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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,280,874 B2

Boehm (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 9, 2007

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(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Alexjander, S., The Infrared Frequencies of DNA Bases: Science
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(21) App1.No.: 09/780,901 Cominole, B., Clinical Impressions and Speculations on the Use of
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FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS resonant frequencies for use in various media having dif
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US 7,280,874 B2
1 2
METHODS FOR DETERMINING tion and greater mobility. See The Christchurch Press,
THERAPEUTIC RESONANT FREQUENCIES Frequency Therapy Offers Relief, Independent NeWspapers
Limited, Oct. 28, 1999.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED Thus, the use of audio, radio, and light Waves to inhibit
APPLICATIONS microbial groWth and to treat diseases and affected tissue is
Well knoWn in the art. E?fective therapeutic resonant fre
This application claims priority to applicant’s co-pending quencies have been identi?ed through various means. Trial
application having U.S. Ser. No. 60/181,460, ?led Feb. 10, and error approaches With resonant frequencies have been
2000. used to obtain therapeutic responses. Devices for applying
electromagnetic energy to living tissue are disclosed, for
FIELD OF THE INVENTION example, in US. Pat. Nos. 3,876,373, 4,524,079, and 5,091,
152. Effective resonant frequencies have also been identi?ed
The present invention relates to methods for determining through the use of frequency scanning With electronic
resonant frequencies having therapeutic uses in a variety of devices capable of detecting a frequency response from a
settings. In particular, the present invention provides meth bacterial, viral, and/or tissue sample. Such devices for
ods for e?iciently determining therapeutic resonant frequen detecting frequency response are disclosed, for example, in
cies for complete genomes or partial genomic materials, for US. Pat. Nos. 5,552,274, 5,981,182, and 6,004,257. Thus,
use in various media having different refractivities. there exists a need for more e?icient and accurate method
ology than trial and error, to determine therapeutic resonant
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 20 frequencies for speci?c target materials, such as microor
Resonant frequency therapy (RFT) is a non-invasive Therapeutic resonant frequencies may be used to inhibit,
treatment that has been reported to offer signi?cant relief to or debilitate, and/or stimulate a biophysical event. The
sufferers of a variety of ailments and medical conditions. e?icacy of such frequencies, Whether for stimulation or for
The use of RFT for human and animal therapeutic purposes 25 debilitation, depends to some extent on the type of frequency
began in the early 1900’s, and experienced accelerated delivery system used, including variables such as poWer
development through the research of Royal Rife and his levels, Waveform, harmonic content of the Wave, and other
associates in the 1930’s and afterWard. factors. Once therapeutic resonant frequencies are deter
Using neW microscope technology he developed, Rife mined, the user must choose Which devices and delivery
discovered that plasma Waves could be used to transmit 30 systems are most effectively used in conjunction With those
radio and audio frequencies, Which Were tuned to the fre frequencies. To increase e?icacy, an easier, quicker, and
quencies of speci?c microorganisms, and that each micro more accurate Way of determining therapeutic resonant
organism responded to its unique frequencies. For example, frequencies is needed.
Rife found that staphylococcus, streptococcus, microorgan Despite both historical and increasing recent interest in
isms associated With tuberculosis, typhoid, and leprosy, as 35 use of resonant frequency therapy, mechanism(s) of action
Well as cancer particles, and other disease-causing agents underlying the use of knoWn therapeutic resonant frequen
succumbed When exposed to certain frequencies peculiar to cies is not fully understood. While it is recognized that some
each organism or particle. See, Siedel, R. E., and M. E. type of resonance phenomenon debilitates or destroys
Winter, The NeW Microscopes, Smithsonian Annual Report microorganisms, the biophysical and/or biochemical mecha
1944, pp. 193-200. 40 nism(s) associated With use of speci?c resonant frequencies
Using the principles of Rife’s discoveries, various and that lead to microbial inhibition are not completely
researchers developed devices for emitting frequencies knoWn.
designed to treat a range of diseases and conditions. For Before noW, there has never existed a methodology that
example, Dr. Abraham Ginsberg used an apparatus Which links effective therapeutic resonant frequencies to a bio
produced intermittent bursts of high energy in the short Wave 45 physical or biochemical event, process, or structure. The
spectrum. Ginsberg’s modality Was found to stimulate the electronic scanning devices and methods currently commer
reticuloendothelial system Without undesirably heating tis cially available provide no explanation or insight regarding
sue. Using his device, Ginsberg reported successfully treat Which physical structure or process is in?uenced by the
ing patients With various clinical conditions, including frequencies used.
chronic Staphylococcus infections, acute in?ammatory 50 There is a need for methodology to more readily and
middle ear, chronic ulcerative colitis, bronchitis, rheumatoid e?iciently in?uence genomic materials, by more precisely
arthritis, gout, ?u, and thrombophlebitis, among others. See, and e?iciently determining therapeutic resonant frequencies
Cominole, B., Clinical Impressions and Speculations on the that can be easily and accurately adjusted to ranges used by
Use of High-Frequency Pulsed Energy, The Dr. Abraham J. currently available devices. It is to these perceived needs
Ginsberg Foundation for Medical Research Symposium, 55 that the present invention is directed.
