Abonuwasi's House Sanad

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Terra Sancta College / Franciscan Subject: English Language

Fathers/ Amman
Date: __________________
Name: __________________
Vocabulary list: Unit 4 – Other
Class: 4th grade Section: A / B people, other places

Abunuwasi’s House
№ Word Word Meaning
1. cunning adj. clever (in the sense of trickery)
2. jackal n. a wild animal that looks like a dog
3. knack n. a skill or an ability to do
something good
4. despite preposition regardless of
5. locally adv. related to a particular area or
6. to decide v. to make a choice
7. change one’s expression to change one’s original opinion,
mind choice, plan etc.
8. merchant n. a person whose job is to buy and
sell products
9. greedy adj. wanting a lot more food, money,
etc. than one needs
10. to annoy v. to make someone a bit angry
11. to own v. to have, to possess
12. bottom n. the lowest or deepest part of
13. to refuse v. to say that you will not do or
accept something
14. fed up adj. bored or tired of something
15. mallet n. a tool like a hammer
16. to destroy v. to damage or ruin something
17. to knock down v. to ruin or remove a building,
wall, etc.

Use the words in the box to complete the sentences:

jackal despite knack cunning annoy

merchant greedy bottom refused mallet

1. He is as _______________ as a fox.
2. A wolf and a ________________ often hunt together.
3. She has a ______________ for handling horses.
4. They went to the park ________________ the heavy rain.
5. The greedy ______________ raised the price of bread and milk during the
6. Jim looked at the gold with ___________ eyes.
7. He played the music loudly to ______________ his neighbours.
8. The ship was found at the _____________ of the sea.
9. My sister _______________ to eat her breakfast.
10. We used a heavy _____________ to remove the brick wall.

Use the words below to write meaningful sentences:

fed up _________________________________________________________________

change one’s mind ______________________________________________________


knock down ____________________________________________________________


Complete the crossword puzzle with new vocabulary words:


1) to damage

6) bored

Across :

2) possess
4) to say no to somebody
5) regardless of

7 ) wanting a lot more



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