas and followed inferior incision made over superior choana
by layers of oxidized cellulose, tissue glue and vascular pedicle is dissected from anterior
and gel foam. Final support for the recon- sphenoid space. Total mucosal flap elevation
struction can be given using a Foley catheter can be done at the end of the procedure if
7 Extended Procedures 269
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Anupam Kanodia,Hitesh Verma, Avni Jain,
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Darwin Kaushal, Abhishek Gugliani,
and Jaini Lodha
8.1 Part A: Cavity Management 278
8.1.1 asal Packing Post-Surgery
N 279
8.1.2 Post-Operative Assessment of Surgical Outcomes 279
8.1.3 Nasal Douching 280
8.1.4 Post-Operative Complications and Their Management 281
8.1.5 Recent Advances 282
8.1.6 Other Therapies 282
8.2 Part B: Antifungal Therapy 282
8.2.1 I ntroduction 282
8.2.2 Classification of Antifungals 283
8.2.3 Antifungal Agents Used for Treatment of Fungal Sinusitis 283
8.2.4 Antifungal Drug Resistance 286
8.2.5 Duration of Medical Therapy for Fungal Sinusitis 286
8.3 Part C: Fess Complications 287
8.3.1 asal Complications
N 287
8.3.2 Orbital Complications 291
8.3.3 Intracranial Complications 294
S. K. Agrawal · H. Gautam
A. Kanodia · H. Verma (*) Microbiology, AIIMS, New Delhi, India
ENT, AIIMS, New Delhi, India
e-mail: D. Kaushal · A. Gugliani
ENT, AIIMS, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
A. Jain
ENT, ESIC Medical College Faridabad, J. Lodha
Faridabad, Haryana, India ENT, Seven Hills Hospital,
Andheri East Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
G. Kalsotra · S. Kumari
ENT, GMC, Jammu, India
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 277
H. Verma, A. Thakar (eds.), Essentials of Rhinology,
278 A. Kanodia et al.
vision or double vision needs to be evaluated and breathing gently through the nose. Apart
further. from saline irrigation, alkaline nasal douching
The cavity care is similar for patients who needs to be done twice or thrice a day. It helps in
undergo surgery for malignancy. However, dur- removal of any debris and prevents crust forma-
ing the follow-up visits, the operating surgeon tion. Steroids, when used topically and orally to
needs to clean the cavity endoscopically, simulta- block the pathway of inflammation, are beneficial
neously looking for any evidence of recurrence in polyp disease, including AFRS, as they reduce
of malignancy. the chances of recurrance [3].
Other important instructions are as follows:
8.1.1 Nasal Packing Post-Surgery (a) Avoid sneezing with mouth closed. Never
suppress sneeze/cough.
Nasal tampons with smooth and fine pores have (b) Do not blow your nose.
little tendency to adhere to tissues and hence (c) Do not bend, lift or strain after surgery.
cause decreased pain on removal. Cotton gauze (d) Avoid aspirin and other NSAIDs for seven to
strips cause the most discomfort, followed by the ten days after surgery. If required, take
non-coated polyvinyl acetal packs, followed by paracetamol.
the other types. Nasal packing should only be
(e) If the patient is on blood thinners, like
done when required and should be removed or Clopidogrel and Aspirin, consult a physician
replaced in 24–48 h depending on the extent of for best time to restart the medications.
Pack removal can be done in the sitting posi-
tion, with the patient holding a bowl under his 8.1.2 Post-Operative Assessment
nose for holding the removed pack and to col- of Surgical Outcomes
lect the discharge that occurs subsequently.
Adequate lubrication of the pack needs to be Surgical outcomes can be measured subjectively
done with normal saline, glycerine and ligno- and objectively. SNOT 22 score is widely used
caine (2%). An analgesic can be administered 1 subjective scoring method for assesing CRS-
h prior to pack removal. Once the pack is ade- related disease s everity and quality of life [4].
quately softened, it may be pulled out very SNOT-20 and SNOT-22 are validated Quality of
slowly using the rotatory movement of the wrist Life (QoL) questionnaires, which are answered
and forearm. One pack should be removed at a by the patient. They contain 20 and 22 subjec-
time. After removal, topical nasal rinsing may tive measures respectively based on which qual-
be done using saline and glycerine. Xylo ity of life assessment can be done for sinonasal
metazoline may be added for better haemosta- conditions. They can be used to gauge the sub-
sis. Posterior pharyngeal wall needs evaluation jective improvement following sinonasal sur-
for any active bleeding. geries [5].
Patient needs to be observed for 30–60 min Objectively endoscopic assessment needs to
after complete pack removal for any residual be done using Lund Kennedy scores. The LK
anterior or posterior bleeding. Thereafter patient Endoscopy Score consists of five parameters
can be discharged. (polyposis, discharge, edema, scarring and crust-
Post pack removal, nasal saline mist sprays ing). Each parameter is given a score of 0, 1 or 2
should be used every 2–4 hours to prevent crust based on its severity [6]. Table 8.1 demonstrates
formation and clot deposition. Some bleeding the LK scoring system.
might happen from the nasal cavity while doing Although Lund Kennedy is the commonly
nasal cavity irrigation with saline. However, it is used scoring system, there is another scoring sys-
rarely significant. It can be controlled by local tem—Philpott Javer Endoscopic System which is
pressure, dabbing the nose with a cloth or a tissue used to grade AFRS (Tables 8.2 and 8.3) [7].
280 A. Kanodia et al.
Table 8.2 Philpott Javer endoscopic staging system • Hypertonic saline irrigation is also described.
Philpott Javer Endoscopic staging system for AFRS • A recent randomized controlled trial favours
Frontal 0–9 1 0–9 1 the use of Ringer’s lactate over hypertonic or
Ethmoid 0–9 1 0–9 1 isotonic saline [8].
Maxillary 0–9 1 0–9 1
Sphenoid 0–9 1 0–9 1 However, to date the alkaline nasal douche
Total 40 40 remains the preferred douching solution. Home-
Bilateral total 80 made alkaline solutions are equally effective
when compared to ready made dry preparations
Table 8.3 Philpott Javer endoscopic grading system [9].
Grading State of mucosa There are agents that can be used to prevent
0 No edema recurrent crusting, which are as follows:
1–3 Mucosal edema (mild/moderate/severe)
4–6 Polypoid edema (mild/moderate/severe) • Twenty-five percent glucose in glycerine has
7–9 Frank polyposis (mild/moderate/severe) been used locally for patients with atrophic
rhinitis to inhibit the growth of proteolytic
Table 8.4 Kupferberg staging system organisms. They can also be used by a person
Stage Endoscopic findings
who is having recurrent crusting, after having
0 (A/B) No mucosal edema done adequate nasal douching first.
I (A/B) Mucosal edema • Manuka honey has been used in the same role
II (A/B) Polypoidal edema as glucose-glycerine solution. Manuka honey
III (A/B) Sinus polyps is used as a topical antimicrobial agent in
A without allergic mucin, B with allergic mucin cases of chronic infections. In vitro studies
show it is effective against biofilm-producing
Another staging system that is used is bacteria and fungi. There is still no firm level I
Kupferberg staging system [7] (Table 8.4) evidence supporting the use of manuka honey,
The most commonly used staging system but the RCTs show marginal improvement in
remains Lund Kennedy staging system. acute exacerbations of chronic rhinosinusitis
[10]. There is however, no statistically signifi-
cant improvement in SNOT 22 scores proven
8.1.3 Nasal Douching as yet. However, it may have a role in recalci-
trant patients and needs further trials to prove
Traditionally, alkaline nasal douche has been pre- its value.
pared by taking a teaspoon of sodium bicarbon- • Steroid irrigations are the mainstay of topical
ate, sodium diborate and sodium chloride (in a treatment post endoscopic sinus surgery in
ratio of 1:1:2) and mixed in half a pint (280 ml) eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis (eCRS).
of lukewarm boiled water. The solution is stirred Eosinophilic CRS is defined histologically as
until all the salts have dissolved. Other agents are the presence of 10 eosinophils per high power
as follows: field. They are delivered in large volume posi-
8 Prevention and Management of Complications 281
tive pressure saline irrigations in a dilute form. tril. The solution is then allowed to passively
They do not cause HPA axis suppression [11]. drain through the same nostril. Later the same
process can be repeated with the other nostril.
However, topical steroids have limited role in One must ensure not to sniff large quantities
patients with AFRS. or to swallow the solution. The cupped hand
The following steroidal preparations can be can also be used in place of mug.
used for nasal irrigation for chronic rhinosinusitis • Using a battery-powered pump or a medical
and post-FESS cavity squeeze bottle, which allows the solution to
flow out from the other nostril, hence maxi-
• Fluticasone propionate mizing its effect [13].
• Beclomethasone
• Budesonide (Pulmicort) Large volume low-pressure irrigations are the
preferred method of douching when compared to
A comparative study by Neubauer et al. sniffing method, like medical squeeze bottle,
showed that Budesonide had greater improve- neti pots or bulb syringes [14]. There are various
ments in SNOT-22 scores and Lund—Kennedy methods of delivery- sprays, rinses and respules.
scores as compared to Fluticasone [12]. A clini- There is no level I evidence supporting the use of
cal trial at Yale University is currently comparing any of the three modalities. Please note, the posi-
the efficacy of Fluticasone and budesonide in tions for using nasal topical sprays, i.e. head
controlling the symptoms of chronic rhinosinus- back and head down positions are not described
itis. Nasal douching clears the mucus and crusts. for douching.
It also curbs the urge to pick the nose or blow the
crusts out. There is a lot of raw area after sinus
surgery, which leads to the collection of debris, 8.1.4 Post-Operative Complications
and the formation of crusting, which leads to and Their Management
increase in infection rate and synechiae forma-
tion. Nasal douching minimizes the collection of Recurrent crusting, occasional bleeding and syn-
debris and mucus and accelerates the healing of echiae formation are the most common post-
the raw area. operative problems faced by the patient and the
Following methods can be employed for nasal operating surgeon. Crusting can be prevented by
douching: proper nasal douching and weekly cavity clean-
ing. Bleeding can be prevented by the proper
• Pre-filled containers, neti pots or bulb syringes technique of saline irrigations and nasal douch-
may be used for nasal douching. While breath- ing, also by not allowing the cavity to dry up. The
ing through the mouth, the solution is intro- forceful blowing of the nose should be avoided.
duced in one nostril while tilting the head to Synechiae formation can be prevented by
the other side. This allows the solution to clear minimizing the mucosal trauma intraoperatively
both the nasal cavities and post-nasal space and being regular and thorough with cavity clean-
while it flows out through the other nostril. ing on post-operative visits. It is best to avoid the
The same procedure is to be repeated on the formation of synechiae in the first place. However,
other nostril. Gentle blowing of the nose can once they form, they can be released using sharp
be done after the procedure to remove any instruments or cautery under local or general
leftover soft crusts and debris. If it stings, one anaesthesia. The synechiae has a tendency to
may reduce the amount of salt in the solution. recur. To prevent their formation again, silastic
• ‘Sniffing method’: Taking the solution in a sheet, X-ray plate or non adhesive nasal pack can
wide-mouthed mug, one can sniff the solution be placed in the nasal cavity to prevent mucosal
from one nostril while blocking the other nos- approximation.
282 A. Kanodia et al.
expensive. The management protocol for inva- orbital infections. Retrobulbar injection of
sive fungal sinusitis is antifungal treatment and amphotericin B is also used for the treatment
debridement of the involved part. of invasive sino-orbital Aspergillosis.
Amphotericin B binds to sterols, more prefer-
entially to ergosterol, which is a major com-
8.2.2 Classification of Antifungals [18] ponent of the fungal cell membrane. This
results in an increased permeability of the cell
1. Antibiotics: membrane, leading to leakage of intracellular
(a) Polyenes: Amphotericin B, Nystatin, components and eventually cell death [19,
Hamycin 20]. Owing to its lipophilic nature, amphoteri-
(b) Heterocyclic benzofuran: Griseofulvin cin B also binds to cholesterol in the mamma-
(c) Echinocandins: Caspofungin, Micafungin, lian cell membrane, but to a lesser degree,
Anidulafungin which probably accounts for its toxicity. Also,
2. Antimetabolite: Flucytosine (5-FC) its interaction with host cells can have a posi-
3. Azoles: tive effect by activation of macrophages
(a) Imidazoles: through an oxidation-dependent process.
(i) Topical: Clotrimazole, Econazole, Amphotericin B is available in four
Miconazole, Oxiconazole formulations:
(ii) Systemic: Ketoconazole (a) Amphotericin B Deoxycholate
Triazoles (systemic): Fluconazole, It is actually a colloidal suspension of
Itraconazole, Voriconazole, Posaconazole amphotericin B, in which deoxycholate
4. Allylamine: Terbinafine (bile salt) is used as solubilizing agent.
5. Other topical agents: Tolnaftate, Undecylenic This formulation has high toxicity. It has
acid, Benzoic acid, Quiniodochlor, Ciclopirox poor CNS penetration. The patient should
olamine, Butenafine, Sodium thiosulfate be hydrated with 500–1000 mL of saline
before starting the amphotericin infusion.