Jun. 29, 1959.
Research utiliZing resonant frequencies and therapeutic SUMMARY OF INVENTION
modalities implementing such frequencies have proliferated
over the past ten years. A recent example of the use of The present invention provides methods for determining
resonant frequency therapy is the Christchurch Resonant 60 resonant frequencies having therapeutic uses in a variety of
Frequency Therapy Centre in Dunedin, NeW Zealand. While settings. In particular, the present invention provides meth
the Centre emphasiZes that resonant frequency therapy is not ods for e?iciently and accurately determining therapeutic
intended to replace treatment regimens and medication resonant frequencies for complete genomes and partial
prescribed by physicians, it does report successful treatment genomic materials, for use in various media having different
of a range of clinical conditions, including arthritis, tinnitis, 65 refractivities.
blood pressure, cataracts, headaches, shingles, and psoriasis. Methods of the present invention utiliZe biophysical and
Arthritis patients report particular success With pain reduc biochemical properties of genomic materials to determine
US 7,280,874 B2
3 4
therapeutic resonant frequencies. For example, the length of methods of the present invention, therapeutic resonant fre
any obj ect can be considered as having a resonant frequency quencies of genomic material “shifted by octaves,” to a
by virtue of correlation With a Wavelength that manifests loWer octave in the electromagnetic spectrum, by dividing
itself into a surrounding medium. On that basis, the length the therapeutic resonant frequency by some poWer of the
of biomolecular chains of DNA and RNA can be calculated, number 2. The loWer octave of a therapeutic resonant
and thus can provide Wavelength-matching information frequency, While having a much longer Wavelength, Will
unique to a speci?c strand of genomic material. resonate With the ?rst therapeutic resonant frequency, just as
DNA or RNA chains are constructed in such a Way that musical octaves resonate With and amplify each other, but
negatively-charged molecular ions (the P04 groups) run the only When the octave shift is exact.
entire length of the molecule on the outer surface of the The present invention comprises methods for determining
chain in a helical fashion, causing the molecule to contain a therapeutic resonant frequencies of electromagnetic radia
relatively large negative charge on its surface. Thus the tion for in?uencing a target genomic material, Where the
chain is highly electro-sensitive to the in?uences of resonant genomic material is surrounded by a medium. Embodiments
oscillating electromagnetic ?elds. Resonance is de?ned as of these methods include the folloWing steps: (1) determin
the increase in amplitude of the natural oscillation or fre ing a velocity of electromagnetic radiation through the
quency of a system, When exposed to a periodic force Whose medium surrounding the genomic material; (2) determining
frequency is equal or very close to the natural frequency of the length of the genomic material; (3) determining a ?rst
the system. The natural oscillation of a system or part of a resonant frequency of the genomic material in one electro
system is de?ned as its “natural resonant frequency”. magnetic frequency range by dividing the velocity of the
In radio science, the length of an antenna Will largely 20 electromagnetic radiation through the surrounding medium
determine how effectively the antenna responds to the by the length of the genomic material; (4) dividing or
Wavelength energy of an incoming transmission. Methods multiplying the ?rst resonant frequency by a factor of a
for determining therapeutic resonant frequencies of the poWer of tWo to obtain at least one resonant frequency in
present invention utiliZe the principle that the length of a another electromagnetic frequency range; (5) programming
DNA or RNA helical chain can be electromagnetically 25 a frequency-emitting device to emit at least one resonant
resonated in similar fashion. frequency in the other electromagnetic frequency range
Methods of the present invention alloW precise correla selected in step 4; and (6) selectively in?uencing the target
tions betWeen resonant frequencies and the length of the genomic material With at least one resonant frequency in the
genomic material under consideration. If a resonant fre selected electromagnetic frequency range, When the fre
quency is generated in air (or a vacuum) While the target 30 quency-emitting device emits at least one resonant fre
material resides in a different medium, in this invention’s quency in the selected electromagnetic frequency range into
method a refractive adjustment is made to insure that the the medium surrounding the target genomic material.
