Xie 2020
Xie 2020
Xie 2020
Article History: In an acetylene hydrogenation reactor, the slowly falling catalyst activity affects ethylene plant performance
Received 19 September 2019 in an operating cycle. To maximize the integral economic benefit in a regeneration cycle or achieve the lon-
Revised 17 December 2019 gest regeneration cycle, the full cycle operation optimisation must be a long time-scale dynamic optimisation
Accepted 18 January 2020
for which the method of control vector parameterization is adopted. Because of various uncertain disturban-
Available online 5 February 2020
ces, some distances must be reserved for process constraints and the desired effect of full cycle optimisation
is hardly fully achieved. Thus, based on the strictly slowly-time-varying catalyst deactivation model, the
operation margin consumption is estimated. Furthermore, a modified full cycle operation optimisation strat-
Process engineering systems
Dynamic optimisation
egy is presented which takes the operation margin consumption as additional constraints. To obtain the max-
Operation margin imum integral economic benefit or the longest regeneration cycle, we present a realizable full cycle
Control vector parameterisation optimized operation plan that considers the sufficient operation space reserved for uncertain disturbances.
Acetylene hydrogenation reactor © 2020 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1876-1070/© 2020 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
30 F.-M. Xie et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 108 (2020) 2942
the full cycle operation optimisation using complex nonlinear mod- product quality requirements. Compared with other uncertainties in
els, a small deviation caused by the initial modelling error can greatly process, the decreasing of catalyst activity is inevitable but predictable,
affect the entire operation during operating cycle. In this paper, a and it has a significant effect on product [18]. Thus, the modelling of
mechanistic modelling approach is used based on acetylene hydro- acetylene hydrogenation reactor focuses on catalyst deactivation
genation intrinsic kinetics and catalyst deactivation kinetics. During modelling based on the intrinsic kinetics. Catalyst activity decreasing
the operation optimisation of an acetylene hydrogenation reactor, is a complex process involving the surface temperature variation of
the equivalent catalyst activity is generally assumed in all internal catalyst, the accumulated oligomer of secondary reaction and the
sites of the reactor for most of research [9,12,18,26,36,40,41]. How- change in molecular structure [38]. For catalyst activity, the greatest
ever, in this paper, considering the integrity of the acetylene hydro- short-run influence is from the temperature variation of the catalyst
genation reactor and the complexity of dynamic running, the internal surface. Nonetheless, the long-run influence is from the clogging of the
catalyst activity is handled as distributed parameter. The acetylene surface micro-pores by the accumulated oligomer of the secondary
hydrogenation reactor is expected to be operated for the maximum reaction product (green oil) leading to slowly catalyst deactivation.
integral economic benefit in certain regeneration cycle or the longest The catalyst activity u is defined as a distributed parameter related
regeneration cycle, whose outlet acetylene concentration is the main to the radial and axial direction distance, that is u (Z, R). Correspond-
constraint of operation optimisation. Sometimes, for maintaining the ing to the catalyst activity of an arbitrary point in the reactor, the
long-time steady operation of the ethylene plant, the longer regener- oligomer concentration is also defined as a distributed parameter
ation cycle is more preferred than economic benefit. The full cycle related to the radial and axial direction distance, that is Cg(Z,R). On
operation optimisation is solved via the CVP method on a long time- the basis of the oligomer concentration of arbitrary point in the reac-
scale. Considering that the time scale of full cycle operation dynamic tor, the kinetic equation of slowly catalyst deactivation is derived.
optimisation is in days and the time scale of process controllers is in Primarily, based on energy conservation and intrinsic kinetics, the
minutes or seconds, the model of acetylene hydrogenation reactor following reaction rate equation of oligomer (green oil) producing is
and its control system are running on short time-scale whereas the obtained [42]:
full cycle operation optimisation is solved on a long time-scale. How- 2
@Cg ðZ; R; t Þ kd psak ðZ; R; t Þpsck ðZ; R; t Þ
ever, if the full cycle operation optimisation and the control system ¼ 3 ð1Þ
are both carried out on a unified platform, it can cause computational @t 1 þ Kd ps ðZ; R; t Þ
complexity. Thus, the two systems should run on different platforms
p is the gas partial pressure in the reactor. Subscripts a, b, c represent
and some variables of them are shared.
