1 - The IKEA Effect Study 1
1 - The IKEA Effect Study 1
1 - The IKEA Effect Study 1
Research Report
The IKEA effect: When labor leads to love
Michael I. Norton a,⁎, Daniel Mochon b , Dan Ariely c
Harvard Business School, Soldiers Field Road, Boston, MA, 02163, USA
A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University, 7 McAlister Drive, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA
Duke University, 1 Towerview Drive, Durham, NC, 27708, USA
Received 8 March 2011; received in revised form 31 July 2011; accepted 11 August 2011
Available online 9 September 2011
In four studies in which consumers assembled IKEA boxes, folded origami, and built sets of Legos, we demonstrate and investigate boundary
conditions for the IKEA effect—the increase in valuation of self-made products. Participants saw their amateurish creations as similar in value to
experts' creations, and expected others to share their opinions. We show that labor leads to love only when labor results in successful completion of
tasks; when participants built and then destroyed their creations, or failed to complete them, the IKEA effect dissipated. Finally, we show that labor
increases valuation for both “do-it-yourselfers” and novices.
© 2011 Society for Consumer Psychology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1057-7408/$ - see front matter © 2011 Society for Consumer Psychology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
454 M.I. Norton et al. / Journal of Consumer Psychology 22 (2012) 453–460
assembled products compared to objectively similar products value the fruits of that labor—the products they have created.
which they did not assemble. We then explore whether exerting We manipulate the success of labor in several ways to test our
effort is enough to increase valuation or whether completion of model—of theoretical interest to our understanding of the link
a project is necessary for the effect to emerge. between effort and liking, but also of practical interest to mar-
keters considering engaging consumers in co-production—
Labor and love exploring when and why labor leads to love.
to pay for the well-crafted origami made by our experts (M = Our account suggests that the positive impact of effort on
$0.27, SD = 0.26). Non-builders' bids for builders' origami valuation is most likely to occur when that effort results in suc-
were significantly lower than both builders' bids for that cessful completion of a task (Aronson & Mills, 1959; Bandura,
origami and non-builders' bids for expert origami, ts N 2.91, 1977). As an initial test of this hypothesis, we added a new con-
ps b .01, while the latter two bids did not differ, t b 1, p N .45 dition to Experiment 2, in which participants built but then took
(Fig. 2). apart their creations. This “build and unbuild” condition also al-
It is possible, however, that these results do not indicate that lows us to begin to document the important role of task comple-
our participants truly believed that the market price of their cre- tion in the emergence of the IKEA effect. Ariely, Kamenica,
ation was $0.23, but merely that they were willing to overbid and Prelec (2008) demonstrated the demotivating effects of see-
for their creation to avoid losing it. However, we asked an ad- ing one's labor undone by others; in Experiment 2 we examine
ditional set of students (N = 14) to fold origami cranes and col- the value-destroying effects of undoing one's labor oneself. We
lected their bids, and also asked them to estimate what the predicted that builders would value their creations more than
average student at their university would bid for their creation. individuals given pre-built products—but that building and
The bids were strikingly similar, (Mself = $0.19; Mothers = $0.21), then unbuilding products, thereby “undoing” one's successful
t(13) = .45, p N .65, offering some evidence that participants completion of a task, would lead to lower valuations.
truly believed in the value of their creations.
Experiment 2: The role of completion
Participants (N = 118; 49 male, Mage = 19.7, SD = 1.7) were
Experiment 1B suggests that the IKEA effect is large undergraduates and graduate students at a university in the
enough to cause people to value their creations as highly as northeastern United States who were approached in the student
the creations of experts, offering support for the considerable center and dorms. In this experiment, we used sets of Legos of
magnitude of the effect. In Experiment 2, we further explore 10 to 12 pieces. When completed, the sets resembled the shape
the magnitude of the valuation that participants place on their of a helicopter, a bird, a dog, or a duck.
self-made products compared to other products by using a dif- Participants were run in pairs, and were randomly assigned
ferent standard. While Experiment 1B showed that participants' one of the four Lego sets (members of each pair were always
WTP for their own creations was higher than that of dispassion- assigned different sets) and to one of three conditions. In the
ate outside bidders, in Experiment 2 we examine how partici- prebuilt condition, participants were provided with a pre-
pants' bids for their own products compare to their bids for assembled set; in the build condition, participants assembled a
objectively similar products created by others. Our account set themselves; in the unbuild condition, participants built a
holds that participants imbue products they have created with set and then took that set apart.
value, and thus we predict that participants' bids for products All participants were then told to place bids on both their
they complete themselves will be higher than their bids for and their partner's set, and were told that the highest bidder
products that others have completed. In Experiment 2, there- for each would pay their own bid amount and take the set
fore, participants bid for their creations not using the BDM pro- home. Thus, the bidding procedure used in Experiment 2 re-
cedure, but against another participant using a sealed first price quired participants to take into account their own willingness
auction in which each bidder submitted a bid for each product, to pay and their partner's bids—a kind of market price.
