Sports Combined
Sports Combined
Sports Combined
Mm Cc I i N
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o s H Co
c O uUnNt TyY
James and Mills selected to All-Region team;Eufaula senior running back Kaden Bumgarner breaks loose for a 41-yard touchdown run in the Ironheads’ 14-12 playoff win over Henryetta.
See IRONHEADS, page B3
East Central girls basketball two years at the helm. with his attitude and effort. Kendal is a fine young man
Bria, were part of a 5A state run-
coach Gary Pitts is stepping away and we are really going to miss him when he is gone.”
Pitts plans to retire as a Tulsa ner-up team. He served nine sea- Daniels is a four-star recruit and third-best recruit
from coaching after 12 years on Public Schools police officer in the sons as an assistant coach with for-
in the state, according to 247 Sports, in the class of
the coaching staff with two years as next academic year and wants to mer head coach Samy Mack, part 2021.
head coach. enjoy life for a while. of a state championship team and Rivals has Daniels listed as a three-star recruit and
Pitts guided the Cardinals to a Pitts, 57, joined the program as five state runner-up finishes. fifth best prospect in Oklahoma.
Checotah Senior What’s next for Wildcats
football program?
Rodney Haltom football teams in Mc-
sports EDITOR Intosh County’s success
As the 2022 football in the last three years,
season ends the ques- Checotah stands last to
tion of what’s next for Eufaula and Midway. In
the Checotah Wildcats fact in-county rival Eu-
football program comes faula won more last year
up. After another disap- (12) than Checotah has
pointing season where won the last three years
head coach Zac Ross combined (11). Checo-
led the team to another tah is 0-3 against Eufau-
three win season as the la with Ross at the helm
Wildcats went 3-7 over- including a 45-7 loss
all and 1-5 in Class 3A- this year.
3. Ross led the Wildcats Eufaula has won 32
to a 3-8 record in 2021 games in the last three
and a 5-6 record in Ross’ years and won their fifth
first year as head coach consecutive district cham-
at Checotah. pionship this season.
Ross, who was rec- Checotah Public
ommended by athletic Schools just installed a
director Jeremy Branch- Rodney Haltom | SPORTS EDITOR new artificial turf foot-
comb and superinten- Checotah head football coach Zac Ross. ball field after passing
dent Monty Madewell a multi-million dollar
Eufaula Senior
Checotah Hall of Fame football coach Ray Grandstaff. Rodney Haltom | SPORTS EDITOR
Ashton Lunceford
at Muskogee’s Central
in 1995, following his High, Grandstaff was a
retirement the previous two-way lineman and
year. He was the first The Eufaula Impact
MVP his senior season Player of the Week is
player of the legendary who was a participant
Paul Young to follow senior quarterback
in the Roughers’ trip Luke Adcock. Ad-
him into coaching. The to Alaska to play in
Muskogee Central High cock was 5 of 14 for
the then-annual Santa 93 yards passing and
grad’s head-coaching Claus Bowl, which they
stint of 26 seasons had ran for 125 yards and
won. a touchdown to help
a record of 152-120 cov- “Although we think of
ered Claremore, Musk- lead the Ironheads to
Checotah as our home, a 14-12 playoff win
ogee and Checotah. Janet and I grew up over Henryetta.
Call Jean for all your The Eufaula Impact Player of the Week is
advertising needs...918-689-2191 sponsored by Zach McQuay Construction
from page B1
of kicking a short field a dart to Nick Hudson
goal with the win at who outran the Eufaula
their backs. Henryetta defense for a 56-yard
held them and took over pitch and catch.
on downs. The Knights had to
The Knights scored go for the two-point
first when Nick Hudson conversion but were
scored from short yard- stopped by the Ironhead
age and the two-point defense, which sealed
conversion failed, 6-0. the 14-12 victory.
Eufaula answered the “Bryan Lynn did a
call when quarterback great job for us tonight.
Luke Adcock handed His play was a bright
the football to Kaden spot for us. The ball
Bumgarner who ran 41 was wet and the wind
yards for the Ironheads was terrible tonight but
first score. Bryan Lynn he managed to kick the
kicked the PAT and Eu- football great tonight,”
faula led 7-6 with 7:49 Eufaula head coach Lar-
remaining in the second ry Newton said.
quarter. Eufaula senior quar-
Both teams struggled terback Adcock was 5 of
offensively until Eufau- 14 for 93 yards passing
la scored in the fourth and ran for 125 yards
quarter on a short run and a touchdown. The
by Adcock and Lynn Ironhead defense was Rodney Haltom | SPORTS EDITOR
kicked to make the stellar in the first half as Eufaula quarterback “Cool Hand” Luke Adcock turns the corner down. Adcock ran for 125 yards and a touchdown in the Iron-
game 14-6. they held Henryetta to and carries a Henryetta defender on his back for a Eufaula first heads’ 14-12 victory over Henryetta.
Henryetta put togeth- zero passing yards and
er a nice drive of their 116 total rushing yards ball for 212 yards and marked the fifth con- Eufaula will host Cla- more Sequoyah defeat-
own with less than three with 56 yards coming 93 yards passing for a secutive season that the remore Sequoyah Friday ed Sperry 48-15 to move
minutes in regulation. from one play. total of 318 total offen- Ironheads have won 10- night at 7 p.m. at Paul on to the second round
Norman Brady threw Eufaula ran the foot- sive yards. This victory plus games. Bell Stadium. Clare- of the playoffs.
from page B1
(6’, 220 pounds) off- nal appearance. has 74 tackles, a quar- University majoring in
record. Pippenger terceptions including a season dedication to the Brett has been a key terback sack, two forced Mechanical Engineer-
used his breakaway touchdown. weight room was pivotal factor in the Ironheads fumbles, a fumble re- ing and Tye is a sopho-
speed, knowledge of Tye Pippenger was to his success. Offenses recent success. He covery, three intercep- more at Oklahoma State
the game and allusive- the Eufaula Indian Jour- would plan plays to the helped lead Eufaula to a tions and six pass break University majoring in
ness to torment oppos- nal Defensive Player of opposite side of the field 12-2 record in 2021 and ups in just the regular Construction Manage-
ing players on offense. the Year. As a senior, Tye that Pippenger was on. semi-final appearance season. ment.
