08 Arathi A R-RISTA

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Effect of dietary protein on the growth of f ish

Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, Vol. 2(1) 2014: 62-67

© Department of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, University of Kerala.



Arathi, A.R. and Jayaprakas,V.*

Dept. of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
*Corresponding author: jayaprakasvasu@yahoo.in

Received on: 10.07.2013, accepted on: 11.12.2013

Abstract:Puntius vittatus(Day) is a minor carp belonging to Cyprinidae family. It is a good aquarium fish
and forage f ish. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the impact of varying levels of dietary
protein on the growth and reproductive performance of the indigenous ornamental fish, P. vittatus and to
develop a protein balanced diet for the ornamental breeding system. Dietary sources of energy and nutrients
are needed for growth, reproduction and health. Fish must have all of its necessary nutrients and supply of
energy in optimum balance and quantity to perform optimally. Fishes were fed with f ish meal based
experimental diets containing 15, 25, 30, 35 and 45 percent protein. The results of the study show that dietary
protein content necessarily influenced the growth and reproductive performance of f ishes. P. vittatus fed
with 35% protein diet attained greater length and weight than fishes fed with 15%, 25%, 30% and 45% protein
diets during the period of experiment. The staging of gonads revealed that f ishes fed 35% protein diet attained
the ripe stage within seventy five days. The reproductive performance of P. vittatus in terms of G.S.I. and ova
diameter measurement was the highest in fishes fed with 35% protein diet. However, there is a certain level
beyond which further growth is not supported and the f ishes fed with 45% protein diet showed reduced
growth rate and reproductive development. The results of the study suggest 35% protein diet as optimum for
growth and reproduction in the indigenous ornamental fish P. vittatus.

Key words: Puntius vittatus, dietary protein, growth, reproductive performance


Fish require dietary sources of energy and reproduction (ICAR, 2009). The concept of
nutrients in optimum balance for growth, feeding f ish is to nourish the animal to the
reproduction and health (De Silva and Anderson, desired level of growth and productivity. Somatic
2009; Li, 2009; Lovell, 2009; Webster, 2009). The growth entails an increase in size of the body and
nutrient requirements vary between and within reproductive growth entails an increase in size
species. Fishes have developed a wide variety of of gonads (De Silva and Anderson,2009).
feeding specializations to acquire essential Adequate protein is essential for egg
nutrients and utilize varied food resources from development, spawning, formation of follicles,
the natural environment whereas in the case of ovarian tissues, growth and development of
culture systems a nutritionally balanced diet must embryo(Shim et al., 1989a). Reproductive
be provided.Proteins are the major organic performance and quality of eggs play a major role
material in f ish tissue constituting 65-75% of the in developing ornamental f ish culture and trade
total dry weight basis and are required for basic (Maya Devi, 1997). India is a country rich in
functions such as maintenance, growth and indigenous species and is considered as the gold

Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries

mine of ornamental f ish resource. Organised Red List (Pethiyagoda, 1991). The present study
export trade in ornamental f ish depends on was therefore undertaken to investigate the
assured and adequate supply which is only impact of different levels of dietary protein on
possible by mass breeding.Detailed knowledge growth and gonad development of P. vittatus.
on feeding is one of the essential parameters in MATERIALS AND METHODS
large scale production of ornamental f ish
(Gortemiller, 1993). P. vittatus is one of the Puntius vittatus (Day) of Cyprinidae family was
potential indigenous ornamental f ishes of India, chosen as the experimental f ish. Fish meal based
it is peaceful, playful and easily bred aquarium experimental diets containing 15, 25, 30, 35 and
f ish and also forms a good forage f ish relished 45 percent proteins were formulated following
by murrels, catf ishes and anabantids (Innes, Hardy’s (1980) method. The proportion of
1953). P. vittatus is in commercial trade and is ingredients of the experimental diets is given in
placed under the vulnerable category in the IUCN Table 1. and the proximate composition in
Table 2.
Table 1. Proportion of ingredients of the experimental diets
INGREDIENTS (g) 15 25 30 35 45
Fish meal 12.8 23.64 28.6 33.75 52.15
Groundnut oilcake 11.6 22.12 26.88 31.65 33.79
Rice bran 39.43 27.12 22.21 17.3 4.5
Tapioca powder 8 8 8 8 8
Cellulose 28.17 19.12 14.21 9.3 1.56
Vegetable oil (ml) 4 3 2.5 2 1
Vitamin mineral mix 1 1 1 1 1

