This document provides a detailed lesson plan for teaching students to derive the distance formula according to Gagne's 9 events of instruction. The lesson plan aims to have students (1) derive the distance formula, (2) find the distance between points on a coordinate plane, and (3) appreciate how the formula solves real-life problems. The plan outlines instructional events including gaining attention, informing objectives, stimulating prior knowledge, presenting content, providing guidance, eliciting performance, giving feedback, assessing performance, and enhancing retention.
This document provides a detailed lesson plan for teaching students to derive the distance formula according to Gagne's 9 events of instruction. The lesson plan aims to have students (1) derive the distance formula, (2) find the distance between points on a coordinate plane, and (3) appreciate how the formula solves real-life problems. The plan outlines instructional events including gaining attention, informing objectives, stimulating prior knowledge, presenting content, providing guidance, eliciting performance, giving feedback, assessing performance, and enhancing retention.
This document provides a detailed lesson plan for teaching students to derive the distance formula according to Gagne's 9 events of instruction. The lesson plan aims to have students (1) derive the distance formula, (2) find the distance between points on a coordinate plane, and (3) appreciate how the formula solves real-life problems. The plan outlines instructional events including gaining attention, informing objectives, stimulating prior knowledge, presenting content, providing guidance, eliciting performance, giving feedback, assessing performance, and enhancing retention.
This document provides a detailed lesson plan for teaching students to derive the distance formula according to Gagne's 9 events of instruction. The lesson plan aims to have students (1) derive the distance formula, (2) find the distance between points on a coordinate plane, and (3) appreciate how the formula solves real-life problems. The plan outlines instructional events including gaining attention, informing objectives, stimulating prior knowledge, presenting content, providing guidance, eliciting performance, giving feedback, assessing performance, and enhancing retention.
Lesson Objective: a. Derive the distance formula. b. Find the distance between a pair of points on the coordinate plane. c. Appreciate how the distance formula facilitates finding solutions to real-life problems.
TOPICS: Derive the distance formula.
External Internal Process Planned Instructional Learners’ Activities
Instructional Event Activities 1. Gain attention Reception Pass out action word Go around the room and Learners pay bubbles to students. have the student show and attention to the Explain to the students say their solving. upcoming learning whoever presents their event. word the best will win a prize. 2. Inform learners of Expectancy Learn how to solve the Students will preview the objective Learners are able to distance formula in the formula I created and expect what they are classroom to engage discuss the learning that going to learn. students. they have.. 3. Stimulate recall of Retrieval to working How many students know Class discussion about prior knowledge memory how to solve? How many experience with with Learners retrieve students recognize the solving and analyzing the their prior knowledge formula? formula or the situitions. that is related to the new knowledge that they are going to learn. 4. Present new Selective perception Present the formula in real Students will present. content Learners recognize life situation new information highlighted with distinctive features. 5. Provide learning Semantic encoding Explain very well how to Students will begin to guidance Learners participate find or solve the formula learn and analyze . in learning and are or how to derive the helped to learn the formula new information in a meaning way through examples, hints, prompts, or organization and elaboration of the content. 6. Elicit Performance Responding Monitor progress of Students will share their Learners show if they students by providing ideas. have learned the new feedback for derive information during formula. practice. 7. Provide feedback Reinforcement Student & teacher Peers will provide Learners are given feedback constructive criticism for corrective and improving comic and formative feedback provide positive feedback based on their for something done well. performance. 8. Assess Retrieval and Authentic Assessment Students will manipulate a performance reinforcement formula to show Learners retrieve understanding of tools their new knowledge within the application. to complete a final test and receive feedback. 9. Enhance Retrieval and share ideas on how to Discuss how using proper retention and generalization solve, engage students in computation could be transfer Learners retain their learning incorporated into each of newly learned the core subject areas. information and apply it to other situations commonly through repeated practice and practicing variety. Your reflective Gagne's 9 Events of comments about Instruction makes Gagne’s 9 events of creating an effective instruction: lesson plan easy. There is not much work that goes into using this format vs. a traditional Praxis III lesson plan. Gagne's method of instruction focuses on the learner and the desired outcome objectives.