He led the team with 24 dominated opposing of- His brute strength al- and has won four con- He has 27 receptions The brothers are not
receptions for 490 yards fenses with his incred- lowed him to push line- secutive Class 2A-6 Dis- for 449 yards and 10 the talent in the family
and seven touchdowns. ible strength, quickness men into the backfield trict Championships. touchdowns on offense. as their little sister Kate
He also had 10 rushes and toughness. He led and disrupt plays and His vision of the football If you combined all is an outstanding soft-
for 185 yards, averag- the team in tackles with his vision on the field field is outstanding. He three brothers junior ball player who helped
ing 18.5 yards per carry. 211, over 40 more tack- was outstanding. has great speed, power and senior years stats lead the Lady Ironheads
Defensively he was the les than his closest team- He helped lead Eu- and the toughness that they would combine for to a 20-plus win season
guy that opposing de- mate. He recorded four faula to an impressive goes with it. He totaled close to 800 tackles. and an appearance in
fenses planned around. quarterback sacks, two 9-3 record and won 175 tackles his junior All three brothers the Regionals. They are
Pippenger had 98 tack- forced fumbles, a fum- their third consecutive season to lead the team. have been very success- the children of Jeff and
les as a senior, a forced ble recovery and an in- district championship, This season Brett was ful in football and base- Andrea Pippenger and
fumble, three fumble terception returned for a two Bi-District champi- moved to a different po- ball. Jase is in his senior the grandchildren of
recoveries and two in- touchdown. Pippenger’s onships and a quarterfi- sition this season and year at Oklahoma State Mike and Sue Scifres.
from page B1
The billboard consists him and this
of Hall of Fame coaches is just great.
Paul Bell, Perry Ander- It’s important
son and Lester Gold- to remember
ing. Longtime Eufaula our history
basketball coach Lamar and embrace
Armstrong, football it. If we didn’t
players Larry Newton, have some-
Noah Palmer, Joe Gold- thing like this
ing and baseball star the younger
James Martin. generation
“When you look at would never
the history of what each know about
individual achieved, it’s it,” OU two-
easy to honor them,” time national
Haltom added. champion
The billboard design Rusty Griffis
was by Eric Guillermo said.
of Muskogee. Guillermo The bill-
designed the first bill- board con-
sists of the The new billboard was donated to Eufaula Public Schools and the City of Eufaula designed by artist Eric Guillermo.
Rodney Haltom | SPORTS EDITOR
board also.
“Everyone on this following
billboard deserves to be and their accomplish- sion I quarterback at lete. School All-American, each of these coaches
there. I know that with- ments. Colorado State Univer- *Joe Golding-All- All-State Football, Okla- and athletes deserve to
out coach Bell or An- *Paul Bell- Okla- sity. American running back homa Lineman of the be recognized and re-
derson I wouldn’t be the homa Football Coaches *James Martin-Okla- at University of Okla- Year attended OU and membered. We should
man I am today,” former Hall of Fame/ National homa State baseball homa & WWII Veteran. NSU. embrace Eufaula’s past. I
congressman J.C. Watts Champion at NSU. standout-drafted by the *Lester Golding- This just didn’t hap- appreciate the great help
said. *Perry Anderson- L.A. Dodgers and Semi- Texas Coaches Hall of pen overnight. I met from Jeb and the City of
“Anytime you have Oklahoma Basketball nole State coach. Fame, NEO and East with a lot of alumni Eufaula and Eufaula su-
an award named after Coaches Hall of Fame. *Lamar Armstrong- Texas State football and interviewed a lot of perintendent Mr. Guth-
you like Joe Golding *Noah Palmer- All- Longtime basketball great. people. The deeper I dug rie,” Rodney Haltom
has you better honor State in football, Divi- coach and standout ath- *Larry Newton-High there was no doubt that said.
2022’s Best Sports Cities in America – WalletHub Report
With the North Best Large Best Small cent, which is 6.1 times
American sports in- Sports Cities Sports Cities higher than in Chicago,
dustry expected to 1. Los Angeles, CA 1. Clemson, SC the city with the lowest
reach a value of $83.1 2. Boston, MA 2. West Point, NY at 16.98 percent.
billion in 2023, the 3. New York, NY 3. Fayette, MS Charlotte, North
personal-finance web- 4. Pittsburgh, PA 4. State College, PA Carolina, has the low-
site WalletHub to- 5. Dallas, TX 5. Hanover, NH est average ticket price
day released its re- 6. Miami, FL 6. Princeton, NJ for an NBA game,
port on 2022’s Best 7. Philadelphia, PA 7. Morgantown, WV $63.11, which is 3.2
Sports Cities, as well 8. Denver, CO 8. Buies Creek, NC times lower than in San
as accompanying vid- 9. Washington, DC 9. Stanford, CA Francisco, the city with
eos and expert com- 10. Atlanta, GA 10. Stillwater, OK the highest at $203.30.
mentary. Best Midsize Best vs. Worst NHL fans in Pitts-
To determine the cit- Sports Cities Jacksonville, Florida, burgh are 27.9 times
ies where the game is 1. Green Bay, WI has the lowest average friendlier and more en-
always on regardless 2. Buffalo, NY ticket price for an NFL gaged than their New
of season, WalletHub 3. Glendale, AZ game, $81.97, which is York counterparts.
compared 392 small to 4. Salt Lake City, UT 1.9 times less expensive Phoenix has the low-
large cities across the 5. Tuscaloosa, AL than in Las Vegas, the est average MLB ticket
five largest sports in the 6. Orlando, FL city with the highest at price, $22.12, which is
U.S.: football, basket- 7. Ann Arbor, MI $153.47. 2.8 times lower than in Rodney Haltom | SPORTS EDITOR
ball, baseball, hockey 8. Tallahassee, FL Atlanta has the high- Boston, the city with the The Eufaula Ironhead 8 and under football team competed
and soccer. 9. Durham, NC est attendance rate for highest at $61.71. against the Henryetta Knights. Here is a picture of one of the
10. Baton Rouge, LA MLS games, 103.45 per- Ironheads touchdown runs during the game.
Rodney Haltom
Sports Editor
Mm Cc I i N
n Tt O S h
o s H Co
c O uUnNt TyY
on Wildcats
nual Steer Wrestling Jackpot via Facebook post on
April 15.