Table 2. Proximate composition of the experimental diets


15 25 30 35 45
Protein (%) 15.65 25.51 30.34 35.16 45.08
Lipid (%) 7.1 6.8 6.88 6.95 7
Carbohydrate (%) 62.65 52.69 46.98 41.28 30.97
Ash (%) 12.14 13.15 13.98 14.82 15.12

The ingredients were f inely ground and screened in the tank was maintained at 20±2 cm
individually. The required quantity of powdered throughout the experiment.During the culture
ingredients were weighed accurately, mixed well period the water temperature was measured to
and kneaded to wet dough by adding suff icient be 26°C; p H 7 and dissolved oxygen 7.2mg/l.
water. This was then cooked for ten to twenty Fishes were collected from wild, brought to lab
minutes under pressure, pelletized and oven dried and stocked in stocking tanks for 10 days. The
at 60°C for 24 hours. The dried pellets were initial length and weight of the f ishes were
broken in to crumbles and stored at room recorded and were randomly transferred to
temperature in air tight containers. The experimental tanks at a density of ten f ishes per
experiment was conducted in glass tanks of size tank. The f ishes were fed ad libitum, twice daily.
60cm×30cm×30cm. Three replicates were Fishes were reared for a period of seventy f ive
maintained for each treatment. The water level days. About twenty f ive percent of water was
replenished once in two
Effect of dietary protein on the growth of f ish

days. The f ishes were sampled fortnightly for reproduced by Qayyam and Qasim (1964 a,b).
evaluating the growth and ovary development. G.S.I. of ovary was calculated after rearing for
Fifteen f ishes were randomly collected from each seventy f ive days, using the formula
treatment and their length and weight noted G.S.I.=(weight of the ovary / weight of the f ish)
individually. Three specimens f rom each x 100
treatment were sacrif iced during each sampling Ova diameter of twenty-f ive vitellogenic oocytes
to record the maturity stages of the gonad. were measured from the ovary of the f ishes fed
Gonads were classif ied in to different stages of with thirty and thirty f ive per cent protein diets.
maturity based on I.C.E.S. scale (Wood, 1930) as
Table 3. Fortnightly mean weight (g) of f ishes in the f ive treatments
DAYS 15% 25% 30% 35% 45%
0 0.80±0.05 0.80±0.05 0.80±0.05 0.80±0.05 0.80±0.05
15 0.84±0.25 0.94±0.12 1.05±0.14 1.23±0.26 0.87±0.18
30 0.87±0.25 1.09±0.21 1.25±0.19 1.35±0.24 1.01±0.18
45 0.91±0.18 1.14±0.14 1.39±0.09 1.58±0.21 1.04±0.09
60 1.00±0.37 1.29±0.17 1.39±0.23 1.63±0.27 1.08±0.25
75 1.11±0.25 1.35±0.24 1.39±0.18 1.65±0.36 1.17±0.09

Table 4. Fortnightly mean length (cm) of f ishes in the f ive treatments

15% 25% 30% 35% 45%
0 2.74±0.09 2.74±0.09 2.74±0.09 2.74±0.09 2.74±0.09
15 2.74±0.17 3.31±0.12 3.53±0.07 3.6±0.27 3.06±0.11
30 3±0.37 3.72±0.07 3.96±0.13 3.80±0.31 3.36±0.36
45 3.21±0.24 3.79±0.09 3.99±0.09 4.3±0.17 3.51±0.09
60 3.21±0.19 3.88±0.31 4.19±0.07 4.45±0.16 3.57±0.12
75 3.31±0.17 4.01±0.06 4.33±0.24 4.52±0.17 3.72±0.077

Table 5. Gonado- somatic index (G.S.I.)

PARAMETERS 15% 25% 30% 35% 45%
Body weight (g) 0.55 1.1 1.3 1.5 0.92
Weight of ovary(g) 0.01 0.03 0.09 0.108 0.017
G.S.I (%) 1.81 2.72 6.92 7.2 1.85

In the present study, the optimum protein The net weight gain of f ishes was the maximum
requirement for gonad development and in 35% protein diet (0.84g) followed by 30%
maturation of ovary for P. vittatus was found to (0.58g), 25% (0.54g), 45% (0.36g) and 15%
be 35% protein diet.Results of the study also (0.31g). Four stages of ovary development such
indicate that f ishes fed with 35% protein diet had as immature, early maturing, late maturing and
maximum net weight gain compared to 15%, 25%, ripe could be recognised during the present
30% and 45% protein diets. Fortnightly mean experiment. After 75 days of experiment the
weight (g) and length (cm) of f ishes in the f ive f ishes fed with 35%diet showed a ripe ovary,
treatments are given in Table 3 and 4. respectively. f ishes of 30% and 25%protein diet produced

Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries

maturing ovary and f ishes fed with 15% and 45% substantiate the present study in which 15% and
protein diets remained in the immature stage. 45% protein fed f ish, the ovary remained
The highest G.S.I was obtained for f ishes fed with immature, 25% and 30% protein fed f ishes
35% protein diet followed by 30%, 25% and 45% showed maturing gonad while 35% protein fed
and 15%. The data is represented in Table 5. The f ishes, the gonad attained ripe stage with fully
ova diameter measurements of f ishes fed with ripe oocytes. A portion of the digested protein is
30% and 35% protein diets were 0.37± 0.13 mm used as energy for maintenance and routine
and 0.58±0.10 mm respectively. metabolism. The remaining energy is diverted
DISCUSSION for somatic or gonad tissue growth (James and
Sampath, 2004). The reason for slow growth in
Higher growth rate in f ishes is often associated f ishes fed with 15%, 20% and 25% compared to
with a high dietary protein level. However, there 35% protein diets in the present study can be
is a certain dietary protein level beyond which attributed to the meagre amount of protein left
further growth is not supported and may even for conversion to flesh or gonad tissue as a major
decrease (Abbas et al., 2005; Debnath et al., amount of consumed protein was used for
2007). Lovell (2009) observed that a dietary excess maintenance. In the present study the food
or def iciency of useful energy can reduce the energy obtained from low protein levels were
growth rate. Several workers recommended 28- apparently not suff icient for f ish to satisfy fully
35% protein diets for warm water f ishes (Ogino the requirements of both somatic growth and
and Saito, 1970; Takeuchi et al., 1979; Lovell, reproduction as evident from lesser weight gain
1980). The dietary protein level (35%) in the and G.S.I in f ishes fed with 15%, 25% and 30%
present study is higher than the values reported protein diets.Diets can negatively influence the
for Labeo rohita- 25% (Khan et al., 2005) and wellbeing of a f ish by inducing nutrient
Xiphophorus helleri- 30% (Shirley et al., 2006) def iciencies and imbalances (Cho et al., 1985). A
and lower than that reported forSymphysodon sp. signif icant fall in growth and G.S.I was observed
44.9- 50.1% (Chong et al., 2000) and Tor putitora- at 45% protein diet, indicating that 35% protein
45-50% (Islam and Tanaka, 2004). Varied dietary diet satisf ied the requirement and is considered
formulations, f ish sizes and phylogenetic optimum for achieving maximum somatic and
differences might be the cause of different protein reproductive growth. A similar trend has been
requirements of the f ishes (Luo et al., 2004; observed in many other f ish species irrespective
Tibbetts et al., 2000; Sa et al., 2006).Carnivorous of culture strategies (Kim et al., 2002; Kim and
f ish usually consume diets containing 50% Lee, 2005; Wang et al., 2006). These results
protein and have a very eff icient system for clearly indicate the growth depressing effect and
excretion of nitrogenous waste produced by decrease in the protein utilization beyond
protein metabolism. Herbivorous f ishes are requirement level of dietary protein is a well
expected to have lesser protein requirements documented phenomenon (Tibbetts et al., 2000;
(Bowen, 1987). The experimental f ish, P. vittatus Catacutan et al., 2001; Yang et al., 2002; Deepak
belongs to the herbivores guild and is expected and Garg, 2003; Kalla et al., 2004; Sa et al., 2006).
to have a protein requirement less than 50%. The According to Phillips (1972)the f ish body cannot
gonado- somatic index of the present study utilise dietary protein once the optimum level
showed a peak in 35% protein diet. Similar results has been reached. Excess protein in the diet could
were reported by Rosy (1984) and Shim et al. reduce the performance due to higher energy
(1989b).Dahlgren (1980) observed that low requirement for catabolism rather than protein
dietary protein resulted in decreased ovary weight deposition. Deamination of proteins produces
and volume, increased protein in diet resulted in amino groups which must be excreted. The
greater ovary size and weightin Poecilia reticulata. elimination is done at the expense of energy
Similar results were reported by Maya Devi (1997) resulting to the lesser utilization of energy for
in Trichogaster leeri. These observations

Effect of dietary protein on the growth of f ish

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