acetylene, ethylene and hydrogen respectively. Subscript k denotes
The design margins are determined by the worst-case influence of
the sequence number of reactor bed with k = 1, 2, 3. Superscripts s
various uncertainties, and must make up the influence of slowly-time-
and g represent the variable of gaseous and solid phase equation for
varying parameters and uncertain disturbances. Thus, one part of mar-
the heterogeneous model.
gin consumption is a long time-scale dynamic process affected by
For the equation of green oil concentration, two sides of Eq. (1) are
slowly-time-varying parameters, at the same time, another part of
integrated over t. Furthermore, the temperature is considered as the
margin consumption is serving for control system to resist the uncer-
key factor for increasing adjustability of catalyst activity. Based on
tain disturbances under short time-scale. In our study, considering the
thermal deactivation kinetics, the reaction rate equation of catalyst
dynamic processes of the slowly-time-varying parameters and the
deactivation is represented as Eq. (2), where T is temperature in the
uncertain disturbances under different time scales, the consumed mar-
reactor [42].
gins involving process margins (for slowly-time-varying parameters)
and control margins (for operation and control) in an operation cycle @uk ðZ; R; tÞ sd
are estimated through on-line optimisation. ¼ kd e RgTk ðZ;R;tÞ Cg ðZ; R; t Þ ð2Þ
The maximum potential benefit from operation optimisation is
determined by the distances between the current operating point Then, by substituting the equation of Cg (green oil concentration)
and process constraints, which is related to the operation margins of into Eq. (2), the following reaction rate equation of catalyst deactiva-
design variables. Considering the various disturbances in chemical tion is obtained:
processes, some distances must be reserved for fluctuations of pro- Z t s 2
pak ðZ; R; zÞpsck ðZ; R; zÞ
@uk ðZ; R; tÞ R T s ðZ;R;tÞ
cess variables. Thus, the operation optimisation must not fully ¼ kd e g
k dz ð3Þ
@t 0 ð1 þ Kd ps ðZ; R; zÞÞ3
explore the operation space from design margins. The maximum ak
The CVP method divides the time duration of the whole dynamic Table 2
process into several time intervals. The optimisation horizon is Constraints of the full cycle operation optimisation.
divided into several time intervals, which are shown in Eq. (8). Operation variable Initial Trajectory constraint
0; Gf ! 0; G1 ; G1 ; G2 ; ⋯; Gλ1 ; Gλ ⋯; GN1 ; GN ð8Þ
Temperature T1s ð0; R; Gλ Þ [320,325] ½T1s ð0; R; Gλ1 Þ e1 ; T1s ð0; R; Gλ1 Þ þ e1
N is the number of time intervals which determines discrete preci- Inlets (K) T2s ð0; R; Gλ Þ [320,325] ½T2s ð0; R; Gλ1 Þ e2 ; T2s ð0; R; Gλ1 Þ þ e2
sion. The discrete optimisation variable is shown in Eq. (9). T3s ð0; R; Gλ Þ [321.5,322.5] ½T3s ð0; R; Gλ1 Þ e3 ; T3s ð0; R; Gλ1 Þ þ e3
Hydrogen psc1 ð0; R; Gλ Þ [28.5,29.2] ½psc1 ð0; R; Gλ1 Þ e4 ; psc1 ð0; R; Gλ1 Þ þ e4
uðGÞ ¼ u1 ðG1 Þ; u2 ðG2 Þ; ⋯; uλ ðGλ Þ; ⋯; uN ðGN Þ ð9Þ Inlets psc2 ð0; R; Gλ Þ [13.8,14.2] ½psc2 ð0; R; Gλ1 Þ e5 ; psc2 ð0; R; Gλ1 Þ þ e5
(kPa) psc3 ð0; R; Gλ Þ [0.77,0.81] ½psc3 ð0; R; Gλ1 Þ e6 ; psc2 ð0; R; Gλ1 Þ þ e6
uλ(Gλ) represents the trajectory of u(G) in [Gλ 1, Gλ), whose value
is invariable for piecewise constant strategy. For the fast-time-vary-
ing system in a full cycle, the equations of process-based model and
control system model for the acetylene hydrogen reactor in Table 1 stages of the acetylene hydrogen reactor and outlet acetylene concentra-
are represented as h(&), as shown in Eq. (10). tions of the end stage. The constraints of the full cycle operation optimi-
T sation include the initial and trajectory constraints as shown in Table 2.