“Good evening to our cowboy family. Unfortu-
nately, our post tonight is to notify everyone that after
thoughtful discussion we have made the tough deci-
sion to cancel the 2020 version of the Duvall’s Annual Rodney Haltom the Seminole Chieftains (3-3,
Steer Wrestling Jackpot that was scheduled for May sports EDITOR 1-1) defeated Checotah 52-
15-17. It was a first in many ways 26 at the Ray Grandstaff Sta-
This was not easy as the jackpot is something that for the Checotah Wildcats dium.
we look forward to each and every year. Now more (2-4, 0-2) on Friday night. It It was a give-in-tuck game
than ever we understand that cowboys need a good was their first home game, in the first half. Seminole
place to compete, our community needs a good boost, their first homecoming, their quickly scored 12 points in
and everyone needs some good stories, home cooked first touchdown and their first
gumbo, a new shirt, and a bowl full of banana pud- loss on their new turf field as See WILCATS, page B3
However, at this time we are not sure if we would
legally be allowed to hold the event and we are just
not comfortable with possibly putting the health and
well being of our friends, family, and our community
at risk at this time.
Social distancing is just not possible, because we
have good honest, a firm handshake and a hug from
someone we have not seen in years are just standard
practice at the jackpot.
It is also relatively difficult to wash your hands for Rodney Haltom | SPORTS EDITOR
twenty seconds while inside of a porta-potty while it’s
The Eufaula 2022 Football Homecoming Royalty pictured senior escort Taylen Shade and attendant Alyssa Wise
85 to
left degrees outside.attendant Gracie Burke escorted by and sophmore escort Dayshaun Shine and attendant Am-
right; freshman
So, after five
Cash French, junior different decades
escort Draven of competition,
Gragg and attendantwe berly
are Adcock. Crown bearer Jett Dunn and flower girl
going toTaylor,
Courtney haveKing
a year
Lukeoff. Weand
Adcock encourage everyone
queen Livia on Corsini.
Dunn, Collins
the weekend of May 15-17 to wear your favorite old
Duvall Jackpot shirt then call an old friend and remi-
Ironheads pancake Heavener 47-13
nisce about your favorite memory of the jackpot or
brag about your best run you ever made here. Most of
all just continue to enjoy your family and stay healthy
and see
Rodney you all in May 2021,” said(Lucious,
Haltom Dewey and
the Duvall family. Lee carries
Riley Davis sively at family
on the first,legacy.
going into the
sports EDITOR Roy Selmon) were induct- halftime break with a slight
The Eufaula Ironheads (4- ed into the Eufaula Hall of lead of 13-7. The Ironheads
sixth overall Beggs’ Kendal Daniels is one of the top-ranked safeties in the nation.
Large school east: Hailey Grant, Claremore; Wyvette Howe; Shayni Green, Okay;and AbbieEufaula
Long, Preston; Sa-
Mayberry, Booker T. Washington; Chloe Martin, vannah Macom, placedPorum;
ninth Hannah
overall McCormack,
in the Cam-
Bartlesville; Baylee Fincher, Ponca City; Jayla Bur- eron; Jaclyn Shaffer, Kinta Girls Event. Beggs’ Kendal Daniels
gess, Union; Ray Osborne, Sapulpa; Madison Wheat, HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS 2A, 3A,
Small school west: Rachel Stanfield, Luther; Haley
Coweta; Makenna Burch, Jenks; Nakia Cullom, Rodney Haltom | SPORTS EDITOR
Will Schrek, Canute; 4A -Calebi
2 Mile TEAM Duke; Rachel Mc- announces Top12 college choices
The Eufaula
Rogers; Lady Ironheads
Haley Meely, Jenkswent 25-11 this season and made it to the 1. Adair
Dowell, JordanHigh School =Fletcher;
Bloomfield, 62 Laryn
Large game
school in the
west: Tishomingo
Skylar Vann, Regional.
Deer This isGraycen
Creek; one of the winningest 2. Berryhill High School =
teams in Eufaula history with nearly 50 victories in the last two years.
Garrison, Lookeba Sickles; Kirstyn Strain, Canute; RODNEY HALTOM
Holden, Edmond North; Ashanti Day, Moore; Katelyn Madison Faylor, 104 3.Canute;
Wagoner Anna High SchoolBurlington; SPORTS EDITOR
Levings, Edmond Memorial; Brayanna “BB” Polk, Del Madison Rollins, = 107 4.Hollis;
Keys (Parkhill) High Cheyenne;
Alie Parkhurst, Beggs safety Kendal Daniels has a huge variety of
Season ends for Lady Ironheads
City; Tyeshia Anderson, Piedmont; Amaya Gordon, Delaney Reimer,
Ardmore; Jessika Evans, Norman North; Mackenzie rah Whitfield,
= 128 5.Kailin
HighCashion; Ja- big name colleges interested in the safety.
