Number Systems
Number Systems
Number Systems
Number System
Real Imaginary
Rational Irrational
Integer Fraction
7 Double the last digit and subtract it from rest of the number 343 ( twice 3 is 6,34-6=28 and 28/7=4) is divisible by 7
and the answer should be either 0 or number divisible by 7 147(twice 7 is 14, 14-14=0)is divisible by 7
232( twice 2 is 4, 23-4=19)is not divisible by 7
12 The number is divisible by both 3 and 4 144(1+4+4=9,9/3=3 also last two digits 44 is divisible by 4) is divisible by 12
Q. If the number 243P51 is divisible by 9, then value of the digit marked as p would be?
a) 3 b) 1 c) 2 d) 4
Q. If 41895A8 is divisible by 11,find the value of A
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
Q. If 42573X is divisible by 72, then find the value of X?
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7
Q. Find A and B if the number A8563145B is divisible by 88?
a) 2, 6 b) 3, 6 c) 4, 6 d) 2, 4
Q. What is the value of M and N respectively if M39048458N is divisible by 8 and 11, where
M and N are single digit integers?
a) 7, 8 b) 8, 6 c) 6, 4 d) 5, 4
Highest power (or) maximum power of numbers in n!:
1) Find the highest power of 3 in 66!
a) 31 b) 32 c) 33 d) 34
Q. Find the highest power of 6 in 100!
a) 41 b) 42 c) 43 d) 48
Q. Find the highest power of 5 in 125!
a) 31 b) 32 c) 33 d) 34
Q. Find the highest power of 12 in 60!
a) 28 b) 29 c) 23 d) 24