hðx; u; tÞ ¼ h1 ðx1 ; u1 ; t Þ; h2 ðx2 ; u1 ; t Þ; ⋯; hG ðxG ; uλ ; tÞ; ⋯; hGf xGf ; uN ; t Relative to initial constraints, trajectory constraints are continually broad-
ð10Þ ened for long-run decreasing catalyst activity effect. Broadened constraint
e depends on the reaction rate of decreasing catalyst activity and the con-
By CVP, the optimisation variables are converted into a set of param- trol process of the fast-time-varying system. In addition, there is a neces-
eters, that is, the original dynamic optimisation problem is transformed sary constraint for process requirements that the acetylene fraction of
into the finite dimensional nonlinear programming problem. The non- total gases of reactor outlet is lower than 5 £ 106.
linear programming problem an approximation of the original dynamic The optimiser uses CVP to transform the original full cycle opera-
optimisation problem, and their difference is eliminated while N tends tion optimisation problem into a nonlinear programming problem,
to be infinite, but increasing N increases the computation. which can be solved using the sequential quadratic programming
(SQP) method. However, considering the variations in the operating
3.1. Operation optimisation for economic benefit
conditions due to the full cycle trajectories determined by the optimi-
sation framework, the tuning PID parameters under specific conditions
In this section, we implement the full cycle operation optimisation to
have to perform well under the full cycle trajectory. Therefore, it is
maximise the integral economic benefit in certain regeneration cycle. For
necessary to optimize the PID parameters of the controller. Admit-
constructing the function of ethylene economic benefits in the G day, the
tedly, the PID parameters of 6 controllers can be substituted into the
radial average ethylene partial pressure of the end stage reactor outlet is
optimisation framework as optimisation variables, but this method
multiplied by the ethylene price coefficient Mb, as shown in Eq. (11).
greatly increases the computational burden of the full cycle operation
Mb X
Rt optimisation. Therefore, we propose a method to obtain the subopti-
Eb ðGÞ ¼ psb3 ð1; R; GÞ ð11Þ mal solution using an iterative method. The steps are as follows:
t R¼0
The economic benefit of the full-cycle is obtained by integrating The optimized PID parameter trajectories are shown in Fig. 2.
the diurnal economic benefits, which are the economic benefit differ- The results of the full cycle operation optimisation are shown in
entials of reactant gases, as shown in Eq. (13). Table 3, and the optimal operation trajectory is shown in Fig. 3(a). The
Z Gf economic benefits of one year are obtained by solving the optimisation
J1 ¼ Eb ðGÞEa ðGÞEc ðGÞ dG ð13Þ model. In addition, considering that the acetylene fraction in the total
0 outlet gases is a hard constraint which cannot be violated, the regenera-
The inlet hydrogen partial pressures and inlet temperatures of tion cycle without optimisation is only 76 days, and economic benefit of
three reactor stages are chosen as independent variables of dynamic no optimisation is only 2.78 £ 105<. No optimisation refers to the nor-
optimisation, and the dynamic optimisation model is represented as mal operation results of acetylene hydrogenation reactor under normal
follows: conditions. Reactor operation data under normal conditions are shown
Model 1 in Appendix C. For economic benefits and regeneration cycles, the
results of dynamic optimisation whose objective is the maximum inte-
min J1
gral economic benefit in certain regeneration cycle are obviously supe-
rior to the results without optimisation.
s:t: f ðx; u; GÞ ¼ 0
The number of time intervals is a critical parameter in full cycle
operation optimisation based on the CVP method. The obtained eco-
hðx; u; tÞ ¼ 0
nomic benefits with a different number of time intervals are arranged
gðx; u; GÞ0 based on size order as N = 10 < 18 < 30, as shown in Table 3. Notably,
the deviation between the obtained economic benefits of N = 18 and
In the above model, f(&) represents the catalyst deactivation model in N = 30 is less than approximately 1.5%. Considering the computation
the slowly-time-varying system and g(&) represents the constraints of complexity and optimisation accuracy, the suitable number of time
dynamic optimisation, including the operation horizons of the three intervals is approximately N = 2030.