6. Checotah
Brewster, Leedey Daniels (6’4”, 200 pounds) helped lead the Beggs
in Regional winners-bracket High School = 163 7. Vinita
High School = 164 8. Colcord
Demons to an 11-3 record in Class 2A on a team that
went to the semifinals in 2018 and 2019 and quarter-
High School = 173 9. Eufaula finalslarry owen | courtesy
in 2017. larry owen | courtesy
Rodney Haltom nings you know you’re play- High School = 174 10. Stilwell Checotah’s Jaicee Lester turns on Tori LeFlore runs hard and places
sports EDITOR ing hard,” Green added. Daniels announced Tuesday via Twitter his top 12
The Eufaula Lady Iron- High School = 194 the jets at the Adair Cross Country 11th overall at the Adair Cross Coun-
college choices which included
Tishomingo then defeated See CROSS COUNTRY, page B2 Meet on Tuesday. try Event. Oklahoma, Oklahoma
heads saw their season come the weary Ironheads 4-0 in State, Texas A&M, Clemson, Alabama, Notre Dame,
to an end Friday at the Tisho- game two. The loss pushed Oregon, Florida State, Baylor, Arkansas, Georgia and
Hall of Fame
the Lady Ironheads’ season The Ironheads came out USC.
with an impressive record of with a focused mindset and “You won’t find a kid with better leadership skills,”
25-11. defeated the Spiro Bulldogs Beggs’ defensive coordinator Tyler Blizzard said.
“We did everything we 4-1. Kate Pippenger hit a “He is humble and coachable. Rodney Haltom He holds himself to
could. This was a great season double driving in a run in the highest standard sports EDITOR his teammates ac-
and holds
for this team. We were more the first inning. Then Gabri- countable. His range is unbelievableThe pride of Eufaula,
at the safetythese posi-
productive Journi and James
progressed elle Noriega connected Coach Jeff Oliver
on a Ashley Mills
tion. brothers dominated opposing
more than last year. I couldn’t single that scored Pippenger “He makes it extremely offenseshardwhile playing foot-
for quarterbacks to
be more proud of a group to take a 2-0 lead.
complete passes on his half of the football the
ball at Eufaula and fieldUni-
Tournament Date Tournament Name Number of Boats Ramp
School Time Pace School = 155 5. Warner School 29:10 9:25ABA Open Series School 32:01
11 8 219 Victoria April 30, 2022* 70 10:20
South Point
High School = 157 6.
Leflore Eufaula High Checotah High School April 30, 2022* Oklahoma Bass Federation 40 North Cove
School 13:21 6:41 = 169 7. Cookson Hills May 1, 2022* Oklahoma Bass Federation 40 North Cove
22 16 737 Ruby High School = 189 8. May 1, 2022 Fish N Frenzy Bass Club 35 South Point
Folkner Checotah High Eufaula High School
School 13:58 6:59 = 204 9. Will Rogers
May 4, 2022 Mid Week ? North Cove
30 21 738 Ruthie High School = 209 10. May 7, 2022* OKC Team Fishing Trail 50 South Point
Folkner Checotah High Sequoyah-Claremore May 7, 2022 Okalhoma Elite Angelrs 15 North Cove
School 14:23 7:11 High S = 210 11. Inola May 21 & 22, 2022* OK Bass Nation 75 South Point
40 28 218 Kayln High School = 231 12. May 14, 2022 MLF ? South Point
Holman Eufaula High Oklahoma Union High
School 14:56 7:28 School = 284 13. Chou-
May 14 &15, 2022 All American Anglers ? North Cove
44 32 216 Abby Char- teau - Mazie High Sch May 15, 2022 Future Bass ? South Point
leton Eufaula High = 310 14. Pryor High May 21 & 22, 2022 OK Bass Nation ? South Point
School 15:00 7:30 School = 320 15. Oilton May 22, 2022 Eufaula Conservation & Fishing 50 North Cove
48 35 740 Jaicee Lester High School = 335
Checotah High School Place TmPl No. Name
June 4, 2022* Fisherman’s Choice LLC 75 North Cove
15:16 7:38 School Time Pace June 4, 2022* Hawg Hunters Bass Circuit 80+ South Point
54 39 736 Ayana 16 12 221 Colter June 11 & 12, 2022* The Bass Federation ? North Cove
Brewer Checotah High Roberts Eufaula High June 12, 2022* Extreme Fishing League 175 South Point
School 15:25 7:43 School 19:32 6:19
61 45 223 Kotone
Wolf Eufaula High
18 14 729 Tyler Corn New
June 18, 2022
Fort Sill
Future Bass
Elk Hunting
North Cove
Checotah High School June 18 & 19, 2022* ABA Top 150 Solo 150 South Point
School15:41 7:51 19:34 6:19 June 25 2022* tickets
South Central Bass Anglers now
15 North Cove
72 52 739 Alexis 35 27 215 Levi Chap- June 25, 2022* Hawg Hunters Bass Circuit 80 South Point
Horton Checotah High man Eufaula High You just thought we of January 6, 2023 (or
School 16:15 8:08 School 20:49 6:43 were
June 26,done
2022* withHis &raffles
Hers upon harvest,
15 whichev-
North Cove
81 57 735 Jazlyn At- 53 39 217 Raddec forJunethe
26, 2022* year! But Oklahoma the
Bass Nationer is first).50 All residents
South Point
kins Checotah High Dunn Eufaula High Wildlife
July 6, 2022 Department Mid Week is and non-residents ? North Coveare
School 16:42 8:21 School 21:43 7:01 back with
July 10, 2022
another Out-
Future Bass
eligible for?
this hunt,
South Point
90 61 213 Johna 54 40 214 Staughty door Oklahoma Adven- including hunters who
Bumgarner Eufaula Chapman Eufaula High ture,
July 15,this
16 & 17, time
2022 bringing
Sand Bass have already? drawn
North Covethe
High School 18:00 9:00 School 21:57 7:05 you a chance to win an once-in-a-lifetime
July 17, 2022 Future Bass SP ? South Pointelk
HIGH SCHOOL BOYS 58 44 733 Hudson either
July 29, 30sex
& 31, 2022elk hunt
The Flamingoon hunt through ? the De-
North Cove
2A, 3A, 4A - 5K Pollard Checotah High Fort Sill
July 31, 2022 in southwest
Future Bass partment’s ? regular con-
South Point
1. Favorite college team? Ole Miss TEAM SCORE School 22:10 7:09 Oklahoma. The hunt trolled hunts program.
Rebels. 1. Keys (Parkhill) 84 64 730 RJ Womack will begin the morning Get your tickets North
August 3, 2022 Mid Week ?
forCove just
2. Favorite thing to eat? Steak. High Scho = 60 2. Ber- Checotah High School of Sept
7, 2022 4, 2023
Mid Weekand $10 at Oklahoma ? De-
North Cove
3. Favorite music or song? Country. ryhill High School = 86 24:33 7:55 conclude
Sept. 10 & 11, 2022*the Chickasha
evening Bassmasterspartment 30of Wildlife.