This supplements the sodium required to
8.2.3 Antifungal Agents Used maintain the intravascular volume and
for Treatment of Fungal inhibits the tubuloglomerular feedback
Sinusitis system, which reduces the risk of nephro-
toxicity. Continuous administration ver-
1. Amphotericin B sus 5 h administration of the drug is
Amphotericin B, is most commonly used controversial therapy, continuous infusion
polyene antifungal agent and it remains the have less toxicity profile whereas 5 h infu-
standard drug of choice for managing life- sion have more fungicidal effect. The
threatening systemic fungal infections [1]. It usual protocol is to administer test dose
was isolated by Gold et al. in 1955 from by diluting 10–15 mg of the drug in
Streptomyces nodosus. It is the standard drug 50–100 mL of 5% dextrose, and given
for all types of invasive fungal infections, slowly intravenously over 20 minutes. If
including invasive aspergillosis, zygomycosis there is no reaction, then the complete
and severe infections of blastomycosis, coc- dose can be administered. The standard
cidioidomycosis, sporotrichosis and histo- dose ranges from 0.25 to 1 mg/kg/day
plasmosis. Amphotericin B is also proved to given once daily, diluted in 5% dextrose,
be effective in the treatment of candidemia to be given slowly intravenously (over
and disseminated candidiasis. Local irrigation 2–6 h) [19, 21]. There are two ways to
of amphotericin B is reported to be controver- administer the drug. The first is to start
sial treatment to control of invasive sino- with a low dose and titrate gradually till
284 A. Kanodia et al.
treatment of invasive fungal infections in 800 mg, depending on the severity of infec-
patients intolerant of or refractory to tion. It is highly water soluble and its absorp-
Amphotericin B deoxycholate. LAMB is tion is not affected by the presence of food or
used as empiric therapy for fungal infec- gastric pH6. It has excellent activity against
tions in febrile neutropenic patients. It is most Candida species and is widely used for
also used in the treatment of patients with various fungal infections by Candida albi-
Aspergillus, Candida, Cryptococcus sp. cans. Fluconazole has better CNS penetration
infections refractory to or intolerant of than itraconazole. Itraconazole is very effec-
Amphotericin B deoxycholate. It is the tive against Aspergillus and black moulds,
drug of choice for rhinocerebral mucor- that typically cause fungal sinusitis. It is the
mycosis, which requires administration of drug of choice in these cases, unless there is
high dose of polyenes after debridement extensive bone invasion where initial therapy
[23]. Liposomal Amphotericin B also has is amphotericin B [23]. There have also been
better CNS penetration than Amphotericin reports of the efficacy of itraconazole for the
B deoxycholate or ABLC. treatment of allergic fungal rhinosinusitis and
It has multiple advantages over amphotericin B fungal ball. Both oral and intravenous prepa-
deoxycholate and is well tolerated by the rations are available. The daily dose is 100–
patient. It produces a milder reaction on infu- 400 mg/day depending on the indication. Its
sion, causes minimal anaemia and nephrotox- oral absorption and availability is highly vari-
icity. The only disadvantage of this drug is able and unpredictable. It is better absorbed
that it is expensive. Colloidal suspension cre- when administered with food or acidic bever-
ates more side effects than liposomal prepara- ages. The side effects of azoles are gastritis,
tion by upregulation of the inflammatory rash, headache, the elevation of liver enzymes,
gene. and aldosterone-like effects in high doses
2. Azoles (itraconazole). Hepatotoxicity, peripheral
Lately, azoles are gaining importance in neuropathy, pancreatitis and androgen related
the treatment of fungal rhinosinusitis as they side effects (alopecia, gynecomastia, loss of
are active against multiple fungal pathogens libido, etc.) are side effect of long-term use
without the serious side effects of amphoteri- [25].
cin B deoxycholate. They have also shown 3 . Newer Drugs
effectiveness in treatment of systemic myco- (a) Voriconazole: It is a synthetic derivative of
ses. Azoles inhibit cytochrome P450 enzyme fluconazole, a second-generation triazole.
and thus impair ergosterol synthesis, which is It is useful for the treatment of acute and
an essential component of the fungal cell chronic invasive aspergillosis. It is pre-
membrane [21, 24]. This leads to damage of ferred over amphotericin B where the
cell membrane of fungus by increasing its per- cause of fungal infection is not known.
meability and causing cell death. Both oral and intravenous preparations are
These drugs include imidazoles (clotrima- available and it is good alternative to
zole, miconazole, ketoconazole) and triazoles amphotericin B in invasive aspergillosis. It
(itraconazole, fluconazole). Ketoconazole, is given as loading dose of 6 mg/kg iv BD
given orally, has been used successfully for for 2 doses, followed by 3 mg/kg iv BD for
the treatment of invasive mycosis. However, 30 days. On signs of improvement, it can
its use has been mostly replaced by triazoles be changed to 200 mg BD orally to com-
owing to their superior efficacy, pharmacoki- plete 24 weeks [26]. The side effects
netics and safety profile. Fluconazole is avail- include mild elevation of liver enzymes
able in both oral and intravenous preparations. and transient visual disturbances. The lim-
The daily dose varies between 200 and iting factor is that the drug is expensive.
286 A. Kanodia et al.
(b) Posaconazole: It is an azole, active against inducing drug resistance. Studies have shown that
yeasts and moulds including zygomyce- an increase in resistance to azole antifungal drugs
tes, aspergillosis, candida and cryptococ- may allow some cross-resistance to amphotericin
cal infection. It is used as salvage therapy B. The possible mechanism is azoles cause an
in invasive fungal sinusitis after failure or alteration in ergosterol synthesis which conse-
intolerance to other antifungals [27]. It is quently decreases the number of potential binding
available in oral preparations and the sites on the fungal cell membrane for amphoteri-
doses are 200 mg thrice daily as preven- cin B or multiple drug resistance (MDR) pumps.
tive management for invasive fungal In invasive mycoses, when the site of infection is
infection. The therapeutic doses are necrotic with poor vascularity, debulking surgery
800 mg daily in divided doses for invasive is essential to overcome antifungal resistance and
fungal infection. tissue samples should be evaluated for the sensi-
(c) Echinocandins: This class of antifungal tivity of drug against particular organism. A sub-
agents acts by inhibiting 1, 3 β-glucan optimal length of treatment, prolong drug
synthesis a critical component for mainte- exposure, repeated and prophylactic treatment
nance of fungal cell wall integrity [21]. It may also lead to drug resistance. Lastly, the
is approved for treatment of invasive underlying disease must be controlled or prevent
aspergillosis resistant to conventional fungal infections in high-risk patients. In vitro
antifungal and empirical management of assessment of drug susceptibility, newer drugs are
neutropenic patients suspected of having the alternatives in patients resistant to or not
fungal sinusitis. Drugs belonging to this responding to conventional treatment. Failure to
class are caspofungin, micafungin, treatment is defined as no improvement or wors-
anidulafungin. ening of clinical or radiological features in
7–14 days after starting standard antifungal
8.2.4 Antifungal Drug Resistance
Drug resistence is the major cause of treatment 8.2.5 Duration of Medical Therapy
failure. This can occur in circumstances such as for Fungal Sinusitis
wrong diagnosis, multiple pathogens or immune
reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, seen in Treatment end point should be tailor made and
patients receiving immune-modulating therapies, multiple factors can be considered in each patient.
which may be confused with failure to control the Treatment should be continued till there is com-
fungal infection [27]. Also, in patients with severe plete resolution of all symptoms of fungal sinus-
immunosuppression, the antifungal cannot over- itis for at least 2 weeks, resolution of endoscopic
come the severe immunodeficiencies until the findings, resolution of radiological findings, neg-
host immunity is improved. Recent studies have ative fungal culture and biopsy the suspected
shown that early treatment of fungal infection area. Serum biomarkers such as galactomannan,
with a lower burden of organisms reduces treat- β-D-glycan and Aspergillus specific PCR can be
ment failure [28, 29]. Some fungal strains possess considered as end point for treatment as they
more virulent characteristics than others and have high negative predication value. Sometime
infection with such strains may have a poorer patient tolerance and co-morbidities are the
prognosis. Toxicity from polyenes (nephrotoxic- major limiting factor for complete treatment [32].
ity) and azoles (hepatitis) can be a cause of treat-
ment failure [30, 31]. Drug-drug interaction, Combination of Antifungal
drug-target interaction, upregulation of drug Simultaneous administration of two or more anti-
transporters, biofilms and reduced cellular con- fungal drugs is a controversial topic in view of
centration can lead to morbidity and mortality by significant side effects, patient tolerance but it
8 Prevention and Management of Complications 287
has shown advantages against certain organism relationship to the orbit, anterior cranial fossa
and drug resistance. Flucytosine with amphoteri- and vascular structures, sinus surgery has many
cin B combination demonstrated survival benefit potential complications. Thorough knowledge of
in cases of Cryptococcal meningitis. Calcium— anatomy, detailed assessment of pre-operative
calcineurin signalling pathway plays a dominant imaging and advanced technology such as endo-
role in immunity. Synergistic action of calcineu- scopes, microdebrider and Image guidance with
rin inhibitors such as cyclosporine A, tacrolimus hypotensive anaesthesia can reduce the chance of
(FK 506) and pimecrolimus with azoles is help- complications drastically. Revision surgery,
ful to kill resistant fungi. Glucocorticoid (dexa- extensive nasal polyposis, dehiscence of sinuses
methasone, budesonide, hydrocortisone), lining wall, distorted anatomy are the common
antimetabolic agents (mycophenolic acid, reason behind complications. Normal anatomical
mizoribine), the target of rapamycin and few tra- various such as hypoplastic or extensive pneuma-
ditional Chinese medications (tetrandrine, arte- tized sinuses, long and high cribriform plate,
misinin, matrine) showed addictive effect with asymmetrical low lying ethmoidal roof are the
antifungal. These drugs are more studied with other factors. Dehiscent bony canal over optic
candida species. Hydrocortisone with amphoteri- nerve, internal carotid artery and anterior eth-
cin in human and rapamycin with azoles in rat moid artery can induce catastrophic
showed some synergistic effectiveness against complication.
Aspergillus infection [33]. Posterior choana, middle turbinate/ remnant
of it, sphenoid sinus, skull base, septum and Recent Advances maxillary sinus roof are the stable intranasal
Urea derivative of amphotericin B is showed landmarks to be considered especially in revision
more potent outcome with less adverse effects in surgery. The factors with poorer outcomes
the animal model. Isavuconazole is potent orally include previous surgery, extensive disease, poor
and intravenously available azole and it is knowledge of anatomy and radiology. Outdated
approved by the US FDA for the invasive form of technology and the presence of risk factors such
aspergillosis and mucor infections. Fungal sphin- as smoking, asthma, aspirin sensitivity, allergies
golipid, calcineurin, Hsp 90, etc. are the newer and in immune deficiency, etc. are the other fac-
target sites for drugs. VT 1129, VT 1161 and VT tors for poor outcome. The list of complications
1598 are the newer tetrazoles and they claimed to is illustrated in Table 8.5. Nasal complications
be more specific for fungal cytochrome 51 and are the most common complications followed by
less for mammalian 450 cytochrome. orbital and intracranial complications.
Aminocandin (IP960 or HMR3270), CD 101,
enfumafungin, etc. are the newer echinocandins
against Aspergillus and candida species [34, 35]. 8.3.1 Nasal Complications
Fig. 8.2 NCCT PNS orbit is showing synechiae in between inferior turbinate and septum
the drainage of maxillary, ethmoid sinuses. It also by spacer placement. Regular follow-up with
interferes in post-operative cavity cleaning. To operative surgeon and proper cavity care can pre-
prevent this, surgery should be performed with vent synechiae formation.
care. Any kind of injury to healthy mucosa should
be avoided. Loose hanging mucosa and bony Haemorrhage
chips should be removed during surgery and in Nasal bleeding can be divided into bothersome
post-operative care. Irrigation of the cavity is mucosal ooze, bleeding from a named vessel and
required to minimizing the effect of heat injury. life-threatening haemorrhage from maxillary and
Absorbable and non-absorbable spacer is placed internal carotid artery. Surgeon’s scale is pro-
in between two raw surfaces to prevent approxi- posed to qualify amount of blood in field [41].
mation and adhesion. Meta-analysis, review arti- The scale is ranged from 0 to 5 where score 2
cles showed advantage of spacer placement means mild ooze and it requires minimal suction-
against synechiae formation [37–39]. ing. In score 3, the field is improved with suction-
Bolgerization and suture medialization of middle ing and in score 4, continue suctioning is required
turbinate are helpful in preventing synechiae for- to see the surgical field. In score 5, the surgical
mation when middle turbinate is destabilized field is not improved with continue suctioning.