34 F.-M. Xie et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 108 (2020) 2942
Optimisation parameters and results Value In coordination with the other operation requirement in the eth-
ylene industry, the economic benefit is sometimes considered the
The number of time interval (N) 10 18 30
secondary optimisation objective compared with regeneration cycle.
Economic benefit of full cycle 1.43 £ 106 1.55 £ 106 1.57 £ 106
optimisation (</a) The system influenced by slowly-time-varying parameters is stopped
Economic benefit of no 2.78 £ 105 2.78 £ 105 2.78 £ 105 for catalyst regeneration when it reaches the regeneration cycle Gf.
optimisation (</a) Therefore, the full cycle operation optimisation model whose objec-
tive is the longest regeneration cycle is represented as follows:
F.-M. Xie et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 108 (2020) 2942 35
Fig. 3. Operation trajectory of full cycle optimisation: a) Operation trajectory of solved model 1; b) Operation trajectory of solved model 2.
36 F.-M. Xie et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 108 (2020) 2942
Model 2 the third bed increased. The simulation on the optimised strategies of
model 1 can obtain more benefits but shorter regeneration cycle,
min J2 ¼ G f
while the other simulation on the optimised strategies of model 2
can maintain a longer regeneration cycle but less benefits. Exact opti-
s:t: f ðx; u; GÞ ¼ 0
misation plan should depend on practical production requirement.
hðx; u; tÞ ¼ 0
4. Full cycle operation optimisation maintaining operation
gðx; u; GÞ0 margin
In the above model, Gf is defined as an integer variable, we should The off-line dynamic optimisation strategy whose objective is the
solve a mixed-integer dynamic optimisation problem. However, con- maximum integral economic benefit in certain regeneration cycle or
sidering that there is one integer variable Gf, this mixed-integer the longest regeneration cycle can be used to determine an optimal
dynamic optimisation problem can be simplified. To solve the mixed- solution for the ideal experiment. However, considering the various
integer dynamic optimisation problem, we can treat the integer vari- disturbances in chemical processes, some distances must be reserved
able Gf as a continuous variable to transform the problem into a con- for the fluctuations of process variables and that the optimum operat-
tinuous dynamic optimisation problem. ing point is not on some process constraints. Accordingly, the design
The optimal operation trajectory is shown in Fig. 3(b), and the margin for reactor length must be added for sustained system opera-
curve of economic benefit is shown in Fig. 7. For the obtaining opti- tion throughout the regeneration cycle. Accordingly, a full cycle oper-
mal regeneration cycle, we must suffer from a certain loss of eco- ation optimisation strategy that keeps operation margin and fully
nomic benefits in the late operation phase. Hence, the optimal uses surplus margin is proposed.
solution of the model 2 is 218.74 days, although the economic bene-
fits obtained are less than those obtained with model 1. 4.1. Estimation of process and control margin
In comparison with model 1, the operation trajectory of model 2 is
smoother for maintaining catalyst activity. The temperature opera- The margin is defined as the value added on the nominal value of the
tion strategies of the two optimisation models are generally design variable because of process uncertainties. The total design margin
decreased for reducing the reaction rate of intrinsic activity deactiva- consists of two parts: process margin and control margin. Process margin
tion. Correspondingly, the hydrogen inlet operation strategies of the is designed for compensating the effect of the change in slowly-time-
two optimisation models generally increase for compensating eco- varying parameters, whereas control margin is designed for operation
nomic loss with decreasing catalyst activity. In Fig. 3(a), considering and control. During the design phase of chemical processes, sufficient
that the catalyst activity in the first bed is close to the constraint margins must be added for design variables to ensure sufficient distances
boundary in the later period of regeneration cycle, the hydrogenation between the operating point and process constraints and prevent the
of the first bed decreases slightly to reduce the oligomer accumula- process variables from breaking process constraints after slowly-time-
tion and maintain certain activity of the catalyst. It increases the acet- varying parameters become “worse”. However, the design margins are
ylene at the inlet of the second bed, thus increasing the inlet usually determined according to the worst-case influence of various
temperature of the second bed of the reactor. In Fig. 3(b), the full uncertainties, while the changes of slowly-time-varying parameters
cycle operation optimisation for the longest regeneration cycle choo- from the initial state to the “worst” state is a slowly dynamic process.