North Cove
4. Favorite thing about football? The Sept 17 & 18, 2022 Hawg Haven North Cove
Carter Stewart
April 9, 2022*
October 22 & 23, 2022 Oklahoma
North OKCCrappie Club
Bassmasters 25
13 South Point
The Checotah 9-2-22
@ CASC in Poteau
30, 2022* FutureHunters
Hawg Bass Bass Circuit
South Point
Wildcats Impact Play- 9-10-22
April 22 & 24, @2022Wilburton ABA Top 150 Solo 7:15am 125 9:20am
South Point
er of the Week is soph-
April 30, 2022*@ Okmulgee ABA Open Series 70 South Point
omore Elijah Thomas. 9-23-22 11:45am 2:00pm
Thomas was the April 30, 2022* Eufaula Cross
Oklahoma Country 2022
Bass Federation 40 North Cove
leading receiver for May 1, 2022* EufaulaSchedule and Rosterand 40Roster
9-27-22 @ Rocklahoma Run Adair 2:15pm 4:30pm
Cross Bass Federation
Country 2022 — Schedule North Cove
Eufaula Senior
the Wildcats, catching May 1, 2022 @ Checotah
10-4-22 Where Fish N Frenzy Bass Club10:00am 35 SouthTime
seven passes for 131 Date
May 4, 2022 Mid Week
North Cove
yards and two touch- 10-17-22
9-2-22 TBDin???
@ CASC Poteau 7:45am 9:40am
downs in the Wildcats May 7, 2022* OKC Team Fishing Trail 50 South Point
52-26 loss to Semi- 10-22-22
May 7, 2022 Regional Meet TBA
@ Wilburton Okalhoma Elite Angelrs Most Likely @ Checotah
7:15am 15 9:20am
North Cove
nole. May 21 & 22, 2022*
9-23-22 OK Bass
State Meet
@ Okmulgee Nation Santa
@ Edmond Fe
11:45am 75 South Point
May 14, 2022 MLF ? South Point
Roster @ Rocklahoma
Girls Run Adair 2:15pmBoys 4:30pm
May 14 &15, 2022 Tori Leflore All American Anglers ?
Colter Roberts North Cove
10-4-22 @ Checotah
Kayln Holman 10:00amRaddec Dunn 11:20am
Eufaula Impact Player of the Week May 15, 2022
May 21 & 22, 2022 Johna
10-17-22 TBD ???
Future Bass
Abby Charleton
OK BassEufaula
Nation Varsity
Cayden Moore
South Point
South Point
Bumgarner Zayd Taariq
May 22, 2022 Opponent
Levi Chapman LOCATION
Regional MeetConservation & Fishing 50 North Cove
Kaden Rice 10-22-22 TBA Most Likely @ Checotah
Staughty Chapman
June 4, 2022*
Manager: Fisherman’s
GracieJane Lasiter Choice LLC
(Practice/Scrimm) 6:00pm 75 North Cove
10-29-22 State Meet @ Edmond Santa Fe
Coach: 25 (Thur)
June 4, 2022* Oliver WARNER (SCRIMMAGE)
Hawg Hunters Bass Circuit 6:00pm 80+ Away
South Point
Sept. 2Includes: GirlsVIAN
June 11 & 12, 2022* The Bass Federation ? North Cove
The Eufaula Impact Sept 9 TAH. SEQUOYAH
Tori Leflore 7:00pmRoberts Away
June1612, 2022* KaylnCHECOTAH 7:30pm Dunn Away
Player of the Week is Sept 23
2022 Eufaula
Holman Varsity Raddec
Fishing League 175 South Point
AbbySPIRO* 7:00pm Moore Away
Kaden Rice. Rice fin- Date
June 18, 2022
Sept 30 Johna
Future Bass
Bumgarner * Homecoming Zayd
North Cove
ished the game with Oct 7
June 18 & 19, 2022* WILBURTON*
Kotone ABA
Wolf Top 150 Solo 7:00pm
Levi 150
Chapman Away
South Point
four catches for 121 Aug.19
Oct 13 ,
MORRIS (Practice/Scrimm)
South Central Bass Anglers
6:00pm ChapmanHome
Staughty Home
6:00pm 15 North Cove
yards and two touch- Aug.
Oct 21 GracieJane Lasiter
Sept. 2
(SCRIMMAGE) 7:00pm
2022* Hawg Hunters Bass Circuit 7:00pm 80 South Point
downs in the Iron- Coach:
Sept 49
Oliver HUGO*
Nov. IDABEL* SR Night 7:00pm Home
heads 47-13 win over June
Sept 16
26, 2022* His &
Hers 7:30pm
15 North Cove
Heavener. Sept
June2326, 2022* SPIRO*
Oklahoma Bass Nation 7:00pm 50 Away
South Point
2022 * Homecoming
Junior High 7:00pm Home
July 6, 2022 Mid Week ? North Cove
Oct 7 WILBURTON* 7:00pm Away
Oct 13 10, 2022 Future
ANTLERS* Bass ? South Point
Aug 29 Warner 7-8 5:30pm7:00pm AWAY Home
The Eufaula Impact Player of the Week is Oct
July 615, 16 & 17, 2022 Holdenville
Sand Bass 7/8/JV 5:30pm7:00pm Home
? HOME North Cove
Oct. 2812 HUGO*7-8/JV 7:00pm Away
sponsored by Zach McQuay Construction Sept.