(Fig. 8.2) [40]. Soft adhesion can be removed
easily but hard adhesion requires sharp instru- 1. Mucosal Ooze—It may limit the view of sur-
ments to break it and raw surfaces are seperated gical field which leads to increase operative
8 Prevention and Management of Complications 289
time. It also increases the risk of complica- rior branch of sphenopalatine artery is running
tions and may lead to termination of proce- just inferior to sphenoid ostium which can be
dure. Mucosal ooze can be reduced by injured by the inferior widening of ostium.
avoidance of NSAIDS, platelet inhibitors. Vessel injury can be avoided by separating the
Pre-operative antibiotics and oral steroid mucosa inferiorly before ostium widening.
reduces intraoperative bleeding by reducing The management of sphenopalatine bleeding
edema, exudates and blood vessels trauma by is mentioned in Chap. 9.
reducing the load of inflammatory mediators 3 . Internal Carotid Injury—Sellar type of pneu-
[42]. Oral steroids also enhance the effect of matization of the sphenoid sinus has thinnest
vasoconstrictors by increasing the spasticity bony wall over carotid or may even have
of smooth muscles. The doses were varied dehiscent carotid. Sometimes accessory sphe-
from 30–60 mg per day with 7 days duration noid septum is attached over the ICA bulge.
with or without tapering [43]. Pre-operative Anomalies and aneurysms of the artery also
steroid can generate serious side effects so it predispose to the internal carotid artery injury.
should be used cautiously [43, 44]. Pre- This can be avoided by pre-operative radio-
operative administration of tranexamic acid logical assessment and without pulling or
reduces periorbital edema and intraoperative avulsion of septas in the sphenoid sinus. The
bleeding [45, 46]. Hypotensive anaesthesia, management is mentioned in Chap. 9.
reverse Trendelenburg position, intraoperative
local infiltration in pterygopalatine fossa via Sinus Ostium Stenosis
greater palatine or sphenopalatine foramen Sinus ostium stenosis is defined as loss of more
and application of cotton pledgets with vaso- than 50–60% of intraoperative size. Neo-
constrictor reduces mucosal ooze to some osteogenesis at the ostium level can lead to
extent [47]. stenosis (Fig. 8.3). Complex anatomy and narrow
2 . Bleeding from Named Vessel—Sphenopalatine outflow tract of frontal sinus make it as most vul-
artery is the major blood supply of the sinona- nerable sinus for recurrence of disease secondary
sal region. Anterior ethmoidal artery is the
branch of the ophthalmic artery. Anterior eth-
moid artery can be injured while removal of
antero-superior part of the anterior ethmoid
cell. Low lying anterior ethmoid artery is
found in cases with higher Keros, long cribri- FO
form plate, wide antero-posterior frontal
recess and presence of supraorbital recess
[48]. Abnormal course can be assessed by
proper pre-operative radiology. Injury to the
lateral part of the vessel can retract intra-
orbitally and creates complications by rising
intra-orbital pressure. Avoidance is the best
way to prevent complications and if the deal- MT
ing is required, it should be done in the middle
part of intranasal course of anterior ethmoid
artery so cauterization of injured vessel is pos-
sible. Once it retracts in orbit, external
approach is required to control bleeding and
the management of anterior ethmoid artery Fig. 8.3 Neo-osteogenesis with stenosis of left side fron-
bleeding is mentioned in Chap. 9. The poste- tal ostium (FO). MT middle turbinate)
290 A. Kanodia et al.
to stenosis. It is found as high as 60% [49]. The headache, orbital symptoms and facial disfigur-
final size of the frontal ostium is defined around ing, etc. Extensive diseases have higher chances
1 year of post-surgery period. The preservation of of mucocele formation because of significant
normal ostium wall at least at one side, carpeting damage to normal mucociliary function while
of exposed bone by mucosal graft or flap, disease clearing. The measurements mentioned
Mitomycin C application, steroid releasing sinus in the mucosal ooze section and proper cavity
implants and proper cavity care can reduce the care are also applicable to minimize the chances
chances of stenosis [50–52]. of mucocele formation. In extended endoscopic
approaches, complete removal of mucosa under Mucocele/Pyocele flap and the proper marking of mucosal surface
It is a late complication of endoscopic surgery. of the flap is required for prevention of iatro-
Mucocele appears after years of surgery. The genic mucocele [54]. The regular follow-up and
persistent mucosal inflammation and intraoper- interval MRI helps in early diagnosis [55].
ative trauma can lead to narrowing/obstruction Majority are manageable by endoscopic
of sinus cells outflow. The mucocele formation approach. Complicated mucoceles require
is ranged from 0 to 13% after endoscopic sur- urgent intervention. The detailed management
geries [53]. Frontal sinus is the most affected of mucoceles is mentioned in Chap. 7.
sinus because of its narrow drainage pathway.
Ethmoid and sphenoid are the next common Nasolacrimal Duct Injury
sinuses in sequence. With the expansion in the Nasolacrimal duct is the continuation of nasolac-
list of endoscopic procedures, the chances of rimal sac in the lateral nasal wall. The course is
mucocele formation are increasing (Fig. 8.4). variable in the medial maxillary wall (Fig. 8.5).
Complete excision of mucosa is difficult in nar- The distance between the duct and anterior max-
row and hidden part of sinuses. Mucoceles may illary sinus wall is found less than 7 mm in
be incidental finding or it may present with approximately 88% of cases [56] whereas in
nasal endoscopic evaluation in cadavers, it runs
at and anterior to the maxillary line in 95% of
cases [57]. NLD can be injured while aggressive
removal of uncinate bone, anterior enlargement
of the maxillary ostium and in extended endo-
scopic approaches to pterygomaxillary fossa and
infratemporal fossa. Not all NLD injuries are pre-
sented with tearing. Proper pre-operative knowl-
edge of NLD course, anterior and posterior
nasolacrimal duct approach can reduce the injury
chances [58]. In extended endoscopic approaches,
sharp cut to NLD or DCR is advised.
Dacrocystostomy is the treatment option for
symptomatic cases. The details of the procedure
are mentioned in Chap. 8.
and irritating crust formation. The etiology and crepitating are the clinical findings on eyelids. It
management of empty nose syndrome is men- is generally self-limiting and reabsorbs in short
tioned in last section. period. Patient should be advised to avoid activi-
ties like nose blowing, etc. Progressive emphy- Olfactory Impairment sema can create acute compartment syndrome. It
It may occur due to avulsion of olfactory neuro- is painful condition that can present with restric-
epithelium from olfactory cleft or over resection tion of extraocular movement and impairment of
of superior turbinate. It can be prevented by vision. It requires urgent decompression of
avoiding unnecessary handling in the olfactory collected air to prevent permanent vision loss
cleft region and if required, sharp cutting instru- secondary to vascular compression and optic
ments should be used to prevent scarring. nerve stretching (Fig. 8.6) [59, 60].
Fig. 8.6 Left side emphysema with normal-looking sclera. The right side picture is showing acute compartment
Fig. 8.7 NCCT PNS orbit (axial cut) is depicting the showing extensive S/T/D in the left side of nasal cavity
dehiscence of lamina with prolapsed orbital fat. The and ethmoid sinus with pushed lamina papyracea
patient had history of trauma in childhood. Coronal cut is
8 Prevention and Management of Complications 293
suctioning effect [61]. The Stankiewicz pressure nent blindness, if orbit is not decompressed
test shows the movement of medial wall when within 100–120 min. The standard treatment
injury occurs to lamina papyracea and periorbita policy for intraoperatively diagnosed orbital
[62]. In doubtful cases, fat float test can be done. hematoma is urgent orbital and optic nerve
Surgery can be completed by avoiding manipula- decompression. When it is noticed in ward, the
tion of prolapsed fat, gentle bipolar of fat obstruct- surgical decision on the basis of intraocular pres-
ing the view and by avoid suctioning over it. Sinus sure (IOP) is controversial. The medical man-
ostium should be widened enough to prevent agement includes eye massaging, i/v mannitol,
obstruction of the drainage pathway by prolapsed i/v dexamethasone, and removal of nasal pack-
fat. Surgeon should avoid tight nasal packing. The ing. If IOP is above 30–35 mmHg and in patients
patient should be advised not to blow nose with IOP less than 20 with progressive proptosis,
post-operative. severe retro-orbital pain, RAPD, cherry red mac-
ula and no retinal artery pulsation, the manage- Injury to Extraocular Muscles ment option is urgent canthotomy and or
The right eye injury is more common than the left cantholysis in ward after local infiltration.
eye probably due to right-handed surgeon’s Clamps are applied below and above lateral can-
majority. The medial rectus is the most vulnera- thus for devascularization. Canthotomy is full
ble extraocular muscle followed by inferior rec- thickness incision on lateral canthus towards the
tus and superior oblique. Strabismus and diplopia orbital rim. Cantholysis is the release of the lat-
are the leading clinical features. For contusions, eral canthal ligament. Both procedures allow
the treatment option is conservative treatment anterior prolapse of orbit and it can reduce pres-
(observation, antibiotics and steroids). If the sure by 10–15 mmHg. In progressive cases,
muscle is entrapped, the involved muscle should endoscopic or external orbital decompression
be released. Gross divergent squint and absent with multiple parallel incisions on periorbita to
adduction are the sign of muscle transaction. suppress the effect of raised IOP [63, 64]. Some
ENT surgeon may seek the advice of ophthal- surgeons performed canthal procedures and
mologist. The various management options orbital wall decompression in one go [65].
include hang back suture (strabismus reduction),
botulinum toxin in contra muscle, the recession Injury to Optic Nerve
of lateral rectus and transposition [63, 64]. The optic nerve runs in the lateral relationship of
the posterior ethmoid and sphenoid sinus. The Orbital Hematoma various predisposing factors for direct optic nerve
The orbit is the close compartment. The Normal injury are the presence of Onodi cell, dehiscent
intraocular pressure (IOP) is 10–20 mmHg. optic nerve canal and attachment of accessory
Orbital hematoma is the post septal accumula- sphenoid septum with the optic canal [66].
tion of blood. It accounts 0.05–0.5% of endo- Indirect damage can occur by compromising the
scopic surgery. The clinical features are blood supply of optic nerve [63, 64]. It is seen in
progressive proptosis, severe retrobulbar pain orbital hematoma. Altered visual reflex is the
and visual impairment. The signs are raised IOP sign of abnormality of function of optic nerve.
and alter pupillary reflex. The intraoperative fea- Pre-operative radiological assessment of the
tures are dilated fixed pupil and bradycardia. It is course of optic nerve can minimize the chances
of two types, slow venous type and fast arterial of injury. Intraoperative diagnosed optic nerve
type. In the slow venous type, intra-orbital veins injury should be managed by orbital and optic
are injured. Fast arterial type is mostly iatrogenic nerve decompression. Post-operatively diag-
and ethmoidal arteries are injured. Increased ten- nosed cases are managed by mega doses of i/v
sion in globe can cause irreversible visual steroids (Methylprednisolone) and endoscopic
impairment by inducing optic nerve stretching optic nerve decompression. The prognosis is very
and vascular compression. It can lead to perma- poor even after all measures taken [67, 68].
294 A. Kanodia et al.
8.3.3 Intracranial Complications tifying the outflow of watery fluid from skull base.
The preventive measures for failed dural repair in CSF Fistula extended approaches is to avoid large surgical
Extended endoscopic approaches increase the defect, achieve adequate haemostasis before the
chances of CSF rhinorrhoea. Incidence varies from closure of defect with graft or flap, mucosa should
0.2 to 16% in literature [69]. The patients with high be replaced back over multilayer repair where sinus
BMI, revision surgery and history of radiotherapy obliteration is not planned, under vision nasal
are at more risk. It occurs due to damage to the packing and smooth extubation. Intraoperatively
skull base and dura. Lateral lamella of the cribri- diagnosed cases should be repaired in the same sit-
form plate, ethmoid roof are the most common site ting by experienced surgeon. In post-operative
for CSF leak in FESS but in extended approaches, diagnosed cases, conservative management
pituitary fossa is the most common site. Chances includes i/v mannitol, stool softener, cough sup-
are increased by dehiscence in skull base by nasal pressants, head end elevation and restricted move-
pathology like polyposis, tumour, etc. Inadequate ment, etc. The use of lumber drain is based on the
knowledge of radiology and undue manipulation of effect of conservative management and surgeon’s
structures attached with skull base like middle tur- choice [69]. The site of leak in persistent cases
binate, superior turbinate, etc. can lead to iatro- (1–2 weeks of conservative management) can diag-
genic skull base damage. It is safe to identify skull nose by either single imaging or by combining of
base first by posterior to anterior approach espe- different modalities such as NCCT PNS orbit with
cially in revision cases or in cases with distorted MR cisternography and intra-thecal or topical
anatomy and if there is non-availability of naviga- application of fluorescein dye (Fig. 8.8) [70, 71].
tion system. CSF rhinorrhoea is diagnosed by iden- Endoscopic multilayer closure of the defect is
Fig. 8.8 NCCT coronal cut- skull base is damaged at sphenoid sinus superior wall with pneumocephalus
8 Prevention and Management of Complications 295
advised and naso-septal flap is most commonly dizziness, visual alterations, confusion, behav-
used to repair skull base defect [72]. ioural and personality change. NCCT head is
good enough to pick air. Pneumocephalus Meningitis requires no treatment in asymptomatic patients.