where the bidder with the highest bid for each product would
receive that product and pay the price they offered. Results and discussion
and condition, F(2, 106) = 3.20, p b .05, indicating that the mag- in Experiment 1A. Finally, participants were asked to rate the
nitude of the difference in bids was impacted by our manipula- extent to which they were a “do-it-yourself” person (DIYer),
tions (Table 1). Only in the build condition, as predicted, were on a 7-point scale (1: not at all a do-it-yourself person to 7:
participants' bids for their own creation significantly higher very much a do-it-yourself person).
than their bids for their partners' creations, t(39) = 3.08,
p b .01; in fact, their bids for their own were twice as high as Results and discussion
their bids for their partners'. Building and then “unbuilding”
sets, however, caused this difference to become non- As predicted, builders bid significantly more for their boxes
significant, t(39) = 1.20, p = .23. This negative effect of destroy- (M = $1.46, SD = 1.46) than incomplete builders (M = $0.59,
ing one's labor is particularly notable given that Lego sets are SD = 0.70), t(37) = 2.35, p b .05. Thus, while both groups were
designed to be assembled and taken apart, and participants given the chance to buy the identical product, those who were
could have quickly and easily reassembled their set had they given the chance to complete their creation imbued it with sig-
bid enough to own it. Bids for the two sets in the prebuilt con- nificantly more value—and were willing to pay more than
dition were also not significantly different, t(37) = 1.30, p = .20. twice as much to keep it.
We conducted a regression predicting WTP with condition,
Experiment 3: The role of incompletion self-rating on the DIY scale, and the interaction. Reflective of
the above analyses, there was a significant effect of build con-
Experiment 2 demonstrated that building and then unbuild- dition, β = .44, p b .05. Not surprisingly, there was a marginally
ing one's creations caused the IKEA effect to dissipate. To fur- significant effect of participants' DIY rating, β = .35, p = .06,
ther test the role of task completion in the impact of effort on such that DIYers valued the boxes more highly. There was no
valuation, in Experiment 3 we allowed some participants to evidence of an interaction between condition and DIY rating,
build an IKEA box, while others were allowed to complete β = .09, p N .60, suggesting that both DIYers and non-DIYers
only half of the steps to complete the box. We expected, consis- showed an increase in valuation when completing their prod-
tent with results from Experiment 2, that failing to finish a ucts (Fig. 3).
product would lead to lower valuations than completing it. In
addition, we measured participants' general interest in building General discussion
things themselves—asking them to rate the extent to which
they were “do-it-yourself” people—in order to examine wheth- In four experiments, we demonstrated the existence and
er the boost in valuation from completing the box occurred for magnitude of the IKEA effect, which occurs for both utilitarian
all consumers regardless of their stated interest. and hedonic products, and is sufficient in magnitude that con-
sumers believe that their self-made products rival those of ex-
Method perts. Adding to previous literature on effort justification, we
also show that successful completion is an essential component
Participants (N = 39; 16 male, Mage = 21.5, SD = 2.4) at a uni- for the link between labor and liking to emerge; participants
versity in the southeastern United States were paid $5. We ran- who built and then unbuilt their creations, or were not per-
domly assigned some participants—our builders—to assemble mitted to finish those creations, did not show an increase in
an IKEA storage box. These participants were given an unas- willingness-to-pay. In addition, by using simple IKEA boxes
sembled box with the assembly instructions that come with
the product. Other participants—our incomplete builders—
were given the same unassembled box with the same instruc-
tions, but were asked to stop before completing the last two
steps. Thus these participants also worked on their box, but
were not able to complete their creation; note that participants
in this condition had all of the pieces needed to complete the
box, and little effort would be required on their part to complete
the box if they chose to purchase it.
After the initial stage, we solicited participants' willingness-
to-pay price by using the same incentive-compatible method as
Table 1
Mean WTP from Experiment 2. Participants valued their Lego sets more than
their partners' when they built them compared to when they received prebuilt
sets, or when they built and unbuilt their set.
Condition Bid on own Bid on other Difference Fig. 3. Mean WTP from Experiment 3. Builders bid more for their creations
than did incomplete-builders. People who rated themselves as high DIY (one
Prebuilt $.32 $.26 $.06
standard deviation above the mean) bid more than those who rated themselves
Build $.84 $.42 $.42
as low DIY (one standard deviation below the mean). There was no interaction
Unbuild $.43 $.29 $.14
between these two factors.
