1 Fisa Tehnica 2618
1 Fisa Tehnica 2618
1 Fisa Tehnica 2618
Please read and understand these Guidelines before opening and using X-One
- The first castable resin developed for the new LCD monochromatic
generation and DLP printers.
- Perfect casting results with any kind of investments and burnout cycles. Low
temperature burnout compatibility (even if we recommend 750°C last stage,
everything is burned out at 680°C).
- Low temperature melting polymer ensures smooth surface finish and perfect
- Toxic and carcinogenic component free, Low fumes emission during burnout.
Very low VOC and negligible smell.
- Finally, you can cast in any casting house/service every kind of pattern with
text, engravings, micropavè etc.
- You can choice for chemical postcuring (longer washing in alcohol make a
chemical reaction with X-One) or for traditional washing and UV oven oven
postcuring. After chemical postcuring the color resin change from dark green to
gray/white to permit you to check if the procedure was correct
Following informations are suitable only for X-One resin and will not apply to
other BlueCast resins.
BlueCast X-One resin is fully compatible with the new monochromatic LCD
Generation and DLP printers.
On old RGB LCD machines the exposure times are much more longer than
standard resins. With some COB LED machines the resin may not work.
In order to get the maximum details use of HD FEP is strongly suggested. A bad
quality FEP compromise the resin printability.
Before run the Z-Axis calibration, please check if your build platform is planar.
The colored platform coating like the one of the old Anycubic Photon or Elegoo
Mars inhibits the sticking of the castable resins. To fix this machine issues you
can sand the build platform with 150/200 grade sandpaper.
Due to the low temperature melting polymer used the resin is solid under
18°C. Before use please heat the resin to a temperature range of 25 to 40°C.
Best operating range is from 20 to 30C°. It will remain liquid at
temperatures above 18° C. You can heat the resin by microwave ovens
(NEVER OVER 30 SECONDS), ultrasonic cleaner, hot air, etc.
Before pour the resin into the resin tank shake the bottle for one minute.
For a correct debubbling let the resin rest in to the resin tank for 5 minutes before
start the print. To speed up the operations you can also filter the resin in order to
remove the air bubbles or or vacuum the opened bottle.
Due to low temp melting polymer used the minimal supports (the first pattern
supports) must be bigger than usual. You can design the ring sprue in your
model and use it as main support. Never use contact points under 0.4 mm and
take care to support the shank of the rings.
Not filter the resin after each print and not heating the resin before each print
may lead to printing failures. Do not store the resin in to the tank. Please remove
the resin from printer tank, filter it and store in to the original bottle.
We don’t provide official after sales service for the machines not listed
below. The settings are specifically developed for Chitubox slicer.
Layer Height: 0.05 mm
Bottom Layer Count: 25 n
Exposure Time: 5.5 s
Bottom Exposure Time: 20 s
Light-off Delay: 7 s
Bottom light-off delay: 13 s
Bottom Lift Distance: 5 mm
Lifting Distance: 4 mm
Bottom Lift Speed: 50 mm/min
Lifting Speed: 50 mm/min
Retract Speed: 100mm/min
Antialiasing: ON
AA Level: 8
Gray Level: 4
Patterns are more fragile respect other BlueCast resin especially extreme patterns
like filigree and prongs. Handle it with care.
Patterns are moderately softer because the resin contain wax inside.
After washing dry the patterns with compressed air. The resin color will start to
change from dark gray to light gray/white. More the patterns will become white
better will be the castability.
If you don’t have compressed air you can dry the pattern with a hair dryer. The
whitening will require longer times.
The resin whitening time is strongly related to the alcohol used and to the washing
procedure. More the alcohol is bad quality and exhaust, more time is required.
After the washing procedure you have to give to the alcohol the time to evaporate
before invest. Postcuring can speed up the alcohol evaporation and make the
patterns more rigid and stiff.
If you want to avoid the whitening procedure you can wash very fast the patters as
usual (1 min max) but the resin postcuring (15 minutes minimum) will be require.
Same as wax, use sand paper to make welding zone rough, apply a drop of wax,
stay on for some seconds, weld wax sprue.
Due to the real meltability and to the wax property, forget about surface tension of
X-One is proper and there is no reaction/interaction resin/investment.
X-One is suitable for fast /production wax burnout, if you want to use it mind you
need to apply for extra wax sprues around pattern; wax will melt away quickly
leaving routes for resin exit.