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✦ “Create” button: Create a new driver, and a file that will store his/her
1 Installation Guide
✦ “Rename” button: Use it to change your driver's name.
1. Insert the “Pro-Rally LE” CD in your CD-ROM drive ✦ “Delete” button: It removes the driver from the list and his/her stored
2. In the case where your operating system runs it automatically, move on data.
to point 4. ✦ The player's information: It reflects the player’s progress numerically
made in each game mode.
3. If not, double-click on the “My PC” icon. Then, double-click on the
"Pro-Rally LE” icon. The installation program will execute normally.
4. From here, follow the instructions that appear on screen.

To run the game, if it has not executed automatically on inserting the CD,
you can perform one of the following steps:
1. Follow point 3 of the previous section, and then press Play.
2. Press the Start button, and select the game from the directory path that
is established when installing it (the default is Programs / Ubi Soft /
Pro-Rally LE). 3 Main Menu

For last minute changes read the file “readme.txt”, located in the CD’s root
directory. In this menu we can find the following options:
✦ One player (4): It permits entry to the game modes for a single player.
It includes: Time trials mode only in this version of the game.
2 Driver Selection (see 4. 2).
✦ Multiplayer (5): This option includes the modes for several players, both
on the same computer (split screen mode) and on different ones (IPX,
The first thing you do on start-up is enter your name. This will allow
modem, etc.).
creating a customised driver which will store the player's configurations
✦ Options (3.1): Change of general configurations, graphics, sound and
and progress in the different game modes. Other drivers can be
introduced, and each one will have their own data sheet. There may be a
✦ Change driver (2): We move to the screen “Driver Selection”, explained
maximum of 10 drivers. If a driver is already entered, the game will go
directly to the Main Menu.
✦ Credits (8): It shows a list of people that have contributed to develop
In this window you will see the following elements: this game.
✦ List of available drivers. Next to them will appear the percentage of the ✦ Exit (red ‘X' located to the left of the screen): You exit the game. You
game completed. can also get out of the game, from any menu, by pressing Alt+F4.
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3.1 Options machine resources. Some cards do not support 32 bit colour.
✦ Vertical synchronisation: It waits for the screen refresh to draw the next
Divided in four sections: image (or frame). This limits the images per second to the monitor
frequency, but can cause minor display problems, particularly with old
3.1.1 General options
✦ Level of detail: It allows adjusting the level of detail to smooth out abrupt
✦ Default camera: It indicates what camera you wish to have when you movements in the game (a low number of frames per second). It can be
begin playing. In any case, you can change it in the game with the keys adjusted both in visibility, car details, lights, shadows and special effects.
F1 to F4. The camera selected this way will also become the default It is possible to adjust the level of detail for the split screen game mode.
camera the next time round.
✦ Measurement system: Choice
3.1.3 Sound Options
between Kilometres per hour
(Km/h) and Miles per hour (MPH). Here the sound volumes of the game can be adjusted in the following
✦ Gauges: It allows enabling or categories:
disabling the following information ✦ Car: Loudness of the motor and other related sounds such as the car’s
provided to the player: mechanics (brakes, turbo, gears, skidding, nature of the driving surface,
Minimap etc.).
Speedometer ✦ Co-pilot: The co-pilot’s verbal indications in the game (warning of
Time curves or hazards, countdown, etc.) and verbal information in the menus.
Damage Icons ✦ Environment: It includes all the overall sounds, among which are
included: weather, public, sounds of nature, etc.

3.1.2 Graphic options

✦ Screen resolution: It allows choosing the resolution at which you want
to play the game, from a minimum of 640x480 to a maximum of
1600x1200, according to the graphics card and the available monitor.
Naturally, a higher resolution increases the graphics quality but reduces
performance. Recommended only for powerful computers.
✦ Colour Bits: It indicates the colour depth for the graphics. With 32 bits,
the images will be slightly better, but they will require more

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Among your options are: In addition, other non-configurable keys exist:

✦ 1 speaker: Mono Sound. Action Key

✦ 2 speakers: Stereo Sound.
✦ 4 speakers: Quadraphonic sound. Camera 1 - In front of the car F1
✦ Surround Sound
Camera 2 - Inside the car F2
✦ Earphones
Camera 3 - Rear low F3
3.1.4 Control
Camera 4 - Rear high F4
On this screen you can choose the peripheral to control the car, and
redefine the keys. There are 3 default controls: Keyboard, Joystick and Esc or F10 Pause and displays
Steering wheel. Once the central peripheral is chosen, it is possible even the Game Menu
to combine them (for example, using the keyboard for movement and a
joystick for acceleration and braking control (or vice versa), a steering
wheel for the direction and the keyboard for hand brake, etc.). 4 Single player - Game modes
With the white arrows you can change the default control. To assign a
different key to a function, it is only necessary to press it and then the
chosen key. In this category are found all the game modes for one player. These are
The default keys are the following: divided into:

Action Key

Accelerate ↑ ✦ Time trials (4.2)

Brake ↓
Right *
Left *
Hand brake Space
Change up Shift (key located
above Control key)
Change down Control (or Ctrl)
Re-establish car Q

* These controls cannot be changed if a steering wheel is used.