This is a relatively rare intracranial complica- Tension pneumocephalus requires prompt treat-
tion and incidence varies from less than 1 to ment, decompression of the aerocele followed by
10%. Extended endoscopic approaches have rel- the closure of the defect [76, 77].
atively higher risk of meningitis. Intraoperative
and post-operative CSF leak, perioperative lum-
ber drain, prolong surgery, revision surgery in 8.4 art DA: Biofilms: Its
short span, missed prophylactic antibiotics are Composition, Detection
the common reason for meningitis in the post- Methods and Role in Human
operative period. Recent systemic review and Infections (Microbiologist
meta-analysis are not supporting the utility of Aspect)
prophylactic lumber drain [73]. Sometimes, the
infection may spread along perivascular and Biofilms are defined as group of microbes in
vascular or perineural spaces of the olfactory which cells adhere to each other or substratum
fibres. The meningitis trend is decreasing in the irreversibly. Biofilms can be present everywhere
recent past because of improvement in endo- in the environment. These biofilms have the
scopic surgical expertise, advance instruments, potential to neutralize antibiotics and result in
better sealing materials and use of naso-septal prolonged treatment. Due to its resistant proper-
flap [74, 75]. ties to antimicrobials and infections associated
Patient presents with severe headache, high- with indwelling devices poses a problem for pub-
grade fever, nuchal rigidity, vomiting, cranial lic health. Biofilms formation is a multi-step pro-
nerve palsy, behavioural changes and seizures. cess in which adaptation occurs during a series of
Sometime dry cough, mild headache and raised events under diverse nutritional and environmen-
TLC count is the only feature because of ongoing tal conditions. Biofilms have been found to be
post-surgical medications. In such cases, CSF involved in a wide variety of microbial infections
fluid analysis is helpful in creating the diagnosis. in the body such as bacterial vaginosis, urinary
MR cisternography is good investigation in tract infections, catheter infections, middle-ear
doubtful cases of CSF leak. Treatment includes infections, the formation of dental plaque, gingi-
targeted broad-spectrum antibiotics for 2 weeks vitis, coating lenses and endocarditis, infection in
and closure of the defect in persistent CSF rhi- cystic fibrosis, and infections of indwelling
norrhoea patients. devices. The biofilms are significantly resistant to
antibiotics and infection associated with them is Pneumocephalus difficult to eradicate. Microbiological diagnosis
It occurs due to the presence of air in the cranial is important for the diagnosis of biofilms. The
cavity due to communication between the extra- traditional methods like microscopy, culture
cranial and intracranial cavity. It is rare complica- techniques are not always suited for the under-
tion of sinus surgery. It is more common in standing of biofilm science and are less sensitive
patients with intraoperative and post-operative for detection. Therefore, there is need of newer
CSF leak. It is also common with extended endo- methods for the detection of biofilms. The use of
scopic approaches for the removal of intradural bacteriophages, enzymes, surface coating agents,
lesions. Post-operative pneumocephalus is asso- pilicides and quorum sensing inhibitors are some
ciated with greater risk of CSF leak and intracra- of the methods to control biofilm formation. It is
nial infection (Fig. 8.8). The mechanism is challenging in medical science to eradicate infec-
believed to be ‘ball valve’ mechanism or ‘inverted tions related to biofilm formation. This is due to
bottle’ mechanism. The patient can complain of the fact that mature biofilms exhibit tolerance
296 A. Kanodia et al.
towards immune response and antibiotics. teins and nucleic acids. Water (97%) is the major
Further studies are required to know the mecha- component of biofilm which is responsible for
nism of antibiotics resistance and their gene the flow of nutrients inside the biofilm matrix.
expression biofilm for better health care The other component of biofilms are proteins
improvement. (<1–2%), DNA (<1%), polysaccharides (1–2%)
and RNA (<1%) [80]. Various components of
biofilms are shown in Table 8.6.
8.4.1 Introduction of Biofilms
• The penetration or diffusion of antibiotics to biofilmis affected by EPS which act as physical
Low Penetration of Antibiotics • Matrix may also acts as hindrance for Immune system cells
• The biofilmsare heterogeneous nature both metabolically and structurally and both aerobic and
anaerobic process occur at the same time. So response against antibiotics may be different in
Heterogeneous functions different areas of the biofilms.
• On surface of biofilm there is a high level of activity of antibiotics while inside the biofilms,
slow or absent growth reduces the sensitivity to antimicrobials
• This process occurs due to limited availability of nutrients which confer resistance to antibiotics.
In case of biofilma gradient of nutrients resulting in metabolically active cell (periphery or
Cell slow growth surface layer) and inactive cells (within its interior) . Antibiotics like penicillin and ampicillin
only attack the cells when they are growing. However, other antibiotics such as β-lactams,
aminoglycosides, cephalosporin and fluoroquinolonesattack cells in stationary phase
• In stationary phase, the density of bacterial cells raised to maximum indicating the role of
persistent cells for survival
Existence of Persistent Cells • There are certain evidences for the existence of persistent cells in biofilm: a) Presence of a
biphasic dimension in biofilms b) presence of gene description function as a regulation, c)
bacteriostaticantimicrobial contribute to the growth of persistent cell d) reshaping of biofilm
into original form when the antimicrobial therapy is withdrawn
• Efflux pumps show resistant to multiple antibiotics thus reducing these antibiotics
concentration,example-over expression of the efflux pumps have been observed in P.
Efflux pump and membrane aeruginosa biofilms
• Mutation in porinsencoding genes can result in low permeability for the passage of hydrophobic
alteration molecules
• The differential expression of porins coding genes, occur in biofilm, leading to antibiotic resistance
Table 8.7 Showing association between various human infections and biofilms
Condition Salient features
Acute wound Biofilm formation in wounds has been investigated in-vivo model (murine and porcine) for S.
aureus, P. aeruginosa and Streptococcus biofilm
Chronic In chronic wound, antibiotic treatment is considered to be effective in initial stages but after
wound formation of biofilm, antibiotic therapy is least effective. Because biofilm can be up to 1000 times
resistant to antimicrobials
Infectious The interaction between bacteria and mineral substances derived from urine results in formation of
kidney stones kidney stones, which are responsible for urinary tract infections. This result in the formation of
Bacterial The interaction between bacteria and host components lead to formation of biofilm which is known
endocarditis as vegetation. This vegetation can cause disease by different mechanisms: Disrupting the function
of valve by creating leakage, turbulence, causes bloodstream infections or break down the
vegetation which is then carried into the circulation (embolization)
Infections in These patients are most commonly infected with P. aeruginosa. The permanent infections in such
Cystic cases with P. aeruginosa biofilm take place which last for the rest of the patient’s life
Other Biofilm
Otitis media • The patient speech development and learning capability will be affected
with effusion
Acute • Necrosed bone produced favourable conditions for biofilm development
children with chronic rhinosinusitis, biofilms act 3. Quorum sensing inhibitors shift the bacterial
as reservoir for reinfection. 95% of the adenoids phenotype from sessile to platonic form.
and 70% of tonsils removed from children suffer-
ing from CRS have been found to be covered Various antibiotics have been tested for topi-
with biofilms. cal treatment of biofilms.
It is a potential cause or persistent symptoms
in some patients after ESS [95]. Frontal recess • Mupirocin has been found effective against the
stents, stenting for choanal atresia, intranasal Staphylococcus aureus biofilms. It is effective
tubes are highly likely to be covered with bio- because of its broad spectrum of action.
films and this can worsen the prognosis of • Honey was effective against S. aureus and P.
surgery. aeruginosa biofilms in vitro. It was found to
eradicate 73% of MRSA biofilms and 91% of
pseudomonas biofilms [97].
8.5.1 Treatment
Surfactants break up the biofilm and allow the
Bacteria associated with biofilms behave differ- bacteria to be removed by irrigation.
ently from platonic bacteria, particularly in terms
of antibiotic sensitivity. Biofilm cells are about • Baby shampoo has been used as a chemical
500 times more resistant to antimicrobial agents surfactant to disrupt biofilms [98].
[87]. The structure of the biofilm along with the • Citric acid/zwitterionic surfactant solution by
extracellular matrix prevents the drug from means of pressurized jet lavage is effective in
reaching the cells. Systemic treatment may breaking up biofilms in vitro [99].
require very high doses of antibiotics which may • Surgical ventilation of the affected sinus helps
be intolerable and may not be effective at all. against biofilm infections. It increases the
Genetic resistance to antibiotics could be due oxygen tension and mechanically disrupts the
to decreased penetration, decreased metabolic biofilms [100].
activity of biofilms, increase in the number of
efflux pumps and presence of different subpopu- Quorum sensing inhibitors increase the suscep-
lations of bacteria within a biofilm [96]. tibility of the biofilms to antibiotics and phagocy-
Interfering in the various stages of biofilm forma- tosis. Systemic long-term low dose macrolide
tion like the interruption of quorum sensing or therapy has been found to decrease the virulence
the genes involved in cellular attachment can be of the bacteria and prevents the formation of bio-
used as a strategy to inhibit biofilm formation. films [101]. For medical indwelling devices, ion
Variety of techniques has been evaluated for bombarded silicone ventilation tubes have been
managing and treating biofilms including sur- found to be better than other silicone tubes.
gery, topical antimicrobials and adjuvant thera- Preventive Measures:
pies. Newer treatments are aimed at disrupting Biofilm can be prevented by vaccination
the life cycle of biofilms, preventing their attach- against organisms that can cause chronic infec-
ment on to the surfaces and to disrupt the quorum tions like pneumococci. Antibiotic prophylaxis
sensing. With topical treatment, there are three and aggressive antibiotic therapy can prevent bio-
strategies for eradication of biofilms. film formation.
Newer Advances:
1. Specific antibiotics against the causative
The detection of intercellular signalling sys-
microorganism. tem, lasR-lasI and rhlR-rhlI, involved in the
2. Mechanical force for the detachment of the development of P. aeruginosa biofilms, indicate
biofilm from the surface. E.g Surfactants, irri- signal manipulation as a possible target to control
gation, surgery. biofilms [102].
8 Prevention and Management of Complications 301
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Septum, Adenoid, and Epistaxis
Ravneet Singh, Hitesh Verma, Shashikant Paul,
Sanjeev Bhagat, and Vishal Sharma
9.1 Part A: Nasal Septum, Septal Correction, and Septal Perforation 309
9.1.1 I ntroduction 309
9.1.2 Anatomy 310
9.1.3 Development 311
9.1.4 Pathology 311
9.1.5 Classification of DNS 311
9.1.6 Surgical Management 312
9.1.7 Nasal Septal Perforation 315
9.2 Part B: Adenoid Hypertrophy and Management 315
9.2.1 linical Grading of Adenoid
C 317
9.2.2 Radiological Staging 317
9.2.3 Management 318
9.2.4 Indications 319
9.2.5 Surgical Techniques 319
9.2.6 Complications of Adenoidectomy 320
9.3 Part C: Epistaxis and Management 320
9.3.1 auses
C 321
9.3.2 Risk Factors 322
9.3.3 Management 322
9.3.4 Surgical Management 324
References 328
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 309
H. Verma, A. Thakar (eds.), Essentials of Rhinology,
310 R. Singh et al.
Septal branch of
superior labial artery
Nasopalatine nerve
rich blood supply, is a common site of signifi- abnormal development of the nose, maxilla, and
cant bleeding. The posterior septal artery is a orbit. Septal deviation has been correlated with
branch of the sphenopalatine artery which sup- external nasal deformities as well as facial
plies the posteroinferior septum. The nasoseptal asymmetries as is evident in children with cleft
flap (Hadad-Bassagasteguy flap) is the work- palate. The deviation of the nasal septum has
horse for endoscopic skull base reconstruction, been shown to affect the thickness of the nasal
is based on this artery (Fig. 9.1). The nerve sup- bones as well as the size of the maxillary sinus
ply of the nasal septum is derived mainly from and its propensity for inflammation.
ophthalmic (Anterior ethmoidal nerve) and
maxillary (Greater palatine and Nasopalatine
nerves) divisions of the trigeminal nerve 9.1.4 Pathology
(Fig. 9.2).