July 417, 2022
Future Bass
SR Night
5:30pm ? AWAY Home
South Point
Sept 19 Vian 7-8-9/JV 5:30pm7:00pm HOME
July 26
Sept 29, 30 & 31, 2022 The Flamingo
Morris 5:30pm ? AWAY North Cove
July331, 2022 Henryetta 7-8 9/JV
Bass 5:30pm ? Home South Point
Oct 10
Junior High5:30pm
Checotah 7-8-9/JV Home
Oct 24 3, 2022 Mid Week7/8
McAlester 5:30pm ? AWAY North Cove
Aug 29 Warner 7-8 5:30pm
Sept 7, 2022 Mid Week ? AWAY North Cove
Sept 6 Holdenville 7/8/JV 5:30pm HOME
Sept.1210 & 11, 2022*
Sept. Chickasha
Beggs 7-8/JVBassmasters 5:30pm 30 AWAY North Cove
Sept.3 24 & 25, 2022* South Central Bass Anglers5:30pm
15 Home South Point
Oct 2022 Football Schedule
Oct.101 & 2, 20202
7-8 9/JV
7-8-9/JV Wed. Night
20 Home North Cove
Lake Thunderbird 5:30pm
Oct 24 McAlester 7/8 5:30pm AWAY
Friday was special indeed for both the Eu- 10/7
Oct 5, 2022 LincolnMidAway
Week 7p.m. North Cove
faula Ironheads and Checotah Wildcats as 10/13
Oct. 8 & 9, 2022*LocustOKCGrove*
Team Fishing TrailHome 7p.m.
50 South Point
1. Favorite college team? Oklahoma they celebrated homecoming. 10/21 Berryhill Away 7p.m.
October 22 & 23, 2022 North OKC Bassmasters 13 South Point
Sooners. For Checotah it was the crowning of their
first king and queen, first game on the turf 10/28
Oct. BYE Hawg Hunters Bass Circuit
29 & 30, 2022* 80+ South Point
2. Favorite thing to eat? Pasta.
3. Favorite music or song? Red Dirt. field and the first time their fans got to see it. 11/4 Stigler** Home 7p.m.
4. Favorite thing about football? The at- For Eufaula it was homecoming royalty and *Homecoming
mosphere of Friday night-lights. a pre-game induction of the Selmon brothers **Senior Night
into the Eufaula Hall of Fame.
There was electricity in the air at both
schools as classmates from long ago and not
so long ago caught up on life while cheering
Sports | Outdoors
from page B1
the Ironheads tighten two-point conversion penetrate the backfield
from page B1
up their defense and ex- was successful to make and put pressure on the
plode offensively. it a 33-13 game. Eufau- quarterback. the first five minutes with a 31-yard touch- ning back Kreed Hall
Ironhead quarterback la’s next two scores came We did a better job of but the Wildcats battled down of their own to go still had another 100-
Luke Adcock began to when Peter Lee ran for a swarming to the football back when quarterback up 24-20 at the halftime yard plus game as he
pick apart the Heavener 54-yard touchdown and defensively in the sec- Jacob Jones hit Bronson break. finished with 21 car-
defense. Adcock com- added another touch- ond half and really took Bouher for a 23-yard “I felt good about our ries for 121 yards. Jones
pleted 10-of-18 for 229 down on a three-yard them out of their game touchdown. offense coming out of went 25-of-45 for 267
yards and two touch- run to seal the 47-13 plan,” Eufaula coach Checotah struggled halftime. Defensively we yards, four touchdowns
downs and 10 rushes victory. Larry Newton said. against the running struggled against one of and four interceptions.
for 128 yards. Eufaula “We didn’t play up to Kaden Rice finished game of Seminole. The the best running backs Elijah Thomas was the
scored on a four-yard our potential in the first the game with four Chieftains’ Jason Ba- in our district. We knew leading receiver for the
run by Kaden Bumgar- half. We were sloppy catches for 121 yards tise had an exceptional they were well coached Wildcats, catching sev-
ner to take a 19-13 lead. with the football and and two touchdowns game. He scored on a and would be prepared en passes for 131 yards
Then Adcock hit committed too many and Peter Lee had five 61-yard touchdown to to play but we just and two touchdowns.
Kaden Rice on a 41-yard penalties. We have to do carries for 68 yards and start the game and fin- couldn’t get a break in Team Stats
touchdown strike. The a better job if we’re going two touchdowns. ished with 19 carries the second half,” Checo- SHS CHS
two-point conversion to win another district Team Stats for 225 yards and two tah head coach Zac Ross. First downs 18 18
failed to make it a 25-13 championship. We can- Eufaula Heavener touchdowns. The second half was Rushes-Yards 37-324
contest. not overlook anyone. I Total Offensive Yards The Wildcats came all Seminole as the 29-170
The Ironhead defense thought our guys came 523-345 alive in the second quar- Chieftains scored on five Passing Yards 214 267
continually put pressure out and began to play Rushing ter as they scored 13 of their first seven pos- Passes C-A-I 12-19-0
on the Wolves backfield Ironhead football. I was 294-89 points to take a 20-18 sessions. Batise scored 25-46-4
and forced them to punt proud of how we tackled Passing lead after Jones threw two more touchdowns Punts-Avg.3-35 2-35
multiple times. Adcock tonight. Brett Pippenger 229-256 touchdowns to Elijah and quarterback Dontre Fumbles-lost 2-12-1
was on fire as he rolled Adcock and Bumgarner Fumbles Thomas and Lane Elliott Garfield took the wind Penalties-Yards 11-85
out and threw a laser had some really hard 3-2 and the home crowd out of Checotah’s sails 4-35
pass to Rice for a 65- tackles and opened up Penalties erupted in jubilation. with a 55-yard touch- Individual leaders
yard touchdown and the the door for our line to 10-105 7-70 Seminole answered down run. Rushing: CHS Kreed
Seminole had 324 Hall 21-121 ; SHS Jason
yards rushing and 214 Batise 19-225 2TD
SELMONS yards passing as the
Wildcats’ defense gave
up 538 total offensive
Passing: CHS Jacob
Jones 25-45-4 267 yds
4 TD: SHS Dontre Gar-
from page B1
the years that Oklahoma Bay player to have his 2011. yards. field 12-19-0 214 yds 3
running track in the won national champion- number retired. For 13 In the second round
seventh grade and even- Checotah’s offense TD
ships. Lee Roy also won years he held the club’s of the 1976 draft Tam- was productive in the Receiving: CHS Eli-
tually interested him the Outland and Vince team record for quar- pa Bay selected Dewey, first half with 271 yards
in football. The two jah Thomas 7-131 2 TD,
Lombardi trophies in terback sacks, before making the Selmon of offense but Seminole Lane Elliott 4-19 TD,
younger Selmon broth- 1975. All three brothers Warren Sapp broke it in brothers the first two shut it down in the sec-
ers, born eleven months Bronson Bouher 5-62
were also accomplished 2000. In 1986 Lee Roy picks of their organi- ond half only allowing TD; SHS Landon Bowl-
apart, belonged to the students, and Dewey retired from football be- zation. Dewey played 167 total offensive yards.