Wavelength traveling from the air or vacuum medium trans Methods of the present invention further comprise deter
forms to the length of the target material in the surrounding mining the length of the genomic material by determining
medium. By accounting for an appropriate electromagnetic 35 the number of base pairs in the genomic material (in the case
refractive index for the surrounding medium, such as Water of single-stranded genomic material, this step Would com
or tissue, methods of the present invention provide the prise determining the number of bases); using the spacing
advantage of determining a resonant frequency that Would betWeen adjacent base pairs or bases; and multiplying the
be more closely related to the length of the genomic material number of base pairs or bases in the genomic material by the
and its natural resonant frequency, and thus Would be more 40 spacing betWeen adjacent base pairs or bases. In a preferred
appropriate, or therapeutic, for the genomic material in that embodiment, the base pairs or bases are spaced apart by an
speci?c medium. average spacing, Which is a knoWn value, and determining
The natural electromagnetic resonant frequencies for the length of the genomic material comprises determining
genomes fall for the most part in the infrared region of the the number of base pairs or bases in the genomic material,
electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. The natural resonant fre 45 and then multiplying that number of base pairs or bases in
quencies for genes and smaller portions of DNA or RNA the genomic material by the knoWn value for the average
appear in the near infrared, visible, and near ultraviolet spacing betWeen base pairs or bases.
regions of the spectrum. For many currently available fre In a typical environment, genomic material exists in
quency-emitting devices, the natural resonant frequencies living, or in-vivo, tissue. In methods of the present inven
such as those associated With genomic material are not 50 tion, the velocity of electromagnetic radiation through in
achievable due to the technical limitations of the device. vivo tissue is determined by accounting for the electrical
Indeed, particular devices often are capable of generating permittivity of in-vivo tissue in relation to velocity, such that
frequencies in only narroW ranges. To overcome such limi the velocity:l/\/(ep.), Where e is the electrical permittivity of
tations, methods of the present invention adjust resonant in-vivo tissue, and p. is the magnetic permeability of in-vivo
frequencies upWard or doWnWard. For example, to deter 55 tissue. With this measurement of in-vivo velocity, a refrac
mine an appropriate loWer range frequency in accordance tive index of electromagnetic radiation through in-vivo
With the present invention, the therapeutic resonant fre tissue is determined by dividing the velocity of electromag
quency is divided by the number 2, as many times as netic radiation, or the speed of light in a vacuum, by the
necessary, until a frequency in the frequency-generating speed of light in in-vivo tissue. Then by dividing a thera
range of a device is reached. The poWer of 2 by Which a 60 peutic resonant frequency determined for the genomic mate
therapeutic resonant frequency is factored Will depend on rial in an air medium by the refractive index for in-vivo
the range of the electromagnetic spectrum Within Which a tissue, a therapeutic resonant frequency for the genomic
frequency delivery device operates. material surrounded by in-vivo tissue is determined.
In music, a similar adjustment Would be termed moving In other embodiments, methods of the present invention
to a higher or loWer octave. Moving to a higher octave Would 65 include multiplying therapeutic resonant frequencies in a
in effect cut the Wavelength in half, While moving to a loWer range adaptable for use in frequency-emitting devices by a
octave Would double the Wavelength. In accordance With positive integer to determine harmonic frequencies; or divid
US 7,280,874 B2
5 6
ing therapeutic resonant frequencies in a range adaptable for genomes, or partial genomic materials. Methods of the
use in frequency-emitting devices by a positive integer to present invention also comprise means for determining a
determine subharrnonic frequencies. By programming a more precise, and thus more therapeutic resonant frequency
frequency-emitting device to emit the harmonic and subhar for the genomic system in a particular medium by account
monic frequencies, target genomic material is selectively ing for an appropriate electromagnetic refractive index for
in?uenced With the therapeutic resonant frequencies and the the surrounding medium.
harmonic and subharmonic frequencies, When the fre
quency-emitting device emits these frequencies into the Complete Genome
medium surrounding the target genomic material. As described above, an object has a natural resonant
Features of methods for determining therapeutic resonant frequency by the correlation of the length of the object With
frequencies of the present invention may be accomplished a Wavelength that manifests into its surrounding medium.