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4.2 Time trials

Here the player will be able to race any Special Stages that he/she wants,
with any car out of those available in the Championship mode (if this is not
open, he/she will be able in any case to have the Kit Car).

Moreover, you can record your time in the form of a ghost car and race
against it, trying to beat it. In fact, you can do so against the ghost cars
that you wish, by activating them in the corresponding menu. You can
even download ghosts files from the Internet and race against them.

To play against the ghost for the time that you have just attained, on
finishing the course, you need to choose the “Race again” option in the
game menu. You will begin again with the previous ghost. If you choose
this option again at the end of the second run, you will be racing against
the ghost with the best time in the two runs. But you will lose this ghost
when exiting from there, unless, in this menu of the final run, you choose
the “Record Ghost” option.

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4.3 Rules

In the game there are certain discrepancies with the reality. For example, it will
be possible to re-establish the car on the highway in case we have strayed
too far from it. To do this will incur a penalty of 10 seconds. Notwithstanding,
if we stray too much, the program will detect it and will automatically return us
to the highway. In this case, there is no penalty. There will also be a penalty,
of the same time, in the case where we wish to cut a curve too sharply, or take
a short cut over the terrain between two important curves.

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To learn how you are doing in the course, it is not necessary to finish the 4.4 Co-pilot
Special Stage, but rather the player can know his provisional standing as
he passes different time check points with regard to the time his
competitors made at those same points. Due to the length and complexity of the total course, the help of a co-pilot
is essential, who indicates as accurately as possible the information of the
Special Stage that is being contested. He does so in the form of short
phrases which describe the event that will happen few seconds later. This

✦ Type of curves: This is the main information, and consists of 3 parts:

Direction, degree and additional information.

The direction, as is obvious, can be right or left.

The degree is divided in 5 categories, graded from lesser to higher
degree, depending on its start and its end (independently of its length):

Type 1: Short angle (between 5 and 30º) that can be traversed even
without braking.
Type 2: Short-medium angle (between 30 and 55º). You will need to
brake, or at least ease off the accelerator a little.
Type 3: Medium angle (between 55 and 70º). It is necessary to brake,
although perhaps you can cut it on the inside and gain some tenths
of a second.
Type 4: Right angle or almost right angle (between 70 and 100º): You
should brake beforehand, and perhaps use the hand brake.
Type 5: Hairpin bends (between 100 and 170º): Here the car should
brake almost completely. The use of the hand brake is essential for
better turning.

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Additional information. We have the following: ✦ Post-curve information: after taking the curve information is offered on
the curve, (data outside the curve or on the immediately subsequent
Long curve ( “Long” will be said before the curve): It indicates that the terrain). They almost always serve as a caution. Examples would be:
length of the curve is greater than normal. This way, if a “Long Right- “Careful, bridge!”, “Careful, tree!”, etc.
4” is announce, even though it is 90º, the arc that it describes can
measure many meters, and therefore can be taken as if it was a type ✦ Terrain information: It indicates the type of terrain which you will enter
3 curve. (“...on dirt”, “...on asphalt”, etc.).

Open and closed curves (you will hear “opens” or “closes”): It ✦ Extra information, such as “Careful, jump!”, “Careful, dip!”... On these
indicates that the degree of the curve opens up or closes, indications, it is always advisable to brake a little.
respectively, during the turn. A “Left-3, closes” it would be a curve that Here the game modes enter for several players, classified according to
begins with a degree less than expected for a type 3 curve, but that the type of connection chosen.
tightens toward the end, thus having to increase the turning angle.
✦ Appraisal comments. In some curves, the co-pilot will judge the degree
Distance from the curve. This information will almost always be given of precision and speed with which you have taken it, and based on that
on the long straights, where high speeds are reached, and for those will make a comment in that respect.
where a curve can be more dangerous than normal. Therefore you ✦ Messages of encouragement. The co-pilot is also with you in this, and
need to know it with more advance warning than normal. also interested that you keep going all the time. Therefore he will cheer
you up in the zones where there is nothing else interesting to point out.
✦ Warning (“Careful!”). This warning happens before specifying the next
obstacle. But its nature makes the probability of an accident that much
greater. In general, it also indicates when there is some event that
interrupts the “pace” of the course. For example, if up to now it has been
covered with a certain average speed, then continuing at that pace would
cause, almost inevitably, the obstacle to come up on the player unawares
and causes him/her to run off the highway or have a worse accident.