ses the strategy with slowly operating inlet temperature and inlet Hence, the margin consumption is a long dynamic process affected by
hydrogen. In comparison with the initial operating point, the maxi- slowly-time-varying parameters and unmeasured parameters. As shown
mum operation deviation of inlet temperature is less than §1 K and in Fig. 4, the process margin consumption is increasing with time, but
the maximum operation deviation of the inlet hydrogen is less than control margin consumption fluctuates within a certain range. After the
20 kmol h1. The catalyst activity of the first and second beds would cycle, the surplus margin can be reduced to 0, and the sum of the process
become very low and the hydrogenation reaction is hardly running margin and the control margin is equal to the design margin.
in the later period of the regeneration cycle. For extending the regen- To meet the constraints and for more economic benefit optimisa-
eration period, the third bed of the reactor should be used as far as tion, the estimation of process margin and control margin is signifi-
possible to ensure the percentage of acetylene at the outlet. There- cant for slowly-time-varying chemical process. Process margin in G
fore, the inlet temperature of the first and second beds of the reactor day can be obtained by solving the steady state optimisation model
decreased obviously, and the inlet temperature and hydrogenation in as shown in Model 3.
s:t: f ðx; u; GÞ ¼ 0
hs ðx; u; t; dÞ ¼ 0
gðx; u; G; dÞ0
In addition, to satisfy operation and control the needs of long-
term running, the control margin must be designed by solving the
short time-scale dynamic optimisation model. The operation of
control system must be considered to design the control margin.
Hence, the dynamic equation of the PID control system is
accounted in the short time-scale dynamic optimisation model, as
Fig. 5. Margin consumption at 180-day operation.
shown in model 5.
Model 5
min J3 ¼ Eb ðGÞ þ Ea ðGÞ þ Ec ðGÞ
Model 3
min J3 ¼ Eb ðGÞ þ Ea ðGÞ þ Ec ðGÞ s:t: fðx; u; GÞ ¼ 0
hs ðx; U; t; d þ Dd þ Ddc Þ ¼ 0
s:t: f ðx; u; GÞ ¼ 0
gðx; u; G; d þ Dd þ Ddc Þ0
hs ðx; u; t; d þ DdÞ ¼ 0
Z t
gðx; u; G; d þ DdÞ0 U ðtÞ ¼ KP eðtÞ þ K1
I eðtÞdt þ KD
0 dt
deðtÞ E
UðtÞ ¼ KP eðtÞ þ K1 eðtÞdt þ KD The conversion factors of constraints are represented as dj ; and
dt P E
the margin consumption function is represented as j dj gj2 ð ¢ Þ. Con-
sidering the optimisation results of model 5, we can estimate the con-
eðtÞ ¼ uxðtÞ
trol and process margin in the G day online. Then, we can calculate
the economic benefit reduction caused by the influence of control
Dd c ðGÞ; DdðGÞ0
and process margin. Their sum is equivalent to the minimum eco-
By solving model 6, the operation optimisation that ensures suffi- nomic benefit loss in the G day, which is then substituted into model
cient control margin is shown in Fig. 7, the economic benefit is less 7 to be solved for the full cycle operation optimisation problem. The
than that in model 2 and regeneration cycle is only 203 days. solved results are shown in Table 4, and the economic benefits of
1.49 £ 106 < are obtained by full cycle operation optimisation main-
4.2. Full cycle operation optimisation maintaining operation margin taining operation margin. In comparison with the results of the full
cycle operation optimisation without margin maintaining, consider-
The operation optimisation in Section 4.1 is based on the estima- ing the saved necessary control margin, the economic benefits of full
tion of the design margin. However, the part of total design margin is cycle operation optimisation maintaining operation margin are less
not consumed until the maximum regeneration cycle. If the part of than that of the full cycle operation optimisation without margin
the design margin can be fully exploited, the full cycle operation opti- maintaining. The economic benefit curve of reactor with respect to
misation can bring more economic benefits under the condition of time is shown in Fig. 6.