singularly, or in combination, in one or more of the embodi
For example, the length of a DNA or RNA chain provides a
Wavelength measurement that can be used to determine a
ments of the present invention. As Will be appreciated by
those of ordinary skill in the art, the present invention has resonant frequency. In embodiments of the present inven
Wide utility in a number of applications as illustrated by the tion, the spacing of nucleotide base pairs in a DNA double
variety of features and advantages discussed beloW. helix is used in the mathematical process to determine
Methods of the present invention provide numerous frequency. The entire length of a piece of genomic material,
advantages over prior efforts to identify therapeutic resonant is determined by multiplying the number of base pairs or
frequencies. For example, the present invention advanta bases in the genomic material times the spacing length
geously provides methods for determining resonant frequen 20
betWeen base pairs or bases.
cies effective for stimulation and/or debilitation of speci?c It is knoWn that base pair spacing in strands of DNA is not
types of DNA and/or RNA genomes, genes and gene sec alWays consistent. Localized areas contain “squeezing” or
tions. “spreading” of base pairs in various Ways. In embodiments
Another advantage of the methods of the present inven of the methods of the present invention, the classic Watson
tion is that they provide means for readily and ef?ciently 25
Crick model of base pair spacing is used. The Watson-Crick
determining therapeutic resonant frequencies using Widely model of base pair spacing is an average spacing over the
available data. entire length of the DNA molecule. Use of an average base
Another advantage is that the present invention provides pair spacing alloWs for accuracy suf?cient to determine
methods for readily and ef?ciently predicting resonant fre therapeutic resonant frequencies in accordance With the
quencies that can be used therapeutically or bene?cially in 30 methods of the present invention.
a variety of circumstances related to treatment of various The B-helix is the most common in-vivo DNA form in
human and animal diseases and conditions. bacterial and eukaryotic life forms, and is used herein as
Another advantage is that the present invention provides illustration in the methods of the present invention. In the
methods for readily and ef?ciently determining therapeutic B-helix, one complete turn of the helix spans a distance of
resonant frequencies that take into account an appropriate 35 35.4 angstroms on its axis; and there are 10.4 base pairs in
electromagnetic refractive index for a surrounding medium. each helical turn. Therefore, the spacing of individual base
In so doing, the present invention has the advantage of pairs on the axis Would be 35.4 angstroms per turn divided
determining a more precise therapeutic resonant frequency by 10.4 base pairs per turn, Which equals 3.403846 ang
for the genomic system in a particular medium. stroms spacing betWeen each base pair. In scienti?c notation
Still another advantage is that the present invention pro 40 using SI units, the base pair spacing length is expressed as
vides easier and more ef?cient methods for determining 3.403846 e—10 meters. This use of meters alloWs conversion
resonant frequencies that signi?cantly enhance the therapeu of the total length (treated as Wavelength) into a frequency.
tic bene?t and cost-effectiveness of currently existing elec By Way of illustration using a pathogenic microorganism,
tromagnetic, magnetic, plasma, audio, or other frequency the DNA genome of Borrelia burgdorferi strain B31 con
emitting devices. 45 tains 910,724 base pairs. To determine its length, 910,724
Another advantage over prior approaches to identifying base pairs times the base pair spacing of 3.403846 e—10
resonant frequencies is that the present invention provides meters:3.09996 e-4 meters total length of the genome. As
the advantage of methods that utiliZe a simple biophysical described above, the length of an object can represent the
model for explaining and understanding Why speci?c reso object’s Wavelength; in this case, the length of the Borrelia
nant frequencies are effective. 50 genome represents its Wavelength.
As Will be realiZed by those of skill in the art, many To convert this Wavelength to frequency, the folloWing
different embodiments of methods for determining thera common physics relationship is used:
peutic resonant frequencies according to the present inven velocity/WavelengtlFfrequency (1)
tion are possible. Additional uses, objects, advantages, and
novel features of the invention are set forth in the detailed 55 If the DNA under consideration Was in a medium of air,
description that folloWs and Will become more apparent to velocity Would be the speed of electromagnetic radiation, or
those skilled in the art upon examination of the folloWing or light, in air. For purposes of comparison, if Borrelia burg
by practice of the invention. dorferi Was in an air medium, according to methods of the
present invention, the velocity of electromagnetic radiation
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE 60 through air (299,792,458 m/ s) Would be used in determining
INVENTION a therapeutic resonant frequency. Dividing this velocity by
the Borrelia burgdorferi genome Wavelength: (299,792,458
The present invention comprises methods for determining m/s/3.09996 e-4 meters):9.6708492 e+11 HZ, the therapeu
resonant frequencies having therapeutic or bene?cial uses in tic resonant frequency for Borrelia burgdorferi in an air
a variety of settings. In particular, the present invention 65 medium.
includes methods for ef?ciently and accurately determining HoWever, genomic material including that of Borrelia
therapeutic resonant frequencies for speci?c complete burgdorferi, generally exists in a medium of living tissue.