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5 Multiplayer 5.1.3 Modem

5.1 Connection types Modem connection. For that you will need to specify the modem with
which you wish to be connected (in case you have several). There are
only two parties that correspond with each, the player that creates and the
5.1.1 Split screen player that joins. The one that creates enters the sessions screen in an
auto listening mode so the other one calls him. The one that calls should
have inserted the creator’s telephone number. If the first one has already
Two players can play in the same computer with split screen. You can been created, the second will enter the game.
select the partition type (horizontal or vertical) and the name of both
5.1.4 Serial Cable
Because a double graphics calculation is necessary, this mode may run
slower in lower end computers. In that case, it is advisable to change the
It is also possible to be connected through the serial port cable. Therefore
Graphic Options configuration. Similarly, the controls of both players can
after the physical connections, you need only choose the connection
be configured in the Control Options screen.
Except for the split screen, all the modes will stop at the sessions screen,
5.1.2 (IPX-TCP/IP) Network explained below:

Playing on a Network, using the IPX or the TCP/IP protocol. For its 5.2 Sessions Screen
operation these protocols need to be installed. For the TCP/IP case, it will
be necessary in addition to introduce the direction in which they are
Here all the sessions appear which are created under the connection
- In the first window we have the name of the session, preceded by a letter
that indicates the session status (open, closed).
Besides this, we have the following buttons:
- Join game, to introduce oneself into the chosen session. You would enter
in the Entry Screen.
- Refresh, that allows updating the information of the sessions that are on
the server
- Create game. You will need to enter the name of the game and optionally
a password. Subsequently, you will go to the Game Creation menu.
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5.3 Creation Screen ● Damages: A Yes activates the system for including damages and
deterioration of the car. No, will only enable the visual damage, but not
the mechanical damage.
Only the creator of the game has access to this screen (that is to say, the ● Number of Players: a maximum of 99 players is established.

player who has chosen “Create game” on the Sessions screen. It has the ● Session: Indicates the nature of the game session. If it is Open, the

following elements: input of players is allowed. If it is Closed, nobody is allowed to enter.

✦ In the central part it has all the Special Stages of the game. You only
have to click on them with the left button to include them in the current
Rally, displayed on the left part of the screen.
5.4 Input screen

This is the screen which the players access when entering the game and
the creator when he/she has finished configuring the session.
Here the Championship information is shown through the Rally column,
the list of players ranked according to their classification, the information
of the following Special Stage and the information of the car chosen.
In the same way, the following options will be available:
Rules: Allows you to see the rules established by the creator.
Options: Gives direct access to the options screen, to change
configurations without needing to leave the Multiplayer mode.

Begin: It allows you to pass to the following Special Stage. Only available
for the Creator.
Exit: Leave the game session and return to the Session Screen.

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6 Game screen

Once inside the game, we can find the following elements:

✦ Main screen: where the action develops.

✦ Time and Classification (Located in the upper right corner): It shows the
time lapsed from the start of the Special Stage, as well as your provisional
standing on passing a checkpoint. The player always appears in the
middle, between the driver that precedes him and the next one. To the
right of the names, the difference in seconds is shown for the player.
✦ Damage: Here 8 icons are represented that symbolise the different
parts of the car that can be damaged in accidents or by wear and tear.
Their colour indicates their state: Green if it is fine, Yellow if damaged, and
Red if seriously damaged. This damage may be fixed in the Service Park.
✦ Minimap: It shows an aerial view of the map portion where the player is
racing. It is useful to see the upcoming curves. The player's progress
within the stages is shown around the course in a perimeter that is
gradually filled as the Special Stage is run. When it is completed, the
player reaches the goal.
✦ Speedometer: It shows the motor revolutions per minute, the gear
selected and the speed at which the car is travelling.

These data are shown both in the Championship and in Multiplayer mode.
In other game modes we find the following changes:

✦ Time trials: The classification list becomes the list of the ghost times
against which you are competing, also ordered by best times.