Pathological deviation is described as a septum
deviation with nasal obstruction, i.e., a subjective
9.1.3 Development reduction of nasal breathing.
Etiology: Septal deviations can be caused by
The neonatal nose is completely cartilaginous, (Fig. 9.3) [1].
and the cartilaginous septum extends from the
columella to the sphenoid. The perpendicular • Trauma/injury
plate of ethmoid is formed by enchondral ossifi- • Mass lesions—polyposis, neoplasia
cation while the vomer is formed as a result of • Genetic factors
intramembranous ossification. Premaxillary bone • Congenital defects or
contributes to the nasal septum via the anterior • Growth differences of the facial bones sur-
nasal spine and the premaxillary wings. rounding the nasal septum
Vomeronasal cartilage is a small portion of carti-
lage that appears along the lower edge of the sep-
tal cartilage and is connected to a small blind 9.1.5 Classification of DNS
pouch called the Vomeronasal organ. The vom-
eronasal organ is vestigial in humans but func- Many classification systems have been proposed
tions as an accessory olfactory organ in some by authors according to severity, location, or type
mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. The carti- of deviation.
laginous nasal septum acts as a dominant growth
centre in the developing mid face. The expanding A. Cottle had classified septal deviations into
septum produces mechanical forces that facilitate three types according to severity:
the separation of facial sutures (Nasal septal trac- 1. Simple Deviations: mild deviation of nasal
tion model). Loss of septal cartilage can lead to septum without any nasal obstruction.
312 R. Singh et al.
This is the commonest and needs no While the basic principles of the surgery
treatment. remain the same, each surgery needs to be modi-
2. Obstruction: more severe deviation of the fied to tackle different types and degrees of devi-
nasal septum. On vasoconstriction, the ation and it may not confirm to the description of
turbinates shrink away from the septum any one technique described. This has led to the
and obstruction is relieved. Hence surgery surgery being commonly referred to as “Septal
is not indicated. correction.” With any septal surgery, it is impor-
3. Impaction: There is marked angulation of tant to remember that the dorsal and caudal ends
the septum and space is not increased even of the septum (Struts) need to be preserved or
on vasoconstriction. Surgery is indicated reconstructed, failing of which, an external nasal
in these patients. deformity can occur. Whenever the area of the
B. DNS can be classified according to the shape strut needs to be tackled, septoplasty is chosen
1. C-shaped over SMR.
2. S-shaped Indications:
3. Septal spur
4. Anterior dislocation 1 . Nasal airway obstruction.
C. Mladina Classification is a more comprehen- 2.
Chronic sinusitis secondary to septal
sive system based on the precise location of deviation.
the deviation. 3. Epistaxis by septal vessels.
• Type 1—Unilateral vertical ridge in the 4. Obstructive sleep apnea.
area of the nasal valve. 5. In conjunction with other nasal and sinus pro-
• Type 2—Similar to Type 1 but more severe cedures, such as cosmetic rhinoplasty, func-
obstruction and disturbance of the nasal tional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), and
valve. skull base surgery.
• Type 3—Unilateral vertical ridge at the 6. As an access procedure in Skull base surgery.
level of the head of the middle turbinate. 7. Rhinological headache, caused by the contact
• Type 4—Combination of type 3 with of the septum with the lateral nasal wall.
either type 1 or 2.
• Type 5—Horizontal septal crest in contact An ideal surgical correction should satisfy the
with the lateral nasal wall. following criteria:
• Type 6—Prominent maxillary crest con-
tralateral to the deviation with a septal 1 . Should relieve the nasal obstruction.
crest on the deviated side. 2. Should be conservative.
9 Septum, Adenoid, and Epistaxis 313
3 . Should not produce iatrogenic deformity. the location and extent of the deviation. The
4. Should not compromise the osteomeatal
bony osseo-cartilaginous junction is disarticu-
complex. lated to reach the opposite side of the bony sep-
5. Should relieve all the contact areas. tum. The mucoperiosteal flaps on both sides are
6. Must have the scope for a revision surgery if elevated. The quadrilateral cartilage is disarticu-
required later. lated from the maxillary crest. A piece cartilage
is removed to allow for the straightening and
Contraindications: lengthening of the quadrilateral cartilage.
Deviated part of the bone is also removed.
1. Acute URTI The rest of the cartilage is straightened in-
2. Bleeding/Clotting disorders situ by (Fig. 9.5):
3. Uncontrolled DM/HTN
Baten graft
Deviated septum
Fig. 9.5 The diagram is depicting ways of septal correction in the septoplasty technique
314 R. Singh et al.
closed reduction to the extracorporeal technique toplasty procedures (1.4–5%). Septal perfora-
has been used. Resection of the cartilage should tions may also be surgically created in complex
be conservative, and disruption of the endochon- nasal and skull base endoscopic surgeries to pro-
dral ossification plates needs to be avoided [3]. vide a bi-nostril approach.
Complications [4] Conservative/Medical—The aim is to reduce
1. Bleeding drying, crusting, and epistaxis. Alkaline nasal
2. Infection douches, saline sprays, and petroleum-based
3. Saddle deformity ointments are commonly used.
4. Columellar retraction Obturator—The principle of obturation is to
5. Supratip deformity cover the inflamed mucosal margin. It helps by
6. Adhesion controlling whistling and epistaxis.
7. Septal Perforation Surgical—Variety of techniques and materials
8. Septal hematoma/abscess has been described to close the perforation.
9. Sensory changes including upper dental
anesthesia • Free Grafts:
–– Autografts
–– Allografts
9.1.7 Nasal Septal Perforation • Pedicle Flaps:
–– Local nasal mucosal
It is defined by through and through defect of the –– Buccal mucosal
nasal septum which may be more than one in –– Composite cartilage and mucosa or carti-
number. It may be asymptomatic, especially if lage and skin
the perforation is small and located in the poste- • Rotation/advancement of mucoperichondrial
rior part of the septum. It can lead to crusting, or mucoperiosteal flaps.
blockage, epistaxis, whistling sound while inhal-
ing air, a feeling of dryness, emptiness in the The selection of surgical approach is based on
nose, or a general feeling of discomfort. Huge the size of perforation. Endonasal approach is
perforations may cause rhinolalia aperta [5]. good for small size perforation (5 mm to 1 cm).
Causes: Medium size perforation (1 to 2 cm) requires
wider exposure and approach is external rhino-
1. Traumatic causes—nasal surgery, nose pick- plasty. Large size (more than 2 cm) can be man-
ing, nasal packing for epistaxis, septal hema- aged by midfacial degloving approach.
toma/abscess, foreign body, etc. Factors that affect the outcome are:
2. Surface irritants—cocaine insufflation, heroin
inhalation, lime, cement, glass, salt, dust, 1. The amount of mucosa available in the nasal
nasal decongestants, etc. cavity can be mobilized.
3. Infections—syphilis, TB, typhoid, diphtheria, 2. The use of an interposition graft to support the
rhinoscleroma, leprosy, mucormycosis, asper- mucosal repair.
gillosis, etc.
4. Neoplastic—melanoma, adenocarcinoma,
squamous cell carcinoma, lymphoma, etc. 9.2 art B: Adenoid Hypertrophy
5. Inflammatory—sarcoidosis, Crohn’s disease, and Management
rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, dermatomyositis,
etc. William Meyer coined the term Adenoid for veg-
etations in the nasopharyngeal cavity in 1870. It
The prevalence after submucous resection is also called as pharyngeal tonsil. It forms the
operations is higher (17–25%) compared to sep- central part of the inner Waldeyer’s ring.
316 R. Singh et al.
Embryology The adenoid develops as a midline Blood Supply Arterial supply is mainly derived
structure by the fusion of two lateral primordial from ascending palatine artery, ascending pha-
that become visible during early fetal life. ryngeal artery, the pharyngeal branch of internal
Adenoid tissue is fully developed by the seventh maxillary artery, ascending cervical branch of
month of gestation and continues to grow until thyrocervical trunk. Venous drainage usually
the fifth year of life often causing some airway drains into the pharyngeal plexus, pterygoid
obstruction then it gradually atrophies with air- plexus of veins, and also into the internal jugular
way improvement. It is lined by respiratory cili- vein. Lymphatic drains to upper jugular nodes
ated epithelium. directly or via retropharyngeal nodes.
Function The function of adenoid is to produce Clinical Features Chronic nasal obstruction is the
antibodies like IgG and IgA. It also plays vital commonest symptom which leads to nasal dis-
role in the development of immunological mem- charge, sinusitis, open mouth breathing, an elon-
ory in younger children [6]. gated face, dental malocclusion [7]. Aural symptoms
include otitis media with or without effusion,
Etiology Adenoid hypertrophy is mainly caused decreased hearing, otalgia, etc. Other symptoms
by infections which includes include sleep apnea, hyposmia, failure to thrive,
excessive daytime sleepiness, impairment of cogni-
1. Coronavirus, Cytomegalovirus, EBV, HSV,
tive functions, poor school performance, and psy-
Rhinovirus, etc. chosocial problems [8]. Adenoid faces is the term
2. Infection—Alpha, Beta, Gamma Haemolytic used to denote certain features in prolonged cases
Streptococci, Haemophilus influenza, which include dull looks, pinched nostrils, open
Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus mouth, narrow maxillary arch, retracted upper lip,
aureus, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, etc. high arch palate (Fig. 9.7).
3. Infectious causes that can lead to adenoid
hypertrophy are GERD, allergy, etc. Diagnosis Clinical examination including exami-
4. Lymphoma, Sinonasal malignancy. nation of the external nose, anterior rhinoscopy,
Fig. 9.10 The distance between point a to b is soft palate Fig. 9.12 The red line representing adenoid thickness
thickness and in between b to c is airway width and the blue line is showing distance between anterior
(Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma, Associate Professor, aspects of the adenoid with choana. (Courtesy- Dr. Hitesh
AIIMS, New Delhi, India) Verma, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
a b
Nasal cavity
Fig. 9.11 The line diagram is showing assessment of the ing from point of maximum convexity to right angle point
nasopharynx (posterior–superior edge of the hard palate from the imaginary line from anterior border of basi-
to spheno-occipital synchondrosis on skull base—black sphenoid and basi-occipit. X-ray lateral view of the neck
line). Spheno-occipital synchondrosis point can also showing enlarged grade 3 adenoids (A-N radio) blocking
define by the uppermost point of posterior margin of the the nasopharyngeal airway (Courtesy—Dr. Hitesh Verma,
pterygoid plate (red line). Adenoid is measure by assess- Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
9 Septum, Adenoid, and Epistaxis 319
served food for reflux induced adenoid hyper- C. Other—Suspected neoplasia, adenoid hyper-
trophy. The selection of pharmacotherapy is trophy associated with chronic sinusitis.
based on the history of the patient. Anti-
inflammatory treatment (antihistaminic, ste- Contraindications Cleft palate, velo-
roid nasal spray, etc.) is indicated in recurrent pharyngeal insufficiency, and bleeding diathesis.
or persistent rhinosinusitis. Steroid based nasal Systemic review in cases of palatal abnormality
spray is the usual prescription for allergic and showed partial adenoidectomy is safe and effec-
persistent nasal obstruction secondary to ade- tive procedure in problematic cases [12].
noid hypertrophy. Mometasone based nasal
spray is approved above 2 year of age whereas
the majority of other spray is approved above 9.2.5 Surgical Techniques
5 years of age. Decongestant nasal drops can
be advice for both acute and chronic cases for 1. Conservative (Cold) Technique: For cold
not more than 7 days. Antibiotics are reserved technique, the patient should be placed in
for patient with purulent nasal discharge and Rose’s position after induction of general
for complicated adenoiditis. Proton pump anesthesia and Boyles Davis mouth gag is
inhibitors and antacids are indicated in reflux applied for oropharyngeal exposure. Red
cases. Leukotriene receptor antagonist (monte- rubber tube or catheter can be used to retract
lukast) has shown to be effective in reducing the soft palate for better visualization of the
the size of adenoids and respiratory-related nasopharynx. The size of the adenoid can be
sleep disturbances in children with mild OSA. assessed either by nasopharyngeal mirror or
by digital palpation. Use of endoscopes
Surgical Management Adenoidectomy is increases visualization by both trans-nasal
mainly indicated when there is no response to and per-oral route. For the appropriate selec-
conservative treatment. But surgery should be tion of curette, the width of incisors needs to
done early in grade 3 and grade 4 obstruction be assessed. Curette is held in dagger-like
cases and also when adenoid hypertrophy fashion and placed high in the nasopharynx,
induces sequelae because of its mass effect. Up abutting the posterior aspect of the nasal sep-
to grade 2 adenoid hypertrophy, the surgical tum and neck is flexed in the neutral position
selection is based on the response to medical to avoid injury to posterior pharyngeal wall
management. and dens. Then adenoid pad can be curetted
with care taken not to penetrate deeply into
the prevertebral region. Care needs while
9.2.4 Indications removing tissue far laterally to avoid trauma
to eustachian tube. Endoscopic assessment
A. Infection—Purulent adenoiditis, adenoid can be done in between procedure to conform
hypertrophy associated with complications tissue excision and for prevention of injury to
such as otitis media with effusion, chronic normal structures. Packs can be placed into
recurrent otitis media, chronic otitis media the nasopharynx for hemostasis [13]. Other
with perforation. techniques include suction diathermy ablation
B. Obstruction—Adenoid hypertrophy associ- of the adenoid, radiofrequency adenoidec-
ated with excessive snoring and chronic tomy. Suction diathermy ablation is safe with
mouth breathing, sleep apnea or sleep distur- minimal blood loss however it is slow and has
bances, adenoid hypertrophy associated with the risk of cicatrization and burns to surround-
cor pulmonale, failure to thrive, dysphagia, ing tissue [14].