same class and followed ing 5-94 TD, Jay Ladd
eventually attained a cause he had injured his for the Buccaneers un- Checotah senior run- 1-25 TD
their older brother into doctorate in philosophy. back. Two years later he til 1982, and then the
football. “No one wouldn’t was inducted into the team traded him to the
University of Okla- have known about the College Football Hall of San Diego Chargers.
homa assistant coach Selmon brothers if it Fame. He also became After one year with
Larry Lacewell traveled wasn’t for Eufaula head the first former OU the Chargers Dewey
to Eufaula to recruit coach Paul Bell,” former football player elected returned to Norman
Lucious and, although Sooner head coach Bar- to the NFL Hall of Fame. and worked as an oil
he had some apprehen- ry Switzer said. In 1993 the University and gas consultant. He
sion about the young- After college Lucious of Southern Florida served on the Norman
ster’s size, he noticed played in the World hired him as associate Housing Authority
the younger brothers Football League for the athletic director and board, and in 1993 he
and offered the scholar- Memphis Southmen. then promoted him to opened his own con-
ship. Lacewell hoped he After one season he re- athletic director in 2001. struction business.
would eventually have turned to OU as an as- In 2000 he opened Lee On September 25,
Dewey and Lee Roy sistant coach. In 1995 Roy Selmon’s restau- 2022 the University of
wearing OU crimson. he left the Sooners and rant in Tampa, Florida, Oklahoma unveiled a
Lucious exceeded the became the linebackers which has an express- 7,000-pound bronze
expectations of Lace- coach for the National way named in his honor. statue of the three broth-
well’s first visit, becom- Football League’s Jack- He died on September 4, ers.
ing an All-American sonville Jaguars.
and three-year starter. The Tampa Bay Buc-
Dewey and Lee Roy did caneers selected Lee
follow Lucious to Nor- Roy as the first pick of
man, and both skipped their new franchise and
the freshman squad the first selection in the
to play varsity football 1976 National Football
their first season. Lu- League (NFL) draft.
cious earned All-Amer- While Lee Roy was with dow | COURTESY
ican honors in 1973, the Buccaneers, the Lorrie Renfro with a striped bass hybrid she recently
and Lee Roy and Dewey league named him All- caught at Lake Carl Blackwell.
achieved All-American Pro six times, and he
status in 1974 and 1975, became the first Tampa
Lake Eufaula Fishing Report
from page B1
Elevation is 3 ft. below normal and falling,
water temperature 78°F and stained. (USACE
Lake Level) Striped and white bass fair on flukes,
ing six innings, allowing hair jigs, sassy shad, and topwater lures below
up with Tishomingo three runs on six hits the dam and tailwater. Largemouth, small-
and it was a battle. This while the Tishomingo mouth, and spotted bass fair on crankbaits,
was a game of pitching pitcher allowed zero jigs, plastic baits, and topwater lures around
as both pitchers battled runs on three hits, strik- channels, docks, main lake, and points. Blue,
inning by inning. Av- ing out 13 and walking channel, and flathead catfish fair on cut bait,
ery Williams recorded zero. dough bait, live bait, live shad, minnows, sun-
18 outs but Tishomingo Eufaula only loses one fish, and worms around channels, main lake,
had more production at senior, as Liberty Glover river channel, and river mouth.
the plate in a 3-0 win. will graduate this year Report submitted by Jake Rowland, game
Williams took the loss and returns everyone COURTESY
warden stationed in McIntosh County.
for the Ironheads, go- else in 2023-24. Rece Rumble is all smiles after harvesting this nice buck.
freshman class to con- sophomore from Leices- leads the men’s team potential for that, and The Lady Moun- at 2 p.m. Both Eastern
tinue building on a ter City, England, leads with four goals. more this year. We ap- taineers will look to teams will hit the road to
strong foundation from the women’s team with “A conference title is preciate the support of continue their success take on Northern Okla-
last year,” said Gonzalo six goals scored, while our goal,” Carranza said. all surrounding com- at home against No. 3 homa College-Tonkawa
Carranza, Eastern head Peter Julmis, a freshman “One game at a time. munities and hope to Seminole State College Sunday, Oct. 2, at 2 p.m.
soccer coach. “The re- from Nassau, Bahamas, Both groups have the represent the area well.” on Wednesday, Sept. 28, and 4 p.m. respectively.
Jacob Campbell of Checotah pulled off another first place finish at the Mighty Tri-State Speedway.