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Info-Designers And Car Behavior Game Designer Studio Localization Studio

7 Credits
Team Lead Game Designer Localization Manager
Lead Info-Designers Zoran Milisavljevic Coralie Martin
Project Manager Cyril Deroineau With David
David Darnés Douillard Game Designer Assistant Localization Team
Javier Soto Xavier Kemmlein
Studio Manager Info-Designers Team: Jean-Sebastien Ferey
Maria Teresa Cordon Frederic Monot Sound And Music Studio
David Darnés Nicolas Knepper Audio Production Manager Test Studio
Sylvain Brunet Studio Managers
Development Studio Graphic Studio Eric Tremblay With Vincent Paquet
Technical Director Graphic Studio Manager Artistic Director
David Broc Javier Flores With Sandra Vaquero Manu Bachet Test Team:
Eric St-Jean And His Team
Lead Programmer Artistic Director Music By Brut Orquestra And
Alex Martens David Lopez Mixed By Cédric Champalou Marketing
With Francisco Tellez International Marketing Manager
Graphic Team: Lead Sound Designer Domitile Doat
Developer Team: Patrick Fodére Joan Trenchs Sebastien Puel
Pablo Alonso Marta Freixas
Luis Cascante Rafa Garrès Sound And Voices Recording: International Marketing Assitants
Mercè Castellá Xavi Gordillo Oscar Araujo Productions (Bcn Xavier Lacarrière And Thomas
Santiago Esteban Santi Gutierrez Studios) Legrand
Eduardo García Oscar Jimenez
Juan Renato Moreno Ricardo Peregrina Spanish Voices: Alfonso Vall"S Marketing Team
Bernat Pina Alberto Rodriguez English Voices: Spain: Oriol Rosel
Alex Rodriguez French Voices: United Kingdom: Jim Hill
Victor Sánchez Storyboard Original Idea German Voices: France: Igor Manceau
Toni Zamora Patrick Fodére With Julio Del Rio Italian Voices: Germany: Nicole Hechler
David Hontecillas Portuguese Voices: Netherlands: Marcel Keij
Integration Italy: Christian Born
Xavier Le Dantec And His Team Lead Data Manager
Eduard Serra With David Houssin

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Worldwide Who Have Been Involved In The

Studio Managers (France, Romania, Morocco,
Ubi Soft guarantees this PC disk against any defect for a period of ninety (90) days
Montreuil Canada). from the date of purchase.
Christine Burgess If a manufacturing defect appears during the guarantee period, Ubi Soft will repair
or replace the defective disk free of charge. To take advantage of this guarantee,
please return the disk to your local retailer with a proof of purchase.
Quality Assurance
Serge Hascoet With Thomas If a disk is returned without proof of purchase or after the guarantee period has
Belmont expired, Ubi Soft will choose either to repair or
to replace it at customer expense. This guarantee is invalid if the disk has been
damaged through negligence, accident or misuse, or if it has been modified after
Production acquisition.
Gerard Guillemot

Technical support
Yves Guillemot
On-line Support Options
Development Ubi Soft offers several on-line support options for their software products. One of
Michel Guillemot these is our website at: http://www.ubisoft.co.uk/support/
If you have a specific problem that is not addressed on our site, you can send
your question to us via e-mail at: techsupport@ubisoft.co.uk
Special Thanks To: Please be as specific as you can be about the problem you are experiencing.
Julien Bouvrais, François Karr, Also include in the body of your e-mail: the name of the manufacturer of your
Marc Ordinas, José Piquer, Toni computer system; the brand and speed of the processor; how much RAM you
have, the version number of Windows you are using (if you aren’t sure, right-click
Cáceres, David Reyes,
on the My Computer icon on your desktop and select ‘Properties’), and the
Fernando Solano, Julio Del Río, manufacturer name and model number of your video card, modem, and sound card.
Rafael García, Josefina, Miiguel
Pérez, Josep M Guitart, Other Support Options
Sergi Garcia, Jordi Viñas, Xavier You can also contact Ubi Soft Customer Support by phone and fax. When you
call, please have all of the above mentioned information ready.
Segura, Rafael Duyos, Moises
Phone: 020 – 8944 9000
Gimeno, Dani Gimeno, Police Of Fax: 020 – 8944 9300
Torello. Hours: Monday through Friday 9.30am – 5.30pm GMT
And All The People Around The Mailing Address:Ubi Soft Entertainment Ltd.
Vantage House, 1 Weir Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 8UX, UK
(Calls cost 60p per minute. Please ask bill payer for permission)

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