US 7,280,874 B2
7 8
The velocity of electromagnetic radiation through a general therapeutic resonant frequency by 229, Which gives a cor
in-vivo tissue medium is equal to the inverse of the square responding second therapeutic resonant frequency of 636.12
root of the product of the electrical permittivity and the HZ, Which is in the audio range. This process of dividing (or
magnetic permeability of the medium. The formula for multiplying) any resonant frequency transposes it into a
velocity of electromagnetic radiation through a typical in different octave by doubling (or halving) its Wavelength in
vivo tissue medium is given as: an exact and precise manner, alloWing a resonant correlation
With the length under consideration in a speci?c medium.
velocity:1/¢(ep) (2)
Thus, in the present invention, an octave-shifted therapeutic
Where e is the electrical permittivity and p. is the magnetic resonant frequency Will have a precise correlation With the
permeability of the medium. ?rst therapeutic resonant frequency.
The magnetic permeability (u) through in-vivo tissue is In the example above, an in-vivo therapeutic resonant
knoWn to be the same as that in air: 1.256,637,061,4 e—6
frequency of the Borrelia burgdorferi genome is
henrys/meter. HoWever, electrical permittivity in live body 3.41515016 e+11 HZ. Corresponding therapeutic useful
tissue is not the same as for air. A representative value for resonant frequencies in a different electromagnetic range,
electrical permittivity through in-vivo tissue is 71 e—12 determined by dividing by appropriate poWers of 2, results
farads/meter. Applying these ?gures to formula (2) above, in Borrelia burgdorferi in-vivo therapeutic resonant fre
quencies in the audio range at: 636.12 HZ, 1272.24 HZ,
the result is: velocity:1/\/[(71 e—12 F/m)><(1.256,637,061,4
e-6 H/m)]:105,868,288.9 meters per second, a representa 2544.5 HZ, 5088.9 HZ, etc.
tive velocity of electromagnetic radiation through in-vivo As another illustration, if Borrelia burgdorferi Were in a
tissue. 20 different medium such as Water at 40 degrees centigrade,
Thus, in this method of the present invention, to obtain an
according to methods of the present invention, the velocity
in-vivo therapeutic resonant frequency of the Borrelia burg of EM radiation through Water at that temperature (225,319,
768 m/ s) Would be used in determining therapeutic resonant
dorferi DNA genome having a length of 3.09996 e-4
meters, formula (1) above (velocity/WavelengthIfrequency) frequencies. Dividing this velocity by the genome length:
is used: 105,868,2889 meters per second/3.099,96 e-4
25 (225,319,768 m/s)/(3.09996 e-4 meters):7.2684734 e+11
HZ, Which Would be the therapeutic resonant frequency of
meters:3.415,150,16 e+11 HZ. Borrelia burgdorferi DNA in Water at 40 degrees centigrade.
Using the results of the above steps, a general refractive
index of electromagnetic radiation through in-vivo tissue
To determine corresponding therapeutic resonant frequen
cies in a different electromagnetic frequency range, again in
can be determined. A refractive index (n) is given by the
this instance the audio range, the resulting resonant fre
ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light
quency above is then divided by appropriate poWers of 2.
in the medium under consideration. This ratio is stated as:
This gives therapeutic resonant frequencies in the audio
nIspeed oflight in a vacuum/speed of light in a range for Borrelia burgdorferi in a 40-degree centigrade
medium. (3) Water medium of: 676.9 HZ, 1353.9 HZ, 2707.7 HZ, 5415.4
35 HZ, etc.
According to the steps given above, a refractive index of In an alternative embodiment of the present invention,
electromagnetic radiation through in-vivo tissue Would be: methods for determining therapeutic resonant frequencies
(299,792,458 m/s)/(105,868,288.9 m/s):2.831749. for genomic material under consideration use the numerical
Then, by dividing a therapeutic frequency determined for constant 4,526,016.44 as folloWs: 4,526,016.44 divided by
a particular genomic material in an air medium by the 40 the number of base pairs or bases in a chainIfrequency. As
refractive index for in-vivo tissue, a therapeutic resonant such, this method provides an ef?cient means for determin
frequency for the genomic material in an in-vivo tissue ing frequency by ascertaining the number of base pairs or
medium is quickly determined. Following the example bases in the genomic material, and dividing that number into
above, dividing the resonant frequency of Borrelia in air the aforementioned constant. For example, if there are 250
(9.6708492 e+11 HZ) by the refractive index of electromag 45 base pairs, or bases in a DNA chain, 4,526,016.44/250:18,
netic radiation through in-vivo tissue (2.831,749), gives the 104.07 her‘tZ. For 5,000 base pairs or bases in a DNA chain,
in-vivo resonant frequency for the Borrelia burgdorferi 4,526,016.44/5,000:905.20 her‘tZ. For 22,000 base pairs or
genome (3.41515016 e+11 HZ). bases in a DNA chain, 4,526,016.44/22,000:205.73 her‘tZ.