M.I. Norton et al. / Journal of Consumer Psychology 22 (2012) 453–460 459
and Lego sets that did not permit customization, we demon- approach is not without its critics (e.g., Zwick, Bonsu, & Darmody,
strated that the IKEA effect does not arise solely as a result of 2008). The challenge for marketers lies in convincing consumers to
participants' idiosyncratic tailoring of their creations to their engage in the kinds of labor that will lead them to value products
preferences. more highly. One intriguing possibility comes from Gibbs and
What psychological mechanisms underlie the increase in val- Drolet (2003), who show that elevating consumer energy levels
uation when participants self-assemble their products? Several re- can induce consumers to choose consumption experiences that re-
lated phenomena bear closer scrutiny as possible drivers of the quire more effort. At the same time, however, companies should
IKEA effect. First, previous research demonstrates that people also be careful to create tasks that are not too difficult as to lead
prefer goods with which they have been endowed (Kahneman, to an inability to complete the task; again, our results demonstrate
Knetsch, & Thaler, 1990; Langer, 1975), raising the possibility that labor leads to love only when that labor is successful. For ex-
that overvaluation may be due merely to ownership of products ample, Meuter, Bitner, Ostrom, and Brown (2005) emphasize the
rather than effort expended in creating them. Second, research importance of providing consumers with clear guidelines on how
suggests that greater time spent touching objects can increase to engage with self-service technologies, while Dahl and Moreau
feelings of ownership and value (Peck & Shu, 2009). In Experi- (2007) suggest that placing some constraints on the amount of cre-
ment 2, however, participants in the “build and unbuild” condi- ativity that consumers can express leads them to be more satisfied
tion both spent more time and had more contact with the with their eventual creations.
product than those in the “build” condition—but reported a We note that some research suggests that these same princi-
lower WTP. As a result, shorter time and less contact led to higher ples apply not only to designing tasks for consumers, but also
evaluations, consistent with our account and inconsistent with an jobs for employees. Many studies point to the motivational bene-
explanation centered on the endowment effect or touch. fits of assigning employees to tasks they feel capable of complet-
If these explanations are unlikely to account for our effects, ing (Grant & Parker, 2009; Hackman & Oldham, 1976). Shirky
what process underlies the IKEA effect? In the Introduction, we (2008), for example, offers the initial call for programmers to
suggested that the increase in liking that occurs due to effort contribute their (unpaid) labor to creating the open source
(Aronson & Mills, 1959) coupled with the positive feelings of Linux operating system as an example of a successful pitch for
effectance that accompany successful completion of tasks (Ban- labor; programmers were encouraged to make small, manageable
dura, 1977) is an important driver of the increase in willingness contributions, such that the intimidating scope of the total labor
to pay that we observe. It is possible and even likely that building needed was deemphasized (see Bergquest (2003) and Kelty
products increases both thoughts about the positive attributes of (2008) for alternative views of the success of open source ini-
that product (Ariely & Simonson, 2003; Carmon, Wertenbroch, tiatives). Unlike with people building their own products,
& Zeelenberg, 2003; Dhar & Wertenbroch, 2000) and positive af- however, initiatives requiring such joint contributions may
fect and emotional attachment to that product (e.g., McGraw, Tet- spread ownership across multiple parties, thereby diluting the
lock, & Kristel, 2003), both of which have been shown to impact of labor on any one's contributor's liking for that
influence WTP. In addition, self-assembly of products may initiative.
allow people to both feel competent and display evidence of Finally, we note that we used generally small ticket items;
that competence—their creation—thus permitting them to signal the question of whether the IKEA effect occurs for more expen-
desired attributes to themselves and others (Franke et al., 2010; sive items is important both practically and theoretically. While
Spence, 1973). Finally, saving money by buying products that re- future research should empirically examine the magnitude of
quire some assembly may induce positive feelings associated overvaluation as a function of price, we suggest that, even for
with being a “smart shopper” (Schindler, 1998). While further ex- very costly items, people may continue to see the products of
ploration of these factors is needed, we suggest that the role of their labor as more valuable than others do. For instance, people
these factors is likely to vary by the type of product being assem- may see the improvements they have made to their homes—
bled. For instance, compared to origami and Legos, the boring, such as the brick walkways they laid by hand—as increasing
utilitarian IKEA boxes we use in Experiments 1A and 3 have the value of the house far more than buyers, who see only a
few attributes on which to elaborate, are unlikely to prompt shoddily-built walkway. Indeed, to the extent that labor one
deep emotional attachment, and offer little opportunity for brag- puts into one's home reflects one's own idiosyncratic tastes,
ging rights; indeed, the social utility gained from displaying prod- such as kitchen tiling behind the sink that quotes bible verses,
ucts decreases as product complexity decreases (Thompson & labor might actually lead to lower valuation by buyers, who
Norton, 2011). see only bible verses that must be expunged—even as that
Our exploration of the value that participants attach to their labor leads the owner to raise the selling price.
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chology underlying consumer involvement, as companies have
shifted in recent years from viewing customers as recipients of References
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