ensuring sufficient margin. However, the part of the design margin For ensuring sufficient control margin for operation and control
cannot be immediately but instead slowly released with decreasing and simultaneously taking full advantage of surplus margin, the opti-
catalyst activity. mized benefit curve of the model 7 is slightly less than that of model
The Lagrange multiplier vector of inequality constraints g(¢) in 1 and far more than that of model 5, thus achieving mutual balance
models 3 and 6 of steady state optimisation is defined as m, which between economic benefit and control system requirements.
contains active constraint mj 0 and non-active constraint mi = 0. For possible process uncertainty, the three forms of common dis-
Base on the KuhnTucker condition, the equations between active turbances are considered, including sine wave, step change, and the
Table 4
Comparison with anti-interference performances of models 1 and 7.
Table 5
Comparing with anti-interference performances of model 2 and model 8.
output of one-order inertia object, and they are added in the short is longer than that without margin maintaining under disturbances.
time-scale dynamic optimisation model. In Table 4, v1 and v1 repre- Comprehensively, the full cycle operation optimisation maintaining
sent the amplitude and frequency of the sine wave form disturbance; operation margin can produce optimal economic benefits and long
v2 and t2 are the amplitude and occurrence time of the step distur- regeneration cycle with disturbances.
bance; v3 and t3 are the amplitude and time constant when the dis-
turbance is in the form of a one-order inertia object. 5. Conclusions
Faced with the same disturbances, the economic benefit of the full
cycle operation optimisation maintaining operation margin is more Based on the established process-based model of acetylene hydro-
than that of the full cycle operation optimisation without margin genation reactors, this work discusses the feasibility of the full cycle
maintaining. The full cycle operation optimisation maintaining oper- operation optimisation and proposes a long time-scale dynamic opti-
ation margin is of superior performance for anti-disturbance. misation model based on the estimation of operation margin. For
Similar to Section 3.2, the full cycle operation optimisation model coordinating the long time-scale dynamic optimisation and short
maintaining operation margin for a longer regeneration cycle solves time-scale dynamic control, the structure of double platform is used
a mixed-integer dynamic optimisation problem. Hence, based on the for simulation implementation with a slowly-time-varying system.
mixed-integer dynamic optimisation problem which can be simpli- The full cycle operation optimisation of the acetylene hydrogena-
fied, the optimisation method in Section 3.2 is utilised for the full tion reactors is solved based on CVP, and we discussed the optimal
cycle operation optimisation maintaining operation margin. The range for the number of time interval. In addition, for the full cycle
object function of model 2 is added by the margin consumption func- operation optimisation problem, whose object is the regeneration
tion for realizing the full cycle operation optimisation which consid- cycle, a method is proposed to solve the continuous problem and
ers margin consumption, as shown in model 8. determine the optimal solution in the feasible domain.
Model 8 Based on the method of margin estimation, a full cycle operation
min J6 ¼ J2 þ dj gj2 ð ¢ Þ optimisation maintaining operation margin is proposed ensuring
j preferable optimized results with uncertain disturbances. Although
the full cycle operation optimisation without margin maintaining
s:t: f ðx; u; GÞ ¼ 0 obtains the best effect under the ideal condition, the full cycle opera-
tion optimisation maintaining operation margin obtains the achiev-
hðx; u; tÞ ¼ 0 able better effect under disturbance condition. In comparison with
the steady-state operation optimisation that ensures the design mar-
gðx; u; GÞ0 gin, the full cycle operation optimisation maintaining operation mar-
gin can obtain more economic benefits or longer regeneration cycle.
0< dRj gj2 ð ¢ Þ < DF1
j Declaration of Competing Interest
The conversion factors of constraints are represented as dj , while
P R There are no conflicts of interest.
the margin consumption function is represented as j dj gj2 ð ¢ Þ. Simi-
lar to Section 3.2, the integer variable Gf is treated as continuous vari-
able to solve for the continuous dynamic optimisation problem as the Acknowledgements
form of model 8.