The steps described above for the methods of the present As described above, in methods of the present invention,
invention can be adjusted to correlate With any medium 50 therapeutic resonant frequencies are also determined for a
surrounding the genomic material under consideration, as different electromagnetic range, for example in the audio
long as an accurate electromagnetic velocity through the range, by dividing (or multiplying) by appropriate poWers of
medium is knoWn or can be determined. 2. Using the example of a 250-base pair DNA chain above,
The 3.415,150,16 e+11 HZ in-vivo therapeutic resonant 18,104.07 HZ/2:9,052.035 HZ. Repeated division of the
frequency determined above for the Borrelia burgdorferi 55 resulting frequency by a factor of 2, such that 9,052.035
genome appears in the infrared range of the electromagnetic HZ/2:4526.017 HZ/2:2263.008 HZ/2:1131.504
spectrum. In embodiments of the present invention, methods HZ/2:565.752 HZ, quickly determines frequencies in the
alloW access to corresponding resonant frequencies in the range capable of generation by typical frequency-emitting
loWer audio range. For example, to determine an accurate devices. To further shorten the process, dividing 18,104.07
resonant frequency in the audio range corresponding to ?rst 60 hZ by 32, or 25 (2 to the poWer of 5), yields a frequency of
therapeutic resonant frequency, the ?rst resonant frequency 565.752 HZ. Multiplying or dividing by an appropriate
is divided by the number 2, as many times as necessary, to factor of2 (2, 4, 8, 16,32, 64, 128, 526, etc.) Will accurately
reach a frequency in the audio range. In musical terms, as convert therapeutic resonant frequencies to a desired range
described above, frequencies that are related by a factor of for use in currently available frequency emission devices.
2, or a poWer thereof, are knoWn as octaves. In the example 65 Shifting frequencies by factors of 2 produces a frequency
of the in-vivo Borrelia burgdorferi genome, a multi-octave event that is an octave-related resonant frequency and Wave
shift to audio range can be reached by dividing the ?rst length.
US 7,280,874 B2
9 10
As described above, many currently available frequency A number of favorable responses have been reported by
emitting devices are not capable of producing therapeutic individuals using previously unknoWn therapeutic resonant
resonant frequencies in the infrared range, as that deter frequencies determined by methods of the present invention.
mined for the Borrelia burgdorferi genome. To overcome For example, one person Who often experienced severe
such limitations, methods of the present invention adjust outbreaks of herpes simplex virus used the genome-related
resonant frequencies doWnWard (or upWard) by dividing (or therapeutic resonant frequencies derived by the methods of
multiplying) by a poWer of 2, until a frequency in the the present invention for several strains of herpes simplex
frequency-generating range of a device is achieved. viruses. This individual reported a much faster healing
Certain frequency devices emit not only a basic frequency process than What is usually experienced. Another example
(also referred to as the “fundamental” frequency), but also involves a person suffering from cancerous cervical Warts.
many harmonics of that frequency. A “harmonic” is de?ned After use of previously unknoWn therapeutic resonant fre
as a positive integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. quencies relating to the genome of a strain of papilloma
On this basis, in methods of the present invention, additional virus derived by the methods of the present invention, this
frequencies can be determined and programmed into a person reported disappearance of the Warts. Still another
frequency-emitting device such that a harmonic of a fre example is a person infected With the chickenpox virus, Who
quency corresponding to a ?rst therapeutic resonant fre used a previously unavailable therapeutic resonant fre
quency of a target genomic material, Would be emitted along quency derived by the methods of the present invention and
With the fundamental frequency. Similar additional frequen associated With the varicella virus genome. This person
cies can be determined by dividing the therapeutic resonant reported rapid disappearance of blisters and symptoms asso
frequency by a positive integer, resulting in a “subharmonic” ciated With this disease.
frequency. Subharmonic frequencies corresponding to a ?rst In addition, in-vitro laboratory testing demonstrated that
therapeutic resonant frequency of a target genomic material exposure of a strain of Escherichia coli to a genome-related
could also be programmed into a frequency-emitting device, resonant frequency produced a statistically signi?cant
and be emitted along With the fundamental frequency. In this reduction in the number of colonies in cultures.