6. USC 15. Wake Forest 24. Washington
7. Oklahoma State 16. BYU 25. Arkansas
8. Tennessee 17. Kansas
9. Ole Miss 18. TCU
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Thursday, April 23, 2020 • The McIntosh County Democrat • The Eufaula Indian Journal PAGE B1
Mm Cc Ii N
nTtO Sh
o s H cC oOuUnNt Ty Y
Annual Steer Wrestling Jackpot
crowned State Champ canceled
The Duvall family has canceled the 2020 Duvall An-
nual Steer Wrestling Jackpot via Facebook post on
April 15.
“Good evening to our cowboy family. Unfortu-
Checotah wrestlers compete in State Tournament
nately, our post tonight is to notify everyone that after
thoughtful discussion we have made the tough deci- Rodney Haltom who was state runner-up. On lost to eventual state champ
sion to cancel the 2020 version of the Duvall’s Annual
sports EDITOR the backside Pouncil defeated Maverick Williamson of Jay.
The Checotah Wrestling Joe Davis from Jay by pin-fall. Marshall then lost to the
Steer Wrestling Jackpot that was scheduled for May team took five wrestlers to the In the consolation semi-finals fourth place finisher from
15-17. state tournament in Oklaho- Pouncil lost a 3-2 gut wrench- Inola.
This was not easy as the jackpot is something that
we look forward to each and every year. Now more ma City and came away with ing match that left him out of At 113 pounds freshman
than ever we understand that cowboys need a good one state championship and medaling. sensation Colt Collett ended
place to compete, our community needs a good boost, four other great competitors. At 285-pounds, Marshall his season on top of the podi-
and everyone needs some good stories, home cooked Freshman Luke Collett went defeated Cade Thomas and um being Checotah’s second
gumbo, a new shirt, and a bowl full of banana pud- 5-0 to win the 113-pound di- would place third by pin-fall state champion since Cade
ding. vision giving him his first OS- in the third period. Marshall See WRESTLING, page B3
However, at this time we are not sure if we would SAA State Championship.
legally be allowed to hold the event and we are just Tanner Jones, Jaydon
not comfortable with possibly putting the health and Casey, Jonah Marshall and
well being of our friends, family, and our community Kyler Pouncil joined Collett
at risk at this time. as the Wildcats representa-
Social distancing is just not possible, because we tives. Jones and Caasey had
have good honest, a firm handshake and a hug from to compete in the preliminary
someone we have not seen in years are just standard matches to get into the brack-
practice at the jackpot. et. Casey (152-pounds) went
It is also relatively difficult to wash your hands for up against Malique Barber of
twenty seconds while inside of a porta-potty while it’s Pawnee and was defeated in
85 degrees outside. the first match.
So, after five different decades of competition, we are Senior Tanner Jones at
going to have a year off. We encourage everyone on
the weekend of May 15-17 to wear your favorite old 145-pounds won his decision
Duvall Jackpot shirt then call an old friend and remi- over his oppenent from Perry.
nisce about your favorite memory of the jackpot or Jones then lost to the defend-
brag about your best run you ever made here. Most of ing state champ from Salina
all just continue to enjoy your family and stay healthy and in a heartbreaking match
and see you all in May 2021,” said the Duvall family. in the
Riley Davis carries consolation
on the family legacy. 1-0 to his
opponent from Comanche.
At 220-pounds, Kyler
James and Mills selected to All-Region team; COURTESY
Pouncil (Regional Champ) cps | COURTESY
was upset the first round and The Checotah State Qualifying wrestlers pictured left to right; top row-Jonah
Checotah coach Brett Oleson and State Champion wrestler Luke Collett after lost a hard fought match 3-2 Marshall, Kyler Pouncil and Tanner Jones. Bottom row, Jaydon Casey and
Oliver named Coach of the Year
Collett’s win. to Plainviews’ Lane Johnson, Luke Collett.
from page B1
numerous turnovers as
Lady Rangers top she played her heart out.
Adison McLaughlin and
Eufaula 50-26 Mykah Osborne each
The Roland Lady had seven points and
Rangers came out fast the defensive pressure
with swift shooting and by Avery and Kambry
pressure on defense to Williams along with Jor-
defeat Eufaula 50-26. das McClish was excit-
Haven Freeman and her ing to watch.
21 points led Roland. The momentum
The Lady Rangers out- swung in Eufaula’s favor
scored Eufaula 15-6 in as they scored 11 points
the first period and 18-4 in the final period but
in the second period the first half start was
to take a 33-10 half- too much to overcome
time lead. The second and the fell 50-26 to Ro-
half brought the Lady land.
Ironheads pride as they McKenzie Crawley
played hard and physi- had six points and Jor-
cal. None more so than das McClish had three
senior McKenzie Craw- points for Eufaula. Rodney Haltom | SPORTS EDITOR
ley, who was all over Lady Ironheads de- Checotah point guard Jaicee Lester (No.10) applies great de-
fense on her Rejoice Christian opponent and forces a turnover.
the court and forced feated Antlers 34-30.
Sports | Outdoors
Young brother’s place second in American
Crappie Trail General Tire qualifier
the first two days, they
came up short to Ky-
ler Beckman who won
the event with a total
weight of 26.36 pounds.
Beckman took home the
$11,500 purse not in-
cluding an extra $1250
for the biggest fish
The young broth-
ers had a total weight
of 24.30 pounds good
enough for second with
a winning purse of
$4500 not including an
COURTESY extra $500.
Brian and Darin Young placed second in the American Crappie “Well it’s not how we
Trail General Tire qualifier on the Alabama River. wanted it to turn out but
we to congratulate Kyler
Rodney Haltom nearly pulled off anoth- Beclman on a great win.
sports EDITOR er huge victory on the We would also like to
Brian and Darin American Crappie Trail thank all our wonderful
Young of Eufaula Boy’s circuit on the Alabama sponsors for supporting
Crappie Guide Service River. After leading for us,” Brian Young said.
Call Jean
Rodney Haltom for all your
Sports Editor advertising needs...
918-689-2191 918-689-2191