The optimal regeneration cycle is approximate to the model 2, and This work is supported by the National Natural Science Founda-
the obtained benefits are slightly less than that of model 2. In com- tion of China (21676295).
parison with model 6, model 8 has obvious advantages in regenera-
tion cycle and economic benefits. Appendix A. Process-based model of acetylene hydrogenation
Similar to Table 4, the three forms of disturbances are respectively based on deactivation kinetics
added in the reactor model. The optimised solution of economic ben-
efits and regeneration cycle is shown in Table 5. The kinetics equation of acetylene hydrogenation, ethylene
Although the benefit of the full cycle operation optimisation hydrogenation and oligomer of secondary reaction product are
maintaining operation margin is less than that of the full cycle opera- respectively shown in Eqs. (15)(17), respectively.
tion optimisation without margin maintaining when there are no dis-
turbances, but under the disturbance of sine wave, step change, and s
r1 ðZ; R; t Þ ¼ k1 eRgTk psck ðZ; R; t Þuk ðZ; R; t Þ ð15Þ
one-order inertia link the optimized benefit of the full cycle operation
optimisation maintaining operation margin is more than that of the E2
s psbk ðZ; R; tÞpsck ðZ; R; tÞ
full cycle operation optimisation without margin maintaining. More- r2 ðZ; R; tÞ ¼ k2 eRgTk ð16Þ
psak ðZ; R; tÞ
over, the optimised regeneration cycle maintaining operation margin
40 F.-M. Xie et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 108 (2020) 2942
0.05 1.0
50day operation
0.03 0.006
Center of reactor Acetylene Hydrogenation
0.0 180 0
0.005 Reactor
0.004 Wall of reactor Center of reactor
0.60 0.65 0.70 0.5
s psak 2 ðZ; R; tÞpsck ðZ; R; tÞ The thermal balance equation for fluid phase is shown as follows:
r3 ðZ; R; tÞ ¼ k3 eRgTk 3 ð17Þ
1 þ psak ðZ; R; tÞ @Tkg ðZ; R; tÞ
srg cpg
@t " #
@T g ðZ; R; tÞ 2 g
g @ Tk ðZ; R; tÞ
1 @Tk ðZ; R; tÞ ð23Þ
¼ rg ucpg k þ λR þ
Generating rate of acetylene, ethylene, hydrogen and oligomer @Z @R2 R @R
(green oil) are shown in Eqs. (18)(21), respectively. s g
þ hw a Tk ðZ; R; tÞTk ðZ; R; tÞ
r a ¼ h1 r 1 ð18Þ
The mass balance equation for catalyst phase is shown as follows:
rb ¼ h1 r1 þ h2 r2 ð19Þ @ps ðZ; R; tÞ
ð1 s Þ ik
@t ð24Þ
rc ¼ h1 r1 þ h2 r2 ð20Þ ¼ kgi a pgik ðZ; R; tÞpsik ðZ; R; tÞ þ ð1 s Þu ri
rg ¼ r3 ð21Þ The thermal balance equation for catalyst phase is shown as fol-
The mass balance equation for fluid phase is shown as follows:
@T s ðZ; R; tÞ
@pg kðZ; R; tÞ ð1 s Þrs cps k ¼ hw a Tkg ðZ; R; tÞTks ðZ; R; tÞ
s i " @t #
@t X2 ð25Þ
s @ Tk ðZ; R; tÞ 1 @Tks ðZ; R; tÞ
2 s
" g #
@pgi kðZ; R; tÞ @2 pi kðZ; R; tÞ 1 @pgi kðZ; R; tÞ þλR þ þ hj uðrj ÞðDHj Þ
ð22Þ @R 2 R @R
¼ u þ dDRi þ j¼1
@Z @R2 R @R
g g As shown in Fig. 8, based on the heterogeneous model, the radial
þ ki a pi kðZ; R; tÞpi kðZ; R; tÞ
and axial catalyst activity in the reactor is presented on the 10th and
F.-M. Xie et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 108 (2020) 2942 41
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