Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Naomi Berkovits

Professor Leah Israeli

Psych 450

October 31, 2022


Topic Overview

Students tend to not get the adequate amount of sleep that they need. I wanted to research the

effects of sleep deprivation on students. This research would include both their mental and physical



Keller, P. S., Smith, O. A., Gilbert, L.R. (2015). Earlier School Start Times as a Risk Factor for

Poor School Performance: An Examination of Public Elementary Schools in the Commonwealth of

Kentucky. Journal of Educational Psychology. Vol. 107, No. 1 236 – 245.

In this article they study the effects of schools with earlier start times versus those who start later.

They studied both middle school and elementary school children. This study indicated that children

who started earlier didn’t get to bed earlier. Instead, they lost out on an average of 37 minutes of sleep.

The students who started earlier were more sluggish and tired throughout the day. They also tended to

have a harder time retaining the information they learned. This study showed that starting late is better

for both adolescents and elementary school children.

Tripathi, S., Jha, S. K. (2016). Short-Term Total Sleep Deprivation Alters Delay-Conditioned

Memory in the Rat. Behavioral Neuroscience. Vol. 130, No. #, 325-335.

This was a study done to determine the effects of short-term sleep deprivation on rats. They

studied REM sleep since different stages of sleep are known to affect different parts of our memory

and brain. They discovered that short term sleep loss can cause issues with delayed conditioned

memory. This makes a big difference is a student’s ability to focus and achieve.

Tavernier, R., Willough., T. (2014). Bidirectional Associations Between Sleep (Quality and

Duration) and Psychosocial Functioning Across the Univerisity Years. Developmental Psychology.

Vol. 50, No. 3, 674 – 682.

This study was over a 3-year period. It studies college age students and determines the effect of

sleep on three different areas. The areas included intrapersonal adjustments, quality of friendships, and

academic achievement. This study showed that only intrapersonal adjustments had direct correlation

with sleep quality. Although, studies show that people who sleep more hang out with their friends

more. This has no correlation to positive or negative friendships.

Farzaneh, F., Momayyezi, M., & Lotfi, M. H. (2018). Relationship between quality of sleep and

mental health in female students of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences (2015). Journal

of Fundamentals of Mental Health.

This study was done on 250 female university students in the University of Medical Science. In

Yazd. These women were studied to determine the relationship between their quality of sleep and their

state of mental health. This included stress, anxiety, and depression. More than half of the women who

didn’t get the proper amount of sleep in were not in a good place emotionally and mentally.

Bryant, N., Gomez, R. (2015). The Teen Sleep Loss Epidemic: What Can Be Done?.

Translational Issues in Psychological Science. Vol. 1, No. 1, 116 – 125.

This article studies the various contributing factors in teenagers lack of sleep. They include

biological reasons, peer interaction and technology. The article goes on to mention all the areas that are

affected by this deficiency. Those who sleep 25 minutes less on a school night get C’s and D’s. the

students who dsleep more gets A’s and B’s. Most car accidents are as a result of drowsy driving. Since

most accidents happen between 2:00 and 4:00 am for high school students, this can point to the danger

of teenagers not sleeping. Additionally, the new information that students are learning are unable to be

processed and leads to memory issues.

Patrick, Y., Lee, A., et al. (2017). Effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive and physical

performance in university students. Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 217 -225.

This study was done on two groups of college students. One group was told to sleep properly and

the other was told to stay up all night. They were then tested physically and cognitively. Those that

were sleep deprived were likely to drive more dangerously similar to driving drunk. The students who

were sleep deprived showed a slower reaction time. Overall, the physical symptoms of lack of sleep

were more prevalent than the cognitive ones.

Meldrum, R.C., Restivo, E. 2014). The behavioral and health consequences of sleep deprivation

among U.S. high school students: Relative deprivation matters. Preventative Medicine. Vol. 63, 24-28.

In this study participants ages 14-18 were tested to see the negative outcomes of sleep

deprivation. Students who slept less then 5 hours saw negative results. As well, the children who slept

less, were more likely to get involved in illegal and harmful behaviors. It was discovered that only

31% of students get a full 8 hours of sleep.

Li, A., Chen, S., et al., (2019). Sleep patterns and sleep deprivation recorded by actigraphy in

4th-grade and 5th-grade students. The University of Arizona.

This study was done to see the sleep patterns of 4th and 5th grade students. They were studied

over weekdays and weekends. Children were not getting the required 9 hours of sleep for their age.

This is concerning since sleep is critical for children brain develop. Lack of sleep for children has been

linked to obesity and diabetes. These children also have “social jet lag” which is a misalignment of

hours slpet on weekdays and weekends. This can lead to depression, obesity, and an elevated heart


Thomas, C.M., Mcintosh, C.E. et al., (2017). Sleep deprivation in nursing students: The negative

impact for quality and safety. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. Vol. 7, No. 5.

This study was done on nursing students and their hard schedules. Nursing students sleep around

5-6 hours a night and don’t function properly. Most of them admitted to almost getting into a serious

car accident after a 12 shift. They also take caffeine and other stimulants which can lead to addictions.

90% of college aged students who enter rehab admit to trying something like this to stay awake.

Overtired nursing students are a risk for both themselves and the people they work with.

Throughout my research I found many different reactions to a lack of sleep-in students. I could

not find any research correlating sleep deprivation with social issues. It seems pretty clear that sleep

deprivation would affect relationships and social interaction but there was limited research discussing

this topic.

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