speech abnormalities, craniofacial growth 2. Endoscopic Powered Technique includes
abnormalities, occlusion abnormalities. adenoidectomy by microdebrider. Power-
320 R. Singh et al.
Fig. 9.13 The line diagram is showing the nasal cavity blood supply
injury to the surrounding mucosa. Three fourth commercial packs can be kept for 4–5 days. The
inch width Roller Gauze is helpful in almost all alarming signs for toxic shock syndrome are
kind of anterior epistaxis. It is applicable when, purulent foul smelling discharge from pack,
newer packing material failed, in moderate to fever, tachycardia, etc. In such situation, the pack
severe epistaxis and recurrent epistaxis. Roller should be removed immediately and broad-
gauze is soaked in Vaseline or petroleum jelly to spectrum antibiotics should start.
prevent surrounding adhesion and to minimized Posterior Packing is indicated for posterior
insertional/removal trauma. Pack can be placed epistaxis. It can be achieved by high volume,
in vertical and horizontal manner (Fig. 9.15). low-pressure balloon packs. Brighton Balloon is
Horizontal manner is relatively easy and most specifically manufactured for epistaxis. It has a
followed. Gauze is generally kept for 48–72 h. If postnasal balloon and immobile anterior balloon
required for more than 72 h, then it should be that are independently inflated. Epistat Nasal
changed to prevent toxic shock syndrome. Newer Catheter has two independently inflatable bulbs
for precise control of bleeding. The hollow cath-
eter allows nasal breathing. Conventionally pos-
terior nasal pack is prepared with gauze material.
The volume of the nasopharynx should be kept in
mind while preparing it. Incisor width is the
rough estimation of nasopharynx width. Foley’s
catheter is generally available in operation
theaters. It is more in use for posterior packing.
Ten to fifteen ml of water is sufficient to obliter-
ate the nasopharynx. It can hinge over columella
with umbilical tap. Columella should be secured
to prevent necrosis. When both anterior and pos-
terior nasal packing is required, the posterior
should be placed first.
Studies have shown the benefit of warm water
irrigation in posterior epistaxis as compared to
nasal packing. A modified bladder catheter that
Fig. 9.14 The suction monopolar cautery is used to con- seals the choana can be inserted. Water at 50 °C
trol epistaxis is irrigated through the catheter with the help of a
a b
Fig. 9.15 The diagram is depicting the vertical and horizontal way of nasal cavity packing with gauze material
324 R. Singh et al. Internal Carotid Bleeding congested. Steam inhalation, nasal douches, liq-
1. The carotid artery can injure by accidental uid paraffin nasal drops, and ointments are help-
trauma and during skull base surgery. It is rare ful in hydration of dehydrate nasal mucosa.
but life threatening. Proper identification of Topical tranexamic acid can be used in patients
sphenoid sinus ostia and sphenoid ostium taking anti-platelet drugs. Avoidance of warfarin,
should be widened in inferomedial direction aspirin, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
to prevent this catastrophe. If it occurs while drugs (NSAIDs) is required as these medications
surgery, immediate compression of the CCA can affect platelets function. The correction of
in the neck and tight packing of the sphenoid clotting factor derived from the liver, can be done
sinus is needed. Small rent can be managed by by administration of vitamin K injection. The
mashed muscle piece but it is challenging. choice of clotting factor correction is based on
Clipping of injured site and direct vessel clo- deficit parameter. Literature is controversial for
sure can be attempted if there is adequate prescribing prophylactic antibiotics in anterior
exposure of the vasculature during surgery nasal packing [27].
otherwise patient should be shifted to the
intervention radiology Department. Hereditary Hemorrhagic
Endovascular occlusion or stenting is per- Telangiectasia
formed by localizing the site of injury. The It is an inherited autosomal dominant disorder
selection of technique is verified by balloon that is characterized by malformations of various
occlusion test to check the adequacy of col- blood vessels (vascular dysplasia), potentially
lateral circulation [25]. Flow diversion is indi- resulting in recurrent bleeding. The surgical man-
cated in complex and recurrent aneurysm agement varies from the coagulation of vessel by
cases. Silk flow, pipeline embolization, flow laser to complete closure of the nasal cavity (Fig.
redirection endoluminal devices are the recent 4.5, Chap. 4). In septal dermoplasty, the nasal
therapy for the persistent aneurysm. These mucosa is replaced with autologous skin grafts.
devices reconstruct the artery by creating The nasal cavity is closed by modified Young’s
thrombosis at the aneurysm site [26]. The operation and it is indicated in moderate to severe
pack should be removed after conformation epistaxis that has proved unresponsive to other
with angiography. treatment options. Antifibrinolytic drugs such as
tranexamic acid have been found to have mixed Medical Management results in treating nosebleeds. Bevacizumab
for Epistaxis (Avastin) has been used experimentally to reduce
Topical decongestants like oxymetazoline can be the number and severity of nosebleeds in persons
useful in mild epistaxis and when the mucosa is with HHT [28].
9 Septum, Adenoid, and Epistaxis 327
Anterior Bleeding
Posterior Bleeding
Bleeding point
Bleeding Persists
Bleeding Persists
If bleeding persists
10.1 art A: Radiation Therapy in Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinus, and
Nasopharyngeal Tumors 330
10.1.1 Introduction 330
10.1.2 Radiation in Nasal Cavity Tumors 330
10.1.3 Indications of Radiotherapy in Paranasal Sinus Tumors 331
10.1.4 Radiation Therapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer 331
10.1.5 External Beam Radiotherapy Planning 331
10.1.6 Time, Dose, and Fractionation 331
10.1.7 Techniques of Radiation 332
10.1.8 Radiation Toxicities 333
10.1.9 Radiotherapy in Specific Histological Subtype 333
10.1.10 Radiotherapy in Benign Tumors 334
10.1.11 Future Directions 334
10.2 art B: Chemotherapy Perspectives in Nasal and Paranasal Sinus
Tumors 334
10.2.1 Summary 334
10.2.2 Strategies for Chemotherapies in Head and Neck Cancers 335
10.2.3 Chemotherapy in Different Tumors of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 335
10.3 art C: Perioperative and Postoperative Measures to Improve
Quality of Life After Nasal Surgery 338
10.3.1 Quality Indicators 339
10.3.2 Preoperative Measures 339
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 329
H. Verma, A. Thakar (eds.), Essentials of Rhinology,
330 B. Devnani et al.
The decision needs to be made in a multidisci- tumor to adjacent critical structures. Radiation
plinary clinical team. Para-nasal sinus malignan- therapy (RT) plays a pivotal role in the multimo-
cies are rare aggressive tumors. Radiotherapy is dality treatment of these tumors. Technological
an integral part of management either as single advancements in the form of Intensity-modulated
modality or in combination. There is wide range radiotherapy (IMRT) has given an advantage of
of histo-pathological entities in this subtype with steep radiation dose gradients to achieve more
varying radiation sensitivity. Local failure is the conformal treatment and better sparing of normal
major pattern of relapse. Lymph nodal involve- tissues.
ment is less frequent in nasal and para-nasal sinus
malignancies although in cases of nasopharyngeal
cancers it is present in up-to 90 % of the cases. 10.1.2 Radiation in Nasal Cavity
Advent of advanced technologies in the form of Tumors
IMRT and particle therapy substantially improved
the clinical outcome. Conformal treatment pro- Radiation therapy is an important treatment
vides high rates of local control with decreased modality in the management of nasal cavity can-
toxicities. Margin positivity & extra-capsular cers. For small tumors of vestibule radical radio-
spread in Lymph nodes are the indication for che- therapy alone provides excellent cosmetic
motherapy. Chronic rhinosinusitis negatively outcomes, especially in small anterior septal
affects quality of life (QoL) by disturbing the tumors and nasal ala region tumors. In locally
physical, social, and emotional well-being of advanced tumors of the nasal cavity, RT can be
patients. It also reduces economic productivity used as an adjuvant treatment modality in the
and can increase the risk of depression and sleep postoperative setting or in the preoperative set-
dysfunction. EuroQol 5D, Rhinosinusitis out- ting to debulk the tumor in surgically challenging
come measures (RSOM), McGill Pain cases. Indications of postoperative RT include
Questionnaire, Short Form-36 Health Survey and advance stage T3 or T4 tumor, close or positive
Short Form-12 Health Survey Rhinosinusitis margin in early stage, high tumor grade, and
Disability Index, Chronic Sinusitis Survey Score, involvement of lymph nodes or perineural inva-
Sinonasal Outcome Test-20, -16, and -22 are the sion. In cases of unresectable disease, a com-
scoring systems used to assess the quality of life. bined modality approach with concurrent
chemotherapy and radiotherapy is advocated.
Palliative radiation is offered to control the symp-
10.1 P
art A: Radiation Therapy toms of pain, nasal obstruction, proptosis, epi-
in Nasal Cavity, Paranasal staxis and for tumor growth restrain in ulcerative
Sinus, and Nasopharyngeal or fungating lesions.
Tumors Radiation can be delivered by external beam
radiotherapy, brachytherapy, or a combination of
10.1.1 Introduction both. In a study by Allen et al. [1], 32 patients with
nasal cavity tumors were treated by a median
Management of sinonasal region tumors is chal- EBRT dose of radiation of 65 Gy. At a median
lenging in view of the close proximity of the follow-up of 11 years, 5-year locoregional control
10 Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, and Quality of Life 331
was 81% and OS was 94%, with few serious cally limited to biopsy for histological confirma-
adverse events. Brachytherapy is used for small tion and in cases of salvage therapy. Early-stage
lesions using interstitial brachytherapy catheter nasopharyngeal cancer can be successfully
implants or intracavitary mold using 192Ir radioac- treated with RT alone. In a study by Chua et al.
tive sources. Anterio-inferior septal lesions [5], 10-year recurrence-free survival (RFS) was
(<1.5 cm) are suitable for interstitial brachyther- more than 96% with radiation therapy. Concurrent
apy [2]. Tumor volume is an important prognostic chemotherapy needs to be added with radiation in
factor for regional recurrence following brachy- case of locally advanced nasopharyngeal cancer
therapy. Tumor volume <2.3 cc is associated with (T3, T4, or N+ disease). A precision radiotherapy
a 3-year locoregional control of 96%. Nasal technique like IMRT is the standard of care to
Appearance and Function Evaluation achieve a higher therapeutic ratio. Particle beam
Questionnaire (NAFEQ) is a 14-questions ques- therapy with proton beam and carbon ion therapy
tionnaire to assess patient satisfaction with esthetic is an emerging modality due to its physical char-
and functional outcomes following brachytherapy. acteristics of the Bragg’s peak. Proton beam ther-
It consists of two parts, including seven questions apy is especially useful in cases of reradiation in
regarding nasal function and seven items to assess recurrent disease [5]. Radiation workflow is men-
satisfaction with nasal appearance. tioned in Fig. 10.1.
Surgery followed by postoperative radiation ther- Meticulous radiotherapy planning is very crucial
apy (PORT) is the mainstay of treatment in to achieve higher control rates. MRI of the naso-
advanced paranasal sinus tumors. Other indica- pharynx and neck is an important diagnostic
tions of PORT include high tumor grade or high- investigation and is very useful for radiation
risk histology, perineural invasion, planning as clivus and nerves are best seen on
lymphovascular space invasion, positive lymph MRI. Figure 10.2 shows the various steps of radi-
nodes, margin positivity, and inadequate resec- ation therapy workflow from preplanning to
tion or tumor spillage. Radical radiotherapy with delivery of radiation. Target volume delineation
chemotherapy is used in locally advanced T3, T4 involves contouring of tumor volumes and organs
tumors especially in ethmoid sinus tumors where at risk. Gross tumor volume (GTV) consists of
extensive surgery may lead to structural and the entire visible gross tumor clinically or radio-
functional deficit. Patients who are not fit for sur- logically. Clinical target volume (CTV) encom-
gery due to medical comorbidities are also candi- passes GTV, postoperative bed in cases of
dates for radiotherapy. In cases of borderline postoperative cases, regions of positive margin,
resectable tumors with anterior soft tissue or skin and regions with nodal extracapsular extension
infiltration, minimal preorbital invasion or ptery- and regions at higher risk of micrometastasis. A
gopalatine invasion preoperative radiation is indi- 3–5 mm margin is given to CTV to account for
cated [3, 4]. inter- and intrafraction set-up errors to create a
planning target volume (PTV) [6, 7].