manner, a group of resonant frequencies corresponding to
the ?rst therapeutic resonant frequency can be emitted Genes and Gene Sections
simultaneously. As a result, effectiveness of a particular Methods of the present invention for determining thera
device can be enhanced. peutic resonant frequencies as described above can also be
As an example, one in-vivo Borrelia burgdorferi thera 30
applied to sections of DNA and/or RNA, as in genes, for
peutic resonant frequency in an audio-range octave is 636.12 example. Using genetic coding information, methods of the
HZ. When this therapeutic resonant frequency is divided by present invention for determining therapeutic resonant fre
the positive integer 2, the resulting subharmonic frequency quencies may also be utiliZed With other sub-components of
is 318.06 HZ. When this subharmonic frequency is pro genomic material, such as the coding associated With
grammed into a harmonic-rich output device and emitted, 35
enZymes, immune factors, oncogenes, oncogenic groWth
the audio-range therapeutic resonant frequency 636.12 HZ is factors, and other proteins.
emitted simultaneously, increasing the likelihood that a In embodiments of the present invention, therapeutic
therapeutic resonant frequency Will impinge a target Borre resonant frequencies are determined using basic information
lia burgdorj’eri genome. In like manner, When dividing the about a protein, for example, hoW many amino acids are in
audio-range therapeutic resonant frequency 636.12 HZ by 40 the protein chain. Because an amino acid is alWays coded by
the positive integer 3, the resulting subharmonic frequency three bases in the messenger RNA, the number of bases for
is 212.04 HZ. A harmonic-rich output device programmed use in determining resonant frequencies can be ascertained
With this subharmonic frequency Would also emit the 636.12 by multiplying the number of amino acids in a protein chain
HZ therapeutic resonant frequency, further increasing the by 3. For example, if there are 100 amino acids in a protein
likely e?icacy of the treatment. 45 chain, there Would be 300 bases in the ?nal messenger RNA
The in-vivo therapeutic resonant frequency determined in related to that protein. Thus, according to methods of the
the audio range for the Borrelia burgdorferi genome (636.12 present invention, a therapeutic resonant frequency can be
HZ) is very close to a frequency (640 HZ) commonly used easily determined: 4,526,016.44/300 bases:15,086.72 HZ.
for lyme disease, Which is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi. Using a factor of 25 to determine a corresponding therapeu
The accuracy of the methods of the present invention may be 50 tic resonant frequency in a loWer octave Within the acoustic
con?rmed by comparing the resultant therapeutic resonant range as described in the methods of the present invention
frequencies produced by these methods, With many knoWn above, the resulting therapeutic resonant frequency Would
and publicly available therapeutic frequencies. be: 15,086.72 HZ/32:471.46 HZ. Which is a frequency that
In another example using a different pathogen, the currently available frequency-emitting devices are capable
Rubella measles RNA virus contains 9755 bases in its entire 55 of generating.
genome. (9755 nucleotides)><(the spacing of 3.403846 e—10 As an example, the int-1 mammary oncogene contains
meters):3.32045 e—6 meters total length. This length is used 4522 base pairs of DNA. A therapeutic resonant frequency
as the Wavelength for the Rubella viral genome. To obtain for this oncogene determined by the methods of the present
the in-vivo therapeutic resonant frequency of this Wave invention above is 2001.77 HZ. This therapeutic resonant
length, formula (1) above is again used: (105,868,288.9 60 frequency is very close to 2008 HZ, a commonly used
meters per second)/(3.32045 e—6 meters):3.188371724 cancer-related frequency. Furthermore, the messenger RNA
e+13 HZ. A shifting of this near-infrared frequency to audio associated With the ?nal form of the transforming protein of
range by dividing by 236, gives a frequency of 463.97 HZ. A the int-1 mammary oncogene contains 1112 bases. A thera
knoWn therapeutic frequency for the condition of Rubella peutic resonant frequency for this transforming protein
measles is 459 HZ, Which is another close match to the 65 determined by the methods of the present invention above is
therapeutic resonant frequency determined by the methods 2035.08 HZ, Which is also in a range of cancer-related
of the present invention. frequencies currently in use.