Radiation therapy is the mainstay of treatment for A radiation dose of 70 Gy in 35 fractions deliv-
nasopharyngeal malignancies. Surgery is typi- ered over 7 weeks is recommended to gross
332 B. Devnani et al.
Fig. 10.1 Radiation
Consent and Preplanning
therapy workflow
Clinical history, Imaging, surgical details and
Supine with neck rest, Thermoplatic cast, Bite block
Physics Planning
Beam arrangement and energy selection to optimise the
dose delivery to target volumes and maximal sparing of
Plan Evaluation
Evaluation of dose volume histogram, dose
Quality Assurance
Safe fulfilment of dose prescription to improve
patient safety & quality of care
On treatment monitoring
To check for interfraction errors, acute toxicities and
tumor volume along with a 50–60 Gy to the areas 10.1.7 Techniques of Radiation
of micrometastasis. In cases of pre-op RT where
debulking is the primary aim, an RT dose of In two-dimensional conventional radiotherapy,
50Gy/25# is given. There are different fraction- the volume of irradiated tissue is simply deter-
ation schedules for palliative RT ranging from mined by anatomical field borders that are based
8Gy in a single fraction to 30Gy in 10 fractions. on radiological bony landmarks. There are more
20 Gy over 5 fractions is one of the commonly chances of excess normal tissue toxicity and
followed palliative dose fractionations. beam arrangements are limited to orthogonal
10 Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, and Quality of Life 333
Fig. 10.2 A case of esthesioneuroblastoma showing radiation dose distribution in targets and organs at risk (a) Sagittal
section (b) Axial section
placements with crude shielding techniques. The by saline nasal sprays. Nasal cavity synechiae is
advantage of conformal radiotherapy is a steep prevented by regular nasal dosches and by proper
dose gradient close to the target. Conformal cavity management. Xerostomia is a common
radiotherapy includes 3D-Conformal radiother- sequelae post RT and parotid sparing IMRT
apy (3D-CRT), Intensity-modulated radiotherapy should be used wherever feasible based on tumor
(IMRT), and Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) extension. Decaying of teeth commonly follows
techniques. 3D-CRT technique shapes the beams xerostomia for which prophylactic fluoride tooth-
based on 3D reconstructions of the tumor size paste should be prescribed and loose or decayed
and shape and the location of nearby normal tis- teeth should be removed prior to starting RT to
sues. IMRT changes the intensity of each small further prevent osteoradionecrosis. Ocular symp-
beamlet to obtain even more conformal dose dis- toms in the form of chronic keratitis can occur in
tribution and avoidance of normal tissue damage. the RT of paranasal sinus malignancies.
IMRT is the standard technique for definitive Sensorineural hearing loss is prominent with
radiation therapy for nasopharyngeal cancer. concurrent use of chemotherapy for which mean
IGRT is a method of radiation therapy that incor- cochlea dose should be kept below 48 Gy to min-
porates imaging techniques during each treat- imize damage. Carotid artery stenosis is a poten-
ment session. Conformal radiotherapy offers tially fatal complication in reradiation cases.
precise dose shaping, minimizes the dose to criti- Routine duplex ultrasound scanning can be done
cal normal tissues thereby decreasing the radia- in cases of higher-risk patients.
tion toxicities.
Skin erythema, mucositis, dryness, dysgeusia, Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common
bleeding from the nose, and fatigue are some of histopathological type of nose and paranasal
the common acute radiation toxicities. Nasal cav- sinus tumor. The treatment policy is mentioned
ity mucositis and dryness of mucous membranes above. Esthesioneuroblastomas, Kadish A tumors
is common following RT and should be managed can be treated with the single modality treatment
334 B. Devnani et al.
in the form of primary RT alone. The rest of the cases of positive margins after surgery. Radiation
tumors can be best treated by a combination of therapy in chordoma is challenging due to the
surgery and radiotherapy. It tends to invade the intrinsic radio-resistance of these tumors coupled
cribriform plate and anterior cranial fossa, and with the increased sensitivity of the adjacent criti-
therefore, these regions should be encompassed cal neural structures. Charged particle therapy has
in the target volume. Elective nodal radiation is an established role and increases control rates. The
generally not required. In terms of radiotherapy role of radiation therapy for inverted papillomas is
techniques, it is evident that 3D radiotherapy sig- seen in patients with carcinoma in situ or invasive
nificantly improves local control compared to the features found after resection.
2D technique (74% vs. 59%).
Adenoid cystic carcinoma originates mostly
from the minor salivary glands. In view of the 10.1.11 Future Directions
highly neurotropic nature of adenoid cystic carci-
nomas, radiotherapy volumes must encompass Particle beam therapy with proton beam and car-
the afferent and efferent local nerves to the skull bon ion therapy is an emerging modality due to
base. Adenocarcinoma is a locally aggressive its physical characteristics of the Bragg’s peak.
tumor that occurs almost exclusively in the eth- There are ongoing randomized prospective trials
moid sinus. Conformal radiation should be used evaluating the efficacy of the same. Although
for this location of the tumor. Combination che- data for charged particles are encouraging, the
motherapy with cisplatin, fluorouracil, and leu- lack of widespread access and high cost associ-
covorin has been shown to be efficacious. Mucosal ated with these facilities limit their routine use.
melanoma of the paranasal sinuses is a rare form
of melanoma (0.2–4%) and is notoriously resis-
tant to conventional chemoradiotherapy. 10.2 P
art B: Chemotherapy
Hypofractionated RT, combined immuno-IMRT Perspectives in Nasal
that may potentially enhance the therapeutic ratio and Paranasal Sinus Tumors
is investigational. Radiotherapy is an important
role in the curative treatment of patients with 10.2.1 Summary
Nasal Natural Killer T Cell Lymphoma. Yang
et al. reported that definitive radiation therapy Cancers arising primarily from the nasal cavity
with or without chemotherapy was more effective and paranasal sinuses are fairly uncommon. The
than strategies that used induction or primary che- most common histology encountered is squa-
motherapy. RT dose of >50 Gy is recommended mous in nature, yet one is more likely to see other
in contrast to other lymphomas [8]. histologies like adenocarcinomas, lymphomas,
sarcomas, plasmacytomas, etc. (Fig. 10.3) in this
region than elsewhere in the head and neck,
10.1.10 Radiotherapy in Benign thereby making things challenging. Each of these
Tumors distinct etiologies needs to diagnose accurately
for optimal management. This requires an experi-
Radiotherapy is also helpful in some benign con- enced head–neck pathologist. The paradigm for
ditions especially in cases of medically inoperable the management of each of these tumors is histo-
or locally recurrent tumors. RT is used in advanced logically driven. For each histological type of
inoperable or recurrent tumors juvenile nasopha- tumor, the plan of management depends on the
ryngeal angiofibroma. Recommended RT dose is stage, location, age, comorbidities, performance
30–50 Gy @2 Gy per fraction. Local control rates status, and previous therapies received.
are around 85–100%. In cases of ameloblastoma, Traditionally treated by chemotherapy, surgery,
RT helps in achieving local control in cases of and radiotherapy, the advent of immunotherapy
multiple recurrences and preventing recurrences in and targeted therapy in these malignancies has
10 Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, and Quality of Life 335
Lymphoma SNUC
Cancers Adenoid
Sarcoma RMS
Defecient Plasmacytoma
(iii) Two types of concurrent regimens are (d) Sequential setting: NACT followed by
used worldwide. The optimum cumu- definitive CTRT is occasionally used
lative dose of cisplatin is 200 mg/m2. in locally advanced tumors not amenable
The weekly cisplatin regime till to surgical resection.
7 weeks period and the dose is 40 mg/ (e) Palliative setting: Indications: Recurrent
m2. For a 3-weekly cisplatin regime, and metastatic HNSCC (not amenable to
the dose is 100 mg/m2 per dose and 3 salvage surgery or re-irradiation). The
doses advised at day 1, day 22, day extent of treatment is till progression of
43. Three-weekly cisplatin is associ- disease control by management.
ated with better locoregional control (i) Standard of care:
(LRC) but increased toxicity profile • Firs Line: KEYNOTE 048
[9]. In cisplatin-ineligible patients If rapid tumor response is not
(renal dysfunction, SN Hearing loss), needed, when PDL1 CPS is more
cetuximab is indicated only in trial than 20% than single-agent pembro-
settings. Carboplatin (50 mg/m2 or lizumab and when PDL1 CPS is less
AUC 1.5–2) is often used but is not than 20%, cisplatin+5FU+ pembro-
evidence-based [10]. lizumab is the combination of drug.
(b) Definitive setting: SCC may be defini- If rapid tumor response is needed,
tively treated with (concurrent chemora- the regimes are cisplatin +5FU+
diotherapy) CTRT. Dosage is cisplatin cetuximab (EXTREME trial) [12,
weekly at 40 mg/m2 for 7 doses along 13]/Cisplatin +5FU + pembroli-
with RT. Nimotuzumab (anti-EGFR anti- zumab (if PDL1 CPS >1%).
body) added to weekly cisplatin (30 mg/ • Second line:
m2) during CTRT improves DFS If immune-oncology is used as first
(disease- free survival) [11]. Cisplatin- line then cetuximab + chemo is the
ineligible patients may be treated with regime and if immune-oncology is
concurrent cetuximab (400 mg/m2 load- not used previously then nivolumab
ing 1 week before RT, then 250 mg/m2 (240 mg q 2 weeks)/pembroli-
weekly). zumab 200 mg iv q3 weekly is the
(c) Neoadjuvant setting: Chemotherapy treatment regime [14].
may be used in specific cases to downsize Other treatment options in resource
tumors and increase resectability (skin limited settings are CDDP +5FU,
involvement, low ITF, induration above Paclitaxel + Carboplatin, Single-
zygoma). Preferred regimens: agent Methotrexate i.v (40 mg/m2
(i) Three-drug regimen (q 3 weekly): weekly) and Oral metronomic ther-
DCF (Docetaxel 75 mg/m2D1, apy: Gefitinib (500 mg/day),
CDDP 75 mg/m2 day 1, 5FU- Erlotinib (150 mg/day), Oral weekly
750 mg/m2/day continue intravenous Methotrexate (15 mg/
infusion over 96 h from day 2–5). m2) + Celecoxib (200 mg BID) [15].
(ii) Two-drug regimen (q 3 weekly): 2 . Nasopharyngeal carcinoma:
CDDP+5FU (CDDP 75 mg/m2 D1, (a) Definitive treatment—Standard of care
5FU-750 mg/m2/day continue intra- for Stage II and above is Concurrent
venous infusion over 96 h from day CTRT (weekly CDDP) + 3 cycles of adju-
2–5). vant chemotherapy (3 weekly
(iii) Two-drug regimen (q 3 weekly):
T + P (Paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 day 1, (b) Neoadjuvant setting—In cases of T4 or
Carboplatin AUC6 day 1). bulky tumors, treatment may start with
10 Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, and Quality of Life 337
NACT (e.g., 3 cycles of CDDP+ 5FU or (iii) In the third form of regime, 3 cycles
DCF) followed by CTRT. of SMILE regime followed by RT
(c) Palliative setting: Following regimens and then again 3 cycles of SMILE
may be used in cases of metastatic regime. The detail of the SMILE
disease: regime is:
(i) Gemcitabine (1 g/m2 on day 1, day
Methotrexate 2 g/m2 Day 1 (Leucovorin
8) + CDDP (80 mg/m2 day 1) (first
Line) [16] Ifosfamide 1500 mg/m2 Days 2 to 4
(ii) CDDP+ 5FU Etoposide 100 mg/m2 Days 2 to 4
(iii) Paclitaxel + Carboplatin Dexamethasone 40 mg PO Days 2 to 4
3 . Esthesioneuroblastoma: Doubtful role of or IV
adjuvant chemotherapy after craniofacial L-asparaginase 6000 units/ Days 8, 10, 12, 14, 16,
resection and RT. NACT (Cisplatin 30 mg/m2 m2 IM 18, 20
D1,2,3 + Etoposide 100 mg/m2 D1,2,3) is
often used in Kadish C, D tumors based on (b) Advanced stage (II non-contiguous, III,
institutional experiences to downsize the IV): the treatment policy is 6 cycles of the
tumor and make it amenable to resection. SMILE regime.
Cisplatin + Etoposide are used in palliative
therapy of relapsed or metastatic disease. 5. DLBCL (Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma):
4. Adenoid cystic carcinoma: In the adjuvant For early-stage (I, II) non-bulky lesion,
setting, the treatment policy is the same as 3 cycles of R-CHOP+IFRT whereas for early
HNSCC. Wait and watch policy is indicated in bulky lesion (>7.5 cm), 6 cycles of R-CHOP
asymptomatic metastatic cases. For symptom- +IFRT. For advanced stage (III, IV), 6 cycles
atic disease, the options include CAP of R-CHOP regime (Table 10.1).
(Cisplatin [50 mg/m2, D1], doxorubicin 6. Sinonasal Adenocarcinoma: They may be
[50 mg/m2, D1], and cyclophosphamide salivary gland type, intestinal type (ITAC), or
[500 mg/m2, D1]) q 28 days. non-intestinal type. The treatment policy is
(a) NK-T Cell lymphoma: These tumors are similar to HNSCC.
resistant to CHOP chemotherapy due to the 7. Sarcoma (STS): Radiotherapy is the mainstay
expression of P-glycoprotein. Preferred reg- of treatment in all high-grade tumors. The role
imens in early stage (IE/IIE contiguous): of adjuvant chemotherapy in H&N sarcomas is
(i) Concurrent CTRT, where chemo- unknown. In metastatic disease, performance
therapy regime is DeVIC status and histology is the guide for the choice
[Dexamethasone, Etoposide, of drugs. Commonly used regimens are:
Ifosfamide, Carboplatin]).
(a) Doxorubicin-based chemotherapy (IA:
(ii) Another regime is radiotherapy fol- Ifosphamide+ doxorubicin)
lowed by 3 cycles of DeVIC/VIPD (b)
Angiosarcoma: weekly paclitaxel,
(etoposide, ifosfamide, cisplatin, Gemcitabine + Docetaxel, Pazopanib,
dexamethasone). Trabectedin
Table 10.1 The list of drugs comes under the R-CHOP regime, their doses, and the day of administration
R-CHOP Drug Dose Schedule
Rituximab 375 mg/m2 i.v Day 1
Cyclophosphamide 750 mg/m2 iv Day 1
Doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 iv Day 1
Vincristine 1.4 mg/m2 (2 mg max) iv Day 1
Prednisolone 100 mg po Day 1–5
338 B. Devnani et al.
(c) Chondrosarcoma: Low grade (well- vant setting. In metastatic cases, treatment is
differentiated): no role. Poorly differenti- extrapolated from that of skin melanomas.
ated (doxorubicin-based chemotherapy) (a) BRAF V600E mutated: Dabrafenib,
8. Rhabdomyosarcoma: It usually occurs in
children. It commonly involves three sub- (b)
Kit mutated: Imatinib, dasatinib,
sides of head and neck region, orbit (25%) sorafenib
[favorable], Para-meningeal (paranasal (c) No mutation: Nivolumab, Nivolumab +
sinuses, nasopharynx, nasal cavity, middle Ipilimumab
ear, mastoid) (50%) [non-favorable], non- 11. SNUC (sinonasal undifferentiated
orbital non-para- meningeal (25%) [favor- Carcinoma): It has a very poor prognosis. It
able]. The choice of adjuvant therapy (RT/ has no clinical trial evidence. Trimodality
chemo) and selection of chemotherapy is therapy is the maximum surgical resection
based on various clinical factors such as followed by concurrent CTRT is standard.
TNM stage, clinical group after surgery, 12. INI-deficient carcinoma: It is a recently
site, size (>/<5 cm), age, histology (embryo- recognized entity (SMARCB1/INI deficient)
nal/alveolar), and FOXO1 fusion. Combining with a very poor prognosis. Surgery with
these information, we define three risk cate- adjuvant chemoradiation is used.
gories as in Table 10.2. 13. Plasmacytoma:
If it is a solitary disease, then radiotherapy
alone is sufficient. If multiple, then treatment
9. Osteosarcoma (OS): is the same as multiple myeloma: VRd
Head and Neck OS is notorious for local regime, 6 cycles followed by autologous
recurrence and less commonly distant metas- transplant (eligible pts) [V = Bortezomib
tases than limb OS. Adjuvant chemotherapy 2 mg subcutaneous injection on days 1, 8,
is given to all cases (although evidence exists 15, 22; R = Lenalidomide 25 mg once daily
only for extremity OS). Cisplatin + doxoru- from day 1 to day 15, d = Dexamethasone
bicin are most commonly used. Adjuvant RT 40 mg weekly].
is for R1 resections even after re-resection.
Cisplatin may be added concurrent to RT,
although evidence is limited. Regimens for 10.3 P
art C: Perioperative
metastatic disease: Cisplatin + doxorubicin, and Postoperative Measures
high-dose methotrexate, ifosphamide+ eto- to Improve Quality of Life
poside [17]. After Nasal Surgery
10. Mucosal Melanoma: It has a poorer prog-
nosis and response compared to skin mela- Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common dis-
nomas. There is no established role of ease that can be managed either medically or sur-
chemotherapy or immunotherapy in an adju- gically with ongoing medical management.
10 Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, and Quality of Life 339
Around 20–30% of patients who undergo sinus addition of two items of interest (nasal obstruc-
surgery for CRS do not experience significant tion and olfaction) formed the SNOT-22, which
improvement. Physical, social, emotional, psy- has been demonstrated to be reliable, valid, and
chological, sexual, cognitional, and economic responsive [19, 20]. In SNOT-22, the domains are
aspects of life can be integrated in a general term broke down into three sinus-specific symptom
of well-being and it is commonly known as domains (Rhinologic, Extra-rhinologic, and Ear/
health-related QoL (HRQoL). Chronic rhinosi- facial symptoms) and two general health-related
nusitis negatively affects quality of life (QoL), QoL domains (Psychological and Sleep
reduces economic productivity, and can increase dysfunction).
the risk of depression and sleep dysfunction. In
the last few decades, quality of life has repre-
sented the development of patient-oriented 10.3.2 Preoperative Measures
assessment of health status and it is being increas-
ingly perceived by researchers and physicians as There are no clinical trials of immediate preop-
a significant outcome measure. Questionnaires, erative medication. Many surgeons have pre-
visual scales, and grading systems are just some ferred to use oral steroids and antibiotics in the
of the instruments used in quantitatively measur- preoperative period to improve the outcome of
ing HRQoL. Many such instruments are available surgery. Oral systemic steroids (preferably
at present to measure the QoL in CRS. Functional Prednisolone) for 10−14 days preoperatively
outcome following sinus surgery is determined and 7−14 days postoperatively (1 mg/kg) follow
by preoperative, intraoperative, and p ostoperative by tapering of therapy in 1−2 weeks is the com-
management. Careful analysis of these measures monly followed therapy. The dose used is
results in an improvement in surgical outcome around 30 mg which is taken as a single daily
which in turn improves the quality of life. dose in the morning. Since there is no solid evi-
dence on which to base this choice of dose, the
clinical experience of the surgeon is used to
10.3.1 Quality Indicators inform this choice. The moderate dose chosen
(30 mg) is believed to be sufficient for effective
Generally, questionnaires allow the patient to rate clinical activity and to mitigate the potential
the impact of the disease alongside a number of undesirable short-term side effects associated
other areas of healthcare interest. Every question with higher doses (e.g., 50–60 mg). Topical cor-
is scored according to the severity or repercus- ticosteroids (commonly fluticasone propionate,
sion of the disease and individual domain scores mometasone furoate, ciclesonide, and flutica-
are combined to produce an overall score. sone furoate) are of use in the primary treatment
EuroQol 5D, Rhinosinusitis outcome measures of nasal polyps when they are of a small or
(RSOM), McGill Pain Questionnaire, Short medium size but surgery is generally required
Form-36 Health Survey and Short Form-12 for larger polyps because of the resultant nasal
Health Survey Rhinosinusitis Disability Index, obstruction and limited access for topical prepa-
Chronic Sinusitis Survey Score, Sinonasal rations. Maximal medical therapy for patients
Outcome Test-20, -16, and -22 are the most with nasal polyposis included prolonged trials
widely used specific questionnaires in clinical tri- of topical therapy for more than 3 months.
als. Of these, the 22-item Sinonasal Outcome Topical therapy was defined as intranasal ste-
Test (SNOT-22) has been widely adopted in clini- roids given twice daily and saline irrigations.
cal practice and has been proved to be the most No statement can be made regarding a specific
suitable sinonasal outcome scoring system [18]. length of treatment in CRS without polyposis
The SNOT-20 was developed from the 31-item and the decision should be individualized based
Rhinosinusitis Outcome Measure (RSOM-31) by on the degree of symptom relief, patient prefer-
removing 11 items thought to be redundant. The ence, and clinician experience.
340 B. Devnani et al.
Clinical experience suggests that oral antihis- rent sinusitis with prior sinus surgery having
tamines may provide symptomatic relief of poorer QoL and more radical surgery may require
excessive secretions and sneezing although there eradication of the disease. Failed endoscopic
are no clinical studies supporting the use of anti- sinus surgery continues to be a significant prob-
histamines in CRS. In the preoperative period, lem both in terms of its economic consequences
antibiotics may decrease inflammation by mini- and also with respect to significant patient quality
mizing infection and so improve the operative of life issues.
field. Culture-specific antibiotics may prevent Increased nasal hair density decreases the
antibiotic resistance in most of these cases. development of asthma in those who have sea-
Smoking can severely affect the outcome of sinus sonal rhinitis, possibly due to an increased capac-
surgery. Smoking causes increased scar tissue ity of the hair in the nostrils to filter out pollen
and poor healing that lead to failure of endo- and other allergens. Moffett’s solution is a popu-
scopic sinus surgery. Cessation of smoking lar choice for the preparation of the surgical field
3–4 weeks before surgery and avoidance of in sinonasal surgery due to its efficacy. It
smoking for an additional month after surgery is decreases intraoperative bleeding by vasocon-
an absolute must to achieve good results. There striction and allows improved operative access
are certain medications that can increase the risk and visualization by decongesting the nasal
of bleeding during and after sinus surgery. These mucosa. Cocaine also exerts its analgesic effects
medications include Aspirin, NSAIDs, anticoag- by blocking sodium channels along the axons of
ulants and they should be stopped at least 1 week sensory nerves, dampening pain signal genera-
prior to surgery. Vitamin E and herbal medicines tion and propagation but a long list of side effects
such as ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and garlic tablets limits its uses.
can also increase the risk of bleeding and should
be stopped prior to surgery.
Asthma, prior paranasal surgery, nasal polyps, 10.3.4 Postoperative Measures
aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, depression
or anxiety disorder, and poor preoperative QoL Antibiotics are widely used by surgeons both
have been linked with poorer QoL outcomes after before and after sinus surgery. Used following
ESS. Preoperative screening of undiagnosed psy- sinus surgery, they may facilitate healing by pre-
chological disorders may allow for improved patient venting infection. This generally pertains to mac-
counseling and psychology/psychiatry referral and rolide agents, which have been suggested to
initiation of complementary therapies [21]. possess significant anti-inflammatory attributes.
The most duration still recommend is 4–6 weeks
of uninterrupted therapy for CRS. Postoperative
10.3.3 Perioperative Measures fibrin clot debridement and granulation removal
are thought to be necessary to prevent scar tissue
Surgical technique has developed with improve- formation. This is achieved by postoperative
ments in instrumentation, optics, and mucosal office debridement and nasal douching [22].
preservation techniques. Psychological and sleep Postoperative daily use of nasal douching with
dysfunction were significantly more likely to hypertonic saline alone for a period of 6 months
have a greater relative influence on patients elect- has shown comparable outcomes in terms of symp-
ing surgical therapy than any of the sinus-specific tom scores and prevention of synechiae. The best
symptom domains (Rhinologic, Extra-nasal rhi- way of nasal irrigation should follow these steps:
nologic, Ear/facial symptoms). Surgical and
medical treatment modalities result in improve- 1. Stand with head over a sink and tilt head to
ment across all domains of SNOT-22 but subjects one side.
opting for surgical interventions experience 2. Using a squeeze bottle or bulb syringe, pour
greater relative improvement. Patients with recur- or squeeze the saline solution slowly into the
10 Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, and Quality of Life 341
upper nostril, allow the solution to pour out of grades: mild (0–20 points), moderate (21–40
the other nostril and into the drain. points), and severe (41–60 points). Patients with
3. Breathe through the mouth, not the nose. younger age, accompanying asthma, severe
4. Repeat on the opposite side. eosinophilia, severe chronic rhinosinusitis, pol-
5. Try not to let the water go down the back of yps in the frontal sinus, and olfactory disorders in
the throat. the preoperative stage are adverse predictors.
6. Gently blow nose into a tissue to clear out any Such people should be carefully treated for a lon-
mucus. ger time after FESS [25–28].
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