US 7,280,874 B2
11 12
As another example, the messenger RNA for the cancer determining the length of the genomic material;
associated enzyme human tyrosine kinase contains 3151 determining a ?rst therapeutic resonant frequency to
bases. A therapeutic resonant frequency for this enZyme’s in?uence the genomic material in a ?rst electromag
messenger RNA, as determined by the methods of the netic frequency range, by dividing the velocity of the
present invention above, is 2872.7 HZ. This frequency is electromagnetic radiation through the medium sur
very close to the cancer-related frequency 2876 HZ, Which, rounding the genomic material by the length of the
along With its related octaves, have been used throughout genomic material;
most of the tWentieth century in association With certain
cancer therapy modalities. dividing or multiplying the ?rst therapeutic resonant
Another example is a precursor gene for Borrelia burg frequency by a factor of a poWer of tWo, to obtain a
dorferi outer surface protein A (ospA), Which contains 822 second therapeutic resonant frequency to in?uence said
base pairs. A therapeutic resonant frequency for this gene genomic material, Wherein the second therapeutic reso
determined by the methods of the present invention above, nant frequency is in an electromagnetic frequency
after being factored by poWers of 2 to the audible range, is range capable of being emitted by the frequency
344.13 HZ. Apreviously knoWn frequency currently used for emitting device;
therapy related to lyme disease is 344 HZ, nearly an exact programming the frequency-emitting device to emit the
match. ?rst, or the second resonant frequency; and
As can be seen, therapeutic resonant frequencies for treating the animal or human With the programmed reso
genes, gene sections, and constituent components of nant frequency intended to in?uence said genomic
genomic material can be determined more readily and 20 material, thereby rendering a therapeutic or desirable
e?iciently by methods of the present invention than for effect in the animal or human.
example, by trial and error. 2. The method of claim 1, Wherein determining the length
Favorable responses have been reported from the use of of the genomic material comprises using the knoWn spacing
previously unavailable therapeutic resonant frequencies value betWeen adjacent base pairs or bases, determining the
determined by methods of the present invention, relating to 25 number of base pairs or bases in the genomic material, and
genes, components of genes, and/ or messenger RNA coding multiplying the number of base pairs or bases in the genomic
associated With certain proteins. For example, an individual material by the knoWn spacing value betWeen adjacent base
diagnosed With lung cancer used therapeutic resonant fre pairs or bases.
quencies related to certain groWth factors and the K-ras 3. The method of claim 1, Wherein the medium surround
oncogene, Which is associated With his type of tumor. It is 30
ing the genomic material has electrical permittivity and
reported that this individual experienced eradication of lung magnetic permeability, Wherein determining the velocity of
tumor material. Another example is a student experiencing the electromagnetic radiation through the medium surround
symptoms of both lyme disease and ehrlichiosis, Who Was ing the genomic material comprises relating the electrical
unable to attend school for a year and half due to the severity permittivity and magnetic permeability to the velocity,
of symptoms. The student used previously unavailable 35
Wherein the velocity:1/\/(ep.), Where e is the electrical per
therapeutic resonant frequencies as determined by methods mittivity of the medium, and p. is the magnetic permeability
of the present invention, for certain membrane and antigenic of the medium.
proteins associated With the organism Ehrlichia cha?eensis.
Within tWo Weeks of beginning therapy With those thera 4. The method of claim 1, further comprising the steps of:
peutic resonant frequencies, this student Was Well enough to 40 dividing at least one of the previously calculated resonant
return to school. frequencies by a positive integer to determine subhar
While the present invention has been described With monic frequencies, or
reference to several speci?c embodiments, those skilled in multiplying at least one of the previously calculated
the art Will be able to make various modi?cations to the resonant frequencies by a positive integer to determine
described embodiments, for instance, by factoring therapeu 45 harmonic frequencies;
tic resonant frequencies to electromagnetic ranges to other additionally programming the frequency-emitting device
than audible ranges, and by adjusting for various media, to emit one or more of the said subharmonic or har
Without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. monic frequencies, and
It is therefore to be understood that Within the scope of the treating the animal or human With one or more of the said
appended claims the invention may be practiced other than 50
subharmonic or harmonic frequencies.
as speci?cally described herein.
What is claimed is: 5. The method of claim 4, Wherein treating a human With
the said ?rst or second resonant frequency, or one of the said
1. A method for determining therapeutic resonant frequen
cies of electromagnetic radiation for treating an animal or subharmonic or harmonic frequencies, comprises in?uenc
human infected With a disease caused by a pathogen, 55
ing said genomic material present in humans.
Wherein said pathogen comprises a genomic material, the 6. The method of claim 4, Wherein treating an animal With
genomic material being surrounded by a medium, compris the said ?rst or second resonant frequency, or one of the said
ing: subharmonic or harmonic frequencies, comprises in?uenc
providing a frequency-emitting device; ing said genomic material present in animals.
determining a velocity of the electromagnetic radiation 60
through the medium surrounding the genomic material;

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